chapter07 PWM Techniques 《电力电子技术(第5版)》英文版本课件

voltages, then
3 2
Power Electronics
Switching States for 3-phase Voltage Source Inverter
va sa
idc Vdc
sa sb sc Switching state
Spectrum of 3-phase
PWM inverter
a=0.8 a=0.5
output voltage
a=0 0.8
No lower order harmonics
No harmonics at c.
The lowest frequency and highest content harmonics are
Power Electronics
7.1 Basic principles 7.2 Some major PWM techniques in DC/AC inverters 7.3 PWM techniques with feedback control 7.4 PWM rectifiers
Power Electronics
Triangular-wave natural sampling
In 3-phase VSI
Three-phase bridge inverter can only realize bi-bolar PWM therefore should be controlled by bipolar sampling.

The history
Application of fast-switching Invention of fully-controlled Thyristor semiconductor devices GTO GTR Mercury arc rectifier Power MOSFET Power diode Vacuum-tube rectifier Thyristor Thyristor Thyratron (microprocessor)
Other applications
Industrial applications
Motor drives
Induction heating
Welding Arc furnaces and ovens Lighting
Transportation applications
III. Applications
Industrial Transportation Utility systems
Power supplies for all kinds of electronic equipment
Residential and home appliances
Space technology
Power electronics: to process electric power
Other classifications of electronics
Vacuum electronics: using vacuum devices, e.g, vacuum tubes devices Solid (Solid state) electronics: using solid state devices, e.g, semiconductor devices Physical electronics: physics,material,fabrication, and manufacturing of electronic devices Applied electronics: application of electronic devices to various areas 9
电力电子技术 外文翻译

中文4000字1 Power Electronic ConceptsPower electronics is a rapidly developing technology. Components are tting higher current and voltage ratings, the power losses decrease and the devices become more reliable. The devices are also very easy tocontrol with a mega scale power amplification. The prices are still going down pr. kVA and power converters are becoming attractive as a mean to improve the performance of a wind turbine. This chapter will discuss the standard power converter topologies from the simplest converters for starting up the turbine to advanced power converter topologies, where the whole power is flowing through the converter. Further, different park solutions using power electronics arealso discussed.1.1 Criteria for concept evaluationThe most common topologies are selected and discussed in respect to advantages and drawbacks. Very advanced power converters, where many extra devices are necessary in order to get a proper operation, are omitted.1.2 Power convertersMany different power converters can be used in wind turbine applications. In the case of using an induction generator, the power converter has to convert from a fixed voltage and frequency to a variable voltage and frequency. This may be implemented in many different ways, as it will be seen in the next section. Other generator types can demand other complex protection. However, the most used topology so far is a soft-starter, which is used during start up in order to limit the in-rush current and thereby reduce the disturbances to the grid.1.2.1 Soft starterThe soft starter is a power converter, which has been introduced to fixedspeed wind turbines to reduce the transient current during connection or disconnection of the generator to the grid. When the generator speed exceeds the synchronous speed, the soft-starter is connected. Using firing angle control of the thyristors in the soft starter the generator is smoothly connected to the grid over a predefined number of grid periods. An example of connection diagram for the softstarter with a generator is presented in Figure1.Figure 1. Connection diagram of soft starter with generators.The commutating devices are two thyristors for each phase. These are connected in anti-parallel. The relationship between the firing angle (﹤) and the resulting amplification of the soft starter is non-linear and depends additionally on the power factor of the connected element. In the case of a resistive load, may vary between 0 (full on) and 90 (full off) degrees, in the case of a purely inductive load between 90 (full on) and 180 (full off) degrees. For any power factor between 0 and 90 somewhere between the limits sketched in Figure 2.Figure 2. Control characteristic for a fully controlled soft starter.When the generator is completely connected to the grid a contactor (Kbyp) bypass the soft-starter in order to reduce the losses during normal operation. The soft-starter is very cheap and it is a standard converter in many wind turbines.1.2.2 Capacitor bankFor the power factor compensation of the reactive power in the generator, AC capacitor banks are used, as shown in Figure 3. The generators are normally compensated into whole power range. The switching of capacitors is done as a function of the average value of measured reactive power during a certain period.Figure 3. Capacitor bank configuration for power factor compensation ina wind turbine.The capacitor banks are usually mounted in the bottom of the tower or in thenacelle. In order to reduce the current at connection/disconnection of capacitors a coil (L) can be connected in series. The capacitors may be heavy loaded and damaged in the case of over-voltages to the grid and thereby they may increase the maintenance cost.1.2.3 Diode rectifierThe diode rectifier is the most common used topology in power electronic applications. For a three-phase system it consists of six diodes. It is shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. Diode rectifier for three-phase ac/dc conversionThe diode rectifier can only be used in one quadrant, it is simple and it is notpossible to control it. It could be used in some applications with a dc-bus.1.2.4 The back-to-back PWM-VSIThe back-to-back PWM-VSI is a bi-directional power converter consisting of two conventional PWM-VSI. The topology is shown in Figure 5.To achieve full control of the grid current, the DC-link voltage must be boosted to a level higher than the amplitude of the grid line-line voltage. The power flow of the grid side converter is controlled in orderto keep the DC-link voltage constant, while the control of the generator side is set to suit the magnetization demand and the reference speed. The control of the back-to-back PWM-VSI in the wind turbine application is described in several papers (Bogalecka, 1993), (Knowles-Spittle et al., 1998), (Pena et al., 1996), (Yifan & Longya, 1992), (Yifan & Longya, 1995).Figure 5. The back-to-back PWM-VSI converter topology. Advantages related to the use of the back-to-back PWM-VSIThe PWM-VSI is the most frequently used three-phase frequency converter. As a consequence of this, the knowledge available in the field is extensive and well established. The literature and the available documentation exceed that for any of the other converters considered in this survey. Furthermore, many manufacturers produce components especially designed for use in this type of converter (e.g., a transistor-pack comprising six bridge coupled transistors and anti paralleled diodes). Due to this, the component costs can be low compared to converters requiring components designed for a niche production.A technical advantage of the PWM-VSI is the capacitor decoupling between the grid inverter and the generator inverter. Besides affording some protection, this decoupling offers separate control of the two inverters, allowing compensation of asymmetry both on the generator side and on the grid side, independently.The inclusion of a boost inductance in the DC-link circuit increases the component count, but a positive effect is that the boost inductance reduces the demands on the performance of the grid side harmonic filter, and offers some protection of the converter against abnormal conditions on the grid. Disadvantages of applying the back-to-back PWM-VSIThis section highlights some of the reported disadvantages of the back-to-back PWM-VSI which justify the search for a more suitable alternative converter:In several papers concerning adjustable speed drives, the presence of the DC link capacitor is mentioned as a drawback, since it is heavy and bulky, it increases the costs and maybe of most importance, - it reduces the overall lifetime of the system. (Wen-Song & Ying-Yu, 1998); (Kim & Sul, 1993); (Siyoung Kim et al., 1998).Another important drawback of the back-to-back PWM-VSI is the switching losses. Every commutation in both the grid inverter and the generator inverter between the upper and lower DC-link branch is associated with a hard switching and a natural commutation. Since the back-to-back PWM-VSI consists of two inverters, the switching losses might be even more pronounced. The high switching speed to the grid may also require extra EMI-filters.To prevent high stresses on the generator insulation and to avoid bearing current problems (Salo & Tuusa, 1999), the voltage gradient may have to be limited by applying an output filter.1.2.5 Tandem converterThe tandem converter is quite a new topology and a few papers only have treated it up till now ((Marques & Verdelho, 1998); (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998a); (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998b)). However, the idea behind the converter is similar to those presented in ((Zhang et al., 1998b)), where the PWM-VSI is used as an active harmonic filter to compensate harmonic distortion. The topology of the tandem converter is shown inFigure 6.Figure 6. The tandem converter topology used in an induction generator wind turbine system.The tandem converter consists of a current source converter, CSC, in thefollowing designated the primary converter, and a back-to-back PWM-VSI, designated the secondary converter. Since the tandem converter consists of four controllable inverters, several degrees of freedom exist which enable sinusoidal input and sinusoidal output currents. However, in this context it is believed that the most advantageous control of the inverters is to control the primary converter to operate in square-wave current mode. Here, the switches in the CSC are turned on and off only once per fundamental period of the input- and output current respectively. In square wave current mode, the switches in the primary converter may either be GTO.s, or a series connection of an IGBT and a diode.Unlike the primary converter, the secondary converter has to operateat a high switching frequency, but the switched current is only a small fraction of the total load current. Figure 7 illustrates the current waveform for the primary converter, the secondary converter, is, and the total load current il.In order to achieve full control of the current to/from the back-to-back PWMVSI, the DC-link voltage is boosted to a level above the grid voltage. As mentioned, the control of the tandem converter is treated in only a few papers. However, the independent control of the CSC and the back-to-back PWM-VSI are both well established, (Mutschler & Meinhardt, 1998); (Nikolic & Jeftenic, 1998); (Salo & Tuusa, 1997); (Salo & Tuusa, 1999).Figure 7. Current waveform for the primary converter, ip, the secondary converter, is, and the total load current il. in the use of the Tandem ConverterThe investigation of new converter topologies is commonly justifiedby thesearch for higher converter efficiency. Advantages of the tandem converter are the low switching frequency of the primary converter, and the low level of the switched current in the secondary converter. It is stated that the switching losses of a tandem inverter may be reduced by 70%, (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998a) in comparison with those of an equivalent VSI, and even though the conduction losses are higher for the tandem converter, the overall converter efficiency may be increased.Compared to the CSI, the voltage across the terminals of the tandem converter contains no voltage spikes since the DC-link capacitor of the secondary converter is always connected between each pair of input- and output lines (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998b).Concerning the dynamic properties, (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998a) states that the overall performance of the tandem converter is superior to both the CSC and the VSI. This is because current magnitude commands are handled by the voltage source converter, while phase-shift current commands are handled by the current source converter (Zhang et al., 1998b).Besides the main function, which is to compensate the current distortion introduced by the primary converter, the secondary converter may also act like an active resistor, providing damping of the primary inverter in light load conditions (Zhang et al., 1998b). Disadvantages of using the Tandem ConverterAn inherent obstacle to applying the tandem converter is the high number of components and sensors required. This increases the costs and complexity of both hardware and software. The complexity is justified by the redundancy of the system (Trzynadlowski et al., 1998a), however the system is only truly redundant if a reduction in power capability and performance is acceptable.Since the voltage across the generator terminals is set by the secondary inverter, the voltage stresses at the converter are high.Therefore the demands on the output filter are comparable to those when applying the back-to-back PWM-VSI.In the system shown in Figure 38, a problem for the tandem converter in comparison with the back-to-back PWM-VSI is the reduced generator voltage. By applying the CSI as the primary converter, only 0.866% of the grid voltage can be utilized. This means that the generator currents (and also the current through the switches) for the tandem converter must be higher in order to achieve the same power.1.2.6 Matrix converterIdeally, the matrix converter should be an all silicon solution with no passive components in the power circuit. The ideal conventional matrix converter topology is shown in Figure 8.Figure 8. The conventional matrix converter topology.The basic idea of the matrix converter is that a desired input current (to/from the supply), a desired output voltage and a desired output frequency may be obtained by properly connecting the output terminals of the converter to the input terminals of the converter. In order to protect the converter, the following two control rules must be complied with: Two (or three) switches in an output leg are never allowed to be on at the same time. All of the three output phases must be connected to an input phase at any instant of time. The actual combination of the switchesdepends on the modulation strategy. Advantages of using the Matrix ConverterThis section summarises some of the advantages of using the matrix converter in the control of an induction wind turbine generator. For a low output frequency of the converter the thermal stresses of the semiconductors in a conventional inverter are higher than those in a matrix converter. This arises from the fact that the semiconductors in a matrix converter are equally stressed, at least during every period of the grid voltage, while the period for the conventional inverter equals the output frequency. This reduces thethermal design problems for the matrix converter.Although the matrix converter includes six additional power switches compared to the back-to-back PWM-VSI, the absence of the DC-link capacitor may increase the efficiency and the lifetime for the converter (Schuster, 1998). Depending on the realization of the bi-directional switches, the switching losses of the matrix inverter may be less than those of the PWM-VSI, because the half of the switchings become natural commutations (soft switchings) (Wheeler & Grant, 1993). Disadvantages and problems of the matrix converterA disadvantage of the matrix converter is the intrinsic limitation of the output voltage. Without entering the over-modulation range, the maximum output voltage of the matrix converter is 0.866 times the input voltage. To achieve the same output power as the back-to-back PWM-VSI, the output current of the matrix converter has to be 1.15 times higher, giving rise to higher conducting losses in the converter (Wheeler & Grant, 1993).In many of the papers concerning the matrix converter, the unavailability of a true bi-directional switch is mentioned as one of the major obstacles for the propagation of the matrix converter. In the literature, three proposals for realizing a bi-directional switch exists. The diode embedded switch (Neft & Schauder, 1988) which acts like a truebi-directional switch, the common emitter switch and the common collector switch (Beasant et al., 1989).Since real switches do not have infinitesimal switching times (which is not desirable either) the commutation between two input phases constitutes a contradiction between the two basic control rules of the matrix converter. In the literature at least six different commutation strategies are reported, (Beasant et al., 1990); (Burany, 1989); (Jung & Gyu, 1991); (Hey et al., 1995); (Kwon et al., 1998); (Neft & Schauder, 1988). The most simple of the commutation strategies are those reported in (Beasant et al., 1990) and (Neft & Schauder, 1988), but neither of these strategies complies with the basic control rules.译文1 电力电子技术的内容电力电子技术是一门正在快速发展的技术,电力电子元器件有很高的额定电流和额定电压,它的功率减小元件变得更加可靠、耐用.这种元件还可以用来控制比它功率大很多倍的元件。
电力电子技术 名词解释

柔性交流输电系统柔性交流输电系统是Flexible AC Transmission Systems)中文翻译,英文简称FACTS,指应用于交流输电系统的电力电子装置,其中“柔性”是指对电压电流的可控性;如装置与系统并联可以对系统电压和无功功率进行控制,装置与系统串联可以对电流和潮流进行控制;FACTS通过增加输电网络的传输容量,从而提高输电网络的价值,FACTS控制装置动作速度快,因而能够扩大输电网络的安全运行区域;在电力电子装置最早用于直流输电系统中并实现了对输送功率的快速控制,由此人们想在交流系统中加装电力电子装置,寻求对潮流的可控,以获得最大的安全裕度和最小的输电成本,FACTS技术应运而生,静止无功补偿器(SVC),静止同步补偿器(STA TCON),晶闸管投切串联电容器(TCSC),统一潮流控制器(UPFC)就是基于FACTS技术的产品。
节能灯主要是通过镇流器给灯管灯丝加热,大约在1160K温度时,灯丝就开始发射电子(因为在灯丝上涂了一些电子粉),电子碰撞氩原子产生非弹性碰撞,氩原子碰撞后获得了能量又撞击汞原子,汞原子在吸收能量后跃迁产生电离,发出253.7nm 的紫外线,紫外线激发荧光粉发光,由于荧光灯工作时灯丝的温度在1160K左右,比白炽灯工作的温度2200K-2700K低很多,所以它的寿命也大提高,达到5000小时以上,由于它不存在白炽灯那样的电流热效应,荧光粉的能量转换效率也很高,达到每瓦50流明以上。
自动化英语 专业电力电子技术在电力系统中的应用

Power electronic technology in the power systemAbstract:This paper aims at introducing the power electronic technology in electric power system of all kinds of application, the key is in power transmission link, link, link in the application and saving energy distribution in the link of use. Keywords:DC transmission; Power electronics; generatorIntroduction:Power electronic technology is a power semiconductor devices, circuit technology, computer technology and modern control technology for support technology platform. After 50 years of development, the traditional industry equipment in it, power quality control, issued new energy development and civil products have been applied more and more. The most successfully applied in the power system of power electronic technology is a high power dc transmission (HVDC). Since the 1980 s, flexible ac power (FACTS) concept is put forward, power electronic technology in power system, the application research was highly focused, a variety of equipment arise. This paper introduces the power electronic technology in power generation, transmission link, link in the application and saving energy distribution in the link of use. Second, the power electronic technology applicationPower electronic technology applications:Since the 1980 s, flexible ac power (FACTS) concept is put forward, power electronic technology in power system, the application research was highly focused, a variety of equipment arise. Has quite a few paper summarizes the related equipment and the basic principle and application situation. According to the power system of power generation, transmission and distribution and power saving link, the list of power electronic technology research and the application of the status quo.(A) In the power of the application of the linkThe power system of power generation link generator set a variety of equipment involved, the application of the power electronic technology to improve the equipment for the main purpose of the operation characteristic.1, Large generator excitation control of staticStatic excitation using thyristor rectifier since by way, the structure is simple, high reliability and low cost advantages, is the major world power system widely adopted. Due to tell the exciter among the inertial link, and thus has its unique speed adjustment, the control law to advanced provide fully play their part and produce good control effect of favorable conditions 2, The wind turbine hydraulic VSCF excitationThe hydraulic power effective power depends on the head pressure and flow, as head of the change to a larger extent (especially the pumped-storage unit), units of the best speed will change. Effective power of wind power and wind speed is directly proportional to the three times, the speed of the maximum wind power windmill capture with wind speed and change. In order to gain maximum effective power, can make the operation speed, by adjusting the rotor exciter current frequency, make its and the rotor speed stacked stator frequency output frequency that keep constant. The application of the technology is the key of the frequency conversion power.3, Power plant of variable frequency speed pump fanThe power plant factory electricity rates an average of 8%, and fan pump power consumption accounts for about 65% of total power consumption thermal power equipment, and low operation efficiency. Use the low voltage or high voltage inverter, the implementation of the pump fan variable frequency speed regulation, can achieve the purpose of saving energy.(B) In the application of transmission linkPower electronics device used in high voltage transmission system is called "caused by the silicon chips second revolution", greatly improved the stable operation of the grid characteristics.1, DC transmission (HVDC) and Light dc transmission (HVDC Light) technologyHVDC transmission capacity is big, good stability, flexible control regulation etc, and for long-distance transmission, submarine cable transmission and different frequency system networking, HVDC transmission with a unique advantage. The first thyristor change the flow, marking the formal power electronic technology used in dc transmission. From then on the world of the new HVDC project is using thyristor change flow valves.2, Flexible ac power (FACTS) technologyThe concept of dry FACTS technology came in the late 1980 s, is a based on power electronic technology and modern control technology for ac transmission system impedance, voltage and phase of the flexible regulate the transmission technology, can be used for communication with the trend of the power transmission flexible control greatly improve the level of the power system stability.(C) In the distribution of the application of the linkThe power distribution system is urgent needs to solve the question of how to strengthen the power supply reliability and improve power quality. Power quality control should not only meet the voltage, frequency, harmonic and asymmetric degree requirements, but also inhibit all kinds of transient fluctuations and interference. Power electronic technology and modern control technology in the distribution system of application, namely the user Power (custom Power) technology or say DFACTS technology, is in the mature technology FACTS developed on the basis of Power quality control of the new technology. DFACTS equipment can be understood as FACTS equipment smaller version, its principle, structure are the same, the function is similar. Due to the huge potential demand, market intervention in relative easy, investments in development and production cost is lower, with power electronics device prices lower, we can expect DFACTS equipment products will enter the rapid development.(D)In the use of energy saving link1, The variable load motor drive runningMotor power saving potential power saving just dig itself, through the variable load motor speed technology of power saving is another a only both up, motor power saving party more perfect. At present, exchange control in the metallurgy, mining and other departments and social life in a wide range of applications. First is fan and pump variable load in machinery such as the wind speed regulation control instead of board or throttle valve to control the wind flow and the flow of water has the remarkable effect. Foreign variable load of the fans and pumps is used mostly communication speed regulation, our country is the promoted application.Variable frequency speed advantage is wide speed range, high precision, high efficiency, can realize the continuous stepless speed regulation. In the process of poor transfer speed small loss, stator and rotor copper consumption is not large also, energy saving rate generally can reach up to about 30%.2, Reduce the reactive power loss, improve the power factorAt the electric equipment, transformer and exchange asynchronous motor belong to the perceptual load, the equipment in operation with not only the active power consumption, but also consume reactive power. Therefore, reactive power and active power supply, power quality guarantee is the indispensable part. In the power system should keep reactive power balance, otherwise, will make the system voltage reduction, equipment failure, power factor drops, will severely punished by voltage collapse, a system solution to crack, caused a big blackout accidents. So, when the power grid or electrical equipment reactive capacity is insufficient, should add outfit reactive compensation equipment, improve equipment power factor.Summary:Power electronic technology are developing continuously, new materials and new structure of the device was born in succession, computer technology progress for the practical application of modern control technology provide strong support in the application of all walks of life more and more widely.。
电力电子技术英文版 Chapter02

Power losses on power semiconductor devices
Power Electronics
O n - s ta te ( c o n d u c tio n s ta te ) tu r n in g o ff O ff- s ta te ( b lo c k in g s ta te ) tu rn in g -o n
A classification of power electronic devices
Power Electronics
Uncontrolled device: diode (Uncontrollable device)
has only two terminals and can not be controlled by control signal. The on and off states of the device are determined by the power circuit.
Need to be controlled by information electronic circuits. Very often, drive circuits are necessary to interface between information circuits and power circuits. Dissipated power loss usually larger than information electronic devices — special packaging and heat sink are necessary.

电力电子技术中英文词汇对照表英文中文词汇对照AAbsorbe Circuit 吸收电路AC Controller 交流电力控制器AC power control 交流电力控制AC Power Controller 交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch 交流电力电子开关AC V oltage Controller 交流调压电路AC—AC Frequency Converter 交交变频电路Active Power Filter——APF 有源电力滤波器Asynchronous Modulation 异步调制BBaker Clamping Circuit 贝克箝位电路Band Gap,Energy Gap 禁带,带隙Bipolar Junction Transistor—BJT 双极结型晶体管Boost Chooper, Step Up Chopper 升压斩波电路Boost Converter ,Step Up Converter,Step Up Chopter Boost变换器,升压斩波电路Boost-Buck Chopper, Step Up & Down Chopper 升降压斩波电路Bridge Reversible Chopper 桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper, Step Down Chopper 降压斩波器Buck Converter,Step Down Converter,Step Down Chopper Buck变换器,降压斩波电路Buck-Boost Converter,Step Down/Step Up Converter buck-boost变换器,升降压斩波电路CChopper Circuit 斩波电路Circulating Current 环流Commutation 换流,换相Conduction Angle 导通角Conductivity Modulation 电导调制Constant V oltage Constant Frequency—CVCF 恒压恒频电源Continuous Conduction Mode—CCM (电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Converter Cuk变换器,丘克变换器Current Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Inverter—CSI 电流(源)型逆变电路Custom Power 用户电力技术,定制电力技术Cycloconvertor 周波变流器,周波变换器DC Chopper 直流斩波器DC Chopping Circuit 直流斩波电路DC-DC Converter 直流—直流变换器DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路Device Commutation 器件换流Direct Current Control 直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction Mode—DCM 电流断续模式Displacement Factor 位移因数Distortion Power 畸变功率Double-Ended Converter 双端变换器Drift Region 漂移区Driving Circuit 驱动电路Dynamic V oltage Restorer—DVR 动态电压恢复器EElectrical Isolation 电气隔离Electrical AC Switch 交流电力电子开关Energy Band 能带FFactory Automation—FA 工厂自动化Fast Acting Fuse 快速熔断器Fast Recovery Diode—FRD 快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode—FRED 快恢复外延二极管Fast Switching Thyristor—FST 快速晶闸管Field Controllded Thyristor—FCT 场控晶闸管Field Effect Transistor—FET 场效应晶体管Fixed Capacitor—FC 固定电容器Flexible AC Transmission System—FACTS 柔性交流输电系统,灵活交流输电系统Flicker (电压)闪变Flyback Converter 反激电路Forced Commutation 强迫换流Forward Converter 正激变换器Frequency Inverter 变频器Full-Bridge Circuit 全桥电路Full-Bridge Rectifier 全桥整流电路Full-Wave Rectifier 全波整流电路Fundamental Component Factor,Distortion Factor 基波因数GGate Turn-Off Thyristor—GTO 可关断晶闸管General Purpose Diode 普通二极管Giant Transistor—GTR 电力晶体管HHalf-Bridge Circuit 半桥电路Hard Switching 硬开关Harmonic Ratio For In—HRIn n次谐波电流含有率Harmonics 谐波High Intensity Discharge lamp—HID 高强度放电灯High V oltage DC—Transmission—HVDC 高压直流输电High V oltage IC—HVIC 高压集成电路Hysteresis Control, Hysteretic Control 滞环控制IIndirect Current control 间接电流控制Indirect DC-DC Converter 间接直流变换电路Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor—IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor—IGCT 集成门极换流晶闸管Intelligent Power Electronics Module—IPEM 集成电力电子模块Intelligent Power Module—IPM 智能功率模块Intrinsic Semiconductor 本征半导体Inversion 逆变JJunction FET—JFET 结型场效应晶体管LLatching Effect 擎住效应Leakage Indcutance 漏感Light Triggered Thyristor—LTT 光控晶闸管Line Commutation 电网换流Load Commutation 负载换流Loop Current 环流MMagnetic Core Reset 磁心复位Main Circuit, Power Circuit 主电路Matrix Frequency Converter 矩阵式变频电路MOS Controlled Thyristor—MCT MOS控制晶闸管Multi-Level Inverter 多电平逆变电路Multiplex 多重化Multiplex Inverter 多重逆变电路NNatural Sampling M ethod 自然采样法Neutral Point Clamped Inverter 中性点箝位型逆变电路OOff-State 断态(阻断状态)On-State 通态(导通状态)PParallel-Resonant Inverter 并联谐振式逆变电路Phase Controlled 相控Phase Shift Controlled Full Bridge Converter 移相全桥电路Power Conversion 电力变换Power Conversion Technique 交流技术Power Diode 电力二极管Power Electronic Device 电力电子器件Power Electronic System 电力电子系统Power Electronic Technology 电力电子技术Power Electronics 电力电子学Power Factor—PF 功率因数Power Factor Correction—PFC 功率因数校正Power Integrated Circuit—PIC 功率集成电路Power Module 功率模块Power MOSFET 电力场效应晶体管Power Semicondutor Device 电力半导体器件Pulse-Width Modulation—PWM 脉冲宽度调制Push-Pull Converter 推挽电路PWM Rectifier PWM整流电路PWM Tracking Control PWM跟踪控制QQuasi-Resonant 准谐振RReactive Invert 无源逆变Rectification 整流Rectifier 整流电路Rectifier Diode 整流二极管Regenerative Invert 有源逆变Resonant DC Link 谐振直流环电路Resonation 谐振Reverse Conducting Thyristor—RCT 逆导晶闸管Rule Sampling Method 规则采样法SSafe Operating Area—SOA 安全工作区Schottky Barrier Diode—SBD 肖持基势垒二极管Schottky Diode 肖特基二极管Second Breakdown 二次击穿Seleted Harmonic Elimination PWM—SHEPWM 特定谐波消去PWM Sepic Chopper Sepic斩波电路Silicon Controlled Rectifier—SCR 可控硅Single End Converter 单端电路Single-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rctifier 单相桥式全控整流电路Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter 单相全桥逆变电路Single-Phase Full-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相全波可控整流电路Single-Phase Half-Bridge Inverter 单相半桥逆变电路Single-phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相半波可控整流电路Sinusoidal PWM—SPWM 正弦PWMSmart Power IC—SPIC 智能功率集成电路Snubber Current 缓冲电路Soft Switching 软开关Static Induction Thyristor—SITH 静电感应晶闸管Static Induction Transistor—SIT 静电感应晶体管Static V ar Compensator —SVC 静止无功补偿器Switching Loss 开关损耗Switching Mode Power Supply 开关电源Switching Noise 开关噪声Synchronous Modulation 同步调制Synchronous Rectifier 同步整流电路TThree-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier 三相桥式可控整流电路Three-Phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 三相半波可控整流电路Thyristor 晶闸管Thyristor Controlled Reaction—TCR 晶闸管控制电抗器Thyristor Switched Capacitor—TSC 晶闸管投切电容器Total Harmonic Distortion for i—THD 谐波电流总畸变率Trigger 触发Trigger Angle 触发角Trigger Delay Angel 触发延迟角Triode AC Switch—TRIAC 双向晶闸管Turn-off 关断Turn-on 开通UUninterruptable Power Supply—UPS 不间断电源VV ariable V oltage Variable Frequency—VVVF 变压变频V oltage Source Type Inverter—VSTI 电压(源)型逆变电路ZZero Current 零电流Zero Switching 零开关Zero Transition 零转换Zero V oltage 零电压Zero V oltage Transition PWM Converter 零电压转换PWM电路Zeta Chopper Zeta斩波电路ZVS Quasi-Resonant Converter 零电压准谐振电路。

DCChopping 直流斩波criticalclearingtime极限切除时间AbsorberCircuit 吸收电路AC/ACFrequencyConverter 交流变频电路ACpowercontrol 交流电力控制ACPowerController 交流调功电路ACPowerElectronicSwitch 交流电力电子开关ACVoltageController 交流调压电路AsynchronousModulation 异步调制BakerClampingCircuit 贝克箝位电路generatortriping切机highlimitedvalue高顶值reinforcedexcitation强行励磁LDC(linedropcompensation)线路补偿器Bi-directionalTriodeThyristor 双向晶闸管BipolarJunctionTransistor--BJT 双极结型晶体管Boost-BuckChopper 升降压斩波电路BoostChopper 升压斩波电路BoostConverter 升压变换器BridgeReversibleChopper 桥式可逆斩波电路BuckChopper 降压斩波电路BuckConverter 降压变换器Commutation 换流ConductionAngle 导通角ConstantVoltageConstantFrequency--CVCF 恒压恒频ContinuousConduction--CCM (电流)连续模式ControlCircuit 控制电路CukCircuitCUK 斩波电路CurrentReversibleChopper 电流可逆斩波电路CurrentSourceTypeInverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器DC-AC-DCConverter 直交直电路generatorterminal机端static(state)静态dynamic(state)动态onemachine-infinitybussystem单机无穷大系统AVR机端电压控制powerangle功角activepower有功(功率)reactivepower无功(功率)powerfactor功率因数reactivecurrent无功电流droopcharacteristics下降特性slope斜率rating额定ratio变比referencevalue参考值resistance电阻resistor电阻器impedance阻抗positivesequenceimpedance正序阻抗negativesequenceimpedance负序阻抗zerosequenceimpedance零序阻抗capacitance电容;容抗capacitor(condenser)电容器capacity容量shuntcapacitor并联电容器inductance电感;感抗inductor电感器reactance电抗reactor电抗器conductance电导susceptance电纳admittance导纳forwardconverter 正激电路frequencyconverter 变频器fullbridgeconverter 全桥电路fullbridgerectifier 全桥整流电路fullwaverectifier 全波整流电路fundamentalfactor 基波因数gateturn-offthyristor——GTO 可关断晶闸管generalpurposediode 普通二极管gianttransistor——GTR电力晶体管halfbridgeconverter 半桥电路hardswitching 硬开关highvoltageIC 高压集成电路hysteresiscomparison 带环比较方式PT电压互感器tap分接头drooprate下降率simulationanalysis仿真分析transferfunction传递函数blockdiagram框图receive-side受端margin裕度synchronization同步lossofsynchronization失去同步damping阻尼swing摇摆circuitbreaker保护断路器current电流AC(alternatingcurrent)交流DC(directcurrent)直流voltage电压indirectcurrentcontrol 间接电流控制indirectDC-DCconverter直接电流变换电路insulated-gatebipolartransistor---IGBT绝缘栅双极晶体管intelligentpowermodule---IPM智能功率模块integratedgate-commutatedthyristor---IGCT集成门极换流晶闸管inversion逆变latchingeffect擎住效应leakageinductance漏感lighttriggeredthyristo---LTT光控晶闸管linecommutation电网换流loadcommutation负载换流loopcurrent环流DCChoppingCircuit 直流斩波电路DC-DCConverter 直流-直流变换器DeviceCommutation 器件换流DirectCurrentControl 直接电流控制DiscontinuousConductionmode (电流)断续模式displacementfactor 位移因数distortionpower 畸变功率doubleendconverter 双端电路drivingcircuit 驱动电路electricalisolation 电气隔离fastactingfuse 快速熔断器fastrecoverydiode 快恢复二极管fastrevcoveryepitaxialdiodes 快恢复外延二极管fastswitchingthyristor 快速晶闸管fieldcontrolledthyristor 场控晶闸管flybackconverter 反激电流forcedcommutation 强迫换流three-columntransformerThrClnTrans三绕组变压器double-columntransformerDblClmnTrans双绕组变压器Busbar母线TransmissionLine输电线powerplant发电厂Breaker断路器Isolator刀闸(隔离开关)tap分接头motor电动机activepower有功reactivepower无功tapposition档位reactiveloss有功损耗activeloss无功损耗power-factor功率因数power功率power-angle功角voltagegrade电压等级no-loadloss空载损耗ironloss铁损copperloss铜损no-loadcurrent空载电流reactiveload/QLoad无功负载activeloadPLoad有功负载。

电力电子技术中英文词汇对照表中文英文词汇对照(按汉语拼音排序)A安全工作区 Safe Operating Area—SOAB半桥电路 Half Bridge Converter贝克箝位电路 Baker Clamping Circuit变频器Frequency Inverter变压变频 Variable V oltage Variable Frequency—VVVF并联谐振式逆变电路 Parallel-Resonant Inverter不间断电源 Uninterruptable Power Supply—UPSC场控晶闸管 Field Controlled Thyristor—FCT触发Trigger触发角Trigger Angle触发延迟角 Trigger Delay Angel磁心复位 Magnetic Core ResetD单端电路 Single End Converter单相半波可控整流电路 Single-phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相半桥逆变电路 Single-Phase Half-Bridge Inverter单相桥式全控整流电路 Single-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier 单相全波可控整流电路 Single-Phase Full-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相全桥逆变电路 Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter导通角Conduction Angle电力半导体器件 Power Semicondutor Device电力变换 Power Conversion电力场效应晶体管 Power MOSFET电力二极管 Power Diode电力电子技术 Power Electronic Technology电力电子器件 Power Electronic Device电力电子系统 Power Electronic System电力电子学 Power Electronics电力晶体管 Giant Transistor—GTR(电流)断续模式 Discontinuous Conduction Mode—DCM电流可逆斩波电路 Current Reversible Chopper(电流)连续模式 Continuous Conduction Mode—CCM电气隔离 Electrical Isolation电网换流 Line Commutation电压(源)型逆变电路 V oltage Source Type Inverter—VSTI电流(源)型逆变电路 Current Source Type Inverter—CSTI断态(阻断状态) Off-State多重化Multiplex多重逆变电路 Multiplex Inverter多电平逆变电路 Multi-Level InverterE二次击穿 Second BreakdownF反激电路 Flyback Converter负载换流 Load CommutationG高压集成电路 High V oltage IC—HVIC功率变换技术 Power Conversion Technique功率集成电路 Power Integrated Circuit—PIC功率模块 Power Module功率因数 Power Factor—PF功率因数校正 Power Factor Correction—PFC关断Turn-off光控晶闸管 Light Triggered Thyristor—LTT规则采样法 Rule Sampling MethodH恒压恒频 Constant V oltage Constant Frequency—CVCF缓冲电路 Snubber Current环流Loop Current换流CommutationJ畸变功率 Distortion Power基波因数 Fundamental Factor集成门极换流晶闸管 Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor—IGCT 间接电流控制 Indirect Current control间接直流变换电路 Indirect DC-DC Converter降压斩波器 Buck Chopper,step down chopper交流电力电子开关 AC Power Electronic Switch交流电力控制 AC Power Control交流调功电路 AC Power Controller交流调压电路 AC V oltage Controller交交变频电路 AC/AC Frequency Converter静电感应晶闸管 Static Induction Thyristor—SITH静电感应晶体管 Static Induction Transistor—SIT静止无功补偿器 Static Var Compensator —SVC晶闸管Thyristor晶闸管控制电抗器 Thyristor Controlled Reaction—TCR晶闸管投切电容器 Thyristor Switched Capacitor—TSC矩阵式变频电路 Matrix Frequency Converter绝缘栅双极晶体管 Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor—IGBTK开通Turn-on开关电源 Switching Mode Power Supply开关损耗 Switching Loss开关噪声 Switching Noise可关断晶闸管 Gate Turn-Off Thyristor—GTO可控硅Silicon Controlled Rectifier—SCR控制电路 Control Circuit快恢复二极管 Fast Recovery Diode—FRD快恢复外延二极管 Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode—FRED快速晶闸管 Fast Switching Thyristor—FST快速熔断器 Fast Acting FuseL零电流Zero Current零电压Zero V oltage零电压转换PWM电路 Zero V oltage Transition PWM Converter 零电压准谐振电路 ZVS Quasi-Resonant Converter零开关Zero Switching零转换Zero Transition漏感Leakage IndcutanceM脉冲宽度调制 Pulse-Width Modulation—PWMN逆变Inversion逆导晶闸管 Reverse Conducting Thyristor—RCTP普通二极管 General Purpose DiodeQ器件换流 Device Commutation强迫换流 Forced Commutation桥式可逆斩波电路 Bridge Reversible Chopper擎住效应 Latching Effect驱动电路 Driving Circuit全波整流电路 Full Wave Rectifier全桥电路 Full Bridge Converter全桥整流电路 Full Bridge RectifierR软开关Soft SwitchingS三相半波可控整流电路 Three-Phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 三相桥式可控整流电路 Three-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier 升降压斩波电路 Boost-Buck Chopper, Step Up & Down Chopper升压斩波电路 Boost Chooper,Step Up Chopper双端电路 Double End Converter双极结型晶体管 Bipolar Junction Transistor—BJT双向晶闸管 Triode AC Switch—TRIACT特定谐波消去PWM Seleted Harmonic Elimination PWM—SHEPWM 同步调制 Synchronous Modulation同步整流电路 Synchronous Rectifier通态(导通状态) On-State推挽电路 Push-Pull ConverterW位移因数 Displacement Factor无源逆变 Reactive InvertX吸收电路 Absorbe Circuit相控Phase Controlled肖特基二极管 Schottky Diode肖持基势垒二极管 Schottky Barrier Diode—SBD谐波Harmonics谐波电流总畸变率 Total Harmonic Distortion for i—THD谐振Resonation谐振直流环电路 Resonant DC LinkY异步调制 Asynchronous Modulation移相全桥电路 Phase Shift Controlled Full Bridge Converter 硬开关Hard Switching有源逆变 Regenerative InvertZ正激电路 Forward Converter正弦PWM Sinusoidal PWM—SPWM整流Rectification整流电路 Rectifier整流二极管 Rectifier Diode滞环比较方式 Hysteresis Comparison直交直电路 DC-AC-DC Converter直接电流控制 Direct Current Control直流—直流变换器 DC/DC Converter直流斩波 DC Chopping直流斩波电路 DC Chopping Circuit智能功率集成电路 Smart Power IC—SPIC智能功率模块 Intelligent Power Module—IPM中性点箝位型逆变电路 Neutral Point Clamped Inverter周波变流器 Cycloconvertor主电路Main Circuit, Power Circuit准谐振Quasi-Resonant自然采样法 Natural Sampling Method其他Boost变换器 Boost ConverterBuck变换器 Buck ConverterCuk斩波电路 Cuk ChopperMOS控制晶闸管 MOS Controlled Thyristor—MCTn次谐波电流含有率 Harmonic Ratio for In—HRInPWM跟踪控制 PWM Tracking controlPWM整流电路 PWM RectifierSepic斩波电路 Sepic ChopperZeta斩波电路 Zeta Chopper英文中文词汇对照AAbsorbe Circuit 吸收电路AC power control 交流电力控制AC Power Controller 交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch 交流电力电子开关AC V oltage Controller 交流调压电路AC/AC frequency Converter 交交变频电路Asynchronous Modulation 异步调制BBaker Clamping Circuit 贝克箝位电路Bipolar Junction Transistor—BJT 双极结型晶体管Boost Chooper, Step Up Chopper 升压斩波电路Boost Converter Boost变换器Boost-Buck Chopper, Step Up & Down Chopper 升降压斩波电路Bridge Reversible Chopper 桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper, Step Down Chopper 降压斩波器Buck Converter Buck变换器CCommutation 换流Conduction Angle 导通角Constant V oltage Constant Frequency—CVCF 恒压恒频Continuous Conduction Mode—CCM (电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Chopper Cuk斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter—CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器DDC Chopping 直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit 直流斩波电路DC/DC Converter 直流—直流变换器DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路Device Commutation 器件换流Direct Current Control 直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction Mode—DCM (电流)断续模式Displacement Factor 位移因数Distortion Power 畸变功率Double End Converter 双端电路Driving Circuit 驱动电路EElectrical Isolation 电气隔离FFast Acting Fuse 快速熔断器Fast Recovery Diode—FRD 快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode—FRED 快恢复外延二极管Fast Switching Thyristor—FST 快速晶闸管Field Controllded Thyristor—FCT 场控晶闸管Flyback Converter 反激电路Forced Commutation 强迫换流Forward Converter 正激电路Frequency Inverter 变频器Full Bridge Converter 全桥电路Full Bridge Rectifier 全桥整流电路Full Wave Rectifier 全波整流电路Fundamental Factor 基波因数GGate Turn-Off Thyristor—GTO 可关断晶闸管General Purpose Diode 普通二极管Giant Transistor—GTR 电力晶体管HHalf Bridge Conwerter 半桥电路Hard Switching 硬开关Harmonic Ratio for In—HRIn n次谐波电流含有率Harmonics 谐波High V oltage IC—HVIC 高压集成电路Hysteresis Comparison 滞环比较方式IIndirect Current control 间接电流控制Indirect DC-DC Converter 间接直流变换电路Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor—IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor—IGCT 集成门极换流晶闸管Intelligent Power Module—IPM 智能功率模块Inversion 逆变LLatching Effect 擎住效应Leakage Indcutance 漏感Light Triggered Thyristor—LTT 光控晶闸管Line Commutation 电网换流Load Commutation 负载换流Loop Current 环流MMagnetic Core Reset 磁心复位Main Circuit, Power Circuit 主电路Matrix Frequency Converter 矩阵式变频电路MOS Controlled Thyristor—MCT MOS控制晶闸管Multi-Level Inverter 多电平逆变电路Multiplex 多重化Multiplex Inverter 多重逆变电路NNatural Sampling Method 自然采样法Neutral Point Clamped Inverter 中性点箝位型逆变电路OOff-State 断态(阻断状态)On-State 通态(导通状态)PParallel-Resonant Inverter 并联谐振式逆变电路Phase Controlled 相控Phase Shift Controlled Full Bridge Converter 移相全桥电路Power Conversion 电力变换Power Conversion Technique 交流技术Power Diode 电力二极管Power Electronic Device 电力电子器件Power Electronic System 电力电子系统Power Electronic Technology 电力电子技术Power Electronics 电力电子学Power Factor—PF 功率因数Power Factor Correction—PFC 功率因数校正Power Integrated Circuit—PIC 功率集成电路Power Module 功率模块Power MOSFET 电力场效应晶体管Power Semicondutor Device 电力半导体器件Pulse-Width Modulation—PWM 脉冲宽度调制Push-Pull Converter 推挽电路PWM Rectifier PWM整流电路PWM Tracking Control PWM跟踪控制QQuasi-Resonant 准谐振RReactive Invert 无源逆变Rectification 整流Rectifier 整流电路Rectifier Diode 整流二极管Regenerative Invert 有源逆变Resonant DC Link 谐振直流环电路Resonation 谐振Reverse Conducting Thyristor—RCT 逆导晶闸管Rule Sampling Method 规则采样法SSafe Operating Area—SOA 安全工作区Schottky Barrier Diode—SBD 肖持基势垒二极管Schottky Diode 肖特基二极管Second Breakdown 二次击穿Seleted Harmonic Elimination PWM—SHEPWM 特定谐波消去PWM Sepic Chopper Sepic斩波电路Silicon Controlled Rectifier—SCR 可控硅Single End Converter 单端电路Single-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rctifier 单相桥式全控整流电路Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter 单相全桥逆变电路Single-Phase Full-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相全波可控整流电路Single-Phase Half-Bridge Inverter 单相半桥逆变电路Single-phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 单相半波可控整流电路Sinusoidal PWM—SPWM 正弦PWMSmart Power IC—SPIC 智能功率集成电路Snubber Current 缓冲电路Soft Switching 软开关Static Induction Thyristor—SITH 静电感应晶闸管Static Induction Transistor—SIT 静电感应晶体管Static Var Compensator —SVC 静止无功补偿器Switching Loss 开关损耗Switching Mode Power Supply 开关电源Switching Noise 开关噪声Synchronous Modulation 同步调制Synchronous Rectifier 同步整流电路TThree-Phase Full-Bridge Controlled Rectifier 三相桥式可控整流电路Three-Phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier 三相半波可控整流电路Thyristor 晶闸管Thyristor Controlled Reaction—TCR 晶闸管控制电抗器Thyristor Switched Capacitor—TSC 晶闸管投切电容器Total Harmonic Distortion for i—THD 谐波电流总畸变率Trigger 触发Trigger Angle 触发角Trigger Delay Angel 触发延迟角Triode AC Switch—TRIAC 双向晶闸管Turn-off 关断Turn-on 开通UUninterruptable Power Supply—UPS 不间断电源VVariable V oltage Variable Frequency—VVVF 变压变频V oltage Source Type Inverter—VSTI 电压(源)型逆变电路ZZero Current 零电流Zero Switching 零开关Zero Transition 零转换Zero V oltage 零电压Zero V oltage Transition PWM Converter 零电压转换PWM电路Zeta Chopper Zeta斩波电路ZVS Quasi-Resonant Converter 零电压准谐振电路。

综述1、Modeling, Control, and Implementation of DC–DC Converters for Variable Frequency Operation频率可变的DC-DC变换器的建模,和实现Abstract—In this paper, novel small-signal averaged models for dc–dc converters operating at variable switching frequency are derived. This is achieved by separately considering the on-time and the off-time of the switching period. The derivation is shown in detail for a synchronous buck converter and the model for a boost converter is also presented. The model for the buck converter is then used for the design of two digital feedback controllers, which exploit the additional insight in the converter dynamics. First, a digital multiloop PID controller is implemented, where the design is based on loop-shaping of the proposed frequency-domain transfer functions. And second, the design and the implementation of a digital LQG state-feedback controller, based on the proposed time-domain state-space model, is presented for the same converter topology. Experimental results are given for the digital multiloop PID controller integrated on an application-specified integrated circuit in a 0.13μmCMOS technology, as well as for the statefeedback controller implemented on an FPGA. Tight output voltage regulation and an excellent dynamic performance is achieved, as the dynamics of the converter under variable frequency operation are considered during the design of both implementations.本文中利用小信号的平均值通过变频开关实现DC-DC的变换,通过单独控制导通和关断时间,并建立了back拓扑模型和boost拓扑模型,该模型的buck转换器用于两个数字反馈控制器,实现变换器的动态控制。

这些模拟神经网络模型,是由operational amplifier及fixed resistance所组成的‧这是个非常困难去改变这个连接系数的(指operational amplifier及fixed resistance)1.1模拟神经网络模拟神经网络是通过电压,电流或电荷的连续数量来表达的。
明显地actual neuron cell是模拟工作。
许多人工神经网络LSI就是用analog method来设计的。
很多processing units可以安装在single-chip上,因为每一个单元都可以由小数量的元件,加法,乘法,以及非线性变换来实现。
还有使用super parallelcalculation来操作是可行的。
DRAM method是一些记录存在电容器的临时存储,因为它可以与CMOS processs通用。

电力专业英语阅读与翻译第一课一、Summary of glossary 术语1.电力系统(electric) power systempower generation 发电transmission system(network) 输电系统(网络)distribution system 配电系统2.发电power generationpower plant 发电厂powerhouse 发电站hydropower plant 水力发电厂nuclear plant 核电厂thermal plant 热电厂fossil-power plant火电厂3.负荷分类load classificationindustrial loads 工业负荷residential loads 居民负荷commercial loads 商业负荷4.拓扑结构system topologyradial system 辐射状系统loop system 环状系统network system 网状系统二、Wording-buildingGeneral Introduction 专业英语词汇和构词方法简介专业词汇的形成主要有三种情况:1.借用日常英语词汇或其他学科的专业词汇,但是词义和词性可能发生了明显的变化。
例如:over和head组合成overhead,表示“架空(输电线)”;super和conductor 合成superconductor,表示“超导体”等。

驱动电路(Driving Circuit)和以电力电子器件为核 心的主电路(Main Circuit)组成
图1-1 电力电子器件在实际应用中的系统组成
2.1.2 应用电力电子器件的系统组成
➢ 电力电子系统:由控制电路(Control Circuit)、
• 电力二极管(Power Diode)
• 只有两个端子,器件的通和断是由其在主电 路中承受的电压和电流决定的
2.1.3 电力电子器件的分类
➢ 按照驱动电路加在器件控制端和公共端之间信 号的 性质,分为两类:
1) 电流驱动型(Current Driving Type)——通过从控制 端注入或者抽出电流来实现导通或者关断的控制
2.1.3 电力电子器件的分类
合 型
合 型
双 SITH 极 晶闸管
单 极 型 (
2.2 不可控器件-电力二极管
2.2.1 PN结与电力二极管的工作原理 2.2.2 电力二极管的基本特性 2.2.3 电力二极管的主要参数 2.2.4 电力二极管的主要类型
➢ 快恢复二极管(Fast Recovery Diode)和 肖特基二极管(Schottky Diode),分别 在 中、高频整流和逆变,以及低压高频整流 的场合,具有不可替代的地位
2.2.1 PN结与电力二极管的工作原理
➢ 电力二极管(Power Diode)基本结构和工作原理 与信息电子电路中的二极管一样以半导体PN结为基 础

第一章电力电子技术Semiconductor switches are very important and crucial components in power electronic systems。
these switches are meant to be the substitutions of the mechanical switches,but they are severely limited by the properties of the semiconductor materials and process of manufacturing. 在电力电子系统,中半导体开关是非常重要和关键部件。
1 开关损耗Switching lossesPower losses in the power electronic converters are comprised of the Switching losses and parasitic losses. 电力电子转换器的功率损耗分为开关损耗和寄生损耗the parasitic losses account for the losses due to the winding resistances of the inductors and transformers,the dielectric losses of capacitors, the eddy and the hysteresis losses。
寄生损失的绕组电感器、变压器的阻力、介电损耗的电容器,涡流和磁滞损耗the switching losses are significant and can be managed。
they can be further divided into three components:(a)the on—state losses,(b)the off—state losses and the losses in the transition states。

电力电子技术范文引导语:大家都知道什么是电力吗?下面就来跟着一起看看关于电力电子技术的有关介绍吧,希望可以帮助到大家!电力电子技术(Power Electronic Technology)——应用于电力领域的电子技术,使用电力电子器件(Power Electronic Device)对电能进行变换和控制的技术。
电力电子技术主要用于电力变换(Power Conversion)。
电力电子变流技术(Power Electronic Conversion Technique) 用电力电子器件(Power Electronic Device)构成电力变换电路(Power Conversion Circuit)和对其进行控制的技术,及构成电力电子装置(Power Electronic Equipment)和电力电子系统(Power Electronic System)的技术。
电力电子技术的核心,理论根底是电路理论(Theory of Electric circuit)。
电力电子器件制造技术(Manufacture Technique of Power Electronic Device)电力电子器件制造技术的根底,理论根底是半导体物理(Semiconductor Physics)交流→直流——整流直流→交流——逆变直流→直流——斩波交流→交流——交流调压、变频电力电子器件制造技术和电子器件(Electronic Device)制造技术的理论根底是一样的,大多数工艺也相同现代电力电子器件制造大都使用集成电路(Integrate Circuit-IC)制造工艺,采用微电子(Micro-electronics)制造技术,许多设备都和微电子器件制造设备通用,说明二者同根同源。
电力电子电路(Power Electronic Circuit)和电子电路(Electronic Circuit)许多分析方法一致,仅应用目的不同。
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功率集成电路领域,特别是智能交换机和HVIC,被认为是500-100 A和目前的水平相差约1000伏或更少。
PN结形成的N - 漂移地区和P -区域始终是反向偏置,如果垂直功率场效应管的漏极是相对于电源,从而积极为这个路口提供了电气隔离之间的横向和纵向的场效应管。
技术问题包括: 1。
会有一些积极的电压值 - 触发电压 - 其中可控硅将开始进行阳极阴极和行为像一个正常的二极管。
电力电子技术Power Electronic Technology (II)Part AThyristorsIn the on-state of the thyristor, t he main current flows from the anode to the cathode. In itsoff-state, the thyristor can block a forward polarity voltage and not conduct.The thyristor can be triggered into the on-state by applying a pulse of positive gate current for a short duration provided that the device is in its forward blocking state. The forward voltage drop in the on-state is only a few volts (typically 1 to 3 V depending on the device blocking voltage rating).Once the device begins to conduct, it is latched on and the gate current can be removed. T he thyristor cannot be turned off by the gate, and the thyristor conducts as a diode. Only when the anode current tries to go negative under the influence of the circuit in which the thyristor isconnected does the thyristor turn off and the current go to zero. This allows the gate to regaincontrol in order to turn the device on at some controllable time after it has again entered theforward blocking state.In reverse bias at voltages below the reverse breakdown voltage, only a negligibly smallleakage current flows in the thyristor. Usually the thyristor voltage rating for forward and reverse blocking voltages are the same. Usually the thyristor voltage rating for forward and reverse blocking voltages are the same. Using the same arguments as for diodes, the thyristor can be represented by the idealized characteristics in analyzingconverter topologies.In an application of resistant load circuit, control can be exercised over the instant of current conduction during the positive half cycle of source voltage. When the thyristor current tries to reverse itself when the source voltage goes negative, the idealized thyristor would have its current become zero immediately.However, as specified in the thyristor data sheets, the thyristor current reverses itself beforebecoming zero. The important parameter is not the time it takes for the current to become zerofrom its negative value, but rather the turn-off time interval t q from the zero crossover of thecurrent to the zero crossover of the voltage across the thyristor. D uring t q a reverse voltage must bemaintained across the thyristor and only after this time is the device capable of blocking a forward voltage without going into its on-state.If a forward voltage is applied to the thyristor before this interval has passed, the device may prematurely turn on and damage to the device and circuit could result. Thyristor data sheets specify with a specified reverse voltage applied during this interval as well as a specified rate-of-rise of voltage beyond this interval. This interval is sometimes called the circuit-commutated-recovery time of the thyristor.Depending on the application requirements, various types of thyristor are available. Inaddition to voltage and current ratings, turn-off time , and the forward voltage drop, othercharacteristics that must be considered include the rate-of-rise of the current (d i /d t ) at turn-on and the rate-of-rise of voltage (d u /d t ) at turn-off.1. Phase-control thyristors. Sometimes termed converter thyristors, these are used primarily for rectifying line-frequency voltage and current in applications such as phase-controlle drectifiers for dc and ac motor drives and in high-voltage dc power transmission. T he main device requirements are large voltage and current handling capabilities and a low on-state voltage drop. T his type of thyristor has been produced in wafer diameters of up to 10 cm, where the average current is about 4000 A with blocking voltages of 5~7 kV.2. Inverter-grade thyristors. T hese are designed to have small turn-off times t q in addition tolow on-state voltages, although on-state voltages are larger in devices with shorter values of t.T hese devices are available with ratings up to 2500V and 1500A. Their turn-off times are usually in the range of a few microseconds t o 100 μ s depending on their blocking voltage ratings and on-state voltage drops.3. Light-activated thyristors. These can be triggered on by a pulse of light guided by optical fibers to a special sensitive region of the thyristor. The light-activated triggering of the thyristor uses the ability of light of appropriate wavelengths to generate excess electron-hole pairs in the silicon. The primary use of these thyristors are in high-voltage applications such as high-voltage dc transmission where many thyristors are connected in series to make up a converter valve. Light-activated thyristors have been reported with ratings of 4kV and 3kA, on-state voltages of about2V, and light trigger power requirements of 5 mW.There are other variations of these thyristors such as gate-assisted-turn-off thyristors (GATT),asymmetrical silicon-controlled-recrifiers (ASCR), and reverse-conducting-thyristors (RCT).T hese are utilized based on the application. Part BPower Integrated CircuitsTypes of Power Integrated CircuitsModern semiconductor power control circuits have a considerable amount of control drivecircuitry in addition to the power device itself. The control circuitry often includes logic circuitrycontrolled by microprocessors. The inclusion of such control and drive circuitry on the same chipor wafer as the power device would greatly simplify the overall circuit design and broaden the range of potential applications. A cheaper and more reliable power control system would result from such integration. Overall, there would be a reduction in the complexity (fewer separate components) of circuits and systems using such power integrated circuits.Such integration has already been demonstrated in many applications. There are three classesof power integrated circuits including so-called smart or intelligent switches , high voltageintegrated circuits (HVICs), and discrete modules. The domain of power integrated circuits,particularly smart switches and HVICs, is considered to be current levels less than 500-100 A andvoltages of approximately 1000 V or less. Discrete modules cover a much wider voltage-current range.Smart switches are vertical power devices onto which additional components are added to theextent feasible without requiring major changes to the vertical power device process sequence.F eatures such as on-chip sensors for overcurrents and overtemperature as well as portions of drive circuits are examples of things that can be included. The pn junction formed from the N — drift region and the P-body region is always reverse biased if the drain of the vertical power MOSFET is positive with respect to the source and thus, this junction provides the electrical isolation between the lateral and vertical MOSFETs.High-voltage integrated circuits (HVICs) are made using conventional logic-level devicefabrication process but with some modifications so that lateral high-voltage devices can also befabricated on the wafer compatibly with the low voltage devices. Two simple examples differ from each other in the manner in which electrical isolation between the various devices is realized.A ctual HVICs have considerably more complexity.Discrete modules are composed of multiple chips mounted on a common insulating substrateand hermetically sealed into a single package. The various chips may include vertical powerdevices, a drive circuit chip, and a control circuit chip(perhaps even a PWM controller), andpossibly other functionality. Although this approach is not a completely integrated fabrication method, we include it because of its potential and its current widespread application compared to smart switches or HVICs.Challenges Facing PIC Commercial CommercializationT he use of power-integrated circuits in power electronics applications faces several challenges both technical and economic. T he technical issues include:1. Electrical isolation of high-voltage components from low-voltage components.2. Thermal management-power devices usually operate at higher temperatures thanlow-voltage devices.3. On-chip interconnections with high-voltage conductor runs over low-voltage devices orlow-voltage regions.4. Fabrication process must provide full range of devices and components —transistors(BJT, MOSFETs, IGBTs) diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc.I n addition, the use of power integrated circuits faces several economic issues. T hese include:1. Large up-front development costs prior to any production runs.2. Cost differentials between the three types of PICs.3. Need for high volume applications to recover large development expenses.Progress in Resolving ChallengesIsolation of low-voltage devices from high-voltage elements, can be accomplished by eitherdielectric isolation, pn junction isolation, or self-isolation. Dielectric isolation can be implemented in two ways. The isolation basically consists of etching a pocket in the chip or wafer and then growing a layer of silicon dioxide in it. Next, a layer of silicon is deposited over the SiO 2 . After annealing the deposited silicon at a high temperature, it becomes recrystallized and can then be used for fabricating the low-voltage devices. Dielectric isolation is free of parasitic devices such as diodes. Part CSilicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR)The SCR has become an important part of high-power electrical signal conditioning andcontrol. In some regards, it is a solid-state replacement for the relay, although there are someproblems if that analogy is taken too far. The standard diode is, in the ideal sense, a device thatwill conduct current in only one direction. The SCR, again in the ideal sense, is like a diode thatwill not conduct in either direction until it is turned on or “ fired. ” Note the similarity to a diode,but with the added terminal, called the gate . If the SCR isforward biased ( that is, positive voltageon the anode with respect to the cathode), it will not conduct. Now, suppose a voltage is placed onthe gate with respect to the cathode. There will be some positive value of this voltage — the trigger voltage — at which the SCR will start conducting anode to cathode and behave like a normal diode.Even if the gate voltage is taken away, it will continue to conduct like a diode; that is, once turned on it will stay on, regardless of the gate. The only way to turn the SCR back “ off ” is to have the forward-bias condition taken away. This means the voltage must drop below the forward-voltage drop of the SCR so that the current drops below a minimum value, called the holding current , or the polarity from anode to cathode must actually reverse. The fact that the SCR cannot be turned off easily limits its use in dc applications to those cases where some method of reducing the forward current to below the holding values can be provided. In ac circuits, the SCR will automatically turn off in every half cycle when the ac voltage applied to the SCR reverses polarity.Characteristics and specifications of SCRs are as follows.1. Maximum forward current. There is a maximum current that the SCR can carry in theforward direction without damage. This value varies from a few hundred milliamps to more than a thousand amps, for large industrial types.2. Peak reverse voltage. Like a diode, there is a perk reverse-bias voltage that can be applied to the SCR without damage. The value varies from a few volts to several thousand volts.3. Trigger voltage. The minimum gate voltage to drive the SCR into conduction varies between types and sizes, from a few volts to 40 V.4. Trigger current. There is a minimum current that the source of trigger voltage must beable to provide before the SCR can be fired. This varies from a few milliamps to severalhundred milliamps.5. Holding current . This refers to the minimum anode-to-cathode current necessary to keep the SCR conducting in the forward-conducting state. The value varies from 20 to 100 mA.AC OperationThe operation of an SCR varies in the rms dc voltage in half-wave operation. The triggervoltage is developed by some circuit that produces a pulse at a certain selected phase of theapplied ac signal. Thus, the SCR turns on in a repetitive fashion as shown. The SCR is turned back off, of course, in each half cycle when the ac polarity reverses. By changing the part of the positive half cycle when the trigger is applied, the effective (rms) value of dc voltage applied to the load can be increased. Of course, with this circuit the maximum possible rms dc voltage is that which would be developed by a half-wave rectifier. If more power is required, the SCR can be used with a full-wave bridge circuit. The trigger voltage must now be generated in each half cycle andapplied to the SCR trigger (gate) terminal. In a process-control application, the controller output signal would be used to drive a circuit that changed the time at which the pulses were applied to the gates, and thus changed the power applied to the load. The voltage applied to the load is pulsating dc. This configuration could not be used with a load that required ac voltage for operation.Trigger ControlTo use the SCR in process-control applications, special circuitry to convert control signalsinto suitable trigger signals to the SCRs is required. These circuits are usually composed ofelectronic systems that use the control voltage to determine the phase of the ac load voltage atwhich the SCR should be turned on.The control-signal voltage is used to provide base drive to a transistor via an LED thatensures isolation of the control circuit from the power circuit. At low-base drive the capacitor ischarged slowly, and will not reach the SCR trigger voltage until late in the cycle (hence low load power).A large control signal will provide high base drive, and the capacitor will charge much more quickly. Then the SCR will turn on much earlier in the cycle, and more power will be delivered to the load.教师评语教师签名:20 年月日。