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News Words

1.The Olympic theme restaurant on the third floor of the Bird's Nest is currently

undergoing a trial phase, and is likely to go into formal operation in mid-August.

2.All the dishes will be free of fertilizer and hormones.

3.Thieves prey on tourists, and foreign visitors are easy marks with their

brightly-colored clothing, comically oversized backpack s, camera strung around their necks, maps sticking out of every pocket.

4.The loud cheers drown out his shouts.

5.发邀请函send a messsge of invitation

6.考察团survey group

7.省/地委书记procincial/prefectural party committee secretary

8.文化融合acculturation; 文化渗透cultural infiltration

9.前沿理念up-to-date concept

10.集中体现main embodiment

11.咨询委员会advisory committee

12.吉兆propitious omens凶兆Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic.

13.辞旧迎新say goodbye to the old year and ring in the new

14.相传as legend goes

15.对联antithetical couplet

16.传统观念conventional wisdom

17.精神压抑、身心疲惫mental depression and physical exhaustion

18.一去不复返了…… Long gone are the days when….

19.公司安排我来招待你Our company has assigned me to be your host during your stay

here in Hangzhou.

20.路上辛苦了吧?How is your flight?

21.人行立交桥pedistrian overpass



24.cool down the property market

25.鱼子酱caviar [ˈkæviˌɑr]

26.历史源远流长can trace back to the ancient times

27.表演项目demostration event


29.奖状certificate of merit

30.防碎包装breakage-proof packing

31.零售网点retail outlets

32.行事果断,但又不咄咄逼人assertive, but not aggressive

33.极大反响tremendous response

34.Jackie Chan embodied the Hong Kong spirit

35.At least 76 people were injured as of 4 pm on Sunday and rescuers were racing

against time to dig out survivors from crushed homes

36.暴雨torrential rain

37.社会旅客运输总量达到139亿人次The total number of passengers on public

transportation services reached 13.9 billion person-trips.

38.港口吞吐量port throughput

39.海运协定maritime agreement

40.研究明确了发展战略和规划目标studied and defined the strategy and plans for


41.技术改造technical innovation

42.综合运输体系integrated transportation system

43.省际间公路通道inter-provincial road corradors

44.营运里程总量total operation mileage

45.支线航空feeder airlines

46.我们把这些问题归纳为不同的类别These problems are grouped into different


47.运输工具技术装备水平the technical capacity of transportation vehicles

48.交通运输长期处于制约国民经济发展的瓶颈状态The transportation sector has long

been the bottleneck constraining the growth of national economy.

49.质量保证quality assurance

50.把交通运输作为国民经济发展的重点take transportation as the focal point of

developing the national economy.

51.示范和推广demonstrate and promote

52.超前消费deficit spending

53.创新精神与实践能力enterprising spirit and practice ability

54.启发式教育heuristic education


56.龙头产品flagship product

57.优质品牌Premium brand

58.《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》Regularations on the Public Health Emergency


59.实施条例regularations for implementation

60.《中长期海洋科技发展纲要》Medium- and Long-T erm Program for the Development

of Oceanographic Science and Technology

61.营造良好的投资环境foster a favorable investment environment

62.秦始皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor of Qin

63.甲鱼turtle 乌龟tortoise

64.防伪标志anti-fake label

65.the end justifies the means

66.He has reached the pinnacle of his career.

67.live up to the Party‟s expectations

68.关心人民疾苦care about the sufferings and well-being of the people

69.尊重现实face the reality

70.论语Analects of Confucious

71.Chinese flags across the country and at overseas embassies and consulates are to be

lowered to half-mast Sunday to mourn the victims.

72.Following the State Council's announcement, the Ministry of Culture issued an urgent

circular Saturday to say that public recreational activities, such as movies, karaoke and on-line entertainment like games and music, should be suspended Sunday.

73.禁渔期closed fishing season

74.role model

75.by and large 总体来说,大概而言

76.节能减排energy saving and emission reduction

77.抄送carbon copy

78.self-contained apartments 配备齐全的

79.pigeon-hole 接受箱

80.商业着装business attire ;着装要求dress code

81.甩挂运输Drop and Pull Transport

pany‟s in-house magazine 公司内刊
