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1:John likes dogs, _____. (1.0分)

A. either

B. too

C. also

2:I like to study _____ you, Lucy.露西,我愿意同你一起学习。 (1.0分)

A. at

B. with

C. on

D. in

3:You'll find the bridge____the left. (1.0分)

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. from

4:My uncle isn't _____ old man, and he likes playing ______ football.(1.0

分) A. a, a B. an, an C. the, the D. an, /

5:Her mother is a____. (1.0分)

A. work

B. worker

C. workor

D. workers

6:Tom's mother is ill(生病), so he has to ______ his mother at home.

(1.0分) 河南新乡 A. look for B. look afterC. look at D. look like

7:I ____ some pens in his bag.

(1.0分) A. look B. look at C. see D. watch

8:——What day is it today?


A. September 15

B. Thursday

C. fine

D. sunny

9:There is____in the art exhibition(艺术

展). Please come and visit it. (1.0分)

A. something new

B. nothing new

C. new something

D. new things

10:Give the flowers to_________. (1.0分)

A. them. they C. their D. theirs



1.How much_______(be)these things?

2.There are many________(woman)in the shop.

3.I like this movie.The movie is very______(interest).

4.My sister_______(not like)tennis.

5.Can you help kids with______(swim)?

6.His brother enjoys________(watch)TV.

7.She_____(get)up at six o'clock.

8. _______(my)don't like police offficers.

9. Thank you for______(tell)me an interesting story.

10.She_____(not do)her homework on Sundays.


One day, the 1____ are having a painting(绘画)lesson. Everyone 2____ to draw a picture, but Tom doesn't. When the bell rings for the break, Tom gives his picture 3____the teacher. The teacher 4___ a look at it and becomes angry(生气的).“Why do you give me a picture with nothing on, Tom?”asks the teacher.“I'm5___, sir. I draw a cat and a fish 6___it”, says Tom.

“Then 7___ is the cat and where is fish?”asks the teacher 8___.“I draw a fish first. When I finish drawing the cat, it 9___ the fish. When I give 10___ to you, the cat runs away,”says Tom.

1. A. teachers B. students C. doctors D. workers

2. A. begins B. begin C. borrows D. borrow

3. A. at B. in C. to D. for

4. A. has B. looks C. watches D. goes

5. A. excuse B. sorry C. early D. late

6. A. to B. at C. in D. on

7. A. what B. who C. when D. where

8. A. past B. also C. again D. to

9. A. eats B. gives C. borrows D. takes

10. A. it B. its C. they D. them(1.0分) 北京西城

23:My sister speaks English very well, but she knows 1_____ Japanese. She's in Tokyo 2_____ a meeting.

Now, she is in a restaurant and is sitting at a table. A man comes up to 3_____ and asks 4_____ she needs. She says she wants some noodles 5_____ chicken and vegetables. She speaks to him in English, but the man doesn't 6_____ English. My sister looks around. No one 7_____ noodles.

When she sees a piece of paper on her table, she has an idea. She takes a pencil out of her handbag and 8_____ the Chinese words for the food on the paper. She shows the paper 9_____ the man. The man smiles and says“10_____”. Very soon he brings her a bowl of delicious hot noodles with chicken and vegetables.

1. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

2. A. in B. with C. to D. for

3. A. her B. she C. him D. he
