新人教版高中英语Travelling around Listening and Talking

6. right away _立__刻__
必备句式: 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分 1. It’s amazing that there are more than 8, 000 statues. 译文: _有__8_0_0_0_多__座__俑__像__,_真__是__太__令__人__惊__叹__了__。__ 2. Some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well! 译文: _几__位__农__民__打__井__时__发__现__了__这__座__陵__墓__!
Ⅰ. 必备单词: 根据提示填写单词
1. a special _r_e_q_u_e_st_
2. a room with a good _v_ie_w_
3. an amazing _s_ig_h_t_ 令人惊叹的景象
4. more than 8, 000 _st_a_t_u_e_s
2. _W__h_ic_h__d_o_y_o_u__p_r_e_f_er_(你更喜欢哪一种)? B: I’d like a king bed, please. Oh, and could I have a non-smoking room? A: All of our rooms are non-smoking. Do you 3. _h_a_v_e_a_n_y__o_th__er__s_p_e_ci_a_l _r_e_q_u_e_s_ts_(有其他特别要求)? B: Yes, I’d like to have a room with a view. Oh, and a quiet room. I’ll really need to get some rest. A: That can certainly be arranged. B: And does your hotel have Internet?
高中英语 新人教必修一 Unit 2 listening and speaking

【Conversation 1】 Paul and Meilin are talking about the coming holiday.
1. Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday. A. Germany. B. England C. Iceland D. France
What words can you use to describe your trips?
1.If you have a good chance to go travelling, where would you like to go?
the Eiffel Tower, France
2 What is the weather like in Lijiang? Pleasant during the day, but cold at night. 3 What will Paul see there? Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain.
book tickets
rent a car buy a guidebook
1 get a passport
2 apply for a visa
3 book flight tickets
4 book a hotel room
5 rent a car
Tip3 : Focs on numbers------ One H: how many/how long/ how old/how often
人教版(2019)英语第一册:Unit 2 Travelling Around-Listening and Speaking 教案

2.Listen to the sentencesbelow. Noticethepronunciation ofthe underlined letters.
Step 3 Listening
Listenandanswer the following questions.
1. Pauland Meilin are talking about the coming holiday. Listen to the first part of the conversationand choose the correct answers.
Unit2Travelling Around–Listening and Speaking
This teaching period mainly deals with listening and speaking.Students are expected tolearnhow to listen to people who discuss their plansand knowsome pronunciation skills. The teachers are expected to enable studentsto master some listening and speaking skills.
1).Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday?
新人教版必修一 Unit 2 Travelling Around-Listening 课件

1.字母g在单词中一般发/ɡ/。发音时,舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气流 冲开后,冲出口腔。/ɡ/是浊辅音,声带振动。 在字母e,y前面,则发/dʒ/。发音时,舌尖舌端抬高,贴住上齿龈后部,形成 阻碍。气流冲出阻碍摩擦成音。口型略突出,稍微成方型。/dʒ/是浊辅音,声 带振动。
2.字母组合ck的发音是/k/,发音时,舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气流冲 开后,冲出口腔。/k/是清辅音,声带不振动。
Disneyland in America
I will apply for a visa.
Book a ticket and pack some clothes.
Let’s play
Let’s play
1. Snow White lives in the __c_a_s_t_le______. 2. Why do you __a_p_p__ly_f_o_r___this position? 3. Kimia is trying to get a ___v_is_a____to go to Germany and
Where :
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Why famous: the model for the castle in Disneyland
Best time to visit: September/October (autumn)
Where: Jiuzhaigou, China Why famous: amazing waterfallls, colourful lakes, beautiful mountains. Best time to visit: April/May or September/October

Unit2听力课教案Get Ready to Travel一、Teaching Objectives:1. Students will be able to understand and follow the travel itinerary and necessary information for a trip.2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about travelrelated topics in English.3. Students will be able to express their opinions and preferences regarding travel plans.二、Teaching Key Points and Difficulty Points:1)Teaching Key PointsIdentifying travelrelated vocabulary and phrases.prehending and summarizing the travel itinerary and necessary information.2)Teaching Difficulty Points:Students may struggle with understanding plex information or organizing it into a coherent summary.Students may find it challenging to express their thoughts in English, especially when discussing personal preferences or opinions.三、Academic Analysis:1. Students should have a basic understanding of travelrelated vocabulary, such as "flight," "hotel," "transportation," "destination," etc. They should also know how to ask and answer simple travelrelated questions in English.2. Students should be able to follow a detailed travel itinerary and understand the necessary information for a trip, such as transportation, acmodation, attractions, etc. They should also be able to summarize this information in a clear and organized manner.3. Students should develop their ability to ask and answer more plex travelrelated questions in English, as well as express their opinions and preferences regarding travel plans. They should also improve their confidence in using the language in reallife situations.四、Teaching Process:1. Warmup (5 minutes)Greet students and ask them about their recent trips or travel experiences. Encourage them to share their stories and ask each other questions related to travel.2. Presentation (10 minutes)Introduce the topic of "get ready to travel" by showing a short video or presentation on different types of travel destinations, such as cities, beaches, mountains, etc. Discuss the benefits of traveling and encourage students to think about their owntravel dreams and plans.3. Practice (15 minutes)●Ask students to predict the main content of the conversation based on thequestions in activity2. Then listen to the first part of the material and choose the best answer.●Ask students to listen to the second part of material carefully and answerquestions in activity 3●Ask students listen to the whole conversation and then plete the table in materialfour.●Teachers and students check the answers together, and discuss the difficultiesencountered in the listening practice and solutions4. Production (15 minutes)Ask students to imagine they are planning a trip to a destination of their choice (e.g., Tokyo). In pairs or small groups, ask them to discuss their travel preferences, such as transportation mode, type of acmodation, mustvisit attractions, food, etc. Encourage them to ask each other questions and provide feedback on their ideas. After 10 minutes, ask each group to present their ideas to the class. Monitor and provide feedback on their work.5. Consolidation (5 minutes)Review the key points and difficulties of the lesson and emphasize the importance of practicing English skills for effective munication during travels. Encourage students to continue exploring travelrelated vocabulary and phrases outside of class and use them in daily conversations with friends or family who have traveled abroad.6. HomeworkAssign homework where students write a short essay or create a dialogue between two people planning a trip to a destination of their choice, incorporating all the key points discussed in the class. This exercise will help reinforce the concepts learned and improve their writing skills in English.。

单句语法填空 (3)There are many houses for rent in that area. (4)They live in an apartment at a high rent.
3.【教材原文】pack some clothes(page 24) 收拾一些衣服 考点pack vi.&vt. 收拾(行李) vt. 包装 n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包 pack up 将(东西)装箱打包 pack away (用后)收拾好 pack into... 挤入…… pack...with...塞满;挤满 a pack of 一包;一帮,一群
词汇拓展 1.apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt. 应用;涂(油漆、乳剂) → applicant n. 申请人 → application n. 申请;申请书(表);运用;应用 2.amazing adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 → amazed adj. 惊奇的;惊喜的 → amaze vt. 使惊奇 → amazement n. 惊奇;惊愕
不知道我要去哪里是激励我走那条路的原因。 句法分析
语境领悟 (1)Not paying attention to the announcement made him miss the flight. 没留意通告使他错过了航班。 (2)Longing for knowledge is what encourages kids to read books. 对知识的渴望是激励孩子们读书的原因。
(4)He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. 他以前一天就吸一盒烟。
学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)We packed up some sandwiches for an outing. (2)The bus was packed (pack) with people.
人教新教材高中英语必修1Unit 2 Travelling Around学案:Listening a

类文赏读话题导入Coast to CoastFrom:EvaTo:AmySubject:Coast to coastHi Amy,We made it! My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent1,from western to eastern Canada,in two weeks! I can’t wait to share the stories with you.We started from Vancouver,where we picked up our vehicle2for the trip—a home on wheels.It took us where we wanted,when we wanted.Dad did the driving but he has a poor sense of direction.We got lost a few times even with the help of GPS,but eventually we managed to cross the Rocky Mountains.I was hoping to see a bear or even an eagle,but all I saw was a small group of deer3.The views were fantastic,though.There were forests,mountains with snowy tops and masses4 of ice.It’s like another world.We reached Quebec on the eighth day,where most people speak French.Well,actually,they speak Quebecois,which is a type5of Canadian French.The funniest thing happened on that day.I’d fallen asleep,when I heard Dad’s phone ringing.He was driving,so I answered it.Guess who it was? Mum! It was then that I realised her seat was empty! How did that happen? Well,while I was sleeping,Dad stopped for some petrol and Mum also got out to take photos,and you can guess the rest...She was so mad! To cheer her up6,we went to a typical7 Quebec restaurant for lunch.We had the famous “poutine”(加拿大肉汁乳酪薯条),which is a dish of French fries,fresh cheese and a hot brown sauce called “gravy”(调味用的肉汁).It’s usually followed by pancakes(薄饼) with maple8 syrup(糖浆)—delicious!(节选自外研版新教材必修第二册Unit 5) 1.continent/'kɔntɪnənt/n.大陆;洲2.vehicle/'viːɪk(ə)l/n.车辆;交通工具3.deer/dɪə/n.鹿4.mass/mæs/n.大量,许多5.type/taɪp/n.类型;种类6.cheer sb.up使某人振作起来7.typical/'tɪpɪk(ə)l/adj.典型的8.maple/'meɪp(ə)l/n.枫树1.We reached Quebec on the eighth day,where most people speak French.我们在第八天到达了魁北克,那里大部分人说法语。

I’d like to ...
I’d like to ... No, thank you.
By credit card. Thank you.
Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.
How can I help you? I’d like to… On what date are you travelling? Which do you prefer? Would you like to ...? No, thanks/thank you. May I have your name, sir? May I ask how you would like to pay? By credit card.
P. 78 Workbook
1 Use the present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1 He _is__a_p_p_ly_i_n_g_f_o_r (apply for) a credit card next Tuesday. 2 He _i_s_n_o_t_v_i_si_t_in_g_ (not, visit) the Eiffel Tower next week since he _is__a_tt_e_n_d_in_g_
1. Opening
How can I help you? Certainly, sir.
2. Time/ Date On what date are you travelling?

人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling AroundListening and SpeakingTeaching Plans教材分析:《人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening and Speaking》是高一英语教材中的一节课,主要内容为旅行相关信息的听力和口语训练。
教学目标:1. 学会关注对话中的关键信息,了解对话大意。
2. 分析对话及所运用的表达用语,学习关于行前准备的常用表达方式。
3. 运用所学知识讨论并制定旅行计划。
教学策略:1. 创设情景:通过创造旅行准备的实际情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 合作学习:鼓励学生进行交流和合作,提高口语表达能力。
3. 多媒体辅助:使用多媒体工具呈现听力材料和相关图片,增加学生的视听体验。
教学方法:1. 情境导入法:通过问题或图片引入话题,激活学生的相关知识和经验。
2. 听力训练法:通过听力材料进行听力训练,培养学生获取关键信息的能力。
3. 对话练习法:设计针对旅行准备话题的对话练习,提高学生的口语表达能力。
4. 小组讨论法:组织学生在小组内进行讨论,共同制定旅行计划,培养合作和团队意识。
在教学过程中,可以采用以下步骤进行教学:1. 导入:通过问题或图片引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 听力训练:播放听力材料,明确学生任务,引导学生使用找关键词的听力策略迅速获取文章细节信息。
3. 分析对话及表达用语:引导学生分析对话内容并掌握常用的行前准备表达方式。

课时跟踪检测(四) Listening and Talking一、听力强化训练Ⅰ.听第1段材料,回答第1、2题。
1.What is the man?A.A hotel manager. B.A tour guide. C.A taxi driver. 2.What is the man doing for the woman?A.Looking for some local food.B.Showing her around the seaside.C.Offering information about a hotel.Ⅱ.听第2段材料,回答第3至6题。
3.Where does the conversation take place?A.At a bus station.B.At a travel agency.C.At a railway station.4.Why does the man want to take a bus?A.He wants to experience another way of travelling.B.The bus tickets are cheaper than the train tickets.C.The bus trip is more comfortable than the train trip.5.Why are the bus tickets much cheaper than the train tickets? A.The bus stops at several cities.B.The bus trip takes longer time.C.Few people enjoy the bus trip.6.What do we know about the man?A.He went the wrong way.B.He can't make the decision now.C.His aunt and uncle have a different opinion.Ⅲ.听第3段材料,回答第7至10题。
人教版必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening and 教案

Listening and Speaking 教学设计人一组分享各自获取信息,再用完整句子在全班汇报Paul 的旅行计划。
例如第1题回答:Paul’s family is going to Yunnan Province over the holiday.4. 学生听数字教材第24页活动4音频,获取Paul和Meilin 旅行准备情况,填写教材第24页活动4的表格,之后2人一组分享各自获取信息,再用完整句子在全班汇报Meilin和Paul的旅行准备。
获取与梳理2. 梳理如何做旅行计划和准备1. 学生第二遍听数字教材第24页活动4音频,在书上空白处补充Meilin和Paul旅行计划和旅行准备的信息。
•What else do we know about Meilin’s and Paul’s travelplans and travel preparations?2. 学生使用思维图梳理自己之前获取的信息,概括谈论旅行计划和旅行准备应该涵盖的方面。
•What should be included when we talk about our travelplans and travel preparations?期待学生做出包含如下信息的思维导图:围绕旅行准备这一主题,引导学生整合所获取的信息,总结谈论旅行计划和旅行准备时应涉及到的内容,为之后的说做准备。

2019新人教必修1Unit2 Travelling around整单元教案教学设计单元内容分析:本单元围绕旅行这一主题展开, 内容涉及计划制订、旅行前的准备、景点介绍、旅游文明行为以及旅游业发展利弊的讨论等内容。
旅游不仅是欣赏风景, 还可以让人开阔视野、陶冶性情、锻炼身体、磨炼意志等, 是人生历练和学习的一部分。
本单元旨在引导学生了解中国和秘鲁等国家的著名景点和文化特色, 拓展学生Period1 Listening and speakingTeaching objectives:1.Enable students know how to get ready for a travel and grasp the tip of listening2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.3.By the end of this period, students will be able to talk about the plans using“be doing”and know how to prepare for a travel.Teaching key points:1.Help the students to grasp the key words in the tape.2.Teach the students to use“be doing”to express their future plans.Teaching difficult points:1.Enable the students to use“be doing”to express their future plans2.Enable the students to talk freely using what they have learned in the listening text.Teaching methods● Task-based language teaching ● Audio Lingual Method● Communicative ApproachLearning methodsIndependent study, Cooperative learning and Inquiry-based learningTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead-inAsk students to look at the picture on P23 and discuss the following questions.T:What can you see in the picture?S:The picture is of a father and his son hiking in the mountain.T:Do you think the trip is good for us?S:Yes,,includin.reducin.stress.broadenin.o u.horizons,enric.ou.knowledg.and....Step2 Listening:Get ready to travelActivity1:Warming upBefore listening, show the four pictures to the students to arouse their interest.T:Do you want to go to the places?S:YesT:What do you need to do to prepare for the trip?S:We need to book tickets,hotel rooms, buy a guidebook, do some research about the places to visit,pack some clothes, get a passport ,apply for a visa....(students’ answers are various)Activity2:First ListeningListen to the first part of the conversation and finish Ex.2 on page24.Suggested answer:(1)AD (2)B (3)AAnd then listen to the second part of the conversation and finish Ex.3 on page 24. Suggested answer:(1)Lijiang in Yunnan, China.(2)One of his father’s friends lives there and he invited them to visit.Activity3:Second listeningListen to the whole conversation again and finish Ex4 on page24Activity4 Third ListeningListen to the whole conversation again and fill in the blanks below.(pay attention to the “be doing” structure)Conversation 1Paul:Hey,Meilin !So what are you doing for the coming holiday?Meilin:I am travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.Paul:Europe?Oh,I'v.alway.wante.t.g.there.Meilin:Yes.Me,too.I’m so excited.I am planning to visit France and Germany. Paul: That's wonderful! Do you have your passport and visa already?Meilin:.alread.hav.m.passport,an..a.applyin.fo.m.vis.tomorrow.Onc..ge.th.visa.we'l.bo o.fligh.ticket.online.Paul:So how do you plan to travel around ?Meilin:We are renting a car and driving!My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe!Conversation 2Meilin: So what about you,Paul?Do you have any travel plans?Paul:Yes,actually!My parents are taking me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang!····Meilin: Oh, that's nice! So what's the weather like there?Paul:It should be pleasant during the day,but it might be cold at night,so I am taking a few light sweaters and a coat.Meilin:What are you planning to see therePaul:Well,.kno.I'.definitel.goin.t.se.th.Ol.Tow.o.Lijian.an.Yulon.Sno.Mountain.Othe.tha.that.I’.no.sure..a.buyin..Lijian.guideboo.today.actually.Step3 Speaking(free talk)Choos..trave.destinatio.an.thin.abou.wha.yo.woul.d.t.prepar.t.trave.there.The.shar.yo u.trave.plan.wit.you.partner.(th.exampl.i.o.p25)Step4 HomeworkUse the “ be doing” structure to describe your weekend plan with your partner.Period2 Reading and ThinkingExplore PeruTeaching objectives:1.Students will be able to learn something about the tourist attractions in Peru and learn something about Peru in geography, history and culture.2.Figure out the purpose and main structure of the passage.3.Grasp and use some words and expressions describing a tourist attraction. Teaching key points:1.Explore and understand the basic information about Peru in geography,history and famous travel destinations.2.Help students identify the text type and its language features.3.Enable students grasp and use some words and phrases describing a tourist attraction.Teaching difficult points:1.Enable students to identify the text type and its language features and apply different approaches to deepen the understanding of the text and language use.2.Guide students to put the language features into use.Teaching methods● Task-based language teaching ● Communicative ApproachLearning methodsCooperative learning and Inquiry-based learningTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead-inAsk students a few questions.T:If you want to have a good trip to Peru, what information do you need to know? S:I would like to know the travelling routes and the destination spots.T:How can you know it?S:We can surf the Internet looking for information; we can also go to the travel agency to find out some travelling brochures to collect more information ......Step2 Scanning for the right text type.T: Boys and girls,please scan the two texts about Peru and tell me which text is a travelling brochure and why.S: Th.secon.tex.i..brochure.Becaus.th.titl.o.th.secon.tex.is “Trave.Peru”nguag.i.mor.vivid.W.ca.als.fin.th parison.th.firs.tex.i.a.encyclopedia.Step3Scanning for detailsActivity1 Read the first text and fill in the table.(红色为学生填写部分)Activity2 Read the second text and fill in the table.(红色为学生填写部分)Step4:Topic related lexis(词汇)Ask students to read the second text again and try to find out the following topic lexis:1.Words and phrases used for transportation:flight, by boat, walking, driving...2.Words and phrases used for activity:explore, enjoy, visit, admire...3.Words and phrases used for emotions or evaluation:enjoy, unique, amazed, amazing, perfect, admire, excellent, beautiful...4.Words and phrases used for destination spots:rainforest, plants and animals, ancient city, building, museum, food, architecture, island, water plants....5.Verbs used for both actions and emotions:enjoy, admireStep 5 Language use(team-work)T:Boy.an.girls.pleas.loo.a.th.fou.picture.o.P26-2.an.write1,2,3,.o.eac.piec.o.pape.t.sta n.fo.eac.o.th.picture.An.no.suppos.yo.ar..loca.guide.describ.th.on.t.you.partne.b.casti n.lots(抓阄)rmation(nam.o.th.place.time.activities. ..)nguage.Step6 Homework1.Review the whole text and find out all the imperative sentences in it.2.Find out more information about Peru and make a different travelling brochure.Period 3 Language Focus/PointsTeaching objectives:By the end of the period, students will be able to1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as narrow,unique,other than, besides,contact etc;learn to express themselves by using them.2.Enjoy the fun of expressing themselves using English and participate in class with passion.Teaching key points:1.Help students to master the usage of important words, phrases and sentence patterns and check.2.Exercises are expected to assist students to express themselves freely in English. Teaching difficult points:1.How to use the words and phrases in real situations.Teaching methods● Task-based language teaching ● Communicative ApproachLearning methodsself-study&cooperative explorationTeaching procedures:Stpe1: Self-directed studyT:I.thi.clas.w.wil.lear.th.importan.word.an.expression.i.thi.unit.First.it’.sel.stud.time. ag.o.th.underli ne.word.o.phrase.b.referrin.t.th.dictionar.o.referenc.books.Mak..mar.wher.yo.can’. understand.Then,ter,we’l.se.wh.i.th.bes.self-learner.Pleas.begi.now.(15minutes)Step2:Presentation:T:Time is up.Let’s see how to learn the words , expressions and sentence patterns one by one.1.narrow①adj.狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的The gate is too narrow for a car.门太窄了, 汽车进不去。
人教版高中英语必修一《Travelling Around》Listening and Talking PPT课件

/θ/ th
quick,chick,clock choose,chat,cheese fetch,match,patch elephant,phrase,physics
cash,dish,brush theatre,third,throat thus,although,therefore
No matter what you experienced before,on the way to forget them,to enjoy the beauty of the eyes,this is the trip.不管你之前经历过什么,在路上先把它们 都忘记,享受眼前的美景,这才是旅行。 The biggest difference between tourism and travel:tourism is only with the feet and eyes,and travel to bring soul and dreams.旅游和旅行的最大区别在于:旅 游仅仅是用双脚与眼晴,而旅行还要带上灵魂和梦想。
2.字母组合ck的发音是/k/,发音时,舌后部抬起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,气 流冲开后,冲出口腔。/k/是清辅音,声带不振动。
3.字母组合ch和tch的发音是/tʃ/,发音时,舌尖舌端抬高,贴住上齿龈后部, 形成阻碍。气流冲出阻碍摩擦成音。口型略突出,稍微成方型。/tʃ/是清辅 音,声带不振动。
5.Try to translate the sentence in various ways. 我计划到法国和德国参观。
人教版高中必修一(教案)Unit 2 Travelling Around-Listening and

Unit 2 Travelling Around-Listening and Speaking &Listening and Talking【教学目标与核心素养】1. Instruct students to get main facts by listening and motivate them to talk about the topics about how to prepare for the trip and make reservations by listening and ultimately can make travel arrangements and reservations.2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.3. Develop students’ different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensive problems.4. Help students to understand how to use the structures “the present continuous tense (be doing) is used to express future plans.【教学重难点】1. Teach students how to focus on key words, not on single words or grammar.2. Prompt Ss to talk about the related topics, such as how to prepare for the trip and make a travel plan.【教学过程】Step 1: Listening and SpeakingLead inThe teacher is advised to talk with their students about the places that they want to travel most both at home and abroad: boys and girls, if you have a chance to travel around the world, where will you go? After their small talk, the teacher can move on by finishing the following listening task:Before travelling, what do we need to prepare for the trip?After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play Conversation 1 which is about Paul and Meilin’s conversation about coming holiday and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following task.1. Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.A. Germany.B. England.C. Iceland.D. France.2. How is she going to get there?A. By sea.B. By air. C .By train.3 How is she planning to get around after she arrives?A .By car. B. By train. C. On foot.After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play Conversation 2 which is about where and why Paul is visiting with his family and after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following task.Listen to Conversation 2. Then answer the following questions:1. Where is Paul's family going over the holiday?2. Why are they going there?After finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to play Conversation 3 which contains the whole conversation and solve the following task.Finally, after finishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to work in groups to finish the following project:Speaking ProjectWork in pairs. Choose a travel destination and discuss how to prepare for the trip.PronunciationHave the Ss listen and repeat. Then try to add more words to each group.Then listen to the sentences below. Let the Ss notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold.Step 2: Listening and TalkingTeacher talks with their students about the related topic: Boys and girls, do you know how to make reservations for a trip? Let’s listen and find out:Play the listening and answer the following questions:1. What are the two speakers talking about?2. What is the relationship between the two speakers?Listen again and complete the table with the words you hear.Making reservationsTalking projectWork in groups.Imagine you are making plans for the holiday. Choose one of the situations below and role-play a phone call with a partner.活动目的:教育学生懂得“水”这一宝贵资源对于我们来说是极为珍贵的,每个人都要保护它,做到节约每一滴水,造福子孙万代。
Unit2 Travelling around Listening and Speaking 教案

人教高中英语必修一Unit2Listening and Speaking教学设计1.教学内容What:本课材料主题为“准备好去旅行”(Get ready to travel)。
第二段对话中Paul向Meilin 介绍自己与父母去云南丽江旅行的计划,谈到了去丽江的原因、当地天气、计划参观的景点,以及准备的衣物等。
Why: 学生通过听两段对话了解旅行前要做哪些准备,最终能与同伴分享自己的旅行计划。
How: 活动1是听前活动,激活学生关于旅行的相关背景知识,列出的八个短语是精选出的有关行前准备的常用搭配,学生在语境中学习并体会这些短语,以备口语输出之用。

——弗朗西斯·培根 启示: 旅行不仅是观光, 旅行还可以让人开阔视野、陶冶情操、锻炼身体、磨 炼意志等, 是人生历练和学习的一部分。
【名言名句】 1. The world is a book, but people who do not travel read only one page. 世界是一本书, 而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。 2. If you don’t travel, you will miss more than scenery. 如果你不去旅游, 错过的不止是风景。 3. Travel can cultivate people’s endurance and teach them tolerance. 旅行能培养人的耐力, 教给人宽容之美德。
Unit 2 Travelling Around
Listening and Speaking
【引言解读】 Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.
Ⅰ. 主题词汇听写
Get ready to travel
get a
2. _a_p_p_ly_ for
1. _p_a_s_s_p_o_r_t a visa
4. r_e_n_t_ a
3. _ti_c_k_ome book a
新人教版 travelling around listening andspeaking 原文

Travelling AroundListening and SpeakingListening Part1Paul: Hey , Meilin! so what are you doing for the coming holiday?Meilin :I’m travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle。
Paul: Europe? oh I have always wanted to go there! Meilin :yes me too。
I am so excited. I am planning to visit France and Germany.Paul: That’s wonderful! Do you have your passport and Visa already?Meilin :I already have my passport。
And I am applying for my Visa tomorrow. Once I get the Visa ,we will book flight tickets online。
Paul: So how do you plan to travel around.Meilin :we are renting a car and driving! My uncle has always wanted to drive around Europe。
Listening Part2Meilin :So what about you, Paul ?Do you have any travel plans?Paul:Yes , Actually! My parents are taking me to Yunnanprovince in China to visit Lijiang。