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摘要 (3)

Abstract (5)

第1章绪论 (6)

课题研究背景 (6)

国内外云台研究发展现状 (6)

本文的主要工作和结构安排 (7)

第2章系统概述 (9)

STM32F103处理器 (9)

STM32 F107处理器概述 (9)

STMF103处理器系统结构 (10)

STM32微处理器对电机的控制 (12)

STM32F103处理器低功耗 (13)

电机的定义及控制原理 (13)

直流电机定义 (13)

直流无刷电机工作原理 (13)

第3章直流电机控制模块 (15)

直流电机驱动电路 (15)

直流电机驱动芯片L293D (15)

直流电机转速PWM控制 (16)

直流电机闭环控制 (17)

PID控制算法 (17)

第4章倾角检测模块 (20)

加速度传感器 (20)

测倾角原理 (21)

第5章基于STM32云台系统硬件设计 (24)

驱动电路的介绍 (24)

倾角检测电路的介绍 (25)

第6章基于STM32云台控制系统软件设计 (27)

软件设计流程图如下 (27)

第7章总结 (28)

总结 (28)




本文提出以低功耗云台设计为出发点的系统设计方案。以现有的单片机技术和控制理论为依托,研究如何从硬件和软件两方面,对系统进行低功耗设计。硬件核心处理器采用的是意法半导体公司的STM32F103芯片,该芯片使用好高性能且低功耗的的ARM Cortex-M3处理器。云台驱动源采用低功耗的直流无刷电机,在角度计数方面采用加速度计来检测倾角从而实现云台的精确定位功能。


关键词:STM32 直流电机驱动 PWM 陀螺仪


With the development of economy and society, people who want to shoot at high altitude ground pictures have become increasingly demanding, PTZ technology has been developing rapidly and gradually began to apply in various fields. To be able to shoot horizons expand, easy remote operation, often by means of PTZ camera that is mounted on the head, led by head rotation to rotate the camera, while the camera lens control protocol parameters set by the head, the head in the shooting system plays a very important role. And now the head stepper motor control system widely used as a driving source, there is a poor stability, power consumption, the count is not accurate, etc., and the use of small, energy-saving DC motor as a driving source tilt control system become a hot research and has broad application prospects.

This paper presents the design of low-power system design PTZ starting point. Existing microcontroller technology and control theory as the basis, to study how the hardware and software aspects of the system low-power design. Hardware core processor uses the STMicroelectronics STM32F103 chip that good use of high-performance and low-power ARM Cortex-M3 processor. PTZ driver source using low-power DC motor, using gyroscopes to achieve in terms of the angle of the head count of the precise positioning.

Paper uses a modular design concept to STM32 processor as the core, through the peripheral motor drive circuit to drive the brushless DC motor to achieve Story and reverse the motor, while the voltage is proportional to the rotational speed of the DC motor armature ends its according to this feature DC motor speed can be controlled by STM32 microcontroller PWM peripheral. STM32 microprocessor prepared according to the angle of the PID algorithm to adjust the PWM output to ensure that the head of the uniform, stable and accurate operation.
