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This paper introduces the microcomputer electric appliance remote control principle and working process, mainly uses the highest technology, microprocessor technology to achieve the purpose of remote control. Design mainly adopts the infrared emitting module and the infrared receiving module, and then each of the two modules are programmed. Specify the SCM in electrical remote control in rats. SCM relates to the electric appliance remote control most of the course work. From the view of the development tendency of remote controller for electric appliances, the appearance of single chip microcomputer for electrical remote control of greater advantage, promote a new generation of electric appliance remote control development. The single chip integrated into the electrical remote control, so that the electric appliance remote control the use of more convenient, fast, also be people life simple. With the progress of the times, people living on items are increasingly high requirements, in order to meet the needs of consumers, so the advanced SCM to join the family electric appliance remote controller is in line with the needs of the public. After analyzing and researching on the request of the design, we take several blue print and we selected the best one in the end. The project make use of advanced SCM to realize the remote control. Remote controller we designed can dominate 5 electrical source switches and adjust the brightness of one light.

Key Word :Remote controlling circuit Infrared emission Infrared receiving, SCM


1.文献综述 (5)

1.1红外遥控的功能与特点 (5)

1.2红外遥控的发展过程 (5)

1.3红外遥控的发展趋势 (6)

2. 总体设计方案 (7)

2.1方案一:(简易红外遥控电路) (7)

2.2方案二:(利用红外遥控开关电路) (8)

2.3方案三:利用红外遥控开关电路 (8)

2.4方案比较 (9)

3.系统硬件电路设计 (9)

3.1.红外遥控电路设计 (9)

3.1.1 发射电路部分 (9)

㈠器件选择 (9)

㈡电路设计 (11)

3.1.2接收电路部分 (12)

㈠器件选择 (12)

㈡红外遥控接收器的接收过程 (13)

㈢电路设计 (14)

3.2.系统功能实现方法 (16)

3.2.1.遥控码的编码格式 (16)

3.2.2.遥控码的发设定遥控射 (16)

3.2.3.数据帧的接收处理 (17)

3.3.遥控发射及接收控制程序流程图: (17)

3.3.1遥控发射部分: (17)

3.3.2遥控接收部分: (19)

4. 系统调试 (20)

5. 结束语 (22)

6.参考文献 (22)


程序清单 (23)
