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The network originally referred to a huge virtual screen , connect everything up can also be used as a verb . In the computer field , the network is the physical link connected to the isolated workstation or host together form a data link to achieve the purpose of resource sharing and communication . Where a different location , and multiple computer system having individual functions, communications equipment and lines to link up to a full-featured network software ( network protocols , information exchange and network operating systems , etc.) to achieve network resource sharing system can be called a computer network .
The network is a virtual platform for information transmission, receiving, sharing , through its various points , face , body contact with in order to achieve the sharing of these resources . It is the people to exchange of information , the use of a tool . As a tool , it will become increasingly easy to use , the function will be more and more . The content will be more abundant . The network will make use of the text read , view pictures , audio and video playback , download transmission , games, chat , and other software tools from the text, images, sound , video , etc. to bring the extremely rich and beautiful to use and enjoy .
Online virtual products transactions , such as text , audio and video to buy , send , transmit , receive . Kind even sesame point things have to rely on people to be served . This is the limit of network development . Virtual and feel it can go beyond , but will never replace people in terms of entities feel.Online virtual products transactions , such as text , audio and video to buy , send , transmit , receive . Kind even sesame point things have to rely on people to be served . This is the limit of network development . Virtual and feel it can go beyond , but will never replace people in terms of entities feel
The metaphorical significance of generalization , such as interpersonal networks , information exchange network , in this sense , often said to "network " .
Network security is a matter of national security and sovereignty , social stability, national culture , inherit and carry forward important issues . Its importance is becoming increasingly important with the acceleration of the pace of global information . House is abroad , the security issues without delay.
Network security is a comprehensive discipline involved in computer science , network technology , communication technology , cryptography , information security technology , applied mathematics , number theory , information theory and other disciplines .
Network security , data network system hardware , software and systems are protected from accidental or malicious reasons and destruction , change , disclosure , the system is continuous, reliable and normal operation , the network services are not work security , data network system hardware , software and systems are protected from accidental or malicious reas

ons and destruction , change , disclosure , the system is continuous, reliable and normal operation , the network services are not work security by its very nature , is on the network information security . Broadly speaking, all related to the network of information on the confidentiality, integrity, availability , authenticity and controllability of technology and theory are network security field .The specific meaning of the network security will change with the change of the " angle " . For example : from the users ( individuals, businesses , etc.) point of view , they want personal privacy or commercial interests protected by the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of information transmitted over the network when , to avoid other people or the opponent to use listening impersonation, tampering, repudiation means of violating the interests of users and privacy , access and destruction .From the perspective of network operation and managers say they want to be protected and controlled on the local network access to information , read and write operations , to avoid a " trap door" viruses, unauthorized access , denial of the illegal occupation and illegal control of the services and network resources threat , combat and defense network hackers .Security department , they want illegal, harmful or information involving state secrets, to filter and the prevention of and avoid disclosure of confidential information , to avoid harm to society caused huge losses to the country .Social education and ideological perspective , the unhealthy content on the network , will social stability and human development , causing obstruction , must be controlled .
We believe that the so-called network communication in fact, refers to humans through the computer network information (including news, knowledge and information ) and dissemination activities . Network dissemination of information in digital form stored in the optical , magnetic storage media , high-speed transmission over a computer network , and read through a computer or similar device . Network communication to the computer communication network , information transmission , exchange and utilization to achieve its socio-cultural purpose of dissemination . Huge number of readers in the network communication via the Internet high-speed transmission .
Network distance widening of the knowledge of young people and older people , leading to the cultural gap , the distant relationship ! ! !
Internet language is accompanied by the development of networks and the emerging of a form of language is different from the traditional flat media . Soon as he was born to a simple and vivid form , has been the preference of the majority of users , the rapid development . Network language alphabet or letters of the abbreviation . Contains the number of a particular significance , as well as a vivid network animation and pictures , at first mainly taken Wangchong order to improve the efficiency o

f the online chat or some specific needs , he began to formation of a specific language .New words emerge on the network depends on its vitality , vibrant network language can stand the test of time , convention after being accepted . Is equivalent to the human dialogue , our dialog became a computer , the computer is an obedient , as long as we use language to tell him what you can network language .
Survey : Internet importance comparable to the love and friendship

First love object: global interviewed students , two fifths ( 40% ) said that the Internet is more important than the appointment , together with friends or listening to music .

Social life : more than a quarter of students ( 27% ) , update Facebook than the party at any time , appointments , listening to music or hang out with friends is more important .
Survey : social networks of everyday life

Facebook interact : in about ten nine ( 91% ), university students and staff ( 88% ) expressed a Facebook account , of which 81% of college students and 73 percent of the employees at least a day to see once its Facebook page . One-third ( 33% ) expressed the view at least five a day .

Online news interfere with or interrupt : the report of the college students doing projects or homework , there will be continuous from the instant messaging (IM ) , social media, online news of updates and telephone interference .The work is for life : there are indications that the boundaries between work and personal life become increasingly blurred , and 70% of employees will be on Facebook, their managers and / or colleagues classified friend a column , which indicates to separate work and private life the boundaries have been broken .

Work in the " chat ": employees using Twitter , more than two-thirds ( 68% ) are concerned about their managers or colleagues on Twitter ; 42% will also be concerned about both activities ; third ( 32% ) tend to the confidentiality of their personal life .

On this issue or split in two. Network development to today's double-edged sword . It allows us an insight into vast amounts of information , and indeed to some extent to build the interpersonal bridge . But this does not determine the network of interpersonal relations play a decisive role .
People living in social groups , because people already have the nature of the interactive . Can not be divorced from groups exist as a separate individual . The person must be with others to interact in order to achieve the purposes of growth and continue to survive as organisms instinctively . ( From the essential characteristics of )
2, the network has brought us the resources can not be ignored . But the network is also the pros and cons . Promote interpersonal networks to a certain extent , but it is also the murder of face-to-face opportunities to interact .
3 more , the network is through the virtual space to achieve the purpose of interpersonal communication . A lot of people on the network can be elo

quent, but to interpersonal reality speechless . Strengthening of the capacity of network communication does not mean that personal relationships mature . Who would not say that interpersonal good people on the network , the more real life .
4 , a lot of information on the network are deceptive. Lot of people to friends contrary to conceal the facts, or even match up . Deception under the guise of following established relationships is not strong, can not stand the test of time .
