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1. [2017·达州]请认真对待老师所说的话。

Please ________ what the teacher said ________ .

2. [2017·河北改编] 爷爷和我们住在一起。我们都照顾他。

Grandfather lives with us. We all________ ________ him.

3.[2017·达州] 如果我们都齐心协力,我们就会完成这项任务。

If all of us ________ ________ , we're going to finish the task.

4.[2017·达州] 孩子们高兴地在那儿互相扔雪球。

The children are happily ________ snowballs ________ each other over there.

5. [2017·天津] 你至少要花半个小时才能到达那里。

It will take you ________ ________ half an hour to get there.

6.[2017·天津] 站得越高,看得越远。

The higher you stand, ________ ________ you see.

7.[2017·乐山] 中国终于有了自制的航空母舰,这确实值得骄傲。

China has owned its first homemade aircraft carrier finally. That's really something to be ________ ________ .

8.[2017·乐山] 大卫的成功不是偶然的,那是他艰辛努力的结果。

David's success didn't come ________ ________ . It was the result of his hard work.

9.[2017·乐山改编] 电视剧《人民的名义》自三月份开播以来受到数百万人的欢迎。

The TV series In the Name of People has become popular among ________ of people ________ it was shown in March.

10.[2017·宿迁] 坚持努力学习,你将会梦想成真。

Keep studying hard, and your dream will________ ________.


11.[2017·宿迁] 陆毅在《人民的名义》这部电视剧中扮演主角。

Lu Yi ________ ________ ________ in the TV series called In the Name of People.

12.[2017·常州] 历史上的第一个风筝是由木头做成的吗?

________ the first kite ________ ________ wood in history?

13.[2017·常州] 离开时不要任由水龙头一直开着。

Don't ________ the tap ________ before leaving.

14.[2017·常州] 我想知道这个演讲是否值得一听。

I wonder ________ the speech is worth ________ to.

15.[2017·常州] 老师们对他很满意,因为他取得了很大的进步。

The teachers are________ ________ him, because he made great progress.

16.[2017·荆州] 长大后我将更多地帮助别人。

When I ________ ________,I'm going to help others more.

17.[2017·荆州] 父母不应该对青少年太严格。

Parents should not ________ ________ ________ ________ teenagers.


Do you plan to ________ ________your own company?

19.[2017·荆州] 分发试卷前,学生们应该保持安静。

The students are supposed to keep quiet before the papers ________ ________ ________.

20.[2017·西宁改编] 青少年应该被允许选择自己的爱好。

Teenagers ________ ________ ________ to choose their own hobbies.


21.[2017·西宁] 青海正在变得越来越美丽,每年夏天有数以千计的游客来度假。

Qinghai is becoming more and more beautiful, and________ ________ tourists come to enjoy their holidays every summer.

22.[2017·淄博] 据说飞行汽车不久将会飞上蓝天。

________ ________ that flying cars will appear in the sky very soon.

23. [2017·乌鲁木齐改编] 在许多大城市共享单车能使人们自由地到处旅行又无污染。

In many big cities, sharing bikes can make people ________ ________ freely without pollution.

24.[2017·乌鲁木齐改编] 一架海南航空公司的客机于2016年7月13日在渚碧礁新建机场成功地着陆并返航。

A plane from Hainan Airlines ________ ________ and flew back at the newly-built airport of Zhubi Reefs on July 13th, 2016.

25.[2017·乌鲁木齐改编] 毫无疑问在南海采集可燃冰将给中国提供大量的清洁能源。

There is ________ ________ that collecting the flammable ice at South China Sea will provide China with a large amount of clean energy.

26.[2017·乌鲁木齐改编] 由中国建设的肯尼亚蒙内铁路于2017年5月30日开通运行,它开启了非洲的世纪梦想。

Monbasa-Narobi Railway Line in Kenya ________ ________ by China and was put into use on May 30th, 2017 and it started the African century dream.

27.[2017·乌鲁木齐改编] 每一个中国人都应该记住4月15日是国家安全日。

Every Chinese should ________ that the National ________ Day is on April 15th.

28. [2017·鄂尔多斯] 中国人民因“一带一路”而骄傲。

Chinese ________ ________ in “Belt and Road”.

29.[2017·鄂尔多斯] 我不确定英国英语和美国英语的不同之处。

I'm not sure about the ________ ________ Britain English and American English.

30.[2017·鄂尔多斯] 这个男孩子从自行车上掉下来。幸运的是,伤得不重。

The boy ________ ________ his bike. Luckily, he didn't hurt seriously.


31.[2017·鄂尔多斯] 我想知道他明天是否要去维也纳。

I wonder ________ he ________ ________ to Vienna.
