
2009年联考MBA 联考真题综合试卷一、问题求解(本大题共15题,每小题3分,共45分。
) 1.一家商店为回收资金把甲乙两件商品均以480元一件卖出。
已知甲商品赚了20%,乙商品亏了20%,则商店盈亏结果为(A )不亏不赚 (B )亏了50元 (C )赚了50元 (D )赚了40元 (E )亏了40元2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。
(A )686 (B )637 (C )700 (D )661 (E )6003.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每()天购买一次原料。
(A )11 (B )10 (C )9 (D )8 (E )74.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。
现将浓度为12%的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果 A ,B ,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是(A )A 试管,10克 (B )B 试管,20克 (C )C 试管,30克(D )B 试管,40克 (E )C 试管,50克5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A )增加 (B )减少半个小时 (C )不变 (D )减少1个小时 (E )无法判断6.方程214x x -+=的根是( )。

(A) 试管,10克(B) 试管,20克(C) 试管,30克
(D) 试管,40克(E) 试管,50克
6.方程 的根是()

如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运动员的总人数为( )。
A .686B .637C .700D .661E .600【答案】B 【解析】假设原先男女运动员分别为x 人和y 人,增加的女运动员为w 人,增加的男运动员为z 人,则:由男女运动员比例原为19:12得:x/y =19/12,即x =19y/12;增加若干名女运动员,使男女运动员比例变为20:13,则x/(y +w )=20/13,将x =19y/12代入得w =7y/240;又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例最终变为30:19,则3019x z y w +=+即 193012719240y z y y +=+ 即z =y/24。
又由题意得z -w =3,即17324240y y -= 则y =240。
所以,最后运动员的总人数为19716371224024x y w y y z y y ++++++==3.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元。


2009年联考MBA 联考真题综合试卷一、问题求解(本大题共15题,每小题3分,共45分。
) 1.一家商店为回收资金把甲乙两件商品均以480元一件卖出。
已知甲商品赚了20%,乙商品亏了20%,则商店盈亏结果为(A )不亏不赚 (B )亏了50元 (C )赚了50元 (D )赚了40元 (E )亏了40元2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。
(A )686 (B )637 (C )700 (D )661 (E )6003.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每()天购买一次原料。
(A )11 (B )10 (C )9 (D )8 (E )74.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。
现将浓度为12%的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果 A ,B ,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是(A )A 试管,10克 (B )B 试管,20克 (C )C 试管,30克(D )B 试管,40克 (E )C 试管,50克5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A )增加 (B )减少半个小时 (C )不变 (D )减少1个小时 (E )无法判断6.方程214x x -+=的根是( )。

2009年MBA参考答案2009年工商管理硕士专业学位研究生入学全国联考英语试题Part I Vocabulary and Structure (10%)Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best com pletes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wi th a pencil.B1. The poor lady w as too and distressed to talk about the tragedy.A. engagedB. exhaustedC. ignorantD. energetic2. At first , the famous painting doesn't impress the audience at all.AA. glanceB. gazeC. stareD. view3. Delegates agree to the plan in , but there were some details they didn't ap prove.CA. disciplineB. theoryC. principleD. nature4. I took the medicine 10minutes ago, but the bitterness is still in my mouth. CA. scatteringB. fellingC. maintainingD. lingering5. Since the of human history, human beings have been asking questions like "What is the essence of life." CA. duskB. dustC. twinkle C. Dawn6. The eldest son all the family members to discuss how to celebrate the 5 0th wedding anniversary of their parents. CA. ClusteredB. resembledC. assembledD. rendered7. I must leave now. , if you want that book I'LL bring it you tomorrow.A. AccidentallyB. IncidentallyC. OccasionallyD. Subsequently8. My mother is a light sleeper, to any sound even as low as the humming of mosquito.A. alertB. acuteC. keenD. immune9. The newly built factory is in urgent need of a number of skilled and wor kers.A. consistentB. consciousC. confidentialD. conscientious10. As an outstanding scholar, he has become to the research team.A. seniorB. juniorC. indispensable C. independent11. Sixteen days after the earthquake, 40people, in their village, were rescued.A. trappedB. confinedC. enclosedD. captured12. Working far away from home, Jerry had to from downtown to his office eve ryday.A. wandersB. commuteC. rambleD. motion13. The finance minister has not been so since he raised taxes to an unbearable level.A. famousB. favorableC. popularD. preferable14. It is unimaginable for someone in such a high in the government to behave so badly in public.A. situationB. positionC. professionD. appointment15. Information given to employees must be , clear and in easy-to-follow langu age.A.convenient B.continuous C.constant D.concise16. John was very upset because he was by the police with breaking the law.A. sentencedB. arrestedC. accusedD. charged17. David likes country life and has decided farming. AA. go in forB. go back onC. go along withD. go thro ugh with18. Jennifer has never really her son's death. It's very hard to accept the face t hat she'll never have a child.A. come to terms withB. come up againstC. come out withD. come down to19. A national debate is now about whether we should replace golden weeks wi th paid Vacations.A. in the wayB. by the wayC. under wayD. out of the way20. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he sel ects people and asks them questions.A. at easeB. at randomC. in essenceD. in sum Section ⅡCloze (10 points)Directions:For each monbared blank in the following passage, there are four choi ces marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and blacken the corresponding l etter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.In1999, the price of oil hovered around $16 a barrel. By 2008, it had 21 the $10 0 a barrel mark. The reasons for the surge 22 from the dramatic growth of the ec onomies of china and India to widespread 23 in oil-producing regions, including Ira q and Nigeria's delta region. Triple-digit oil prices have 24 the economic and polit ical map of the world, 25 some old notions of power. Oil-rich nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities, 26 major importers—including China and India, home to a third of the world's population -- 27 rising economic and social costs.Managing this new order is fast becoming a central 28 of global politics. Countri es that need oil are clawing at each other to 29 scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, 30 how unpleasant, to do it .In many poor nations with oil, the profits are being, lost to corruption, 31 these co untries of their best hope for development. And oil is fueling enormous investment funds run by foreign governments, 32 some in the west see as a new threat.Countries like Russia, Venezuela and Iran are well supplied with rising oil 33,a change reflected in newly aggressive foreign policies. But some unexpected coun tries are reaping benefits, 34 costs, from higher prices. Consider Germany. 35 it imports virtually all its oil, it has prospered from extensive trade with a booming Ru ssia and the Middle East. German exports to Russia 36 128 percent from 2001 to 2006.In the United States, as already high gas prices rose 37 higher in the spring of 20 08, the issue cropped up in the presidential campaign, with Senators McCain and Obama 38 for a federal gas tax holiday during the peak summer driving months. A nd driving habits began to 39 ,as sales of small cars jumped and mass transpo rt systems 40 the country reported a sharp increase in riders.21. A. come B. gone C. crossed D. arrived22. A. covered B. discovered C. arranged D. ranged23. A. intensity B. infinity C. insecurity D. instability24. A. drawn B. redrawn C. retained D. reviewed25. A. fighting B. struggling C. challenging D. threatening26. A. and B. while C. thus D. though27. A. confine B. conflict C. conform D. confront28. A. problem B. question C. matter D. event29. A. look for B. lock up C. send out D. keep off30. A. no matter B. what if C. only if D. in spite of31. A. abolishing B. depriving C. destroying D. eliminating32. A. what B. that C. which D. whom33. A. interests B. taxes C. incomes D. revenues34. A. as many as B. Because C. Since D. As36. A. advanced B. grew C. reduces D. multiplied37. A. even B. still C. rather D. fairly38. A. asking B. requesting C. calling D. demanding39. A. change B. turn C. shift D. transform40. A. for B. from C. across D. overPart III Reading Comprehension (40%)Direction: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some q uestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice. Then blacken the corresp onding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.PASSAGE1.Henric Ibsen, author of the play "A Doll's House", in which a pretty, helpless house wife abandons Her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved. From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are oblig ed to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. Most firms hav e obeyed the law, which was passed in 2003.But about 75 out of the 480 or so c ompanies it affects are still too male for the government's liking. They will shortly r eceive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or f ace the legal consequences---which could include being dissolved.Before the law was proposed, about 7% of board members in Norway were fem ale, according to the Centre for Corporate Diversity .The number has since jumped to 36%. That is far higher than the average of 9% for big companies across Euro pe or America's 15% for the Fortune 500.Norway's stock exchange and its main bu siness lobby oppose the law, as do many businessmen." I am against quotas for women or men as a matter of principle," says Sverre Munck, head of international operations at a media firm. "Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the basis of merit and experience, "be says. Several firms have even gi ven up their public status in order to escape the new law.Companies have had to recruit about 1,000 women in four years. Many complain t hat it has been difficult to find experienced candidates. Because of this, some of t h e best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts". One reason for the scarcity i s that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies---they o ccupy around 15% of senior positions. It has been particularly hard for firms in theoil, technology and financial industries to find women with a enough experience. Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account. Recent history in Norway, however, suggests that the right w omen can make strong directors. "Women feel more compelled than men to do the ir homework," says Ms Reksten Skaugen, who was voted Norway's chairman of th e year for 2007, "and we can afford to ask the hard questions, because women are not always expected to know the answers."41. The author mentions Ibsen's play in the first paragraph in order to .A. depict women's dilemma at workB. explain the newly passed lawC. support Norwegian governmentD. introduce the topic under discussion42. A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to .A. pay a heavy fineB. close down its businessC. change to a private businessD. sign a document promising to act43. To which of the following is Sverre Munck most likely to agree?A. A set ratio of women in a board is unreasonable.B. A reasonable quota for women at work needs to be set.C. A common principle should be followed by all companies.D. An inexperienced businessman is not subject to the new law.44. The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to .A. the small number of qualified females in managementB. the over-recruitment of female managers in public companiesC. the advantage women enjoy when competing for senior positionsD. the discrimination toward women in Norwegian business circles45. The main idea of the passage might be .A. female power and liberation in NorwayB. the significance of Henric Ibsen's playC. women's status in Norwegian firmsD. the constitution of board members in NorwayPASSAGE2.While there's never a good age to get cancer, people in their 20s and 30s can fee l particularly isolated. The average age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is 67. Chil dren with cancer often are treated at pediatric (小儿科的) cancer centers, but young adults have a tough time finding peers, often sitting side-by-side during treatments with people who could be their grandparents.In her new book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, writer Kris Carr looks at cancer from the perspective of a young adult who confronts death just as she's discovering life. Ms. Carr was 31 when she was diagnosed with a rare from of cancer that had g enerated tumors on her liver and lungs.Ms. Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness. She called her parents and stocked up on organic food, determined to become a "full-time healin g addict." Then she picked up the phone and called everyone in her address book, asking if they knew other young women with cancer. The result was her own per sonal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine e ditor, a cartoonist and a MTV celebrity, to name a few. This club of "cancer babes" offered support, advice and fashion tips, among other things.Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practical guide about how she coped. Cancer isn't funny, bu t Ms. Carr often is. She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat he r (Dr. Fabulous and Dr. Guru), and she even makes second sound fun ("cancer ro ad trips," she calls them).She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips that reflect the world view of a young adult. "I refused to let cancer ruin myparty," she writes. "There are just too many cool things to do and plan and live fo r."Ms. Carr still has cancer, but it has stopped progressing. Her cancer tips include using time-saving mass e-mails to keep friends informed, sewing or buying fashion able hospital gowns so you're not stuck with regulation blue or gray and playing Gl oria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" so loud you neighbors call the police. Ms. Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new outfit before you tell the important people in y our illness. "people you tell are going to cautious and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle," she writes.While her advice may sound superficial, it gets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just as she always did, and maybe better.46. Which of the following groups is more vulnerable to cancer?A. Children.B. People in their 20s and 30s.C. Young adults.D. Elderly people.47. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______.A. Kris Carr is a female writerB. Kris Carr is more than 31-year-old.C. Kris Carr works in a cancer center.D. Kris Carr is very optimistic.48. The phrase "cancer posse" (Line 4, para.3) probably refers to ________A. a cancer research organizationB. a group of people who suffer from cancerC. people who have recovered from cancerD. people who cope with cancer49. Kris Carr make up names for the people who treat her because ________A. she is depressed and likes swearingB. she is funny and likes playing jokes on doctorC. she wants to leave the medical advice to doctorD. she tries to leave a good impression on doctor50. From Kris Carr's cancer tips we may infer that ________A. she learned to use e-mails after she got cancerB. she wears fashionable dress even after suffering from cancerC. hospital gowns for cancer patients are usually not in bright colorsD. the neighbors are very friendly with cancer patientsPASSAGE 3Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:Should a leader strive to be loved or feared? This question, famously posed by M achiavelli, lies at the heart of Joseph Nye's new book. .Mr.Nye, a former dean of t he Kennedy School of Govemment at Harvard and one-time chairman of America's National Intelligence Council, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power", based on persuasion and influence, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on coercion(强迫) and force.Having analyzed the use of soft and hard power in politics and diplomacy in his pr evious books, Mr.Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between pow er and leadership, in both the political and business spheres .Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for th e two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard pow er is preferable to soft power. But modem leadership theorists have come to the o pposite conclusion.The context of leadership is changing, the observe, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modem companies and democracies, power i s increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies(等级制) are being undermined, ma king soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion. Mr.Nye argues. Instead, he advocates a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Powers to Lead, his survey of the the ory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power, which he calls” smart power, is the best approach.The dominant theoretical model of leadership at t he moment is, apparently, the “tra nsformational leadership pattern. Anone allergic(反感) to management term will alrea dy be running for the exit, but Mr.Nye has performed a valuable service in roundin g up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume. He examines different approaches to leadership, the moralit y of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a pa rticular leader. There are plenty of anecdotes and examples, both historical and co ntemporary, political and corporate.Also, leadership is a slippery subject, and as he depicts various theories, even Mr. Nye never quite nails the jelly to the wall. He is at his most interesting when discu ssing the moral aspects of leadership in particular, the question of whether it is so metimes necessary for good leaders to lie -and he provides a helpful 12-point sum mary of his conclusions. A resuming theme is that as circumstances change, differ ent sorts of leaders are required; a leader who thrives in one environment may str uggle in another, and vice versa. Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.51. From the first two paragraphs we may learn than Mr.Machiavelli's idea of hard power is ______.A. well accepted by Joseph NyeB. very influential till nowadaysC. based on sound theoriesD. contrary to that of modem leadership theorists52. Which of the following makes soft power more important today according to M r.Nye?A. Coercion is widespread.B. Morality is devalued.C. Power is no longer concentrated.D. Traditional hierarchies are strengthened53. In his book the Powers to lead, Mr.Nye has ermined all the following aspects of leadership EXCEPT_____.A. authorityB. contextC. approachesD. morality54. Mr.Nye's book is particularly valuable in that it _____.A. makes little use of management termsB. summarizes various studies conciselyC. serves as an exit for leadership researchersD. sets a model for contemporary corporate leaders55. According to the author, the most interesting part of Mr.Nye's book lies in his _____.A. view of changeable leadershipB. definition of good leadershipC. summary of leadership historyD. discussion of moral leadershipPASSAGE 4Questions 56to 60are based on the following passage:Americans don't like to lose wars. Of course, a lot depends on how you define just what a war is. There are shooting wars-the kind that test patriotism and courage-and those are the kind at which the U.S excels. But other struggles test those qua lities too. What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the constructi on of the railroads? If American indulges in a bit of flag—when the job is done, th ey earned it.Now there is a similar challenge. Global Warming. The steady deterioration(恶化)of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by an y measure, the U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot a bout it. Although 174 nations approved the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to redu ce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. There are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from herbs or powering cars with hydrogen. But for a country th at tightly cites patriotism as one of its core values, the U.S. is taking a pass on w hat might be the most patriotic struggle of all. It's hard to imagine a bigger fight th an one for the survival of a country's coasts and farms, the health of its people an d stability of its economy.The rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, there's far less agreement on how to fix it. Industry offers its pans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too ofte n amount to native wish lists that could weaken American's growth. But let's assum e that those interested parties and others will always bent the table and will alway s demand that their voices be heard and that their needs be addressed. What wo u ld an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look like-one that would leave the U.S. both environmentally safe and economically sound?Halting climate change will be far harder. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 52 year. And yet by devising a consistent strategy that mixes and bl ends pragmatism(实用主义)with ambition, the U.S. can, without major damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of its way of life for future generations. Money will do some of the work, but what's needed most is will. "I'm not saying the challenge isn't almost overwhelming," says Fred Krupp. "But this is America, and America has risen to these challenges before."56. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Human wars.B. Economic crisis.C. America's environmental policies.D. Global environment in general.57. From the last sentence of paragraph 2 we may learn that the survival of a cou ntry's coasts and farms, the health of its people and the stability of its economy is __________.A. of utmost importanceB. a fight no one can winC. beyond people's imaginationD. a less significant issue58. Judging from the context, the word "rub"(Line 1, Para.3) probably means______ _.A. frictionB. contradictionC. conflictD. problem59. What is the author's attitude toward America's policies on global warming?A. CriticalB. IndifferentC. SupportiveD. Compromising60. The paragraphs immediately following this passage would most probably deal w ith___________.A. the new book written by Fred KruppB. how America can fight against global warmingC. the harmful effects of global warmingD. how America can tide over economic crisisSection ⅣTranslation (20 points)Directions:In this section there is a passage in English. Translate it into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.With the nation’s financial system teetering on a cliff. The compensation arrang ements for executives of the big banks and other financial firms are coming under close examination again.Bankers’ excessive risk- taking is a significant cause of this financial crisis and has continued, to others in the past, in this case, it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to pay them back dividing the laws and selling them off to the next financial institutio n along the chain, advantage of the same high-tech securitization to load on more risky mortgage-based assets.Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices that led banks down in this road, in hopes averting the next crisis, which is likely t o involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets. But it is worth examining the root problem of compensation schemes that are tied to short-term pr ofits and revenue’s, and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible risks.Part V Writing (20%)Direction : It is known that text message(手机短信)has both advantages and dis advantages. Some people think it is a blessing, while others regard it as a hell. In this section, you are asked to write an essay on text messaging. You can take ei ther stand and provide specific reasons and examples to support your idea. You s hould write at least 150 words on ANSWER SHEET.作文解析:At present, there is no doubt that short message plays an increasingly importa nt role in our lives. We are all aware that, like everything else, short message hav e both favorable and unfavorable aspects.Generally speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows. First of all, in fes tivals, we can send short messages to wish good luck to other people we know. It brings us a lot of convenience. In addition, short message connects its users with the outside world. For example, some people subscribe weather forecast or news short messages, with them, people’s life will be greatly enriched.But it is pity that every coin has two sides. The disadvantages of short message can’t be ignored.We spend too much time on spelling our words and sending short messages that we can’t focus on our studies. Also, you will always be annoy ed by strangers’ short messages one after another.As is known to all, short message is neither good nor bad itself. In my opinio n, we can use it. But we shouldn’t spend too much time on it and don’t let it distu rb us from our lives.答案:ECRION I1-10 BACDD CBAAC 11-20 BBABD DBACBSECTION 221-30 CDDBC BDDBA 31-40 BACDA DBCACSECTION 341-50 BBAAC CCBCC 51-60 DCABD CAAACSECTION 4由于国家金融体制处于危机边缘动荡,一些大银行和金融机构中的高级管理人员的补偿金计划就受到密切关注.银行家们过度冒险是金融危机的至关重要原因,在历史上也有类似情况.在这种情况下,一般是由低息引起并造成持续的错觉,其实是一种债务泡沫经济.抵押贷款人很乐意把大量资金借给无力偿还的人,就把贷款瓜分了,并沿这样的链条出售给下一个金融机构,这些做法都在利用高科技证券业,结果,却增加了抵押资产的风险.金融条例必须能应付这种能使银行下滑的,最不负责任的做法,以期扭转下一个危机,而这下一个危机很可能包括有各种类型的技术和资产.但值得审视补偿金计划的根本问题,因为那是眼前利益,但却让银行家们不负责任的甘冒风险.2009年工商管理硕士专业学位研究生入学全国联考综合能力试题一、问题求解(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分,在每小题的五项选项中选择一项)1、甲、乙两种商品,均以480元出售,甲赚了20%,乙赔了20%,则商店盈亏结果为()A、不亏不盈B、亏了50元C、赚了50元D、赚了40元E、亏了40元2、北京奥运会某国的男女运动员人数之比为19:12,后增加了若干女运动员,使人数之比为20:13,又增加了男运动员,使人数之比为30:19,如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运动员的总人数为()A、686B、637C、700D、661E、6003、某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该工厂每天需要6吨原料,每吨的价格是1800元,每吨原料的保管等费用是3元,每次购买原料而需支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该()天购买一次原料A、11B、10C、9D、8E、74、有3个试管A、B、C,分别装有一定量的清水,现将浓度为12%的溶液10克倒入A试管,混合后取出10克后倒入B试管,混合后再取10克倒入C 试管,最后A,B,C三个试管的浓度为6%,2%,0.5%, 则最初A,B,C三个试管盛水最多的是()A、A试管,10克B、B试管,20克C、C试管,30克D、B试管,40克E、C试管,50克5、一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,若船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将()A、增加B、减少半个小时C、不变D、减少一个小时E、无法判断6、方程的根是()A、B、C、D、7、已知方程为,则b、c的值为()A、2,6B、3,4C、-2,-6D、-3,-6E、以上结果都不正确8、已知,则()A、B、C、D、9、现有36人,其中A血型12人,B血型10人,C血型8人,AB血型6人,从这36人中任选2人,则2人血型相同的概率为()A、B、C、D、E、以上结论都正确10、湖中有4个小岛,恰好位于正方形的4个顶点,现要建3座桥连结4个小岛,则不同的建桥方案有( )种A、12B、16C、18D、20E、2111、在数列中,,,则是()A、首项为2,公比为的等比数列B、首项为2,公比为2的等比数列C、既非等差数列也非等比数列D、首项为2,公差为的等差数列12、的斜边AB=13,直角边AC=5, ,将AC对折到AB上去与斜边重合,点C与点E重合,折痕为AD,(如图)则途中阴影部分的面积为()平方厘米。

绝密 启用前考生姓名考生编号2009年全国硕士研究生招生考试管理类专业学位联考综合能力试题(科目代码:199)考生注意事项1.考生必须严格遵守各项考场规则.(1)考生在考试开考15分钟后不得入场.(2)交卷出场时间不得早于考试结束前30分钟.(3)交卷结束后,不得再进考场续考,也不得在考场附近逗留或交谈.2.答题前,应按准考证上的有关内容填写答题卡上的 考生姓名 报考单位 考生编号 等信息.3.答案必须按要求填涂或写在指定的答题卡上.(1)填涂部分应该按照答题卡上的要求用2B铅笔完成.如要改动,必须用橡皮擦干净.(2)书写部分必须用(蓝)黑色字迹钢笔㊁圆珠笔或签字笔在答题卡上作答.字迹要清楚.4.考试结束后,将答题卡装入原试卷袋中,试卷交给监考人员.题型问题求解条件充分性判断逻辑推理写作分值45分30分60分65分自测分9.在36人中,血型情况如下:A型12人,B型10人,A B型8人,O型6人,若从中随机选出两人,则两人血型相同的概率是().(A) 77 315(D) 122(B)晶(E)以上结果都不正确CC) 33315 10.湖中有四个小岛,它们的位置恰好近似构成正方形的四个顶点,若要修建三座桥将这四个小岛连接起来,则不同的建桥方案有(种.(A)12(B )l6(C)18(D)20(E)242S � 11.若数列{a n }中,a n -::/=-O (n多l),a 1=—,前n项和S"满足a n =(n�2), 则{1-是(2S" 1s J (A)首项为2,公比为—的等比数列(B)首项为2,公比为2的等比数列(C)既非等差数列也非等比数列. 、丿1 CD)首项为z,公差为—的等差数列2 CE)首项为z,公差为2的等差数列12.直角三角形A C 的斜边AB=l 3厘米,直角边AC =5厘米,把AC对折到AB 上去与斜边重合,点C 与点E重合,折痕为AD C 如图1所示),则图中阴影部分的面积为(平方厘米.A 5 (A )20(D)14 (B )— 40(E )12(C) 38 图113. 设直线nx十(n +l)y =l (n 为正整数与两坐标轴围成的三角形面积为S n (n = 1,2, …, 2 009),则S1+S 2+…+S 2009=().(A )-X 1 2 009 2 2 008 CD)—X 1 2 010 2 2 009C B)—X 1 2 008 2 2 009CC )—X 1 2 009 2 2 010(E)以上结论都不正确14. 若圆C:Cx+D气(y —1)2=1与x 轴交于A点,与y 轴交于点,则与此圆相切于劣弧A B的中点M C 注:小于半圆的弧称为劣弧)的切线方程是(.(A)y =x+2迈(D)y =x —2+迈(B)y =x+l —— 1 迈(E)y =x+l 迈(C)y =x —1+— 1 迈15. 巳知实数a,b,x,y 满足y+I五三及·1=1—矿和巨—2l =y l b 气则3x h +3a+h =().(A )25(B)26(C )27 (D )28(E )29二、条件充分性判断:第16-25小题,每小题3分,共30分。





2009年MBA参考答案2009年工商管理硕士专业学位研究生入学全国联考英语试题Part I Vocabulary and Structure (10%)Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best com pletes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wi th a pencil.B1. The poor lady w as too and distressed to talk about the tragedy.A. engagedB. exhaustedC. ignorantD. energetic2. At first , the famous painting doesn't impress the audience at all.AA. glanceB. gazeC. stareD. view3. Delegates agree to the plan in , but there were some details they didn't ap prove.CA. disciplineB. theoryC. principleD. nature4. I took the medicine 10minutes ago, but the bitterness is still in my mouth. CA. scatteringB. fellingC. maintainingD. lingering5. Since the of human history, human beings have been asking questions like "What is the essence of life." CA. duskB. dustC. twinkle C. Dawn6. The eldest son all the family members to discuss how to celebrate the 5 0th wedding anniversary of their parents. CA. ClusteredB. resembledC. assembledD. rendered7. I must leave now. , if you want that book I'LL bring it you tomorrow.A. AccidentallyB. IncidentallyC. OccasionallyD. Subsequently8. My mother is a light sleeper, to any sound even as low as the humming of mosquito.A. alertB. acuteC. keenD. immune9. The newly built factory is in urgent need of a number of skilled and wor kers.A. consistentB. consciousC. confidentialD. conscientious10. As an outstanding scholar, he has become to the research team.A. seniorB. juniorC. indispensable C. independent11. Sixteen days after the earthquake, 40people, in their village, were rescued.A. trappedB. confinedC. enclosedD. captured12. Working far away from home, Jerry had to from downtown to his office eve ryday.A. wandersB. commuteC. rambleD. motion13. The finance minister has not been so since he raised taxes to an unbearable level.A. famousB. favorableC. popularD. preferable14. It is unimaginable for someone in such a high in the government to behave so badly in public.A. situationB. positionC. professionD. appointment15. Information given to employees must be , clear and in easy-to-follow langu age.A.convenient B.continuous C.constant D.concise16. John was very upset because he was by the police with breaking the law.A. sentencedB. arrestedC. accusedD. charged17. David likes country life and has decided farming. AA. go in forB. go back onC. go along withD. go thro ugh with18. Jennifer has never really her son's death. It's very hard to accept the face t hat she'll never have a child.A. come to terms withB. come up againstC. come out withD. come down to19. A national debate is now about whether we should replace golden weeks wi th paid Vacations.A. in the wayB. by the wayC. under wayD. out of the way20. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he sel ects people and asks them questions.A. at easeB. at randomC. in essenceD. in sum Section ⅡCloze (10 points)Directions:For each monbared blank in the following passage, there are four choi ces marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and blacken the corresponding l etter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.In1999, the price of oil hovered around $16 a barrel. By 2008, it had 21 the $10 0 a barrel mark. The reasons for the surge 22 from the dramatic growth of the ec onomies of china and India to widespread 23 in oil-producing regions, including Ira q and Nigeria's delta region. Triple-digit oil prices have 24 the economic and polit ical map of the world, 25 some old notions of power. Oil-rich nations are enjoying historic gains and opportunities, 26 major importers—including China and India, home to a third of the world's population -- 27 rising economic and social costs.Managing this new order is fast becoming a central 28 of global politics. Countri es that need oil are clawing at each other to 29 scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, 30 how unpleasant, to do it .In many poor nations with oil, the profits are being, lost to corruption, 31 these co untries of their best hope for development. And oil is fueling enormous investment funds run by foreign governments, 32 some in the west see as a new threat.Countries like Russia, Venezuela and Iran are well supplied with rising oil 33,a change reflected in newly aggressive foreign policies. But some unexpected coun tries are reaping benefits, 34 costs, from higher prices. Consider Germany. 35 it imports virtually all its oil, it has prospered from extensive trade with a booming Ru ssia and the Middle East. German exports to Russia 36 128 percent from 2001 to 2006.In the United States, as already high gas prices rose 37 higher in the spring of 20 08, the issue cropped up in the presidential campaign, with Senators McCain and Obama 38 for a federal gas tax holiday during the peak summer driving months. A nd driving habits began to 39 ,as sales of small cars jumped and mass transpo rt systems 40 the country reported a sharp increase in riders.21. A. come B. gone C. crossed D. arrived22. A. covered B. discovered C. arranged D. ranged23. A. intensity B. infinity C. insecurity D. instability24. A. drawn B. redrawn C. retained D. reviewed25. A. fighting B. struggling C. challenging D. threatening26. A. and B. while C. thus D. though27. A. confine B. conflict C. conform D. confront28. A. problem B. question C. matter D. event29. A. look for B. lock up C. send out D. keep off30. A. no matter B. what if C. only if D. in spite of31. A. abolishing B. depriving C. destroying D. eliminating32. A. what B. that C. which D. whom33. A. interests B. taxes C. incomes D. revenues34. A. as many as B. Because C. Since D. As36. A. advanced B. grew C. reduces D. multiplied37. A. even B. still C. rather D. fairly38. A. asking B. requesting C. calling D. demanding39. A. change B. turn C. shift D. transform40. A. for B. from C. across D. overPart III Reading Comprehension (40%)Direction: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some q uestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice. Then blacken the corresp onding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.PASSAGE1.Henric Ibsen, author of the play "A Doll's House", in which a pretty, helpless house wife abandons Her husband and children to seek a more serious life, would surely have approved. From January 1st, 2008, all public companies in Norway are oblig ed to ensure that at least 40% of their board directors are women. Most firms hav e obeyed the law, which was passed in 2003.But about 75 out of the 480 or so c ompanies it affects are still too male for the government's liking. They will shortly r eceive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or f ace the legal consequences---which could include being dissolved.Before the law was proposed, about 7% of board members in Norway were fem ale, according to the Centre for Corporate Diversity .The number has since jumped to 36%. That is far higher than the average of 9% for big companies across Euro pe or America's 15% for the Fortune 500.Norway's stock exchange and its main bu siness lobby oppose the law, as do many businessmen." I am against quotas for women or men as a matter of principle," says Sverre Munck, head of international operations at a media firm. "Board members of public companies should be chosen solely on the basis of merit and experience, "be says. Several firms have even gi ven up their public status in order to escape the new law.Companies have had to recruit about 1,000 women in four years. Many complain t hat it has been difficult to find experienced candidates. Because of this, some of t h e best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts". One reason for the scarcity i s that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies---they o ccupy around 15% of senior positions. It has been particularly hard for firms in theoil, technology and financial industries to find women with a enough experience. Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account. Recent history in Norway, however, suggests that the right w omen can make strong directors. "Women feel more compelled than men to do the ir homework," says Ms Reksten Skaugen, who was voted Norway's chairman of th e year for 2007, "and we can afford to ask the hard questions, because women are not always expected to know the answers."41. The author mentions Ibsen's play in the first paragraph in order to .A. depict women's dilemma at workB. explain the newly passed lawC. support Norwegian governmentD. introduce the topic under discussion42. A public company that fails to obey the new law could be forced to .A. pay a heavy fineB. close down its businessC. change to a private businessD. sign a document promising to act43. To which of the following is Sverre Munck most likely to agree?A. A set ratio of women in a board is unreasonable.B. A reasonable quota for women at work needs to be set.C. A common principle should be followed by all companies.D. An inexperienced businessman is not subject to the new law.44. The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to .A. the small number of qualified females in managementB. the over-recruitment of female managers in public companiesC. the advantage women enjoy when competing for senior positionsD. the discrimination toward women in Norwegian business circles45. The main idea of the passage might be .A. female power and liberation in NorwayB. the significance of Henric Ibsen's playC. women's status in Norwegian firmsD. the constitution of board members in NorwayPASSAGE2.While there's never a good age to get cancer, people in their 20s and 30s can fee l particularly isolated. The average age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is 67. Chil dren with cancer often are treated at pediatric (小儿科的) cancer centers, but young adults have a tough time finding peers, often sitting side-by-side during treatments with people who could be their grandparents.In her new book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, writer Kris Carr looks at cancer from the perspective of a young adult who confronts death just as she's discovering life. Ms. Carr was 31 when she was diagnosed with a rare from of cancer that had g enerated tumors on her liver and lungs.Ms. Carr reacted with the normal feelings of shock and sadness. She called her parents and stocked up on organic food, determined to become a "full-time healin g addict." Then she picked up the phone and called everyone in her address book, asking if they knew other young women with cancer. The result was her own per sonal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine e ditor, a cartoonist and a MTV celebrity, to name a few. This club of "cancer babes" offered support, advice and fashion tips, among other things.Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practical guide about how she coped. Cancer isn't funny, bu t Ms. Carr often is. She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat he r (Dr. Fabulous and Dr. Guru), and she even makes second sound fun ("cancer ro ad trips," she calls them).She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips that reflect the world view of a young adult. "I refused to let cancer ruin myparty," she writes. "There are just too many cool things to do and plan and live fo r."Ms. Carr still has cancer, but it has stopped progressing. Her cancer tips include using time-saving mass e-mails to keep friends informed, sewing or buying fashion able hospital gowns so you're not stuck with regulation blue or gray and playing Gl oria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" so loud you neighbors call the police. Ms. Carr also advises an eyebrow wax and a new outfit before you tell the important people in y our illness. "people you tell are going to cautious and not so cautiously try to see the cancer, so dazzle them instead with your miracle," she writes.While her advice may sound superficial, it gets to the heart of what every cancer patient wants: the chance to live life just as she always did, and maybe better.46. Which of the following groups is more vulnerable to cancer?A. Children.B. People in their 20s and 30s.C. Young adults.D. Elderly people.47. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______.A. Kris Carr is a female writerB. Kris Carr is more than 31-year-old.C. Kris Carr works in a cancer center.D. Kris Carr is very optimistic.48. The phrase "cancer posse" (Line 4, para.3) probably refers to ________A. a cancer research organizationB. a group of people who suffer from cancerC. people who have recovered from cancerD. people who cope with cancer49. Kris Carr make up names for the people who treat her because ________A. she is depressed and likes swearingB. she is funny and likes playing jokes on doctorC. she wants to leave the medical advice to doctorD. she tries to leave a good impression on doctor50. From Kris Carr's cancer tips we may infer that ________A. she learned to use e-mails after she got cancerB. she wears fashionable dress even after suffering from cancerC. hospital gowns for cancer patients are usually not in bright colorsD. the neighbors are very friendly with cancer patientsPASSAGE 3Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:Should a leader strive to be loved or feared? This question, famously posed by M achiavelli, lies at the heart of Joseph Nye's new book. .Mr.Nye, a former dean of t he Kennedy School of Govemment at Harvard and one-time chairman of America's National Intelligence Council, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power", based on persuasion and influence, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on coercion(强迫) and force.Having analyzed the use of soft and hard power in politics and diplomacy in his pr evious books, Mr.Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between pow er and leadership, in both the political and business spheres .Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for th e two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard pow er is preferable to soft power. But modem leadership theorists have come to the o pposite conclusion.The context of leadership is changing, the observe, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modem companies and democracies, power i s increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies(等级制) are being undermined, ma king soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion. Mr.Nye argues. Instead, he advocates a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Powers to Lead, his survey of the the ory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power, which he calls” smart power, is the best approach.The dominant theoretical model of leadership at t he moment is, apparently, the “tra nsformational leadership pattern. Anone allergic(反感) to management term will alrea dy be running for the exit, but Mr.Nye has performed a valuable service in roundin g up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume. He examines different approaches to leadership, the moralit y of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a pa rticular leader. There are plenty of anecdotes and examples, both historical and co ntemporary, political and corporate.Also, leadership is a slippery subject, and as he depicts various theories, even Mr. Nye never quite nails the jelly to the wall. He is at his most interesting when discu ssing the moral aspects of leadership in particular, the question of whether it is so metimes necessary for good leaders to lie -and he provides a helpful 12-point sum mary of his conclusions. A resuming theme is that as circumstances change, differ ent sorts of leaders are required; a leader who thrives in one environment may str uggle in another, and vice versa. Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.51. From the first two paragraphs we may learn than Mr.Machiavelli's idea of hard power is ______.A. well accepted by Joseph NyeB. very influential till nowadaysC. based on sound theoriesD. contrary to that of modem leadership theorists52. Which of the following makes soft power more important today according to M r.Nye?A. Coercion is widespread.B. Morality is devalued.C. Power is no longer concentrated.D. Traditional hierarchies are strengthened53. In his book the Powers to lead, Mr.Nye has ermined all the following aspects of leadership EXCEPT_____.A. authorityB. contextC. approachesD. morality54. Mr.Nye's book is particularly valuable in that it _____.A. makes little use of management termsB. summarizes various studies conciselyC. serves as an exit for leadership researchersD. sets a model for contemporary corporate leaders55. According to the author, the most interesting part of Mr.Nye's book lies in his _____.A. view of changeable leadershipB. definition of good leadershipC. summary of leadership historyD. discussion of moral leadershipPASSAGE 4Questions 56to 60are based on the following passage:Americans don't like to lose wars. Of course, a lot depends on how you define just what a war is. There are shooting wars-the kind that test patriotism and courage-and those are the kind at which the U.S excels. But other struggles test those qua lities too. What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the constructi on of the railroads? If American indulges in a bit of flag—when the job is done, th ey earned it.Now there is a similar challenge. Global Warming. The steady deterioration(恶化)of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by an y measure, the U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot a bout it. Although 174 nations approved the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to redu ce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. There are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from herbs or powering cars with hydrogen. But for a country th at tightly cites patriotism as one of its core values, the U.S. is taking a pass on w hat might be the most patriotic struggle of all. It's hard to imagine a bigger fight th an one for the survival of a country's coasts and farms, the health of its people an d stability of its economy.The rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, there's far less agreement on how to fix it. Industry offers its pans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too ofte n amount to native wish lists that could weaken American's growth. But let's assum e that those interested parties and others will always bent the table and will alway s demand that their voices be heard and that their needs be addressed. What wo u ld an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look like-one that would leave the U.S. both environmentally safe and economically sound?Halting climate change will be far harder. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 52 year. And yet by devising a consistent strategy that mixes and bl ends pragmatism(实用主义)with ambition, the U.S. can, without major damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of its way of life for future generations. Money will do some of the work, but what's needed most is will. "I'm not saying the challenge isn't almost overwhelming," says Fred Krupp. "But this is America, and America has risen to these challenges before."56. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Human wars.B. Economic crisis.C. America's environmental policies.D. Global environment in general.57. From the last sentence of paragraph 2 we may learn that the survival of a cou ntry's coasts and farms, the health of its people and the stability of its economy is __________.A. of utmost importanceB. a fight no one can winC. beyond people's imaginationD. a less significant issue58. Judging from the context, the word "rub"(Line 1, Para.3) probably means______ _.A. frictionB. contradictionC. conflictD. problem59. What is the author's attitude toward America's policies on global warming?A. CriticalB. IndifferentC. SupportiveD. Compromising60. The paragraphs immediately following this passage would most probably deal w ith___________.A. the new book written by Fred KruppB. how America can fight against global warmingC. the harmful effects of global warmingD. how America can tide over economic crisisSection ⅣTranslation (20 points)Directions:In this section there is a passage in English. Translate it into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.With the nation’s financial system teetering on a cliff. The compensation arrang ements for executives of the big banks and other financial firms are coming under close examination again.Bankers’ excessive risk- taking is a significant cause of this financial crisis and has continued, to others in the past, in this case, it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to pay them back dividing the laws and selling them off to the next financial institutio n along the chain, advantage of the same high-tech securitization to load on more risky mortgage-based assets.Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices that led banks down in this road, in hopes averting the next crisis, which is likely t o involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets. But it is worth examining the root problem of compensation schemes that are tied to short-term pr ofits and revenue’s, and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible risks.Part V Writing (20%)Direction : It is known that text message(手机短信)has both advantages and dis advantages. Some people think it is a blessing, while others regard it as a hell. In this section, you are asked to write an essay on text messaging. You can take ei ther stand and provide specific reasons and examples to support your idea. You s hould write at least 150 words on ANSWER SHEET.作文解析:At present, there is no doubt that short message plays an increasingly importa nt role in our lives. We are all aware that, like everything else, short message hav e both favorable and unfavorable aspects.Generally speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows. First of all, in fes tivals, we can send short messages to wish good luck to other people we know. It brings us a lot of convenience. In addition, short message connects its users with the outside world. For example, some people subscribe weather forecast or news short messages, with them, people’s life will be greatly enriched.But it is pity that every coin has two sides. The disadvantages of short message can’t be ignored.We spend too much time on spelling our words and sending short messages that we can’t focus on our studies. Also, you will always be annoy ed by strangers’ short messages one after another.As is known to all, short message is neither good nor bad itself. In my opinio n, we can use it. But we shouldn’t spend too much time on it and don’t let it distu rb us from our lives.答案:ECRION I1-10 BACDD CBAAC 11-20 BBABD DBACBSECTION 221-30 CDDBC BDDBA 31-40 BACDA DBCACSECTION 341-50 BBAAC CCBCC 51-60 DCABD CAAACSECTION 4由于国家金融体制处于危机边缘动荡,一些大银行和金融机构中的高级管理人员的补偿金计划就受到密切关注.银行家们过度冒险是金融危机的至关重要原因,在历史上也有类似情况.在这种情况下,一般是由低息引起并造成持续的错觉,其实是一种债务泡沫经济.抵押贷款人很乐意把大量资金借给无力偿还的人,就把贷款瓜分了,并沿这样的链条出售给下一个金融机构,这些做法都在利用高科技证券业,结果,却增加了抵押资产的风险.金融条例必须能应付这种能使银行下滑的,最不负责任的做法,以期扭转下一个危机,而这下一个危机很可能包括有各种类型的技术和资产.但值得审视补偿金计划的根本问题,因为那是眼前利益,但却让银行家们不负责任的甘冒风险.2009年工商管理硕士专业学位研究生入学全国联考综合能力试题一、问题求解(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分,在每小题的五项选项中选择一项)1、甲、乙两种商品,均以480元出售,甲赚了20%,乙赔了20%,则商店盈亏结果为()A、不亏不盈B、亏了50元C、赚了50元D、赚了40元E、亏了40元2、北京奥运会某国的男女运动员人数之比为19:12,后增加了若干女运动员,使人数之比为20:13,又增加了男运动员,使人数之比为30:19,如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运动员的总人数为()A、686B、637C、700D、661E、6003、某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该工厂每天需要6吨原料,每吨的价格是1800元,每吨原料的保管等费用是3元,每次购买原料而需支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该()天购买一次原料A、11B、10C、9D、8E、74、有3个试管A、B、C,分别装有一定量的清水,现将浓度为12%的溶液10克倒入A试管,混合后取出10克后倒入B试管,混合后再取10克倒入C 试管,最后A,B,C三个试管的浓度为6%,2%,0.5%, 则最初A,B,C三个试管盛水最多的是()A、A试管,10克B、B试管,20克C、C试管,30克D、B试管,40克E、C试管,50克5、一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,若船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将()A、增加B、减少半个小时C、不变D、减少一个小时E、无法判断6、方程的根是()A、B、C、D、7、已知方程为,则b、c的值为()A、2,6B、3,4C、-2,-6D、-3,-6E、以上结果都不正确8、已知,则()A、B、C、D、9、现有36人,其中A血型12人,B血型10人,C血型8人,AB血型6人,从这36人中任选2人,则2人血型相同的概率为()A、B、C、D、E、以上结论都正确10、湖中有4个小岛,恰好位于正方形的4个顶点,现要建3座桥连结4个小岛,则不同的建桥方案有( )种A、12B、16C、18D、20E、2111、在数列中,,,则是()A、首项为2,公比为的等比数列B、首项为2,公比为2的等比数列C、既非等差数列也非等比数列D、首项为2,公差为的等差数列12、的斜边AB=13,直角边AC=5, ,将AC对折到AB上去与斜边重合,点C与点E重合,折痕为AD,(如图)则途中阴影部分的面积为()平方厘米。

已知甲商品赚了0020,乙商品亏了0020,则商店盈亏结果为( ).(A )不亏不赚 (B )亏了50元 (C )赚了50元 (D )赚了40元 (E )亏了40元 2、某国参加北京奥运会的男女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运动员的总人数为( ).(A )686 (B )637 (C )700 (D )661 (E )6003、某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨每天3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每( )天购买一次原料.(A )11 (B )10 (C )9 (D )8 (E )74、在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。
现将浓度为0012的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果,,A B C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为000000620.5、、那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是( ).(A )A 试管,10克 (B )B 试管,20克 (C )C 试管,30克 (D )B 试管,40克 (E )C 试管,50克5、一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加0050时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A )增加 (B )减少半个小时 (C )不变 (D )减少1个小时 (E )无法判断 6、方程214x x -+=的根是( ).(A )5x =-或 1x = (B )5x =或 1x =- (C )3x =或53x =-(D )3x =-或53x = (E )不存在7、230(0)x bx c c ++=≠的两个根为αβ、.如果又以+αβαβ、为根的一元二次方程是230x bx c -+=.则b 和c 分别为( ).(A )2、6 (B )3、4(C )2-、6- (D )3-、6- (E )以上结论均不正确 8、若2212(1)(1)(1)(1)2(1)(1)n n n x x x a x a x na x ++++++=-+-++-L L ,则12323n a a a na +++=L ( ).(A ) 312n - (B )1312n +- (C )1332n +- (D )332n - (E )334n - 9、在36人中,血型情况如下:A 型12人,B 型10人,AB 型8人,O 型6人。
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) 1.一家商店为回收资金把甲乙两件商品均以480元一件卖出。
已知甲商品赚了20%,乙商品亏了20%,则商店盈亏结果为(A)不亏不赚 (B)亏了50元 (C)赚了50元 (D)赚了40元 (E)亏了40元 2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。
(A)686 (B)637 (C)700 (D)661 (E)6003.某工厂定期购买一种原料,已知该厂每天需用该原料6吨,每吨价格1800元.原料的保管等费用平均每吨3元,每次购买原料支付运费900元,若该厂要使平均每天支付的总费用最省,则应该每()天购买一次原料。
(A)11 (B)10 (C)9 (D)8 (E)74.在某实验中,三个试管各盛水若千克。
现将浓度为12%的盐水10克倒入A 管中,混合后,取10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C 管中,结果 A ,B ,C 三个试管中盐水的浓度分别为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是 (A)A 试管,10克 (B)B 试管,20克 (C)C 试管,30克 (D)B 试管,40克 (E)C 试管,50克5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).(A)增加 (B)减少半个小时 (C)不变 (D)减少1个小时 (E)无法判断6.方程214x x -+=的根是( )。
(A)5x =-或1x = (B)5x =或1x =- (C)3x =或53x =- (D)3x =-或53x =(E)不存在7.230(0)x bx c c ++=≠的两个根为α、β。
如果又以αβ+、αβ为根的一元二次方程是230x bx c -+=。
则b 和c 分别为( )。
(A)2,6 (B)3,4 (C)2-,6- (D)3-,6- (E)以上结论均不正确 8.若2212(1)(1)(1)(1)2(1)(1)n n n x x x a x a x na x ++++++=-+-++- ,则12323n a a a na ++++=(A)312n - (B)1312n +- (C)1332n +- (D)332n - (E)334n -9.在36人中,血型情况如下:A 型12人,B 型10人,AB 型8人,O 型6人。
若从中随机选出两人,则两人血型相同的概率是( )。
(A)77315 (B)44315 (C)33315 (D)9122(E)以上结论均不正确10.湖中有四个小岛,它们的位置恰好近似构成正方形的四个顶点。
若要修建三座桥将这四个小岛连接起来,则不同的建桥方案有( )种。
(A)12 (B)16 (C)13 (D)20 (E)2411.若数列{}n a 中,0n a ≠(1n ≥),112a =,前n 项和n S 满足2221n n n S a S =-(2n ≥)则1n S ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭是( )(A)首项为2,公比为12的等比数列 (B)首项为2,公比为2的等比数列(C)既非等差也非等比数列(D)首项为2,公差12为的等差数列(E)首项为2公差为2的等差数列12.直角三角形ABC 的斜边13AB =厘米,直角边5AC =厘米,把AC 对折到AB 上去与斜边相重合,点C 与点E 重合,折痕为AD (如图),则途中阴影部分的面积为( )(A)20 (B) 403 (C) 383(D)14(E)1213.设直线(1)1nx n y ++= (n 为正整数)与两坐标轴围成的三角形面积n S ,1,2,,2009n = ,则122009......S S S +++=( )(A) 1200922008⨯ (B)1200822009⨯ (C) 1200922010⨯ (D)1201022009⨯(E) 以上结论都不正确14. 若圆C :22(1)(1)1x y ++-=与x 轴交于A 点、与y 轴交于B 点,则与此圆相切于劣弧AB 中点M (注:小于半圆的弧称为劣弧)的切线方程是( )。
(A) 2y x =+(B) 1y x =+(C) 1y x =-+(D) 2y x =-+(E) 1y x =+15. 已知实数a ,b ,x ,y满足2||1y a +=-和2|2|1x y b -=--,则33x y a b +++= (A) 25 (B) 26 (C) 27 (D) 28 (E) 29二、充分性条件判断:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 解题说明:本大题要求判断所给出的条件能否充分支持题干中陈述的结论。
阅读条件(1)和(2)后选择:A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分 B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分 D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和(2)联合起来也不充分16.()22221231413n n a a a a ++++=-(1)数列{}n a 的通项公式为2n n a =(2)在数列{}n a 中,对任意正整数n ,有12321n n a a a a ++++=- 17.A 企业的职工人数今年比前年增加了30% (1)A 企业的职工人数去年比前年减少了20% (2)A 企业的职工人数今年比去年增加了50% 18.log 1a x >(1)[]2,4x ∈,112a << (2)[]4,6x ∈,12a << 19.对于使711ax bx ++有意义的一切x 的值,这个分式为一个定值(1)7110a b -= (2)1170a b -= 20.222211996134a b a b -=+ (1)a ,b 均为实数,且()2222210a a b -+--=(2)a ,b 均为实数,且224412a b a b =- 21.22325211a a a --+=-+ (1)a 是方程2310x x -+=的根 (2)1a =22.点(),s t 落入圆()()222x a y a a -+-=内的概率是14(1)s ,t 是连续掷一枚骰子两次所得到的点数,3a = (2)s ,t 是连续掷一枚骰子两次所得到的点数,2a = 23.()()()222822260x x x x x -----> (1)()3,2x ∈-- (2)[]2,3x ∈24.圆()()22124x y -+-=和直线()()121330x y λλλ++---=相交于两点。
(1)5λ=(2)2λ=S T=25.{}n a的前n项和n S与{}n b的前n项和n T满足1919:3:2a b=(1){}n a和{}n b是等差数列 (2)1010:3:2三、逻辑推理:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。
26. 某中学发现有学生课余用扑克玩带有赌博性质的游戏,因此规定学生不得带扑克进入学校,不过即使是硬币,也可以用作赌具,但禁止学生带硬币进入学校是不可思议的,因此,禁止学生带扑克进学校是荒谬的。
27. 甲.乙.丙和丁进入某围棋邀请赛半决赛,最后要决出一名冠军。
28. 除非年龄在50岁以下,并且能持续游泳三千米以上,否则不能参加下个月举行的花样横渡长江活动。
以上断定能推出以下哪项结论?Ⅰ 老黄的年龄至少50岁。
Ⅲ 老黄患有心脏病。
A. 只有Ⅰ。
B. 只有Ⅱ。
C. 只有Ⅲ。
D. Ⅰ.Ⅱ和 Ⅲ至少一个。
E. Ⅰ.Ⅱ Ⅲ都不能从题干推出。
以下哪项作为上述断定的结论最为恰当?A. 接受文化教育是造成近视的原因。
B. 只有在儿童期接受正式教育才易于成为近视。
C. 阅读和课堂作业带来的视觉压力必然造成儿童的近视。
D. 文化教育的发展和近视现象的出现有密切关系。
E. 小塘村约五分之二的儿童是文盲。
增加以下哪项条件,能推出小李考上了清华?A. 小张和小孙至少有一人未考上北大。
B. 小张和小李至少有一人未考上清华。
C. 小张和小孙都考上了北大。
D. 小张和小李都未考上清华。
E. 小张和小孙都未考上北大。
如果上述三人坚持各自的决定,则可推出以下哪项结论?A. 两人都不可能调动。
B. 两人都可能调动。
C. 两人至少有一人可能调动,但不可能两人都调动。
D. 要么两人都调动,要么两人都不调动。
E. 题干的条件推不出关于两人调动的确定结论。