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作者:范可, Fan Ke







1.费孝通经济全球化和中国"三级两跳"中对文化的思考 2005

2.Anthony Giddens The Consequences of Modernity 1990

3.Bryan Turner The Enclave Society:Towards a Sociology of Immobility 2007(02)

4.Samuel Huntington Who are We:The Challenges to America ' s National Identity 2004

5.Ulf Hannerz The World in Creolization 1987(40)

6.James Watson Introduction:Transnationalism,Localization,and Fast Food in East Asia 1997

7.Adam Kuper Culture:The Anthropologists ' Account 2000

8.Ernst Gallner Postmodernism,Reason and Religion 1992

9.Eric Wolf Facing Power-Old Insight,New Questions 1990

10.Adam Kuper Culture:The Anthropologists ' Account

11.David Schneider Schneider on Schneider 1995

12.Bryan Turner The Enclave Society:Towards a Sociology of Immobility 2007(02)

13.Anthony Giddens Modernity and Self-identity:Self and Society in the Late Modern Age 1991

14.Philip Thomas Conspicuous Construction:Houses,Consumption and 'Relocalization' in Manambondro,Southeast Madagascar 1998(04)

15.范可"再地方化"与象征资本--一个闽南回民社区近年来的若干建筑表现[期刊论文]-开放时代 2005(02)

16.Conspicuous Construction:Houses,Consumption and 'Relocalization' in Manambondro,Southeast Madagascar 1998(04)

17.范可"再地方化"与象征资本--一个闽南回民社区近年来的若干建筑表现[期刊论文]-开放时代 2005(02)

18.范可"再地方化"与象征资本--一个闽南回民社区近年来的若干建筑表现[期刊论文]-开放时代 2005(02)

19.范可"再地方化"与象征资本--一个闽南回民社区近年来的若干建筑表现[期刊论文]-开放时代 2005(02)

20.Steve Sangren Anthropology of Anthropology? Further Reflections on Reflexivity 2007(04)

21.Stuart Hall Who Needs 'Identity'? 1996

22.E.R.Leach Political Systems of Highland Burma 1954

23.Max Weber Economy and Society:An Outline of Interpretive Sociology 1978

24.Charles Keyes The Dialectics of Ethnic Change 1981

25.Benedict Anderson Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism 1991

26.Prasenjit Duara Rescuing History from the Nation 1995

27.Talal Asad Muslims and European Identity:Can Europe Represent Islam? 2000


29.H.H.Gerth.C.Wright Mills From Max Weber:Essays in Sociology 1973

30.Friderik Barth Enduring and Emerging Issues in the Analysis of Ethnicity

31.Valery Tishkov Forget the 'Nation':Post-nationalist Understanding of Nationalism 2000

32.Edward Said Orientalism 1978

33.费孝通生育制度 1947

34.Samuel Huntington The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order 1996

35.Robert Kaplan Looking the World in the Eye 2001(05)

36.Samuel Huntington The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order

37.费孝通论"和而不同" 2001

38.费孝通反思、对话、文化自觉 1997(03)

1.许旸跨文化视角下大学生媒介接触和流行文化认同研究[期刊论文]-江淮论坛 2009(3)

2.南鸿雁当代琴人的"文人"认同论析[期刊论文]-南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版) 2009(2)

3.范可文化多样性及其挑战[期刊论文]-中国农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2008(4)

4.范可他者的再现与国家政治[期刊论文]-开放时代 2008(6)

5.李其荣寻求生存方式的同一性——美加新华侨华人的文化认同分析[期刊论文]-东南亚研究 2008(5)本文链接:/Periodical_sjmz200802001.aspx
