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高考动词详解 +例句


1.Despite the heavy snow outside yesterday, everybody in the company ________ their daily tasks as usual.

A. brought about B . worried about C . cared about D. went about

【答案】 D



考查动词词组。 A. brought about 带来; B. worried about 担忧; C. cared about 关心; D.

went about 四处走动。句意:尽管昨天外面下了一场大雪,公司里的每个人还是照常工

作。结合句意可知答案为 D。

2.Briggs will ________ as general manager when Mitchell retires.

A. get away B.take over

C. set off D. run out

【答案】 B


试题分析:句意:当米切尔退休的时候,布里格斯将接管总经理的位置。when Mitchell retires这是时间状语从句,不能用将来时,而用一般现在时来代替;get away离开;take over接管;set off出发;run out用完,耗尽。根据句意故选B。


3.If the service is awful, a customer has the right to to the manager.

A.react B.apply

C. complain D. suggest

【答案】 C


试题分析:句意:如果服务很糟糕,顾客有权向经理申诉。React 反应apply应用complain

申诉suggest 建议,选C。


4.If you ever aren’ t sure whether you have bought the very best smartphone, just _________

“ good enough. ”

A. make for C. answer for B. settle for D. account for




考查动词词组。 A. make for 有助于; B. settle for 勉强同意; C. answer for 对 ---负责; D.

account for---作出解。句意:如果你曾不确定是否最好的智能手机,就足于

“足好”。故 B。

5.With my money ________, I went back home.

A. ran out of B.ran out

C. running out D. running out of

【答案】 C


分析:考with 复合构,句意:我的用完了,我就回家了。With 复合构在

里做原因状,with++足(非),所以排除AB , run out of 是及物,后面要接,否是被,排除D, Run out 是不及物,不能用被


考点:考with 复合构

6.The two men were______ with receiving stolen property, which would probably result in their imprisonment.

A. suspected B. accused C. arrested D. charged

【答案】 D


考形容辨析。 A. suspected 被疑的; B. accused 被控告的; C. arrested 被逮捕的; D.

charged 的。 be charged with sth .意“关于⋯⋯被控告”。句意:两个男人被控告了物 ,父母

极担。故 D。

7.To get promoted, I must _____ my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs.

A. take after B. take to C. take in D. take on

【答案】 A


分析:考短辨析。短take after 得像,性格似于,效仿;take to 喜

上,沉溺于; take in 吸收,理解,欺,收养;take on 雇佣,呈;句意:了被提拔,

我要消防我的同事,他工作非常努力。根据句意可知take after 意“效仿”,符合上下



8.He had been struggling for many years and finally ________ his fantasies.

A. lived up B.lived on

C. lived through D. lived out

【答案】 D


试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语live up 快乐生活; live on 继续存在; live through 经历; live out 过着 ...的生活; live out his fantasies 过着梦想的生活。句意:他努力了很多年,

终于过着他梦想的生活了。根据句意可知 D 正确。


9.I ’ ll get the taxi from the station ot ________ you the trouble of coming to collect me.

A. counter B. save C.abandon D. rid

【答案】 B

【解析】考查动词。 A. counter 反击; B. save节约,挽救; C. abandon 遗弃; D. rid 去除。句意:我将从车站打的,以省去你接我的麻烦。根据句意可知答案为B。

10. The teacher’ s encouragement has ____ my confidence;Idecided to participate in the

contest again.

A.restored B. resolved

C. relieved D.resisted

【答案】 A



考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师的鼓励恢复了我的信心;我决定再参加一次比赛。 A. restored 恢复 B. resolved 解决 C. relieved 解除,减轻 D. resisted 抵抗。根据句意可知,选 A。

11. Clinical evidence began to________ , suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.

A. operate B.strengthen

C. approve D. accumulate

【答案】 D




更广范围的使用。 A. operate 操作,运转; B. strengthen 加强; C. approve 批准,赞成; D. accumulate 积累。根据句意选 D。

12. It ’ s natural that a man can hardly a smile when he is informed of some good news.
