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Chapter Seven

1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.

(1) completeness, correctness, consistency

(2) underlying transaction

(3) authorized signatures, test key

(4) comply with

(5) ISO currency code

2. Translate the following terms or sentences into English.

(1) 信用证表面的真实性〖the apparent authenticity of the credit 〗

(2) 标准国际银行惯例〖international standard banking practice〗

(3) 信息交换系统〖data communication network 〗

(4) 有足够的资金来支付信用证〖to have sufficient funds to cover the credit〗

(5) 买方考虑自己的要求也同样的重要〖It is equally importa nt that the buyer’s own requirements be taken into account.〗

3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

(1) F (2) F(3) F (4) T (5) T

(6) T (7) F (8) T (9) F (10) T

4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements

(1)-(5) CDCBC (6)-(10) CAADD

(11)-(15) ADDAB

Chapter Eight

1. Define the following terms:

(1) Commercial invoice 〖The commercial invoice is the key accounting document describing the commercial transaction between the buyer and the seller. It is a document giving details of goods, service, price, quantity, settlement terms and shipment. 〗

(2) Export license 〖An export license is a document prepared by a government authority of a nation granting the right to export a specific quantity of a commodity to a specified country. 〗(3) Bill of lading 〖A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to a shipper, signed by the captain, agent, or owner of a vessel, providing written evidence regarding receipt of the goods, the conditions on which transportation is made, and the engagement to deliver goods at the prescribed port of destination to the lawful holder of the bill of lading. 〗

(4) Inspection certificate 〖A document issued by an authority indicating that goods have been inspected prior to shipment and the results of the inspection. 〗

(5) Consular invoice 〖A consular invoice is an invoice covering a shipment of goods certified in the country of export by a local consul of the country for which the merchandise is destined. 〗II. Translate the following into English:

(1) 战略产品〖strategic commodity〗

(2) 普惠制〖General System of Preference〗

(3) 有预订的泊位〖with reserved berth〗

(4) 多式联运提单〖multi-modal transport bill of lading〗

(5) 抽样方式〖sampling methodology〗

3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

(1) F (2) F(3) T (4) T (5) F

(6) F (7) F (8) T (9) T (10) F

4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements

(1)-(5) ABDAC (6)-(10) CCCDA

(11)-(15) DDAAA(16)-(20) ABACD

Chapter Nine

1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.

(1) acceptable accounts receivable / non-recourse and notification

(2) collection as well as the risk of credit losses

(3) the level of sales

(4) changes in the world economic structure

(5) growing demands

(6) purchasing the client’s accounts receivables

(7) financial and administration

(8) the invoice date / the customer makes his payment

(9) market conditions and his assessment of the risks involved in a particular transaction

(10) fluctuations in the exchange rate / in the status of the debtor

2. Define the following terms

(1) Factoring is a form of trade financing that allows sellers to sell their products to overseas buyers essentially on an open account basis. In simple terms, factoring is the purchase of claims, arising from sales of goods, by a specialized company known as factoring company or factor. Factoring is in fact a three-party transaction between the factor and a business entity, i.e. the exporter selling goods or providing services to foreign the importer.

(2) Forfaiting is the term generally used to denote the purchase of obligations falling due at some future date, arising from deliveries of goods and services--mostly export transactions--without recourse to any previous holder of the obligation. Simply speaking, forfaiting is the business of discounting medium-term promissory notes or drafts related to an international trade transaction.

3. Translate the following terms into English.

(1)或有负债contingent liability (2)信用额度credit limit

(3)卖方信贷supplier credit (4)无追索权的without recourse

(5)信用审定credit approval (6)资本货物capital goods

(7)买方信贷担保buyer credit guarantee (8)福费廷融资便利forfaiting facility (9)贸易壁垒trade barrier (10)大宗采购折扣bulk purchase discount 4. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements

(1) B (2)A(3) D (4) C (5) D

Chapter 10

1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence.

(1) secure mechanism for payment / default instrument

(2) party tendering / the contract has been awarded

(3) presentation of the beneficiary’s demand and stipulated documentation

(4) issue a guarantee directly to the beneficiary

(5) Unconditional bonds

(6) withdraw its bid / accept the award of contract in its favor / between 2% and 5%
