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personal income tax exemption

individual income tax threhold


1 提高个税起征点能否实现藏富于民?

Will people get benefit from rising tax levy point of IIT?

2 珠海现行的个税起征点是多少?

Zhuhai months of the current tax threshold is how much?

3 提高个税起征点的说法当然也不是空穴来风。

In raising the tax threshold to say, of course, is not groundless.

4 只简单调整工资薪金所得起征点,实非个税的全面改革。

Simply adjust the threshold derived from wages and salaries, is not a tax overhaul.

5 从这个意义上来说,提高个税起征点,账不能像我这么算。

In this sense, improve tax threshold, so my account can not count.

6 由于涉及法律修改,个税起征点的调整将必须经过人大常委会的审议。

Due to legal changes to a tax adjustment of the threshold will be subject to consideration of the NPC Standing Committee.

7 近日关于修改《个人所得税法》的消息中,个税起征点的确定令人瞩目。

Recently on the revision of the "law on personal income tax, " the source, a tax threshold for determining spectacular.

8 对此,我的看法是,减税势在必行,但个税起征点的提高却不必冀望过高。

My view is that tax reduction is imperative, but a duty to raise the threshold but do not have to look too high.

9 自从国务院出台扩大内需的十项措施后,提高个税起征点的讨论不绝于耳。

Since the State Council issued ten measures to expand domestic demand, increase the tax threshold of endless discussions.

10 当前,国内热议的减税措施主要包括增值税转型、个税起征点大幅提高等;

Presently, the country internal heat discusses the tax cut measure mainly includes increment duty

reforming, the tax threshold to enhance and so on largely;

11 其实,在两会之前,与个税起征点和个税改革相关的话题就已成为“热门”。

" In fact, , in the prior two sessions, with a tax threshold and tax reform has become the topic of "hot.

12 目前,社会上所议论的个税起征点一般是指工资薪金所得每月税收征收起点。

At present, the debate on tax threshold generally refers to the monthly wages and salaries from the starting point of tax collection.

13 大家也都知道,要改革个税,不光是提高起征点的问题,还包括税率的提高。

As everyone knows, the need to reform a tax, not only enhance the threshold of the problem, but also improve tax.

14 当前,国内呼声较高的减税措施主要包括增值税转型、个税起征点大幅提高等;

Presently, the domestic call high tax cut measure mainly includes increment duty reforming, the tax threshold to enhance and so on largely;

15 实际上,关于个税起征点提高的话题,已经被大家炒得烂熟,“外行都成了专家”!

In fact, about a tax threshold enhance the topic, has been known to everyone speculated, "laymen have become experts"!

16 个税起征点的升高不会对在中国工作的每月享受4,000元免征税的外国人造成影响。

The increased threshold will not have a bearing on foreigners working in China, who pocket 4, 000 yuan (US$495) tax-free each month.

17 25日有媒体报道,“北京大学经济学家周其仁称全国人大已就提高个税起征点达成共识”。

There are 25 media, "Zhou Qi Ren, Peking University economist, said the National People's Congress has a duty to raise the threshold to reach a consensus."

18 新的个税起征点是从上个月公开听取意见后由拟定法修订法案提议的1500元的基础上上浮的。

The new threshold was raised from 1, 500 yuan (US$185) proposed in a draft law revision after a public hearing last month.

19 提高个税起征点是治标不治本,是小改革,中国个税制度需要大改革,即个税制度的根本性改变。

Raise the tax threshold is a temporary solution, a small reform, a Chinese tax system needs major reform of the tax system that is a fundamental change.

20 另一方面,个税起征点的提高、社保和医疗投入的增加,就会对商业消费、医药等起到积极影响;

On the other hand, the tax threshold's enhancement, society guarantees with medical investment

increase, will expend, the medicine to the trade and so on to have the positive influence;

21 这些利好猜想包括如何稳定股市、拯救楼市、个税起征点调高、税费改制、货币政策加大力度等等。

These good guess, including how to stabilize the stock market, to save the property market, an increase in the tax threshold, tax reform, monetary policy efforts, and so on.

22 这样,一方面既减轻了低收入群体的税收负担,也使富人没有因为提高个税起征点而最大化“受益”。

In this way, on the one hand, reduce the tax burden low-income groups, so the rich do not improve because of the tax threshold and maximize the "benefit."

23 关于个税起征点,我们不希望财政部门“一直在研究”下去,更不要把“目前尚不具备条件”作为一种借口。

About tax threshold, we do not want the financial sector "has been studying" it, but not to put "conditions not yet available" as an excuse.

24 此外,增加低保补助、继续提高企业退休人员基本养老金水平、提高个税起征点,都将有利于增强居民的


In addition, the low increase in the subsidy and continue to improve the level of basic old-age pensions of retirees, raise the tax threshold, will help enhance people's consumption level.

25 既然如此,我就不明白了,为何再次面对这个问题,廖副部长会抛出“个税起征点越高对富人越有利”的雷


That being the case, I do not understand why once again faced with this issue, Vice Minister Liao will be dished out the "tax the rich higher the threshold the more favorable" opinion of mine people?
