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[复习讲义]英语复习短文改错专题nmet短文改错的解题基本思路应该是:一.以句为单位,找行中错误,每行必有一个判断(错词、多词、少词和正确),而判断的依据一定是上下文,最小单位是一个完整的句子。二.以篇为单位,找句中错误。许多时候,就某一行或某一句单独而言常常难以判断其是否正确,错误何在,而必须以全篇为一整体才可对该句,进而对该行作出判断。具体解题过程中,应该注意把握九个一致问题:一.时态一致短文中谓语动词的时态与上下文,特定语言环境及该句的时间状语是否保持了呼应与一致。例1. my favorite sport is football. i was a member of our football team. (nmet’98)全文都是一般现在时,此句中was 虽然与上下问不一致,应改为am。例

2.i remembered her words and calm down.( nmet’ XX) 此处为一描述过去事件的语境,应与前文remembered 保持一致,须改为calmed。例3. today, it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past. (nmet’ 93)第一个is 与时间状语today保持一致,地第二个is则应改为was, 使之与其时间状语in the past 一致。二.主谓一致谓语动词在人称和数上是否与主语保持一致。例4.now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.(nmet’XX) 主语为a and b时,谓语动词一般为复数,应改为are。例5.the new boy or girl in school quickly become one of the class after a few games.(nmet’93)主语为a or b时,应由靠近谓语的主语来决定谓语的单复数,become应改为becomes .例6.play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong… (nmet’98) 此处与例4,例5不同,谓语动词makes 与上下文保持一致,为正确的用法,而play须改playing 才可与此处其它部分一致。三.平行一致not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…以及and, but, or 等并列连词或词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。在平行结构中,词性时态等形式须保持前后一致。例7.playing football not only makes… but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.( nmet’98)依据平行一致原则,此处give应与前文 makes保持一致,改为gives.

例8.it was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and

drove me to their home. (nmet’96) 此句中的drove应与前文to meet 保持平行,故改为drive。四.数的一致名词的数须与其修饰语保持一致例9.we study quite a few subject, such as maths, chinese…(nmet’97) quite a few只修饰复数名词,保持一致,subject 应改为subjects.例10.they … asked me lots of question.(nmet’96)与lots of 保持一致的只能是复数名词,应改为questions.五.主饰一致句中的主要词(中心词)应与其修饰词间保持一致。3456789101113141516


[复习讲义]英语复习短文改错专题nmet短文改错的解题基本思路应该是:一.以句为单位,找行中错误,每行必有一个判断(错词、多词、少词和正确),而判断的依据一定是上下文,最小单位是一个完整的句子。二.以篇为单位,找句中错误。许多时候,就某一行或某一句单独而言常常难以判断其是否正确,错误何在,而必须以全篇为一整体才可对该句,进而对该行作出判断。具体解题过程中,应该注意把握九个一致问题:一.时态一致短文中谓语动词的时态与上下文,特定语言环境及该句的时间状语是否保持了呼应与一致。例1. my favorite sport is football. i was a member of our football team. (nmet’98)全文都是一般现在时,此句中was 虽然与上下问不一致,应改为am。例

2.i remembered her words and calm down.( nmet’ XX) 此处为一描述过去事件的语境,应与前文remembered 保持一致,须改为calmed。例3. today, it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past. (nmet’ 93)第一个is 与时间状语today保持一致,地第二个is则应改为was, 使之与其时间状语in the past 一致。二.主谓一致谓语动词在人称和数上是否与主语保持一致。例4.now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.(nmet’XX) 主语为a and b时,谓语动词一般为复数,应改为are。例5.the new boy or girl in school quickly become one of the class after a few games.(nmet’93)主语为a or b时,应由靠近谓语的主语来决定谓语的单复数,become应改为becomes .例6.play football not only makes us grow

up tall and strong… (nmet’98) 此处与例4,例5不同,谓语动词makes 与上下文保持一致,为正确的用法,而play须改playing 才可与此处其它部分一致。三.平行一致not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…以及and, but, or 等并列连词或词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。在平行结构中,词性时态等形式须保持前后一致。例7.playing football not only makes… but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.( nmet’98)依据平行一致原则,此处give应与前文 makes保持一致,改为gives.

例8.it was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. (nmet’96) 此句中的drove应与前文to meet 保持平行,故改为drive。四.数的一致名词的数须与其修饰语保持一致例9.we study quite a few subject, such as maths, chinese…(nmet’97) quite a few只修饰复数名词,保持一致,subject 应改为subjects.例10.they … asked me lots of question.(nmet’96)与lots of 保持一致的只能是复数名词,应改为questions.五.主饰一致句中的主要词(中心词)应与其修饰词间保持一致。3456789101113141516


[复习讲义]英语复习短文改错专题nmet短文改错的解题基本思路应该是:一.以句为单位,找行中错误,每行必有一个判断(错词、多词、少词和正确),而判断的依据一定是上下文,最小单位是一个完整的句子。二.以篇为单位,找句中错误。许多时候,就某一行或某一句单独而言常常难以判断其是否正确,错误何在,而必须以全篇为一整体才可对该句,进而对该行作出判断。具体解题过程中,应该注意把握九个一致问题:一.时态一致短文中谓语动词的时态与上下文,特定语言环境及该句的时间状语是否保持了呼应与一致。例1. my favorite sport is football. i was a member of our football team. (nmet’98)全文都是一般现在时,此句中was 虽然与上下问不一致,应改为am。例

2.i remembered her words and calm down.( nmet’ XX) 此处为一描述过去事件的语境,应与前文remembered 保持一致,须改为calmed。例
