



金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。



然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。




Land and Natural Resource Redistribution in Zimbabwe Access, Equity and Conflict.【外文翻译】

Land and Natural Resource Redistribution in Zimbabwe Access, Equity and Conflict.【外文翻译】

毕业论文(设计)文献翻译Land and Natural Resource Redistribution in Zimbabwe: Access, Equity and Conflict.The struggle for land redistribution in Zimbabwe raises a number of critical policy questions, and lessons for the southern Africa region. Twenty years after independence following armed liberation struggle, the structural roots of Zimbabwe’s current political conflict and economic crisis remain largely defined by racially based inequalities in land ownership and access, to related resources. In this context the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) together with land owners and the international community ‘have been seeking’ a framework for land negotiations since 1980s, however the market route chosen for land transfer was ineffective and failed to deliver adequate land for resettlement.One of the unique features of Zimbabwe’s land reform crisis is that its decolonization in 1980 was not accompanied by guaranteed arrangements for the former colonial powers to restore lost land rights or to compensate for the same. While, the United Kingdom (UK) in 1997 at Lancaster House promised £75 million for Zimbabwe’s land redistribution alongside apparent United States of America (USA) offers of US$ 500 million for the same, there was no formally binding procedure which underlay this. Reparations were not directly discussed. Instead a vague “development assistance” framework was used to prescribe such support, in spite of the fact that the “Kissinger US$ 1 billion” for Zimbabwe mooted in 1976 as the basis for a political sett lement which accommodated white settlers in an independent Zimbabwe. By 2000, Zimbabwe had received £30 million. In contrast the Kenyan decolonization process came with over £100 million provided in loans and grants for land acquisition and resettlement. I ndeed Zimbabwe’s decolonization required the post-independence government to compensate land at market prices and to pay retired pensioners in foreign currency. Thus colonial obligations for land restoration are uniquely sore points in Zimbabwe’s land refo rm process.Land reform in Zimbabwe aims to redress past land alienation through promoting equal access to land by the majority with the hope of creating political stability and acceptable land property rights (GoZ, 1998). Land reform is also aimed promoting economic growth through wider equity and efficiency gains from land redistribution. Reducing the size of land holdings per individual and reallocating land to the landless, war veterans, the poor and commercial farmworkers also aims to promote national self-sufficiency, food security and agricultural development through labor intensive small farmer production and optimal land productivity and returns to capital invested.In Zimbabwe the power relations and the structures that have developed over a long time on the land question have been the major foci on which conflicts over land have evolved. In most cases land reforms have to, and almost axiomatically, entail major confrontations between different powers. The paper illustrates that, in spite of trying persuasion and all sorts of negotiated forms, of land acquisition the driving process has been some kind of confrontation. In terms of the international experience, in 30 or so countries in which there’s been land reform, from Japan to Chile, in Europe and even in Africa (Algeria and Kenya, and South Africa), there is hardly any country where there has been some kind of a pure market land reform or land reform based on full compensation on the market for land acquired. It has never happened anywhere else, except in Zimbabwe, and this is the issue that the paper emphasizes. The Zimbabweans, the South Africans, and the Namibians are debating a particular kind of market land reform that has rarely been feasible historically and that is politically problematic to implement and morally difficult to justify.For two decades mostly the market has governed the government strategy on land acquisition for redistribution. The GoZ used persuasion and force to restrain communities from spontaneous action to repossess their land rights. Instead government took responsibility for gradually acquiring land from the market and redistributing it to the needy and “competent”. The land acquisition policy is thus not based upon legal restitution of particular private or community land rights which had been expropriated during colonial rule. The postcolonial state did not affirm its sovereign right over land by for instance nationalizing it. However, Zimbabwe has experienced 3 broadly interactive approaches to land acquisition, namely: market land acquisition led by the state; state-led compulsory land acquisitions with full compensation or compensation only for improvements, and attempted land seizures through land occupations.This paper reviews Zimbabwe’s experie nce in land acquisition for resettlement since 1980. Although land reform and redistribution entails a variety of aspects such as land use planning, beneficiary selection; land settlement; infrastructure development, farming support system, and training, and financing the resettlement, the most volatile politics of land reform hover aroundland transfers. Public acquisition of land for redistribution is central to the history of land reform because state-led challenges to unequal private property relations have evolved over time alongside popular community actions (legal or ‘illegal’) to redress historical injustices in land ownership. After all the sustainability of any structure of property relations depends on its political acceptability in terms of equity and the respect of institutions that protect such rights. Restructuring land ownership patterns, quite apart from the subsequent use of land, is the starting point in land and agrarian reforms.The land question in Zimbabwe has also been examined in terms of the simultaneous execution of both land reform and agrarian reform. Agrarian reform presumes changing land property relations towards more equitable access to productive land (Moyo, 1999). The GoZ has in the last twenty years pursued agrarian reforms of a largely market oriented genre (Moyo, 2000) focusing on various agricultural marketing, extension and other policy reforms, tax incentives, financial re-organisation and institutional reforms (Rukuni and Eicher, 1996). Such reforms have however benefited mainly the current white large-scale landowners. The economic structural adjustment policy (ESAP) for instance offered little concrete resources to black smallholder export-led growth in commodity production, due to the restrictive land, water and infrastructural conditions of communal areas.Using a political economy perspective this paper examines key policy processes and political confrontations, which structure the acquisition of land for land reform in Zimbabwe. The major social and political contradictions and contestations, as well as social processes involved in land acquisition and restructuring land rights in terms of who leads and benefits are discussed in the context of changing institutional processes, including international capital and donors (Moyo, 1999). Heuristically, the empirical analyses followed addresses both macro-level and micro-level processes of the land acquisition. The paper questions whether land acquisition processes have been equators in terms of the quality of land and the nature of land rights extinguished, and how international interests converge or diverge with national interests that shape land reform.Moyo,Sam, "Land and Natural Resource Redistribution in Zimbabwe: Access, Equity and Conflict", African and Asian Studies, 2005, vol.4, No.1-2在津巴布韦的土地重新分配的斗争提出了若干重要政策问题,为南部非洲地区和教训。



Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Paleogene-Neogene Stratigraphic Reservoirs in Jiyang DepressionAbstractDuring Paleogene-Neogene period, multiple scale unconformities had been formed in Jiyang depression, which provided favorable conditions for stratigraphic reservoirs. In recent years, various Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression have been found, and proved reserves were rising significantly, which fully showed a great exploration potential for this kind of reservoirs. But the practice of exploration in recent years indicated that the unconformities carrier system and its ability of sealing, petroleum migration and its accumulation model, distribution of stratigraphic reservoirs are uncertain, which deeply restrict the exploration degree of stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression.Based on the analysis of a large number of exploration wells and seismic data for Typical reservoirs, the paper analyses unconformities construct and its effect to generation in the Paleogene—Neogene, and summarize the distribution pattern of stratigraphic reservoirs based on petroleum mechanism and accumulation model. Finally, a highly quantitative prediction modclof height of pools in stratigraphic reservoirs was established, the research results effectively guided the explorationPra- ctice of stratigraphic reservoir .There are four macro unconformity types of Paleogene—Neogene formation which including truncation-overlap, truncation·paral lel, parallel—overlap and paralel unconformity in Jiyang depression.Besides truncation-overlap unconformity lies in slopes of depression, and parallel unconformity developed inside of depression,another two types lie in local areas. Unconformity can be developed vertically three-layer structure which including unconformity roof rock, weathered clay layer and semi-weathered rock. It also Can be two—layer structure if without weathered clay layer.And part of semi—weather rock Can be form a hard shell accuse of its filling process during the laterstage.Geological characteristic of the structure layer of unconformity is different in lithology,mineralogy, element geochemistry and weather degree index. Based on optimal partition of sequential number and principal component analysis, logging quantification recognition method about unconformity structure layers were established, on which effective identification of unconformitystnlcture layers can bu achieved in the case of no rock core. The formation of various unconformity structure types isrelated to many factors such as, parent rock lithology, interval of deposition hiatus, palaeotopography,and preservation conditions, which aretogether to control spatial distributions of unconformity structure types .Macro styles and its vertical structure of unconformity can be effected as a blocking, reservoir, trap or carrier system.Blocking affection to fluid depends on weathered clay layer,hard shell of semi-weathered rock and mudstone. So petroleum migration and accumulation units is relatively independence above and belowunconformity if structure layers mentioned above existed. Reservoir affection is due to permeable rock, including roof sandstone .Semi-weathered sandstone, semi-weathered carbonate rock, semi—weathered igneous rock and semi-weathered metamorphic. Trap—controlling affection related to macro unconformity type and its juxtapose to permeability and impermeability rock above and below unconformity. It is easy to develop stratigraphy traps where the permeability and impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-overlap unconformity, where up permeability and down impermeability in parallel-overlap unconformity, and down permeability and up impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-parallel. Transporting affection is owing to lateral continuity of permeable rock of unconformity. In a terrestrial rift basin, petroleum migration in transverse or vertical short distance in local area, and is not conducive to petroleum long distance along unconformity, because interbedding pattern of mudstone and sandstone is dominated, and its physical property of mudstone improved poorly .Because of the long distance from resource to trap, migration and accumulation procese is very complicated.. Accumulation process of Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic traps can be summarized as following:allochthonous source rock , compound transportation , later period charging, buoyancy and pressure conversion driving for accumulation, and blocking by non-permeable layer of unconformity, Trap types and its distribution are controlled by unconformity structure styles. Petroleum distribution and its scale are controlled by generating ability of Source rock. Petroleum accumulation area is decided by positive tectonic units. If carrier systemexisted , oil column of stratigraphic reservoirs is effected by four mainfactors which including generation expulsion quantity,migrating distance, dip angle and capillary resistance of carrier layer. Based on the analysis of single factor, the prediction model of height of oil columu through multi—factor regressions was established . Based on the model , the paper defruited favorable areas, which reserves in these areas exceed 1.5 x 1 08t .Research results of the paper combined closely with exploration practice, and according to previous research results,31 exploration wells had been drilled, which of them 17 wells were successfully from 2006 to 2009. There is accumulation proved reserves Was up to 2362x104t. and predict reserves was to 3684x104t .Keywords:Paleogene; Neogene; unconformity stratigraphie reservoirs; Fomation mechanism; distribution pattern; Jiyang depression1. Preface1.1 Foundationnd and signifacance of the topic1.1.1 Theme originThe theme is from the Sinopcc project:Forming and distribution of Tertiarystratigraphic reservoir of Jiyang depression .Theme number:P06012,deadline:2006-20081.1.2 Foundation and baekground of the themeThe tectonic events frequently occurred in Jiyang depression in paleogene-Neogene.It was favour of forming stratigraphic reservoir because of existence of several kinds of unconformity . Based on statistical data , beneficial area reservoired oil is about 9500km2, and the remaining resource is about 16x 108t in stratigraphic reservoirs of paleogene-Neogene stratas.Since 1980s,many overlap and unconformity reservoirs have been founded , explored reserves Was apparently increased with deep exploring. By the end of 2006 , explored resource had been up to 3.7×108t which showed a large exploring potential.But , in fact , the research on stratigraphic reservoir is lack or Uttle , especially,Accumulation pattern and forecasting model of oil have not been studied systematically. For example , the successful ratio of exploration well testing which is the lowest in allkinds reservoirs Was only 35.7%about stratigraphie reservoir in paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression from2001-2005. The main loss reason for the overlap andunconformity reservoirs exploration is migration and trap of oil that is separently53.5%and 23.9%.Hereby , oil migration problem and trap validity are importantaspects for overlap and unconformity reservoir exploring.In short,it has three aspects as followed:(1)Shallow comprehension about conduction of ability of unconformity Research on unconformity in present indicated that it is not a simple surface three-dimension body which is important for migration of oil and gas.There has some deep knows about the basins in west China and the marine basins in China. The systematic theory is lack about structure characteristic which deeply affect accumulating oil and gas.(2)The remain uncertain migration and accumulation process of oil and gas about stratigraphic reservoir remain uncertain .Stratigraphic reservoir lay in edge of basin . So it is difficult to exactly hold accumulation regular of oil and gas because far distance traps and hydrocarbon resources make a complicated migration process.(3)Forecasting model of stratigraphic reservoir that could be used to guide explore is lack It is necessity to finely evaluate and explore stratigraphic reservoir along with degree of exploration. Mayor controlling factors remain uncertain in construction offorecasting model of stratigraphic reservoirs.1.1.3 Aim, sense and application value of themeThe study resolves the problem of statigraphic reservoir formation and distribution of Paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression. By analysis of uniformity structure, their affect on statigraphic reservoir formation will be identify; The accumulation model will be established through study on static geologic characteristic of statigraphic reservoir ; Forecast mode of oil extent will be achieved through research on oil extent and to predict oil quality.Research results Can not only be used to effectively guide statigraphic reservoirExploring, to raise drilling Success ratio, provide technical support for increasing oilproduction of the Sinopec, and also provide reference to statigraphic reservoir exploring of Bohai Bay area . Research will enormously deepen statigraphic reservoir accumulation regular and further enrich and improve subtle reservoir exploring theory .1.2 Research present at home and abroad1.2.1 Present research and development at home and abroadUnconformity reservoir is one of important exploring object since Levorsen proposed the concept of stratigraphic trap and then published paper on‘‘Stratigraphic oil field ” in 1 936.It turns into stratigraphic reservoir and lithology reservoir based on scholars deepenly research the Levorsen stratigraphic eservoir .Stratigraphic trap is formed as a result of the updip reservoir directly contigence with unconformity above. According to trap place, accurrence and barrier, stratigraphic oil pools is divided into overlap pool, unconformity barbered pool and ancient buried-hill pool .Unconformity reservoir research covers three main sections. One is unconformityand its effect on oil accumulating. The second section is developing paaem of stratigraphic trap. The third is mechanism of migrating and accumulating of oil and gas. Present studies mainly focus on the three sections above .(1)Unconformity and its effect on oil accumulationUnconformity is geology base and key element to form the overlap and unconformity barriered traps and relevant reservoir . In generally,research on overlap and unconformity barrier reservoirs is first unconformity research target.Oil geologists started to understand relationship between inconformity and oil and gas acumination in 1930s. Levorsen published the book of“geology of petroleumin'1954. The book entirely introduced definition and significance of unconformity and the relatiooships with oil accumulation .The research and application of unconformity were promoted by stratigraohy andrecent oil and gas accumulation theory,especially,thesequence stratigraohy pay a important role in predict of geological discontinuity .Pan zhongxiang[2’3]referred to unconformity importance for oil and gas accumulation in 1983. Unconformity is benefit to find petroleum because it is favour of oil and gas migration and accumulation. From 1990s, the research on unconformity and accumulation effect were also be done in Tarim basin, ordos basin, Bohai bay basin and Jungar basin, a important and innovation result were be achieved .Fuguang[4,5],Wu kongyou[l6,7]and Zhang jianlin[8]had noted that unconformity is not only a simple surface but also a special geology body, a migration and accumulation passageway of oil and gas. It is represent for tectonic movement, sea or lake suface change,and geologic alteration to earlier rocks.The inhomogeneity of alteration and later overlap make the a. rchitecture of unconformity. There ale three layers structure in a ideal unconformity: roof rock above unconformity, weathered clay horizon and semi-weathered rock.Unconformity formation is related to denudation time,climate, elevation, tectonic movement and lithology. Two layers structure layers were formed as the weathered clay horizon was lack. Liuhua[16], Suifenggui[17], etc. divided unconformity into four types sand/mud, sand/sand, mud/mud and mud/sand . According to lithologic deploy of unconformity. They refcred that the migrating and accumulating ability of unconformity are decided by lithologic deploy of unconformity .Panzhongxiang[2'3],Liuxiaohant[11],Zhangkeyin[12],Chenzhonghong[14],Hedengfa,Aihuaguo[19],Wuyajun[20],Chenjianping[22'23], Zhangjiguang[2l], John S[26]etc . had a deepresearch on unconformity and refered that unconformity has an apparent controllingeffect on oil and gas accumulation. In summery, five main aspects is included: charging reservoir, charging trap,charging migrating, charging accumulating anddestroying reservoir. Based on physical modeling of oil migration, Lv xiuzheng Bekele thought the oil migration is followed the rule “migration through thin bed”, namely, migration through prevailing passway, otherwise anywhere in a conformity .(2)Development regularity of stratigraphic trapsOverlapped and unconformity is premise of overlap and unconformity reservoirExiting. so, this kind reservoir developed based on overlapped and unconformity trap formation first.Chensizhong proposed four conditions for developing overlap and unconformity reservoirs in 1982 based on research on the characteristics of overlapped and unconformity reservoirs and its distribution patterns. First is that Multiple overlapped and unconformity reservoir formed as a result of Multiple unconformityies and overlaps.second is that oil avvumulation area is above and below unconformity nearby hydrocarbon source rock. Third is that Torque subsidence of dustpan depression cause wide rang of overlap and unconformity reservoir. Fourth is that favourable overlap and unconformity reservoir lies in anti-cycle litbofacies fold play. Tong xiao guang referred four main controlling factors in 1983. First is time, lithology, attitude and weathering degree of pre-Paleogene-Neogene base rocks. Second is structure of faulted depression and movement strength.Third is overlap distribution of overlap line and feature of overlap lay above unconformity. Fourth is distribution of unconformity surface, permeability of overburden rocks above unconformity. Hujianyi[1lreferred that unconformity is the base of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap, but not all good trap exits bearby unconformity in 1 984 and 1 986. The basic condition of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap are six elements:three lines and three surfaces. Three lines are lithologic wedging line, layer overlap line and intended zone contour line. Three surface are unconformity surface, adjacent rock surface of reservoir and fault surface. It exits kinds of trap types when six elementsarraies.People deeply know development regularity of overlap and unconformity trapwith sequence stratigraphy spring up. Zhangshanwen[31] refer that multi. type breakcontrol overlap and unconformity trap, base on researching sequence of Zhungaer basin, Bohaibay basin and Songliao basin in 2003. Lipilong[35-39] refer that tectonic and deposit control overlap and unconformity trap in 2003 and 2004. Tectonic movement cause basin up and down, formed large area exceed peel zone in edge of basin. It is benefit to form trap.Tectonic form nosing structures in basin. It is benefit to form traps, Deposit control reservoir and barrier layer forming. Yishiwei[42] propose that oil accumulation controlled three surface, lake extensive surface, unconformity surface and fault surface, according to Erlian basin, Jizhong depression overlap andinconformity reservoir characteristic. Overlap and unconformity reservoir distributionare controlled by truncation zone and overlap zone. Enriching is controlled by beneficial accumulating phase belt.(3)Oil and gas migration and accumulation mechanism of stratigraphic trapReservoir is resuk of oil and gas migrating and accumulating in long distance, due to stratigraphic trap far from hydracarbon source rock. It is controlled by migrating dynamic, passageway, path, distance and accumulation etc.Lipilong[35-39]refer that the most effective oil path is fault-sandfault-unconformity and fault-sand-unconformity compound transmit system for overlap and unconfortuity trap in 2003 and 2004.Lichunguang[44]refer that heavy crude is secondary gas/oil pool through unconformity path migrating and accumulating in unconformity accompany trap, based on researching feavy crude reservoir of Dongyingdepression in 1999. Zhangjiazhent and Wangyongshi[48]refer thatY'Lhezhuang reservoir mainly lie in 100m above old burial hill old layer reflect shaft in 2005. Capping formation and barrier formation control the accumulation of the area oil and gas. Better Capping formation and barrier formation, better oil accumulation Suifenggui[17]refers that it is key for stratigraphic trap accumulation that‘T-S’transmit system validity and ability consist of oil soures fault,sand and ubconformity in 2005 in Jiyang depression. Layer unconformity style affects the stratigraphy trap forming and oil and gas migration.Lvxiuxiang refer that migration in uncomformity is thin bed migration through oil migrating physical analog in 2000. Oil migrates along advantage path, but not unconformity surface.All in one, there are many researches and outcome about trap develop and oil/gas accumulation of land facies basin stratigraphy reservoir home and abroad. But trap forcast is difficult because stratigraphy lie in basin edge and changeable lithofacies.Accumulation regular known less than other type reservoir, especially how unconformity affect stratigraphic reservoir develop, accumulation process, model and distribution, because of long distance between trap and hydrocarbon ,complex migtation process.1.2.2 Developing tendencyOverlap and unconformity reservoir show more and more important position with development of un-anticlinal trap exploratory development and rising of degree of exploration of petroliferous basin.Survey showed that although large of reseach and probe,research of overlap and unconformity are limited at quality. But, the common understanding include following respects:(1)Evaluation of structure, carrier system and barrier abilityUnconformity is important to develop overlap and unconformitty barrier reservoir. Now research about unconformity focus on one angle. It is tendency that begins with contributing factor of unconformity, analysis structure, make definite forming characteristic, evaluate transmiting and barrier ability,analyze the relationship between unconformity and oil/gas reservoir. (2)Mayor controlling factors and developing regularity of overlap and unconformity reservoir.It is common understanding that key overlap and unconformity barrier trap formation in develop system in home and abroad. Based Oll many research, this type trap is controlled by reservoir, cap rock and crossrange barrier, especially their valid matching.However,there is not deep research on three elements on system and contributing because of exploration phase confinement.(3)Oil and gas migration mechanism and accumulation model of overlapped andstratigraphic reservoir.With long distance migration and accumulation, reservoir development relate toDynamic, fashion, path, distance, process, etc. Element. They limit the understandingabout oil migrating mechanism. It is tendency that based on quantification, combinating type dissect, establishing accumulating model, effectively guide unconformity reservoir exploration .1.3 Research content and technique route1.3.1 Research contentThe subject confh'm following three research contents in view of key problembased on research present and development tendency .(1)Characteristic and distribution ofunconformity architecturesBased on basin the evolution of basin structure and deposition, through structural geology and sedimentology, and combined lab analysis, geophysical interpretation and mathematical statistics, the geology characteristic of unconformity and mayor controlling factors were analysised to definite spatial distribution unconformity architectures .(2)Formation mechanism and accumulation model of stratigraphic reservoirBased on geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics ofstatic-characteristic of stratigraphy reservoir and by analysis migration and accumulation.Process, the migration path, accumulation stage and accumulation dynamic mechanism were analyzed to evaluate unconformity affect on oil/gas accumulation in geological history .Based on above research, sum up stratigraphy reservoir accumulating mechanism of Paleogene-Neogene, establish accumulating model through positive and negative respects research .(3)Distribution paRem and predict of favorable area of stratigraphy reservoirAccording to accumulation process and model, sum up distribution of stratigraphy reservoir. Based on mathematics statistics and geology analysis, make definite main element and quantification token parameter of oilness altitude, probe quantification forcast model of oilness altitude of stratigraphy reservoir starting from oil/gas migrating and accumulation process .Based on research findings above, it mainly focus on forecasting of stratigraphicreservoir nearby unconformities between Paleogene—Neogene and pre—Paleogene, and between Neogene and Paleogene .1.3.2 Technique routeUsing for reference from outcome of predecessors, based on type characteristic and distribution of unconformity of Jiyang depression, keep layer unique feature and accumulation process dissecting loss trap analyze as key, make geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics method, sum up accumulation process and model, sum up main element, establish quantification forcast model of trap oilness, evaluate benefit exploring area .Figl-1: Frame picture showing research technique route ofdistribution patternand formationof samigraphy reservoir in Paleogene and Neogene slratas in Jiyang depression济阳坳陷古近系一新近系地层油藏形成机制与分布规律摘要济阳坳陷古近系.新近系发育过程中,形成了多个规模不等的不整合,为地层油藏的发育提供了有利条件。



介绍土地资源管理专业的英语作文范文In the realm of environmental and urban studies, Land Resource Management stands as a critical field that addresses the sustainable use, conservation, and development of land resources. This interdisciplinary area integrates knowledge from geography, urban planning, environmental science, and public policy to ensure that land is utilized efficiently and equitably.Students pursuing a degree in Land Resource Management are equipped with the skills to assess land use patterns, evaluate the impact of development projects, and formulate strategies for land conservation. They learn to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for mapping and analyzing spatial data, which is essential for making informed decisions about land allocation.The importance of this field cannot be overstated, as it directly influences the quality of life in communities by affecting factors such as housing, transportation, and green spaces. Professionals in Land Resource Managementplay a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of urban sprawl, preserving natural habitats, and promoting sustainable development practices.In conclusion, Land Resource Management is a vital discipline that addresses the complex challenges of balancing human needs with environmental stewardship. It is a field that requires a deep understanding of both the natural and built environments and the ability to applythis knowledge to create sustainable solutions for the future.土地资源管理专业是环境和城市研究领域中至关重要的一个分支,它关注土地资源的可持续利用、保护和开发。



中英文翻译1 外文文献译文香港公屋内部流动的影响1 简要介绍公共房屋是对房屋的成本相当大的补贴,但必须严格竞争用户之间的配给。









本文的目的是研究香港在提供公共房屋的分配使用非价格方法所引起的低效率根据分配的非价格的方法吸引了来自资源配置不当,在经济大和行之有效的文献(例如Cheung, 1974; Weitzman,1977; Suen, 1989; Glaeser and Luttmer, 2003)。









本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:The impact of land transfer on peasant stratification --An analysis based on a survey of Jingshan country, Hubei province文献、资料来源:网络文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.8院(部):土地资源与城乡规划学院专业:土地资源管理班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:外文文献The impact of land transfer on peasant stratification--An analysis based on a survey of Jingshan country, Hubei province CHEN BaifengSchool of Law, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Research Center for Rural China Governance, Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyAbstract:Peasants’ motivation and purpose for transferring land vary from time to time. Based on a survey of 10 villages in Jingshan county, Hunan province, this article finds that the specificforms of rural land transfer include active long-term transfer, passive long-term transfer and short-term transfer. Land transfer has an important impact on the stratification of the peasantry. Present institutional arrangements for land ignore the legitimate interests of migrant families and poor and weak villagers and therefore they hold different attitudes toward land tenure institutions than middle peasants do. Based on the conclusions of an empirical analysis, this article puts forward a series of policy recommendations aimed at protecting the land rights of poor and weak peasant households.Keywords: land transfer, stratum, peasant stratification, land tenure arrangement Land transfer is the focus of current debates on the institutional change of land. Many scholarshave conducted research on the forms, causes and implications of land transfer and havecome upwith measures and countermeasures to standardize the transfer of land. Special attention has beenpaid to the role of land transfer in agrarian restructuring, industrialization, moderate-scaleoperation, rural labor transfer and peasant income enhancement. However, such studies rarely involve land’s impact on changes in the hierarchical structure of current rural China. Chen Chengwen and Luo Zhongyong (2006) focus on dissecting the overall rural structure and examining the role of land transfer in reconstructing the rural social structure. Some scholars arguethat deregulating the transfer of land will lead to polarization among the peasantry (Wen Tiejun, 2008; Li Changping, 2008), but such an argument is merely a macrojudgment without factual support at the micro level. China is a huge country with uneven development in rural areas;peasant stratification is anything but a strange phenomenon. Therefore, we shall pay more attention to observing the stratification of the peasantry at the micro level.In classical Marxist theory, the institutional conditions of land are an important basis of class and stratification. In the 1930s, Chen Hansheng, et al, proceeded with an observation of the land tenure institutions and scientifically substantiated the feudal factor-driven class relations in rural China and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of rural Chinese society. In times of revolution, Mao Zedong (1982, 1991) also singled out the institutional conditions of land as an important basis of class and stratification. He played a crucial role in understanding Chinese class conditions at that time and justifying the necessity of launching a land revolution. After land reform was launched in the People’s Republic of China, land no longer exerted a significant impact on rural class stratification and hence scholars discussed the rural class structure mainly based on occupational stratification (Lu Xueyi, 2002). After the agricultural tax was abolished, farming generated a handsome income for peasants and the impact of land transfer on rural social stratification and peasant stratification became increasingly pronounced. In September 2008, we 2conducted a survey of 10 villages in two township jurisdictions of Jingshan county, Hubei province. Based on the qualitative interview and quantitative statistics, this article attempts to discuss the impact of land transfer on the stratification of the peasantry.I. The complex reality of land transferAfter introducing the household contract responsibility system, the ruling Communist Party and government have enacted a series of policies aimed at permitting and encouraging the transfer of land use rights within the term of contract while stabilizing rural land contract relations. The central government has always intended to realize the transfer of land tenure rights according to law and on a voluntary and compensatory basis and to effectively protect the rights and interests of peasants. The reality is, however, very complicated. The motivation, purpose and method of rural land transfer vary from time to time. The actual conditions also vary across rural China. In Jingshan county,, land transfer has gone through three different stages:The first stage began in the 1980s. During this period, peasants transferred land before seeking jobs or doing business in cities. The transition to a market economy started early in Jingshan and as a result, land transfer took place earlier here than elsewhere in rural areas of central and westernChina.The second stage started in the late 1980s. At this stage, peasant burden became increasingly cumbersome. Many peasants were unable to bear the burden of the new levies and as a result, they had no alternative but to transfer or abandon their farmland and search for jobs in urban areas. The abandoned land was transferred under the stewardship of village collectives or committees. This was a prevalent phenomenon during the period from the 1990s until 2004, the year in which the agricultural tax was repealed.The third stage began in 2004. After abolishing the agricultural tax in 2004, the state no longer levied fees on peasants and instead offered them various subsidies. Farming gradually became lucrative and the once-abandoned land suddenly became sought-after. In addition, there were dramatic changes in the mode and state of land transfer. On one hand, peasants were less willing to transfer land, and the proportion of land transferred was in decline. On the other hand, some peasant households had to transfer their land because its size was too small to be profitable.In the face of different situations, peasants transferred their land in one of the three modes:1. Active long-term land transferActive long-term land transfer is when peasants choose to abandon contracted land in their home villages after settling down in urban areas, or actively seek to transfer the contracted land because they expect to settle down in urban areas. This form of land transfer existed from the 1980s onward and after the agricultural tax was repealed. Among the 60 villagers who transferred a large area of land in Caozhengong village, Jingshan county, 13 farmers transferred their land under this method. Six of the 13 farmers went to cities without their spouses or became non-farmers (private school teachers or temporary workers turned into full-time workers). The six villagers transferred their land in a foolproof way, and they now are living a decent life. The other seven villagers abandoned their land due to an optimistic judgment in their ability to work and live in urban areas. Six of those seven villagers are making a living in urban areas, and one of them returned to the countryside and bought a house and a plot of land in a village in an adjacent township. Among the six villagers settling down in urban areas, four villagers live an affluent life and two villagers are neither rich nor poor. Of the latter two villagers, one has bought a house with a tile roof in a town 3and makes a living by selling bean curd; the other makes a living by working in a barber shop.When a peasant household actively transfers its land for a long period of time, the transferee is naturally entitled to acquire the land for the mutually agreed-upon period of time.2. Passive long-term land transferPeasant burden became increasingly heavy from the late 1980s to 2003, when the reform of the tax and fee system was launched. Because grain prices were in decline and peasants lost money tilling the land, many of them transferred their land without little consideration. Sometimes the transferor even had to offer a subsidy of up to 300 yuan/mu to the transferee. Since taxes and fees were levied on land, abandoning land meant leaving taxes and fees up in the air, sograssroots-level governments forbade peasants from abandoning their land and forced them to pay taxes and fees even if their land was untilled. This is what Li Changping (2002) called “farmers have t o till their land against (their) will when they actually wish to abandon it.” In this situation, some peasant households transferred their houses and land together to non-native immigrants from mountainous areas; some peasant households tried every means to move their registered permanent residence elsewhere and even ended up becoming unregistered residents. Still more peasant households preferred to just leave their land behind and go work and do business elsewhere. Consequently, a vast expanse of land was abandoned in rural areas. Some villagers asked their neighbors to care for the land, but the land changed hands soon after or was abandoned anyway. When villagers abandoned their land and went to work elsewhere, the township and village governments could not expect to collect taxes and fees, and as a result had to transfer the abandoned land by every means.The modes of land transfer conceived at township and village levels include “one land plot per household” contract, low-price contract and change of l and use. “One land plot per household”contract means that in order to resolve land cultivation and irrigation issues, the village collective or committee reallocated land and concentrated the land contracted to each peasant household in one single plot of land to facilitate construction of small water conservancy facilities (He Xuefeng et al, 2003), thus making it more attractive for peasants to take over the contracted land. Low price contract occurred when the village collective or committee transferred the abandoned land at a price lower than the regular tax and fee burden. In this situation, village cadres often hold an attitude of “collecting a penny of tax and fee is better than collecting nothing.” Change of land use means changing the farmland use to attract villagers to contract it. For instance, hillside land canbe contracted to grow hybrid poplars; low-lying wetland can be used to dig a pond and raise fish. Under the orchestration of village collectives and with every endeavor of village cadres, the peasants who abandoned their land are able to transfer the land to those who are willing to acquire it.When the first-round land contract expired in 1997, the central government required each province to conduct a second round of land contracting. Peasants were not enthusiastic about thesecond-round contract because the farm tax and fee burden was too heavy and consequently, the cadres of many local areas, including those of Jingshan county, had no alternative but to make the second-round contract a mere formality. After the agricultural tax was repealed in 2004, farming became lucrative and many villagers returned home and asked for land, thereby unleashing a series of disagreements with the villagers who stayed in the farmland. The peasants who returned home were lawfully entitled to the farmland contracting rights, whereas the peasant households who stayed in the farmland had entered into contracts with village committees. The two parties4struggled in disagreement against each other, and the township and village cadres could not think of an effective way to overcome the impasse. In this situation, Hubei province issued Opinions on Improving the Second Round of Rural Land Contracting in November 2004 to “reconfirm land rights” in rural areas. This po licy document made it possible to solve land disputes through compromise by adopting flexible measures under the condition of preserving the current status of land tenure without breaking the law.In practice, Jingshan county government handled land disputes by confirming land rights based on the existing land tenure institutions but requiring large farm households to give up a small piece of land (2 mu) to peasant households who had abandoned their land before the agricultural tax was abolished. Disputes were very acute at that time, and township cadres stayed in villages to handle the land issues. Even so, there were still 29 groups of Cao township villagers lodging petitions in 2005. Today some villagers who have received confirmation of land rights from the government are still unable to get their land. In consequence, the villagers who did not promptly return home and ask for land in 2005 are forced to relinquish all of their land for a long period of time; those who promptly returned home and asked for land are also forced to relinquish a large proportion of land for a long period of time (2 mu of land per person or 10 mu per household in Jingshancounty). Among the 60 households in Gongcun village that transferred their land, 47 households fall under th is category. Now 24 of the 47 households have become “landless peasants” innon-suburban areas and three have become permanently “landless peasants” because they sold their house and land together to non-native immigrants, thus losing eligibility for confirmation of land rights. The other 23 households have received 2 mu of subsistence land. By contrast, the peasants who acquired land through land transfer are unexpectedly entitled to long-term land contracting rights due to policy and circumstance change.3. Short-term land transferThis is a prevalent land transfer method adopted by peasant households due to their expectation on long-term land possession and a sense of insecurity for other methods of making a living. In the rural areas of Jingshan, short-term land transfer is currently adopted by most peasant households that acquired 2 mu of subsistence land through the confirmation of land rights in 2005. In Production Team 1 of Gongcun village, there are 18 peasant households with contracted land at the present time: Only 10 households till the land at home, while the other eight households have only 2 mu of farmland each. These families transferred their land for a short period of time and moved elsewhere to find employment. In Production Team 3 of the village, there are 25 peasant households, of which 12 households moved their families elsewhere. Now five of the 12 households have transferred their subsistence land under the short-term scheme, but the other seven households are without any subsistence land. Most of the peasant households that moved elsewhere had left their home villages before the agricultural tax was repealed and transferred land in a passive way. Now a large proportion of them have stronger demand for land and choose not to transfer it for a long period of time because they are likely to return home to the land in the future. By contrast, the peasants who acquired land through short-term land transfer are thus entitled to short-term land contracting rights.II. Land tenure status and peasant stratificationThe foregoing analysis has revealed the existence of a number of different land transfer methods. This phenomenon is related to the policies concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers in5different periods, and to the different conditions of peasants in different periods. In different periods and circumstances, peasants have adopted different land transfer methods. At present, landtransfer has a significant impact on the well-being of peasants. In Jingshan, the villages are under greater exposure or openness. Some leave home from time to time as a result of urbanization. Non-native villagers can settle down in the villages by acquiring land through land transfer. In this article, we will also analyze the stratification of the peasantry at the village level based on the detailed data about the economic and employment conditions of registered permanent residents in three villages. Roughly Jingshan peasants can be aggregated into five strata: migrant businessman stratum, peasant worker stratum, part-time peasant worker stratum, migrant family stratum and poor villager stratum, as shown in the table below:1. The migrant businessman stratumThis stratum refers to the upper stratum of peasants who have long been doing business elsewhere 6with almost no present dependence on rural land. They are completely dissociated with the villages in which they are registered as permanent residents. In the three villages, 10.4% of households fall under this stratum. On average, a migrant businessman earns an annual income of over RMB 30,000 and has a bank deposit of at least RMB 100,000. In Gongcun village, the two wealthiest businessmen should each have a bank deposit of RMB 1 million. Among the 15 migrantbusinessmen, 13 of them have houses in urban areas, six of them have bought or built houses in townships, and seven of them have bought houses in county towns or cities. In addition, some of them also keep houses in the village that are now solely the residence of elderly family members. Even though migrant businessmen are classified in the upper stratum of villagers, the vast majority of them have become “urbanized,” and the most successful businessmen can move to large cities. However, there are also a small number of businessmen who have met obstacles in the urbanization process and have returned to their home villages. Deng Deyi, a farmer in Gongcun village, went to Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, to sell rice in the 1990s but returned home in the face of tough business conditions. Returnees’ econ omic well-being is still in good condition because of money they earned and saved while working in urban areas. After the agricultural tax was abolished, the land interest structure has become more rigid, thus making it impossible for migrant businessmen to return to their home villages. Deng, 60, moved to a town to do business in the 1990s and cancelled his registered permanent residence in the village but failed to qualify forpermanent resident status in the town. At the time of “confirmation of land rights,” he failed to acquire any contracted land due to his lack of registered permanent residence. Now he earns a meager income and wishes to return to his home village but cannot because he has no land there. Generally speaking, most of the migrant businessmen in this stratum earn high income and do not care about land at all.2. The peasant worker stratumThe peasant worker derives the name from his/her dual identity of working partly as a peasant and partly as a worker. This stratum refers to the affluent stratum of villagers who till the land at home in farming seasons and work elsewhere in non-farming seasons. Peasant workers still have some dependence on rural land. In the three villages, 23.1% of peasant households fall under this stratum. On average, a peasant worker has 10-plus mu of land and earns an annual income of about RMB 30,000, including RMB 10,000 earned as a farmer and RMB 20,000 earned as a worker. The peasant worker status has been realized under the “incomplete family model”concocted by Lu Dewen (2008). Under the steady state of this model, young couples go together to work in urban areas, while the elderly stay home to care for children and continue to till the land. In Jingshan county, it is common for people over 70 years of age to till the land or help their children till the land. In a migrant working economy, working in cities is more important than tilling the land in the countryside. The gender-based division of labor characterized by “male breadwinner, female housewife” has now be come the inter-generation division of labor and relay characterized by “young breadwinner, elderly housewifery.” In fact, this has evolved into a new pattern of supplementing migrant work with farming activity. “Peasant workers give precedence tothe worke r side of the equation” because farming income is something that has long been taken for granted.3. The part-time peasant worker stratumThe part-time peasant worker stratum refers to the stratum of “middle peasants” who supplement farming income with income earned by working part-time in county seats and townships. Middle 7peasants are heavily dependent on rural land. Middle peasant is a benchmark on which villagers compete cosmetically with one another and try to “keep up with the Joneses,” and it also is a goalpursued by poor and weak peasant households. In the three villages, 46.4% of peasant households fall under this stratum. In Jingshan, a part-time peasant worker has 10-plus mu of land and earns an annual income of about RMB 20,000-30,000, including over RMB 10,000 earned as a farmer and RMB 10,000-20,000 earned as a worker. Those who fall under this stratum migrate frequently between urban and rural areas. Working in urban areas will not change their basic way of living but serves only as a means to making more money. Unlike peasant workers focusing on the migrant working economy, part-time peasant workers would rather concentrate on agricultural production and they are psychologically conservative. In their minds, they hope to expand land operation; in action, they shrink with cowardice. They intend to acquire short-term land tenure through short-term land transfer, but it is very difficult for them to acquire long-term land tenure through active long-term land transfer. During our survey interview, the part-time peasant workers were overtly envious of landlords who own 10-plus mu of land in adjacent villages and hoped to have more land themselves. Theoratically if they wished, they could become landlords by buying the houses and land of peasants who have moved to cities. In 2008, the total price of a two-story four-bedroom brick and concrete mixed structure house plus 9 mu of land was only RMB 21,000. Although the part-time peasant workers are financially able to buy the houses and land, few take concrete action to make their landlord dream come true. The houses and land of peasants who have moved to cities are often bought by non-native peasant households from mountainous areas. Part-time peasant workers are more inclined to acquire a small area of land (say, 1 or 2 mu) from a migrant family through short-term land transfer.4. The migrant family stratumThis migrant family stratum refers to the stratum of rural households that are mainly engaged in migrant employment and not dependent on rural land. They are like nomads, roaming outside of their home villages and returning once a year during Spring Festival. Some migrant families have even chosen to buy houses in urban areas; as a result, they are completely disengaged from the countryside and agriculture except for the fact they are still registered as permanent residents in their home villages. In the three villages, 10.8% of the peasant households fall under this stratum. In Jingshan, a migrant family usually has 2 mu of subsistence land acquired through confirmation of land rights in 2005, but some families are even deprived of subsistence land, making it neither realistic nor economy to till the land at home. More often than not, they choose to transfer the landand move their families elsewhere to find employment. On average, a migrant family earns an annual income of about RMB 20,000 by working in urban areas. Some peasant households may also choose to move their families elsewhere even though they have 10 mu of farmland. This happens when a better opportunity arises that allows them to earn an annual income of over RMB 20,000. Migrant families have special demand for land in the sense that they hope to reallocate and reacquire land through confirmation of land rights, then transfer it and continue to work in urban areas. Migrant families are usually peasant households that had abandoned the land before the agricultural tax was repealed. At that time, they passively transferred the land under thelong-term transfer scheme and became the “landless peasants” in non-suburban areas. They are full of anxiety over the future because no matter how much money they earn, they still lack a sense of security. They are deeply worried about the loss of the ability to work and make a living when they get old or ill. They are an underprivileged group in the villages. As they have been8working away from home year in and year out, it is very difficult for them to effectively express their interests in and opinions of land. When the “confirmation of land rights” was conducted in 2005, they rushed back to their home villages to claim land title but ended up being easily defeated one by one and eventually acquired only 2 mu of subsistence land.5. The poor villager stratumThe poor and weak peasant stratum is the bottom stratum in the village. This stratum is subdivided into two subclasses: 1) peasant households that become impoverished due to illness; 2) peasant households that have a small piece of land but cannot work away from home. These two subclasses are the poorest peasant households in the villages. Poor and weak peasants are mainly engaged in agricultural production and heavily dependent on farmland. They cannot work away from home due to a shortage of hands. Poor and weak peasants fall under the “poor peasant”stratum in the villages. The part-time peasant worker stratum serves as a yardstick of comparison and a goal of pursuit for poor and weak peasants. In the three villages, 8.8% of the peasant households fall under this stratum. A peasant who becomes impoverished due to illness can still earn an annual income of up to RMB 10,000 if he has 10-plus mu of land, and he will not be the poorest person in the village. If he does not have a large piece of farmland, however, he likely will become the poorest person in the village. Peasant households with 2 mu of subsistence land willbecome poor if they are unable to work away from home due to conditional constraints or to earn extra income by doing sideline business. Conditional constraints arise when there are children who need to be cared for or when the elderly are in poor health or deceased, thus making it impossible to maintain the peasant worker structure or part-time peasant worker structure under the “incomplete family” model. Gong Erping of Gongcun village fi ts neatly into this description. His wife died of cancer last year, and now he cultivates 5 mu of land while raising a child who is studying in a senior high school. During his interview, he said he is deeply worried about his poverty status but feels utterly hopeless as to how to escape poverty.Peasant strata may change as circumstances change. The economic pattern of the peasant worker stratum needs to be supported by the incomplete family model. In the absence of such support (say,the peasant’s parents lost land-tilling capacity), they would be no longer eligible for the part-time peasant worker stratum and may fall into the migrant family stratum. In the event of failing to maintain the peasant worker’s production method, the vast majority of the peasa nts will choose to move their families elsewhere, transfer their land and give up agricultural income except in special cases where there are children who need cared for.In the rural areas of Jingshan, the land tenure conditions have more important impacts on the stratification of the peasantry. While some peasants can enter urban areas through their own efforts,other peasants may fall into the poor villager stratum due to illness or other reasons. Generally speaking, land tenure conditions are closely related to the stratification of the peasantry. Some peasant households may willingly relinquish their land titles after making a rational consideration. However, the current land tenure conditions are caused by policy factors such as the imposition of agricultural tax and fee burden, the abolition of the agricultural tax and the confirmation of land rights. The land tenure condition has to a large extent determined the stratum under which peasants fall. A peasant household that occupies more land can easily qualify for the peasant worker stratum or part-time peasant worker stratum and enter the middle stratum in the villages; a peasant household that occupies less land can only enter the migrant family stratum in thebest-case scenario and may even fall into the poor villager stratum in the worst-case scenario.9。



翻译部分英文原文:中文译文Austar煤矿长臂式崩落采矿法的地质问题Adrian Moodie1 and James Anderson摘要:难控制的岩层、深层开采和高粘结度煤层是Austar矿的难题。


LTCC 对解决一部分难题有很好的效果,但也引发了其他岩土岩土方面的考虑。


关键词:长臂法开采, austar ,澳大利亚,兖矿集团背景2006年9月Austar开始在A1盘区使用LTCC开采。




地点:图1 - 澳思达煤矿所在地Austar煤业(奥星),是兖煤澳大利亚有限公司(兖煤)的子公司,经营Austar煤矿,地下煤矿位于下猎人谷,新州约8公里以南的塞斯诺克(参见图1)。

该矿是前Ellalong, Pelton, Cessnock No.1 和 Bellbird South Collieries合并重组而来。



历史地下开采开始于1916年在Pelton Colliery直到1992年仍在继续。

Kalingo Colliery在1921年开采作为一个地下矿井并且于1961年停止使用。

在上世纪60年代末期Kalingo煤矿被Pelton Colliery煤矿整合。






近年来,由于计算机科学的快速发展,基于GIS 数据的元胞自动机开始广泛的应用于对城市土地利用变化的过程的模拟。


















毕业论文英文文献翻译Graduation Thesis: Translation of English LiteratureIntroductionThe process of writing a graduation thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it involves the translation of English literature. Translating literary works requires not only language proficiency but also a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and literary techniques employed by the author. In this article, we will explore the challenges and strategies involved in translating English literature for a graduation thesis.Understanding the Source TextBefore embarking on the translation process, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the source text. This involves a careful reading and analysis of the original work, paying attention to the author's style, tone, and literary devices. By immersing oneself in the source text, the translator gains a deeper understanding of the author's intentions and can effectively convey the essence of the work in the target language.Translating Cultural NuancesOne of the most significant challenges in translating English literature is capturing the cultural nuances embedded in the text. Literature often reflects the social, historical, and cultural context in which it was written. Translating these nuances requires the translator to have a comprehensive knowledge of both the source and target cultures. It is essential to find equivalent expressions, idioms,or metaphors that resonate with the target audience while staying true to the original intent of the author.Maintaining Literary TechniquesEnglish literature is renowned for its rich use of literary techniques such as symbolism, imagery, and wordplay. Translating these techniques poses a considerable challenge as they may not have direct equivalents in the target language. The translator must strive to retain the artistic essence of the original work while adapting it to the linguistic and cultural constraints of the target language. This requires creativity and a keen eye for detail to ensure that the translated work captures the same aesthetic impact as the source text. Adapting to Linguistic DifferencesLanguages differ not only in vocabulary but also in grammatical structures and syntax. Translating English literature into another language often involves adapting the sentence structure and grammar to ensure fluency and coherence in the target language. The translator must strike a delicate balance between staying faithful to the original text and making necessary adjustments to ensure readability and comprehension for the target audience.The Role of the TranslatorA translator of English literature for a graduation thesis is not merely a conduit for transferring words from one language to another. They are responsible for bridging the gap between cultures, enabling readers to experience the essence of the original work in their native language. A successful translator mustpossess a deep appreciation for both the source and target cultures, as well as the literary techniques employed by the author. They must strive to create a translation that captures the spirit of the original work while being accessible and engaging to the target audience.ConclusionTranslating English literature for a graduation thesis is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It requires a combination of linguistic proficiency, cultural understanding, and literary sensibility. By carefully analyzing the source text, capturing cultural nuances, maintaining literary techniques, adapting to linguistic differences, and embodying the role of a translator, one can successfully translate English literature for a graduation thesis. Through this process, the translator not only contributes to academic research but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for the beauty of literature.。



资源环境与城乡规划管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Cyclical salt efflorescence weathering: an invisible threat to the recovery of underground mine environment for tourist exploitationJ. Matías Penàs Castejón • J. Francisco Maciá Sánchez •M a Pilar Jiménez Medina • M a Jesús Pen àlver MartínezReceived: 30 April 2013/Accepted: 25 January 2014/Published online: 11 February 2014○c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014Abstract Enhancing the value of an underground mine environment for tourist exploitation involves altering the physico-chemical balance of stone materials whose original mechanical properties guaranteed the structural stability of the site’s galleries and chambers. Humidity and temperature changes caused by the public exhibition of this kind of assets are the main causes ofsuch disorders. After the intervention in the Agrupa-Vicenta mine in La Union (Spain) there were still runoff-water leaks into the mine. These water runoffs through the fault and schistosity planes of the enclosing rock mass give rise to salt precipitation over time. Adapting this mine and turning it into a museum have meant a decrease in relative indoors humidity and an increase in temperature. These variations have caused rocks, which were stable in the original conditions, to increase their rate of physico-chemical weathering due to the polycyclic supergene alteration of the metal sulfides they contain. The resulting release of sulfates into the solution and their subsequent precipitation as single and double salt efflorescence causes haloclasty, deteriorating the rock’s mechanical properties and diminishing the structural stability of the operation. This paper presents the results of characterizing the supergene mineral phases of salt efflorescence in the rock bed enclosing an underground sulfide mine value enhanced for tourist exploitation. Dangers for the structural stability of this type of architectural intervention, associated to the formation of efflorescences, are also identified; these efflorescences are caused by the weathering of rocks that make up its supporting structure.Keywords Mine environment . Haloclastic weathering . Salt efflorescence . Geoindicators . Stone decay . Agrupa-Vicenta mine . La Unio ´n (Spain)IntroductionThe withdrawal from mining activity in most last century mining areas and the subsequent economic and social crisis affecting these abandoned industrial areas are currently encouraging the recovery of mining heritage for tourist development (Hospers 2002).Projects for the public opening of underground mines face two great challenges: (1) to guarantee the stability and structural safety of the ground enclosure; and (2) to achieve the necessary conditions of habitability and comfort of the premises. The difficulties of tackling and executing such technical projects come mainly from operating in a dynamic environment, characterized by the mutability ofthe physico-chemical properties of its constituent materials.The new ventilation system, the new lighting conditions and the affluence of public cause variations in the original thermohygrometric balance conditions. These changes generate the appearance of salt efflorescences and polycyclical changes in their mineralogical phases.Saline efflorescence may cause the haloclastic rupture of the rocks that structurally support mine’s galleries and chambers. This calls for the determination of the origin and nature of such salts, so as to find suitable mechanisms that inhibit weathering processes from the very beginning. At present, different tubbing systems are being gradually but pervasively introduced to avoid collapse risks in these ‘‘museum mines’’.The rocks above and under the exploited mineral bed are called roof and bottom schists, respectively. The roof of the Agrupa-Vicenta mine is formed by chloritic micaschists and quartzites, intensely folded metamorphic rocks, and the bottom materials are graphitic schists and gray quartzites. Between both levels, a stratiform mineralization of sulfides used to be exploited, mostly pyrite inside a chlorite (and sometimes grenalite) gangue (Manteca and Garcı ´a 2005) (Fig.1).Despite the relative impermeability of the rocks that cover the mine, the intense rifting of the land has allowed for the infiltration and underground flow of rainwater over the course of time.Chemical weathering resulting from the supergene alteration of iron, lead and zinc sulfides in the mineral bed and in the schists of the bottom and roof of the mine has caused the release of anions and cations into the ground-water solution that continuously circulates through the network of pores, schistosity planes and the fracture net-work, after rain periods.When this water comes in contact with pyrite and marcasite, a series of chemical reactions take place, breaking down these minerals and forming iron sulfates and acid mine drainage.As a result, the fractures in the pyrite bed usually presented open holes stuffed with iron sulfate, ‘‘melanterite’’ (FeSO4 ·7H2O). Sulphuric acid was also reacting with other components of the mineral bed (e.g. chlorite), forming various hydrated sulfates-particularly ‘‘epsomite’’ (MgSO4·7H2O) which were precipitating on the bottom and roof of the mine in the form of needle-shaped white efflorescence.During the mining activity the working environment for miners was guaranteed through raise ventilation. Before opening the mine to the public, microclimatic conditions were measured along 1 year. Medium temperature and relative humidity were 23.5 ℃ and 95.3 %, respectively.After opening the mine to the public, it was necessary to install the mandatory air conditioning system. This auxiliary ventilation system takes air from the flow-through system (12,000 m 3 /h) and distributed it to the mines’galleries via two mounted ventilation fans. Ventilation system just operates during timetable public visits.As a consequence nowadays,the new medium temperature and relative humidity values are 18.5 ℃and 73.5 %, respectively.Therefore,the hydration and dehydration cycles of these salts intensified. The oversaturation of the solution also increased, due to higher evaporation produced by the descent in relative humidity and the increase in temperatureinside the main (Espinosa-Marzal and Scherer 2010).All of that implied an upsurge in the aggressiveness of the r ock’s physical weathering, as a result of both the increase in crystallization pressure exerted by salts and also of the increase in the number of cycles.Thus, the goals of our study were: (1) to characterize the salts involved in the physical weathering of the bottom and roof schists of this underground metal sulfide mine, as a result of the cyclical changes of temperature and humidity caused by its opening to the public; (2) to identify the risks for the structural stability of the mine, coming from salt formation; and (3) to propose corrective measurements to minimize those risks.Location and geologyThe Agrupa-Vicenta mine is situated in the Cuesta de Las Lajas of the Sierra Minera mountain range in La Unio ´n (Cartagena). This mountain ridge runs parallel to the Mediterranean sea from East to West, between the city of Cartagena and Cape Palos. It has an approximate length of 28 km and is 5 km broad. It once was one of the most important mining districts in Spain and the most repre- sentative of the Murcia Region, due to its iron, lead and zinc deposits (Fig. 2).After ceasing its mining activity in the year 1991, the city of La Unio ´n and the surrounding villages were immersed in a deep economic and social crisis.Local and regional governments have recently focused on preserving, restoring and giving mining a new meaning. Efforts have been focused, on keeping mining heritage as the economic engine of the area, although under a new approach that presents the mining heritage as a cultural and tourist attraction (Conesa et al. 2008). Thus, in 2006, the Town Hall of La Unio ´n decided to tackle the adaptation of the Agrupa-Vicenta underground mine, opening it to the public in 2009.The mineralization pattern of the Sierra Minera corre-sponds to that of the Nevado-Fila ´bride complex, possibly formed by the hydrothermal replacement of a level of Triassic marble located near the roof of this formation. This mineralization pattern is the most widely spread in the Sierra Minera, although it receives different names according to the prevalent mineral: pyrite bed, sphalerite bed or magnetite bed.The wall-to-roof vertical sequence of the geologic materials that form the Sierra conforms to three superposed geologic sets (Manteca and Ovejero 1992): Nevado-Fila ´- bride Complex (CNF), Alpuja ´rride Complex (CA) and Neogene (N) (Fig. 3).The CNF consists of intensely folded metamorphic rocks, with a lower basement formed by graphite schists from the Paleozoic, and an upper coverage formed by micaschists, quartzite and Permo-Trias marble.The CA is formed by lightly folded metamorphic materials above the underlying CNF. It shows at least two superposed beds over thrust, called lower CA (also known as San Gine ´s unit) and upper CA (a.k.a. Portma ´n unit). Each of them has a detritic basal tract, phyllites and quartzites of Permo-Trias age and an upper carbonated tract, limestones and dolostones, of Middle Trias age.The Neogene is made up of lightly folded Upper Mio- cene sedimentary rocks, conglomerates, sandstones and marls, and of magmatic rocks of Upper Miocene/Pliocene age, which traverse the whole series. Finally, modern alluvial sediments are found accumulated in depressions.Geologically, the Agrupa-Vicenta mine is on the eastern border of a ‘‘horst’’; i.e. a ro ck mass delimited by faults that has risen above the adjacent areas. The effects of erosion after its elevation eliminated the upper rocky levels, which explains why the Paleozoic substratum,—the most ancient materials of the Sierra-outcrop in this area.This area presents numerous dikes and chimneys of igneous rocks, andesites and rhyodacites, attesting to the magmatic activity that took place at the end of the Miocene. After the magmatic activity, thermal waters with dissolved sulfur and metals circulated across the rocks for thousands of years, giving rise to the formation of veins and beds.The kind of mineralization exploited in the Agrupa-Vi-centa mine corresponds to the ‘‘pyrite bed’’ type, since it consists mainly of pyrite (S 2 Fe), accompanied by s ome galena (SPb) and sphalerite (SZn), but in very low, industrially unprofitable proportions. Those sulfides are accompanied by a gangue of chlorite and quartz.The estimated average grades for this mineral are approximately 35 % S; with 0.3 % Pb and less than 0.5 % Zn (Oen et al. 1975).Apart from pyrite, this mine used to have a very small production of tin, after lodes of cassiterite (SnO 2 ) were found in 1913, while excavating the galleries in the wall schists (Arribas et al. 1984).Description of the mineThe Agrupa-Vicenta mine has an approximate extension of 4,800 m 2 , distributed in five altitude sublevels placed at 238, 235, 231, 228, and 223 m above sea level and average roof heights of 5 m.The mine’s configuration in descending sublevels is a c onsequence of the gradation of the mineral bed produced by geological rifting (Fernandez 2006).The mineral bed itself is a result of the replacement of a layer of Triassic marble, and its thickness in the mine ranges between 4 and 8 m.Because of the strong existing rifting, the mineral presents a tiered structure. The Agrupa-Vicenta was exploited by the traditional method of the Sierra Minera: ‘‘chambers and pillars’’ (Fig. 1). The height of the chambers does not exceed 5 m, except in the central sector, where the vaults of the chambers reach heights of up to 8 m. Chambers are supported by a total of 41 pillars of the same mineral bed (Manteca and Garcı ´a 2005).A stratiform sulfide mineralization used to be exploited in this mine. There was a predominance of pyrite inside a chlorite (and sometimes grenalite) gangue.From a geotechnical standpoint, although this pyrite bed presents optimal geomechanical conditions, the roof schists are hardly competent. That is why, when the mine was originally exploited, a ‘‘dome’’ of mineral of about 1 m thick above the roof was left in most chambers, so as to avoid contact with the talc-sericitic roof schists, since otherwise landslides would have occurred (Manteca and Garcı ´a 2005).In spite of that, the mine showed subsidence on several spots, before its refurbishment. The subsidence main spot was in the western sector of the mine, close to the entrance, where unstabilized cavitation of about 12 m height had appeared (Fig. 1).Besides, there were several detachments of rocky mineral plates from the roof in several areas of the mine. They had developed by conjunction of subvertical joints with the schistosity planes of the mineral bed.After computing the hollow volume, a maximum of 60,000 tons of mineral are estimated tohave been extracted from this mine throughout the different exploitation periods between years 1902 and 1970 (Fernandez 2006).Description of the interventionThe value enhancement of this former underground sulfide mine is part of a larger project: MINEU European cultural project within the CULTURE 2000 framework (2005). MINEU Project involved the creation of the tourist product ‘‘Mining Park of La Unio ´n’’.The election of the Agrupa-Vicenta mine for its value-enhancement was decided, first of all, given its safety and its acceptable conservation condition after 40 years of abandonment.Secondly, because of its closeness to the’’carretera del 33’’ (a well-known nearby road) and the existence of a convenient tunnel entry, which was a fundamental factor.And lastly, its geologic and mining interest: the ‘‘chambers and pillars’’ exploitation technique was particularly relevant within the traditional mining context of the Sierra Minera (Fig.4).The intervention would be conducted under the basic premise that only areas without structural problems—and in which safety conditions were sound—should be open to the public. To fulfill this goal, two technical documents had to be written, as an integral part of the Agrupa-Vicenta mine’s adaptation project: a Struc tural Consolidation Project and a Conditioning Project.Agrupa-Vicenta mine’s Structural Consolidation ProjectThe mine’s cavity has so far not collapsed due to the strength of the pillars and of the mineral crust that bears its roofs, which was left there to avoid contact with the weak roof schists.That is why the consolidation project resolved to keep the parts of mineral bed near the schists roof still in good condition, so that they served as containment and support. Prior to any further actuation, the roof needed to be systematically sampled, detaching all the plates presenting risk of collapse.For those areas identified in the prior geotechnical study, which for whatever reasons did not keep that mineral crust or in which it was weak or thin, three different types of tubbing systems were defined (Fernandez 2006) (Fig. 5).1. Wooden trusses. This is a tower-like structure of wooden logs to sustain the high chamber roofs that lack mineral crust.2. Wooden props or ‘‘mampostas’’. They are used in low areas with roofs where the mineral crust presents certain instability and a tendency to detach itself in the shape of plates.3. Bolted steel rebar reinforcement. This is a metallic mesh anchored to the rock by bolts fixed with resin. It is used in high roofs that have an unstable mineral crust with a tendency to the formation of plates.Figure 5 shows the tubbing systems defined in the Structural Consolidation project, which were initially applied in 2009, and those existing in January 2013 (Fig. 6).For a 3 years period since first opening to the public, it was necessary to gradually increase the number of tubbed areas, using wooden trusses and props. This was required due to the continuous fracturing of chloritic roof schists, which came from an increase in the aggressiveness of the formation process of saline efflorescence.Agrupa-Vicenta mine’s Conditioning ProjectThe goal of the mine’s Conditioning Project was to provide a space with the necessary elements and facilities to guarantee the safety of visitors, and the necessary degree of comfort for the correct exhibition and interpretation of the value-enhanced mining heritage. The following actions were tackled (Fernandez 2006):1.Accessibility improvement: So as to implement suitable comfort conditions of the tourist routes, the design needed to consider the mine’s configuration and its safety conditions. Bearing this purpose in mind and considering the existence of five sublevels, wooden staircases and protection barriers were designed.2. Ensuring suitable ventilation conditions: The scarce natural ventilation of the mine and the high degree of humidity before the intervention were solved drilling a 700 mm-diameter raise ventilation in the eastern sector of the mine, in front of the entry gallery that guarantees cross ventilation.3. Ensuring suitable lighting conditions: The electrical installation was carried out burying the cables and logs under the mine’s floor, which required the excavation of the corresponding grooves in the rock. Concerning lighting, tenuous indirect and warm-colored lights were installed to recreate the mine’s original atmosphere.4. Opening an emergency exit: An emergency exit was built making use of the general gallery for mineral transport and the chimney-hopper through which the mineral used to be thrown to a lowerextraction gallery with exit to the hillside of the mount.Two possible exit routes have been enabled. One with relatively easy access, consisting of a bypass through metallic stairs that retakes the entry tunnel from the general transport gallery. The second one consists of a zip-line system that descends through the chimney or drop pit and leads to the lower extraction gallery.Materials and methodsSalts efflorescences was sampled in eight points inside the mine according to the main occurrence pattern (Fig. 7).、After sampling, the specimen was placed immediately in a plastic bag and sealed for shipment to the laboratory.Mineralogical methodsSamples for XRD were gently ground by hand with agate mortar and pestle. Mineral phases were identified by powder XRD using a Bruker D8 Advance instrument in h–h mode (Bruker Corporation, Billerica, MA, USA), with CuKa radiation, 40 kV, 30 mA, and a 1-dimensional detector with a 18 window. Primary optics consisted of a 28 Soller slit, a 1 mm incidence slit due to high content in iron of soil samples, and an air scatter screen. Secondary optics included a 3 mm anti-scatter slit, a Ni filter and a 2.5°Soller slit.Sample was step scanned from 3 to 808 in 2h, with 0.058 stepping intervals, 1 s per step, and a rotation speed of 30 rpm. Powder sample was mounted in back loading plastic holder. Diffraction patterns were evaluated with DIFFRACplus software (in particular with EVA 12.0, a commercial package from Socabim, 2006) and powder diffraction files database PDF2 (ICDD 2000).Salts efflorescences were then morphologically and chemically characterized, using a combination of a low vacuum SEM (Hitachi S-3500N) for single particle analysis via an energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis system (EDX-Bruker AXS Microanalysis). Samples were studied on SEM with a thin film of platinum covered using a SC7610 instrument of Quorum Technologies. Microscope conditions for backscattered imaging were accelerating voltage of 15 kW and working distance of 10 mm.Elemental analysisAfterward, another portion of sample was dried at 60 ℃ for 24 h (to release most of the free water) and grounded in a disc mill for 1 min until a final particle size lesser than 40 lm. Although it is possible to separate the sulfate minerals by hand, picking up the crystals under the stereomi-croscope, it was preferred to study the sample as it occurred in the tailings dump, without any other manipulation.Samples for WDXRF were dried at 60 ?C for 24 h (to release most of the free water) and then ground in a disc mill for 1 min, to give a final particle size of less than 40 lm. Sample preparation involved the formation of pressed-powder pellets using 5 g of sample and 0.4 g of binder (Marguı ´ et al. 2009). The samples were analyzed using a commercial spectrometer (Bruker S4 Pioneer), equipped with a Rh anticathode X-ray tube (20–60 kV,5–150 mA, and 4 kW maximum), five analyzer crystals (LiF200, LiF220, Ge, PET, and XS-55), a sealed proportional counter for detection of light elements, and a scintillation counter for heavy elements. The energy resolution and efficiency for each analytical line were determined by both the collimator aperture and the analyzer crystal used. Analyses were performed in vacuum mode to avoid signal losses by air absorption, allowing the detection of low Z elements (Gonzalez-Fernandez and Queralt 2010).The recorded spectra were evaluated by the fundamental parameters method, using SPECTRAplus software linked to the equipment (specifically EVA 1.7, a commercial package from Bruker AXS and Socabim, (Bruker AXS GmbH 2006). A standard-less method was used owing to the lack of satisfactory certified reference materials with metal concentrations in the same range as the rocks analyzed in this study. The use of standard-less procedures in the fundamental parameters method has been described by Rousseau (Rousseau 2001).Thermal decomposition of the samples was performed in a TGA/DSC 1 HT thermogravimetric analyzer (Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland) with a flowing nitrogen atmosphere (70 mL/min). Program temperature ranged from 30 to 1,100 ℃. All of the TG measurements were blank curve corrected, and alumina pans of 70 ll capacity, without lid, were used. The TG instrument was coupled to a BalzersThermostar mass spectrometer (Pfeiffer Vacuum, Asslar, Germany) for gas analysis. Only water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide were analyzed. Dwell time for every ion was 1 s and cathode voltage in the ion source was 65 V. Quadrupole mass spectrometer model was QMS 200 M3, to evaluate the MS response, two different sequences of experiments were carried out. The first study dealt withthe influence of the heating rate on MS response. Heating rates of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ℃/min and sample mass of approximately 10 mg were used. The second study discussed the influence of sample mass on MS sensitivity. Sample masses close to 0.1, 0.5, 1, 3, and 10 mg and a heating rate of 30 ?C/min were used (Alcolea et al. 2010).Results and discussionAfter the rehabilitation process carried out in the Agrupa-Vicenta mine, the rate of chemical and physical weathering of roof and bed chloritic schists has increased, due to the polycyclical supergene alteration of the metal sulfides contained in them.It has been observed on the one hand, due to the number of detachments of rocky mineral plates from the roof; and the other hand, due to the increase of salt efflorescences that cover the galleries and chambers.Chemical weathering and mineralogyThe chemical weathering of pyrite (FeS 2 ) and pyrrhotite (Fe (1-x) S) provides primarysources of Fe and acidity that lead to the precipitation of secondary minerals or saline efflorescence through very diverse processes, including evaporation, oxidation, reduction, dilution, mixture and neutralization (Hammarstrom et al. 2003; Lottermoser 2007).As a result of these processes a great variety of hydrated simple salts are formed; worth mentioning are those that have divalent cations, in addition to trivalent mixed salts (Jambor et al. 2000).The formation of saline efflorescence inside the Agrupa- Vicenta mine is brought about by the presence of groundwater and excessive relative air humidity, which foster the alteration of the iron sulfides present in the roof and walls of the mine.Associated with the mineral bed, these mineralizations are also found disseminated in the shape of veins in roof chloritic micaschists. Therefore, according to the enclosing rock in which sulfide oxidation reactions take place, and the subsequent release into the solution of H 2SO4(acid mine drainage) and Fe 2+/3+ , two types of saline efflores-cence are formed. They can be grouped by their capacity to generate acidity and their physical characteristics can be defined by their hydration state.On the one hand, some come from the alteration of wall schists in the presence of the acidic solution originated from the supergene alteration of the pyrite and marcasite minerals that appear disseminated, and on the other hand others were strictly originated from the supergene alteration of the mineral bed.In the first case, the chlorite present in roof schists will weather in the presence of acid mine drainage,resultant from the oxidation of pyrite, and neutralize it. As a result, and considering the environmental conditions of the Agrupa-Vicenta mine (75 % ≤RH≤88 % and 20℃≤ T ≤23 ℃), SO4-and Mg 2+ are released into the solution. They precipitate formingsaline efflorescence consisting mainly of magnesium sulfate MgSO4 (Zehnder and Schoch 2009).Figure 8 shows the distribution of the magnesium sulfates which were abundantly observed at level 2, 3 and 4. These soluble salts precipitate as a bloom efflorescence covering all the chambers roof and pillars where schists are present. This massive encrustation of salts is characterized by their acicular or fibrous white crystals.The results of the XRD sample study and elemental analyze (Table 1) reveal the existence ofdifferent mineralogical phases of magnesium salt according to its hydration state: Kieserite (MgSO 4·(H2 O)), hexahydrite (MgSO4 ·6(H2 O)) and epsomite (MgSO4·7 ( H 2O)).In the second case,the oxide mineral bed mainly consists of a compact mass of pyrite (FeS2), marcasite (FeS2) and in minor quantity pyrrhotite (Fe (1-x)S). The oxidation of these mineral produces ferrous iron and sulfuric acid that decrease the pH values (PH 2,8) and makes it extremely acid (Nordstrom 1982). A simplified equation that explains this process is:2FeS2(s)+ 7O 2(g) +2H 2 O 2Fe2+(aq) +4SO 2-(aq)+4H+(aq) (1)4Fe2+(aq) + O2(g) + 4H+ (aq)Fe3+(aq)+ H2O (2)The Fe 3+ released in reaction (2) may hydrolyze to form ferric hydroxide:Fe3+(aq) + 3H 2 OFe(OH)3 + 3H + (aq) (3)or may oxidize additional pyrite by the reaction:FeS2(s)+ 14Fe3+(aq) + 8H2O 15Fe2+(aq) + 2SO 2-(aq) + 16H + (aq) (4) Other sulfides coexist with these ‘‘majority’’ sulfides, such as sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS) which are equally altered, releasing the Pb 2+ and Zn 2+ cations into the solution.According to the results obtained from the mineralogical and elemental analysis of the samples (Table 1), the most frequent mineral groups are: rozenite (Fe2+(SO4)0.4(H2O)), melanterite (Fe 2+ SO 4 ·7(H 2 O)), halotrichite (Fe 2+Al 2 (SO 4 ) 4·22(H 2 O)), copiapite (Fe 2+ Fe 4 3+ (SO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2 ·20(H 2 O)) and jarosite (KFe 3 3+ (SO 4 ) 2 (OH) 6 ).Figure 7 shows the distribution of the iron and hydrous sulfates at levels 1 and 3. The iron and aluminium sulfates are at level 1. These ferric and ferrous salts precipitate as globules of different colors (green, white and yellow/ brown) where mineral bed is present (Fig. 9).The variety of mineral phases found demonstrates the hydration and dehydration processes that cyclically develop in the enclosure of the mine, as well as the chemical weathering of the sulfides contained in it (Valente and Leal Gomes 2009).Physical weathering and stone decayChemical and physical weathering processes take place simultaneously. The latter are due to the crystallization andrecrystallization processes of these secondary and even tertiary minerals。



China has established impressive environmental goals and has tried to protect the environment. But the forces of environmental destruction have overwhelmed protection efforts. For example, China has invested billions of dollars in combatting water pollution in Taihu Lake. Yet it simultaneously permitted hundreds of factories to undo that investment by pouring pollutants into the lake.
For example
Geography department, Michigan State University Urban Planning, University of Illinois at Chicago Urban Planning, University of Tokyo 香港理工大学(TOEFL、GRE)
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土地资源管理专业英语 全

土地资源管理专业英语 全

第一篇nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted tobe only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effectsof fragmentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。

2.In reality land consolidation has been associated with broader social and economic reforms from the time of its earliest applications in western Europe.现实中土地整理已与更广泛的社会和经济改革想结合,最初应用在西欧。

nd consolidation has always been regarded as an instrument or entry point for rural development. 土地整理一直被视为一种工具或切入点,在农村发展问题上。

4.Early concepts of rural development were virtually the same as agricultural development because of the predominant role of agriculture in rural areas at the time.早期概念的农村发展几乎一样的农业发展,因为农业主导作用在农村地区的时间。

5.Improving the agrarian structure was viewed as beingidentical to maintaining the social viability in rural areas; what was good for the farmers was good for areas.改善农业用地结构被认为与维持乡村地区的社会生存发展能力具有相同的含义,对农民有益的事物也对乡村地区的发展有益。



长安大学资源学院英语文献翻译学院地球科学与资源学院专业资源勘查工程学生姓名张桃学号 201127020308指导教师张亚敏2015年6月18日Title:Orthomagmatic ore depositsOne.Orthomagmatic ore depositsThe magma contains a certain number of metal and volatile components of the silicate melt. All kinds of magma after crystallization and differentiation, make the forming materials dispersed in the magma gathered and formed deposits.And this deposits is called magmatic deposits.Magmatic deposits formed in the magmatic stage, the source of the material of the deposit is the main ore-bearing magma.Magmatic deposits is the product of the magma by crystallization and differentiation, and generally have the following properties:1、Deposits have the mainly relationship with the mafic and ultramafic rocks.And a small number of magmatic deposits with alkaline rocks or magmatic carbonatite-related. Mineralization and diagenesis often begin at the same time.And this is typical of syngenetic ore deposits. Few mineralization of the magmatic deposits may be continued to a later time, but generally does not exceed a total period of magmatic activity.2、The magmatic deposits ore body majority present stratiform, lenticular and podiform and so on.And they producedin the magma body,and the wall rock of containing ore is the mother rock.Few cases,orebody presenting vein and stockwork enter the wall rock which outside of the mother rock Between the ore body and the wall rock generally is gradual change or rapid gradual change relationship.Only penetration magmatic deposits have the clear boundaries with the wall rock.3、Except the rare and rare earth elements deposits of the magmatic carbonatite due to special causes have some alteration about the wall rock,the vast majority of magmatic deposits surrounding rock does not have a significant alteration phenomenon.4、The ore and the wall rock basically have the same mineral composition, when the useful minerals of the rock body aggregate and reach a certain size,they become the orebody.5、The ore of magmatic deposits oftenhave,disseminated,the banded,eye porphyritic,dense massive,brecciated and so on,ore structure.The ores structure can be broadly divided into the following categories:I.Structure sub-the different magmatic condensate crystalline or stacking interactions; II.Reflect the structure of the immiscible fluid crystallization process III.Reflect the changes in the structure of the physical and chemicalconditions.IV.Epigenetic structure.6、The magmatic deposits forming temperature is high, generally between 1200 to 700 ° C. The mineralization depth changes,generally formed in the ground a few kilometers to tens of kilometers.7、Tow.The formation conditions of magmatic depositsMagma deposits are mainly derived from the magma, it is the combined effects of the product by a variety of geological factors, which playing a leading role is the geochemistry of ore-forming elements traits, the magmatic rock conditions, tectonic conditions and physical and chemical conditions and so on.1、Control the conditions of magmatic rocks formed by magmatic depositsMagma is the main provider of the metallogenic material of the magmatic deposits and the medium of containing mineral medium.Therefore,how much of the content of useful components of magma is the possibility of the formation of magmatic deposits.I.Magmatic rocks metallogenic specializationMetallogenic specialization of magmatic rocks in the genesis of magmatic rocks with endogenous deposits showedregular contact, and specific types of magmatic rocks are often produced specific types of deposits.a)With mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks related depositsMafic and ultramafic rock is the complex igneous complex formed by the combination of a variety of rock types, rock types from a single rock composed of rock mass is relatively rare.The size of the rock mass ranging mostly small,and rock strains, rock cover, rock, bedrock is the most common form of the rock mass. With facies and the different combinations,the mafic and ultramafic rocks can be divided into three types.b)Mineral deposits associated with syenite, nepheline syenite and carbonate igneous complexRelating to magmatic deposits of these rocks are mostly produced with the form of rock strain,the different components of rock mass facies zone often has ring distribution.II.The role of the volatile components in the magmaThe magma volatile components have the low melting point,highly volatile and they can delay the condensation rate of the magma, make the magma have more fully differentiation.III.Magmatic assimilation have an influence on themineralization of the magma DepositsIV.Beyond one period of magma intrusion on control of the mineralization2、Tectonic conditions that control the formation of magmatic depositsTectonics have a major impact on the type of magmatic deposits, distribution, the most magmatic deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks on the Causes and space. Mafic and ultramafic magma formed by partial melting of mantle material,so the deep fault cuts through the crust to reach the upper mantle have a strict control effect on the mafic, ultramafic rocks and magmatic deposits which have some relationship with them.Three.Magmatic deposits formation and its characteristics1、The process of the magma’s useful components analysis, aggregation and positioning is called magmatic mineralization. Because the magmatic deposits mafic - ultramafic petrogenesis process is very complex, the mineralization also isvaried.According to the way and feature of the mineralization,magmatic mineralization can be divided into four categories,the crystallization differentiationmineralization, melting away from the mineralization the magma eruption mineralization and magma eruption mineralization.When magma is condensed, with the temperature gradually decreased, the various mineral sequentially from which crystallized out, result in magma changing,and the magma changes in the composition promote the crystallization of certain components, liking magma composition changed with the crystallization process is called crystallization differentiation.2、Magmatic liquation mineralization and liquation deposit3、Magmatic liquation, also known as liquid separation action or immiscibility, refers to the the uniform composition magma melt with decreasing temperature and pressure separated into two components of different melt role.4、Magmatic eruptions and effusive the Mineralization its deposit5、Magma outbreak mineralization kimberlite magma, together with early crystallized olivine, pyrope, diamond crystals and xenoliths along deep faults,and rise rapidly emplaced at the surface produce 2 to 3 kilometers outbreak and the role of the deposit is formed.The magmatic eruption mineralization is the ore-bearing lava spray overflow to the surface or penetration into the crater near volcanic series along certain channels, the the condensate accumulation of deposit formation. Formed deposits called magma eruption deposits.Four.Implications for researchMagmatic deposits having very important industrial significance, most of chromium, nickel, platinum group elements as well as a substantial portion of iron, copper, titanium, cobalt, phosphorus, niobium, tantalum and rare earth elements and other deposits are all from magmatic deposits in the world. Mineralization conditions, the genesis of magmatic deposits and distribution law is of great significance.题目:岩浆矿床一、岩浆矿床岩浆是含有一定数量金属及挥发性组分的硅酸盐熔融体。



介绍土地资源管理专业的英语作文范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Introduction to Land Resources Management MajorLand resources are vital for human survival and development. With the rapid urbanization and industrialization happening around the world, the importance of managing land resources efficiently and sustainably has become increasingly clear. This is where the field of land resources management comes in.Land resources management is a multidisciplinary field that involves the planning, development, conservation, and sustainable use of land resources. It combines knowledge from various disciplines such as geography, environmental science, economics, sociology, and law to address the complex challenges related to land use and development.In recent years, the demand for professionals with expertise in land resources management has been growing. Governments, corporations, non-profit organizations, and research institutions are all seeking individuals who can help them make informed decisions about how to best utilize and protect land resources.Students who choose to major in land resources management will gain a deep understanding of the various factors that influence land use, such as climate change, population growth, urbanization, and natural resource availability. They will also learn about the tools and techniques used to analyze land resources, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial modeling.One of the key skills that students will develop in a land resources management program is the ability to conduct land use planning and policy analysis. This involves evaluating the potential impacts of different land use scenarios, identifying trade-offs between economic development and environmental conservation, and recommending strategies for sustainable land management.Another important aspect of land resources management is the legal and regulatory framework that governs land use. Students will learn about land use planning laws, zoning regulations, land rights, and property rights, and how these factors influence land use decisions at the local, national, and international levels.Overall, a major in land resources management provides students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices ofsustainable land use. Graduates of land resources management programs go on to work in a variety of fields, including urban planning, natural resource management, real estate development, environmental consulting, and public policy.In conclusion, the field of land resources management is a dynamic and rewarding discipline that plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainable use of land resources for future generations. By majoring in land resources management, students can contribute to shaping a more environmentally sustainable and socially equitable world.篇2Introduction to Land Resources Management MajorLand resources management major is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the sustainable use and management of land resources for various purposes, including agriculture, urban development, environmental conservation, and natural resource management. This major involves the study of various disciplines such as geography, environmental science, ecology, agronomy, land-use planning, and soil science.Land resources management professionals play a crucial role in addressing various environmental and land use challenges,such as deforestation, soil degradation, land-use conflicts, and climate change. They work in a wide range of sectors, including government agencies, environmental consulting firms, nonprofit organizations, and research institutions.Students studying land resources management learn to analyze and assess the characteristics of different land types, evaluate land use practices, and develop sustainable land management plans. They also gain skills in geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, land-use planning, soil conservation, and resource policy.In recent years, the demand for land resources management professionals has been increasing due to the growing concern over environmental sustainability and the need for effective land use planning. Graduates of land resources management programs can pursue careers as land use planners, environmental consultants, soil conservationists, natural resource managers, and GIS specialists.Overall, the land resources management major offers a diverse and rewarding career path for individuals who are passionate about environmental conservation, sustainable development, and natural resource management. By studying land resources management, students can acquire theknowledge and skills needed to address the complex challenges facing our planet and contribute to the creation of a more sustainable and resilient future.篇3Title: Introduction to Land Resource Management MajorLand resource management is a critical field that plays a pivotal role in the sustainable development of our planet. As the world's population continues to grow, the demand for land resources has increased exponentially, leading to various environmental and social challenges. This is where land resource managers come in - to ensure the effective and sustainable use of land for the benefit of future generations.The field of land resource management covers a wide range of disciplines and topics, including land use planning, environmental conservation, soil science, water resources management, urban planning, and natural resource management. Students studying in this major will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that influence land use decisions, as well as the tools and techniques needed to manage land resources responsibly.One of the key aspects of land resource management is the integration of environmental considerations into land use planning. With increasing concerns about climate change, biodiversity loss, and natural disasters, it has become crucial for land resource managers to prioritize sustainability and resilience in their decision-making processes. By applying principles of sustainable development, students in this major will learn how to balance economic, social, and environmental objectives to ensure the long-term viability of land resources.Furthermore, land resource management majors will also gain valuable skills in data analysis, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mapping, and remote sensing technologies. These tools are essential for assessing land resources, monitoring changes in land use, and developing effective strategies for land management. By utilizing these technologies, students can analyze complex spatial data and make informed decisions that support the conservation and sustainable use of land resources.In addition to technical skills, students in land resource management majors will also develop strong communication and teamwork abilities. Many land resource management projects require collaboration with various stakeholders, including government agencies, environmental organizations,landowners, and local communities. Effective communication skills are essential for building partnerships, fostering consensus, and implementing successful land management strategies.Overall, pursuing a major in land resource management provides students with a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and society. By acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to manage land resources effectively, students can contribute to the creation of sustainable and resilient communities, protect biodiversity and ecosystems, and ensure a better future for generations to come. If you are passionate about the environment, interested in conservation, and eager to make a difference in the world, a major in land resource management may be the perfect choice for you.。





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土地资源管理本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献题目:Rural and Urban Land Development and Land Tenure Systems: A Comparison between South Africaand Botswana外文文献:RURAL AND URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT AND LANDTENURE SYSTEMS: A COMPARISON BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICAAND BOTSWANASusan BouillonLegal Advisor: City Council of PretoriaINTRODUCTIONFranklin D. Roosevelt once said that ‘Every person who invests in land near a growing city, adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for land is the basis of wealth.’The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rural and urban land developmentand land tenure systems of South Africa and Botswana, and to explain theircontributions to urban sustainability.DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN BOTSWANABotswana is located at the centre of the South African plateau, and is borderedby South Africa on the south and southeast, Zimbabwe on the northeast andNamibia on the west and northwest. Approximately 23% of the population is inurban areas and 77% in rural areas. Botswana has a rich tribal culture, and thereforeit is not surprising that the Botswana legal system consists of local tribal courts,which adjudicate traditional matters and Tribal Land Boards, which rule on landuse matters in tribal lands and traditional villages. Town Councils rule on land usematters in urban areas.The government of Botswana has adopted a system of development planningwhich has coped relatively well compared with other African countries.Development planning involves the preparation of land use plans for both urbanand rural areas. The practice in Botswana is that the public is made aware of the implications of land use plans before land is zoned for various uses. Public awareness and participation is ensured by giving land users an opportunity to select preferred land use options from a range of options determined through the evaluation of physical and economic suitability of land resources (bottom-up approach).PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LAND TENURE IN BOTSWANA It is the policy of the Government that all citizens should have easy and equal access to land. In order to realize this, three land tenure systems have been put in place. Tribal land covers 71% of the total land area of the country. It is allocated to citizens free of charge for all types of uses. State land is owned by the state and comprises 23% of the total area. Most of this land is used as National Parks, or Forest and Game Reserves within which no settlements are permitted. However, a small percentage of this land is allocated for residential purposes, particularly in urban centers. Freehold land comprises only 6% of the total area and is privately owned. Most of the government policies to date are therefore directed at tribal land.RURAL LANDPrior to independence, Botswana had established traditional ways of allocating and managing tribal land and its resources through chiefs and communities. Soon after independence, the authority to allocate tribal land was shifted from the chiefs to the Tribal Land Boards which were established by the Tribal Land Act, but the management of the resources remains the responsibility of the users and their communities. According to this act, almost 71% of the available land isadministered as tribal land according to an integrated system of customary land tenure. Although the tenurial rules for tribal land have been changed considerably by this act, it is considered a very innovative way to combine individual land tenure security with tribal land-use.The Land Boards were established for a specified tribal territory, and took over the administrative functions from chiefs and other tribal authorities. Title of the land vested in the Land Boards. The Land Boards were initially entitled to make customary and common law grants, for residential, grazing or cultivation purposes, to members of the different tribes living in the specified territories only, but since 1993 any citizen of Botswana is entitled to apply for these rights. Land Boards maintain their own record or registration system and rights are not registered in the central deeds registration system of Botswana, apparently to keep them more affordable. The Land Boards are entitled to issue certificates of customary grants or certificates of occupation. Provision has been made for the conversion of these certificates into titles registrable in the deeds registry once demand arises to deal with these certificates in the commercial lending market. Any change in right-holder must be reported to the land board in order to maintain the accuracy of the record system of the land board. Shelter provision in rural areas has been on individuals initiatives. The most important prerequisite for housing development, which is access to land, has not really been a disturbing issue due to the fact that all male and female citizens are allocated tribal land for free, but in an effort to facilitate shelter provision in rural areas, the government intends tointroduce a rural housing programme.Land use planning is not a new phenomenon in Botswana. Past experiences and records indicate that the traditional chiefs who had authority on land have always done some form of land use planning. Formal land use planning in Botswana started with the implementation of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy in 1975, when some areas were zoned for wildlife use, others became reserved areas, while other areas continued to be for communal use. This policy enabled individuals or groups to have exclusive use of land in areas zoned for such use. These rights are permanent, exclusionary and inheritable. They may only be revoked by the land board in circumstances where the right-holder fails to utilize the land on terms specified by the land board, or fails to develop the land according to the specified purposes within five years or where the land was not distributed fairly. In these instances, the land does not revert to the government but is reallocated by the land board to other applicants. This policy was therefore a major programme through which rural development was to be achieved.The districts up to now continue to prepare and update their respective integrated land use plans. In the preparation of such plans the communities have major inputs with regard to the various land uses. This is in realization of the fact that to have an implementable and sustainable land use plan, the communities should be the ones who decide the uses on a particular type of land. It should be noted, however, that not all districts have such plans.URBAN LANDAn urban centre in Botswana is defined as All settlements on state land and settlements on tribal land with a population of 5000 or more persons with at least 75% of the labor force in non-agricultural occupations. Generally, an urban centre should be seen to provide its population with infra-structural and environmental services similar to that which exists in a modern city. Rural-urban migration has played an important role in the growth of urban areas. Several urban development policies have been evolved over the years to guide the growth and development of the urban areas. Due to the fact that a large part of the people of Botswana are living in rural areas, most of the development is aimed at the rural areas, but a few programmes were introduced in order to better the circumstances of those living in urban areas. The Self Help Housing Programme was introduced to assist the low income urban households to develop their own houses. Under this scheme, the Government provides basic services such as roads, water stand pipes, and a pit-latrine to each plot. Plot holders were given tenurial security through a Certificate of Rights. This programme has also been used in upgrading the squatter settlements which existed prior to its inception.Shortage of serviced land has been identified as one of the major constraints to urban housing development. Therefore a major land servicing programme, the Accelerated Land Servicing Programme, was introduced. The objective of the programme was to service land for all uses, such as residential, commercial and industrial, in all urban areas. A Housing Department has been established, which is charged with the responsibility of promoting housingdevelopment and improvement through policy initiatives that create an enabling environment for shelter provision.The Town and Country Planning Act, which is the main legislation guiding physical planning in Botswana, makes provisions for an orderly and progressive development and control of land in both urban and rural areas. The Urban Development Standards and the Development Control Code also facilitate the orderly planning of settlements. Sustainable urban development depends on the availability of clean water supply and provision of infrastructure for sanitation and waste management. An integrated approach in the provision of environmentally sound infrastructures in human settlements is seen as an investment that fosters sustainable development and that can improve the quality of life, increase productivity, improve health, and reduce poverty.Although the concept of sustainable development gained prominence on the international scene only a few years back, it has been one of the objectives of development planning in Botswana since independence in 1966. The term has appeared as an objective in all the subsequent development plans, but its meaning has been expanded to reflect the changing development realities over the years.LAND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICAThe shape and form of the cities in South Africa are the result of conscious apartheid planning in the past. When South Africa’s first democratically el ected government came into power in 1994, it inherited the fragmented, unequal and incoherent planning systems which developed under apartheid. During apartheid,land development planning in the then four provinces, ten homelands and the ‘group area’ racia l zones, fell under many different laws, ordinances, procedures and regulations. There was a lack of coordination, an unequal distribution of resources and a lot of ‘red tape’ which slowed down development projects.A National Development and Planning Commission were appointed to advise the Minister of Land Affairs and the Minister of Housing on planning and development. Among other things, the Commission was requested to prepare a Green Paper on planning which would review and recommend changes to the apartheid legislation and process of land development in South Africa. The Commission decided to focus on the spatial planning system for urban and rural development. A land development policy, the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), a comprehensive and sectorally-based socio-economic policy framework that established the developmental foundations for the removal of apartheid and the building of a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist future, was adopted. This policy is based upon integrated development planning, a process which aims to maximize the impact of scarce resources and limited capacity. The prime purpose of this policy was to establish procedures to facilitate the release of appropriate public land for affordable housing, public services and productive as well as recreational purposes. In settlements which have been established in remote locations, without formal planning, land development involves upgrading services and infrastructure in situ.Planning in South Africa in the past and at present is done according to theTown Planning Ordinances of the various provinces. Although mechanisms for forward planning have long existed, the town planning scheme, which was established in terms of the Ordinances, is at the heart of the town planning system. While this system was strictly enforced in most white, Indian and colored areas, only simplified versions were later introduced to urban townships, further complicating the land administration system. As a result hereof South African settlements in both urban and rural areas were generally inefficient, fragmented and inconvenient. In large part, this is the result of the interplay between historical spatial planning policies and practices and the implementation of the ideology of apartheid. Despite this, there are few signs that significant and wide reaching improvements have been set in place since 1994. The Constitution of South Africa has a bearing on the planning system in those new constitutional requirements such as cooperative governance, procedural and participatory rights to ensure accountability for decision-making, the promotion of social and economic rights and the protection of the environment create imperatives that profoundly affect planning. In the planning sphere, legislation has shifted, with the passing of the Development Facilitation Act, which was the first national planning legislation promulgated after the first democratic elections in 1994, from being control-orientated towards being normatively-based. It was passed to begin the process of transforming planning to meet the needs of the new democracy.The Development Facilitation Act introduces the concept of land development objectives. These are plans approved by political decision-makers that set theirobjectives and targets for development of an area. The land development objectives’ intentions are to create a clear spatial framework for the area and to create a proactive rather than a reactive planning system. In terms of the Local Government Transition Second Amendment Act municipal authorities are required to create integrated development plans. An integrated development plan is a plan aimed at the integrated development and management of the area of jurisdiction of the municipality concerned, and which has been compiled having regard to the general principles contained in the Development Facilitation Act. A common intention of both integrated development plans and land development objectives is to tie public agency plans to budgets. In drawing up both land development objectives and integrated development plans, local authorities are required to try to achieve the intentions of the Development Facilitation Act principles. A land development application may not be approved if such application is inconsistent with any land development objective or integrated development plan, although land owners and developers may make proposals to change land use if they can motivate that the change would be consistent with both integrated development plans and land development objectives and the Development Facilitation Act principles. The onus of responsibility to demonstrate this is on the developer.PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LAND TENURE IN SOUTH AFRICA Land tenure in post-apartheid South Africa is a contentious issue and has long been a source of conflict. As is the case in many transitional political situations, there are also differences of opinion regarding the role and definition of ownership and other rights in property. The Constitution of South Africa provides in section 25(1) for the acknowledgement of different rights in property. It is clear that not only ownership, but also other rights in immovable property arerecognized and protected. In terms of section 25(6) the state has the obligation to secure by means of legislation, other forms of land tenure which are insecure as a result of the apartheid legislation and policies.In order to rectify the injustices of the past, the Department of Land Affairs started with a programme of land reform by means of restitution, redistribution and tenure reform. This programme resulted in the following acts being promulgated: the Restitution of Land Rights Act (regarding the restitution of land to persons dispossessed of land after 1913 as a result of racially discriminatory legislation), the Development Facilitation Act (regarding quicker and cheaper planning and development methods), the Land Reform (Labor Tenants) Act(regarding the security of housing, grazing and cultivating rights of labor tenants), the Communal Property Associations Act(regarding the creation of associations to own, control and deal with communal/common property), the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (regarding the interim protection of the rights of people in rural areas), the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (regarding the protection of laborers other than labor tenants in rural areas) and the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (regarding the measures to protect vulnerable occupiers and evict squatters).The vision and strategy for South Africa's land policy, a policy that is just, builds reconciliation and stability and contributes to economic growth, is set out in the White Paper on South African Land Policy. The government's land reform programme is made up of land restitution(which involves returning land lost since 1913 because of racially discriminatory laws, or compensating victims for loss of land due to racially discriminatory laws), land redistribution (makes it possible for poor and disadvantaged people to buy land with the help of a Settlement/Land Acquisition Grant) and land tenure reform (it aims to bring all people occupying land under a unitary, legally validated system of landholding.) This programme will devise secure forms of land tenure, help resolve tenure disputes and provide alternatives for people who are displaced in the process. In the long run, as part of the land tenure reform programme, government is committed to the transfer of the land, which is in the nominal ownership of the state, to its real owners. The White Paper emphasizes the importance of local participation in decision-making, gender equity, economic viability, and environmental sustainability in theimplementation of the land reform programmes. This White Paper is not only focusing on the urban areas but also on the rural areas.The deeds registration system in South Africa differs from the Botswana system. It has only one deeds registration system, and this system does not provide for the registration of all the different land tenure rights that are statutorily recognized. A large part of the population, notably people in informal settlements and in rural areas where a system of communal property still prevails, is excluded from the deeds registration system. In the White Paper on South African Land Policy a part of the land policy has been set aside for development of the registration system to make the registration of informal land rights in urban and rural areas possible.Whilst existing government policy provides a great range of inputs for planning and development, the White Paper on Local Government is critical as it places municipalities at the centre of planning for better human settlements. The new municipal planning system is founded on the concept of “developmental local government”. It emphasizes integrated development planning as a tool for realizing the vision of developmental local government. The Urban Development Framework published by the Department of Housing, examines the current dilemmas and realities facing South Africa’s urban areas, whilst the Rural Development Framework describes how government aims to achieve a rapid and sustainable reduction in absolute rural poverty.CONCLUSIONPhysical planners use the term land development to describe the process of identifying, acquiring and releasing land and resources for development. The aim of development is to attempt to overcome the problems in our cities. Planning aims to change our cities from being separate and sprawling into integrated, compact cities.Since the time of ancient civilizations, cities have been the powerhouses of economic growth and the centres of technological and scientific advancement. Cities have always acted as magnets attracting people in search of a better life. Rapid urbanization is, however, threatening the environment, human health and the productive capacity of cities. The most pressing problems facing cities and towns, mainly in the developing world is unemployment, crime, the health impact of inadequate services, pollution, inadequate shelter and overcrowding. As is the case inother countries, the cities in South Africa and Botswana are unsustainable in terms of the massive consumption of resources and the requirement of large quantities of water, food, energy and raw materials.As seen above, most of the land in Botswana is used as tribal land, resulting in a small percentage of land directed for urban usage. In contrast with Botswana, a very large part of the land in South Africa is being used for urban purposes. Tribal land does not play the same role in South Africa as it does in Botswana. Although the South African Constitution gives some recognition to the role of traditional leadership, the lack of accuracy about the nature and scale of its involvement remains a problem. This has led to significant uncertainty, confusion and even contest over the decision-making powers of these authorities in development processes. Leaders in traditional and tribal areas have had powers to allocate resources in rural and informal communities, and have also played an administration role in respect of land use matters. The new legislation in South Africa, however did not make provision for the traditional and tribal leaders in development planning. The recently published Municipal Structures Act recognizes that traditional leaders have a role to play in municipal governance and provides for their participation in local government affairs.The land development and tenure system in Botswana differs from the development system in South Africa in that South Africa’s development planning system is aimed at the rectification of the injustices of the past, while Botswana’s system is aimed at the allocation of tribal land to the inhabitants. Nonetheless, Botswana is constrained by under developed human resources. There is a shortage of skilled and productive manpower to quickly absorb and diffuse new technology that comes from foreign direct investments.Public participation only recently became part of planning law in South Africa, while the same practice was implemented in Botswana decades ago. The practice in South Africa includes the notification of all affected parties of an application for land development or land use change by means of a letter distributed to the affected person(s), advertisements in the Government Gazette and two local newspapers as well as an advertisement on the application property. This ensures that there is adequate public participation in the decision-making process. The South African context requires a particularly thoughtful and thorough type of public participation inland development decision-making. Illiteracy is widespread; many people are unfamiliar with the workings of a land development management system and the administrative processes in general. This is particularly, although not exclusively, true in rural areas. Thus, special care has to be taken to ensure that all affected parties are fully informed of the implications of a proposed development or land use change, as well as informed of their rights in the adjudication process.The development of an area should not just meet the needs of today’s users, but also the needs of future generations. This means that resources must be used wisely so that they last, because our land is a precious resource. We build our homes on it; it feeds us; it sustains animal and plant life and stores our water. It contains our mineral wealth and is an essential resource for investment in our country's economy. Land does not only form the basis of our wealth, but also our security, pride and history.中文译文:农村及城市土地开发和土地所有权制度在南非和博茨瓦纳的比较介绍弗兰克林·d·罗斯福曾说过,“每一个在正崛起的城市附近土地上投资的人都是在采用最可靠和最安全的方法使自己变得独立,因为土地是财富的基础。



中国地质大学(北京)成人高等教育本科毕业论文题目试论如何保障沧源县经济发展用地county economic development land学生姓名xx 学号专业土地资源管理指导教师xx二〇一二年五月中国地质大学(北京)继续教育学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目试论如何保障沧源县经济发展用地英文题目economic development land 学生签名:指导教师签名:二〇一二年五月中国地质大学(北京)继续教育学院本科毕业设计(论文)任务书课题信息:课题性质:设计论文课题来源:教学科研生产其它发出任务书日期:2012年3月15日指导教师签名:年月日本科生毕业设计(论文)评语表(指导教师用)指导教师签字:年月日本科生毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表答辩小组组长:成员:毕业设计(论文)总成绩函授站(盖章)年月日摘要土地是发展之基,民生之本。




关键词:发展耕地土地集约利用AbstractThe land is the foundation of development, the people's livelihood. As economic development necessary of scarce resources, scientific, rational use of land, will promote economic health, steady progress; the abuse of land, will not only hinder the economic growth, will bring many influences social stability problems. The current rapid economic and social development, land management order is facing great challenge and pressure condition, the one-sided emphasis on the growth or warranty is not a sure card. Only by strengthening the economical and intensive utilization of land in order to effectively alleviate the contradiction of land supply and demand, safeguard the social steady and rapid economic development.Key words: development of cultivated land intensive use目录一引言 (1)二沧源县概况 (1)(一)沧源县自然概况 (1)(二)沧源县社会经济条件 (2)三沧源县土地利用现状分析 (2)(一)土地利用现状 (2)(二)建设用地现状概况 (3)四土地利用存在的主要问题 (7)(一)耕地资源逐年减少,人口与耕地矛盾日益突出 (7)(二)行业和区域间用地矛盾日益突出 (7)(三)耕地后备资源不足 (8)(四)开发区闲置土地多、违法用地时有发生 (8)(五)农村建设用地分散、面积大,空置超占多 (8)五国家用地方略 (8)(一)走节约集约化之路 (8)(二)科学规划合理统筹 (9)(三)创新机制完善制度 (9)(四)法规护航政策保驾 (10)六结合实际保障建设用地 (10)(一)面对现实.转变观念 (11)(二)集约利用城镇建设用地 (11)(三)用活农村集体建设用地 (11)(四)积极开展土地整理工作 (12)(五)合理布局适当调整产业结构 (12)七结束语 (13)八致谢 (13)参考文献 (13)一引言沧源县正处于经济发展、城镇化水平提高、建设用地需求量大的阶段,由于受自然环境条件及土地总量的限制,人多地少、耕地后备资源不足、人地矛盾突出等一系列问题也变得更加严重。



毕业论文外文翻译土壤重金属污染【最新精选】原文:Causes of Soil Contamination in the Urban EnvironmentDust DepositionExtensive dust deposition is mainly caused by industrial emission.It is deposited in dry conditions and as suspended particulate matter. The size of partic ulate matter varies. The fraction of less than 10 μm designated as respirable particulate matter is most dangerous for human health. A portion of cement dust and fly ash may exceed that value, but there are some kinds of particulate matter with a general sizedistribution of less than 10 μm like asbestos dust and smoke derived from oil-firedpower stations. It should be borne in mind that the smaller the suspended matter is the higher the contaminant concentration is due to the enhanced sorption capacity.Contaminated particulate matter can be transported from outdoorsinto rooms. There, a dust accumulation occurs, particularly if windows remain opened during daytime. Of interest is the comparison between garden soil and house dust concentration. In England it has been found that the Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn values were larger in house dust than in the associated gardens (Thornton 1991).Dust formation in urban areas may play an important role, inparticular in arid and semi-arid regions, where dry conditions dominates,but also in humid climates dust is of importance for soil formation. For instance, in the city of Hanover (Germany) with a population of 520,000, an enormous accumulation of 5–8 cm within50 years was observed (Burghardt and Höke 2005). When dust development and deposition occurred without any filter technique systems, the deposited layer can reach enormous thickness as observed in vicinity of a coal processing factory in Halle (Germany) with its 230,000 inhabitants (Fig. 3.2).One important feature of urban areas is the often exposed landsurface you can never discover in woodland and pasture and over long periods percentages of bare soils are private gardens and allotments in wintertime, playing fields, cemeteries, demolition and building sites, derelict and disused, mostly industrial land, waste heaps, railway embankments, and storage sites, where permanent dust deposition occurs (Thornton 1991). In urban and industrial areas sealed sites are influenced as well,since dust may easily penetrate into gaps between pavement stones, cobbles as well as railway embankments, constantly filling them up. Itis supposed that dust will be laterally transported on the pavement stones and ultimately concentrated in gaps downslope (Burghardt and Höke 2005).It is logical to expect that urban soils show higher contamination levels than the rural areas because of their proximity to a number of potential pollution sources. Big cities like New York (USA) with23,200,000 inhabitants are affected by several contamination sources,for instance simultaneous industrial emission, impact of traffic, deposits of technogenic substrates, etc. Consequently, a decline in e.g. Cu, Ni and Pb concentrations was found with increasing distance from the city centre (Manhattan) into the rural district outside of the city. While in Manhattan Pb topsoil values of more than 130 mg kg?1 were measured, at a distance of 50–60 km the values decreased to about 40 mg kg?1, and at a distance of 120–130 km to about 30 mg kg?1 (Pierzynski et al. 2005).The urban-to-rural gradient has frequently been found in developed countries of the northern hemisphere. Figure 3.3 presents the lead concentrations of five relatively small towns in the United States. The contamination level of the urban lawn is comparably high, as would be expected by the vicinity and exposure to high levels of air pollution in urban environments. The air pollution is related to metallic aerosols from heavy industry as well as combustion of fossil fuel. The investigations referred to lawns close to houses and in parks. The high level has not to be restricted to the upper horizons and forest floors. The activity of earthworms and ants (bioturbation) may play a role in the long-term mixing of the humic topsoil and the mineral subsoil, causing translocation of contaminants like Pb (Craul 1992) (see Section6.3).A city – suburb gradient has been confirmed by the soil investigations of the upper 5 cm in Marrakech (Morocco) with 1,200,000inhabitants (El Khalil et al. 2008). They collected material from nine sites according to a gradient from suburban (No. 1) to urban zones (No.9) (Fig. 3.4a–c). It is obvious that the Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn valuestend to increase the shorter the distance to the city centre is. However, other factors as well as the expected dust deposition close to the city influence the situation. With increasing distance to the historic city centre the anthropogenic disturbance of the soil profiles showed distinct fingerprints as well. The technogenic fraction in the upper soil layer reaches 14% at site No. 9, indicating the huge disturbance. The coarse technogenic fraction revealed similar values at a distance of approximately 500 m from historic centre. Behind this distance the percentage ranged between 1% and 2%. Because of their relatively high contamination level the findings may contribute to the soil pollution significantly (see Section 4.3). Both the factors dust deposition and the presence of technogenic substrates overlaps each other with reference to the topsoil contamination.In general, dust concentration in industrial areas tends to be much higher than in residential and rural areas. In particular, in regions with factories that have a relatively low number of air pollution filter systems the differences between the areas are enormous. For instance, the emission of suspended particulate matter ranged between 360 and 500 μg m?3 in industrial catchments of several Indian cities, whilst in residential and rural areas the values varied from 140 to 200 μg m?3 only. In relation to the respirable particulate matter with a diameterless than 10 μm, the results were 120–150 μg m?3 for industrial areas and 60–100 μg m?3 for residential and rural areas (CPCB 2004).If some industrial complexes with very high emissions such as heavy metal works are present, the soil contamination is going to reach extremely high values. As seen in Fig. 3.5a and b, the non-ferrous metallurgy plot in Pirdop (Bulgaria) with a population of 8,000 influenced the soil properties not only in the immediate proximity of the industrial plot. Apart from lead, the elements Cu and Zn revealed the same tendencies of decreasing values with increasing soil depth and with increasing distance from the source. Moreover, it is obvious that there is a dependence on the wind direction, since the concentrations may be enhanced predominantly in the main wind direction. Very high concentrations of heavy metals accumulated especially in the upper portion of the humic topsoils (Penin and Tschernev 1997).The tendencies described associated with the heavy metal gradients are basically applicable to organic pollutants as well. Near the town of Strazske (Slovakia) with 5,000 inhabitants which is dominated by a chemical factory that produced technical Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) mixtures between 1959 and 1984, samples weretaken on an adjacent mountain slope influenced by the intensive dust emission and nearby deposition. As shown in Table 3.2, the accumulation of PCB (and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in the organic layer exceeded the results from the mineral subsoil (depth gradient) and higher values tended to be found at the lower position of theneighbouring slope in direct contact with the emission source than at the central and upper position. In contrast to the heavy metals, the distance gradient seemed obviously to be less significant (Wilcke et al. 2003).Industrial and mining processes influence increasingly the inventory of contaminants in the upper parts of the soils in the course of time. Trace elements usually in the earth’s crust in very small quantities reach high concentrations that would never have been found in the absence of industrial development. For instance, in Wyoming and Idaho, USA, dust-inducing surface mining of coal and phosphorus led to an increase of selenium in the environment due to the exposure of Se containing overburden (Pierzynski et al. 2005).If soils of an urban environment are compared with heavy metalmining soils, an appreciable difference can be noticed. Thornton (1991) analysed topsoils of special mining villages and the British capital London, with a population of 13,200,000, with reference to all locations investigated in England and Wales (Table 3.3). In general, it was stated that the results from London are much higher than from all locations investigated as everybody would expect, but surprisingly, the concentrations of the mining villages exceeded the London results considerably, apart from cadmium. In other words, the urban impact apparently seems to be less significant than the mining impact.With reference to urban environments, in the two Norwegian cities Bergen, with 230,000 inhabitants, and Trondheim, with 160,000inhabitants, sensitive uses like gardens, parks, kindergartens and playgrounds were checked in order to ascertain the influence of dust deposition. Consequently, the upper 2 cm of the 661 (Bergen) and 631 (Trondheim) soil samples were taken into consideration. Bergen’s most important economic sectors are trade, shipping, the maritime industry and the public service. Trondheim has got a large number of companies producing and processing agricultural goods. For both cities, the main pollution sources discovered were inbuilding maintenance (especially painting), industrial waste treatment, energy production, car traffic and the use of Cu-Cr-As impregnated wood. Much attention was paid to the latter source, because sand-pits in playgrounds and kindergartens were impregnated by copper, chromium and arsenic. Table 3.4 provides information about the soil concentrations of the two Norwegian municipalities. In detail, some areas were considered in order to confirm close correlations between some emitting factors and topsoil pollution nearby. The metals As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Se and Zn were more highly concentrated in the harbour area, where shipment of copper ore previously took place. Mercury was enhanced in proximity to a crematorium and a hospital incinerator. Near main roads there were accumulations of Hg, Pb and Zn (see Section 3.3.1). In general, some elements like Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn revealed increasing concentrations in the older parts of the city (Ottesen et al. 2000a, 2000b).毕业论文外文翻译外文题目: Causes of Soil Contamination in the Urban Environment 出处: Contaminated Urban Soils Environmental Pollution 作者: Helmut meuser译文:城市环境土壤污染的原因粉尘沉积广泛的灰尘沉积,主要是工业排放造成的。



土地经济学论文英文版Land EconomicsLand economics is a field of study that focuses on the utilization and management of land resources for economic development. The efficient allocation and use of land are critical for sustainable economic growth and development. This paper aims to explore the various aspects of land economics, including land use planning, land value, and the role of government in land management.Land use planning is the process of determining the most suitable use of land for different purposes, such as agriculture, residential, commercial, and industrial activities. This involves the assessment of land suitability, environmental impact, and socio-economic factors. Effective land use planning can help to optimize the use of land resources and minimize conflicts between different land uses.Land value reflects the economic worth of land based on its location, accessibility, and potential for development. The value of land is influenced by various factors, including demand and supply, infrastructure, and government policies. Understanding land value is crucial for making informed decisions on land investment, development, and taxation.The government plays a significant role in land management through policies and regulations. Land ownership, land use rights, zoning regulations, and property taxes are examples of government interventions in land economics. Government policies can influence the allocation and productivity of land, as well as the distribution of land benefits among different stakeholders.In conclusion, land economics is a multidisciplinary field that integrates economic, geographic, and environmental aspects ofland use and management. It is essential for policymakers, urban planners, real estate developers, and landowners to have a good understanding of land economics to make informed decisions and promote sustainable development. By studying land economics, we can better address the challenges of urbanization, environmental sustainability, and social equity in the use of land resources.在研究土地经济学时,土地价值的评估是至关重要的。

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本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目: Rural and Urba n Land Developme ntand Land Tenure Systems: A Comparis onbetwee n South Africa and Botswa na文、资料来源: 网络献、文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.8院(部): 管理工程学院专业:土地资源管理班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文文献:RURAL AND URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT AND LANDTENURE SYSTEMS: A COMPARISON BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICAAND BOTSWANASusa n Bouillo nLegal Advisor: City Coun cil of PretoriaINTRODUCTIONFran kli n D. Roosevelt once said that Every pers on who inv ests in land n ear a grow ing city, adopts the suresta nd safest method of beco ming in depe ndent, for land is the basis of wealth. The purpose of this paperis to discuss the rural and urba n land developme nt and land tenure systems of South Africa and Botswa na, and to explai n their con tributi ons to urba n sustai nability.DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN BOTSWANABotswa na is located at the centre of the South Africa n plateau, and is bordered by South Africa on the south and southeast, Zimbabwe on the northeast and Namibia on the west and northwest. Approximately 23% of the population is in urban areas and 77% in rural areas. Botswana has a rich tribal culture, and therefore it is not surprising that the Botswana legal system con sists of local tribal courts, which adjudicate traditi onal matters and Tribal Land Boards, which rule on land use matters in tribal la nds and traditi onal villages. Town Coun cils rule on land use matters in urba n areas.The government of Botswana has adopted a system of development planning which has coped relatively well compared with other Africa n coun tries. Developme nt pla nning invo Ives the preparati on of land use pla ns for both urba n and rural areas. The practice in Botswa na is that the public is made aware of the implicati ons of land use pla ns before land is zoned for various uses. Public aware nessa nd participati on is en sured by giving land users an opport unity to select preferred land use opti ons from a range of opti ons determ ined through the evaluati on of physical and econo mic suitability of land resources (bottom-up approach).PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LAND TENURE IN BOTSWANAIt is the policy of the Gover nment that all citize ns should have easy and equal access to land. In order to realize this, three land tenure systems have bee n put in place. Tribal la nd covers 71% of the total la nd area of the coun try. It is allocated to citize ns free of charge for all types of uses. State land is owned bythe state and comprises 23% of the total area. Most of this land is used as National Parks, or Forest and Game Reserves within which no settlements are permitted. However, a small percentageof this land is allocated for residential purposes, particularly in urba n cen ters. Freehold land comprises only 6% of the total area and is privately own ed. Most of the gover nment policies to date are therefore directed at tribal la nd.RURAL LANDPrior to independence, Botswana had established traditional ways of allocating and man agi ng tribal la nd and its resources through chiefs and com mun ities. Soon after in depe nden ce, the authority to allocate tribal la nd was shifted from the chiefs to the Tribal Land Boards which were established by the Tribal Land Act, but the man ageme nt of the resources rema ins the responsibility of the users and their communities. According to this act, almost 71% of the available land is adm ini stered as tribal la nd accord ing to an in tegrated system of customary land tenure. Although the ten urial rules for tribal la nd have bee n cha nged con siderably by this act, it is con sidered a very inno vative way to comb ine in dividual la nd tenure security with tribal la nd-use.The Land Boards were established for a specified tribal territory, and took over the administrative functions from chiefs and other tribal authorities. Title of the land vested in the Land Boards. The Land Boards were in itially en titled to make customary and com mon law gran ts, for residential, grazing or cultivation purposes, to members of the different tribes living in the specified territories only, but since 1993 any citizen of Botswana is entitled to apply for these rights. Land Boards maintain their own record or registrati on system and rights are not registered in the cen tral deeds registrati on system of Botswa na, appare ntly to keep them more affordable. The Land Boards are en titled to issue certificates of customary grants or certificates of occupati on. Provisi on has bee n made for the conv ersi on of these certificates into titles registrable in the deeds registry once dema nd arises to deal with these certificates in the commercial le nding market. Any cha nge in right-holder must be reported to the land board in order to mai ntai n the accuracy of the record system of the land board. Shelter provision in rural areas has been on individuals in itiatives. The most importa nt prerequisite for hous ing developme nt, which is access to land, has not really bee n a disturb ing issue due to the fact that all male and female citize ns are allocated tribal la nd for free, but in an effort to facilitate shelter provisi on in rural areas, the gover nment intends to in troduce a rural hous ing programme.Land use pla nning is not a new phe nomenon in Botswa na. Past experie ncesa nd records in dicate that the traditi onal chiefs who had authority on land have always done some form of land use pla nning. Formal la nd usepla nning in Botswa na started with the impleme ntati on of the Tribal Grazi ng Land Policy in 1975, whe n some areas were zoned for wildlife use, others became reserved areas, while other areas continued to be for communal use. This policy enabled in dividuals or groups to have exclusive use of land in areas zoned for such use. These rights are perma nent, exclusi onary and in heritable. They may on ly be revoked by the land board in circumsta nces where the right-holder fails to utilize the land on terms specified by the land board, or fails to develop the land accord ing to the specified purposes with in five years or where the land was not distributed fairly .In these in sta nces, the land does not revert to the gover nment but is reallocated by the land board to other applica nts. This policy was therefore a major programme through which rural developme nt was to be achieved.The districts up to now continue to prepare and update their respective in tegrated land use pla ns. In the preparatio n of such pla ns the com mun ities have major in puts with regard to the various land uses. This is in realizati on of the fact that to have an impleme ntable and susta in able land use pla n, the com mun ities should be the ones who decide the uses on a particular type of Ian d. It should be no ted, however, that not all districts have such pla ns.URBAN LANDAn urba n centre in Botswa na is defi ned as All settleme nts on state land and settleme nts on tribal land with a population of 5000 or more persons with at least 75% of the labor force in non-agricultural occupati ons. Gen erally, an urba n centre should be see n to provide its populati on with in fra-structural and en vir onmen tal services similar to that which exists in a moder n city. Rural-urba n migrati on has played an importa ntrole in the growth of urba n areas. Several urba n developme nt policies have bee n evolved over the years to guide the growth and developme nt of the urban areas. Due to the fact that a large part of the people of Botswana are living in rural areas, most of the developme nt is aimed at the rural areas, but a few programmes were in troduced in order to better the circumstances of those living in urban areas. The Self Help Housing Programme was in troduced to assist the low in come urba n households to develop their own houses. Un der this scheme, the Gover nment provides basic services such as roadswater sta nd pipes, and a pit-latri ne to each plot. Plot holders were give n ten urial security through a Certificate of Rights. This programme has also been used in upgrading the squatter settlements which existed prior to its in ceptio n.Shortage of serviced land has been identified as one of the major constraints to urban housing development. Therefore a major land servicing programme, the Accelerated Land Servici ng Programme, was in troduced. The objective of the programme was to service land for all uses, such as reside ntial, commercial and in dustrial, in all urba n areas. A Hous ing Departme nt has bee n established, which is charged with the resp on sibility of promoti ng hous ing developme nt and improvement through policy initiatives that create an enabling environment for shelter provisi on.The Town and Country Planning Act, which is the main legislation guiding physical pla nning in Botswa na, makes provisi ons for an orderly and progressive developme nt and con trol of land in both urba n and rural areas. The Urba n Developme nt Stan dards and the Developme nt Con trol Code also facilitate the orderly pla nning of settleme nts. Sustai nable urba n developme nt depends on the availability of clean water supply and provision of infrastructure for sanitation and waste management. An integrated approach in the provision of environmentally sound in frastructures in huma n settleme nts is see n as an in vestme nt that fosters susta in able developme nt and that can improve the quality of life, in crease productivity, improve health, and reduce poverty.Although the con cept of susta in able developme nt gained prominence on the intern ati onal sce ne only a few years back, it has been one of the objectives of development planning in Botswana since independence in 1966. The term has appeared as an objective in all the subsequent development plans, but its meaning has been expanded to reflect the changing development realities over the years.LAND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICAThe shape and form of the cities in South Africa are the result of conscious apartheid pla nning in the past. Whe n South Africa?s first democratically elected gover nment came in to power in 1994, it in herited the fragme nted, un equal and in cohere nt pla nning systems which developed under apartheid. During apartheid, land development planning in the then four provinces, ten homelands and the ,group area?racial zones, fell under many different laws, ordinan ces, procedures and regulati ons. There was a lack of coord in ati on, an un equal distributi on of resources and a lot of ,red tape? which slowed dow n developme nt projects.A Nati onal Developme nt and Pla nning Commissio n were appo in ted to advise the Min ister of Land Affairs and the Mini ster of Hous ing on pla nning and developme nt. Among other thin gs, the Commissio n was requested to prepare a Gree n Paper on pla nning which would review and recomme nd cha nges to the apartheid legislatio n and process of land developme nt in South Africa. The Commissi on decided to focus on the spatial pla nning system for urba n and rural developme nt. A land development policy, the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), a comprehensive and sectorally-based socio-economic policy framework that established the developmental foundations for the removal of apartheid and the building of a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist future, wasadopted. This policy is based upon in tegrated developme nt pla nning, a process which aims to maximize the impact of scarce resources and limited capacity. The prime purpose of this policy was to establish procedures to facilitate the release of appropriate public land for affordable housing, public services and productive as well as recreatio nal purposes .In settleme nts which have bee n established in remote locati ons, without formal pla nnin g, la nd developme nt invo Ives upgrad ing services and in frastructur^n situ.Pla nning in South Africa in the past and at prese nt is done accord ing to the Town Pla nning Ordinancesof the various provinces. Although mechanisms for forward planning have long existed, the tow n pla nning scheme, which was established in terms of the Ordi nan ces, is at the heart of the tow n pla nning system. While this system was strictly en forced in most white, I ndia n and colored areas, on ly simplified vers ions were later in troduced to urba n tow nships, further complicat ing the land admi nistrati on system. As a result hereof South Africa n settleme nts in both urba n and rural areas were gen erally in efficie nt, fragme nted and inconvenien t. I n large part, this is the result of the in terplay betwee n historical spatial pla nning policies and practices and the impleme ntatio n of the ideology of apartheid. Despite this, there are few sig ns that sig nifica nt and wide reach ing improveme nts have bee n set in place since 1994. ThC on stituti on of South Africa has a bearing on the planning system in those new constitutional requirements such as cooperative governance, procedural and participatory rights to ensure accountability for decision-making, the promotion of social and economic rights and the protection of the environment create imperatives that profoundly affect planning. In the planning sphere, legislatio n has shifted, with the pass ing of the Developme nt Facilitati on Act, which was the first n ati onal pla nning legislatio n promulgated after the first democratic electio ns in 1994, from being con trol-orie ntated towards being no rmatively-based. It was passed to beg in the process of tran sformi ng pla nning to meet the n eeds of the new democracy.The Development Facilitation Act introduces the concept of land development objectives. These are plans approved by political decision-makers that set their objectives and targets for developme nt of an area. Thela nd developme nt objectives? inten ti ons are to create a ear spatial framework for the area and to create a proactive rather tha n a reactive pla nning system .In terms of the Local Gover nment Tran siti on Second Ame ndme nt Acrtnun icipal authorities are required to create integrated development plans. An integrated development plan is a plan aimed at the in tegrated developme nt and man ageme nt of the area of jurisdicti on of the muni cipality concern ed, and which has been compiled having regard to the general principles contained in the Developme nt Facilitatio n Act. A com mon inten ti on of both in tegrated developme nt pla ns and land development objectives is to tie public age ncy pla ns to budgets. I n draw ing up both land developme nt objectives andin tegrated developme nt pla ns, local authorities are required to try to achieve the intentions of the Development Facilitation Act principles. A land development applicatio n may not be approved if such applicati on is incon siste nt with any land developme nt objective or integrated development plan, although land owners and developers may make proposals to cha nge land use if they can motivate that the cha nge would be con siste nt with both in tegrated developme nt pla ns and land developme nt objectives and thDevelopme nt Facilitati on Act prin ciples. The onus of resp on sibility to dem on strate this is on the developer.PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LAND TENURE IN SOUTH AFRICALand tenure in post-apartheid South Africa is a conten tious issue and has long bee n a source of conflict. As is the case in many tran siti onal political situati ons, there are also differe nces of opinion regarding the role and definition of ownership and other rights in property. The Con stituti on of South Africa provides in secti on 25(1) for the ack no wledgeme nt of differe nt rights in property. It is clear that not only own ership, but also other rights in immovable property are recog ni zed and protected. In terms of secti on25(6) the state has the obligati on to secure by means of legislati on, other forms of land tenure which are in secure as a result of the apartheid legislati on and policies.In order to rectify the in justices of the past, the Departme nt of Land Affairs started with a programmeof land reform by means of restitution, redistribution and tenure reform. This programme resulted in the follow ing acts being promulgated: the Restituti on of Land Rights Act (regard ing the restituti on of land to pers ons dispossessed of land after 1913 as a result of racially discriminatory legislation), the Development Facilitation Act (regarding quicker and cheaper planning and development methods), the Land Reform (Labor Tenants) Act (regarding the security of housing, grazing and cultivating rights of labor tenants), the Communal Property Associations Act (regarding the creation of associations to own, control and deal with com mun al/com mon property), the In terim Protectio n of In formal Land Rights Act (regard ing the interim protection of the rights of people in rural areas), the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (regard ing the protecti on of laborers other tha n labor tenants in rural areas) and thPreve nti on of Illegal Evictio n from and Un lawful Occupati on of Land Act (regard ing the measures to protect vuln erable occupiers and evict squatters).The vision and strategy for South Africa's land policy, a policy that is just, builds recon ciliatio n and stability and con tributes to econo mic growth, is set out in the White Paper on South African Land Policy. The government's land reform programme is made up of land restituti on( which invo Ives returni ng land lost since1913 because of racially discrimi natory laws, or compe nsat ing victims for loss of land due to raciallydiscrimi natory laws), la nd redistributio n (makes it possible for poor and disadvantaged people to buy land with the help of a Settleme nt/La nd Acquisiti on Grant) and land tenure reform (it aims to bring all people occupy ing land un der a un itary, legally validated system of Ian dholdi ng.) This programme will devise secure forms of land tenure, help resolve tenure disputes and provide alter natives for people who are displaced in the process. In the long run, as part of the land tenure reform programme, gover nment is committed to the tran sfer of the land, which is in the nominal own ership of the state, to its real own ers. The White Paper emphasizesthe importa nee of local participatio n in decision-making, gender equity, economic viability, and environmental sustainability in the implementation of the land reform programmes. This White Paper is not only focusing on the urba n areas but also on the rural areas.The deeds registrati on system in South Africa differs from the Botswa na system. It has only one deeds registration system, and this system does not provide for the registration of all the differe nt la nd tenure rights that are statutorily recog ni zed. A large part of the populati on, no tably people in in formal settleme nts and in rural areas where a system of com munal property still prevails, is excluded from the deeds registrati on system .In the White Paper on South Africa n Land Policy a part of the land policy has been set aside for development of the registration system to make the registrati on of in formal la nd rights in urba n and rural areas possible.Whilst exist ing gover nment policy provides a great range of in puts for pla nning and developme nt, the White Paper on Local Gover nment is critical as it places muni cipalities at the centre of pla nning for better huma n settleme nts. The new mun icipal pla nning system is foun ded on the concept of “ developmenta l ocal government ” It emphasizes integrated development planning as a tool for realizing the vision of developmental local government. The Urban Development Framework published by the Department of Housing, examines the current dilemmas and realities facing South Africa?s urban areas, whilst the Rural Development Framework describes how gover nment aims to achieve a rapid and susta in able reduct ion in absolute rural poverty.CONCLUSIONPhysical planners use the term land development to describe the process of identifying, acquiring and releasing land and resources for development. The aim of development is to attempt to overcome the problems in our cities. Pla nning aims to cha nge our cities from being separate and sprawli ng into in tegrated, compact cities.Since the time of ancient civilizati ons, cities have bee n the powerhouses of econo mic growth and the cen tres of tech no logical and scie ntific adva nceme nt. Cities have always acted as magn ets attracting people in search of a better life. Rapid urbanization is, however, threatening the environment, human health and the productive capacity of cities. The most pressing problems facing cities and tow ns, mainly in the develop ing world is un employme nt, crime, the health impact of in adequate services, polluti on, in adequate shelter and overcrowd ing. As is the case in other coun tries, the cities in South Africa and Botswa na are un susta in able in terms of the massive con sumpti on of resources and the requireme nt of large qua ntities of water, food, en ergy and raw materials.As seen above, most of the land in Botswana is used as tribal land, resulting in a small perce ntage of land directed for urba n usage. In con trast with Botswa na, a very large part of the land in South Africa is being used for urba n purposes. Tribal la nd does not play the same role in South Africa as it does in Botswana. Although the South African Constitution gives some recog niti on to the role of traditi on al leadership, the lack of accuracy about the n ature and scale of its invo Iveme nt rema ins a problem. This has led to sig nifica nt un certa in ty, con fusi on and eve n con test over the decisi on-mak ing powers of these authorities in developme nt processes. Leaders in traditi onal and tribal areas have had powers to allocate resources in rural and in formal com mun ities, and have also played an admi nistrati on role in respect of land use matters. The new legislatio n in South Africa, however did not make provisi on for the traditi onal and tribal leaders in development planning. The recently published Municipal Structures Act recognizes that traditi on al leaders have a role to play in muni cipal gover nance and provides for their participatio n in local gover nment affairs.The land developme nt and tenure system in Botswa na differs from the developme nt system in South Africain that South Africa?s development planning system is aimed at the rectification of the injustices of the past, while Botswa na?s system is aimed at the allocatio n of tribal la nd to the inhabitants. Nonetheless, Botswana is constrained by under developed human resources. There is a shortage of skilled and productive man power toquickly absorb and diffuse new tech no logy that comes from foreig n direct in vestme nts.Public participation only recently became part of planning law in South Africa, while the same practice was impleme nted in Botswa na decades ago. The practice in South Africa in cludes the no tificati on of all affected parties of an applicati on for land developme nt or land use cha nge by means of a letter distributed to the affected person(s), advertisements in the Government Gazette and two local n ewspapers as well as an advertiseme nt on the applicati on property. This ensures that there is adequatepublic participation in the decision-makingprocess. The South Africa n con text requires a particularly thoughtful and thorough type of public participatio n in land developme nt decisi on-mak in g. Illiteracy is widespread; many people are un familiar with the work ings of a land developme nt man ageme nt system and the admi nistrative processes in gen eral. This is particularly, although not exclusively, true in rural areas. Thus, special care has to be take n to en sure that all affected parties are fully in formed of the implicati ons of a proposed developme nt or land use cha nge, as well as in formed of their rights in the adjudicati on process.The developme nt of an area should not just meet the n eeds of today?s users, but aisietneeds of future gen erati ons. This means that resources must be used wisely so that they last, because our land is a precious resource. We build our homes on it; it feeds us; it susta ins ani mal and pla nt life and stores our water. It contains our min eral wealth and is an esse ntial resource for in vestme nt in our coun try's economy. Land does not only form the basis of our wealth, but also our security, pride and history.中文译文:农村及城市土地开发和土地所有权制度在南非和博茨瓦纳的比较介绍弗兰克林d罗斯福曾说过,每一个在正崛起的城市附近土地上投资的人都是在采用最可靠和最安全的方法使自己变得独立,因为土地是财富的基础。
