
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
Welsh spoken by 20%
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries 11
St. Patrick’s flag
St Andrew’s Flag
most important river in Scotland: Clyde River
tallest mountain range: Grampian Mountains格兰扁山脉
tallest one of the range Ben Nevis 本· 尼维斯
4. Backbone of England
(England): The Pennines
5. Most important river
(England): The Thames
6. Lake District
7. Giant’s Causeway
Northern Ireland
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
Welsh dragon/St. David
Capital city: Cardiff
Daffodil 水仙花
youngest capital in Europe since 1955 (P5)
longest river of Britain:
The Severn River (354km)
No part is more than 120km from the sea.

Wales Northern Ireland
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries 6
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries 7
Northern Ireland/Ulster
Belfast: capital; biggest city in Northern Ireland
Lough Neagh: largest freshwater lake in UK
The Giants Causeway巨人堤道: World Heritage Site
16,905/ km2 1st 6,814/ km2 2nd
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries 18
Official Language: English
Other Languages:
Welsh威尔士语: about 20% of the population of Wales Scottish Gaelic苏格兰盖尔语: about 60,000 (1%) in Scotland Irish Gaelic爱尔兰盖尔语
St Andrew’s Flag
most important river in Scotland: Clyde River
tallest mountain range: Grampian Mountains格兰扁山脉

The British Isles(不列颠群岛)
• The "British Isles" is a geographical term for a group of islands consisting of Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and many other smaller surrounding islands.
• Great Britain and Northern Ireland together form the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland“, or UK.
The United Kingdom
• “The United Kingdom” is the abbreviated form for the official name “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland“, which came into use in 1922 after the constitution of the Irish Free State (1922-1937), the former name of the Republic of Ireland.
英语国家概况 ppt课件

▪ charter companies ▪ King provided a charter or grant conferring
economic rights as well as political and judicial authority
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
1. The Colonial Period
Mayflower, the ship that carried the Pilgrims from England to Plymouth, Massachusetts, where they established the first permanent New England colonage Teaching and Research Press
1. The Colonial Period
❖Massachusetts—settled by Pilgrims to escape religious persecution
❖Other colonies—like Virginia and Pennsylvania, founded as business ventures
❖“Consumer economy”
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Ⅱ History of American Economy 1 The Colonial Period 2 Since American Independence 3 The 20th Century

▪ location (bordering neighbors ) ▪ States (the smallest & the largest state)
Size and Location
❖In the central part of North America (except Alaska and Hawaii);
▪ drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries
▪ five great lakes and Niagara Falls
Lake Erie
2. Main Geographical Regions
New England The Mid-Atlantic States The South The Midwest
The Great Central Plain
❖Between the Appalachians in the east and the Rocky Mountains in the west.
▪ half of America’s landmass on the continent
▪ stretch from the Great Lakes in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south

The Conquest of India
The British East India Company
The Scramble for Africa Aggression against China
the Opium Wars
Twentieth Century
The Great Depression
Britain and the Second World War Postwar Britain
WWII hastened the end of Britain’s empire.
In January 1973, Britain became a full member of the European Economic Community Mrs Thatcher (1979)
Foreign Trade and Geographical Expansion (Elizabeth I) The English Renaissance
Produced important literary figures, like Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare English Renaissance coincided with the Reformation.
The last foreign invasion
The Shaping of the Nation
Norman Rule (1066-1381)
Battle of Hastings Feudal system established Norman-French culture, language, manners, architecture
英语国家概况 第七单元ppt 超级详细!

The Legislature
The Executive
The Judiciary
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Religion (P95)
Roman Catholic Protestant No Religious Beliefs
orange for Protestants
white for the desired peace between them
Hale Waihona Puke College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
more natural to the Irish.
College of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University
A guide to the Major English-
Speaking Countries
Celtic Knot
Celtic knots started appearing in history after about 450 AD.

On the way
• Result of the Norman Conquest: • It sped up the development of feudalism in England. William the
Conqueror adopted the following measures:
• They drove the Britons to the mountains, and those that did not flee remained as slaves to the new invaders.
• China---Nanbei, Sui, and Tang Dynasties.
On the way
• a. defend and promote the development of trade and industry.
• b. reformed the church and tolerated the enclosure.
• c. America was discovered and Renaissance (1450---1600) spread into England.
On the way
• The Wars of the Roses. (1455-1485)
• Two years after the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, the Wars of Roses.
• The war got such a name because the Lancastrians wore the badge of the red rose and the Yorkists wore the badge of the white rose.

以下是几个代表性的英语国家概况:1. 英国(United Kingdom)英国位于欧洲大陆的西北部,由四个国家组成:英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
2. 美国(United States)美国是一个位于北美洲的联邦共和制国家,由50个州组成。
3. 加拿大(Canada)加拿大是北美洲最北端的国家,是一个君主立宪制国家。
4. 澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚是世界上面积第六大的国家,位于南太平洋地区。
5. 新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰位于南太平洋地区,由北岛和南岛组成。
二、国家特点1. 文化和历史英语国家的文化和历史各具特色。
2. 经济和科技英语国家在经济和科技领域具有强大实力。

英语国家概况知识测试英国部分1.The Northernmost part of Great Britain is _____.A. WalesB. Northern IrelandC. ScotlandD. England2. The person from the British royal family who gave up the throne for the sake of love and marriage was_______.A. Duke of WindsorB. Duke of YorkC. Duke of CanterburyD. Duke of Lancaster3. In the middle of the 19th century wars were fought between China and Britain, known as ____.A. the Heroin WarB. the Cocaine WarC. the Opium WarD. the Marihuana War4. The national anthem of Britain is ___.A. March of the VolunteersB. MarseillaiseC. God Save the King/QueenD. The Star-Spangled Banner5. The non-elected house of the British Parliament is _____.A. House of LordsB. House of CommonsC. House of RepresentativesD. House of Senate6. How often is the general election of members of Parliament for the House of Commons?A. Every 9 years.B. Every 7 years.C. Every 5 years.D. Every 3 years.7. What is (are) the nick name(s) of Britain?A. John Bull.B. The British Lion.C. The Sun-Never-Set Empire.D. All of the above8. Which of the following is NOT a building in Britain?A. Westminster Abbey.B. Crystal PalaceC. Tate GalleryD. Radio City Music Hall.9. “ The great wen” refers to _______.A. New YorkB. LondonC. ParisD. Sydney10. The chairman who presides over meetings and debates in the House of Commons is officially called the ______.A. ChairmanB. ChancellorC. SpeakerD. President11. Edinburgh is the capital city of _____.A. WalesB. IrelandC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland12. The longest river in Britain is _____, which is 354 kilometers long.A. River TayB. River ThamesC. River SevernD. River Mersey13. The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is only ____ kilometers.A. 33B. 32C.31D.3014. The election of 1979 returned the ____ Party to power in Britain.A. LiberalB. FreeC. LaborD. Conservative15. The Industrial Revolution began ____in Britain.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last16. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy”the head of State is _____.A. presidentB. prime ministerC. chairmanD. king/ queen17. The law-making body —the legislature—in Britain is _____.A. CongressB. National People’s CongressC. ParliamentD. Conference18. The British Crown Prince must be _____.A. Prince CharmingB. Prince of EnglandC. Prince of ScotlandD. Prince of Wales19. There are ___ state churches in Britain.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five20. The Queen or King of Britain is the defender of _____.A. ChristianityB. Roman CatholicismC. IslamD. Judaism美国部分21. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A?A. Uncle Sam.B. Brother Jonathan.C. Yankee.D. All of the above22. Name the largest freshwater lake in the world.A. Erie.B. Ontario.C. Superior.D. Michigan.23. America celebrates its National Day on _____.A, July 4 B. June 4 C. July 14 D. June 1424. In which city was President John F. Kennedy assassinated in 1963?A. San Francisco, California.B. Washington, D.C.C. Seattle, Washington.D. Dallas, Texas25. Give the names of the two American presidents who were assassinatedduring their presidency.A. John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt.B. Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.C. Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.D. Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt.26. Which sport is supposed to be America’s national sport and used to be called “Americans’ favorable pastime”?A. Baseball.B. Basketball.C. RugbyD. Cricket.27. What was the name of the first man who walked on the moon?A. Neil Armstrong.B. Eugene O’Neal.C. Louise Strong.D. Van Gau.28. Which city is called Motor city?A. Detroit.B. ChicagoC. Boston.D. Denver29. What is the American national anthem?A. March of the VolunteersB. MarseillaiseC. God Save the King/QueenD. The Star-Spangled Banner30. Name the two major political parties of U.S.A.A. The National Party and the Free Party.B. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party.C. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party.D. The People’s Party and the Union Party.31. How many branches of government are outlined in the U.S.A.?A. Four.B. Three.C. Two.D. One.32. Which two lakes dowse the Niagara Falls connect?A. Erie and Ontario.B. Michigan and Ontario.C. Superior and Huron.D. Erie and Superior33. In which university did the first computer come into being?A. Stanford University.B. Princeton University.C. Pennsylvania University.D. Harvard University.34. When did China and the United States of America normalize their diplomatic relations?A. In 1972B. In 1975 B. In 1977 D. In 197935. The smallest state in terms of size in the U.S.A. is _____.A. NevadaB. Rhode IslandC. HawaiiD. Maine36. What is meant by CIA?A. Central Intelligence Agency.B. Communication Information Association.C. Cultural Institute of Australia.D. Concentration of Investigation Application.37. What city in the U.S.A. is considered the birthplace of jazz music?A. Salt Lake City.B. Boston.C. Seattle.D. New Orleans38. Name the river that flows by Washington D.C., on which the capital of the U.S.A. is located.A.Colorado.B. Potomac.C. Columbia.D. Missouri.39. The American Negro leader who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964 and assassinated in 1968 was ______.A. Martin LutherB. Toni MorrisonC. Martin Luther KingD. Nelson Mandela40. What is the name of the American national flag?A. The Star-Spangled Banner.B. The Stars and Stripes.C. The Old GloryD. All of the above.41. The Great Plain along the Mississippi River is known as the ____.A. American Wine JarB. American GranaryC. American GardenD. American Fishing Center42. One of the most famous national parks in the US is the ______.A, Yellowstone National Park B. Hyde ParkC. Kakadu National ParkD. Rose Garden43. Which of the following is NOT a place in the USA?A. Empire State Building.B. Fifth Avenue.C. Trafalgar SquareD. United Nations Plaza.加拿大部分44. What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?A. United States of America.B. United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.C. New Zealand.D. Canada.45. The national anthem of Canada is ______.A. Canada The BeautifulB. O CanadaC. God Defend CanadaD. Advance Canada Fair46. The capital city of Canada is ______.A. MontrealB. TorontoC. AlbertD. Ottawa47. According to the Official Language Act of Canada, there are two official languages in this country: they are _____.A. English and SpanishB. English and PortugueseC. English and FrenchD. English and Celtic48. Canada is a world ____ producer of nickel, zinc, and asbestos…A. primaryB. secondC. thirdD. fourth49. The highest peak in Canada is _____, which is in the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada.A. Mount LawrenceB. Mount SuperiorC. Mount LoganD. Mount Huron50. Apart from Paris, France, Montreal is regarded as the largest ____ city in the world, known as “Paris the Second”.A. Spanish-speakingB. Portuguese-speakingC. German-speakingD. French-speaking51. ____, the third largest city in Canada, is well known as Ice-Free Harbor.A. MontrealB. QuebecC. TorontoD. Vancouver52. Canada is the world’s ____country in terms of land area.A. largestB. second largestC. third largestD. fourth largest53. In Canada, nearly _____ of the land has no permanent population.A. 90%B. 89%C. 88%D.87%54. The Canadian federal state was established in _____.A. 1847B. 1857C. 1867D. 187755. The Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor-General, who is appointed on the recommendation of the _____.A. PresidentB. SpeakerC. Prime MinisterD. Chancellor56. It was ______ who established the settlement in Canada in 1608.A. John CabotB. ChamplainC. Jacques CartierD. Henry Hudson57. Canada ranks thirty-____ in population in the world.A. fourthB. thirdC. secondD. first58. The largest university in Canada is ______ University.A. LavalB. QuebecC. TorontoD. Montreal59. The largest university in Canada is _____ University.A. LavalB. QuebecC. TorontoD. Montreal60. A survey of Canadian leisure activities showed that _____ was the most popular form of recreation in the summer.A. tennisB. swimmingC. golfD. baseball澳大利亚部分61. What are the two animals that Australia is most famous for?A. Emu and possum.B. Echidna and platypus.C. Possum and wombat.D. Kangaroo and koala.62. The modern bay Sydney used to be known as ____.A. Port Jackson.B. Sydney HarborC. Argentia BayD. Wharf Peters63. The native people of Australia who probably came from somewhere in Asiaat least 30,000 years ago are known as ____.A. GypsiesB. AboriginesC. MaorisD. Pygmies64. Australia is the ____ largest country in the world.A. forthB. fifthC. sixthD. seventh65. Australia is made up of _____ states and two territories.A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. seven66. The national plant of Australia is ____.A. mulberry treeB. wattleC. eucalyptusD. sequoia67. _____, is the national anthem of Australia since 1984.A. Fair Australia, AdvanceB. Australia Fair, AdvanceC. Advance Australia FairD. Advance Fair Australia68. There are____ stars on the Australian National Flag.A. 9B. 8C. 7D. 669. The capital city of Australia is _____.A. CanberraB. SydneyC. MelbourneD. Darwin70. Koala in the Aboriginal language means ____.A. “I can’t see”B. “I don’t drink”C. “I don’t want to tell you”D. “I don’t know”71. The Australian population is still mainly of ____ descent.A. GermanB. FrenchC. AmericanD. British72. It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australia’s shores were the _____.A. PortugueseB. GermanC. FrenchD. British73. It was _____, an English navigator and explorer, who finally put Australia on the map.A. William DampierB. James CookC. Dirk HartogD. Abel Tasman74. Australia’s National Day is celebrated on _____.A. January 23B. January 24C. January 25D. January 26新西兰部分75. New Zealand’s icon, the kiwi, is a biological oddity, small, _____, and largely nocturnal.A. flightlessB. featherlessC. fearlessD. funless76. New Zealand has two national anthems ____.A. Star-Spangled Banner and God Save the QueenB. God Save the Queen and God Defend New ZealandC. O New Zealand and Advance New Zealand FairD. Advance New Zealand Fair and God Defend New Zealand77. New Zealand is made up of two islands _____.A. the East and the WestB. the Long and the ShortC. the Wide and the NarrowD. the South and the North78. Maoritanga means _____, the Maori way of life and view of the world.A. MaoritabooB. MaoricultureC. MaorivoodooD. Maoritotem79. New Zealand follows the _____ Parliamentary system with some variations.A. FrenchB. CanadianC. BritishD. New Zealand80. In New Zealand, ____ is the most widespread religion.A. BuddhismB. JudaismC. CatholicismD. Christianity81. Which of the following is NOT true about New Zealand?A. It is the world’s largest exporters of meat.B. It is the world’s largest exporters of wool.C. It is the world’s largest exporters of cotton.D. It is the world’s largest exporters of dairy products.82. The first European to visit New Zealand was a(n) ____, Abel Tasman, who reached South Island in 1642.A. EnglishmanB. GermanC. SpaniardD. Dutchman83. The size of New Zealand is similar to that of ___.A. AmericaB. FranceC. BritainD. Spain84. In 1893 New Zealand became the _____ country to give women the right to vote.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth85. The red pohutukawa is called New Zealand Christmas tree because it flowers in _____.A. AprilB. JuneC. SeptemberD. December86. The marae —the ____ house and the land around it —is the focus of Maori community life.A. meetingB. storeC. publicD. training87. _____, the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day or Waitangi Day.A. February 6B. June 6C. October 6D. May 688. New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line, so it is the firstcountry to get _____.A. frozenB. wetC. the new dayD. united89. Which of the following is NOT a city in New Zealand?A. Christchurch.B. Palmerston North.C. Dunedin.D. Brisbane.90. Where is Edinburgh?A. In WalesB. In ScotlandC. In Northern IrelandD. In Ireland91. Which of the following is NOT a U.S. news and cable network?A. ABCB. CNN.C. CBSD. BBC。

American history
Jamestown settlement
Boston Tea Party
American Revolutionary War beginnings
Treatment of Paris ends the war
Canadian history
• Outdoor lifestyle: Canadian culture is associated with an outdoor lifestyle, with a focus on activities like stacking, camping, and skiing
• Love for Hockey: Hockey is considered Canada's national sport, with a strong empБайду номын сангаасasis on teamwork, fair play, and physical fitness
• Multiculturalism and diversity: Australia has a rich cultural heritage due to its diverse population of immigrants from many different countries
• Laid back attitude: Australian culture is often associated with a laid back attitude, with a focus on casual lifestyles, mathematics, and a sense of egalitarianism

England; Great Britain; the British Isles
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland.
The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is the Straits of Dover, under which a channel tunnel, or Chunnel, has been built in 1994, so that England and France are joined together by road.
is the smaller of these two islands. It is divided
into two political units: Northern Ireland, which is the fourth
division of the United Kingdom; and the Republic of Ireland
由联合体的象征。 英联邦名义君主:伊丽莎白二世 .
英联邦没有设立任何权力机构。主要组织机构有:联邦政府首脑会议、亚太地区英 联邦政府首脑会议、联邦财政部长会议及其他部长级专业会议。1965年起设立英联 邦秘书处, 其职责是促进英联邦的合作,筹划英联邦各级会议。秘书处设在伦敦。 此外,还有一些英联邦的联系国和原英国直辖的属地也包括在英联邦之内。

• and it wanted to be allowed to start discussion of important questions at will, not by invitation.
• The Separatists
2. Elizabeth’s Religious Reform
Elizabeth’s religious reform was a compromise of views.
• She broke Mary’s ties with Rome and restored her father’s independent Church of England, i. e. keeping to Catholic doctrines and practices but to be free of the Papal control. Her religious settlement was unacceptable to both the extreme Protestants known as Puritans and to ardent Catholics.
• Through her marriage alliances which were never materialized, Elizabeth managed to maintain a friendly relationship with France. So England was able to face the danger from Spain.
c. Mary, Queen of Scots was trying to capture the English throne. She was descended through her mother, Margaret, from Henry VII. Mary Queen of Scots was forced by her subjects to abdicate the throne in Scotland because she was implicated in the murder of her husband.

Landmarks & Symbols of London
Hyde Park
Tower of London
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge
Landmarks & Symbols of London
Map of the UK
Read the map to find:
▪Atlantic Ocean ▪North Sea ▪Irish Sea ▪The English Channel (The Channel Tunnel ) ▪The Republic of Ireland
Title and GMeaokgeraupphoyf the UK
❖ The majority of this population are descendents of the Anglo-Saxons
❖ Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendents of the Celtic people
2. Climate
Main characteristics:
Temperate, with warm summers, cold winters and plenty rainfall
Three major features:
❖ Winter fog ❖ Rainy days ❖ Instability/changeability

Theme importance
Overview of the UK
Geographic and Historical Background
Geographic location
The United Kingdom is located in the British Isles archipelago, off the northwest coast of Europe It compares the four nations of England, Scotland,
Established independently in 1776, it is a superpower in the world with a highly developed economy and strong military strength.
Political and economic systems
Immigrant countries have a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic population structure.
Culturally influenced by various cultures such as Europe, Africa, and Latin America, it has formed a unique American culture.
Overview of the United States
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narrowest part is only kilometers.
A. 33
B. 32
C.31 D.30
14. The election of 1979 returned the Party to power in Britain.
A. Liberal B. Free C. Labor D. Conservative
D. Radio City Music Hall.
9. “ The great wen” refers to
A. New York
B. London C. Paris D. Sydney
10. The chairman who presides over meetings and debates in the House of Commons
15. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. last
16. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy” the head of State is
12. The longest river in Britain is
, which is 354 kilometers long.
A. River Tay B. River Thames C. River Severn D. River Mersey 13.The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the
A. Every 9 years. B. Every 7 years.
C. Every 5 years. D. Every 3 years.
7. What is (are) the nick name(s) of Britain?
A. John Bull.
学海无 涯
B. The British Lion.
C. Parliament
D. Conference
18. The British Crown Prince must be
A. Prince Charming
B. Prince of England
C. Prince of Scotland
D. Prince of Wales
19. There are state churches in Britain.
A. president
B. prime minister C. chairman
D. king/ queen
学海无 涯
17. The law-making body — the legislature— in Britain is
A. Congress
B. National People’s Congress
C. The Sun-Never-Set Empire.
D. All of the above
8. Which of the following is NOT a building in Britain?
A. Westminster Abbey. B. Crystal Palace
C. Tate Gallery
A. two B. three C. four D. five
20. The Queen or King of Britain is the defender of
A. Christianity B. Roman Catholicism C. Islam D. Judaism
21. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A?
is officially called the
A. Chairman B. Chancellor C. Speaker
D. President
11. Edinburgh is the capital city of
A. Wales B. Ireland C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland
1. The Northernmost part of Great Britain is
A. Wales B. Northern Ireland C. Scotland D. England 2. The person from the British royal family who gave up the throne for the sake of
C. God Save the King/Queen
D. The Star-Spangled Banner
5. The non-elected house of the British Parliament is
A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. House of Representatives D. House of Senate 6. How often is the general election of members of Parliament for the House of
known as .
A. the Heroin War
B. the Cocaine War
C. the Opium War
D. the Marihuana War
4. The national anthem of Britain is .
A. March of the Volunteers
B. Marseillaise
A. Uncle Sam. B. Brother Jonathan. C. Yankee. D. All of the above
love and marriage was
A. Duke of Windsor
B. Duke of York
C. Duke of Canterbury D. Duke of Lancaster 3. In the middle of the 19th century wars were fought between China and Britain,