



同时,在汽轮机内作完功的过热蒸汽被凝 汽器冷却成凝结水,凝结水经凝结泵送到低压 加热器加热,然后送到除氧器除氧,再经给水 泵送到高压加热器加热后,送到锅炉继续进行 热力循环。再热式机组采用中间再热过程,即 把在汽轮机高压缸做功之后的蒸汽,送到锅炉 的再热器重新加热,使汽温提高到一定(或初 蒸汽)温度后,送到汽轮机中压缸继续做功。
Control Network 冗余实时通讯网络
Field Data
分布式处理单元DPU是XDPS 的过程控制站,存储系统信息和过 程控制策略与数据,通过冗余的Ethernet实时数据网络与MMI节点 及其它DPU连接,通过I/O网络与I/O站节点连接,提供双向的信息 交换,实现各种先进的控制策略,完成数据采集、模拟调节、顺序控 制、高级控制、专家系统以及其它不同用户的特殊功能要求。 — 全冗余结构高性能AMD500MHz微处理器,256MB 存贮器 , 64MB CF卡 。 —每个DPU最大可以同时挂载8个I/O站,每个I/O站最大管理12 I/O 模件。 —可支持的最大模拟量I/O点数为1536点,开关量点数为3072点。 — 50ms60s可组态回路处理速度。 —控制页:999 。
新华公司简介 应用范围 系统介绍 先进特色
公 司 简 介
在联合开发中心的基础上中外合 资新华电站控制工程有限公司 正
式成立!合资三方分别为: 新华控制技术联合开发中心 香港永新精密机械有限公司 华能发电公司 1996 年, 原香港永新公司所持 的股份由美国著名的风险投资公司华 平公司收购,新华公司由中港合资改 为中美合资企业。并更名为新华控制














PC111 TLP521等常用的六脚线性光耦有:TLP632 TLP532 PC614 PC714 PS2031等。

常用的4N25 4N26 4N35 4N36是不适合用于开关电源中的,因为这4种光耦均属于非线性光耦。

以下是目前市场上常见的高速光藕型号:100K bit/S:6N138、6N139、PS87031M bit/S:6N135、6N136、CNW135、CNW136、PS8601、PS8602、PS8701、PS9613、PS9713、CNW4502、HCPL-2503、HCPL-4502、HCPL-2530(双路)、HCPL-2531(双路)10M bit/S:6N137、PS9614、PS9714、PS9611、PS9715、HCPL-2601、HCPL-2611、HCPL-2630(双路)、HCPL-2631(双路)光耦合器的增益被称为晶体管输出器件的电流传输比 (CTR),其定义是光电晶体管集电极电流与LED正向电流的比率(ICE/IF)。




4脚 DIP
PC815XNNSZ0F*5, *6 复 合 光 晶 PC81510NSZ0X 体 管 5, 6 输 PC852XNNSZ0F* * 出 PC853XNNSZ0F*5, *6
*1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9

⅜ ⅜ ⅜
– ⅜ ⅜

页码 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43
<OPIC 输出型>
封装类型 输出类型 特点 型号 (系列) PC400J00000F/PC456L0NIP0F/ PC410S0NIP0F /PC410L0NIP0F / PC4D10SNIP0F PC457S0NIP0F /PC457L0NIP0F 页码
高绝缘电压 高绝缘电压, 大输入电流 高绝缘电压, 带基底端子 高绝缘电压, 高灵敏度 高绝缘电压, 高灵敏度, 高集电极发射极电压, 大功率
PC3H2J00000F (小扁平型4脚)
注意: 未经元器件规格说明书确认,便在设备中使用产品目录、数据手册等所刊载的任何夏普元器件,由此引起的故障或损害,夏普公 司将不负任何责任。 除非特别说明,本页所列的型号均符合 RoHS (有害物质限制)标准* 。详情请与夏普公司联系。 *RoHS (有害物质限制)标准:禁止使用铅、镉、六价铬、汞和特定溴系阻燃剂 (PBB 和 PBDE) ,除特别情况外。 因此,在使用任何夏普元器件之前,务请与夏普公司联系以获取最新的元器件规格说明书。



[8]Explanations2.How to Use Photocouplers2.1LED Control Circuits2.1.1DC DriveFigure 8.2.1 shows an example of controlling LED drive current by switching the power supply on and off. In this case, the resistor R is R= VIN − VF IFIF R IF VIN VFVIN R IF VFVFVINFigure 8.2.1 Simple Drive Circuit for an LEDFor example, when IF = 10 mA, VF (max) = 1.35 V, and VIN = 5 V, R = (5 − 1.35) V 10 mA = Ω 365Therefore, the resistor should be selected as R = 360 Ω. Assuming that VF = 0.9 V due to its fluctuation or temperature dependence, the value of IF is 11.4 mA.2.1.2Reverse Voltage ProtectionWhen a reverse surge voltage may be applied to a light emitting diode, a Si diode (for example, 1SS348) should be connected in reverse parallel with the light emitting diode, so that the reverse surge voltage bypasses the LED.R Si DiodeFigure 8.2.2 Protection from Reverse Voltage by Silicon Diode144[8]2.1.3 Threshold VoltageExplanationsWhen the input voltage is not absolutely zero or some unnecessary steady current flow is in a data transmission line, the threshold voltage of the LED should be raised up to a certain level by connecting a resistor in parallel with the light-emitting diode. (Figure 8.2.3)R VIN RSFigure 8.2.3 Threshold VoltageIf the forward voltage of the LED in the zero-light-emission state VT, the OFF-level input voltage VIN (OFF), and the OFF-level input current IIN (OFF) are given by VIN (OFF) = VT + R = (1 + IIN (OFF) = VT RS R RS VT RS ) VTThen in the case of the Toshiba IRED, the value of VT is 0.5 V.2.1.4Driving by Transistor or ICIn Figure 8.2.4 are shown examples of using an LED for driving circuits by utilizing a transistor or IC.VCC IF R IF VCCRR=VCC − VF − VCE (sat) IFR=VCC − VF − VOL IFFigure 8.2.4 Driving by Transistor or IC145[8]Explanations2.4Interface Circuit between TTLs Using a Phototransistor CouplerA circuit using a DIP 4 pin photocoupler as an interface between TTLs is shown in Figure 8.2.22. In order to assure positive ON/OFF operation of the TTL, the LED current IF should be set to satisfy IOL which is determined by RC and IIL. Example of Design Specifications Operating temperature: 0 to 70°C Data transmission rate: 5 kbit/s Supply voltage: VCC = 5 V ± 5% Operating life: 20 years (170,000 hours) System working ratio: 50% Specifications of products required for designing interface circuits are shown in Table 8.2.1.R IF VCC TLP521-1 VCC II IC RC IIL IC > II + IILFigure 8.2.22Interface Circuit between TTLs Using a 4 pin PhotocouplerTable 8.2.1 Principal Characteristics of the TLP521-1Item Forward voltage Collector to emitter Breakdown voltage Emitter to collector Breakdown voltage Collector dark current V (BR) ECO V (BR) CEO Symbol VF Test Condition (Ta = 25°C) IF = 10 mA IC = 0.5 mA IE = 0.1 mA IF = 0, VCE = 24 V IF = 0, VCE = 24 V, Ta = 85°C A rank Current transfer ratio CTR (IC/IF) IF = 5 mA VCE = 5 V GB rank GR rank BL rank Collector to emitter Saturation voltage VCE (sat) IF = 5 mA, IC = 1 mA min 1.0 55 typ. 1.15 ⎯ max 1.3 ⎯ Unit V V7 ⎯ ⎯ 50 100 100 200 ⎯⎯ 10 2 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.1⎯ 100 50 600 600V nA µAICEO% 300 600 0.4 V146 155[8]2.4.1 Setting of RC (max)ExplanationsRC (max) should be set according to the switching time and dark current ICEO (max) at the maximum operating temperature of the photocoupler. The relations of switching time to RL (load resistance) and RC are shown as follows: As the data transmission rate is 5 kbit/s, the total switching time is T = tr + td + tf + ts < 200 µs = The load resistance RL is obtained from the switching time characteristic (for saturated operation) in Figure 8.2.23 so that T becomes 100 µs, taking account of variability in the device’s switching characteristic in order to secure T < 200 µs. RL < 4.7 kΩ is obtained from this graph. Here, RL can be = = expressed in terms of RC and the parallel resistance of the standard TTL input resistance RIN. (Figure 8.2.24) RL = RC ∥ RIN As RL = 4.7 kΩ > RIN = 4 kΩ, RC may be indefinite (RC = ∞) but RC (max) against the dark current ICEO (max) is limited. The relation between ICEO (max) and RC (max) is shown below. RC (max) = VCC (min) − VIH ICEO (max) + IIHThen, ICEO (max) must be estimated at Ta = 70°C. Temperature dependencies of ICEO (typ.) at alternative parameter values of VCE = 5 V, 10 V, and 24 V are shown in Figure 800 600 400 200tf IF = 5 mA RL VOUTSwitching time (µs)100 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4tsVOUT 5V 0V td tr tr90% 10% ts tf2 td 1 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100Load resistance (kΩ)Figure 8.2.23 Load Resistance vs. Switching Time+5 V 4 kΩ TTL Coupler RINVCC RCFigure 8.2.24 RL can be Expressed by RIN and RC147 156[8]ExplanationsIn the case of the TLP521-1 phototransistor coupler, ICEO (max) = 50 µA at Ta = 85°C and VCE = 24 V. Therefore, taking VCE dependency and Ta dependency into consideration from Figure 8.2.25, ICEO(max) is estimated at Ta = 70°C and VE = 5 V.VCE dependency: ICEO (typ.) is reduced by 1/4 when VCE is varied form 24 to 5 V Ta dependency: ICEO (typ.) is reduced by 1/4 when Ta is varied form 85 to 70°C Therefore, ICEO (max) at Ta = 70°C and VCE = 5 V is estimated to be, ICEO (max) = 50 µA × 1 4 × 1 4 = 3.1 µAAccordingly, IIH is 40 µA for general TTLs and RC (max) will be obtained as follows: RC (max) = 4.75 V − 2 V 3.1 µA + 40 µA = 64 kΩ10 VCE = 24 V 110 5(µA) ICEO10−110−210−310−4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120Temperature (°C)Figure 8.2.25 ICEO vs. Temperature148 157[8]2.4.2 Setting of Forward Current IFExplanationsThe maximum forward current IF is obtained as IF = 16 mA subject to the constraint IF < IOL, and = the maximum allowable value of IF found from Figure 8.2.26 is 50 mA. However, IF should be kept as small as possible because CTR degradation increases with the increase of forward current. Figure 8.2.27 shows degradation of CTR. In order to realize the designed continuous operating life of approx imately. 100,000 hours, the forward current should be set at IF = 10 mA ± 50%.100 Test conditions IF = 70 mA, PC = 150 mW, Ta = 25°C80IC (t)/IC (t = 0) (VCE = 5 V, IF = 5 mA, Ta = 25°C)Allowable forward current(mA)1.0600.8400.6200.40 −200204060801000102103104Ambient temperature (°C)Test time (h)Figure 8.2.26 Ambient Temperature vs. Allowable Forward Current (TLP521-1)Figure 8.2.27Lifetime Test Data (CTR degradation)Setting of the IF limiting resistance RD Forward current (typ.) is expressed by the following formula: IF (typ.) = VCC − VF (typ) − VOL RD (typ)40 Ta = 25°C VCE = 5 Vwhere VF (typ.) is obtained from technical data. then, VF (typ.) = 1.15 V (at IF = 10 mA)(mA)20 10 6 4 2 IC/IF = 600% 370% 280% 185% 125% 80%Therefore, RD is determined as follows: RD = 5 V − 1.15 V − 0.4 V 10 mACollector current IC1 0.6 0.4 0.2= 345 Ω Therefore, RD = 330 Ω ± 5% will be optimum.0.1 0.06 0.04 0.4 6 8 1 2 4 6 10 20 40Forward current IF(mA)Figure 8.2.28IC vs. IF Curves Varying According to Different IC/IF Rations149 158[8]ExplanationsThen IF (min) and IF (max) should be checked to make sure that realized values of IF will remain within allowable tolerances: IF (min) = = VCC (min) − VF (max) − VOL RD (max) 4.75 V − 1.3 V − 0.4 V 314 Ω= 9.7 mA IF (max) = = VCC (max) − VF (min) − VOL RD (min) 5.25 V − 1.0 V − 0.4 V 347= 11.1 mA1.4 1.2 IF = 5 mARelative collector current1.02 mA1.2 5V 1.0 2V VCE = 0.4 V0.8IF = 10 mAIC/IF0.6 5 mA 0.10.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 4 6 8 10−20020406080100VCE(V)Ta(°C)Figure 8.2.29 IC/IF vs. VCESetting of pull-up resistance RCFigure 8.2.30 Collector Current vs. TaWhen the realized value of the collector current IC is assumed in the worst case to be min IC, RC can be expressed by the following relation: RC < = VCC (max) − VOLmin IC − IILmin IC = IC (min) × DIF × Dt × DVCE × DTa where, Dt: IC degradation rate after a certain time has passed. DIF: IC change rate at an IF setting for your designing. DVCE: IC drop rate under VCE (sat) condition. DTa: IC fluctuation rate with changes in the operating temperature Topr. These values are obtained from technical data. In the case of the TLP521-1:150 159[8]From Figure 8.2.27, Dt = 0.5 (t = 17 × 104 h, 50% operating ratio) From Figure 8.2.28, DIF = 2.5 (at IF = 10 mA) From Figure 8.2.29, DVCE = 0.8 (at VCE = 0.4 V) From Figure 8.2.30, DTa = 0.75 (at Ta = 70°C)ExplanationsOn the other hand, as IC (min) = 2.5 mA (at IF = 5 mA × IC/IF (min) = 50%), and min IC = 2.5 mA × 2.5 × 0.5 × 0.8 × 0.75 = 1.8 mA However, if based on these data, the following inequality cannot be met: min IC − IIL > VCC (max) − VOL RC (min)Therefore, a photocoupler with a higher CTR should be selected. In the case of the TLP521-1 (GB), because IC (min) is guaranteed to be 5 mA, the min IC will become 3.6 mA. Accordingly, IIL is 1.6 mA for general TTLs and RC (min) can be obtained as follows: RC (min) = 5.24 − 0.4 3.6 − 1.6 ∼ 2.4 kΩ −In other words, RC can be set from 2.4 kΩ to 64 kΩ, but it is also necessary to consider the switching speed required by a system and the requirement for certainty of logical ON or OFF conditions. If the switching speed is considered to be relatively more important, RC should be set to be near to RC (min). On the other hand, if the certainty of ON and OFF operation is considered to be the most important criterion, a value close to RC (max) should be selected (the operating life of the device may be defined as the period during which there is certainty of the ON and OFF conditions being properly set.). In this case, since Dt is assumed to be 0.5 with a relatively high margin the switching speed should be considered to be more important. So, RC is obtained as 4.7 kΩ.151 160[8]Explanations2.7Photocoupler Circuit Design2.7.1Transistor Output PhotocouplersFigure 8.2.33 shows a basic transistor photocoupler interface circuit, where collector current IC flows on the output side as IRED current IF is applied on the input side. The following points are important to determine each value in circuit design work: (1) IF = 0 (OFF state) Only a leakage current ID flows at the output transistor in this state. In order to maintain the OFF state, the output voltage VOUT (OFF) should be higher than VH (the required high level voltage) as follows: VCC − ID × RL = VOUT (OFF) > VH here, VCC: Applied voltage (supply voltage)RL VOUT IF ICVCCFigure 8.2.33 Transistor photocoupler152 163[8]ExplanationsThe leakage current ID increases as the ambient temperature rises (see Figure 8.2.34 Id vs. Ta), so the ID value will have to be considered at the worst case, which is at the maximum of operating temperature. Accordingly, the value of RL should meet the following formula: RL < VCC − VH IDlogIDTaFigure 8.2.34 Id vs. Ta(2) IF = Iin (ON state) When the collector current IC (ON) flows on the output side of the photocoupler, output VOUT (ON) has to be less than VL (the required low level voltage) as follows: VCC − IC (ON) × RL = VOUT (ON) < VL Accordingly, RL > VCC − VL IC (ON)Generally when the RL value is large, the switching response time increases, so the RL value should be kept as small as possible. (3) Considerations concerning the input current Iin in the “ON” status Normally technical data sheets of photocouplers show the characteristic curves IC vs. IF, CTR vs. Ta, and CTR vs. t as shown in Figure 8.2.35, Figure 8.2.36, Figure 8.2.37. The photocoupler CTR test is performed at the specific point be done by the following procedure; i) Draw the extrapolated CTR min curve (Note2) in parallel with the typical curve. Note2: This curve is the expected CTR min line. The cross point specification value. Here CTR = IC/IF, IC min = CTR min × IF1 ii) Find IF2 from the cross points of IC = IC (ON) with the B characteristic curve. This IF2 point indicates the minimum input current at Ta = 25°C and operating time t = 0 hour. When considering the relationship between CTR and Ta (Figure 8.2.36), as well as CTR degradation (Figure 8.2.37), the minimum input current Iin has to conform to the following formula.; Iin > IF2 × 1 DTa × 1 Dt ×α shows the “CTR min” in Figure 8.2.35. This point is not always the same as the actual operating point, so some compensation work is required toHere, DTa: Rate of CTR fluctuation within the operating temperature range Dt: CTR degradation rate after “t” hours of operation α: System design margin153 164Figure 8.2.39 I FT vs. TaFigure 8.2.40 I FT vs. tNote3: R S and C S are snubber circuits and recommended to be 47 Ω and 0.033 µF, respectively.I2.7.3 Photovoltaic CouplersRecently, in PBX systems, power MOSFETs* are beginning to replace mechanical relays. Thesepower MOSFETs require a voltage output type photocoupler (photovoltaic coupler).As devices become smaller, photorelays which combining a photovoltaic coupler and a MOSFET in a single package are starting to be used. As far as design is concerned, photovoltaic couplers andphotorelays are handled the same. In obtaining the photovoltaic output voltage to drive the MOSFET, how to determine input current I F is an important consideration.Figure 8.2.41 Photovoltaic CouplerIn photovoltaic couplers, both output voltage V OC , and short current I SC (output current) increase as input current increases. (see, Figure 8.2.42, Figure 8.2.45).Input current I in (Note4) has to be determined so that the output voltage V OC becomes high enough to drive the power MOSFET gate.These V OC and I SC values will change as a function of the ambient temperature Ta and operating time “t” as shown in Figure 8.2.43, Figure 8.2.46, and Figure 8.2.44.Considering these factors, the input current I in has to conform to the following formula:Figure 8.2.44 V OC vs. tvs. I Fvs. TaFigure 8.2.47 I SC vs. t1 1I in >I F ×D Ta × D t× αHere, D Ta : The fluctuation rate of V OC and I SC within the operating temperature range D t : The degradation rate of V OC and I SC after “t” hours of operationα: System design marginNote4: Turn-on time of the power MOSFET depends on the charging time of the gate capacitance. Thelarger the short current I SC (output current) becomes, the shorter the turn-on time is. So a power MOSFET transistor should be used whose input capacitance is as small as possible.Note5: There are many patents relating to MOSFET drivers.**: Normally this external resistor (high value) has to be connected. (1 M Ω)IVV2.7.4 I C Output Photocouplers(1) High-speed transistor output:6N135, 6N136, 6N138, 6N139TLP112, TLP112A, TLP114A, TLP550, TLP559, TLP759, TLP2530, TLP2531Output current I O depends upon input LED current I F and changes according to the formulaI O= CTR × I F (see Figure 8.2.48). This point should be considered in design work.As a representative example, the fundamental design rules in a TTL/TTL interface, which usesthe TLP550, are shown in Figure 8.2.49.Figure 8.2.48 I O vs. I F Figure 8.2.49 TTL/TTL Interface (TLP550)V CC1− V F− V OL1I O (min) = I F× CTR (min) R IN=I FV CC2− V OLR L(min)=I O(min) ×α+ I ILα: System design margin(2) High speed I C output:6N137TLP115A, TLP250, TLP251, TLP557, TLP558, TLP2200, TLP2601, TLP2630, TLP2631In these types, output status is inverted at a certain threshold I FH (or I FL) of input LEDcurrent I F (Figure 8.2.50). Therefore the input LED current I F should be designed to exceed themaximum specified value of I FH (or I FL) as shown in Figure 8.2.51.Figure 8.2.50 V O vs. I F Figure 8.2.51 TTL/TTL Interface (TLP2601)V CC1− V F− V OL1R IN (max)=I FH (max) ×α(α: system design margin)I FVFlogITable 8.2.2 I FH , I FL max SpecificationsProduct Number I FH (or I FL ) maxGuaranteed temperature range6N137, TLP115ATLP2601, TLP2630 TLP2631 5 mA0 to 70°C TLP557−30 to 70°C TLP250, TLP251 5 mA −20 to 70°C TLP2200, TLP5581.6 mA−25 to 85°C(3) Other precautions(a) Bypass capacitorHigh-gain amplifiers are built into the output detector I C in the photo I C couplers. Due to noise voltage on the V CC power line or on the GND line, or because of the V CC transient voltage caused by load switching, internal oscillation may occur and lead to abnormal operation. To prevent this, a bypass capacitor (0.1 µF) with good high-frequencycharacteristics should be connected between V CC and GND within 1 cm from each pin. (see Figure 8.2.52)The 0.1 µF bypass capacitor should be connected for the following I C output couplers; 6N137, TLP113, TLP115, TLP115A, TLP558, TLP2601, TLP2630, TLP2631 Toshiba recommends 0.1 µF bypass capacitor to use externally to all IC output type photocouplers for designing safety.Figure 8.2.52 Bypass Capacitor (ceramic)(b) Enable terminalsThe 6N137, TLP2200, TLP2601 and TLP558 all have enable terminals. When not utilizing this enable function, the terminals are to be treated as follows;Figure 8.2.53 Enable Terminal Treatment(c) Photocoupler insulation performanceOur photocoupler insulation performance designations are based on maintaining that performance for a period of one minute. This equipment is not generally recommended for applications using high voltage for long continuous periods. If the usage may involve a long continuous period of exposure to high voltage, contact a Toshiba sales office.6N137 TLP2601CCV E (pin 7): Open (or V CC directly connected) 1324V E (pin 6): GND Directly Connected V E (pin 7): V CC Directly ConnectedCC。



PC4D10SNIPSF相比ACPL-0630/0631性价比较高,目前伺服、驱动器客户 变频器、电源,
SHARP Renesas/Liteon/Everlight/TOSHIBA
PC817X_NSZW LTV817 / EL817/TLP521-1
1.PC925LENIP0F响应速率比TLP250要高 2.PC925LENIP0F绝缘电压是5KV,TLP350是3.75KV。
变频器、UPS电源 、电动汽车等等
2.PC925LENIP0F相比HCPL-3120性价比较高,目前终端客户已广泛使用。 、电动汽车等
绝缘电压 PC925LENIP0F是5KV,ACPL-T350是3750V,响应速率是ACPL-
PC929J00000F (Io=0.4A)
PC925LENIP0F (Io=2.5A) HCPL-3120-500E(2.5A)
ACPL-T350-500E(2.5A) TLP350(2.5A) - Toshiba



光电耦合器p c中文资料 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020光电耦合器pc817中文资料PC817光电耦合器广泛用在电脑终端机,可控硅系统设备,测量仪器,影印机,自动售票,家用电器,如风扇,加热器等电路之间的信号传输,使之前端与负载完全隔离,目的在于增加安全性,减小电路干扰,减化电路设计。

特点:电流传输比(CTR: MIN. 50% at IF=5mA ,VCE=5V)高隔离电压:5000V有效值公认的UL认证,档案编号E64380* 2 40至60%相对湿度,交流1分钟* 3 10秒Response time 响应时间Rise time 上升时间tr VCE = 2V, I C =2mA, R L = 100 W- 4 18 μs Fall time下降时间tf - 3 18 μsModel No. 型号Rank mark 等级标志电流传输比CTR ( % )PC817A A 80 to 160PC817B B 130 to 260PC817C C 200 to 400PC817D D 300 to 600PC8 * 7AB A 或 B 80 to 260PC8 * 7BC B 或C 130 to 400PC8 * 7CD C 或 D 200 to 600PC8 * 7AC A, B 或 C 80 to 400PC8 * 7BD B, C 或 D 130 to 600PC8 * 7AD A, B, C 或 D 80 to 600PC8 * 7 A, B, C, D 或无标记50 to 600图1测试电路的频率响应图2测试电路的响应时间特性曲线图正向电流比(常温) 集电极功耗比(常温)峰值正向电流与占空比电流传输比比正向电流正向电流与正向电压集电极电流比集电极发射极电压相对比率与电流传输比常温集电极发射极饱和电压与常温集电极暗电流比常温响应时间与负载电阻频率响应集电极发射极饱和电压与正向电流应用电路:图4 打开或关闭12V直流电动机的TTL控制信号输入电路图图5 与TL431配合的电源反馈电路封装尺寸及功能图:译自sharp公司。

PC400-8, PC400LC-8, PC450-8, PC450LC-8 Shop 说明书

PC400-8, PC400LC-8, PC450-8, PC450LC-8 Shop 说明书

SEN02223-15-8-8-8-870001700017000170001e p c a t al o g s .c ome p c a t a l o g s .c o mPC400, 450-81SEN02225-15HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORPC400-8PC400LC-8PC450-8PC450LC-8Machine model Serial numberPC400-870001 and up PC400LC-870001 and up PC450-870001 and up PC450LC-870001 and up00 Index and forewordIndexComposition of shop manual ..........................................................................................................................2Table of contents (4)e pc at al o g s .c omSEN02225-1500 Index and foreword2PC400, 450-8Composition of shop manualThe contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list.Note 1:Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly.The marks shown to the right of Form No. denote the following:Q : New issue (to be filed additionally)q : Revision (to be replaced for each Form No.)Note 2:This shop manual can be supplied for each Form No.Note 3:To file this shop manual in the special binder for management, handle it as follows:•Place a divider on the top of each section in the file after matching the Tub No. with No. indicated next to each Section Name shown in the table below:•File overview and other materials in sections in the order shown below and utilize them accord-ingly.Section TitleForm NumberShop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs SEN02223-1500 Index and foreword SEN02224-15IndexSEN02225-15q Foreword and general information SEN02226-0201 SpecificationSEN02227-02Specification and technical dataSEN02228-0210 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN02229-08Engine and cooling system SEN02230-00Power trainSEN02231-00Undercarriage and frame SEN02232-00Hydraulic system, Part 1SEN02233-00Hydraulic system, Part 2SEN02234-04 Hydraulic system, Part 3SEN02235-02q Work equipmentSEN02236-00Cab and its attachments SEN02237-00Electrical system SEN02238-0320 Standard value tableSEN02239-03Standard service value table SEN02643-0330 Testing and adjustingSEN02240-07Testing and adjusting, Part 1SEN02644-04Testing and adjusting, Part 2SEN02645-06Testing and adjusting, Part 3SEN02662-0240 TroubleshootingSEN02241-04Failure code table and fuse locations SEN02646-03General information on troubleshootingSEN02647-03Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 1SEN02648-04Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 2SEN02649-03Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 3SEN02650-04Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)SEN02651-03Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)SEN02652-03e pc at al o g s .c om00 Index and foreword SEN02225-15PC400, 450-83Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)SEN02653-0250 Disassembly and assemblySEN02242-07General information on disassembly and assembly SEN02654-03Engine and cooling system SEN02655-01Power trainSEN02656-02Undercarriage and frame SEN02657-04Hydraulic system SEN02658-01Work equipmentSEN02659-01q Cab and its attachments SEN02660-01Electrical system SEN02661-0290 Diagrams and drawingsSEN02243-04Hydraulic diagrams and drawings SEN02244-01q Electrical diagrams and drawingsSEN02245-03e pc at al o g s .c omBuy nowKomatsu Hydraulic Excavator PC400 -8, PC400LC-8, PC450 -8, PC450LC-8 Shop Manual PDFWith Instant Download。



技 术 指 标




PC400光耦资料s Featuress Outline DimensionsPC400PC400“In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that occur in equipment using any of SHARP's devices, shown incatalogs,Compact, Surface Mount Type OPIC Photocoupler (Unit :mm )查询PC400供应商020010015010050025*********Fig. 2 Power Dissipation vs. Ambient TemperatureAmbient temperature T a (?C )P o w e r d i s s i p a t i o n PO , P t o t (m W )1020605040300-25025*******85Fig. 1 Forward Current vs. Ambient TemperatureF (m A )Ambient temperature T a (?C )0.2R e l a t i v e t h r e s h o l d i n p u t c u r r e n t0.40.61.451020151.21.00.8Supply voltage V CC (V )1251020501002005000.51.0 1.52.0 2.53.0F (m A )Fig. 3 Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageForward voltage V F (V )Fig. 4 Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Supply Voltage0.20.4R e l a t i v e t h r e s h o l d i n p u t c u r r e n t0.60.81.62550100-25751.41.21.0Ambient temperature T a (?C )0.0110. o w l e v e l o u t p u t v o l t a g e V O L (V )Low level output current I OL (mA )Fig. 5 Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 6 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Low Level Output CurrentF o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F o r w a r d c u r r e n t I -25P tot P OIFHLIFLHT a =25?CI FHL =1 at V CC =5V IFHLIFLHV CC =5VI FHL =1 at T a =25?C V CC =5VI F =4mA T a =25?C0.20.30.5-0.100.4L o w l e v e l o u t p u t v o l t a g e V O L (V )Fig. 7 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Ambient TemperatureSupply Voltage012345(μs )L (k ?)Forward current I F (mA )P r o p a g a t i o n d e l a y t i m e Fig. 8 Supply Current vs.s Preautions for UseGND near the device in order to stabilize power supply line.(2) Handle this product the same as with other integrated circuits against static electricity.(3) As for other general cautions, refer to the chapter “Precautions for Use ”(1) It is recommended that a by-pass capacitor of more than 0.01μF be added between V CC and Load resistance R。



MCC:称为电动机(或马达)控制中心,〈75kW的电动机一般分布在400MCC 母线。









光耦 参数及资料

光耦 参数及资料

光电耦合器(光耦)参数及资料发布时间:2009-8-27阅读次数:2303字体大小:【小】【中】【大】月夜听风整理来源:市场常见光耦内部图4-Pin Phototransistor Output;GaAs Input型号(规格)厂牌CTR @10mA I F (%)BV CEO (V)min BV CBO (V)max V CE (sat)(V)max t ON /t OFF (uS)max V ISOAC[RMS]min maxTLP521-1TOSHIBA 506005570.42/3 2.5kV TLP521-2TOSHIBA 506005570.42/3 2.5kV TLP521-4TOSHIBA 1006005570.42/3 2.5kV TLP621-1TOSHIBA 506005570.42/310kV TLP721TOSHIBA 506005570.43/3 4.0kV PS2501NEC 806008070.33/5 5.0kV PS2561NEC 804008070.33/5 5.0kV 817(KP1010)COSMO506003560.218/18 5.0kV PC817SHARP 506003560.218/18 5.0kV PC817ASHARP801603560.218/185.0kVPC817B SHARP1302603560.218/18 5.0kV PC817C SHARP2004003560.218/18 5.0kV PC817D SHARP3006003560.218/18 5.0kV H11A817FSC506003560.218/18 5.3kV H11A817A FSC801603560.218/18 5.3kV H11A817B FSC1302603560.218/18 5.3kV H11A817C FSC2004003560.218/18 5.3kV H11A817D FSC3006003560.218/18 5.3kV 4-Pin Phototransistor Output;GaAs AC InputPart Number 厂牌CTR@10mAIF(%)BVCEO(V)minBVCBO(V)minVCE(sat)(V)maxtON/tOFF(uS)maxVISOAC[RMS] min maxTLP320TOSHIBA20805570.43/3 5.0KV TLP620TOSHIBA506005570.43/3 5.0kV PC814SHARP203003560.24/18 5.0kV PC814A SHARP501503560.24/18 5.0kVH11AA814QT203003560.2-- 5.3kVH11AA814A QT501503560.2-- 5.3kV光电耦合器(简称光耦)是开关电源电路中常用的器件。



可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表60.6A0.9A9A 1.2AAQ-H 可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦过零非过零0.6A 型0.3A 型过零非过零过零非过零过零非过零商品名称方式类型0.9A 型 1.2A 型2.1pF (typ )输入/输出间容量50G Ω以上输入/输出间绝缘电阻3.96.49.783.66.49.78DIP 8脚600V10mA 以下50V 以下−50V 以下−50V 以下−0.1ms 以下2.5V 以下5,000V AC −30℃〜+85℃0.3A输出端实效导通电流2A −1.5A −1A −0.9A −0.8A −0.7A −0.6A −0.5A −100μA 以下重复峰值关闭电流重复峰值关闭电压导通电压3A 6A12A浪涌导通电流LED 触发电流动作时间备注过零电压耐电压使用环境温度−40℃〜+125℃保存温度AQH0213AQH0223AQH1213AQH1223AQH3213AQH3223AQH2213AQH2223订购产品号50V 以下−标准P/C 板端子表面安装端子TOP VIEW50mA 6V 1A1.3V 以下(I F =20mA 时)输入端最大允许LED 电流LED 反向电压正向峰值电流LED 压降UL 、C-UL 、VDE0.56g −管装包装、盘装包装目录记载页P.40国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件7.627.626.42.542.548.外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm端子排列和印刷电路板加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )7可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表可控硅光耦4.3g2.7g4.3g2.7g商品名称方式类型A CD C输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流20A −15A −10A −8A −5A −3A −2A −1A −负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注 4.524.520.54.524.513.52A 型非过零1A 型2A1A30A8A19.2〜28.8V 1.6k Ω19.2V 以下9.6〜14.4V 0.8k Ω9.6V 以下4〜6V 0.3k Ω4V 以下1ms 以下19.2〜28.8V 1.6k Ω19.2V 以下9.6〜14.4V 0.8k Ω9.6V 以下4〜6V 0.3k Ω4V 以下AQ-G 可控硅输出光电耦合器2A 型过零1A 型−75〜264V AC2A1AUL 、C-UL 、VDE插座※−−−−1.5mA 以下30A8A19.2〜28.8V 1.6k Ω19.2V 以下9.6〜14.4V 0.8k Ω9.6V 以下4〜6V0.3k Ω4V 以下19.2〜28.8V 1.6k Ω19.2V 以下9.6〜14.4V 0.8k Ω9.6V 以下4〜6V 0.3k Ω4V 以下1V 以上3,000V AC ●●−30℃〜+80℃ 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/2.5410.167.621.24.524.520.54.524.513.5外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm8可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm窄长型扁平型A CD C20A-15A-10A-8A-5A-3A-2A-1A-过零※13A 型—3A5mA 以下80A4〜32V —4V 以下1.0V 以上输入和输出间:4,000V AC 输入/输出和接地间:2,500VAC10A 型75〜250V—(要散热器)10A100A●—●——26g 散热器有非过零型 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/4- 1.225.412.75.087.622- 3.54- 1.225.410.1612.7202012.79.11026331225335426窄长型AQ1可控硅输出光电耦合器光电晶体管、可控硅光耦1A (DC 输出)型—10〜200V 1A—2A (DC 输出)型3〜60V 2A1mA 以下5A (1sec.)3〜28V 1.6k Ω3V 以下0.8V 以上0.5ms 以下2ms 以下3,000V AC −30℃〜+80℃−30℃〜+80℃——●——19g —19g ——4- 1.425.412.75.087.62102633102633UL 、CSA 、※TUVUL 、C-UL 、VDE..9可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm非过零3A 型2A 型3A 型75〜125V 75〜250V75〜125V 75〜250V75〜125V 75〜250V———3A3A2A5mA 以下5mA 以下5mA 以下80A30A80A 4〜6V 4〜6V 4〜6V 0.18k Ω0.3k Ω0.3k Ω4V 以下4V 以下4V 以下0.5V 以上0.5V 以上0.5V 以上1ms 以下9.8g6.8g9.8g9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V 1.2V 以上2.4V 以上1.2V 以下2.4V 以下1.2V 以上2.4V 以上1.2V 以上2.4V 以上9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V 9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V 9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V 0.55k Ω 1.4k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下0.55k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下0.8k Ω 1.8k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下0.8k Ω 1.8k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下A CD C20A-15A-10A-8A-5A-3A-2A-1A-AQ8可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦过零2A 型75〜125V 75〜250V—2A5mA 以下30A4〜6V 0.18k Ω4V 以下0.5V 以上3,000V AC −30℃〜+80℃●—●——UL 、CSA 、※TUV6.8g—— 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/7.62432112.7(30.48)4-0.810.165.08432112.7(27.94)4-0.8输入端子间5.08mm10.16输入端子间7.62mm924459324392445932431.4k Ω..10可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mmAQ-F 可控硅输出光电耦合器光电晶体管过零2A (AC 输出)型3A (AC 输出)型75〜250V 3〜28V 1.6k Ω3V 以下5mA 以下80A5mA 以下80A0.8V 以上2,000V AC ●−−●−+周期1ms 以下12/+周期1ms 以下12/2A3A35.22127.4A CD C40A −25A −20A −15A −10A −5A −2A −1A −−UL 、CSA 32g HC 端子台、插座−1mA 以下6A2A (DC 输出)型3A (DC 输出)型3〜60V −3〜28V 1.6k Ω3V 以下1mA 以下2A3A5A0.8V 以上2,000V AC −−−●−0.5ms 以下2ms 以下35.22127.4−75〜264V172838AQ-J 可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦过零※ 15A 型10A 型25A 型−5mA 以下10A(要散热器)(要散热器)100A10〜18V 18〜28V 4〜6V 0.26k Ω4V 以下0.8k Ω10V 以下30g带输入逆连接保护功能、有非过零型1.6k Ω18V 以下4V 以下10V 以下18V 以下4V 以下10V 以下18V 以下10〜18V 18〜28V 4〜6V 0.26k Ω0.8k Ω1.6k Ω10〜18V 18〜28V 4〜6V 0.26k Ω0.8k Ω1.6k Ω5mA 以下150A5mA 以下250A1V 以上输入和输出间:3,000V AC 、输入/输出和接地间:2,500V AC●−−−●周期+1ms 以下12/周期+1ms 以下12/15A(要散热器)25A散热器、DIN 导轨安装板UL 、C-UL 、TUV输入端子:#110插片输出端子:#250插片−30℃〜+80℃−30℃〜+80℃−30℃〜+80℃..11可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm过零※AQ-J 可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦−−散热器一体型、有非过零型250g280g●(可用DIN 导轨进行安装)75〜264V5mA 以下100A250A100A 250A 1V 以上输入和输出间:3,000V AC 、输出和接地间:2,500V AC●−−−1ms 周期+以下12/1ms 周期+以下12/10A15A10A20AA CD C40A −25A −20A −15A −10A −5A −2A −1A −10A 型(输出构成:1a )20A 型(输出构成:1a )输入端子:#110插片输出端子:#250插片10A 型(输出构成:1a×2)15A 型(输出构成:1a×2)4〜6V 0.26k Ω4V 以下10〜18V 0.8k Ω10V 以下18〜28V 1.6k Ω18V 以下4〜6V 0.26k Ω4V 以下10〜18V 0.8k Ω10V 以下18〜28V 18V 以下4〜6V0.26k Ω4V 以下10〜18V 0.8k Ω10V 以下18〜28V 18V 以下4〜6V 0.26k Ω4V 以下10〜18V 0.8k Ω10V 以下18〜28V 1.6k Ω18V 以下−2- 4.6或M490±0.2611328100113281001.6k Ω 1.6k Ω−30℃〜+80℃输入端子:#110插片输出端子:#250插片12可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm过零非过零AQ-A 可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦——70g●●75〜250V10mA 以下400A150A4〜32V 250A 1V 以上4V 以下—输入和输出间:4,000V AC 、输入/输出和接地间:2,500V AC●(LED 指示灯型)—— 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/40A15A25AA CD C40A −25A −20A −15A −10A −5A −2A −1A −15A 型25A 型40A 型—新−20℃〜+85℃散热器、DIN 安装板25.5405813可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表UL 、C-UL 、※TUV商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mmAQ-K 可控硅输出光电耦合器可控硅光耦过零−4.5V 以下−−1002210225A 型15A 型75〜250V4.5〜30V9mA 以下/施加200V150A250A1V 以上2,500V AC/4,000V AC 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/15A25A−215g●●−−●(可用DIN 导轨安装)90.010.8A CD C40A −25A −20A −15A −10A −5A −2A −1A −−30℃〜+80℃..14可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mmAQ-C 可控硅输出光电耦合器光电晶体管──DC 输入型−1V 以上2,500V AC —0.5ms 以下AC 输入型4〜32V −−−−10V AC 以上20ms 以下20ms 以下80V AC 以下3V 以下25mA25mA5μA 以下12.8102012.820109.6〜14.4V21.6〜26.4V9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V9.6〜14.4V 21.6〜26.4V1.2k Ω2.8k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下0.8k Ω 1.8k Ω9.6V 以下21.6V 以下1.2V 以上 2.4V 以上1.2V 以上2.4V 以上9.6V 以下21.6V 以下0.8k Ω 1.8k ΩA CD C20A-15A-10A-8A-5A-3A-2A-1A-可控硅光耦过零1A (AC 输出)型75〜125V 75〜250V—1A1.1mA 以下20A4〜6V 0.3k Ω4V 以下0.5V 以上非过零1A (AC 输出)型1A 4〜6V 0.3k Ω4V 以下0.5V 以上1ms 以下●—●——4.3g—光电晶体管—1A (DC 输出)型—3〜60V1A0.1mA 以下1.5A4〜6V 0.43k Ω4V 以下0.8V 以上0.5ms 以下1ms 以下— 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/10.167.627.6212.8102012.81020UL 、CSA 、※TUV80〜250V AC3〜32V 插座、接口终端(PC 终端)0.5ms 以下−30℃〜+80℃..15可控硅输出光电耦合器选型参数表商品名称方式类型输入端输出端安装方式最大允许负载电流负载电压漏电流浪涌导通电流额定操作电压(DC )输入阻抗(约)动作电压复位电压动作时间复位时间耐电压使用环境温度内置缓冲电路工作指示灯PC 板插入式面板安装端子排列和板料加工图(BOTTOM VIEW )国外标准质量(重量)(约)选件备注外形尺寸高度包括支架尺寸单位mm—插座13g UL 、CSA ——●●(带工作指示灯)●—−30〜+80℃4,000V AC 5ms 以下2ms 以下5ms 以下0.5ms 以下0.8V 以上0.8V 以上0.8V 以上—过零—DC 输入模块AC 输出模块DC 输出模块—75〜125V 75〜250V —4〜15V 10〜32V—3〜60V 10〜200V2A2A15mA1A100μA 以下5mA 以下1mA 以下—30A5A (1秒間)3〜32V 3〜15、4〜15、10〜32V— 1.6、1.7、5、6 k Ω3V 以下3V(4V)以下3V(4V)以下160〜280V AC—160V AC 以下A CD C20A-15A-10A-8A-5A-3A-2A-1A-I/O 输出光电耦合器光电晶体管—AC 输入模块80〜140V AC—20ms 以下20ms 以下— 周期+1ms 以下12/ 周期+1ms 以下12/5- AC 以下10V AC 以上20V AC 以上。


Private & Confidential
OCS Products Lineup
Optocouplers Solutions Division (OSD)
Product Features : Halogen Free solutions
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Optocouplers packages types
Private & Confidential

Optocouplers Characteristics
• Viso: isolation voltage (between input and output) – The maximum sustainable voltage between input and output – The Viso of DIP optocouplers (4-pin, 6-pin, 8-pin or 16-pin) is 5000 volts – Safety concerned
300 series
(4-pin MFP)
New !
200 series
(SO8 )
700 series(6-pin DIP) *4N / CNY xx / 700 •MOC (Opoto-Triac )
DC input, phototransistor ( Opoto-darlington) output DC input, IC output AC input, phototransistor output AC input, optot-darlington transistor output



• 155.52 MHz Standard, Other Frequencies Available from 10 MHz to 170 MHz • Jitter Performance <1 ps rms @ 155.52 MHz • Temperature Stability to ±20 ppm -40°C to +85°C • Aging: 10 ppm for 10 Years Typical • ECL or PECL Output • Complementary Output Available • Package: Single DIP, Gull Wing, or True Surface Mount FR4
Performance Characteristics
Standard Frequency: Supply: C D G J Current: Single Ended Output Complementary Output Output Type: C D E F Rise/Fall Time (20-80%): Symmetry (Duty Cycle): Temperature Range: Aging (10 years): Jitter (12 kHz - 20 MHz): Deviation/Stability: Control Voltage: PECL, 3.3V PECL, 5V ECLion: PECL ECL Linearity (BSL): ssb Phase Noise (@ 155.52 MHz) (typical)
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web:
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Ambient temperature T a ( ˚C )
5 10 20 50 Low level output current I OL ( mA )
Fig. 7 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature
0.5 VCC = 5V I F = 4mA 0.4 Supply current Icc ( mA ) I OL = 30mA
Compact, Surface Mount Type OPIC Photocoupler
s Outline Dimensions ( Unit : mm )
1.27 ± 0.25 6 5 4
Internal connection diagram Voltage regulator
PC400 4.4 ± 0.2 1 3 Amp.
Fig. 8 Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I CCH - 25˚C 1 3 5 7 9 85˚C 11
Low level output voltage V OL ( V )
I CCL 25˚C
0.3 16mA 0.2 5mA 0.1
s Features
1. Mini-flat package 2. “ Low ” output during light emission 3. Isolation voltage between input and output ( Viso : 3 750V rms ) 4. TTL and LSTTL compatible output 5. Recognized by UL(No.E64380)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
s Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Forward current Reverse voltage Power dissipation Supply voltage High level output voltege Low level output current Power dissipation Total power dissipation *1 Isolation voltege Operating temperature Storage temperature *2 Soldering temperature Symbol IF VR P V CC V OH I OL PO P tot V iso T opr T stg T sol
“ In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that occur in equipment using any of SHARP's devices, shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest version of the device specification sheets before using any SHARP's device.”
PC400 s Electro-optical Characteristics
Parameter Forward voltage Input Reverse current Terminal capacitance Operating supply voltage Low level output voltage Output High level output current Low level supply current High level supply current
Voltage regulator t r = tf = 0.01 µ S Z o = 50 Ω VIN
5V 50% 280 Ω Vo VIN tPHL Vo tPLH VOH 90% 1.5V 10% VOL
0.1 µ F
47 Ω tf
Fig. 1 Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature
Forward current I
0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 Supply voltage V CC ( V ) 20
Fig. 5 Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Ambient Temperature
1.6 V CC = 5V 1.4 Relative threshold input current 1.2 1.0 0.8 I 0.6 0.4 0.2 - 25 I FHL = 1 at T a = 25˚C 0 25 50 75 100
Fig. 6 Low Level Output Voltage vs. Low Level Output Current
1.0 VCC = 5V Low level output voltage V OL ( V ) 0.5 I F = 4mA T a = 25˚C 0.2 0.1
0.05 0.02 0.01 1
Fig. 4 Relative Threshold Input Current vs. Supply Voltage
1.4 T a = 25˚C I FHL = 1 at V CC = 5V Relative threshold input current 25˚C 0˚C - 25˚C 1.2 I 1.0 I 0.8
6 5 4
s Applications
1. Hybrid substrate which requires high density mounting 2. Personal computers, office computers and peripheral equipment 3. Electronic musical instruments
* “ OPIC ” ( Optical IC ) is a trademark of the SHARP Corporation. An OPIC consists of a light-detecting element and signalprocessing circuit integrated onto a single chip.
60 P tot ( mW )
Fig. 2 Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature
50 Forward current I F ( mA )
150 130 100
P tot PO
Power dissipation P
10 0 - 25
0 25 50 75 85 Ambient temperature T a ( ˚C )
0 - 25
Ambient temperature Ta ( ˚C )
Fig. 3 Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage
500 200 ( mA ) 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Forward voltage V F ( V ) 3.0 T a = 75˚C 50˚C
T a = - 25˚C
I CCL 85˚C I CCH 25˚C
0 - 25
0 0 25 50
75 ( ˚C )
13 (V)
Ambient temperature T
Supply voltage V
“ H→L ” threshold input current “ L→H ” threshold input current Hysteresis Isolation resistance “ H→L ” propagation delay time “ L→H ” propagation delay time Fall time Rise time
0.7 3 0.4 0.3 0.5 5 x 1010 -
1.1 1.0 30 0.2 2.5 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.7 1011 1 2 0.05 0.1
1.4 10 250 15 0.4 100 5.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 0.9 3 6 0.5 0.5
V µA pF V V µA mA mA mA
Transfer characteristics
R ISO t PHL t PLH tf tr

Response time
*3 I FHL represents forward current when output gose from high to low. *4 I FLH represents forward current when output goes from low to high. *5 Hysteresis stands for IFLH /I FHL . *6 Test circuit for response time is shown below.