高中英语课件 选修七课件
人教版高中英语选修七 Unit1 Reading and writing 课件 (共32张PPT)

equally to the able-bodied people D.All of above
Task 3
1. Answer the following questions.
1). What is the purpose of the first paragraph of the letter?
3). What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the letter?
To finish the letter in a polite way and to put forward some reasons why the architect should consider the writer’s suggestions.
e.g. The questions is difficult to answer . The room is pleasant to live in .
5. elder 和 older 的区别
elder: 只用于人,多指兄弟姐妹之间年龄较大的, 只用作定语,不能和 than 连用.
older: 可用于人或物,用于人时,指实际年龄较 大的;用于物时,指”较旧的”. 可用作定语,表语,也可与than连用.
we have guests. (4)Though the weather was _e_sp_e_c_i_a_ll_y cold and windy,
I came here __sp_e_c_i_a_ll_y_ to see you.
3. Access to the cinema for people in wheelchairs and those
3. What does “ hearing– impaired” mean ?
Task 3
1. Answer the following questions.
1). What is the purpose of the first paragraph of the letter?
3). What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the letter?
To finish the letter in a polite way and to put forward some reasons why the architect should consider the writer’s suggestions.
e.g. The questions is difficult to answer . The room is pleasant to live in .
5. elder 和 older 的区别
elder: 只用于人,多指兄弟姐妹之间年龄较大的, 只用作定语,不能和 than 连用.
older: 可用于人或物,用于人时,指实际年龄较 大的;用于物时,指”较旧的”. 可用作定语,表语,也可与than连用.
we have guests. (4)Though the weather was _e_sp_e_c_i_a_ll_y cold and windy,
I came here __sp_e_c_i_a_ll_y_ to see you.
3. Access to the cinema for people in wheelchairs and those
3. What does “ hearing– impaired” mean ?
北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 19《Language》(Lesson 4)课件

上述句型是非人称转述结构( Impersonal Report Structure) 非人称转述结构 转述人们的一般认识或说的话时, 我们可以用 It+ is/ was+ 动词的被动式 结构, 如: predict, say, know, believe, claim, suppose, think, fear 等动词, 这一结 构称为非人称转述结构。 It is said that body language is used in almost every place. 据说, 肢体语言几乎用于每一个地方。 It was feared that the earthquake occurred suddenly when they were having classes. 人们担心, 他们上课时突然发生地震。
其他类似的独立成分 to put it another way 用另一种方式说; 换句话说 to begin/ start with 首先 to sum up 总之 to be brief 简而言之 to be frank/ honest 老实说 to be exact 说得确切些 to tell/ speak the truth 老实说 to return to the subject 言归正传 to make matters worse 更糟的是 to be sure 毫无疑问 judging from 根据……判断 generally speaking 一般说来
2)a success 在此是抽象名词具体化, 表示一个成功的人或一件成功的事。 success n. [ U] 成功; 成就 He is a great success as a teacher. 作为老师, 他很出色。 Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
高中英语(新人教版选修7)教学课件:Unit 1-Period Ⅲ课件

新课标 ·英语 选修7
教 学
(2012·山东高考)— Sorry I'm late.I got stuck in traffic.
课 堂
标 分
— .You're here e in and sit down.
动 探
A.You are welcome
B.That's right
动 探
析 right是的,对,没错,不符合语境;I have no idea我不知 究
道,与语境不符;never mind没关系,不要紧,是对道歉
教 的回答用语,符合语境,故选D。
【答案】 D
教 学 方 案 设 计
新课标 ·英语 选修7
课 堂 互 动 探 究
当 堂 双 基 达 标
教 学 目 标 分 析
教 学 方 案 设 计
新课标 ·英语 选修7
课 堂 互 动 探 究
当 堂 双 基 达 标
教 学 目 标 分 析
教 学 方 案 设 计
新课标 ·英语 选修7
课 堂 互 动 探 究
当 堂 双 基 达 标
教 学 目 标 分 析
新课标 ·英语 选修7
课 堂 互 动 探 究
当 堂 双 基 达 标
新课标 ·英语 选修7
1.never mind 不用担心

sorry for myself
4.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to ___________________li_v_e_a_s__ri_ch__a_n_d_f_u(ll a像l你ife一as样y过ou得d丰o 富多彩、充实美 满).
disability _________(n.
的 ambition
9. __________(adj. )有益的;受益的→_______ (n. )利益;好处
10. __a_b_se_n_c_e_(n. )缺席;不在某处→_______a_b_s(eandtj. )缺席的;不在的
13. __e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e(menn. t)协助;援助→_______ (v. )帮e助nc;ou援ra助ge
14. __c_o_n_g_r_a_tu_l_a_te__(vt. )祝贺;庆贺→______c_o_n_g_r_a_tu_l_a_tio(nn. )祝贺;贺 词
人教版高中英语选修7 全套PPT课件
Living well 好好生活
Ⅰ. 单词盘点
1. ___________(adj. ) suitable
2. _______(vt. )
adapt 3. ________(n. )

Teaching Analysis
1 采用的方法,说明针对本节课所
设计的教学环节。先完整呈现 本节课的教学环节和时间预设, 再说明每个环节的具体做法和 目的。
Teaching Process
语言流畅、 简洁、生动, 语速适当, 举止文雅, 自然大方。 时间9-10分钟。
Saturday to climb the three mountains, which are the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales within 24 hours.
“It was a very good experience, ”Oliver said after the climb. “My stamina is higher than I thought it could be. The great support that I received from everybody kept me going, so huge thanks go to all. ”
(1)说学生的知识经验这里说明学生学习新知识前他们所具有的基础知识 和生活经验,这种知识经验对学习新知识产生什么样的影响。
(2)说学生的技能态度就是分析学生掌握学习内容所必须具备的学习技巧, 以及是否具备学习新知识所必须掌握的技能和态度。
(3)说学生的特点风格说明学生年龄特点,以及由于身体和智力上的个别 差异所形成的学习方式与风格。
就是分析教学对象。因为学生是学习的主体,因此教师说课必须说清楚学生 情况。这部分内容可以单列,也可以插在说教材部分里一起说。说学生包括

for another person or company
2.________ happening at the same time or in the
版 英
same way but separately
3.________ existing or available in large quantities 4.________ to control and manage an area and its
(1)beyond/without question 毫无疑问
(2)in question 讨论中的;有疑问的
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
Maragret was,________, a very beautiful woman.
She was so attractive that she was liked by almost all the
George Ⅲ ruled Great Britain for 60 years. 乔治三世统治英国达六十年之久。
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
The old man who________the village is elected by the
Unit 5 Travelling abroad
1.be parallel ________ 与……平行,和……类似
2.be abundant ________ 富于……,在……方面很丰
3.gain independence________ 摆脱……而独立

Ⅰ.填一填(掌握书写) 1.__a_m__b__it_i_o_n___n.雄心;野心→__a_m__b__it_i_o_u_s__adj.有雄心的;有野心的 2.__b_e__n_e_f_i_c_ia__l _adj.有益的;受益的→_____b__e_n_e_f_i_t_ v. & n.利益 3.____a_d__a_p_t____vt.使适应;改编→__a_d__a_p_t_a__ti_o_n__n.适应;改编 4.____a_n__n_o_y____vt.使……不悦;惹恼→__a_n_n__o_y_e__d___adj.颇为生气的 5.c_o__n_g_r_a__tu__la__te_vt.祝贺;庆祝→__c_o__n_g__r_a_t_u_l_a_t_io__n_n.祝贺
1.[2018·天津卷] When I was 17,I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolourist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death._______社__区__________ 2. So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research. _____非__营__利___的______

用 sort 的相关短语填空。 My daughter had ________ ( 各 种 各 样 的 ) toys when she was young.One day,when I entered her room, she _______ (正在分类) her toys.I saw her ____________ (把她的玩具分成) several piles. 答案:all sorts of was sorting out sorting her toys into
•11、凡为教者必期于达到不须教。对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。 •12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后才是专门知识和技能的训练。 •13、在教师手里操着幼年人的命运,便操着民族和人类的命运。2021/11/72021/11/7November 7, 2021 •14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 •15、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音,集体的动作,集体的表情,集体的信念。 •16、一个人所受的教育超过了自己的智力,这样的人才有学问。 •17、好奇是儿童的原始本性,感知会使儿童心灵升华,为其为了探究事物藏下本源。2021年11月2021/11/72021/11/72021/11/711/7/2021 •18、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。 2021/11/72021/11/7
有天下午,我来到捕鲸站,正在整理住所的时候, 听到从海湾那边传来的一阵喧闹声。
归纳拓展 sort sth into sth 整理;把……分类 all sorts of 各种各样的 a sort of 一种 sort of=kind of 有那么一点,有几分 sort out...from 从……中区分出来
高中英语课件 选修七PPT课件

2. adequate adj. 足够的;充分的
①Adequate access for wheelchairs.
【拓展】be adequate for. . . 对……来说是足够的
be adequate to sth. /do sth. 胜任某事;足以干某事
adequately adv.
【即学即练】改错 ①When met with difficulties, he always held back. ( ) ②This is the first time I met my new English teacher. ( ) 答案: ①met改为meeting, 或在met前加he ②在met前加have
_到_学科_网底__,__究__竟__ _既__然__,__由__于__ _不__必__担__心__ _在__疼__痛__中__;__在__苦__恼__中__
5. resign from government 6. _m_a_k__e_i_t 7. _a_ll__th_e__b_e_st_ 8. _in__p_a_r_ti_c_u_l_a_r 9. _m_e_e_t_w__it_h_ 10. _w_i_t_h_d_i_g_n_it_y_
6. This would allow hearing-impaired customers to enjoy the company of their hearing friends rather than having to sit in a special area.
这样可以使那些听力有缺陷的观众和那些听力正常的朋友坐在 一起欣赏,而不是让他们坐在一个特定的区域。
4. ★meet with遇到;经历;会晤 ①I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. 希望我的建议会得到你的认可。 ②Anyone will help you when you meet with difficulties. 你在遇到困难时,谁都会帮助你。 ③President Hu Jintao met with the Prime Minister of Japan yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午胡锦涛主席会见了日本首相。
高中英语 人教版选修七 非谓语动词讲解课件(共63张ppt)

Don't you remember seeing the man before?
go on doing/to do
go on to do做了一件事后,接着做另一件事, go on doing 继续做原来做的事。 Eg: 做完数学后,他接着去做物理。 After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his
主语 宾语 表语 定语 宾补 状语
1. 动名词做主语往往表示泛指的、一般的行为; 不定式 做主语常表示某次具体的行为或将来的动作。 e.g. Climbing mountains is great fun. 爬山很有趣。 To visit China is my next goal. 2. 不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不 定式短语后置。 e.g. It took me only five minutes to finish the job. 3. 动名词作主语有时用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句 尾。常见于以下句型中: It’s use/ good / fun… It’s useful/ nice/ useless… e.g It’s nice seeing you again.
情态动词/助 动词+ v.
He has gone to Shanghai.
You are students. You look smart.
Don't you remember seeing the man before?
go on doing/to do
go on to do做了一件事后,接着做另一件事, go on doing 继续做原来做的事。 Eg: 做完数学后,他接着去做物理。 After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his
主语 宾语 表语 定语 宾补 状语
1. 动名词做主语往往表示泛指的、一般的行为; 不定式 做主语常表示某次具体的行为或将来的动作。 e.g. Climbing mountains is great fun. 爬山很有趣。 To visit China is my next goal. 2. 不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不 定式短语后置。 e.g. It took me only five minutes to finish the job. 3. 动名词作主语有时用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句 尾。常见于以下句型中: It’s use/ good / fun… It’s useful/ nice/ useless… e.g It’s nice seeing you again.
情态动词/助 动词+ v.
He has gone to Shanghai.
You are students. You look smart.
人教版高中英语选修七 Unit 3 Under the sea PPT课件

A shark is coming ~ Dangerous!
He notices us~ We must go now. ^^^^^^^
the largest animals in the oceanຫໍສະໝຸດ killer whales
baleen whales
the killer whales
sea star
sea horse
Oh! Woo! Ah!
Today, we’re going to Go~~~ take a look at the world under the sea. So, are you ready?
Wow! Yeah!
Great! Yes!
Unit 3 Under the Sea
Unit 3
Under the sea
Step 1 Warming-up & Pre - reading Step 2 Reading Step 3 Phrases Step 4 Homework
Warming-up & Pre - reading
(baleen) whales
The whalers
1. Which kind of whale eat meat? A killer whale B blue whale baleen whale C humpback whale (驼背鲸)
2. Which family do killer whales belong to ? A shark B dolphin C whale
Killer whales are attacking a baleen whale with whalers waiting by in their boat, harpoon(鱼叉) at the ready.

Group work
Activity: To make “Family Village” a better website, please design a new “Webpage” to call on people to
show their love to the disabled.
1 3
Marty has a muscle disease and … From my point of view, …
Mailbo x
Thank You!
Unit 1 Living well
用幻灯片讲解文中重点生词,短语。对每个 语言点都给了特定的例句,帮助学生加深理解。 特别是一些很熟悉的短语的相关拓展,很符合高 考的特点,单词的扩展,帮学生系统的梳理了常 考考点,串化了学生的零碎的知识。 在一些易混短语的后面,附上了巩固练习, 这样,讲练结合,及时巩固,也符合教学规律和 记忆规律。
Detailed-reading: Reading for details:
Conclusion: advice
“ Don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don’t ignore them either. Just accept them and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.”
3.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的 例句: A temperate climate is benefical to the health. 温和的气候有利于健康。
人教版高中英语-选修七第一单元Reading-. PPT课件 图文

Q. Why has his fellow students’ conduct changed towards Marty?
• A. Because they are now high school students.
• B. Because they are all disabled people.
• Others, however, think differently. They think that making friends online takes up
a lot of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on their studies. In addition,some students may get cheated online.
he really means________
• Should students make friends online? Some people say yes. They hold the view that the Internet helps students make more friends. Besides, students chatting online can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.
Further understanding (1): “Live one day at a time.” ---y is a ____ person.
optimistic, brraavee, stupid, pessimistic, independent, strong-minded…
[课件]高中英语选修七 Unit 1 Using lanauage (共18张PPT)
![[课件]高中英语选修七 Unit 1 Using lanauage (共18张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/12351b317cd184254b353564.png)
4. so long as只__要_______________________
5. and so on _等__等______________________
6. be casual about_对__._.._.._抱__有___随__意__态__度___ 7. as a result of___因__为________________ 8. get sb to do sth__让__某__人___做__某__事__________
Careful reading: Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.
What can we do about global warming? ◆ Turn a(n) _e_l_ec_t_r_ic_a_l_a_p__p_li_a_n_c_e off
• Ⅰ.Match the purpose with each letter. 1.The first letter A. to offer suggestions to Ouyang Guang
2.The second letter B. to seek advice from Earth Care
③ Huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide---from
1957 to 1997---from around 315 parts per million to around 370 parts per million.
The effects of global warming
Using language
What has caused the global warming?
①Human activity--- burning of fossil fuels.
5. and so on _等__等______________________
6. be casual about_对__._.._.._抱__有___随__意__态__度___ 7. as a result of___因__为________________ 8. get sb to do sth__让__某__人___做__某__事__________
Careful reading: Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.
What can we do about global warming? ◆ Turn a(n) _e_l_ec_t_r_ic_a_l_a_p__p_li_a_n_c_e off
• Ⅰ.Match the purpose with each letter. 1.The first letter A. to offer suggestions to Ouyang Guang
2.The second letter B. to seek advice from Earth Care
③ Huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide---from
1957 to 1997---from around 315 parts per million to around 370 parts per million.
The effects of global warming
Using language
What has caused the global warming?
①Human activity--- burning of fossil fuels.
高中英语(新人教版选修7)教学课件:Unit 1-Period Ⅰ课件

3.What can we learn from the true story?
________________________________________________ 自 主
新课标 ·英语 选修7
Olivia Rusk has filled a lot of professional roles for 课
someone who's only 14.She models.She makes inspiring 自 主
speeches.She's a talk-show(脱口秀) host for Radio Diard from race car driver Danica Patrick.And last year,she
目 received the “Well Dunn” award from Coach Lin Dunn of
分 析
the Indiana Fever women's professional basketball team.
have cancer,” she says,“which is totally fine.But I'm
学 方
not sick or anything.”
设 计
She decided early in her childhood—months after
目 losing most of her hair—not to cover up her condition.

观察思考 Thechildwasabandonedbyhisparents. 这孩子被父母遗弃了。 Thecrewabandonedtheburningship. 水手们离弃了燃烧着的船。 Iabandonedmydreamofbeingadoctor. 我放弃了当医生的梦想。 Sheabandonedherselftodespair. 她陷入了绝望之中。
此 句 型 中 还 可 用 i t形作式主,语常 构 成 以 下 结 构:It’s+adj.+forsb.todosth.对某人来 说做某事…… It’s+adj.+ofsb.todosth.某人如此……而 做某事 4.Itseemedtherewasasurprisewaiting formearoundeverycorner...看起来好像每 个角落里都有惊喜在等着我…… I 考t 点s提e炼e m e d . . . 意 为看来“……” , 其 中 s e e m 为 动,词意 为 “ 看 起 来 像 … … , 似 乎……,好像……”。
I’msittinginthewarmnightairwitha colddrinkinmyhandandreflectingon theday...(回归课本P24)
观察思考 Thatchoicereflectsyourgoodtaste. 那个选择反映了你的高雅品味。 Shewaslefttoreflectonthe implicationsofherdecision. 由她负责考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。 Onthewayhomehereflectedthatthe interviewhadgonewell. 回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。
归纳总结 accommodation;n停. 住留处 ;和解,调 解;(pl.)住宿,膳宿 (1)makeaccommodationsfor...为……提供膳宿 bookaccommodationatahotel向旅馆预订房间 arrangesb.’saccommodation给某人安排住处 (2)accommodatevt.向……提供住宿(或膳 宿);容纳;为……提供空间;考虑到;顾及; 帮忙;给……提供方便;顺应,适应(新情况) accommodate...to=adapt...to使……适应 accommodateoneselfto=adapt(oneself)to适 应;顺应 accommodatesb.withsth.=supplysb.withsth. 给某人提供……
此 句 型 中 还 可 用 i t形作式主,语常 构 成 以 下 结 构:It’s+adj.+forsb.todosth.对某人来 说做某事…… It’s+adj.+ofsb.todosth.某人如此……而 做某事 4.Itseemedtherewasasurprisewaiting formearoundeverycorner...看起来好像每 个角落里都有惊喜在等着我…… I 考t 点s提e炼e m e d . . . 意 为看来“……” , 其 中 s e e m 为 动,词意 为 “ 看 起 来 像 … … , 似 乎……,好像……”。
I’msittinginthewarmnightairwitha colddrinkinmyhandandreflectingon theday...(回归课本P24)
观察思考 Thatchoicereflectsyourgoodtaste. 那个选择反映了你的高雅品味。 Shewaslefttoreflectonthe implicationsofherdecision. 由她负责考虑她这个决定会牵扯哪些问题。 Onthewayhomehereflectedthatthe interviewhadgonewell. 回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。
归纳总结 accommodation;n停. 住留处 ;和解,调 解;(pl.)住宿,膳宿 (1)makeaccommodationsfor...为……提供膳宿 bookaccommodationatahotel向旅馆预订房间 arrangesb.’saccommodation给某人安排住处 (2)accommodatevt.向……提供住宿(或膳 宿);容纳;为……提供空间;考虑到;顾及; 帮忙;给……提供方便;顺应,适应(新情况) accommodate...to=adapt...to使……适应 accommodateoneselfto=adapt(oneself)to适 应;顺应 accommodatesb.withsth.=supplysb.withsth. 给某人提供……
高中英语选修7 Unit3 under the sea 课件

6.why did the whalers return home without the whale’s body?
Because the body would not float to the surface until about 24 hours later
Why are the animals under the sea becoming fewer and fewer? What can we do to protect them?
Bye bye !
Unit3 Under the sea
Words and expressions
1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。
本节课为unit3 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的, 易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学 方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从 而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教 学大纲的要求。
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
The second one tells about how a killer whale protected and saved James, a whaler.
1. 培养学生阅读能力和技巧,skimming, scanning, summarizing等,并能快速的锁定所需的信息范围。
2. 使学生更好的了解海底生物,热爱生物,保护海洋环境。
Because the body would not float to the surface until about 24 hours later
Why are the animals under the sea becoming fewer and fewer? What can we do to protect them?
Bye bye !
Unit3 Under the sea
Words and expressions
1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。
本节课为unit3 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的, 易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学 方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从 而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教 学大纲的要求。
The first anecdote describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
The second one tells about how a killer whale protected and saved James, a whaler.
1. 培养学生阅读能力和技巧,skimming, scanning, summarizing等,并能快速的锁定所需的信息范围。
2. 使学生更好的了解海底生物,热爱生物,保护海洋环境。

有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子究竟有多大的用 处。他们中的大多数学完八年级以后就要回到他们的村 庄去了。
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
be relevant to...= have sth.to do with 与……有关 be irrelevant to...与……不相关 totally/completely/largely irrelevant完全/绝对/基本上无 关紧要
14.toa__s_t_vt.烤(面包等);敬酒n.烤面包(片);吐司面包; 干杯 15. ast__ronaut_n.宇航员;太空人
16. cat__a_l_o_g_u_e_n. 目录
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
1._he__a_r_from_____...接到…… 的信
2. _(_b_e _d_y n_ t_o_ 极想;渴望
3. the___othe____r_da__ 前几天
4. com____e_acr___o_ss__偶然遇到或发现;碰见
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
2 adjust vt. & vi. 调 整 ; 使 适 合 The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. (教材P30 )
小屋内很黑,因此我们的眼睛过了好一阵才适 应过来。
(3) donator n.捐赠者,赠送者
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
be relevant to...= have sth.to do with 与……有关 be irrelevant to...与……不相关 totally/completely/largely irrelevant完全/绝对/基本上无 关紧要
14.toa__s_t_vt.烤(面包等);敬酒n.烤面包(片);吐司面包; 干杯 15. ast__ronaut_n.宇航员;太空人
16. cat__a_l_o_g_u_e_n. 目录
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
1._he__a_r_from_____...接到…… 的信
2. _(_b_e _d_y n_ t_o_ 极想;渴望
3. the___othe____r_da__ 前几天
4. com____e_acr___o_ss__偶然遇到或发现;碰见
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
2 adjust vt. & vi. 调 整 ; 使 适 合 The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. (教材P30 )
小屋内很黑,因此我们的眼睛过了好一阵才适 应过来。
(3) donator n.捐赠者,赠送者
选修7 Unit 4 …………………………………… 高考总复习 ·英语
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4. assistance (n. )协助;援助→_a_s_si_s_ta_n__t (n. )助手→_a_ss_i_s_t (v. ) 协助;援助
5. congratulate(vt. )祝贺;庆贺→_c_o_n_g_r_a_tu_l_a_t_io_n_ (n. )祝贺;贺
6. access (n. )(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性→_a_c_c_e_ss_i_b_le_ (adj. ) 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的
(2)(使用或见到的)机会,权利(与介词to连用);可接近性 ③You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 ④Students should have access to good information resources. 学生应该有机会使用好的信息资源。
2. adequate adj. 足够的;充分的
①Adequate access for wheelchairs.
【拓展】be adequate for. . . th. /do sth. 胜任某事;足以干某事
adequately adv.
3. ★access n. [U] (1)通道;入口;方法(常与介词to连用) ①The onlzyxxkwaccess to the farmhouse is across the fields. 到那农舍去的惟一通道是穿过田地。 ②Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. 欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。
7. graduate (v. )毕业→_g_r_a_d_u_a_t_io_n_ (n. )毕业;毕业典礼
8. approve (v. )赞成;认可→_a_p_p_r_o_v_a_l (n. )赞成;认可
Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. on earth 2. now that 3. never mind 4. in pain
_到_学科_网底__,__究__竟__ _既__然__,__由__于__ _不__必__担__心__ _在__疼__痛__中__;__在__苦__恼__中__
5. resign from government 6. _m_a_k__e_i_t 7. _a_ll__th_e__b_e_st_ 8. _in__p_a_r_ti_c_u_l_a_r 9. _m_e_e_t_w__it_h_ 10. _w_i_t_h_d_i_g_n_it_y_
【拓展】(1)congratulate sb. on sth. 就某事向某人祝贺
congratulate oneself on sth. (就成功或成就)感到高兴/自豪
(2)congratulation n.
congratulations(on. . . )
offer/send your congratulations to sb. 向某人致以祝贺
祝贺, 道贺; 其宾语是人。congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth.
celebrate 庆祝,其宾语是事,celebrate sth.
【即学即练】选词填空celebrate/congratulate ①Many people _co_n__g_ra_t_u_l_a_te_d_ Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo on winning gold medals. ②We had a dinner party to _c_e_le_b_r_a_t_e our parents’ silver wedding.
_辞__去__政__府__职__位__ 成功;按时赶到 一切顺利 特别 遇到;经历;会晤 有尊严地,体面地
1. ★congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺 ① Listen to the latter part of Barry’s story where Joan congratulates Barry and wishes him future success, . . . 听巴里故事的后半部分,在这个故事里琼祝贺巴里,并祝他在 未来取得成功,……
Unit 1 Living well 好好生活
Using Language
Ⅰ. 重点单词 根据词性和汉语意思写出单词,并进行拓展。 1. politics (n. )政治(学)→_p_o_li_t_ic_a_l (adj. )政治的→_p_o_l_it_ic_i_a_n_ (n. ) 政治家 2. resign(vt. &vi. )辞职;辞掉→_r_e_si_g_n_a_t_io_n_(n. )辞职 3. slavery(n. )奴隶制→_s_la_v_e_(n. )奴隶
②The heavy rain was adequate for the drought in southwestern China. 这场大雨对于缓解中国西南地区的干旱来说是足够了。 ③He is adequate to his position. 他胜任自己的职位。
【即学即练】用适当的介词填空 ①I hope you will prove adequate _to_ the job. ②The food is not adequate _fo_r_ some Africans.
②We congratulate him on the birth of his son. 我们祝贺他喜得贵子。 ③You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job. 你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。 ④—I have been accepted by Beijing University. ——我已经被北京大学录取了。 —Congratulations! ——祝贺祝贺!