独家代理协议模板 中英文对照版
(完整word版)独家代理协议 中英文

独家代理协议EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENTNo:Place: Tianjin, ChinaDate:此协议是双方在平等互利基础上,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1. 协议双方The Parties Concerned甲方:乙方:_Party A: Party B:地址:地址:Add: Add:电话:电话:Tel: Tel:传真:传真:Fax Fax:2. 独家代理权的授予Appointment of Exclusive Agent:甲方正式委任乙方为其在第四条所列区域的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and at the same time, Party B accepts the appointment of Part A unanimously. Party A agrees not to enter into a contractual relationship with any third party entity in order to sell the product in the Annex Ⅱto the territory, Party B agrees not to sell similar of other manufacturers in territory.3. 商品和销售数量:Commodity and Quantity:3.1 指附带有附件一列明的商标并在附件二中具体列出的产品Products shall mean the product shown in Annex 2 with the trademark exactly mentioned Annex 1 herein.3.2 销售数量:甲方要求乙方代理销售的数量。
独家代理协议模板 中英文对照版

编号:_____________ 独家代理协议卖方:___________________________代理商:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日本协议于20XX年月日,由有限公司(一家根据中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在,以下简称卖方)与XXX公司(一家根据南非法律组建并存在的公司,其主营地在南非,以下简称代理商)共同签定并一致约定如下:This agreement is made and entered into on 20XX- by and between Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the the laws of People's Republic of China, with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called seller) and XXX a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of South Africa, with its principal of business at South Africa (hereinafter called agent) , Whereby it's mutually agreed as follows:第一条委任与接受在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条规定的区域内招揽订单。
Article 1 Appointment and AcceptanceDuring the effective period of this agreement, seller hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and agent accepts and assumes such appointment.第二条代理商的义务代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、承诺以及订立合同、协议或做其他对卖方有约束力的行为。

独家代理协议_中英文Exclusive Agent Agreement本独家代理协议(以下简称“协议”)由以下双方签订:甲方:[公司名称],注册地为[注册地],地址为[地址],法定代表人为[法定代表人],以下简称“甲方”。

代理合同协议双语版3篇全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1代理合同协议双语版Agent Contract Agreement本协议由以下各方(以下合称“双方”):This agreement is made between the following parties (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"):委托方(以下称为“甲方”):Principal (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"):代理方(以下称为“乙方”):Agent (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"):甲方及乙方自愿签订本协议,就以下事项达成一致:Party A and Party B voluntarily enter into this agreement for the following matters:第一条代理范围Article 1 Scope of Agency乙方将作为甲方的独家代理,负责在指定地区销售甲方的产品/服务。
Party B shall act as the exclusive agent of Party A, responsible for selling Party A's products/services in the designated area. Party B must comply with Party A's regulations, make efforts to promote Party A's products/services, and ensure the completion of sales targets.第二条代理地区Article 2 Agency Area乙方在本合同中被授权在指定的地区进行销售代理活动。
独家代理协议 中英文

独家代理协议中英文独家代理协议Exclusive Agency Agreement本独家代理协议(以下简称“协议”)由以下双方于【日期】签订:甲方(以下简称“制造商”)公司名称:注册地址:法定代表人:联系人:联系方式:乙方(以下简称“代理商”)公司名称:注册地址:法定代表人:联系人:联系方式:鉴于,制造商拥有特定产品的生产和销售权,代理商具备在指定区域内进行销售和推广的能力,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条协议目的1.1 本协议的目的是为了确立代理商作为制造商在指定区域内的独家代理商,并规定双方的权利和义务。
1.2 代理商应按照制造商的要求,以独家代理的方式销售和推广制造商的产品。
第二条代理范围2.1 制造商授予代理商在以下指定区域内以独家代理方式销售和推广制造商的产品:【指定区域描述】2.2 代理商在指定区域内享有独家代理权,制造商将不会与其他代理商签订类似的协议。
2.3 代理商有权在指定区域内开展市场调研、销售推广、售后服务等活动,以增加产品的销售量和市场份额。
第三条代理期限3.1 本协议的有效期为【起始日期】至【终止日期】。
3.2 双方同意,协议期满后,如双方未提前【提前通知期限】以书面形式终止协议,则本协议自动续签【续签期限】。
第四条代理商权利和义务4.1 代理商有权以制造商授权的价格和条件销售制造商的产品。
4.2 代理商应积极推广和宣传制造商的产品,并提供相关市场调研和销售报告。
4.3 代理商应按时向制造商支付产品销售款项,并提供相关销售数据和财务报告。
4.4 代理商应负责处理产品的售后服务和客户投诉,并及时向制造商汇报相关情况。
第五条制造商权利和义务5.1 制造商应按照约定的价格和条件向代理商供应产品,并提供必要的市场支持和销售培训。
5.2 制造商应保证产品的质量和供货的及时性,确保代理商能够顺利进行销售和推广活动。
5.3 制造商应根据代理商的销售情况和市场需求,及时调整产品的价格和供货量。

EXCLUSIVE A G E N C Y AGREEMENT独家代理协议No.: A-B-20120301Place: **** City, Chi naDate: Mar 1 st, 2012此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款.This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual ben efits to develop bus in ess on terms and con diti ons mutually agreed upon as follows;1. THE PARTIES CONCERNED协议相关各方当事人Add: No ******************City, ******* Pr., P. R. Chi na生产商: *************************有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)地址:中国************ ***************I市* **************--Ma nu facturer: *************** Co., Ltd. (Herein after called Party A)Add: No ********************Road, ********* District, **********P. R. Chi na Exclusive Exporter- ********************************************** Co Ltd (called Party B)地址: ********* ■ I市* **********独家出口商:*********************** 有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)2、独家代理权的授予:Appointment of Exclusive Agent:甲方正式委任乙方为其在华东地区的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。

独家代理协议中英文版Exclusive Agency AgreementThis Exclusive Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date] by and between:andWHEREAS, the Principal is the owner of certainproducts/services (the "Products") and desires to grant the Agent the exclusive right to sell, distribute, and market the Products in the territory specified in Exhibit A (the "Territory");WHEREAS, the Agent is willing and capable of effectively promoting and marketing the Products within the Territory;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:1. Exclusive Agency1.1 Grant of Exclusive Agency: The Principal grants the Agent the exclusive right and authority to sell, distribute, and market the Products within the Territory. During the term ofthis Agreement, the Principal shall not enter into any agreement with any other agent, distributor, or representative within the Territory.1.2 Efforts and Performance: The Agent agrees to use itsbest efforts to promote and market the Products in the Territory. The Agent shall perform its obligations under this Agreement diligently, professionally, and in accordance with anyapplicable laws and regulations.2. Term and Termination2.2 Termination for Cause: Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon written notice to the other party ifthe other party materially breaches any provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Number of Days] days after receiving written notice specifying the breach.2.3 Termination for Convenience: Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon [Number of Days] days written notice to the other party.3.3 Expenses: The Agent shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in connection with its performance under this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties.4. ConfidentialityDuring the term of this Agreement and thereafter, the Agent shall maintain the confidentiality of all non-public information disclosed by the Principal, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, marketing plans, and pricing information. The Agent shall not use or disclose suchinformation to any third party without the Principal's prior written consent.5. Miscellaneous5.1 Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings, or representations.5.2 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].5.3 Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.5.4 Assignment: Neither party may assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Exclusive Agency Agreement as of the date first above written.Agent: [Agent Name]Signature: ___________________ Signature:____________________Printed Name: __________________ Printed Name:__________________。

EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT独家代理协议CONTRACT NO 协议号:本协议由(卖方公司名称),一家依据(注册地)法律成立的公司,其注册地址为: (以下简称“甲方”)和______________________________ 公司,一家依据_________ 法律成立的公司,其注册地址为: __________ (以下简称“乙方”)自(日期)签署并生效。
This Agreement is made and executed on ______________ (Date), by and between:(The name of seller), a company incorporated under the laws of (China) with its registered address at: _______________________________________(hereinafter refer to as “Party A”)And ______________________________________ a company incorporated under the lawsof _____________ with its registered address at: _________________________________(hereinafter refer to as “Party B”)鉴于:甲方从事(此处填写产品名称)(以下简称“产品”)的制造,乙方从事产品的采购与销售,并希望自甲方购买产品。
为信守承诺,甲乙双方达成协议如下:WHEREAS,Party A engages in the manufacturing of (hereinafter referred to as the Products), Party B engages in the buying and reselling of the Products and desires to purchase the Products from Party A. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, both parties reach the agreement as follows:1. 授权Authorization甲方授权乙方为甲方产品独家经销商,该独家经销权不可转让,于___________________ 地域,销售_____________________ 品牌下的产品。

现协议具体内容如下:独家经销协议中英文版如下:Exclusive Distribution AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into on (Date), by and between the following two parties:Distributor: (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")Company Name: _________________________________Registered Address: _________________________________Legal Representative: _________________________________Contact Information: _________________________________Email: _________________________________篇2本协议于XXXX年XX月XX日签署,由以下两方共同达成:经销方:(以下简称“甲方”)公司名称:___________________________地址:___________________________法定代表人:___________________________联系方式:___________________________电子邮箱:___________________________业务范围:【请根据实际情况填写甲方的业务类型和经营范围】注册地址:【填写注册地址】税务登记号:【填写税务登记号】营业执照注册号:【填写营业执照注册号】电话:【填写联系电话】传真:【填写传真号码】邮编:【填写邮编】网址:【填写网址】联系人:【填写联系人姓名】等。

EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT独家代理协议No.: A-B-20120301Place: **** City, ChinaDate: Mar 1st, 2012此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款.This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows;1. THE PARTIES CONCERNED协议相关各方当事人--Manufacturer: *************** Co., Ltd. (Herein after called Party A)Add: No ****************** City, ******* Pr., P. R. China生产商: ************************* 有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)地址:中国************省***************市**************号.--Exclusive Exporter: ********************************************** Co., Ltd. (called Party B) Add: No ********************Road, ********* District, **********, P. R. China独家出口商: ***********************有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)地址:*********市**********号2、独家代理权的授予:Appointment of Exclusive Agent:甲方正式委任乙方为其在华东地区的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。

此协议是双方在平等互利基础上,按双方允许的下列条件发展业 务关系:This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop on terms andconditions mutually agreed upon as follows:甲方:Party A:地址:Add:电话: Tel: 传真:Fax乙方: _Party B:地址:Add:电话: Tel: 传真:Fax:甲方正式委任乙方为其在第四条所列区域的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and at the same time, Party B accepts the appointment of Part A unanimously. Party A agrees not to enter into a contractual relationship with any third party entity in order to sell the product in the Annex Ⅱto the territory, Party B agrees not to sell similar of other manufacturers in territory.3.1 指附带有附件一列明的商标并在附件二中具体列出的产品Products shall mean the product shown in Annex 2 with the trademark exactly mentioned Annex 1 herein.3.2 销售数量:甲方要求乙方代理销售的数量。

二、代理权益1. 甲方授权乙方成为其产品的独家代理商,乙方享有甲方产品在指定地区的销售、推广和宣传权益。
2. 乙方有权利获得甲方产品的市场定价、销售政策及促销资料等相关信息,并可以在授权地区独立制定销售策略和销售政策。
3. 乙方有义务保护甲方产品的知识产权,并采取必要措施防止盗版产品的销售和传播。
4. 乙方有权享受从甲方获取的售后技术支持和产品培训。
三、销售和推广1. 乙方应积极推广和销售甲方产品,并在授权地区内建立合适的销售渠道和销售网络。
2. 乙方应根据实际情况,制定合理的销售目标,并定期向甲方提供销售报告和销售计划。
3. 乙方应定期向甲方提供市场反馈和竞争情报,并协助甲方进行市场分析和产品改进。
五、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议约定,应向对方支付违约金,并承担由此产生的法律责任。
2. 如因一方原因导致另一方遭受损失,应由违约方承担相应的赔偿责任。
甲方(签字):_____________ 日期:__________乙方(签字):_____________ 日期:__________。

独家代理协议Exclusive Agency Agreement本协议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date)in ________(Place)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1. 协议双方The Parties Concerned甲方:__________ 乙方:__________Party A:________ Party B:________地址:__________ 地址:___________Add:____________ Add:______________电话:__________ 电话:____________Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________传真:_________ 传真:____________Fax:___________ Fax:______________2. 委任Appointment甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.3. 代理商品Commodity比如:洗衣机。

独家代理协议中英文对照独家代理协议中英文对照本协议于2004年5月20日在中国青岛由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:this agreement is made and entered into by andbetween the parties concerned on september 20,1992 inqingdao,chinaon the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business onterms and conditions mutually agreed upon asfollow:1、协议双方(the parties concerned)甲方:青岛**公司地址:中国青岛电话:(0532)****传真:(0532)****party a:qingdao **** co.,ltd.add:*****,qingdao,chinatel:(0532)**** fax:(0532)****乙方:****有限公司地址:新加坡电话:****传真:****party b:**** trading company ltd.add:,singapore0718tel:fax:2、委任appointment甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。
party a hereby appoints party b as its exclusiveagent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in article 3fromcustomers in the territory stipulated in article4,and party b accepts and assumes suchappointment.3、代理商品commodity"***"牌洗衣机。

独家代理协议(中英文对照)Minimum Business Volume双方同意设定最低业务量为___________(比如:每年销售额达到100万美元),如乙方未能达到最低业务量,甲方有权取消其独家代理资格。
The parties agree to set a minimum business volume of___________ (for example: annual sales of $1 n)。
If Party B fails to meet the minimum business volume。
Party A has the right to XXX.6.代理期限Agency XXX本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为__________年,到期前双方可以协商续签。
This agreement shall come into force upon signature and shall be valid for __________ years。
Before the n。
XXX.7.代理费用Agency Fee乙方为甲方提供代理服务,甲方应向乙方支付代理费用,具体数额为___________(比如:销售额的10%)。
Party B provides agency services to Party A。
and Party A shall pay Party B agency fees。
which shall be ___________ (for example: 10% of the sales).8.保密XXX双方应对协议内容及业务关系保密,未经另一方同意,不得向第三方透露。
XXX and shall not disclose it to any third party without the other party's consent.9.争议解决Dispute n本协议如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成,应提交仲裁委员会仲裁。

中英文对照销售代理合同3篇篇1销售代理合同Sales Agency Contract甲方(委托方): ________________________Party A (Principal): ________________________乙方(代理方): ________________________Party B (Agent): ________________________鉴于甲方希望扩大产品市场占有率,提升品牌影响力,特此委托乙方作为其产品在指定区域内的独家销售代理商;乙方愿意接受甲方的委托,依据本合同约定的内容开展代理活动。
双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:PreambleGiven that Party A wishes to expand the market share and enhance the brand influence of its products, Party A hereby appoints Party B as the exclusive sales agent for its products in the designated territory. Party B is willing to accept the appointment by Party A and undertake agency activitiesaccording to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Both parties have reached the following agreement through friendly consultations:第一条合同双方Article 1 The Parties to the Contract1.1 甲方(委托方): 公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人等详细信息。
1.1 Party A (Principal): Company name, registered address, legal representative, etc., detailed information.1.2 乙方(代理方): 公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人等详细信息。
独家代理委托书 中英文对照

独家代理委托书中英文对照Exclusive Agency Authorization LetterThis document serves as an exclusive agency authorization letter, granting the authorized agent the sole and exclusive right to represent and act on behalf of the principal in matters pertaining to the specified business activities. The terms and conditions outlined in this letter shall govern the relationship between the principal and the authorized agent, ensuring clarity and transparency in all transactions.Principal Information: Name: [Principal's Full Name] Address: [Principal's Address] Contact Information: [Principal's Contact Details]Authorized Agent Information: Name: [Authorized Agent's Full Name] Address: [Authorized Agent's Address] Contact Information: [Authorized Agent's Contact Details]Scope of Authorization: The principal hereby authorizes the authorized agent to engage in the following business activities on its behalf:1. Negotiate, sign, and execute contracts and agreements with third parties in relation to [specific business activities or products].2. Represent theprincipal in meetings, conferences, and negotiations with potential business partners or clients. 3. Receive and process payments made to the principal in relation to the authorized business activities. 4. Provide updates, reports, and any other relevant information to the principal on a regular basis.Exclusivity Clause: The principal acknowledges and agrees that the authorization granted to the authorized agent in this letter is exclusive. This means that the principal shall not appoint any other agent orrepresentative to engage in the same business activities covered by this authorization during the term of this agreement.Term and Termination: This exclusive agencyauthorization shall be effective from [start date] andshall continue until [end date] or until terminated byeither party in writing. Termination of this authorization shall be subject to the following conditions:1. Either party may terminate this authorization by giving [specified notice period, e.g., 30 days] written notice to the other party.2. In the event of a material breach of this agreement by either party, the non-breaching party may terminate this authorization immediately bygiving written notice to the breaching party.Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: Both the principal and the authorized agent agree to maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information disclosed by the other party during the course of this agency relationship. Such confidential information shall include, but is not limited to, business plans, financial information, customer data, and pricing strategies.Indemnification: The principal agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the authorized agent from any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from or in connection with the performance of the authorized agent's duties under this agreement, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the authorized agent.Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This exclusive agency authorization letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [applicable jurisdiction].By signing this exclusive agency authorization letter, both the principal and the authorized agent acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above. They further agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the conduct of their respective business activities.Principal's Signature:Authorized Agent's Signature:Date:This exclusive agency authorization letter serves as a binding agreement between the principal and the authorized agent, outlining their respective rights and obligations in relation to the specified business activities. Both partiesshould ensure that they fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this letter before signing.中文版:独家代理委托书本文件作为独家代理委托书,授权代理人作为委托人的独家和唯一代表,在指定的商业活动中代表委托人行事。

编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载独家代理协议范本中英文对照版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This agreement is made and entered into by and between the partiesconcerned on (Date) in (Place ) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1. 协议双方The Parties Concerned甲方:乙方:Party A:Party B:地址:地址:Add:Add:电话:电话:Tel:Tel:传真:传真:Fax: Fax:2. 委任Appointment甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit ordersfor the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territorystipulated in Article 4, and Party B accepts and assumessuch appointment. 3. 代理商品Commodity比如:洗衣机。
For example: Washing Machine.4. 代理区域Territory仅限于(比如:中国)In (for example: China ) only.5. 最低业务量Minimum turnover乙方同意,在本协议有效期内从上述代理区域内的顾客处招揽的上述商品的订单价值不低于元。

AGREEMENT OF EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTManufacturer: 制造商:Agent: 代理商:The two parties sign this agency agreement on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation. Both sides must comply.本着平等自愿,协商一致的原则,签订此协议。
Section 1: Exclusive Selling Agent第一条独家销售代理The manufacturer appoints the agent to act as their exclusive selling agent in China to sell the following products of the manufacturer:制造商同意将其生产的下列产品在中国的独家销售代理权授予代理方:Section 2: Responsibility of the Agent第二条代理人的职责The agent shall make all efforts to promote the sale of the products of the manufacturer using the agent’s marketing organization. The agent shall send all enquiries and orders received by them to the manufacturer and have no rights to sign any binding agreement on behalf of the manufacturer. The agent shall explain to the customers all the technical parameters and commercial terms stated by the manufacturer and take all steps to co-ordinate between the manufacturer and the customers to secure the orders.代理人利用自身的销售网络在中华人民共和国积极拓展用户。
独家代理协议 中英文

独家代理协议EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENTNo:Place: Tianjin, ChinaDate:此协议是双方在平等互利基础上,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1. 协议双方The Parties Concerned甲方:乙方:_ Party A: Party B: 地址:地址:Add: Add: 电话:电话:Tel: Tel: 传真:传真:Fax Fax:2. 独家代理权的授予Appointment of Exclusive Agent:甲方正式委任乙方为其在第四条所列区域的独家代理商,乙方接受甲方的委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and at the same time, Party B accepts the appointment of Part A unanimously. Party A agrees not to enter into a contractual relationship with any third party entity in order to sell the product in the Annex Ⅱ to the territory, Party B agrees not to sell similar of other manufacturers in territory.3. 商品和销售数量:Commodity and Quantity:3.1 指附带有附件一列明的商标并在附件二中具体列出的产品Products shall mean the product shown in Annex 2 with the trademark exactly mentioned Annex 1 herein.3.2 销售数量:甲方要求乙方代理销售的数量。
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编号:_____________ 独家代理协议卖方:___________________________代理商:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日本协议于20XX年月日,由有限公司(一家根据中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在,以下简称卖方)与XXX公司(一家根据南非法律组建并存在的公司,其主营地在南非,以下简称代理商)共同签定并一致约定如下:This agreement is made and entered into on 20XX- by and between Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the the laws of People's Republic of China, with its principal place of business at (hereinafter called seller) and XXX a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of South Africa, with its principal of business at South Africa (hereinafter called agent) , Whereby it's mutually agreed as follows:第一条委任与接受在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条规定的区域内招揽订单。
Article 1 Appointment and AcceptanceDuring the effective period of this agreement, seller hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and agent accepts and assumes such appointment.第二条代理商的义务代理商应严格遵守卖方随时给予的任何指令,而且不得代表卖方作出任何担保、承诺以及订立合同、协议或做其他对卖方有约束力的行为。
Article 2 Agent’s Dutyagent shall strictly conform with any and all instructions given by seller to agent from time to time and shall not make any representation,warranty, promise, contract, agreement or do any other act binding seller. seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by agent in excess of or contrary to such instructions.第三条代理区域本协议所指的代理区域是:南非(以下简称区域)Article 3 Territorythe territory covered under this agreement shall be expressly confined to South Africa (hereinafter called Territory).第四条代理商品本协议所指的代理商品是柔性集装袋(以下简称商品)。
Article 4 Productsthe products covered under this agreement shall be expressly confined to Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container – FIBC Bulk Bags (hereinafter called products).第五条独家代理权基于本协议授予的独家代理权,卖方不得在代理区域内,直接或间接地,通过其他渠道销售、出口代理商品。
Article 5 Exclusive Rightin consideration of the exlusive right herein granted, seller shall not,directly or indirectly, sell or export products to Territory through other channel than agent and agent shall not sell, distribute or promote the sale of any products competitive with or similar to products in territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling products outside territory. seller shall refer to agent any inquiry or order for products seller may receive from others in territory during the effective period of this agreement.第六条最低交易金额与价格在本协议有效期内,如果卖方通过代理商每年(12个月)从顾客处收到的货款金额低于 XXXXXXX,则卖方有权提前30天书面通知代理商解除本协议。
Article 6 Minimum Transaction and Pricein the event that during one year (12months) during the effective period of this agreement, aggregate payment received by seller from customers on orders obtained by agent under this agreement amounts to less than XXXX,seller shall have the right to terminated this agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice to agent.the seller shall from time to time furnish the agent with a statement of the minimum price and the terms and conditions of sales at which the good are respectively to be sold.第七条订单在招揽订单时,代理商应将卖方销售合同的一般交易条件给顾客以充分通知,也应告之顾客,任何合同的订立都必须经卖方确认。
Article 7 Ordersin soliciting orders, agent shall adequately advise customers of the general terms and conditions of seller's sales note or contract note and of any contract being subject to the confirmation of acceptance by seller. agent shall immediately dispatch any order received to seller for its acceptanec or rejection.the seller shall have the right to refuse to execute or accept any such orders or any part thereof and the agent shall not be entitled to any commission in respect of any such rejected order or part thereof refused. 第八条费用分担除另有约定,所有费用和支出,如电讯费、差旅费以及其他相关销售费用,都应由代理商承担。
Article 8 Expensesall expenses and disbursements such as cabling, travelling and other expenses incurred in connection with the sale of products shall be for the account of agents, unless especially arranged. further agent shall,at his own expenses, maintain office(s), salesman and other sufficient for the performance of the obligation of agent in conformity with any and all instructions given by seller.第九条佣金卖方接受代理商直接获得的所有订单后,应按出厂价10%,以美元(货币)支付给代理商佣金。