

际的基础施工过程中 常出 现工程量增加的情况, 往往有 承包商提高其单价以 增加收益。
2 . 3 设计图纸不明 确
在实际施工过程中 有可能深化设计或变更设计的,
估 计 变 更 后 工 程 量要 增加的 项目 , 提高 单价; 而 工程内 容 说明 不 清 楚的 , 可适当 降 低单价 , 待日 后以 工程内 容
基 建 管 理 优 化 第2 6 卷 2 0 1 4 年第1 期 总第9 8 期
工 程 量 清单 招标
不 平 衡 报 价 的 防 范 与 控 制
军 事经 济 学院 武 竞雄 李炳 宏 ( 博 士) 任延艳( 博士)
摘要: 本文基于建设单位利益出发, 探讨在工程量
清单计 价模式下如何有效防范和控制不平衡报价。 以维
料费、 施工机具使用费、 企业管理费和利润以及一定范 围的风险费用, 除了必须按国家有关规定计取税金和规
不 平 衡 报 价的 基 本方 法是在 最终 报价时 保 持总报
价不变, 本 着对自身有利的目的, 不断调整分项工程单 价, 以 谋求更大的经济利益。一般来说, 承包商会在以
下几 种情况考 虑采用不平衡报价:
2 . 1 能够早日 结算收款的项目
费, 综合单价中所有费用都是承包 商根据自 身实力和市
如土石方工程、 桩基础工程等前期工程, 其单价可 以适当 提高; 后期的 工程, 如屋面及防水工程、 防腐与保 温隔 热工程、 装饰装修工程等, 其单价可以适当降低。 这样能尽 早收回 资金, 加速资金周转, 减少贷款利息支
利的 影响。 不平衡报价是指承包商基于盈利为目 的。 在

浅析如何防范和控制不平衡报价一、不平衡报价产生的背景及概念建设工程工程量清单计价规范的颁布与实施,标志着我国建设工程施工招标的合同计价方式由传统的定额计价模式向工程量清单计价模式的转变.它既代表着我国工程计价技术的重大进步,同时也给投标单位尽早收回工程款,提高管理效益,进行不平衡报价提供了平台. 所谓不平衡报价是相对于常规的平衡报价而言,它是指一个工程项目在投标报价时, 在总报价保持不变且不影响中标概率的前提下,与正常水平相比,有意识地调整内部各部分项目的报价,其目的是为了尽早收回工程款,增加流动资金,有利于流动资金的周转,同时从设计修改等原因引起的工程量或其他变更中获得额外利润。
二、不平衡报价的主要表现形式1 )第一类不平衡报价——时间不平衡报价。
2 )第二类不平衡报价—-数量不平衡报价。
3 )第三类不平衡报价——风险不平衡报价.风险不平衡报价是指投标人利用合同工期长的支付价格调整规则,规避通货膨胀风险因素。
通过调高( 低)工程中使用资源较多(少)的调价系数和权重,或调高(低)物价上涨较大( 稳定或下降)资源的调价系数和权重;b.通过适当降低材料单价,协同提高人工、机械台班单价的方法,进行不平衡报价,使投标人中标后在合同履行中能规避风险或将风险转嫁给业主,从而获取收益。

一、不平衡报价的类型1. 低价承揽、高价跳楼低价承揽是指投标方在投标过程中低报价,以获取项目,并通过变更、索赔等形式追加投标价格,导致项目成本超出预期。
2. 分包商和劳务分包不平衡在服务类招标项目中,投标方往往会涉及到分包商和劳务分包,而这些分包商和劳务分包的报价与投标方的报价可能存在较大差异,导致整体报价不平衡。
3. 材料和施工的不平衡有些投标方在报价时可能会对材料和施工进行不平衡的报价,导致项目后期材料费用增加或者施工过程出现问题。
4. 附加条件和风险转移在报价时,有些投标方可能会附加特殊条件或者将自身风险转移给业主,导致项目的实际成本和风险未能充分考虑,造成不平衡报价。
二、防范措施1. 强化信息公开和监督对于招标项目,应该加强信息公开和监督,及时公布项目相关信息,确保招标过程的透明公正。
2. 严格审查和评标招标单位应该对投标方的资质、实力和信用情况进行严格审查,并且对投标文件进行公正、公平、公开的评标,确保投标方的报价真实、合理,并且符合项目的实际需求。
3. 统一标准和规范操作在招标过程中,需要建立统一的标准和规范操作,对于分包商和劳务分包的报价,要求投标方提供明细和合理的分包报价,并根据实际施工情况进行统一的审核和确认。
4. 加强合同管理和监督一旦招标项目完成,招标单位需要加强对合同的管理和监督,确保合同条款的明确和规范,同时加强对投标方的履约情况进行监督和检查,及时发现和解决问题。

单价调整前的工程款现值:桩基围护工程每月工程款A1=740/4=185(万元),主体结构工程每月工程款A2=3300/12=275(万元),装饰工程每月工程款A3= 3600/8=450(万元)。

3不平衡报价的表现形式3.1 前期完工的工作报高价,后期完工的工作报低价。
3.2 地质勘探不准确引起的不平衡报价。


不平衡报价法(Imbalanced Bidding)是指在招标过程中,投标人对某些招标条款或项目的报价远高于或远低于其他投标人报价的现象。

一、市场风险1.1 市场需求波动:市场需求的波动会直接影响工程项目的投标情况。
1.2 竞争对手的影响:竞争对手的数量和实力对投标成功率有着直接影响。
1.3 政策变化的风险:政策的变化往往会对工程投标产生重要影响。
二、技术风险2.1 技术难题:工程项目中存在的技术难题会增加投标的风险。
2.2 技术实施能力:企业的技术实施能力直接关系到工程项目的顺利进行。
2.3 技术创新的风险:技术创新的不确定性给工程投标带来了风险。
三、合同风险3.1 合同条款不明确:合同条款的不明确会增加工程投标的风险。
3.2 合同履约风险:合同履约风险包括工期延误、质量问题等。
3.3 合同变更的风险:合同变更往往会对工程项目的投标造成不利影响。
四、资金风险4.1 资金筹措困难:资金筹措困难是工程投标的一大风险。

Building engineering biddingAbstract:Nowadays in the engineering construction industry,the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits,have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market。
This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively。
bidding documents should be well formulated ,which is important to a successful bidding and direct influence the success or failure of the bidding work。
Because the success or failure of the bidding for the survival and development of enterprise has a direct impact,so we have a high quality,improve the bid documents of the unit, prevent invalid and successful pass mark appear,become a research topic。




2、不平衡报价的定义和投标单位的做法2.1 不平衡报价的定义所谓不平衡报价是指投标人在保持工程总价基本不变的前提下,利用清单项目收款的先后次序关系和工程量清单在实施过程中可能发生的变更,在一定范围内有意识地调整工程量清单内部某些子目的报价,以期既不提高总价,也不影响中标,又能在结算时得到更理想的经济效益。
2.2 投标单位不平衡报价的做法不平衡报价法主要是指在同一工程项目中,在总价不变的情况下,对分部分项报价作适当调整,以争取最多的盈利,具体做法如下:(1)能够早收到钱款的项目,如开办费、土方、基础等,其单价可定得高-些,以有利于资金周转。

二、基本概念1. 国际工程招标国际工程招标是指在国际范围内,由工程业主组织、发布工程项目的招标公告,邀请各国的合格投标人参预竞标的过程。
2. 国际工程投标国际工程投标是指合格的投标人根据招标文件的要求,向工程业主提交投标文件,以争取获得工程项目的承包或者供应合同的过程。
三、流程1. 招标准备阶段(1)确定招标项目:工程业主根据项目需求和预算等因素,确定需要进行招标的工程项目。
2. 投标准备阶段(1)获取招标文件:潜在投标人通过购买或者下载的方式获取招标文件。
3. 投标提交阶段(1)递交投标文件:投标人按照招标文件的要求,将投标文件递交给工程业主。
4. 中标与合同签订阶段(1)中标通知:工程业主向中标人发出中标通知书,并与中标人进行商务谈判。

根据案例分析和专家访谈,企业在不同情况下应选择不同的不平衡报价模式。 例如,在面对竞争激烈的招标环境时,企业可适当提高部分单位工程量的报价, 以提升自身的竞争力;在预计工程量可能增加的情况下,企业可适当降低部分单 位工程量的报价,以控制成本;在面对固定总价合同的情况下,企业则应慎重采 用不平衡报价策略,以免带来合同风险。
招标工程量清单是指在招标过程中,由招标人或其委托的工程造价咨询机构 根据施工图纸和技术规范等要求,结合招标文件的规定和要求,编制的反映工程 实际状况的清单。该清单包括了工程量清单、其他项目清单、零星工作项目表等, 是投标人报价的依据之一。
1、遵守法律法规和招标文件要求,遵循公平、公正、公开的原则; 2、按照图纸和技术规范要求进行编制,内容真实、准确、完整;
5、提高招标方专业水平:招标方应加强专业知识的学习和提高,以便更好 地理解和评估投标方的报价。同时,招标方还可通过合理的工程量清单编制和明 确的项目需求,降低不平衡报价的风险。
随着市场经济的发展和全球化进程的加速,建设工程市场竞争日益激烈。在 工程量清单计价模式下,企业为了提高自身的竞争力,往往采用不平衡报价策略。 不平衡报价是指在工程项目报价中,通过调整单位工程量造价,使得部分单位工 程量报价高于标准值,部分则低于标准值。本次演示旨在研究不平衡报价在工程 量清单计价模式下的应用,为企业合理运用不平衡报价提供参考。
8、收集资料:收集施工图纸、 技术规范、招标文件等资料,进 行初步分析和整理;
9、编制工程量清单:根据图纸 和技术规范要求
10、审核工程量清单:由专业工 程师对工程量清单进行审核和修 正

一招投标阶段的工程造价控制1 招投标阶段工程造价的表现形式。

1900单词,10200英文字符,3150汉字出处:Chotibhongs D A R. Detection and prevention of unbalanced bids[J]. Construction Management & Economics, 2009, 27(8):721-732.Detection and prevention of unbalanced bidsDAVIDARDITI*andRANONCHOTIBHONGSUnbalanced bidding is a serious problem for the construction owner because it may increase the cost of construction The most common way to mathematically unbalance a bid is frontloading where a bidder overstates the unit price of line items scheduled to be performed early in the project and understates the unit price of line items performed later. A bidder can also overstate the unit price of a line item whose quantity was somehow underrated by the engineer. If the owner proves that a mathematically unbalanced bid costs more to perform, the bid is said to be materially unbalanced, in which case the owner can reject the bid. A model is presented that formalizes and automates the process of detecting mathematically and materially unbalanced bids by comparing line item prices with the engineer’s estimates and the average prices offered by the bidders. This model allows owners to detect and reject unbalanced bids, and deters bidders from unbalancing their bid.Keywords: Bids, mathematical models, financial management, construction costs, optimization. IntroductionUnbalanced bids constitute a serious problem for construction owners. In competitive bidding, awarding a contract to an unbalanced bid may cause the owner’s overall project cost to get higher. In some cases, it generates contentious change orders (Manzo, 1997). The owner has the right to reject unbalanced bids, but it is hard to detect unbalancing. While Stark’s (1968, 1972, 1974) linear programming model of unbalancing bids in highway construction contracts is relatively easy t o detect by the owner, Nassar’s (2004) research aims to unbalance a bid and not be caught in the process. Cattell et al. (2007) summarize methods of unbalancing bids and argue that a client is given full information of a contractor’s item pricing and that the client is given the choice to select among the contractor’s competitors, implying that there are no ethical implications of unbalancing a bid. In other words, if an owner suffers the high cost of an unbalanced bid, it is rather the owner’s fault for se lecting the contractor who unbalanced the bid, not the fault of contractor who unbalanced the bid. However, according to a survey of 270 owners, architects, engineers, construction managers, general contractors and subcontractors about ethical practices in the construction industry conducted by the Fails Management Institute (FMI) for the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA), unbalancing a bid was accepted as unethical by 84% of the respondents (Doran, 2004). Also, Choi (2004) considers un balancing a bid to ‘border on unethical’ (p. 206) and New York City’s Procurement Ethics Guide (New York City, 2002) specifically asks contractors not to engage in unbalanced bidding. But very few researchers have explored the ways of preventing unbalanced bids. For example, Wang’s (2004) research aimed to detect the out-of-range unit prices submitted by the lowest bidder, but did not attempt to evaluate the effects of those out-of-range unit prices on future total cost.After a description of the forms and implications of unbalancing bids, a review is presentedof current practices by some state and federal agencies in the US in relation to detecting unbalanced bids. A model is then proposed that formalizes the detection of unbalanced bids andthat automates the process, allowing the owner to reject unbalanced bids with confidence, hence deterring bidders from unbalancing their bids.Unbalanced biddingSince unit price contracts are awarded on the basis of low bids, it is difficult to challenge the low bidders on the validity of their unit prices except for obvious unbalanced bidding. A mathematically unbalanced bid is a bid that contains some line items’ unit price determined to be significantly overstated or under- stated. This can be determined by comparing the unit price of the line item with the engineer’s estimate, the unit prices quoted by the other bidders, or other historical data of costs. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines reported b y Heinz (1988), the meaning of a mathematically unbalanced bid is ‘one containing lump sum or unit bid items which do not reflect reasonable actual costs plus a reasonable proportionate share of the bidder’s anticipated profit, overhead costs, and other indirect costs’.If a mathematically unbalanced bid is detected, the bid has to be further analysed to determine whether it is also materially unbalanced. A materially unbalanced bid is a mathematically unbalanced bid that may cost more money to the owner. A ccording to Heinz’s (1988) interpretation of FHWA guidelines, the materially unbalanced bid is defined as a bid which generates ‘a reasonable doubt that award to the bidder submitting a mathematically unbalanced bid will result in the lowest ultimate cost to the Government’.Frontloading is the most common way to unbalance a bid. Frontloading refers to increasing unit prices on items to be completed in the early period of the project and decreasing the unit prices on items that are to be completed in the later stages. The main purpose of frontloading on the part of the contractor is to relieve the financial problems that contractors face early in the project such as the initial expenses of mobilization and setting up. But if a contractor is set to be paid out in the early stages of the project, the owner ends up paying more when the time value of money is taken into consideration (McGreevy, 2002).Unbalanced bid analysisIn 2004, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) initiated a survey of unbalanced bids (AASHTO, 2004). Twenty- seven state departments of transportation (DOT) responded to this survey. Many state DOTs (such as Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts and Connecticut) discovered unbalanced bids without having in place any formal procedure to detect such occurrences. Some states quoted their standard contracts that specify the consequences of unbalancing bids, or submitting irregular proposals. Seven state DOTs, including California, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin provided formal procedures for evaluating bids to detect unbalanced bids. The procedures used by some of these DOTs do not publicly specify the specific parameter and the acceptable ranges used in the evaluation, such as the acceptable difference between a line item’s cost and the engineer’s estimate, or the acceptable difference between a line item’s cost and the average cost of that l ine item. However, as can be seen below, bidders in some states do have access to these parameters and the acceptable ranges.Detection and prevention of unbalanced bidsBecause the extra cost of an unbalanced bid cannot be justified by the owner, and because owners have the right to legally reject unbalanced bids, owners should be able to stop and prevent unbalanced bids. A bidder’s line item prices can be compared to the engineer’s estimates to see ifthere are significant differences, an indication that the bid is potentially unbalanced. One can also compare a bidder’s line item prices to the aver- age line item prices of all bidders. Two separate models are therefore proposed and are described below. Since unbalancing can take the form of frontloading or adjusting the unit price of a line item whose quantity was understated by the engineer, both models are designed to deal with these situations. Both models are completely automated using MS Excel.Discussion of the proposed modelsThe two models proposed here compare a bidder’s line item prices (1) to the engineer’s estimates; or (2) to the average line item prices of all bidders. Neither model is perfect as the engineer’s estimates and the average line item prices may not constitute exact measures of the true value of the line item s. Indeed, the engineer’s esti mate may at times be quite inaccurate (Beeston, 1999), and average line item prices may be skewed by several unbalanced bids in the same batch. It should also be noted that the individual line item prices proposed by the bidders are also estimates and as such add to the uncertainty inherent in the process. It follows that both models are approximate but may still yield useful information if the models’ parameters are set intelligently by the analyst. In the first model, if the owner is confident that the engineer’s estimates are accurate, the owner may look for unbalanced bids by looking into line items whose price s display a relatively small variance from the engineer’s estimate. On the other hand, if the owner has doubts about the accuracy of the engineer’s estimate, then the search for an unbalanced bid is to be conducted by looking for a relatively larger varian ce from the engineer’s estimate. The second model where a bidder’s line item prices are compared to the average line item prices is more stable than the preceding alternative because this model makes use of the average of all bids, resulting in the dissipation of any abnormalities caused by occasional unbalanced bids in the batch. But this model relies on the analyst’s input about what proportion of the project constitutes the ‘early’ part of the schedule. This information is necessary to detect frontloading in the ‘early’ portion of the project. The analyst needs also to input a discount rate, which may be difficult to do with certainty.It seems therefore that the major limitation of the proposed system lies in the absence of clear guidelines relating to the value of the four parameters one needs to specify to run the program, namely: (1) the accepted difference from the engineer’s estimate; (2) the accepted difference from the average line item prices;(3) the proportion of the project that describes ‘early’ schedule; and (4) the discount rate. On the other hand, one should note that the ability to input these parameters is an advantage in that it allows an analyst to conduct what-if analyses, particularly with respect to the last two parameters.ConclusionUnbalanced bidding is a serious problem for the construction owner. Unbalancing a bid is considered by many as unethical. Unbalanced bids can be rejected if caught by the owner. If awarded, the cost of these contracts to the owner is unjustifiably increased. Despite these facts, most researchers appear to be interested in the optimization of a contractor’s cash flow by unbalancing a bid and how not to be caught in the process (e.g. Nassar, 2004; Cattell et al., 2007). Detecting an unbalanced bid is normally difficult and has become even more difficult thanks to the efforts of these researchers. Given the current literature that aggressively tries to teach contractors the various meth- ods of unbalancing a bid without getting caught, it is time to provide a sensible tool that allows owners to detect and reject unbalanced bids.FHWA and a number of state DOTs in the US have spelled out general principles to protect their interests with respect to unbalanced bids. Many DOTs routinely but informally check bids for unbalancing using different processes. Some DOTs such as the ones in Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin have a formal process in place but each uses different approaches and different assumptions. The proposed model represents a marked improvement on existing practice because it is an attempt to develop a thorough methodology that systematically covers all aspects of unbalancing a bid. The proposed model is fully auto- mated. It institutionalizes the process of detecting unbalanced bids and is expected to deter bidders from unbalancing their bids.The proposed model can be improved by further research into developing guidelines for the acceptable difference between the engineer’s estimate and the estimate proposed by the bidder for any line item, and the acceptable difference between the average of the line item prices and the prices proposed by a bidder. It is also recommended that the owner keep bid price and final cost data in a database for future reference in tracking over-run and under-run trends in every bid item.不平衡投标的检测和预防摘要:不平衡投标是建筑行业最常见的问题之一,因为投标人高估了项目前期单价,低估了项目执行后的单价,可能会增加施工成本。

外文参考The talking of the engineering detailed listIn recent years, the our country market turns the economic system already basic become, construct the engineering to invest diversified trend to has already appear. In order to adapt the engineering invitation to bid-to-bid to compete to be become the demand that the engineering builds the price by the market, must account the price method and the engineering budgets to settle the sum to carry on the homologous reform to the current engineering.The Release the implement with the national the standard of 《the construction the engineering the quantity the detailed the list accounts the price norm 》, the is the to the face to the our the country engineering the construction market, the usage the market list the price mechanism, the reform the engineering to the build the price management, the build up the gradually be the adjusted to the control by the government macro view, the market contain the preface competition formation engineering build the price of new mechanism.Construct the reform that the engineering accounts the price method, symbolize the our country engineering built the price management to take place from the tradition" quantity the price unite as one" of plan mode to important change of the market mode of" the quantity price separate”. Also express, our invitation to bid system is real to start drive into the orbit of the international usual practice.The our country constructs the static state management mode of the price of article widespread adoption" quantity the price unite as one" currently, then pass the engineering budget building price of article. But settle the sum to point under the condition of normal construction produce, certainly complete the provision limit that artificial, material, machine and funded of calculate the unit products consume, though consume the quantity the standard is a basis construction norm, the typical model engineering to design, social average level etc. the aspect factor establishment of, the biggest irregularity is the government department concerned to make surevarious price and management fees, even profit margin, did not consider the technique specialty of the business enterprise completely and labor the rate of production level, material the purchase outlet and manage the ability. Just think a single-item engineering, according to same settle the sum, item and its mount of engineering of the different business enterprise budget should be basic and same, is also the engineering construction diagram budget to build the basic homology of price, this kind of accounts the price mode since can't reflect the variety of the market price in time, even can't reflect the business enterprise construction, technique and manage the level.The amount of engineering detailed list accounts the price according to" quantity the price separate" principle, while constructing the engineering construction to recruit to bid, inviting bids the person to start construction according to the engineering diagram paper, request according to the invitation to bid document, take the united engineering quantity calculation rule as the quantity detailed list that the bidder provides the real object engineering quantity item and the technique measure item; Bidder according to provide of unify the quantity and combine the comprehensive real strength independence offer of the item, market, risk and this business enterprise towards drawing up the description and requests of set up the engineering circumstances,. The New account the price the mode predominance the principle is" the settle the sum quantity, the market price, the compete the fee", the then from the national the supervisor working the talent section the at unify the amount the of engineering the calculation rule, the unify the amount of the engineering calculation unit, the unify the demarcation of the divide an the engineering and the unify under the principle the of the item coding, the draw up 《the construction engineering quantity detailed list accounts the price norm 》, the conduct and actions is compulsory sex standard unifies the implement in the whole country, certain in the past settle sum in prescriptive construction method, consume measure level, take fee etc. Change from item or business enterprises, the realization-building price of article market turn. Because a real object that reflected the engineering consume and relevant expenses, therefore, this kind of account the price mode to be easy to combine to construct the engineering of concrete circumstance, become current with the budget settles the sumfor the basal static state accounts the price mode for consider various factor in the dynamic state in the unit price to account the price mode. The past invitation to bid bids to make, recruiting to bid the both parties aim at some on constructing the product, according to same construction diagram paper, make use of the same budget to settle the sum and take the fee standard, an establishment invites bids to mark the bottom, an establishment bids to quote.Adopt the amount of engineering detailed list recruits to bid, request to recruit to bid both parties strictly according to norm of the engineering quantity detailed list standard format fill in, invite bids the person in the form detailed and accurate engineering contents that the should complete; engineering contents of description according to the detailed list form, combine the engineering circumstance, market competition circumstance and this business enterprise real strengths, consider various risk factor well, the independence fills to report the detailed list, listing to include the items, such as engineering direct cost, indirect cost, profits and the tax gold...etc. at inside of comprehensive unit price and gather the price, and with synthesize the unit price the report the conduct and actions finishes construction the invitation to bid of the balance of accounts adjustment price to bid way. It divides the line to recruit the work of bid the both parties definitely, inviting bids the person calculation quantity, the bidder make sure price, with each other not cross, repetition, not only be advantageous to the owner control to build the price, also be advantageous to the undertaker independence offer; Not only raised the investment performance of the owner, but also urge the undertaker in the under construction adoption new technique, new craft, new material, work hard to decline low cost, increase the profits, keep the advantage position in vehemence of market compete.In the end, the engineering quantity detailed list accounts the price is the inevitable trend of the building industry development, is a market economy the inevitable outcome of the development, also is to adapt the international domestic building market competition inevitable to choose, it bids to the invitation to bid mechanism of perfect and development, build up have the construction market the fair competition orders of the prefaces and will rise the very aggressive push function.译文谈工程量清单计价与招标投标制近年来,我国市场化经济体系已基本形成,建设工程投资多元化的趋势已经出现。

关键词:投标报价不平衡报价法策略技巧AbsenceThe so-called unbalanced quotation is the balance of the conventional offer relative price is concerned, it is to point to in the general price fixed this premise, relative to the normal level, and improve some component project, at the same time, reduce the unit price of some other component project unit price. In order to improve the total price and neither does not affect the bid, engineering settlement in the process of getting better economic benefits.Unbalanced quotation of nature is to offer comprehensive unit price of the detailed list of engineering are regarded as time and lifting project construction period the number of function, namely in the price through analysis, consciously to time parameters and check in advance of the income payments to work valuation for the contractor to favorable unequal distribution, so that contractors payment as soon as possible and increased liquidity back.Unbalanced quotation mainly divided into two aspects of the offer of a job, is early accept money, one is more money. "Early to collect the money" is the actual use of the time value of money, in the bid to the detailed list of engineering quantity in the unit price of the finish by high after the project of complete, the lower the unit price. Although the unit price of behind lower profits or may lose money, but because of the execution of the contract have the withdrawal of the cost, reduce the internal management of capital takes up, be helpful for construction, the turnover of funds, financial strain capacity also improved, so as long as can guarantee the project will eventually be able to profit. Using this method can not only offer balance and relievethe contractor of the financial pressure, still can make the contractor in engineering disputes in a strong position, it is the meaning of the claim and guard against the risk. "Collect more money" is through respective engineering quantity change to adjust the unit price of the realization of the comprehensive and experience of the contractor may be more clearly than the actual number of quantity will happen, when found in the tender documents, a lack of a leak or both have bigger difference, in most cases, can by the use of the unbalanced offer method to receive the money to get more chances.Key Word:tender offers unbalanced pricing method strategy skills国际工程不平衡报价的应用技巧前言所谓不平衡报价是相对常规的平衡报价而言,是指一个工程项目总报价基本确定后,通过调整内部各个项目的报价,运用资金时间价值,以期既不提高总报价,不影响中标,又能在结算时得到更理想的经济效益。
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1900单词,10200英文字符,3150汉字出处:Chotibhongs D A R. Detection and prevention of unbalanced bids[J]. Construction Management & Economics, 2009, 27(8):721-732.Detection and prevention of unbalanced bidsDAVIDARDITI*andRANONCHOTIBHONGSUnbalanced bidding is a serious problem for the construction owner because it may increase the cost of construction The most common way to mathematically unbalance a bid is frontloading where a bidder overstates the unit price of line items scheduled to be performed early in the project and understates the unit price of line items performed later. A bidder can also overstate the unit price of a line item whose quantity was somehow underrated by the engineer. If the owner proves that a mathematically unbalanced bid costs more to perform, the bid is said to be materially unbalanced, in which case the owner can reject the bid. A model is presented that formalizes and automates the process of detecting mathematically and materially unbalanced bids by comparing line item prices with the engineer’s estimates and the average prices offered by the bidders. This model allows owners to detect and reject unbalanced bids, and deters bidders from unbalancing their bid.Keywords: Bids, mathematical models, financial management, construction costs, optimization. IntroductionUnbalanced bids constitute a serious problem for construction owners. In competitive bidding, awarding a contract to an unbalanced bid may cause the owner’s overall project cost to get higher. In some cases, it generates contentious change orders (Manzo, 1997). The owner has the right to reject unbalanced bids, but it is hard to detect unbalancing. While Stark’s (1968, 1972, 1974) linear programming model of unbalancing bids in highway construction contracts is relatively easy t o detect by the owner, Nassar’s (2004) research aims to unbalance a bid and not be caught in the process. Cattell et al. (2007) summarize methods of unbalancing bids and argue that a client is given full information of a contractor’s item pricing and that the client is given the choice to select among the contractor’s competitors, implying that there are no ethical implications of unbalancing a bid. In other words, if an owner suffers the high cost of an unbalanced bid, it is rather the owner’s fault for se lecting the contractor who unbalanced the bid, not the fault of contractor who unbalanced the bid. However, according to a survey of 270 owners, architects, engineers, construction managers, general contractors and subcontractors about ethical practices in the construction industry conducted by the Fails Management Institute (FMI) for the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA), unbalancing a bid was accepted as unethical by 84% of the respondents (Doran, 2004). Also, Choi (2004) considers un balancing a bid to ‘border on unethical’ (p. 206) and New York City’s Procurement Ethics Guide (New York City, 2002) specifically asks contractors not to engage in unbalanced bidding. But very few researchers have explored the ways of preventing unbalanced bids. For example, Wang’s (2004) research aimed to detect the out-of-range unit prices submitted by the lowest bidder, but did not attempt to evaluate the effects of those out-of-range unit prices on future total cost.After a description of the forms and implications of unbalancing bids, a review is presentedof current practices by some state and federal agencies in the US in relation to detecting unbalanced bids. A model is then proposed that formalizes the detection of unbalanced bids andthat automates the process, allowing the owner to reject unbalanced bids with confidence, hence deterring bidders from unbalancing their bids.Unbalanced biddingSince unit price contracts are awarded on the basis of low bids, it is difficult to challenge the low bidders on the validity of their unit prices except for obvious unbalanced bidding. A mathematically unbalanced bid is a bid that contains some line items’ unit price determined to be significantly overstated or under- stated. This can be determined by comparing the unit price of the line item with the engineer’s estimate, the unit prices quoted by the other bidders, or other historical data of costs. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines reported b y Heinz (1988), the meaning of a mathematically unbalanced bid is ‘one containing lump sum or unit bid items which do not reflect reasonable actual costs plus a reasonable proportionate share of the bidder’s anticipated profit, overhead costs, and other indirect costs’.If a mathematically unbalanced bid is detected, the bid has to be further analysed to determine whether it is also materially unbalanced. A materially unbalanced bid is a mathematically unbalanced bid that may cost more money to the owner. A ccording to Heinz’s (1988) interpretation of FHWA guidelines, the materially unbalanced bid is defined as a bid which generates ‘a reasonable doubt that award to the bidder submitting a mathematically unbalanced bid will result in the lowest ultimate cost to the Government’.Frontloading is the most common way to unbalance a bid. Frontloading refers to increasing unit prices on items to be completed in the early period of the project and decreasing the unit prices on items that are to be completed in the later stages. The main purpose of frontloading on the part of the contractor is to relieve the financial problems that contractors face early in the project such as the initial expenses of mobilization and setting up. But if a contractor is set to be paid out in the early stages of the project, the owner ends up paying more when the time value of money is taken into consideration (McGreevy, 2002).Unbalanced bid analysisIn 2004, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) initiated a survey of unbalanced bids (AASHTO, 2004). Twenty- seven state departments of transportation (DOT) responded to this survey. Many state DOTs (such as Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts and Connecticut) discovered unbalanced bids without having in place any formal procedure to detect such occurrences. Some states quoted their standard contracts that specify the consequences of unbalancing bids, or submitting irregular proposals. Seven state DOTs, including California, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin provided formal procedures for evaluating bids to detect unbalanced bids. The procedures used by some of these DOTs do not publicly specify the specific parameter and the acceptable ranges used in the evaluation, such as the acceptable difference between a line item’s cost and the engineer’s estimate, or the acceptable difference between a line item’s cost and the average cost of that l ine item. However, as can be seen below, bidders in some states do have access to these parameters and the acceptable ranges.Detection and prevention of unbalanced bidsBecause the extra cost of an unbalanced bid cannot be justified by the owner, and because owners have the right to legally reject unbalanced bids, owners should be able to stop and prevent unbalanced bids. A bidder’s line item prices can be compared to the engineer’s estimates to see ifthere are significant differences, an indication that the bid is potentially unbalanced. One can also compare a bidder’s line item prices to the aver- age line item prices of all bidders. Two separate models are therefore proposed and are described below. Since unbalancing can take the form of frontloading or adjusting the unit price of a line item whose quantity was understated by the engineer, both models are designed to deal with these situations. Both models are completely automated using MS Excel.Discussion of the proposed modelsThe two models proposed here compare a bidder’s line item prices (1) to the engineer’s estimates; or (2) to the average line item prices of all bidders. Neither model is perfect as the engineer’s estimates and the average line item prices may not constitute exact measures of the true value of the line item s. Indeed, the engineer’s esti mate may at times be quite inaccurate (Beeston, 1999), and average line item prices may be skewed by several unbalanced bids in the same batch. It should also be noted that the individual line item prices proposed by the bidders are also estimates and as such add to the uncertainty inherent in the process. It follows that both models are approximate but may still yield useful information if the models’ parameters are set intelligently by the analyst. In the first model, if the owner is confident that the engineer’s estimates are accurate, the owner may look for unbalanced bids by looking into line items whose price s display a relatively small variance from the engineer’s estimate. On the other hand, if the owner has doubts about the accuracy of the engineer’s estimate, then the search for an unbalanced bid is to be conducted by looking for a relatively larger varian ce from the engineer’s estimate. The second model where a bidder’s line item prices are compared to the average line item prices is more stable than the preceding alternative because this model makes use of the average of all bids, resulting in the dissipation of any abnormalities caused by occasional unbalanced bids in the batch. But this model relies on the analyst’s input about what proportion of the project constitutes the ‘early’ part of the schedule. This information is necessary to detect frontloading in the ‘early’ portion of the project. The analyst needs also to input a discount rate, which may be difficult to do with certainty.It seems therefore that the major limitation of the proposed system lies in the absence of clear guidelines relating to the value of the four parameters one needs to specify to run the program, namely: (1) the accepted difference from the engineer’s estimate; (2) the accepted difference from the average line item prices;(3) the proportion of the project that describes ‘early’ schedule; and (4) the discount rate. On the other hand, one should note that the ability to input these parameters is an advantage in that it allows an analyst to conduct what-if analyses, particularly with respect to the last two parameters.ConclusionUnbalanced bidding is a serious problem for the construction owner. Unbalancing a bid is considered by many as unethical. Unbalanced bids can be rejected if caught by the owner. If awarded, the cost of these contracts to the owner is unjustifiably increased. Despite these facts, most researchers appear to be interested in the optimization of a contractor’s cash flow by unbalancing a bid and how not to be caught in the process (e.g. Nassar, 2004; Cattell et al., 2007). Detecting an unbalanced bid is normally difficult and has become even more difficult thanks to the efforts of these researchers. Given the current literature that aggressively tries to teach contractors the various meth- ods of unbalancing a bid without getting caught, it is time to provide a sensible tool that allows owners to detect and reject unbalanced bids.FHWA and a number of state DOTs in the US have spelled out general principles to protect their interests with respect to unbalanced bids. Many DOTs routinely but informally check bids for unbalancing using different processes. Some DOTs such as the ones in Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin have a formal process in place but each uses different approaches and different assumptions. The proposed model represents a marked improvement on existing practice because it is an attempt to develop a thorough methodology that systematically covers all aspects of unbalancing a bid. The proposed model is fully auto- mated. It institutionalizes the process of detecting unbalanced bids and is expected to deter bidders from unbalancing their bids.The proposed model can be improved by further research into developing guidelines for the acceptable difference between the engineer’s estimate and the estimate proposed by the bidder for any line item, and the acceptable difference between the average of the line item prices and the prices proposed by a bidder. It is also recommended that the owner keep bid price and final cost data in a database for future reference in tracking over-run and under-run trends in every bid item.不平衡投标的检测和预防摘要:不平衡投标是建筑行业最常见的问题之一,因为投标人高估了项目前期单价,低估了项目执行后的单价,可能会增加施工成本。