三年级上册英语试题 快乐英语14单元试题 译林版 有答案

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3A 快乐英语阅读unit1-4练习

1、()________ little pigs build the houses. A. One B. Two C. Three

2、()The first(第一个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________.

A. straw, beautiful

B. sticks, lovely

C. bricks, stable

3、()The second(第二个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________.

A. straw, beautiful

B. sticks, lovely

C. bricks, stable

4、()The third(第三个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________.

A. straw, beautiful

B. sticks, lovely

C. bricks, stable

5、()The wolf is very _________. A. thirsty B. hungry C. lovely

6、()The wolf can blow away the house with straw. (√或×)

7、()The wolf can blow away the house with bricks. (√或×)

8、()At last,the wolf eats the pigs. (√或×)


Thailand Faye Festival



Spain Venice


Italy Sphinx

the Leaning Tower


Egypt Madrid Palace

Water Festival

10、()The fox is very ________. He wants to eat the _______.

A. thirsty, meat

B. hungry, crow

C. hungry, meat

11、()The crow’s voice is beautiful.(√或×)

12、()The crow can sing a song well. (√或×)

13、()The fox is very clever(聪明的). He gets the crow. (√或×)

14、()The crow is not beautiful. (√或×)

15、()The hare has a race with the ________. A. wolf B. crow C. tortoise

16、()The hare runs fast. But(但是) the tortoise wins. (√或×)

17、()The hare eats the carrots(胡萝卜)when(当)he has a race. (√或×)

18、()The tortoise can run slowly. (√或×)

19、()The ________ is thirsty. He wants some water. A. ant B. pigeon C. crow

20、()The ant can swim in the river(河). (√或×)

21、()The_______ gives the leaf to the ant. A. hunter B. fox C. pigeon

22、()The hunter wants to shoot the ant down. (√或×)

23、()The ant helps(帮助)the pigeon, but(但是)the pigeon doesn’t(没有)help the ant. (√或×)

24、()The story “The pigeon and the ant”tells(告诉)us(我们)that __________.

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. All roads lead to Rome.
