
印刷专业英语词汇标准对照印刷(printing)印刷品(printed matter)印刷工业(printing industry)书刊印刷(book and periodical printing) 报纸印刷(newspaper printing)包装印刷(package printing)证券印刷(security printing)印刷科学(printing science)印刷技术(printing technique)印刷适性(printability)印刷压力(printing pressure)压印线(nip)印刷工艺(printing technology)直接印刷(direct printing)间接印刷(indirect printing)单张印刷(sheet-fed printing)卷筒印刷(web-fed printing)单色印刷(single-color printing)多色印刷(multi-color printing)制版(plate making)原稿(original)拼版(make-up)打样(proofing)印刷故障(printing trouble)套印不准(out of register)重影(ghosting)背面粘脏(set-off)透印(print through)印刷机械(printing machinery)印版滚筒(plate cylinder)压印滚筒(impression cylinder)橡皮布滚筒(blanket cylinder)印刷材料(prting material)承印物(printing stock)印刷油墨(printing ink)印刷图文载体(printing image carrier) 印版(printing plate)复制版(duplicate plate)包衬(cylinder-packing)无压印刷(non-impact printing)印后加工(post-press finishing)〔文字排版术语〕文字排版(text composition)横排(horizontal setting of types)竖排(vertical setting of types)行空(line space)版面(type area)版心(type page)版口(margins)天头(head margin)地脚(foot margin)校对(proof-reading)改版(form correcting)活字排版(type composition)活字(printing type)铅空(space)点制(point system)字号(type size)字模(type matrix)铸字(type casting)拣字(typesetting)装版(page make-up)铸字排版(hot-metal typesetting)铸排机(hot-metal typesetting machine)整行铸排(line composing and casting)单字铸排(individual type composing and casting)打字排版(typewriter composition)手动照相排版(manual phototypesetting)字模版(matrix grid)级数制(type size system for manual phototypeset-ting)自动照相排版(automatic phototypesetting)字模版式计算机排版(computerized matrix grid pho-totypesetting) 阴极射线管式计算机排版(computerized CRT phototy-pesetting)激光式计算机排版(computerizedlaserphototype-setting)输入校改终端(character sinput and correction terminal)微机排版终端(microcomputer phototypesetting ter-minal)计算机照相排版系统(computerized phototypesetting system)汉字编码(encoding of Chinese characters)计算机排版软件(phototypesetting software)〔图像制版术语〕图像原稿(picture original)反射原稿(reflection copy)透射原稿(transparent copy)连续调原稿(continuous tone copy)线条原稿(line copy)彩色正片原稿(color transparency)彩色负片原稿(color negative)实物原稿(object original)复制(reproduction)基本色(basic color)原色(primary colors)补色(complementary color)加色法(additive process)减色法(subtractive process)品红色(magenta)黄色(yellow)分色(color separation)照相分色(photographic color separation) 制版照相机(process camera)电子分色(electronic scanning)电子分色机(electronic color scanner)图像分解(picture breakdown)分色片(color separation film)加网(screening)电子加网(electronic screening)去网(descreening)网屏(screen)网点(halftone dot,screen dot)像素(picture element)连续调(continuous tone)网目调(halftone,screen tone)网点阳图(halftone positive)网点阴图(halftone negative)校色(color correction)修版(retouching)蒙版(masking)蒙片(mask)密度(光学密度)(density,optical density) 色密度(color density)反差(contrast)层次(gradation)阶调(tone)阶调值(tone value)网点覆盖面积(dot cover area)网点覆盖率(dot area coverage)底色去除(under color removal,UCR)底色增益(under color addition,UCA)曝光(exposure)显影(development)定影(fixing)拷贝(copy)电子整页拼版(electronic page make-up)电子图像处理系统(electronic image processing system) 晒版(printing down)预打样(prepress proofing)色彩还原(color rendition)色谱(color atlas)色标(color patch)测控条(controlstrip)透射度(transmission)不透明度(opacity)龟纹(moire)涂布(coating)〔凸版印刷术语〕凸版印刷(relief printing)间接凸印(letterset)不干胶标签印刷(pressure-sensitive label printing )柔性版印刷(flexography)凸版(relief printing plate)活字版(type form)纸型(paper matrix)铅版(stereotype)薄铅版(thin stereotype)电镀铅版(electroplated stereotype)铜版(copper etching)锌版(zinc etching)无粉腐蚀法(powderless etching)线条腐蚀(line etching)网点腐蚀(halftone etching)塑料版(plastic duplicate plate)感光性树脂凸版( photopolymer relief plate)预涂感光凸版(presensitized relief plate)橡皮凸版(rubber plate)柔性版(flexographic plate)凸版印刷机(letterpress machine)书版印刷机(book printing press)报版印刷机(newspaper printing press)平压平型印刷机(platen press)圆压平型印刷机(flat-bed cylinder press)圆压圆型印刷机(rotary letterpress machine)柔性版印刷机(flexographic press)网纹传墨辊( anilox roller)凸印上版( letterpress makeready)〔平版印刷术语〕平版印刷(planographic printing)石印(stone lithography)直接平印(direct lithography)珂罗版印刷(collotype printing)铁皮印刷(metal decorating)胶印(offset lithography)小胶印(small offset printing)无水胶印(waterless offset printing) 双色版胶印(duotone offset printing) 四色胶印(four-color offset printing) 晾纸(paper seasoning)平版(lithographic plate)磨版(graining)平凹版( deep-etch plate)预涂感光平版(presensitized plate) 多层金属版(multi-metal plate)即涂感光版(wipe-on plate)润版(dampening)水-墨平衡(ink-water balance)润湿液(fountain solution)酒精湿润(alcohol dampening)胶印机( offset printing press)橡皮布(blanket)滚压(rolling)输纸装置(sheet feeder)收纸装置(delivery unit)输墨装置(inking unit)着墨辊(form inking roller)墨斗辊(ink fountain roller)匀墨辊(ink distributing roller)串墨辊(ink vibrator)润湿装置(dampening system)着水辊(form dampening roller)水斗辊(water fountain roller)串水辊(dampening vibrator)套色顺序(color sequence)胶印故障(offset printing trouble) 条痕(streaks)糊版(filling in)掉版(image weakening)脏版(scumming)〔凹版印刷术语〕凹版印刷(intaglio printing)凹版(form of intaglio printing)网穴(ink cell)网墙(wall)照相凹印制版(photogravure)碳素纸(carbon tissue)过版(transfer)网点凹印(halftone gravure)网点凹版(halftone gravure cylinder)雕刻凹版(engraved intaglio plate)手工雕刻凹版(hand engraved intaglio plate)蚀刻凹版(etched intaglio plate)电子雕刻凹版(electronic engraved gravure)凹版电子雕刻机(electronic engraving machine)电子束雕刻凹版(electronic beam gravure,EBG)激光雕刻凹版(laser engraved gravure)间接凹印(indirect gravure)凹版印刷机(gravure press)单张纸凹印机(sheet-fed gravure press)卷筒纸凹印机(web-fed gravure press)刮墨刀(doctor)〔孔版印刷术语〕孔版印刷(porous printing)丝网印刷(screen printing)誊写版印刷(stencil duplicating)打字蜡版印刷(typewriter stencil duplicating)镂空版印刷(stencil printing)丝网模版(screen stencil)丝网印版(screen plate)刻漆膜丝网印版(lacquer film engraving stencil)直接照相法丝网印版(direct photographic screen plate) 间接照相法丝网印版(indirect photographic screen plate) 涂漆丝网印版(lacquered screen plate)静电丝网印刷(electrostatic screen printing)曲面丝网印刷(curved surface screen printing)丝网印刷机(screen printing machine)网框(screen frame)丝网(screen fabric)丝网孔宽(width of mesh-opening)丝网厚度(thickness of screen fabric)丝网通孔率(percentage of screen porosity)回弹力(screen resilience)丝网目数(meshcount)绷网机(stretching machine)刮胶斗(coating trough)刮墨板(squeegee)回墨板(ink reclaiming blade)坚膜处理(hardening treatment)静电丝网印刷机(electrostatic screen printing machine) 〔特种印刷术语〕特种印刷(speciality printing)热转印(heat transfer process)静电印刷(electrostatic printing)发泡印刷(foam printing)软管印刷(flexible tube printing)曲面印刷(curved surface printing)贴花印刷(decalcomania)液晶印刷(liquid crystal printing)磁性印刷(magnetic ink printing)喷墨印刷(ink-jet printing)立体印刷(three-dimensional printing)盲文印刷(braille printing)全息照相印刷(holographic printing)移印(transfer printing)木版水印(wood-block printing)拓印(inscription rubbing)〔印后加工术语〕装订(bookbinding)平装(paper-cover binding)精装(hard-cover binding)胶粘装订(adhesive binding,perfect binding)锁线订(thread sewing)骑马订(saddle stitching)铁丝平订(wire side-stitching)线装(Chinese traditional thread sewing)螺旋装(spiral binding,coil binding)书芯(bookblock)书帖(signature)书名页(title page)订口(gutter)切口(cutting edges)封皮(cover)书壳(book case)护封(jacket)书芯加工(bookblock processing)折页(folding)配帖(collating)扒圆(rounding)起脊(backing)印后加工机械(machinery for post press fini-shing)切纸机(guillotine)折页机(folding machine)配页机(collating machine)订书机(book stitcher,stitching machine)三面切书机(three-knife trimmer)包封皮机(book covering machine)制书壳机(book case making machine)胶粘装订联动线(adhesive binding line)精装书籍联动线(hard-cover book production line) 打包机(wrapping machine)表面整饰(decorative finishing)模切(die cutting)压痕(creasing)上光(varnishing)覆膜(laminating)擦金(揩金)(bronzing)烫箔(foil-stamping)打排孔(perforating)印刷英语专业词汇出血:bleed全出血:full bleed客户/服务器:client/server色域:color gamut分色:color separation色彩空间:color space裁切线:crop marks密度:density直接制版:computer-to-plate or direct-to-plate照排机:filmsetter灰平衡:gray balance印刷:printing平版印刷:planographic printing胶印:offset lithography:胶印机:offset printing press:DTP:Desktop Publishing System原稿:original印版:printing plate承印物:printing stock制版:plate making图象制版 image reproduction:网目调 halftone,screen tone:阳图 positive image:阴图 negative image:分色 color separation:计算机照相排版系统 computerized phototypesetting system:文字排版:text composition拼版:make-up晒版 printing down:印后加工:post-press finishing双面印 perfect printing:单张印刷:sheet-fed printing卷筒印刷:web-fed printing:多色印刷:multi-color printing胶印故障:offset printing trouble 开本:format:堆纸 sheet piling:色令 color ream:印张 impression:晾纸 paper seasoning:输纸装置 sheet feeder:规矩 gauge:前规 front lay:侧规 side mark:递纸 sheet transfer:递纸牙 transfer gripper:叼口 feed edge:收纸装置 delivery unit:套印 bring into register:规矩线 register line:套印不准 register difference:色标 color batch:润湿液 fountain solution:实地 solid:紫外线干燥 UV curing:润版 dampening:条痕 streaks:糊版 filling in:掉版 image weakening:脏版 scumming:堆墨 build-up:脱墨 rubbing off:油墨乳化 ink emulsification:拉毛 ink picks:重影 ghosting:粘脏 set-off:透印 print through:酒精润湿 Alcohol dampening:润湿装置 dampening system:着水辊 form dampening roller:水斗辊 water fountain roller:串水辊 dampening vibrator:输墨装置 inking unit:着墨辊 form inking roller:墨斗辊 ink fountain roller:匀墨辊 ink distributing roller:串墨辊 ink vibrator:色谱 color atlas:叼纸牙 gripper:橡皮布 blanket:滚压 rolling:滚枕 bearer:印刷压力 printing pressure:压印线 nip:包衬 cylinder-packing:印版滚筒 plate cylinder:橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder:压印滚筒 impression cylinder:光学密度 optical density色密度 color density:阶调 tone:阶调值 tone value:测控条 control strip:龟纹 moire:。

一、汉译英原文:The recent developmentof various methods of modulation such as PCM and PPM which exchange bandwidth for signal-to-noise ratio has intensified the interest in a general theory of communication.译文:各种调制方法,如PCM和PPM,能够完成带宽与信噪比的交换,它们的发展增强了通信理论的重要性。
原文:A basis for such a theory is contained in the important papers of Nyquist and Hartley on the subject.译文:在本学科,Nyquist和Hartley的重要论文中包含了这种理论的基础。
原文:In this paper we will extend the theory to include a number of new factor, in particular the effect of noise in the channel, and the savings possible due to the statistical structure of the original message and due to the nature of the final destination of information.译文:在本文中,我们将这些理论进行扩展,包括许多新的因素,尤其是信道中噪声的影响,以及可能由于原始信息的统计结构和信宿的特性所导致的信息存储。
原文:The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point.译文:通信的基本问题是如何在一点精确或近似的再生来自另一点的消息。

印刷行业英语Printing industry English1. Typesetting: The process of arranging text and images on a page before printing.2. Proofreading: The act of carefully reviewing a print document for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.3. Offset printing: A commonly used printing technique in which ink is transferred from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface.4. Digital printing: A method of printing directly from a digital file, without the need for physical plates or printing press setup.5. Print run: The total number of copies of a printed material produced in a single batch or job.6. Bleed: An extra area of design or color that extends beyond the edge of the printed page, which is later trimmed off.7. Binding: The process of joining together pages or sheets of a printed document using methods such as stapling, binding glue, or spiral binding.8. Pantone: A standardized system of color matching used in the printing industry to ensure consistent color reproduction.9. CMYK: An abbreviation for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black), the four primary colors used in most color printing processes.10. Die cutting: A printing finishing technique that involves cuttinga custom shape or pattern into printed materials, often used for creating unique packaging or promotional items.11. UV coating: A protective coating applied to printed materials using ultraviolet light, which enhances durability, glossiness, and resistance to fading.12. Embossing: A process that creates a raised relief image or design on paper or cardstock, giving a tactile and three-dimensional effect.13. Pantograph: A mechanical instrument used for reducing or enlarging the size of an image during the printing process.14. Foil stamping: A process that applies a thin layer of metallic or colored foil to a printed material, creating a shiny, decorative effect.15. Prepress: The preparation of digital files before they are sent toa printing press, including tasks such as image optimization, color correction, and imposition.16. Binding edge: The side of a printed document where the pages are bound together, such as the spine of a book.17. Dye sublimation: A printing method that uses heat to transfer dye onto materials such as fabric or coated surfaces, resulting in vibrant and long-lasting colors.18. Booklet: A small book or brochure, typically with fewer pages than a full-length book.19. Pagination: The process of numbering the pages in a document or book in the correct sequence.20. Print finishing: The final processes applied to a printed product, such as trimming, folding, laminating, or varnishing, to enhance its appearance and durability.。

• Printed products are all around us. Books and
magazines, newspapers and catalogs, maps and
•目录册 •地
charts, posters and brochures, stamps a图nd paper
– 科技英语主要以客观陈述为主,表述科学发 现、科学事实、实验报告和各类说明。
• 专业名词、术语多
• Printing • graphic arts • graphic communications (图文信息传播)
• 印刷
– 说明了某种情况下英文术语的多变性 – 反映了印刷科技发展的不同历史阶段
and encased in a cover.
• The author, editor, publisher, compositor, artist,
出版商 排版
•编辑 •出版商
photographer, printer, and binder all played an
person and received by another, communication
takes place.
• Printing messages are graphic or visual in form. They are made up of symbols, drawing, and photographs. Communication through the use of printed images is called graphic communication. The primary purpose of the graphic arts industry, then, is to produce products that communication graphically.

级第学期期末科目试卷答案(卷)考试专业:年级/班级:出题教师:出题时间:年月日做答教师:做答时间:年月日一.英文单词翻译1.活化剂2.加色3.画家4.定位5.平衡6.基本重量7.表格8.装订9.橡皮布10.滚筒11.亮度12.压光13.照相机14.连续调15.印版,图像载体16.字符17.上光18.色彩校正19.分色20.排版工21.反差22.控制条23.费用支出24.裁切25.润湿系统26.密度计27.设计28.显影剂29.模切30.数字印刷31.网点增大32.干燥系统33.编辑34.静电复印35.估价36.丝网处理37.文档格式38.胶片39.负片40.正片41.滤色片42.压凸43.折页44.水斗溶液45.配页46.重影47.印刷工业48.凹版49.灰平衡50.灰梯尺08 三印刷专业英语A印刷技术/图文信息处理海泽洫海泽洫08级2010 6 12010 6 1二.中文单词翻译1.halftone screen2.hard copy3.hardware4.highlight5.illumination6.illustration7.blanket cylinder8.impression cylinder9.perfecting press10.plate cylinder11.ink12.drying13.inking14.intaglio printing15.job planning16.Kelvin17.Keyboard minationseryout21.Letter form22.Letterpress23.Light source24.Line copy25.Lithographic process26.Management27.Market analysis28.Mass29.Mesh count30.Middle-tone31.Modifier32.Negative33.Non-image area34.Off color35.Offset36.Overlays37.Paper38.Papermaking39.Newsprint40.Percent dot size41.Paleographic printing42.Postscript43.Printing system44.Processing45.Proof46.Reflection copy47.Separation48.Strike-through49.Substrate50.Subtractive primarycolors三.英文短文翻译1.印刷在其他工业的产品中叶起了重要作用,例如,纺织品、墙纸、牙膏皮、饮料罐、糖纸、橘子和棒球都带有印刷的图像,甚至用于电器如电子计算机和电视的电路板也是印刷的。

XX职校2018年春季《专业英语》期末考试卷(参考答案)考试时间 120分钟学号姓名班级年级一、单选题(每小题2分,共30分)1. If all points in a linkage move in parallel planes the system undergoes planar motion and the linkage may be described as a ______ .A. planar motionB. planar linkageC. jointsD. slide2. Though frame material and design should handle damping,_____ are sometimes built into frame sections to handle specific problems.A .beams B. holes C. dampers D. screw3. The maximum allowable deflection of a shaft ______ determined by critical speed, gear, or bearing r equirements.A. oftenB. mustC. wasD. is usually4. We will have to _____ to better and better solutions as we generate more information.A. repeat many timesB. iteratingC. iterateD. try ways5. If a product configuration is _______ specified and then examined to determine whether the perform ance requirements are met.A. finallyB. tentativelyC. temporaryD. have been6. Manufacturing can be defined as the _____ of raw materials into useful products through the use of t he easiest and lest-expensive methods.A. transformationB. processingC. processD. transforming7. The planer and knee types of milling machine is _____ because of its flexibility.A. used most commonlyB. most popularC. the most commonly usedD. most powerful8. As a result, the system will vibrate at the frequency of the _____ force regardless of the initial condit ions or natural frequency of the system.A. actionB. excitationC. outD. act9. Before two components are assembled together, the relationship between the dimensions of the mating surfaces_______.A. must be giving outB. should printed clearlyC. must be specifiedD. should be clearly noted10. The main practical advantage of lower pairs is their better ability to trap lubricant between their ___ ___ surfaces.A. envelopingB. matingC. outerD. outside11. The word______ itself usually refers to the deterioration of metals and ceramics, while similar phen omena in plastics generally called ______.A. recrystallization…. corrosionB. recrystallization…degradationC. degradation…corrosionD. corrosion… degradation12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, composition, or concrete.A. are made fromB. are made up ofC. was produced byD. was consist of13. Rotating shafts particularly those that run at high speeds, must be designed to avoid operation at __ ____ speeds.A . lowB .overload C. critical D. hollow14. Although cast iron is a fairly cheap material, each casting requires a ______ 。

《专业英语》期末试卷A 卷一. V ocabulary(词汇)(共20分)(一) Put the following words and phrases into Chinese. (写出下列词组的汉语)(10×1分=10分)1. active components 活性成分2. assembler language 汇编语言3. dual-trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器4. current gain 电流增益5. forward biased正向偏置 6. Stripboard条板 7. object-oriented 面向对象的 8. forward biased正向偏置 9. computer literacy电脑知识10. international roaming ability 国际漫游能力(二) Fill the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写) (10×1分=10分)1. 调幅AM2. 集成电路IC3. 双极型晶体管Bipolar transistor4. 双列直插封装Dual In-Line Package5. 阴极射线管A cathode ray tube6. 触发器Trigger7. 彩信MMS装 订 线8.微软认证软件开发专家Microsoft certified software development specialists9.码分多址Code Division Multiple Access10.全球移动通信系统Global System for Mobile Communication Systems1.The use of vacuum tubes declined rapidly when a semiconductor device wasinvented that could perform many of the functions previously associated withvacuum tubes.使用真空管发明的半导体器件,可以进行许多以前与真空管的功能迅速下降。

印刷专业英语(常用词语中英文对照表)2 wire stitching 骑马钉board book dinding 板纸书(合板)3 edges golden gilt 三面烫金边book block 毛书Accordion 风琴式折页both(2/s)side art paper 双粉纸acid-free and lignin free paper 无酸及不变色纸bothside 双面acid-free paper 无酸纸both side art card 双粉咭(C2S) adhesive binding 胶装/无线胶装both side artpaper 双粉纸(C2S)adhesive tape double 双面胶纸bound volume/bound edition 合订书/合订本adhesive tape single 单面胶纸box 盒advance copies 新书样本/船头版Brazil 巴西after-press 印后Brochure/booklet/pamphlet/handbook 小册子air freinght/airlift/air-express/air-ferry 空运brown wrapping/kraft/vellum 牛皮纸Album 相簿building in 压线/压衬Arlin 布纹纸/书皮纸bulk 大货/厚度arlin paper 书皮纸bunting 旗布art board 粉咭calendering 磨光art paper 粉纸calender varnishing 磨光Artwork 书稿carbonless paper 兔炭纸Assembly 执件card 咭Austria 奥地利card board 咭纸Austrian 奥地利的card box 咭盒auto-lock 自动扣底carton 纸箱/坑箱/卡通纸back board(card) 背板(咭) cartridge paper 图画纸Backbone 书脊case bound/edition binding 精装bamboo spine 竹节脊case boundbook/hardpaper/hardcover 精装书Bellyband 腰带B-flute 坑纸/粗坑纸case making 做皮壳1 ply B9 corrugated board B9单层坑纸Binding 装订case(PLC) 硬皮壳binding board 灰板/板纸casing in 上皮壳Black 黑色cassette tape 录音带blind blocking 击凹cast coated card 玻璃粉咭Blister 吸塑cast coated paper 玻璃粉纸blister card 吸塑咭/商品吊售卡catalog 目录册blister pack 吸塑罩center sewn 车中线blister varnishing 吸塑油center sewn in twosection 车中线手反两贴Block 书芯chipboard 粗纸板blocking 烫金﹑烫色﹑模压chrome coated board 玻璃纸bluelies 蓝粉/蓝纸CIF 到岸价blueprints 蓝粉/蓝纸clamshell blister 贝壳胶盒,像贝壳一样可以对扣的胶盒Blues 蓝粉/蓝纸clay coated news back 粉灰咭(CCNB) Board 咭纸clay coated white back 灰心白底(CCWB) Board book 板纸书clear 透明Client 客户die-cutting 模切/啤Cloth 布direct mailing 邮递直销display box 展示盒/陈列盒coated art kraft board 粉面牛咭document 文件coated duplex board 粉灰咭double wall carton 双坑箱double-side tap 双面胶coated one side 单粉(C1S) doulbling 双钩coated paper 铜版纸drawn on cover 反封面coated two side 双粉(C2S) drill hole/bore 钻孔collate 排dummy 白样(生产前的样本)collate card 执咭duotone 双色调collating 执张/配页duplex board 粉灰咭colour filter 滤色片E-flute E-坑纸colour proof 色稿elastic band(round/flat) 橡根带colour separation 电子分色(分色/电分) Electro-static Printing 静电印刷colour woodfree 色书纸electro-static vinyl paper 静电纸components 黏配件embossing 击凹凸/压纹concealed wire-o 隐藏式wire-o embossing die 击凹凸模concertina fold 风琴式折页endpaper 衬纸concertina bound 风琴折装钉﹐如果用于板纸书指内文对裱conference room 会议室end-papering 贴衬纸confirmed sample 已签署的样本endpaper pasted down on cover 封面裱衬纸(扫衬)conqueror paper 刚古纸endpaper paste on 贴衬content 内容/目录/内文ends 前后衬纸/封里纸copy/copies 本envelope 信封corner gluing(4 corners) 粘角(四角) envelopemaking 做信封correst grain 跟纹/顺纹export 出口corrugated E-flute box 坑盒exported carton 出口纸箱corrugated paper 瓦楞纸/坑纸eyelet 鸡眼courier 速递fancy paper 花纹纸cover 封面feather 毛绒cover drawn on 反封面Figure/iconograph/illustration 图表/插图covering 反封面/上封面film 菲林creasing 啤折线/压折痕Finland 芬兰Cross grain 不顺纹Finnish 芬兰的fix(affix)accessories 黏配件customer service deparment 客户服务部flap 旗/翼仔cut flush 切正三边(封面及内文的三边一起切齐) flat 平的cutting 切纸flexible binding 假精装Cyan 青蓝flexible magnetic rubber 胶磁debossing 击凹flock paper 植毛(纸)delivery note 送货单flow chart 流程图Diary/daybook 日记簿fluorescent 荧光墨/发荧光的die cut 啤flyeaf 衬纸/封里纸die-cut mould 啤板Foam/sponge 海绵die-cutter 啤机/模切机FOB 离岸价dividers 烟的士foil stamping 烫色hickey 墨屎folded and gathered 已折和已排但未装订的书(F&G) high bulk paper 高容积纸/特厚纸folder 档案夹high closs varnish 特光folding 折/折书/折页hinge 书链folding box 折盒Holland 荷兰Folio 页码hologram paper(card) 激光纸(咭)fore edge 书口/前切线hologram stamping 激光烫format 格式horizontal 横度freight 运费hot melt 热溶胶french fold jacket/ slipcase 法式书套hot seal 热压/热封口Fur 皮革hot stamping 热烫/烫色gate fold 拉页H/T band(head and railbands/headband) 笃(绳)头布(H.T)gatering 排书/配页illustrations 插图gathering 排书/配书image 影像ghosting 鬼影imitation gold 仿金gift box 礼盒imposition 拼版glassine paper 白腊纸Impression 印数/印张/压印Gloss(y) art(paper) 光粉纸(G/A) imprint 版权页Glue/gluewater/gumwater 胶水indent 订货gluing 涂胶index 索引gold blocking 烫金indexing 索引裁切/打烟的士gold paper(card) 金纸(咭) Indonesia 印尼gold stamping 金烫/烫金Indonesian 印尼的Grain direction 丝缕方向/纸纹方向information 讯息grams per square metre 克/平方米(GSM) Insert / inset/foldout 插页gravure Printing 滚筒式印刷/凹版印刷inset 套贴Green 绿色interleaves 内隔页greyboard 双灰international standard booknumber 国际标准书籍号码(ISBN)grey board 版纸ivory board 通咭gripper 牙口ivory card 白通纸grommet 鸡眼jacket 书套/护封/封套/书衣Gross weight 毛重jacketting 上书套/上护封guillotine 切纸机Japan 日本half title page 半书名页或/部首专页Japanese 日本的half-tone 半色调job number 工程编号hollow back 通脊joint 书脊槽hardback 精装kiss cut 啤半穿hard back 精装书Korean 韩国的hard bound 精装/精装书kraft card 牛皮咭hard cover 精装Head margin 书的天头kraft wrap 包头heat-seal calender varnish 磨光吸塑label 标签heat-sealed coating 吸塑油laminated indexing(index lamination) 透明胶索引height 高laminating 过胶/压塑料膜lamination 过胶(PP胶) mechanical matt 充哑粉纸landscape 横度书/横式书页/横度mechanicalpaper 充粉纸Leaf 张页(2PP) mechanical printing paper 充书纸leaflet 小折张/单张/折页memo pad /blotter 记事簿leaves 对页metal color 金属墨length 长metallic 金属的lettershop 人封邮寄服务/人信metal plate 铁片Lid 盒盖millboard 版纸library bound 图书式装订(一般指分衬加白杨布﹑车侧线后上壳的装订) mirror 镜missing 缺页lid and base box 天地盒misting 溅墨light weight coated paper 轻粉纸/充粉纸(LWC) mixgrain 内文中用混合纸纹limited edition 珍藏本/有限印本mould 模Limp bound 平装/串线胶装mounting 对裱line copy 线条稿(无半色调) mount(pasted) 裱纸line drawing 线书稿(无半色调) moveable 可移line per inch 每英寸线数(LPI) muli-joints gluing 驳盒lining 裱纸/裱背/皮壳贴被纸multi-colour 多色Lithography /offset 平版印刷朮NCR paper 药水纸Lock 锁negative 负片/阴片lock-bottom 扣底net weight /suttle 净重kevin1983718(Kevin)中级会员状态离线#2使用道具发表于2008-8-28 13:51 资料个人空间个人短信加为好友只看该作者Logo 商标newspaper 报纸Long 长纹(L) newsprint 新闻纸/白报纸Long grain 纸长纹nipping 压印线/书贴压紧Loop 环圈non-moveable 不可移machine 机器notch binding 胶装machine finish 加光(M.F.) notch bound 通气胶装(NB)machine varnishing 机过油(光/哑) oblong 横度书/长开本magazine /journul 杂志odd size 怪度/不平常尺寸magenta 品红/洋红Offset Printing 柯式印刷magnet 磁石one side 单面Mail card 邮寄咭one side art card 单粉咭(C1S)mailing carton 邮寄盒one side greyboard whiteback 灰芯单粉咭maissing leaf 缺页on-line press varnishing 印油 (glossy/matt)(光/哑)makeready sheet 校版纸opacity 不透明度Open Wire-O 开放式YO书﹐即没有脊位make-up(montage) 拼版/整版orange 橙色Manual/enchiridion 手册order form 订购表manual gluing 手粘盒original 原稿margin 书边白位origination 印前match box(2) 火柴盒others 其它Matt art card 哑粉咭out of register 套印不准Matt art paper 哑粉纸(M/A) overlap cover(gate foldcover) 翼仔封面maximum 最大over print 加印在其上/迭印mechanical art paper 充粉纸ozalid 蓝纸/蓝粉packaging 包装punch 冲packging box 包装盒/彩盒punch board 打孔padded foam board 海绵板纸punch to shape 冲型状Page 页数PVC box PVC 胶盒Page number 页码PVC window 透明胶片窗口pages(page to view) 页数quarter bound 双封面pallet 卡板raw material 原材料Pane l版屏/办/栏ream 令paper back 平装书reception 大堂(写字楼正门口) parchment 羊皮纸recto 右边的书页(一般页码是单数) pasting end 扫衬recycle paper 再造纸perfect binding 罗/刨/磨脊胶装/无线装订register 套准/定位/规位perfect bound 平装/胶装﹐特指磨脊胶装registermark 十字位perforation 针线/打排孔registration 套准/定位/规位photo bag 相袋registration mark 套准记号/十字位photocopy 影印reprint 重印PH value 酸缄度revise 校订/修正PIX 图案ribbon marker/ riband 丝带plastic 塑料right reading 正读plastic comb binding 塑料夹活页装订rigid box 浆糊盒plastic magnet 胶磁ring binder 铁环(圈)/活页册plastic mirror 胶镜ring binding 铁环装plastic spiral 胶线圈rivet 窝锭Plate 印板roll 卷Plate making 制版round and backing 圆脊playing card varnishing 啤牌油round back 圆脊PMS color(pantone)PMS 专色round corner 圆角pocket 袋rounding and backing 圆脊polybag 胶袋polybag self-adhesive 自贴胶袋running sheet 印张polybag zip lock 密实胶袋saddle stitching 骑马钉pop-ups 立体sales department 营业部pop-ups book 立体书same size 同尺寸(S/S) portrait 正度书/直度Sample/swatch 样本poster 海报/单张广告sample room 样办室/展览室pre-press 印前sand paper 沙纸press 印刷﹑印刷机press varnishing 印油(glossy/matt)(光/哑) schedule 工艺流程printed ink 油墨scoring 啤线/压线/啤折线/压折痕printed sheet 印张scratching 刮花/拖花printing press/imprinter 印刷机screen 网屏process 四色墨screws 螺丝process colour 四原色scuffing 擦痕(印件)pull and push 推拉书scumming 弄脏/糊版(印件) section 组数/贴special colours 专色section sewn 穿线specimen 样本self-cover 自封spine 书脊self ends 自衬spiral 铁线圈Semi-gloss 半光亮speral binding 螺旋装订set off 过底/背面粘脏spitting 溅墨sewing 串线/缝线/线钉split ends 分衬shade 色辉/色泽spoilage 损坏/废品sharp 清晰的sponge 海綿sheet 一张纸spot varnish(gloss/matt) 印油(光/哑) sheet-fed 平张印刷/平张给纸spreads 对页sheet fed press 平张印刷机special color 专色sheet per hour 每小时印张数(S.P.H.) spiralbinding 螺旋装订sheetwise(sheetwork) 正反spiral bound 螺旋装(蛇装) short 短纹(S) spitting 溅墨shrink wrapped(individual/assort per pack) 收缩包装(独立/每包) spot UV varnishing(glossy/matt) 局部UV油(光/哑)side saddle stitching 侧钉spotvarnish(glossy/matt) 印油(光/哑)side sewn 车侧线spot varnishing(glossy/matt) 局部印油side stitching 平钉square back 方脊/平脊signature 组数/贴stamping 烫signaturing 齐贴staples 装订用铁丝钉silk-screen 丝网stapling 钉盒/铁线平订Silk-screen Printing 丝网印刷step indexing 打索引/打梯级silk screening 丝印sticker 胶贴纸/贴纸silk screen pvc sheet 丝印PVC胶片stiffener 加固板(E-flute)silver paper(card) 银纸(咭) Stock 仓存silver stamping 银烫/烫银String 绳singer sewn 车中线stripping 拼版single-coated paper 单面粉纸substance 克重/基重Size 尺寸Sweden 瑞典sketch 草图/简图Swedish 瑞典的slip case 书套盒/书盒synthetic(yupo)paper 合成纸Slur 重影tacky 发粘的/粘性的smashing 压书/书贴压紧tab 检索(咭)smear 油渍/背面弄脏tacky 发粘的/粘性的smoothness 平滑度tail edge 地脚smudge 粘脏/污点text 内文smyth sewn 穿线The Netherlands 荷兰Soft cover 平装thickness 厚度Soft PVC 软胶thread sewn 穿线solid 实地/满地three-knife trimmer 三面刀trim width portrait 直度solid bleached sulphate 单粉咭(C1S)(SBS) thumbedge 书口South Korea 韩国thumb index 指按式索引spacer 隔纸tight(fixed) back 死脊Tint 淡调wafer seal 透明胶贴纸tints 平网wastage 损耗tipping 贴water-based varnishing 过水油(过水溶性光油)tipping in 粘单张/套粘water-base varnishing 水油tone 色调waterproof(gloss/matt) 防水(光/哑)top edge 天头wax paper 腊油纸tracing paper 牛油纸web-fed 卷筒给纸trade mark 商标web press 轮转印刷机transparency 透明原稿web print 滚筒Tray box 地盒white 白Trim 切正/切齐whiteness 白度trimming 裁切width 宽triple wall carton 三坑箱windowing 粘窗/贴窗Turn around 一周wire-o 双线圈typesetting 排字wire-o binding 双线圈钉装/WIRE-O 钉装U.K. 英国wire-o bound 双线圈装uncut pages 未切之页wire-stitching 铁线平订underrun 印数不足with the grain 跟纹/顺纹unprinted page 白页work and tumble 牙口反/天地轮转unprinted leaf 白页workshop 工场upright 正度书/直式work&turn 自反/左右轮转U.S.A 美国woodfree 道林纸/书纸(W/F)UV varnishing 过UV油/紫外光固化油wrap 包页vacuum packing 真空包装wrinkles 印张的皱纹Varninshing 上光油writing pad 写字簿Velcro 魔朮贴yellow 黄色Vender 供货商yupo paper 合成纸Verso 左边的书页(一般页码是双数) yuppo paper 胶底纸video tape 录像带zine 锌Volume 册zine plate 锌版v-shape die-cutting 啤V位zip lock bag 密实胶袋Colour Density 颜色密度 raster 光柵Fitting 试箱Paperback 平装书Hardback精装书Adjunct 辅料﹐配件﹐附属物Bead 小珠子,珠子Bow or bowknot 蝴蝶結。

Karl Kleitsh is generally credited with inventing the gravure process in 1879. In 1894, he developed a press that could print from etched copper cylinders instead of flat plates. With in twenty years gravure cylinders were being used to print a variety of products including a portion of New York Times. Today both flat and cylindrical gravure plate are used on a variety of presses to print Sunday newspaper supplements, magazines, major mail order catalogs, stamps, and even paper money. Much of our printed fabric is also produced by gravure.
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Relief or letterpress printing is the oldest printing method. Today a wide variety of letterpress plates are used on several types of presses to print a rich and varied assortment of products including newspapers, books, and magazines. IMAGE REVERSAL. As you can see, the principle of printing from a raised surface is not difficult to understand. There is one problem to consider, however. Note that the shape of the raised surface that printed the letter P on the paper is “wrong reading” or backwards. The raised surface was purposely prepared this way so that it would print a “right reading” image on the paper.

印刷专业英语(汉英对照)【基本术语】包衬cylinder-packing 印刷机压印体上或印版下的包覆物。
包装印刷packageprinting 以各种包装材料为主要产品的印刷。
报价单,价目单price list报纸印刷newspaperprinting 以报纸等信息媒介为产品的印刷。
背面粘脏set-off 印在承印物上的印刷油墨,粘在另一印张的背面,造成蹭脏。
承印物printing stock 能接受油墨或吸附色料并呈现图文的各种物质。
打样proofing 从拼组的图文信息复制出校样。
单色印刷single-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,只在承印物上印刷一种墨色。
单张印刷sheet-fedprinting 以单张纸或其他单张材料为承印物进行印刷。
多色印刷multi-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,在承印物上印刷两种及两种以上的墨色。
复制版duplicate plate 按照原有印版复制成的第二块或若干块同样印版。
间接印刷indirectprinting 印版上图文部分的油墨经中间载体的传递转移到承印物表面的印刷方式。
卷筒印刷web-fedprinting 以卷筒纸或其他卷筒材料为承印物行进印刷。
连续给纸装置stream feeder拼版make-up 将文字,图表等依照设计要求拼组成版。
书刊印刷bookandperiodicalprinting 以书籍、期刊等为主要产品的印刷。
套印不准out of register 在套色印刷过程中,印迹重叠的误差。
透印print through 印在纸张上的图文由背面可见。
无压印刷non-impactprinting 不借助压力施印和各种印刷方式。
橡皮布滚筒blanket cylinder 间接印刷中将印版图文的油墨转称到印物上的转印滚筒,其表面包裹橡皮布。
压印滚筒impression cylinder 印刷机上圆柱形的压印体。
压印线nip 圆压平和圆压圆印刷机的压印体在互相作用的瞬间产生的执着触带。

▪ in-、il-(在字母l前),im-(在字母m、b、p前),表示“不” inaccurate 不准确的、imbalance 不平衡的、 impure 不纯的 ▪ mis- 表示“错误” mislead 误导 ▪ non- 表示“不,非” non-ferrous 有色金属的 ▪ un- 表示“不,未,丧失” unaccountable 说明不了的、unknown 未知的、 unbar 清除障碍
▪ 在这句话中,work、energy、product、force 都是从普通词汇中借来的物理学术语。
▪ work的意思不是‘工作’,而是‘功’; ▪ energy的意思不是‘活力’,而是‘能’; ▪ product的意思不是‘产品’,而是‘乘积’; ▪ force的意思不是‘力量’,.The annual output of the factory is 100,000 cars. 该工厂的汽车年产量为十万。
▪ 词汇、句法、目的
▪ 正式科技文体/科普文体;书面/口头
一、大量使用专业术语。 科技词汇来源分三类: A.第一类科技词来自英语中的普通词,但赋予
3. 外, datum(数据,拉丁语),它的复数形式是data, 因其常用复数,data被误认作单数,又造出一个所谓 的复数形式datas。
C. 造词
a.转化:通过词类转化构成新词。英语中名 词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成动词, 而动词、形容词、副词、介词可以转化成 名词。但是最活跃的是名词转化成动词和 动词转化成名词。
c.派生:这种方法也叫缀合。派生词是由词根 加上前缀或后缀构成的。加前缀构成新词只改 变词义,不改变词类。
▪ 例如: ▪ decontrol(取消控制)v.——de+control(control是动词) ▪ ultrasonic(超声的)a.——ultra+sonic(sonic是形容词) ▪ subsystem(分系统)n.——sub+system(system是名词) ▪ hydro-electric(水力的) ▪ non-metal(非金属)

印刷专业英语(常用词语中英文对照表)2 wire stitching 骑马钉board book dinding 板纸书(合板)3 edges golden gilt 三面烫金边book block 毛书Accordion 风琴式折页both(2/s)side art paper 双粉纸acid-free and lignin free paper 无酸及不变色纸both side 双面acid-free paper 无酸纸both side art card 双粉咭(C2S)adhesive binding 胶装/无线胶装both side art paper 双粉纸(C2S) adhesive tape double 双面胶纸bound volume/bound edition 合订书/合订本adhesive tape single 单面胶纸box 盒advance copies 新书样本/船头版Brazil 巴西after-press 印后Brochure/booklet/pamphlet/handbook 小册子air freinght/airlift/air-express/air-ferry 空运brown wrapping/kraft/vellum 牛皮纸Album 相簿building in 压线/压衬Arlin 布纹纸/书皮纸bulk 大货/厚度arlin paper 书皮纸bunting 旗布art board 粉咭calendering 磨光art paper 粉纸calender varnishing 磨光Artwork 书稿carbonless paper 兔炭纸Assembly 执件card 咭Austria 奥地利card board 咭纸Austrian 奥地利的card box 咭盒auto-lock 自动扣底carton 纸箱/坑箱/卡通纸back board(card) 背板(咭) cartridge paper 图画纸Backbone 书脊case bound/edition binding 精装bamboo spine 竹节脊case bound book/hardpaper/hardcover 精装书Bellyband 腰带B-flute 坑纸/粗坑纸case making 做皮壳1 ply B9 corrugated board B9单层坑纸Binding 装订case(PLC) 硬皮壳binding board 灰板/板纸casing in 上皮壳Black 黑色cassette tape 录音带blind blocking 击凹cast coated card 玻璃粉咭Blister 吸塑cast coated paper 玻璃粉纸blister card 吸塑咭/商品吊售卡catalog 目录册blister pack 吸塑罩center sewn 车中线blister varnishing 吸塑油center sewn in two section 车中线手反两贴Block 书芯chipboard 粗纸板blocking 烫金﹑烫色﹑模压chrome coated board 玻璃纸bluelies 蓝粉/蓝纸CIF 到岸价blueprints 蓝粉/蓝纸clamshell blister 贝壳胶盒,像贝壳一样可以对扣的胶盒Blues 蓝粉/蓝纸clay coated news back 粉灰咭(CCNB)Board 咭纸clay coated white back 灰心白底(CCWB)Board book 板纸书clear 透明Client 客户die-cutting 模切/啤Cloth 布direct mailing 邮递直销display box 展示盒/陈列盒coated art kraft board 粉面牛咭document 文件coated duplex board 粉灰咭double wall carton 双坑箱double-side tap 双面胶coated one side 单粉(C1S) doulbling 双钩coated paper 铜版纸drawn on cover 反封面coated two side 双粉(C2S) drill hole/bore 钻孔collate 排dummy 白样(生产前的样本)collate card 执咭duotone 双色调collating 执张/配页duplex board 粉灰咭colour filter 滤色片E-flute E-坑纸colour proof 色稿elastic band(round/flat) 橡根带colour separation 电子分色(分色/电分) Electro-static Printing 静电印刷colour woodfree 色书纸electro-static vinyl paper 静电纸components 黏配件embossing 击凹凸/压纹concealed wire-o 隐藏式wire-o embossing die 击凹凸模concertina fold 风琴式折页endpaper 衬纸concertina bound 风琴折装钉﹐如果用于板纸书指内文对裱conference room 会议室end-papering 贴衬纸confirmed sample 已签署的样本endpaper pasted down on cover 封面裱衬纸(扫衬) conqueror paper 刚古纸endpaper paste on 贴衬content 内容/目录/内文ends 前后衬纸/封里纸copy/copies 本envelope 信封corner gluing(4 corners) 粘角(四角) envelope making 做信封correst grain 跟纹/顺纹export 出口corrugated E-flute box 坑盒exported carton 出口纸箱corrugated paper 瓦楞纸/坑纸eyelet 鸡眼courier 速递fancy paper 花纹纸cover 封面feather 毛绒cover drawn on 反封面Figure/iconograph/illustration 图表/插图covering 反封面/上封面film 菲林creasing 啤折线/压折痕Finland 芬兰Cross grain 不顺纹Finnish 芬兰的fix(affix)accessories 黏配件customer service deparment 客户服务部flap 旗/翼仔cut flush 切正三边(封面及内文的三边一起切齐) flat 平的cutting 切纸flexible binding 假精装Cyan 青蓝flexible magnetic rubber 胶磁debossing 击凹flock paper 植毛(纸)delivery note 送货单flow chart 流程图Diary/daybook 日记簿fluorescent 荧光墨/发荧光的die cut 啤flyeaf 衬纸/封里纸die-cut mould 啤板Foam/sponge 海绵die-cutter 啤机/模切机FOB 离岸价dividers 烟的士foil stamping 烫色hickey 墨屎folded and gathered 已折和已排但未装订的书(F&G) high bulk paper 高容积纸/特厚纸folder 档案夹high closs varnish 特光folding 折/折书/折页hinge 书链folding box 折盒Holland 荷兰Folio 页码hologram paper(card) 激光纸(咭)fore edge 书口/前切线hologram stamping 激光烫format 格式horizontal 横度freight 运费hot melt 热溶胶french fold jacket/ slipcase 法式书套hot seal 热压/热封口Fur 皮革hot stamping 热烫/烫色gate fold 拉页H/T band(head and rail bands/headband) 笃(绳)头布(H.T)gatering 排书/配页illustrations 插图gathering 排书/配书image 影像ghosting 鬼影imitation gold 仿金gift box 礼盒imposition 拼版glassine paper 白腊纸Impression 印数/印张/压印Gloss(y) art(paper) 光粉纸(G/A) imprint 版权页Glue/gluewater/gumwater 胶水indent 订货gluing 涂胶index 索引gold blocking 烫金indexing 索引裁切/打烟的士gold paper(card) 金纸(咭) Indonesia 印尼gold stamping 金烫/烫金Indonesian 印尼的Grain direction 丝缕方向/纸纹方向information 讯息grams per square metre 克/平方米(GSM) Insert / inset /foldout 插页gravure Printing 滚筒式印刷/凹版印刷inset 套贴Green 绿色interleaves 内隔页greyboard 双灰international standard book number 国际标准书籍号码(ISBN)grey board 版纸ivory board 通咭gripper 牙口ivory card 白通纸grommet 鸡眼jacket 书套/护封/封套/书衣Gross weight 毛重jacketting 上书套/上护封guillotine 切纸机Japan 日本half title page 半书名页或/部首专页Japanese 日本的half-tone 半色调job number 工程编号hollow back 通脊joint 书脊槽hardback 精装kiss cut 啤半穿hard back 精装书Korean 韩国的hard bound 精装/精装书kraft card 牛皮咭hard cover 精装Head margin 书的天头kraft wrap 包头heat-seal calender varnish 磨光吸塑label 标签heat-sealed coating 吸塑油laminated indexing(index lamination) 透明胶索引height 高laminating 过胶/压塑料膜lamination 过胶(PP胶) mechanical matt 充哑粉纸landscape 横度书/横式书页/横度mechanical paper 充粉纸Leaf 张页(2PP) mechanical printing paper 充书纸leaflet 小折张/单张/折页memo pad /blotter 记事簿leaves 对页metal color 金属墨length 长metallic 金属的lettershop 人封邮寄服务/人信metal plate 铁片Lid 盒盖millboard 版纸library bound 图书式装订(一般指分衬加白杨布﹑车侧线后上壳的装订) mirror 镜missing 缺页lid and base box 天地盒misting 溅墨light weight coated paper 轻粉纸/充粉纸(LWC) mix grain 内文中用混合纸纹limited edition 珍藏本/有限印本mould 模Limp bound 平装/串线胶装mounting 对裱line copy 线条稿(无半色调) mount(pasted) 裱纸line drawing 线书稿(无半色调) moveable 可移line per inch 每英寸线数(LPI) muli-joints gluing 驳盒lining 裱纸/裱背/皮壳贴被纸multi-colour 多色Lithography /offset 平版印刷朮NCR paper 药水纸Lock 锁negative 负片/阴片lock-bottom 扣底net weight /suttle 净重Logo 商标newspaper 报纸Long 长纹(L) newsprint 新闻纸/白报纸Long grain 纸长纹nipping 压印线/书贴压紧Loop 环圈non-moveable 不可移machine 机器notch binding 胶装machine finish 加光(M.F.) notch bound 通气胶装(NB)machine varnishing 机过油(光/哑) oblong 横度书/长开本magazine /journul 杂志odd size 怪度/不平常尺寸magenta 品红/洋红Offset Printing 柯式印刷magnet 磁石one side 单面Mail card 邮寄咭one side art card 单粉咭(C1S)mailing carton 邮寄盒one side greyboard white back 灰芯单粉咭maissing leaf 缺页on-line press varnishing 印油(glossy/matt)(光/哑) makeready sheet 校版纸opacity 不透明度Open Wire-O 开放式YO书﹐即没有脊位make-up(montage) 拼版/整版orange 橙色Manual/enchiridion 手册order form 订购表manual gluing 手粘盒original 原稿margin 书边白位origination 印前match box(2) 火柴盒others 其它Matt art card 哑粉咭out of register 套印不准Matt art paper 哑粉纸(M/A) overlap cover(gate fold cover) 翼仔封面maximum 最大over print 加印在其上/迭印mechanical art paper 充粉纸ozalid 蓝纸/蓝粉packaging 包装punch 冲packging box 包装盒/彩盒punch board 打孔padded foam board 海绵板纸punch to shape 冲型状Page 页数PVC box PVC 胶盒Page number 页码PVC window 透明胶片窗口pages(page to view) 页数quarter bound 双封面pallet 卡板raw material 原材料Pane l版屏/办/栏ream 令paper back 平装书reception 大堂(写字楼正门口)parchment 羊皮纸recto 右边的书页(一般页码是单数)pasting end 扫衬recycle paper 再造纸perfect binding 罗/刨/磨脊胶装/无线装订register 套准/定位/规位perfect bound 平装/胶装﹐特指磨脊胶装register mark 十字位perforation 针线/打排孔registration 套准/定位/规位photo bag 相袋registration mark 套准记号/十字位photocopy 影印reprint 重印PH value 酸缄度revise 校订/修正PIX 图案ribbon marker/ riband 丝带plastic 塑料right reading 正读plastic comb binding 塑料夹活页装订rigid box 浆糊盒plastic magnet 胶磁ring binder 铁环(圈)/活页册plastic mirror 胶镜ring binding 铁环装plastic spiral 胶线圈rivet 窝锭Plate 印板roll 卷Plate making 制版round and backing 圆脊playing card varnishing 啤牌油round back 圆脊PMS color(pantone)PMS 专色round corner 圆角right angle 直角pocket 袋rounding and backing 圆脊polybag 胶袋polybag self-adhesive 自贴胶袋running sheet 印张polybag zip lock 密实胶袋saddle stitching 骑马钉pop-ups 立体sales department 营业部pop-ups book 立体书same size 同尺寸(S/S)portrait 正度书/直度Sample/swatch 样本poster 海报/单张广告sample room 样办室/展览室pre-press 印前sand paper 沙纸press 印刷﹑印刷机press varnishing 印油(glossy/matt)(光/哑) schedule 工艺流程printed ink 油墨scoring 啤线/压线/啤折线/压折痕printed sheet 印张scratching 刮花/拖花printing press/imprinter 印刷机screen 网屏process 四色墨screws 螺丝process colour 四原色scuffing 擦痕(印件)pull and push 推拉书scumming 弄脏/糊版(印件)section 组数/贴special colours 专色section sewn 穿线specimen 样本self-cover 自封spine 书脊self ends 自衬spiral 铁线圈Semi-gloss 半光亮speral binding 螺旋装订set off 过底/背面粘脏spitting 溅墨sewing 串线/缝线/线钉split ends 分衬shade 色辉/色泽spoilage 损坏/废品sharp 清晰的sponge 海綿sheet 一张纸spot varnish(gloss/matt) 印油(光/哑)sheet-fed 平张印刷/平张给纸spreads 对页sheet fed press 平张印刷机special color 专色sheet per hour 每小时印张数(S.P.H.) spiral binding 螺旋装订sheetwise(sheetwork) 正反spiral bound 螺旋装(蛇装)short 短纹(S) spitting 溅墨shrink wrapped(individual/assort per pack) 收缩包装(独立/每包) spot UV varnishing(glossy/matt) 局部UV油(光/哑)side saddle stitching 侧钉spot varnish(glossy/matt) 印油(光/哑)side sewn 车侧线spot varnishing(glossy/matt) 局部印油side stitching 平钉square back 方脊/平脊signature 组数/贴stamping 烫signaturing 齐贴staples 装订用铁丝钉silk-screen 丝网stapling 钉盒/铁线平订Silk-screen Printing 丝网印刷step indexing 打索引/打梯级silk screening 丝印sticker 胶贴纸/贴纸silk screen pvc sheet 丝印PVC胶片stiffener 加固板(E-flute)silver paper(card) 银纸(咭) Stock 仓存silver stamping 银烫/烫银String 绳singer sewn 车中线stripping 拼版single-coated paper 单面粉纸substance 克重/基重Size 尺寸Sweden 瑞典sketch 草图/简图Swedish 瑞典的slip case 书套盒/书盒synthetic(yupo)paper 合成纸Slur 重影tacky 发粘的/粘性的smashing 压书/书贴压紧tab 检索(咭)smear 油渍/背面弄脏tacky 发粘的/粘性的smoothness 平滑度tail edge 地脚smudge 粘脏/污点text 内文smyth sewn 穿线The Netherlands 荷兰Soft cover 平装thickness 厚度Soft PVC 软胶thread sewn 穿线solid 实地/满地three-knife trimmer 三面刀trim width portrait 直度solid bleached sulphate 单粉咭(C1S)(SBS) thumb edge 书口South Korea 韩国thumb index 指按式索引spacer 隔纸tight(fixed) back 死脊Tint 淡调wafer seal 透明胶贴纸tints 平网wastage 损耗tipping 贴water-based varnishing 过水油(过水溶性光油) tipping in 粘单张/套粘water-base varnishing 水油tone 色调waterproof(gloss/matt) 防水(光/哑)top edge 天头wax paper 腊油纸tracing paper 牛油纸web-fed 卷筒给纸trade mark 商标web press 轮转印刷机transparency 透明原稿web print 滚筒Tray box 地盒white 白Trim 切正/切齐whiteness 白度trimming 裁切width 宽triple wall carton 三坑箱windowing 粘窗/贴窗Turn around 一周wire-o 双线圈typesetting 排字wire-o binding 双线圈钉装/WIRE-O钉装U.K. 英国wire-o bound 双线圈装uncut pages 未切之页wire-stitching 铁线平订underrun 印数不足with the grain 跟纹/顺纹unprinted page 白页work and tumble 牙口反/天地轮转unprinted leaf 白页workshop 工场upright 正度书/直式work&turn 自反/左右轮转U.S.A 美国woodfree 道林纸/书纸(W/F)UV varnishing 过UV油/紫外光固化油wrap 包页vacuum packing 真空包装wrinkles 印张的皱纹Varninshing 上光油writing pad 写字簿Velcro 魔朮贴yellow 黄色Vender 供货商yupo paper 合成纸Verso 左边的书页(一般页码是双数) yuppo paper 胶底纸video tape 录像带zine 锌Volume 册zine plate 锌版v-shape die-cutting 啤V位zip lock bag 密实胶袋Colour Density 颜色密度raster 光柵Fitting 试箱Paperback 平装书Hardback精装书Adjunct 辅料﹐配件﹐附属物Bead 小珠子,珠子Bow or bowknot 蝴蝶結perfect binding 胶装saddle stitches 骑钉。

品保英语Poor cutting 裁切不良尺寸 Dimension 报价单price list Die-cuts 啤切Wrinkle 皱纹内尺寸 inside dimension 订单order form Wrong pattern 式样错Wrong die cutting 啤切不良外尺寸 outside dimension 授权证warrant Trim 切齐/整齐Poor forming 折盒不良(外形不同)制作尺寸 manufacture dimension 技术工艺workmanship Paint smear 油污Scratch 擦痕箱子/纸板箱 carton 费用另计break out cost Glue joint 胶水贴合/胶水接合点Wrong grainy cut 裁错纹防震/防潮 shake-proof/moist-proof 待定to be discussed/to be determine Wrong style 字体错/设计错/类型错Glass test fail 光度测试不合格包装/容器 caseSpots /ink picks 污点/脏点Doubble print 重印(补印)瓦楞纸箱 corrugated carton Box open joint 爆盒/盒子粘合处分开Misc/PVC chips 杂物/胶片破盒子 box/sack/Streaks 条痕/线条Poor printing 印刷不良袋子 bag Missing label 标签短少Defect sample 样品有缺陷圆形 Round Scratches 擦伤/擦痕Wrong stripping 方形SquareMissing print 漏印Linting 纸毛(linty)三角形 Triangular(Delta Type)Upc non-function UPC 不良Color shift 色偏(颜色改变)长方形(矩形) RectangularCrease 折痕/弄皱Misprint 印错,印刷错误菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond)Shadowing 有阴影Wrong job instruction 开错单椭圆形 Oval Indentations 缺口/压痕Wrong paper material 纸料错长 Long No glue 无胶水Hickl/spot 墨皮/脏点宽 Wide Cracked folds 折叠破裂Poor coating 表面处理不良高 High Glue mark 胶水痕迹Poor heat-seal 吸塑不良深 Deep Tears 撕破/裂开P.P/PVC laminating P.P/PVC 不良厚 Thick Poor coating 上光不良Broke store line 啤爆线长度 Length Wrong stock NO. 错货号Wrong die-cut 啤切错宽度 Width Ink color 墨色Wrong creasing 折痕错高度 Height Ink density 油墨浓度Insufficient water 水干深度 Depth Glue end flap open 盒开口Excess water 水大厚度thickness Seam broken 爆线Makeready paper 校版纸底部bottom Water mark 水渍Smear 蹭脏顶部top Window detached 爆窗Snatching 纸张撕裂重量weight Color mixing 混色Splitting 纸张起毛货物cargo Window scratch 胶片擦花Slur/sluring 重影/模糊包、裹wrapColor mismatched 色偏Smash 胶布破裂业务其他装衬纸line Over softness 太软Soil 污点/弄脏/污斑用…隔开 Portioned with Dirty 污糟Soild plate 实地版裁切trim/trimming Black white dots 污点(黑白点)Soild 实地校对校正revise Wrong size 尺寸错Soild print 实地印张损耗(n)wastage Cracked damaged 破裂(招致损害)Sonobook 有声读物报废(n)spoilage Different color 色偏(颜色不同)Souring 水墨相渗成色不良草图sketch Flow mark 水渍痕Softback 平装书软面装订令ream Poor packing 包装不良Special binding 精装书,特装书卷roll Material contaminan混料(原料污染)Specimen 样品,样本空运air freight Abrasion test fail 磨损测试不合格Specimen book 样书,样本克每平米GSM(grams per square metre)Glue smear 胶水渍Specimen copy 样本面panel/前面front panel/底面bottom panel/侧面rear panel Color run 甩色Specimen page 样张Specimen print 试印样Speckle 斑点,小白点Spoils 废品,次品Spot check 抽查Start 装订脱页Super impose 叠印。
当代印刷 专业英语 (二)

consumable material 耗材 throughput n.生产量, 生产能力, 吞吐量
Explanation of part 2
n. 青色
Explanation of part 1
] n.套准,记录,登记,注册, vt.套准,记录,登记,注册,提示
hue 色相
lightness 明度
value 亮度
chroma 彩度
( saturation
) 饱和度
color saturation 色饱和度
亲水(油)的 adj.亲水的, 吸水的
adj. 亲油的 斥油(水)的
adj.不易被水沾湿的 adj. 疏油的
rotogravure press 凹印轮转机
offset press 胶印轮转机
rotary adj.旋转的
solubility insoluble
n.溶度, 溶性, 可解决性, 可 解释性, 溶解性
Chapter 2. Prepress Process Technology
Unit 5. Principles Of Design
Terms to know
diagonal optical contrast
demonstrate layout
line method 对角线法
center 页面视觉中心
阳极氧化处理 v.阳极电镀, 作阳极化处理
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印刷技术/图文处理 专业专业英语
学科期末试卷( B 卷)
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一. 英文词汇翻译(每题 0.5 分,50 题共 25 分)
5. Most printing inks consist of pigments, vehicles, and modifiers. Pigment is the ingredient that provides the color of the ink. Many pigment colors are produced from rocks and clays. Others can be traced to plants, sea life, or even insects. Several pigments may be blended together to obtain a desired color ink.
4. 你对印刷行业的某一项职业感兴趣么?和你的父母商量商量,和你的导师及印刷专业 教师讨论一下你的打算。也可以与在印刷行业工作的人谈谈。你可以通过当地的因素 工业协会,印刷技术人员俱乐部、胶印俱乐部与他们接触,这些单位都列在电话号码 本黄页上的“协会”栏目中。
4. A beam of white light passed through a glass results in a rainbow of color. This is because white light is really a mixture of all the colors of light. Each color refracts or bends differently as it enters and leaves the prism. Three colors of light, red, blue, and green, can be used to reproduce white light. Where all three colors of light overlap, white is produced. Red, blue, and green are called additive primary colors because added together they form white light.
26. 密度计 27. 设计 28. 显影剂 29. 模切 30. 数字印刷 31. 网点增大 32. 干燥系统 33. 编辑 34. 静电复印 35. 估价 36. 丝网处理 37. 文档格式 38. 胶片 39. 负片 40. 正片 41. 滤色片 42. 压凸 43. 折页 44. 水斗溶液 45. 配页 46. 重影 47. 印刷工业 48. 凹版 49. 灰平衡 50. 灰梯尺
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四. 中文短文翻译(每题 6 分,5 题共 30 分)
1. 印刷在其他工业的产品中叶起了重要作用,例如,纺织品、墙纸、牙膏皮、饮料罐、 糖纸、橘子和棒球都带有印刷的图像,甚至用于电器如电子计算机和电视的电路板也 是印刷的。
2. Writing is an essential part of graphic communications. It enabled our ancestors to communicate with others without the need for direct contact. Writing allowed them to record their history, their art, their science, their knowledge and their skills. It allowed our ancestors to communicate with future generations. To advance the communications process, limitations had to be overcome. Ways had to be found for reproducing several copies of a message without having to rewrite tht message each time. Writing and printing materials, such as inks, had to be invented and developed.
2. 印前和印刷工业数码流程的出现,使所有相关的设备正经历着迅速的变革。尽管已经
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3. 用平的表面印刷称为平版印刷,也叫照相胶版印刷。这种印刷方法基于油水不相容原
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3. With the advent of digital workflow in prepress and graphic communications industry, all the associated devices are undergoing a rapid evolution. And although much has been written about the impact that this has had on the output side of the process, dramatic changes are occurring on the input side as well. Digital cameras and scanners have become the popular image input devices and will completely replace those of old generation very soon.
26. Management 27. Market analysis 28. Mass 29. Mesh count 30. Middle-tone 31. Modifier 32. Negative 33. Non-image area 34. Off color 35. Offset 36. Overlays 37. Paper 38. Papermaking 39. Newsprint 40. Percent dot size 41. Paleographic printing 42. Postscript 43. Printing system 44. Processing 45. Proof 46. Reflection copy 47. Separation 48. Strike-through 49. Substrate 50. Subtractive primary colors
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三. 英文短文翻译(每题 5 分,4 题共 20 分)
1. Paleographic printing is based on the principle that grease and water do not mix. The process works this way. First, a greasy image is place on a flat plate. The image may be drawn directly on the plate with a grease pencil. Next, water is applied to the plate. The water will cover the non-image area of the plate. Tater will be repelled from the image area because water and grease do not mix. The entire plate is then coated with ink. Ink is a greasy substance and adheres to the greasy image. Ink is repelled from the wet areas of the plate because water and grease do not mix.
二. 中文词汇翻译(每题 0.5 分,50 题共 25 分)
1. 活化剂 2. 加色 3. 画家 4. 定位 5. 平衡 6. 基本重量 7. 表格 8. 装订 9. 橡皮布 10. 滚筒 11. 亮度 12. 压光 13. 照相机 14. 连续调 15. 印版,图像载体 16. 字符 17. 上光 18. 色彩校正 19. 分色 20. 排版工 21. 反差 22. 控制条 23. 费用支出 24. 裁切 25. 润湿系统