4.1 Vocabulary
B Complete the instructions for using the Learning Resource Centre with words or phrases from box a.
4.1 Vocabulary B Complete the instructions for using the Learning
4.1 Vocabulary C Study the abbreviations in box b and box c.
3 What does each abbreviation mean?
4 Read Career update and Tourism Abbreviations
on the opposite page. Check your ideas. 5 How do you say each of the abbreviations?
/eis/ /'æntɔ: (r)/
/'bætəu/ /'i:tuə/ /'naitə/ /'vistə/
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
An abbreviation is a shorter version of something. For example, PC /pi:si:/
quality assurance
T&T tourism and travel
TIC/P tourism information centre/point
VAT value added tax
4.1 Vocabulary D Study the acronyms in box d.
《旅游英语教案》word版第一章:旅游行业英语基础1.1 旅游行业常用词汇和短语1.2 旅游行业基本句型和表达方式1.3 旅游接待与服务英语交流技巧1.4 旅游业务英语写作与阅读理解1.5 旅游行业英语口语实战演练第二章:旅游目的地介绍2.1 亚洲主要旅游目的地介绍2.2 欧洲主要旅游目的地介绍2.3 北美洲主要旅游目的地介绍2.4 南美洲主要旅游目的地介绍2.5 大洋洲主要旅游目的地介绍第三章:旅游接待与服务技巧3.1 旅游接待与服务的基本原则3.2 旅游接待与服务的沟通技巧3.3 旅游团队管理与服务技巧3.4 旅游投诉处理与应对策略3.5 旅游接待与服务案例分析与演练第四章:旅游业务英语写作技巧4.1 旅游业务英语写作的基本要求4.2 旅游业务英语写作的格式与结构4.3 旅游业务英语写作的常用句型与表达方式4.4 旅游业务英语写作的实战演练4.5 旅游业务英语写作的修改与评价第五章:旅游英语口语实战演练5.1 旅游接待与服务口语交流技巧5.2 旅游导游与讲解口语交流技巧5.3 旅游购物与餐饮口语交流技巧5.4 旅游安全事故处理与应对口语交流技巧5.5 旅游英语口语实战演练案例分析与点评第六章:旅游英语听力理解6.1 旅游英语听力基本技巧6.2 旅游英语听力常用场景与对话6.3 旅游英语听力理解练习6.4 旅游英语听力材料实战演练6.5 旅游英语听力理解评估与反馈第七章:旅游英语阅读理解7.1 旅游英语阅读基本技巧7.2 旅游英语阅读常用体裁与特点7.3 旅游英语阅读理解练习7.4 旅游英语阅读材料实战演练7.5 旅游英语阅读理解评估与反馈第八章:旅游英语翻译技巧8.1 旅游英语翻译基本原则8.2 旅游英语翻译技巧与方法8.3 旅游英语翻译练习8.4 旅游英语翻译材料实战演练8.5 旅游英语翻译评估与反馈第九章:旅游英语商务交流9.1 旅游商务英语通信与邮件写作9.2 旅游商务英语会议与谈判技巧9.3 旅游商务英语报价与合同签订9.4 旅游商务英语营销与推广策略9.5 旅游英语商务交流案例分析与实战演练第十章:旅游英语教学评估与反馈10.1 旅游英语教学评估的目的与方法10.2 旅游英语教学反馈的技巧与方式10.3 旅游英语教学评估表设计与使用10.4 旅游英语教学问题分析与解决策略10.5 旅游英语教学评估与反馈案例分析与点评重点和难点解析重点和难点解析一:旅游行业英语基础重点:掌握旅游行业常用词汇和短语,理解旅游行业基本句型和表达方式。
教案授课班级现3班授课时间第1周使用教材校本教材《旅游英语》课题Unit 1 Travel 课型口语课教学理念激励学生学习,增强学习英语的信心。
教学重点学习生词,学习8个景点名称教学难点景点名称Mount Rushmore,Arch of Triumph 教学时间、时数 2 Periods 教学手段小组学习法学生学习方法小组学习法使用教具Word cards教学准备Make word cards教学过程Step1: Leading inAsk students the following questions:1) Do you wantto travel?2) Where do you want togo?Step 2 Look at some pictures and learn some touristattractionsThe LeaningTowerBig Ben SydneyOpera HouseMount Rushmore Arch ofTriumph Eiffel Tower教学过程1)Learn ingroups2)Ask some students to read thetourist attractions 3)Learn the new words togethertourist ['tʊərist]n.旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的attraction [ə'trækʃən]n.吸引,吸引人的事物,吸引力,引力leaning ['liniŋ]n.倾斜,倾向tower ['taʊə]n.塔,高楼,堡垒Sydney ['sidni]n. 悉尼opera ['ɒp(ə)rə]n. 歌剧,歌剧院,歌舞团house [haʊs] n.住宅,家庭,议会,房子mount[maʊnt] n.山峰arch[ɑ:tʃ] n.拱门,拱形triumph ['traiʌmf] n. 胜利,凯旋4)Read the sixtourist attractions after Teacher5)Practice bythemselvesStep3Match thefollowing touristattraction withthe cou ntry.The Leaning TowerAmericaTheStatue of Liberty ItalyThe OrientalPearlTower AustraliaArchoftriumph BritainSydneyOperaHouseEgyptBig Ben ChinaPyramid France1)Discuss in groups2)Do it together3)Read thecountries together4)Learn some newwordstogether。
英语校本课程介绍——旅游英语电子教案一、课程概述1. 课程名称:旅游英语2. 课程性质:校本课程3. 课程目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生能够运用英语进行基本的旅游交流,了解世界各地的旅游文化,提高学生的旅游英语实际应用能力。
4. 适用对象:初中生5. 课程内容:包括旅游词汇、旅游口语、旅游文化、旅游礼仪等。
二、教学内容1. 第一单元:旅游词汇学习与旅游相关的常用词汇,如:景点、交通工具、餐饮、住宿等。
2. 第二单元:旅游口语学习在旅游过程中可能遇到的口语表达,如:询问路线、预订酒店、点餐等。
3. 第三单元:旅游文化了解世界各地的旅游文化,如:中国的长城、美国的自由女神像等。
4. 第四单元:旅游礼仪学习旅游过程中的基本礼仪,如:排队、垃圾分类、尊重当地风俗等。
5. 第五单元:旅游故事通过讲述有趣的旅游故事,提高学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学知识。
三、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过设定各种旅游场景,让学生在实际操作中运用所学知识。
2. 情景教学法:创造真实的旅游情境,让学生在角色扮演中提高口语表达能力。
3. 小组合作学习:鼓励学生相互讨论、分享,培养团队协作能力。
4. 信息技术辅助教学:利用多媒体、网络等资源,丰富教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣。
四、教学评价1. 平时成绩:包括课堂参与度、作业完成情况等。
2. 期中考试:测试学生的旅游英语水平,了解学习情况。
3. 期末作品:要求学生设计一份旅游计划,包括行程、住宿、餐饮等,展示所学成果。
五、教学资源1. 教材:选用适合初中生的旅游英语教材。
2. 多媒体课件:制作与教学内容相关的多媒体课件,提高学生的学习兴趣。
3. 网络资源:利用旅游英语相关网站、APP等,提供丰富的学习资源。
4. 实物道具:准备一些旅游相关的实物道具,如地图、门票等,增强学生的直观感受。
5. 旅游实地考察:组织学生进行旅游实地考察,提高学生的实践能力。
六、教学安排1. 课时:每学期共计30课时,每周1课时。
英语校本课程介绍——旅游英语电子教案第一章:课程概述1.1 课程背景随着全球化的发展,旅游业日益繁荣,旅游英语的重要性日益凸显。
1.2 课程目标通过本课程的学习,学生能够:(1)掌握旅游英语的基本词汇和句型;(2)提高旅游英语听说读写能力;(3)能够运用英语进行旅游咨询、接待、讲解等服务;(4)培养学生的跨文化交际能力和职业素养。
第二章:课程内容2.1 旅游英语基本词汇(1)旅游相关词汇:景点、交通、住宿、餐饮、购物等;(2)旅游活动相关词汇:观光、休闲、度假、探险等;(3)旅游职业相关词汇:导游、翻译、酒店管理等。
2.2 旅游英语基本句型(1)询问和回答有关旅游信息的问题;(2)介绍景点和旅游活动;(3)表达意见和建议;(4)商务谈判和合同签订。
2.3 旅游英语听说读写技能训练(1)听力训练:听懂旅游相关的对话和讲座;(2)口语训练:能够进行旅游咨询、接待、讲解等实际操作;(3)阅读训练:阅读旅游相关的文章,获取有效信息;第三章:教学方法3.1 任务驱动法:通过完成实际工作任务,提高学生的旅游英语应用能力;3.2 情景教学法:创设旅游情境,培养学生的实际操作能力;3.3 交际法:鼓励学生积极参与旅游英语交流,提高跨文化交际能力;3.4 小组合作学习:学生分组进行讨论和实践活动,提高团队协作能力。
第四章:课程评价4.1 过程性评价:关注学生在课堂活动中的表现,提高学生的参与度和积极性;4.2 终结性评价:通过期末考试,检验学生的旅游英语综合应用能力;4.3 自我评价:鼓励学生进行自我反思,提高自主学习能力。
第五章:教学资源5.1 教材:选用适合旅游英语教学的教材,如《旅游英语》、《实用旅游英语》等;5.2 网络资源:利用互联网查找旅游英语相关资料,如旅游网站、英文资讯等;5.3 音像资料:观看旅游英语相关的视频和音频资料,提高听说能力;5.4 实地考察:组织学生进行实地考察,增强对旅游英语的实际应用能力。
《新理念职业英语 旅游英语》Unit Eight Farewell电子教案
Unit Eight Farewell• Ss discuss the following t wo questions:What preparations should a tour guide make before seeing off guests?What should a tour guide do to assist guests in checking out?• Comment briefly on their answers.Reading A Departure Service (45minutes) Objective: Ss can acquire basic knowledge about the procedure of departure service. Steps:• Ss can read the text and try to find out what preparations a tour guide should make prior to visitors’ departure, during visitors’ departure, and preparations of departure at the airport.• Ss can complete the task with the help of the teachers.• Check the answers:Preparations prior to visitors’ departure1) Double check the tickets2) Decide the time to collect the luggage3) Remind the visitors to spare time for bill settling4) Remind the visitors of travel documentsPreparations during visitors’ departure1) Luggage collection2) Check-out from hotel3) Getting onto the bus4) Bidding farewell speechPreparations of departure at the airport1)Arrive two hours in advance2)Warn the visitors not to carry any dangerous items3)Remind the guests to get the travel documents ready for inspection• Explain the language points in the passagePart 3 Listening & Speaking 90 minutesListening (45 minutes)Task 1Objective:Ss can understand the conversation and choose the best answer.Script:A: Next, please.B: Here is my passport and ticket.A: Yes, here is your passport back. Did you pack your luggage yourselves?B: Yes, I did it in the morning.A: Did anyone ask you to carry anything for them?B: No. I left directly from the hotel.A: Are these four pieces all your luggage?B: Yes, and these two carry-ons.A: .Would you please put all your luggage on the scales? I’m sorry, since you are allowed 25 kilos each, you’ve got 6 kilos of excess baggage. You’ll have to pay for the excess luggage.B: What a pity! Well, how much do I owe you?A:$25 per kilo,$150 all together. Please attach these stickers to your carry-onsB: Right. Thanks.A: OK. Would you like seats in the smoking or non-smoking section?B: Definitely non-smoking! And one window seat, if you still have one.A: We do. Here are your baggage claim stubs, sir. And here is your boarding pass. Your seat is 15A. Your flight leaves at Gate 7, and we’ll be boarding in half an hour.B: Thank you very much.A: Have a nice flight.Questions:1.How many luggages does the man have altogether?2.What is the weight of the luggages?3.How much should the man give the staff in the airport?4.What kind of seat would the man like?5.Which gate will the man board the plane?Key:1-5 CDCBDTask 2Objective: Ss can accurately write down the missing information.Script:Profile of Sichuan ProvinceSichuan Province is one of the largest provinces in China with an area of 485,000 km². Its terrain slopes from west to east on the whole and the main landforms include plains, hills, mountains and plateaus. The climate here is mild with plenty of rainfall. The average annual temperature is 14℃-19℃and the annual rainfall is 900-1,200 millimeters.Located in southwest part of the country, it has been the gateway to Tibet. In fact, the western part of the province is one of the Tibetan-inhabited areas and visitors can experience customs and living habits of the Tibetan nationality here too. Another main ethnic group of the province is the Yi nationality, concentrating in western part of the province as well. Its capital city, Chengdu, is the cultural and industrial center for the agricultural Chengdu Plain and one of the first centers of printing in the country. It has also been famous for its luxurious satins, brocades, and lacquer ware since the 13th century.Key:1. include2. climate3. annual4. Located5. experience6.ethnic7. concentrating8.cultural9. printing 10. luxuriousTask 3Objective: Ss can fill in the blanks in the form based on the above passage.Script: OmittedSpeaking (45 minutes)Objective:Ss are able to help tour group check out in the hotel and know how to seeoff at the airportSteps:• Ss read the dialogues and role play it (Task1& Task2)• Ss work in pairs to practice check out at a hotel and see off at the airport with the following expressions:1. I’d like to check out/settle my bill n ow.2. May I know your name and room number please?3. How would you like to make the payment?4. Let me hug you goodbye.5. I wish you a safe journey back home!6. Thank you for your patience and friendliness.7. I also appreciate your cooperation and your understanding.• Comment briefly on their work.Part 4 Reading B 45 minutes New words(5 minutes) Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.Steps:• Ss listen to the new words and expressions, etc.• Ss read the new words and expressions, etc.Fast reading (40 minutes) Objective:Ss can comprehend Reading B.Steps:• Ss read the passage.• Provide help if needed.• Ask Ss to complete Task1 & Task 2Task 1Objective:Ss can decide whether the following statements are true or false accordingto the passage.Steps:• Ss read the passage.• Ss complete the task.• Ss compare their work with others.• Select Ss to present their work.Key:1-5 TFTTTTask 2Objective:Ss can answer the questions according to the passage.Steps:• Ss complete the task.• Ss compare their work with others.• Select Ss to present their work and ask them to introduce Chinese food. Suggested answers:1.Because there is no such simple thing as the so-called “Chinese food”. A moreaccurate statement in this instance should be such that expresses one's preference for a particular Chinese cuisine or a particular regional way of cooking.2.The cooking style of Chinese cuisine is various, such as steam, boil, bake, fry andso on.3.The three factors are achieved by the careful coordination of a series of delicateactivities, including selecting ingredients, cutting, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table.4.Sichuan Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine, Cantonese Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, ZhejiangCuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine.Part 5 Writing 45 minutes Objective:Ss can write a farewell speechSteps:• General introduction• Ss learn the sample and summarize the useful sentences when delivering a farewell speech• Ss finish the writing task with the given information. Provide help if needed.• Check the writings and give some commentsPart 6 Vocabulary and Structure 45 minutesObjective:Ss can complete the exercises related to this unit.Steps:• Ss can complete the exercises in person• Provide help if needed• Present the answers.Keys:Task l Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that match the meanings in the right column. The first letters are already given.Customs DeclarationBoarding PassFarewell SpeechDouble CheckBill SettlingTask 2 Fill in the blanks with the right words.essential factors design served impliesfreshness proper skills selecting finallyTask 3 Translation.1.The sales of the product is subject to many factors.2.We shouldn’t take our parents’ love for granted.3.Don’t ignore the issues concerned with safety.4.They were aware of the seriousness of the problem and held an urgent meeting.5.Specific requirement should be made clear prior to the start of work.6.If you want to impress the teacher, you should be involved in class activities. Task 4 Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.1. accuracy2. confirmation3. presented4. prohibits5. coordinatingPart 7 Grammar 30minutesObjective:Ss can get to know the punctuation in EnglishSteps:• Ss can get an overview of the grammar with the explanation of the teacher• Ss finish (some of) the comprehensive exercises• Check the students’ answers and further explain when necessaryPart 8 Cultural Extension 15minutesObjective:Ss can get an overview of the world cultural heritage sites in China Steps:• Ss can read the passage and get the key points related to Dazu Rock Carvings• Give a brief introduction to the scenic spot。
《旅游英语教案》Word版第一章:旅游行业概述1.1 旅游业的定义1.2 旅游行业的主要组成部分1.3 旅游行业的发展趋势1.4 旅游行业的重要性和影响第二章:旅游基本术语2.1 旅游相关的常用词汇2.2 旅游行业的专业术语2.3 旅游目的地的分类和特点2.4 旅游活动和旅游产品的概念第三章:旅游英语沟通技巧3.1 旅游英语的基本口语表达3.2 旅游英语听力和阅读技巧3.3 旅游英语口语交流场景模拟3.4 旅游英语常用句型和短语第四章:旅游接待与服务英语4.1 旅游接待的服务流程和规范4.2 旅游服务中的常用英语表达4.3 旅游接待中的礼貌用语和态度4.4 旅游服务中的应急处理和解决问题第五章:旅游宣传与推广英语5.1 旅游宣传材料的基本要素5.2 旅游宣传英语的写作技巧5.3 旅游推广中常用的英语表达和句型5.4 旅游宣传英语的实际应用案例第六章:旅游翻译技巧6.1 旅游翻译的重要性6.2 旅游翻译的基本原则6.3 旅游翻译技巧与策略6.4 旅游翻译实践案例分析第七章:导游英语7.1 导游英语的基本要求7.2 导游英语口语表达技巧7.3 导游英语讲解实例与分析7.4 导游英语应急处理与沟通策略第八章:旅游商务英语8.1 旅游商务英语的应用场景8.2 旅游商务英语的基本词汇与表达8.3 旅游商务英语的写作与口语技巧8.4 旅游商务英语的实际交流案例第九章:旅游市场营销英语9.1 旅游市场营销的基本概念9.2 旅游市场营销英语的常用术语9.3 旅游市场营销材料的编写技巧9.4 旅游市场营销英语的实际应用案例第十章:旅游英语案例分析与实践10.1 旅游英语实际案例分析10.2 旅游英语实践操作演练10.3 旅游英语口语与听力综合训练10.4 旅游英语综合能力测试与评估重点和难点解析一、旅游行业概述补充说明:通过具体数据和案例分析,深入探讨旅游业的发展趋势,以及旅游业对经济、文化、环境等方面的影响,使学生更全面地理解旅游行业的重要性。
Vocabulary bank
Guessing words in context
Using related words
Sometimes a word in general English has a special meaning in tourism.
package, book, promotion
using words from this page where possible.
an airline ticket (may need to be reconfirmed)
Meaning in Tourism
promotion a special offer
check(ed) in report at the airport for a flight
a package tour (transport, accommodation, etc. all included)
book stay armchair
book as a verb: make a reservation
spend time at a holiday destination; often used as a noun in this context
armchair tourist/tourism: someone who takes an interest in travel and tourism without actually visiting the destination
1.1 Vocabulary A Read the text. The bold words are probably familiar
Know-how for Tour Guides
1. Sightseeing tempo
2. Introduction
for different tourists
——Travel in Shanghai
Know-how for Tour Guides
Food and Beverages
——Travel in Jiangsu
The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses
《旅游英语教案》word版第一章:旅游英语概述1.1 旅游英语的重要性介绍旅游英语在旅游业中的重要性强调旅游英语对于旅游从业者和游客的作用1.2 旅游英语的范围解释旅游英语涵盖的领域,如酒店、餐饮、交通、购物等强调旅游英语的多场景应用1.3 旅游英语的学习目标列出旅游英语学习的主要目标,如提高沟通能力、增强旅游专业知识等引导学生明确学习方向第二章:旅游英语的基本沟通技巧2.1 问候与介绍学习常用的问候语和自我介绍方式练习使用英语进行简单的交流2.2 询问信息学习如何用英语询问时间、地点、价格等信息练习使用英语进行信息查询2.3 提出请求和解决问题学习如何用英语提出请求和解决问题练习使用英语进行请求和解决问题第三章:旅游英语中的常见场景3.1 酒店入住与退房学习酒店入住和退房的相关英语表达练习使用英语进行酒店入住和退房的交流3.2 餐厅用餐学习餐厅用餐的相关英语表达练习使用英语进行点餐、用餐的交流3.3 交通出行学习交通出行的相关英语表达练习使用英语进行购票、问路等的交流第四章:旅游英语中的购物与娱乐4.1 购物学习购物的相关英语表达练习使用英语进行购物交流4.2 娱乐活动学习娱乐活动的相关英语表达练习使用英语进行娱乐活动交流4.3 旅游英语口语拓展学习一些旅游英语口语拓展表达练习使用英语进行更丰富的交流第五章:旅游英语中的文化差异与礼仪5.1 文化差异介绍不同国家的文化差异对旅游英语的影响强调理解和尊重不同文化的的重要性5.2 旅游礼仪学习旅游中的礼仪规范练习使用英语进行礼貌的交流和行为展示第六章:旅游英语中的餐饮服务6.1 餐厅用语学习在餐厅中常用的英语表达,如点餐、询问菜品、表达喜好等练习在模拟餐厅环境中进行点餐交流6.2 酒店客房服务学习酒店客房服务的相关英语表达,如订餐、叫醒服务、洗衣服务等练习使用英语进行客房服务的交流第七章:旅游英语中的交通出行7.1 飞机出行学习乘坐飞机的相关英语表达,如办理登机手续、询问航班信息、机场security 等练习使用英语进行飞机出行的交流7.2 火车旅行学习乘坐火车的相关英语表达,如购票、询问车次信息、火车站设施等练习使用英语进行火车旅行的交流第八章:旅游英语中的景点介绍8.1 自然风光学习描述自然风光的英语表达,如山脉、海滩、沙漠等练习使用英语进行自然风光的介绍8.2 人文景观学习描述人文景观的英语表达,如古迹、博物馆、城市建筑等练习使用英语进行人文景观的介绍第九章:旅游英语中的紧急情况应对9.1 疾病与意外学习在旅游过程中应对疾病和意外的基本英语表达练习使用英语进行求助和描述症状9.2 安全问题学习在旅游过程中应对安全问题的基本英语表达练习使用英语进行报警和求助第十章:旅游英语的综合应用10.1 模拟旅游场景设计一个综合性的旅游场景,如旅行社咨询、机场接机、酒店入住等让学生在模拟场景中综合运用旅游英语10.2 旅游英语口语测试设计一个旅游英语口语测试,包括常见场景的问答、角色扮演等评估学生的旅游英语口语水平和沟通能力重点和难点解析章节一:旅游英语概述难点解析:理解旅游英语在旅游业中的作用及其对旅游从业者和游客的意义。
Neutral rise, increase fall, decrease big, large good small
Marked rocket, soar (v)
See Vocabulary bank.
Vocabulary bank Recognizing ‘marked’ words
Many common words in English are ‘neutral’, i.e., they do not imply any view on the part of the writer or speaker. However, there are often apparent synonyms which are ‘marked’. They show attitude, or stance. Examples: Occupancy rates rose by 10% last year. (neutral) Occupancy rates soared by 10% last year.(marked) Soared is marked because it implies that this is a particularly big or fast increase.
Skills focus Reading •recognizing the writer’s stance and level of confidence or tentativeness •inferring implicit ideas Writing •writing situation–problem– solution–evaluation essays •using direct quotations •Compiling a bibliography/ reference list
《旅游英语》教学教案第一章:旅游英语概述1.1 教学目标了解旅游英语的基本概念和重要性掌握旅游英语的基本口语表达和常用词汇1.2 教学内容旅游英语的定义和作用旅游英语的基本口语表达和常用词汇1.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游英语的基本概念和重要性互动法:进行口语练习,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达1.4 教学步骤引入旅游英语的概念和重要性讲解旅游英语的基本口语表达和常用词汇进行口语练习,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第二章:旅游信息查询与预订2.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语查询和预订旅游信息掌握旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇2.2 教学内容旅游信息的查询和预订方式旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇讲授法:讲解旅游信息的查询和预订方式互动法:进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达2.4 教学步骤引入旅游信息的查询和预订方式讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第三章:机场与航空公司3.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语与机场和航空公司人员进行沟通掌握机场和航空公司相关的表达方式和常用词汇3.2 教学内容机场和航空公司的基本流程和相关规定旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇3.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解机场和航空公司的基本流程和相关规定互动法:进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达3.4 教学步骤引入机场和航空公司的基本流程和相关规定讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第四章:酒店预订与入住学会使用旅游英语预订酒店并办理入住手续掌握酒店预订和入住相关的表达方式和常用词汇4.2 教学内容酒店预订的流程和相关规定旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇4.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解酒店预订的流程和相关规定互动法:进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达4.4 教学步骤引入酒店预订的流程和相关规定讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第五章:旅游活动与购物5.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语参加旅游活动和购物掌握旅游活动和购物相关的表达方式和常用词汇5.2 教学内容旅游活动的参加方式和相关规定购物时的基本表达方式和常用词汇5.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游活动的参加方式和相关规定互动法:进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达5.4 教学步骤引入旅游活动的参加方式和相关规定讲解购物时的基本表达方式和常用词汇进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第六章:餐饮服务与点餐6.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语在餐厅进行点餐和服务交流掌握餐饮服务相关的表达方式和常用词汇6.2 教学内容餐厅的基本服务流程和点餐方式旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇6.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解餐厅的基本服务流程和点餐方式互动法:进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达6.4 教学步骤引入餐厅的基本服务流程和点餐方式讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第七章:交通出行与问路7.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语进行交通出行和问路掌握交通出行和问路相关的表达方式和常用词汇7.2 教学内容各种交通工具的乘坐方式和相关规定问路时的基本表达方式和常用词汇7.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解各种交通工具的乘坐方式和相关规定互动法:进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达7.4 教学步骤引入各种交通工具的乘坐方式和相关规定讲解问路时的基本表达方式和常用词汇进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第八章:紧急情况应对8.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语应对紧急情况掌握紧急情况应对相关的表达方式和常用词汇8.2 教学内容紧急情况的分类和应对方法旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇8.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解紧急情况的分类和应对方法互动法:进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达8.4 教学步骤引入紧急情况的分类和应对方法讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行情景模拟,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第九章:旅游文化习俗9.1 教学目标了解世界各地的旅游文化习俗学会使用旅游英语尊重和适应不同文化的习俗9.2 教学内容世界各地的旅游文化习俗介绍旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇9.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解世界各地的旅游文化习俗互动法:进行小组讨论,让学生了解和尊重不同文化习俗9.4 教学步骤引入世界各地的旅游文化习俗介绍讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行小组讨论,让学生了解和尊重不同文化习俗第十章:旅游宣传与推荐10.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语进行旅游宣传和推荐掌握旅游宣传和推荐相关的表达方式和常用词汇10.2 教学内容旅游宣传的方式和技巧旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇10.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游宣传的方式和技巧互动法:进行小组讨论,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达10.4 教学步骤引入旅游宣传的方式和技巧讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行小组讨论,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第十一章:旅游业务交流11.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语进行业务交流掌握旅游业务相关的表达方式和常用词汇11.2 教学内容旅游业务的交流方式和技巧旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇11.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游业务的交流方式和技巧互动法:进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达11.4 教学步骤引入旅游业务的交流方式和技巧讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行角色扮演,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第十二章:旅游文学与翻译12.1 教学目标了解旅游文学的基本概念和作用学会使用旅游英语进行文学翻译和表达12.2 教学内容旅游文学的基本概念和作用旅游英语相关的翻译技巧和表达方式12.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游文学的基本概念和作用互动法:进行文学作品的翻译练习,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达12.4 教学步骤引入旅游文学的基本概念和作用讲解旅游英语相关的翻译技巧和表达方式进行文学作品的翻译练习,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第十三章:旅游行程规划与报价13.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语进行旅游行程规划与报价掌握旅游行程规划与报价相关的表达方式和常用词汇13.2 教学内容旅游行程规划的步骤和技巧旅游报价的计算和方法讲授法:讲解旅游行程规划的步骤和技巧互动法:进行实际案例分析,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达13.4 教学步骤引入旅游行程规划的步骤和技巧讲解旅游报价的计算和方法进行实际案例分析,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第十四章:旅游项目管理14.1 教学目标学会使用旅游英语进行旅游项目管理掌握旅游项目管理相关的表达方式和常用词汇14.2 教学内容旅游项目的策划和管理流程旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇14.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游项目的策划和管理流程互动法:进行小组讨论,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达14.4 教学步骤引入旅游项目的策划和管理流程讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行小组讨论,让学生熟练掌握旅游英语表达第十五章:旅游职业道德与规范了解旅游职业道德的重要性学会使用旅游英语进行职业道德与规范的交流15.2 教学内容旅游职业道德的基本原则和规范旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇15.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解旅游职业道德的基本原则和规范互动法:进行小组讨论,让学生了解和遵守职业道德与规范15.4 教学步骤引入旅游职业道德的重要性讲解旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇进行小组讨论,让学生了解和遵守职业道德与规范重点和难点解析重点:1. 旅游英语的基本概念和重要性2. 旅游英语相关的表达方式和常用词汇3. 旅游信息的查询和预订方式4. 机场和航空公司的基本流程和相关规定5. 酒店预订和入住的流程及表达方式6. 参加旅游活动和购物的表达方式7. 餐饮服务与点餐的流程及表达方式8. 交通出行和问路的表达方式9. 紧急情况应对的方法和表达方式10. 旅游文化习俗的理解和表达难点:1. 旅游英语在实际场景中的运用,如机场、酒店、餐厅等2. 不同文化背景下旅游习俗的理解和尊重3. 旅游业务交流和专业术语的使用4. 旅游行程规划与报价的实际操作5. 旅游项目管理的专业知识和实践6. 旅游职业道德与规范的理解和应用。
旅游专业英语教案五篇第一篇:旅游专业英语教案旅游专业英语电子教案UnitOne A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: 1)Be familiar with the expressions of itinerary;2)Describe a scenic spot;3)Learn how to write a tour itinerary and make a dialogue about tour.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about itinerary.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write an itinerary;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about tour;C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, comprehensive reading of Part A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Learn to write a tour itinerary.3rd-4th period: talk about package tour, understand passage of reading B and the structure of reading B, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Check the answers of excises on page 5-6.Make a dialogue about tour.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.Introduce some places in America.⌝Step two: let students do the fast reading to find out the route of the tour to America.⌝ Step three: do the global reading and thenanswer the questions on Task 1.⌝Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝ Step five: read the sample of an itinerary on page6, learn how to write a tour itinerary.2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: warming up.Talk about tours in summer vacation ⌝Step two: skimming reading and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝ Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.⌝ Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.旅游专业英语电子教案3.Period five and Period six:⌝Step one: Do the listening.⌝Step two: make a dialogue about tour itinerary.⌝ Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 2.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: write a tour itinerary 3rd-4th period: finish the excises on page 5-6 5th--6th period: Finish Home Reading on page11.Notes: ⌝Important words: scenic;foothill;giant;fertile;raise;claim;prearrange, offer, comprise, relatively, afford, and so on.⌝Phrases: save from;on an inlet;a number of, a combination of, a variety of, prefer to, in advance, and cater to.⌝ Grammar: attributive clause;future progressive;⌝Difficult sentences:a)Where the Willamette flows into the Colunbia River, one of the great rivers of America, we will find Oregon’s largest city, Portland, known as the “City of Roses.”b)A package tour is a combination of several travel components provided by different suppliers, which are sold to the consumer as a single product at a single price.c)Besides, it is often easier to get into a special event as a member of a tour than as an individual since the tour operators have theexperience to know which attractions are worth a special trip.d)While the majority of tourists nowadays prefer to travel in groups with their entertainment and sightseeing included in the package, some tourists prefer personalized tours which provide the comfort of a guide to show them around scenic sights and make all the necessary arrangements for them.旅游专业英语电子教案UnitTwo A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1)Be familiar with elements of a short welcome speech and the expressions of hotel services.2)Discuss hotel services in simple words.3)Know how to write a short welcome speech.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a short welcome speech by group-work.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write a welcome speech;Focus 2: how to make dialogues about meeting tourists and hotel check-in;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, and figure out the main parts of a welcome speech.Intensive reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand text B, discuss, and explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Doing listening on page20.Learn to write a welcome speech.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to thetheme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: help students review the important words and phrases in Unit 1.⌝Step two: talk about the elements of a welcome speech.⌝ Step three: skimming reading on text A and find the answers for the questions on Task 1.⌝Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task 2.⌝ Step two: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: do listening on page20.3旅游专业英语电子教案⌝ Step two: check the answers of the excises on Page 17-18 ⌝ Step three: read the sample on Page 18 and learn to write a welcome speech.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the exercise on page17-18.5th--6th period: write a welcome speechNotes:1)Important words: reset;suppose, establish, reset, encompass, cater;transient;resort;budget;prime and so on.2)Phrases: on behalf of;for most of;the first trip to;be considered as;date back;be set to;up to;allow sb to do sth;.3)Difficult sentences:a)Chinese culture is considered as one of the oldest civilizations, while the PRC is among the youngest nations of the world..b)The history of Chinese culture and China dates back to over 5,000 years ago, while the People’s Republic of China was established on October 1st, 1949.c)Although China encompassesenough territoryto include five different time zones, all of the clocks and watches in this nation are set to Beijing standard time, except XinJiang.d)After the beginning of the economic reform in 1978, we are making progress towards modernization, and we are having some free time and money to tour, not in China but also abroad.旅游专业英语电子教案UnitThree A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ Be familiar with the expressions of food service.⌝Discuss about Chinese food in simple words.⌝ Write a banquet menu and make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write a banquet menu;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about restaurant conversation;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Learn to write a menu.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of theunit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about the specialties in their hometown.⌝ Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1.⌝ Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four: ⌝Step one: warming up.Discuss the art of cooking.(technique, elements, seasonings and etc.)⌝Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝ Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.5旅游专业英语电子教案⌝ Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: Do the listening.⌝ Step two: read the sample of a banquet menu on Page 31, learn to write menu.⌝ Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 1.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: write a banquet menu.Notes:1)Important words: aroma;specialize;delicate;flavor;crave;distinctive;ensure and so on.2)Phrases: give rise to;appeal to;make use of;allow for;boast of;a variety of;see to it that;3)Difficult sentences:a)Quite different from Western cooking where recipes are followed strictly like laboratory instructions, Chinese cooking always allows for a creative and stylistic touch to it.b)Great attention is paid to aesthetic appreciation of the food because the food should be good not only in flavor and smell, but also incolor and appearance.UnitFour 6旅游专业英语电子教案A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ be familiar with the introduction of urban tourism.⌝translate text B.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: translate the text B.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write publicity for a tourist city;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about Urban Tourism;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about their experience of traveling ⌝Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1.⌝Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four: ⌝ Step one: warming up.⌝ Step two: skimming reading ontext B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.⌝Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝Step one: Do the listening.⌝Step two: make a dialogue based on Task 1.旅游专业英语电子教案E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: urban reprensntcomopolitan enthicabound sponsor exquisite leisure sufficient incentivePhrases: far and wide associate with a range of turn up lie in acclaims as Difficult sentences:a)It is considered a museum of the East meeting the West and the past joining the present.b)The East has a Western flavor in Shanghai, but at the same time the creation of a strictly Chinese culture have not been erased.UnitFive 8旅游专业英语电子教案A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝know and remenber some basic Chinese ancient architecture.⌝ memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss and express the Chinese ancient architecture.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus:the express of Chinese three main ancient architecture;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, explain new words, phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.Ask students to discuss the Chinese ancient architecture they have known.⌝Step two:background information.⌝ Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions⌝ Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: warming up.⌝ Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝Step three: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝ Step four: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page55-56 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: architecture civilization heritage relics unearth magnificent Phrases: leave behind architecture relics consist of refer to derive from …Difficult sentences:a)Rich history has left behind in China many cultural heritage and famous architectural relics such as …b)The most widespread residential structures in China is”the courtyard dwellings.”UnitSix A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;10旅游专业英语电子教案⌝know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden.⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:旅游专业英语电子教案Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagodaDifficult sentences:a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.UnitSevenA.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden.⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate thetext.旅游专业英语电子教案B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagodaDifficult sentences:旅游专业英语电子教案a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.UnitEightA.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ know and remenber some famouse Chinese painting ⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese painting2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 旅游专业英语电子教案1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese paintings they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes: Important words: distinguished adj.卓著的, 著名的 imitation n.模仿portrayal n.描画, 描写 azurite n.石青 elaborate adj.复杂精美的professional adj.专业的scholarly adj.学者气质的, 学者风度的intellectual n.知识分子execution n.技巧,手法contour n.轮廓visible adj.看得见的, 显著的 cinnabar n.朱Difficult sentences:1.figure painting 人物画ndscape painting 山水画旅游专业英语电子教案3.flower and bird painting 花鸟画4.court painting 宫廷画5.literati painting 文人画UnitNine A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ know and remenber some famouse Chinese folklore ⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will 16旅游专业英语电子教案have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs ⌝s they have known.⌝Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes: folk adj.民间的 symbolize vt.象征, 用符号表现 dynasty n.朝代variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 hilarious adj.欢闹的 burlesque adj.滑稽的,可笑的 pantomime n.哑剧 snipe n.鹬鸟beak n.鸟嘴inevitably adv.不可避免innumerable adj.无数的, 数不清的 bamboo n.竹子enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 1.riding in a boat on land 跑旱船跑旱船的船身,大都以竹枝扎成骨架,外围彩布或彩纸,成为无底的小船形,一个男子扮演坐在船身中的姑娘(实际上是站着),提起整条旱船,与表演船夫的男子搭配表演,作出撑船、划船的模样,十分有趣。
旅游英语II教案第一章:旅游行业基本用语1.1 教学目标能理解和使用旅游行业的常见词汇和表达方式。
1.2 教学内容旅游行业的基本词汇,如酒店、餐厅、景点、交通等。
1.3 教学方法采用听、说、读、写的教学方法,通过词汇讲解、对话练习、角色扮演等方式进行教学。
1.4 教学评估通过小组对话、个人口语表达和听力测试等方式进行评估。
第二章:旅游行程安排2.1 教学目标能理解和使用旅游行程安排的相关词汇和表达方式。
2.2 教学内容旅游行程安排的相关词汇,如出发、到达、参观、用餐等。
2.3 教学方法采用听、说、读、写的教学方法,通过案例分析、小组讨论、角色扮演等方式进行教学。
2.4 教学评估通过小组讨论、个人口语表达和听力测试等方式进行评估。
第三章:旅游咨询与推荐3.1 教学目标能理解和使用旅游咨询与推荐的相关词汇和表达方式。
3.2 教学内容旅游咨询与推荐的相关词汇,如景点、活动、美食等。
3.3 教学方法采用听、说、读、写的教学方法,通过案例分析、小组讨论、角色扮演等方式进行教学。
3.4 教学评估通过小组讨论、个人口语表达和听力测试等方式进行评估。
第四章:旅游营销与推广4.1 教学目标能理解和使用旅游营销与推广的相关词汇和表达方式。
4.2 教学内容旅游营销与推广的相关词汇,如广告、促销、合作伙伴等。
4.4 教学评估通过小组讨论、个人口语表达和听力测试等方式进行评估。
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
Unit 4 Careers in Tourism and Hospitality
Skills focus
Reading • identifying topic development within
a paragraph • using the Internet effectively • evaluating Internet search results
We pronounce the vowel letters in abbreviations in this way:
We normally pronounce the vowel letters in acronyms in this way:
/eis/ /'æntɔ: (r)/
/'bætəu/ /'i:tuə/ /'naitə/ /'vistə/
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
An abbreviation is a shorter version of something. For example, PC /pi:si:/
The Great Wall
Introduction to Tourist Sites
1. TheFormerImperialPalace
Introduction to Tourist Sites
The Qiao’s Compound
2. Welcome speech
Tourist Itineraries
——Travel in Shanxi
Introduction to Tourist Sites
1. Longmen Grottoes
2. Method of narrative introduction
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To the left of the road is a huge rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters“Yun Wai Liu Chun”(Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo (1037—l101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127).
Qingdao, 1ike a cluster of brilliant pear1s, is located on the south western coast of Shandong Peninsula boarding the Yellow Sea. With a mild climate, Qingdao is famous for its scenic beauty and is renowned as the seaside summer resort in China.
3.外九水全长十余里,// 有人慢行其间,可见奇峰对出,巨石当涧,清流中来,佳境迭起。
The whole length of the outer Jiushui region is about 5 kilometers. Strolling along the stream, a tourist(具体化)would find fascinating landscapes of different features here and there(意译). Strange peaks rise in pairs, giant rocks sit in between hills over the gully, and limpid waters come out
Xi’an was the starting point of the Silk Road, and had remained China’s political, economic and cultural centre from the l1th century B.C. till the 10th century A. D. During the Tang Dynasty the city was called Chang’an and was very prosperous. //It became a city as famous as the then Rome.。