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To the left of the road is a huge rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters“Yun Wai Liu Chun”(Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo (1037—l101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960—1127).

2.青岛,像一簇璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在山东半岛的黄海之滨,风光旖旎,气候宜人,是我国著名的沿海旅游避暑胜地。Qingdao, 1ike a cluster of brilliant pear1s, is located on the south western coast of Shandong Peninsula boarding the Yellow Sea. With a mild climate, Qingdao is famous for its scenic beauty and is renowned as the seaside summer resort in China.

3.外九水全长十余里,// 有人慢行其间,可见奇峰对出,巨石当涧,清流中来,佳境迭起。

The whole length of the outer Jiushui region is about 5 kilometers. Strolling along the stream, a tourist(具体化)would find fascinating landscapes of different features here and there(意译). Strange peaks rise in pairs, giant rocks sit in between hills over the gully, and limpid waters come out



Xi’an was the starting point of the Silk Road, and had remained China’s political, economic and cultural centre from the l1th century B.C. till the 10th century A. D. During the Tang Dynasty the city was called Chang’an and was very prosperous. //It became a city as famous as the then Rome.
