泛读教程第二版第三册unit 5
泛读教程(三)课后题答案(Unit 1-15)

《泛读教程》第三册课后题答案Unit1Section AVocabulary Building:I.1.practical,practice,practices,practical,practiced2.worthless,worthy,worthwhile,worth,worth3.vary,variety,variation,various,Various4.absorbing,absorbed,absorb,absorption,absorbentII.1.effective,efficient,effective2.technology,technique3.middle,medium,mediumClozeGoing/about/trying,expectations/predictions,questions,answers,predictions/expectations,tell, know/foretell,end,develop/present,worthSection BTFTT,CBCC,TFF,CAA,CCAUnit2Section AVocabulary Building:I.mess,preference,aimlessly,remarkable,decisive,shipment,fiery,physically,action,housing II.1.aptitude,attitude2.account,counted,counted3.talent,intelligenceClozeOther,just/only,has,some/many,than,refuse,see/know/understand,that,without,If, ready/willing/educated/taught,wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection BACC,CC,CCC,ACB,ABASection CCCDDACUnit3Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible Admissiblyreliance rely reliable Reliablydefinition define definite Definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assumingly behavior Behave behavioral Behaviorallyvariety Vary Various/varied Variously/variedly Part/partiality Part partial Partiallymanager manage managerial Managerially correlation correlate correlative Correlatively Adaptation adapt adaptive adaptivelyII.1.inspired,aspired,inspired2.token,badges,token3.contemporaries,temporary,contemporaryClozeCommunicate,ways/means/ones,using/saying,in,of,message,meet/have/encounter/experience, causes,meaning,to,eyesSection BBAB,BAC,FFT,TTF,CCBSection CBBDDBCCAFFTFFTUnit4Section AReading Skill:Skimming2-10BBAC BCCAAVocabulary Building:I.moist,betrayal,exclusively,inhumane,amazed/amazing,endangered,marvels,deadlyII.1.dessert,deserted2.favorite,favorable,favorable3.awarded,reward,awardedClozeParents,idea,at/by,seen,landmarks,instance/example,migrate,guide/direct,pole,effect/ influence,It/This,if/whether,experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCA CCB ACCSection CFFTFF FTTFFUnit5Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbassumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedly reflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantlycategory categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitelyII.1.Historical,historic2.rejected,resist3.test/analyze,analyzedClozeExisted/appeared,ever,head/brain,body,found,language,use/value/significance/importance, single,passed,ahead,survival/existence,handling/overcomingSection BCAB CBB TTT FTT CACSection CBBAA ACBCUnit6Section AWord Pretest:CACBA BACAB ABVocabulary Building:I.availability avail available Availablyconquest conquer Conquering/Conqueringlyconqueredluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriouslyorigin originate original Originally occurrence occur Occurrentsystem systematize Systematical/Systematicallysystematicphonology phonological Phonologicallydecision decide Decided/decisive Decidedly/decisively variety vary various Variously superiority superior SuperiorlyII.1.peculiar,particular,particular2.assess,access,access3.resources,source,sourcesClozeSex,Men,differs,compliment/words,complimenting,causes,makes,languages,have,outside, understood,have,use,circle/world/fieldSection BCBBBA CBCCC CBACC BASection CBBCAB BACCBUnit7Section AWord PretestABABC BACVocabulary Building:I.deduced,behavior,adhere,replacement,option,delicacy,enormous,pursuitII.1.inquired,required,inquire,requiredpatible,comparable,compatible,comparableClozeSatellite,some,space,asked/wondered,life,sort/kind,orbiting/going/circling,have,living, were,believe,own,solar,where,likely,living,throughSection BFTFFT TTTTF FFBBC ACCSection CBCBCC AEDEBAFDCUnit8Section AVocabulary Building:1.occupataion,occupy,occupational,occupationallysegregation,segregate,segregateddiscrimination,discriminate,discriminating/discriminatory,discriminatingly/discriminatorily enforcement,enforce,enforceable,enforceablyexclusion,exclude,exclusive,exclusivelyperseverance,persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction,convict,convictive,convictivelyamendment,amend,amendablesuperficiality,superficialize,superficial,superficiallyspectator,spectate,spectatorial2.1.a.job b.career c.jobs d.career2.a..principal b.principles c.principal d.principle3.a.feminien b.female c.feminineClozeAcceptable,domestic,property,wages,husband,divorce,claims,legal,suit,permitted,make, excluded,lacked,belonged,determinedSection BBACCB CACCC AABBA C TTFSection CCCAACBUnit9Section AVocabulary Building:1.1.typifies2.dominant3.familialpetitive5.vibrate6.descended7.departure8.boom9.countless10.symbolizes2.1.a.recreative b.recreates c.recreation2.a.rhythm b.rhyme c.rhymes d.rhythmClozeSea,within,of,divides,built/constructed/completed,celebrated,inside/in,attract,together,whenSection BFTFTT CCBBC BAACC ACSection CBAACA BCCCCUnit10Section AVocabulary Building:1.consequence,,consequent/consequential,consequently/consequentially sophisticatiion,sophisticate,sophisticated,sophisticatedlyreference,refer,referable,referablyconversation,converse,conversational,conversationallyspace,space,spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment,detach,detachable/detached,detachably/detachedlyintervention,intervene,interveningtype,typify,typical,typically2.1.assure,ensure,assured,ensure2.arises,raised,rise,raised,arisen3.clue,cues,clue,cueClozeWell,separating/isolating,is,own,close,need,look,order,respect,follow,prior,sign/cue,help, was/were,elseSection BBBC TTF BCA CAC TFFSection CTFFTF FFFUnit11Section AVocabulary Building:1.information,inform,informative,informativelyspecification,specify,specific,specificallyaddition,add,additional/additive,additionally/additivelyspecialty,specialize,special,speciallynarration,narrate,narrative,narrativelyextension,extend,exxtensive,extensivelyorigin,originate,original,originallyexplosion,explode,explosive,explosivelyambiguity,,ambiguous,ambiguouslyestablishment,establish,established1.extension2.mabiguity3.orignal4.specified5.additional6.unambiguously7.explosionrmation9.specialized10.narrative11.establishment2.1.transform,transferred,transferred,transformed2.lonely,alone,lonely,aloneClozeLibrary,amounted,own,burned/destroyed,countries’,send,suggestion/proposal,librarySection BACBCB ACCAC ABABB ABSection CBCACC CBCCCUnit12Section AVocabulary Building:1.reaction,mass,polluting,planetary,suspicious,alarming,emitted,emerged2.1.warned,threatened2.spread,spread,sprayed3.emergency,emergenceClozeSolve,communities,creative,prevention,disposal,resources,recycloing,waste,increase,place, measures,amountSection BFFTT BCAC FTFF ABC CBCSection CBCAAC CBCUnit13Section AVocabulary Building:1.symptom,symptomize,symptomatic,symptomaticallylonging,long,longing,longinglyaddition,add,additional additive,additionally/additivelymanifestation,manifest,manifest,manifestlydepression,depress,depressed/depressing,depressedly/depressinglyinvariability,,invariable,invariablyseparation,separate,separate,separatelycondemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnablyimagination,imagine,imaginary,imaginarilyaffection,affect,affecting,afeectingly2.1.remedies,recipe,remedy,recipe2.alternate,altered,alternate,alter3.acknowledged,knowledge,acknowledgedClozeStep,acknowledge,prevent,essential,physician,due,physical,psychosomatic,disease, confidence,symptoms,thorough,emotional,upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit14Section AVocabulary Building:1.reluctant,evolution,atrributed,catastrophic,assoicate,indifferent,emerged,stir2.1.evolved,revolved,evolved2.dismay,dismal,dismal,dismay3.contribute,attributed,contributed,attributedClozeCharacteristic/trait/nature,changed/had,to,long,get/eat,possessed/developed/had,stretched /lengthened,longer,passed,After,have,theory,effect/influence,notion/idea,changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection CTFTFT FTFUnit15Section AVocabulary Building:1.Prevention,prevent,preventive,preventivelyFederation,federate,federal,federallyInadequacy,,inadequate,inadequatelyDeception,deceive,deceptive,deceptivelyProsperity,prosper,prosperous,prosperouslyLife,live,live/living/aliveEffect,effect,effective,effectivelyEvaluation,evaluate,evaluable/evaluativeResident,reside,residential,residentiallyVision,vision,visional/visionary,visionally/visionarity1.evaluabtion,2.federal3.prosperity4.residential5.effect6.are living7.deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.simile,metaphor2.ultimate,unanimous,ultimate,unanimousClozeTransportation,distance/away,ground,Steam,trains,electric,station/stop,name,train,three, trains,stairs/steps,passengers/peopleSection BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。

Book 2-Unit 2
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: bddbd
6-10: dbdad
▪ C. 1-5: abadd
6-10: caacc
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: bbcad 6-10: bbbdd 11-15: cddda
▪ Home Reading:
▪ 1-5: abadc 6-10: adbcd
11-15: abccd
Book 2-Unit 12
▪ Text: ▪ A. a ▪ B. 1-5: ccaaa 6-8: ccb ▪ C. 1-5: abada 6-10: bbccd ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cacdd 6-10: cdbdb 11-15: bccac ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: bcc cd 6-10: cadbb
Book 2-Unit 13
▪ Text: ▪ A. b ▪ B. 1-5: dbcbd 6-8: aad ▪ C. 1-5: cadca 6-10: bdaca 11-12: db ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: acdbd 6-10: baacd 11-15: dddba ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: dccdb 6-10: bcdab
Book 2-Unit 8
Hale Waihona Puke ▪ Text: ▪ A. b ▪ B. 1-5: badda 6-8: baa ▪ C. 1-5: dacdc 6-10: abbda ▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdbbd 6-10: dcacb ▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: accbd 6-10: bacdb

Unit 5 It’s Tough at the TopⅠ Objectives1. Understanding the text2. Mastery of some language points3. Learning something about mountain expedition4. Learning from the early mountaineers and explorers, try to be courageous, dare to challenge difficulties in study and everyday life5. Mastery of the reading skill: read the news storyⅡ Key points1.Get the main clues of the story2. Full understanding of the text3.Explanation of some difficult words4. Knowing how to read the news storydistinguishing one from the other2.Some words might cause difficulty in students’ understanding of the text3. Students don’t read news stories frequently. The y are not quite clear about thestructure of the news storyIV Time ArrangementAbout two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself.Total class hours: three periods1. Title:---It’s dif ficult at the top of Mount Everest (Mount Qomolangma)2. Preview Questions(1) What’s the story mainly about?Mount Everest has long been a great attraction to millions of peoplethroughout the world. Many people have risked their lives in the course ofexpedition. Modern explorers are becoming more fascinated by the ultimate fate of earlier-doomed explorers. This text, actually tells four stories of exploration: early Mount Everest exploration and its present tract search; the Arctic-Pacific ocean passage exploration and its latter trace research.(2) Why did people explore?The accomplishment of such a feat will elevate the human spirit and will give man, especially us geographers, a feeling that we are acquiring a true mastery of our surroundings.3. Text Analysis(1) Structure AnalysisHow many clues are interwoven in the text?clue 1: Mallory and Irvine (climber 1)clue 2: Simson’s team (climber 2)clue 3: Franklin’s group(explorer 1)clue 4: Beattie the anthologist (explorer 2)What’s their receptive goal? Did they achieve or not?GOAL Y ear ACHIEVE ? Climber 1 to reach the summit of Mount.Everest 1924 No Climber 2 to discover whether Climber 1 achieved 1999 Notheir goal before they died.Explorer 1 to find a new passage through 1845 Nothe Arctic into the PacificExplorer 2 to find out what happened to theill-fated Northwest Passage expedition 1981 Y es(2)More detailed information about the textPart I: Introduction: General remarks about why people have been attracted to climb Mount EverestPara.: 1-----Who was George Mallory?Why did he climb Mount Everest?How did he describe Mount Everest?Para 2.3-----Further explanation for people’s cl imbing the mountainWhy was the joint R.G.S. (The Royal Geographical Society 英国皇家地理学会)/Alpine Club set up?Part II: High Hopes1. Whose high hopes?2. What are their high hopes?3. What clues did they have?4.Whose body was it and how did they know it?5.What kind of man was Mallory?6. How about Mallory’s three expeditions?Part III Frozen to the Core1. Who were frozen to the core?2. What is the reason of Mallory and Irvine’s death? (two different opinions)3. What is the purpose of Torrington and Franklin’s expedition?4. What is the reason of Torrington and Franklin’s death? (two different opinions) Part IV. The Missing Link1. What does the missing link refer to?2. Did Simonson’s expedition team find anything? What are they?3. What did they want to find for their second expedition?4. Language points(1)Key W ords1. words on meaning of “search” in text:search; exploration; scour; discover; expedition2. phenomenal: extraordinary, unusual, spectacle.e.g. “As a climber, to know what Mallory did was phenomenal.”3. succumb to: die from4. piece together: assemble(2)Other important words and phrases1. treacherous – not to be relied upon 靠不住的2. margin –an amount allowed beyond what is needed, a limit in a conditionor process余地, 极限3. folly – foolish act4. altitude – height esp. above sea-level 高度(尤指)海拔5. feat – (1) sth. difficult well done, esp. sth. showing skill, strength, or daring技(武)艺(2) a notable act or deed, esp. an act of courage; an exploit 伟绩6. vintage – of a period in the past and having a reputation for high quality 因品质优良而著名之过去某一时期的7. slab – a broad, flat, thick piece 厚片8. gully –溪谷9. ledge - (悬崖)突出部分10. tattered – ragged11. intact – undamaged; complete12. legible – readable13. assault – attack14. prompt – arouse15. phenomenal – extraordinary16. tenacity – firmness17. reconnaissance – survey18. wane – decline19. buoy up – (fig.) keep up hopes保持希望; 振作; 鼓舞20. resourceful – good or quick at finding things机智的21. confide in – tell confidentially22. siege - 长期围攻23. repel – defeat24. fit – in good health25. bid – an attempt or effort to get, win or attack26. crag - A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff orheadland 峭壁27. ridge – long mountain range 山脊28. mosaic – complicated mixture of different parts .镶嵌, 镶嵌图案, 镶嵌工艺29. black and blue – bruise 撞(跌)伤, 伤痕30. gravel – small stones with coarse sand 碎石, 粗砂31. macabre – frightful32. permafrost – [地]永久冻土33. chart - To make a chart of; to plan (something) in detail 制图34. enigma – mystery35. mesmerize – fascinate36. succumb – vi. die from37. scurry – windy shower of snow 一阵风雪38. forensic – of, used in courts of law (用于)法庭的39. exhumation – taking out (a dead body) from the earth for examination掘尸检验40. autopsy – examination of dead bodies 验尸41. repeal – revoke, annul (a law)撤消, 废止(法律)42. preservation – condition of sth preserved43. patent - To invent, originate, or be the proprietor of (an idea, for example)取得...的专利权, 请准专利44. shred – tear into strip, piece, fragment45. contamination - the act or process of contaminating 污染;the state ofbeing contaminated被污染的状态;one that contaminates污染物46. gruesome - causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking: agruesome murder47. artifact – artificial product人工制品48. altimeter – barometer for showing height above sea-level 高度测量仪49. goggles –护目镜50. documentary – presenting facts with art 记录51. scenario - an outline or a model of an expected or a supposed sequenceof events 预料或期望的一系列事件的梗概或模式52. elusive – difficult to find, catch5. Figure of Speech(1) metaphorFor Mallory this was the opportunity of a lifetime. It was a challenge, but that only increase its appeal, for he o nce said “To refuse the adventure is to run therisk of drying up like a pea in its shell”.(2)simileBefore departing for the 1924 expedition Mallory had confided in a friend that it would be, “more of war than an adventure”.6. Summary of the whole text:It’s about some expeditions made by both early and modern mountaineers and explorers.Early expeditions:George Mallory and Andrew Irvine’s expedition for Mount Everest on 8 June 1924/ Torrington and Franklin’s expedition to chart the Northwest Passage on 19 May 1845.Modern expeditions:Eric Simonson and his team’s expedition for Mount Everest to discover whether or not Mallory and Irvine reached the top and how they died/ Owen Beattie’s four expeditions beginning in 1981 to find the eventual cause of the death of Torrington and Franklin’s men7. Questions for discussion:(1) Do you like exploring? Why?(2) Have you ever experienced an adventure? If yes, tell it to your classmates..(3) Shenzhou VI spaceship explored the outer space successfully and perfectly.What do you think of it?8.Exercises about the text9. Reading Skills: Read the News Story10. Fast Reading & ExercisesVI Homework.1. Home reading: Visions on Ice2.Preview Unit 6。
大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)课件Unit 5

d. sharing the same opinions with him or her a 4. According to the passage, what do two people usually do to make a
relationship work? Detail
a. They respect differences in opinions and points of view.
Reading Comprehension
Based on the reading text, choose the ost appropriate answer to the following questions.
a 1. Which of the following is true? Detail a. It takes people more than two months on average to decide whether they are in love. b. Most people would leave their partners if Mr. or Mrs. Right gave them a call. c. Nearly three-quarters of the people surveyed feel like they don’t have enough time. d. One in seven people are in love.
Track 11
If two people are to make a relationship work, intimacy and passion must be maintained through thick and thin. When time gets rough, both parties must attempt to resolve the problems based on the assumption that the other person also wants to do so, too. Part of commitment means offering support to your partner whenever possible. However, this doesn’t entail blindly accepting everything the other person says or does. It’s perfectly fine to agree or disagree. Respecting differences in opinions and points of view is an important part of any relationship.
大学 英语专业 《泛读教程》 第三册 王守仁 (Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案

《泛读教程》第三册王守仁(Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案Unit 1Section AWord PretestBCBBBAACCBReading SkillCBCABBAAVocabulary Building11 practicable practice practices practical practiced2worthless worthy worthwhile worth worth3vary variety variation various various4absorbing absorbed absorb absorption absorbent21effective efficient effective2technology technique3middle medium mediumClozegoing expectations questions answers predictions tell know end develop worthSection BTFTT CBCC TFF CAACCASection CFFTFFTTTUnit 2Section AWord PretestABACCABABCCReading SkillCBB FTFFTTVocabulary Building11mess 2preference 3aimlessly 4remarkable 5decisive 6shipment 7fiery 8physically 9action 10housing21aptitude attitude2account counted counted3talent intelligenceClozeother just has some than refuse see that without if ready wrongSection BACCCCCCCACBABASection CCCDDACUnit 3Section AWord PretestABCCBDCDCReading SkillBABCAACBCVocabulary Building1Admission admit admissible admissiblyReliance rely reliable reliablyDefinition define definite definitelyAssumption assume assumed assumedlyBehavior behave behavioral behaviorallyVariety vary various variouslyPart part partial partiallyManager manage managerial manageriallyCorrelation correlate correlative correlativelyAdaptation adapt adaptive adaptively21inspired aspired inspired2token badges token3contemporaries temporary contemporaryClozeCommunicate ways using in of message meet causes meaning to eyesSection BBABBAC FFTTTF CCBSection CBBDDBCCA FFTFFTUnit 4Section AWord PretestCACAABBBCCReading SkillBBACBCCAAVocabulary Building11moist 2betrayal 3exclusively 4inhumane 5amazed 6endangered 7marvels 8deadly21dessert deserted2favourite favorable favorable3awarded reward awardedClozeParents idea at seen landmarks instance migrate guide pole effect it if experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCACCBACCSection CFFTFFFTTFTUnit 5Section AWord PretestCAABCACCCReading SkillCABCB FFTFTTVocabulary Building1Assumption assume assumed assumedlyAcknowledgement acknowledge acknowledgedlyReflection reflect reflective reflectivelyDomination dominate dominant dominantlyCategory categorize categorical categoricallyImplication imply implicative implicativelyReassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlyDefinition define definite definitely21historical historic2rejected resist3test analyzedClozeExisted over head body found language use single passed ahead survival handlingSection BCABCBB TTTFTT CACSection CBBAAACBCUnit 6Section AWord PretestC ACBABACABABReading SkillCAACACCAVocabulary BuildingAvailability avail available availablyConquest conquer conquering conqueringlyLuxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyOrgin orginate original originallyOccurrence occur occurrentSystem systematize systematical systematicallyPhonology (这个是没有动词形式的)phonological phonologicallyDecision decide decided decidedlyVariety vary various variouslySuperiority (这个是没有动词形式的)superior superiorlyPeculiar particular particularAssess access accessResources source sourcesClozeSex men differs compliment complimenting causes makes languages have outside understood have use circleSection BCBBBACBCCCCBACCBASection CBBCABBACCBUnit 7Section AWord PretestABABCBACReading SkillBBBCCBCBVocabulary BuildingDeduced behavior adhere replacement option delicacy enormous pursuitInquired required inquire requiredCompatible comparable compatible comparableClozeSatellite some space asked life sort orbiting have living were believe own solar where likely living throughSection BFTFFTTTTTFFFBBCACCSection CBCBCCAEDEBAFDCUnit 8Section AWord PretestBCABCBBCCAReading SkillCBABCBCCCCVocabulary BuildingOccupation occupy occupational occupationallySegregation segregate segregated(这个没有副词)Discrimination discriminate discriminating discriminatingly Enforcement enforce enforceable enforceablyExclusion exclude exclusive exclusivelyPerseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyConviction convict convictive convectivelyAmendment amend amendable(这个没有副词)Superficiality superficialize superficial superficially Spectator spectate spectatorial (这个没有副词)Job career jobs careerPrincipal principles principal principleFeminine female feminineClozeAcceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section BBACCCCACCCAABBACTTFSection CCCAACBUnit 9Section AWord PretestBAABCACBBABCReading SkillCACCBBBBBACBVocabulary BuildingTypifies dominant familial competitive vibrate descended departure boom countless symbolizesRecreation recreates recreationRhythm rhyme rhymes rhythmClozeSea within of divides built celebrated inside attract togetherwhenSection BFTFTTCCBBCBAACCACSection CBAACABCCCCUnit 10Section AWord PretestCABCBBBBABReading SkillCBCACCCABBVocabulary BuildingConsequence(这个没有动词形式)consequent consequently Sophistication sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedly Reference refer referable referablyConversation converse conversational conversationally Space space spatial spatiallyDetachment detach detachable detachablyIntervention intervene intervening(这个没有副词)Type typify typical typicallyAssure ensure assured ensureArises raised rise raised arisenClue cues clue cueClozeWell separating is own close need look order respect follow prior sign help was elseSection BBBCTTFBCACACTFFSection CTFFTFFFF。
大学英语之泛读教程第二册unit 5

The paragraph is mainly about ________. a. worsening quality of the environment b. rapid growth of population c. growing awareness of the need to protect environment d. harm done to the future generations
The closing decades of the twentieth century have seen a growing awareness of the need to protect the environment. An increasing number of people are concerned that the rapid growth in human numbers and the environmental impact of human activity will damage the quality of the environment in which they live, affect their own health and leave a legacy of environmental destruction for future generations.
Passage 16 - Fast Reading
B, D, A, D, C, A Tribute to Heroes extrinsic chasing fame / becoming famous
Passage 16 - Cloze
O, M, I, K,来自F, D, G, B, A
泛读 3 Unit 5

Unit5Word Pretest1、Cosmetic 英[kɒzˈmetɪk] 美[kɑ:zˈmetɪk]n:a substance that you put on your face or body to make it more attractive 化妆品,美容品adj: improving only the outside appearance of sth and not its basic character 装门面的,表面的例:These reforms are not merely cosmetic.这些改革不仅仅是装点门面的Cosmetic surgery 整容外科Cosmetic dental work 牙齿整形adv:cosmeticly2、Luxury 英[ˈlʌkʃəri] 美[ˈlʌɡʒəri, ˈlʌkʃə-]n. 1)the enjoyment of special and expensive things, particularly food and drink ,clothes and surroundings 奢侈的享受,奢华2)a thing that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential 奢侈品例:How people feel about luxury goods,such as perfumes or jewels. 人们是怎么来看待奢侈品的,比如香水或是珠宝.A luxury hotel 豪华的酒店Luxury good 奢侈品adj. luxurious v. Luxuriate3、Exotic 英[ɪgˈzɒtɪk] 美[ɪgˈzɑ:tɪk]adj. from or in another country, especially tropical one ; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries. 来自异国的,奇异的,异国情调的例:She travels to all kinds of exotic locations over the world.他走遍了全世界所有具有奇异风情的地方Brightly-coloured exotic flower/plants/birds 色彩鲜艳的异国花朵/植物/鸟儿4、Resort 英[rɪˈzɔ:t] 美[rɪˈzɔ:rt]n:1)the act of using sth,especially sth bad or unpleasant,because nothing else is possible 诉诸;求助;采取例:There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence.冲突有望不需要诉诸武力而得到解决2)a palace much visited.常去之地例: A summer resort避暑胜地3)the first or last course of action that you should or can take in a particular situation 应急措施;可首选(或最后)采取的手段例:Strike action should be regarded as a last resort,when all attempts to negotiate have failed.罢工应该是最后一着,在所有的谈判努力都告失败时才使用搭配:Have resort to 诉诸(暴力)In the last resort 作为最后手段Without resort to 不靠,不采取v:1)to go often, habitually, or in numbers; betake oneself.常去,常往例:The detectives watched the inn to which he has known to resort.侦探监视他常去的旅馆2)to apply for assistance or for the gaining of an end.求助,诉诸例:To resort to law诉诸法律5、Loan 英[ləʊn] 美[loʊn]n: 1)money that an organization such as a banklends and sb borrows 贷款;借款例:He repaid the loan. 他还清借款2)the act of lending sth;the state of being lent 借出;贷给;被借出例:I even gave her the loan of my car.我甚至把车也借给了她搭配:Have the loan of 借用,借得On loan 借出的,借人的V:1)to lend sth to sb,especially money.借出,贷与(尤指钱)例:The bank is happy to loan money to small businesses.银行乐于贷款给小型企业A friend loaned me $1000.有一位朋友借给我1000元2)to lend a valuable object to a museum,etc.出借(贵重物品给博物馆等)例:This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist’s family.这件展品是艺术家的家人惠借而出展的He loaned the museum his entire collection.他把自己的全部收藏品都借给了博物馆6、Assimilate 英[əˈsɪməleɪt] 美[əˈsɪməˌlet]V:1)to bring to likeness or agreement with something else.同化,使相似例:The USA has assimilated people from most of the countries of Europe.美国同化了大多数欧洲国家的移民2)to absorb or take into itself, as nourishment.洗收(养份等)例:Food is assimilated and converted into organic tissue.食物被吸收转化成有机体组织3)to liken; compare比拟,比较4)to make or become similar; harmonize类化,调和adj:Assimilative n: Assimilation7、Phonological 英[ˌfɒnə'lɒdʒɪkl] 美[ˌfɒnə'lɒdʒɪkl] adj.音系学的;(一种语言的)语音(或音位)体系的; 例:I think that phonological writing should be for the use of linguistsonly.依我看,音位文字只能留给语言家使用phono- prefix 用于构成名词、形容词、副词。

泛读教程3第二版答案泛读教程3第二版答案Unit 1 Reading Rtrategies Section AWord Pretest1----5 B C B B B6----10 A A C C BReading Skill2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building11.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiced2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worthe.worth3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/variede.Various4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorptione.absorbent21. a.effective b.efficient c.effective2. a.technology b.technique3. a.middle b.medium c.mediumClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answersPredictions/expectations tell know/foretell endDevelop/present worthSection B1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCASection C1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCCReading Skill4----6 CBB1----6 FTFFTTVocabulary Building11. mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5.decisive6.shipment7. fiery8.physically9.action 10.housing21. a.aptitude b.attitude2. a.account b.counted c. counted3. a.talent b.intelligenceClozeOther just/only has some/many than refuse ready/willing/educated/taughtwrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1----5 ACCCC 6----10 CCCAC11----14 BABASection C1----6 CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABCCB 6----9 DCDCReading Skill2----5 BABC 6----10 AACBCVocabulary Building1admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager manage managerial managerially correlation correlate correlative correlativelyadaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively 21.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a. contemporaries b.temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means/ones using/saying in ofmessage meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyesSection B1----6 BABBAC 7----12 FFTTTF 13---15 CCB Section C1----4 BBDD 5----8 BCCA1----6 FFTFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1----5 CACAA 6----10 BBBCCReading Skill2----5 BBAC 6----10 BCCAAVocabulary Building11. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6. endangered7. marvels8. deadly21.a. dessert b. deserted2.a. favourite b. favourable c. favourable3.a. awarded b.reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example migrate guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experiments Section B1----3 CCB 4----6 FTF 7----10 BCAC 11----15 CBACCSection C1----5 FFTFF 6----10 FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1----5 CAABC 6----9 ACCCReading Skill2----6 CABCB1----6 FFTFTTVocabulary Building1assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitely21.a. Historical b. historic2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzedClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/importance single passed ahead survival/existence handling/overcoming Section B1----6 CABCBB 7----12TTTFTT 13----15 CAC Section C1----4 BBAA 5----8 ACBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-----5 CACBA 6----10 BACAB 11----12 AB Reading Skill3----6 CAAC 7----10 ACCAVocabulary Building1availability avail available availably conquest conquer conquering/conquered conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyorigin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent 无副词形式system systematize systematical/systematic systematicallyphonology 无动词形式phonological phonologicallydecision decide decided/decisive decidedly/decisivelyvariety vary various variouslysuperiority 无动词形式superior superiorly21.a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2.a. assess b. access c. access3.a. resources b. sources c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/words complimentingcauses makes languages have outside understood have use circle/world/field Section B1----5 CBBBA 6----10 CBCCB 11----15 CBACC 16----17 BA Section C1----5 BBCAB 6----10 BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1----4 ABAB 5----8 CBACReading Skill1----4 BBBC 5----8 CBCBVocabulary Building11. deduced2. behaviour3. adhere4.replacement5. option6.delicacy7. enormous8. pursuit21.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d.required2.a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparable Clozesatellite some space asked/wondered life sort/kind orbiting/going/circling have living were believe ownsolar where likely living throughSection B1----5 FTFFT 6----10 TTTTF 11----12 FF13----18 BBCACCSection C1----5 BCBCC 6----8 AED1----6 EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1----5 BCABC 6----10 BBCCAReading Skill1----5 CBABC 6----10 BCCCCVocabulary Building1occupation occupy occupational occupationally segregation segregate segregated discrimination discriminate discriminating/discriminatorydiscriminatingly/discriminatorilyenforcement enforce enforceable enforceably exclusion exclude exclusive exclusively perseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyconviction convict convictive convictively amendment amend amendablesuperficiality superficialize superficial superficiallyspectator spectate spectatorial2 1.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2.a. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section B1----5 BACCC 6----10 CACCC 11----16 AABBAC 17----19 TTF Section C1----6 CCAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1----5 BAABC 6----10ACBBA 11----12 BC Reading Skill1----5 CACCB 6----10 BBBBA 11----12 CB Vocabulary Building11.typifies2. dominant3. familial4.competitive 5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8.boom9. countless 10. symbolizes21.a. recreation b. recreates c. recreation2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm ClozeSea within of divides built/constructed/completedCelebrated inside/in attract together when Section B1----5 FTFTT 6----10 CCBBC11----15 BAACC 16----17 ACSection C1----5 BAACA 6----10 BCCCCUnit10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationWord Pretest1----5 CABCB 6---10 BBBABReading Skill1---5 CBCAC 6---10 CCABBVocabulary Building1consequence consequent/consequential consequently/consequentiallysophistication sophisticate sophisticatedsophisticatedlyreference refer referable referably conversation converse conversational conversationallyspace space spatial/spacious spatially/spaciouslydetachment detach detachable/detached detachably/detachedlyintervention intervene interveningtype typify typical typically21.a.assure b.ensure c.assured d.ensure2.arises b.raised c.rise d.raisede.arisen3.clue b.cues c.clue d.cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respect followprior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1---5 BBCTT 6---10 FBCAC 11---15 ACTFFSection C1---5 TFFTF 6---8 FFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1---5 ACBCB 6---8 ABBReading Skill1---5 BCBAC 6---10 CCCCC Vocabulary Building1.information inform informative informatively specification specify specific specifically addition add additional/additive additionally/additivelyspecialty specialize special specially narration narrate narrative narratively extension extend extensive extensively origin originate original originally explosion explode explosive explosively ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously establishment establish established1.extension2. ambiguity3.original4.specified5. additional6.unambiguously7.explosion/doc/d517714482.htmlrmation9.specialized 10.narrative 11.establishment2.1.a.transform b.transferred c.transferred d.transformed2.a.lonely b.alone c.lonely d.alone Clozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by counties’ send suggestion/proposal librarySection B1---5 ACBCB 6---10 ACCAC 11---17 ABABBABSection C1---5 BCACC 6---10 CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCBBC 6---12 AACCCBAReading Skill1---5 CABBC 6---8 CBBVocabulary Building1.1.reaction2.mass3. polluting4.planetary5.suspicious6.alarming7.emitted8.emerged 2.1.a.warned b.threatened2.a.spread b.spread c.sprayed3.a.emergency b.emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recycling waste increase place measures amountSection B1---5 FFTTB 6----10 CACFT11---15 FFABC 16---18 CBCSection C1---5 BCAAC 6---8 CBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AWord Pretest1---5 ABAAC 6---10ABCBAReading Skill1---6 CCBABB 1---5 FTFTTVocabulary Building1.symptom symptomize symptomatic symptomaticallylonging long longing longinglyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additivelymanifestation manifest manifest manifestly depression depress depressed/depressing depressedly/depressing invariability invariable invariablyseparation separate separate separately condemnation condemn condemnable condemnablyimagination imagine imaginary imaginarily affection affect affecting affectingly2.1.a.remedies b.recipe c.remedy d.recipe2.a.alternate b.altered c.alternate d.alter3.a.acknowledged b.knowledge c.acknowledged Clozestep acknowledge prevent essential physician due physical psychosomatic disease confidence symptoms thorough emotional upsettingSection B1---5 CBCAB 6---10 CBBCB 11---15 ABCAC Section C1---5 TFFFT 6----10 FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AWord pretest1---5 BCABA 6---8 CBAReading Skill1---4 CACC 1---4 TTFTVocabulary Building1.1.reluctant2.evolution3.attributed4.catastrophic5.associate6.indifferent7.emerged8.stir 2.1.a.evolved b.revolves c.evolved2.a.dismay b.dismal c.dismal d.dismay3.a.contribute b.attributed c.contributedd.attributedClozecharacteristic/trait/nature changed/had to longget/eat possessed/developed/had stretched/lengthened longerpassed After have theoryeffect/influence notion/idea changeSection B 1---5 DABFT 6---10 FTFDA 11---17 DBACFTFSection C1---8 TFTFTFTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AWord Pretest1---5 BBADA 6---11 DBBDCCReading Skill1---5: A A C C C 6—10: B B A B BVocabulary Building1.prevention prevent preventive preventively federation federate federal federally inadequacy / inadequate inadequately deception deceive deceptive deceptively prosperity prosper prosperous prosperously life live live/living/alive /effect effect effective effectively evaluation evaluate evaluable/evaluative / resident reside residential residentially vision vision visional/visionary visionally/visionarily1. evaluation2. federal3.prospertiy4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.a.simile b.,metaphor2. a.ultimate b.unanimous c.ultimated.unanimousClozetransportation distance/away ground Stem trains electric station/stop name train threetrains stairs/steps passengers/people Section B1---6 D C D C C C 7---12 C C A B C B Section C1--- 8 C C A C C C C CUnit 16 TimeSection AWord pretest1-8: C C B B B B B CReading skill1-6: B A C C B CVocabulary building1.1. identification2. arbitrary3. practical4. foundation5. logic6. dictatorial7.occurence8. revise 2.1. a. presentation b. representation c. presentationd. representation2. a. base b. base c. basis d. basisClozeclocks wall pendulum ground/floor wood makers names clocks/timepieces invented/created/madefake/false/imitatedSection B1.A2.A3.C4.F5.T6.F7.T8.T9.T 10.T 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.ASection C1-8: A B A D D D C AUnit 17 TelevisionSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCACA 6---10 BCCBCReading Skill1---3 CCC 1---7 TFTFFFTVocabulary Building1.contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorilycenter center central centrallyseduction seduce seductive seductively necessity necessitate necessary necessarily visibility visualize visible visibly mobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizably function function functional functionally dominance dominate dominant dominantly selection select selective selectively vocality vocalize vocal vocally1.visibility2.necessities3.seductive4.mobilize5.central6.functioning7.vocal8.dominant9.contradictory 10.selected2. 1.a.immersed b.emerged c.immersed d.emerged2.a.dormant b.dominant c.Dormantd.dominantClozenumber happening house saidgraduates viewing TV schoolcases children reaches/draws imitate watching practice face backSection B1---1 CBBCB 6---10 FFFTC 11---15 ACBBC Section C1---5 TTFTF 6---10 FFFTTUnit 18 PoetryQuestions on “If”1---5 AAABCQuestions on “The Rose Family”1---3 ABBQuestion on “My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends”1—3 BBC Questions on “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”1---3 CBBQuestions on “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1---5 ACCBC 6---7 BCQuestions on “Sonnet 29”1---5 ABBCBQuestions on “In School Days”1---4 ABBC。

6-8:cdd 6-10: dadca 6-10: cbbcd
6-8: bac
Book 2-Unit 2
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: bddbd 6-10: dbdad
▪ C. 1-5: abadd
10: caacc
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: bbcad 11-15: cddda
11-12: db
▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: acdbd
11-15: dddba
▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: dccdb
6-8: aad 6-10: bdaca
6-10: baacd
6-10: bcdab
Book 2-Unit 14
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: ddcda
6-10: ddcaa 6-10: bbcda
6-10: abdcb
6-9: ddad
Book 2-Unit 4
▪ Text:
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-6: bdcaab
▪ C. 1-5: dbadb 11-12: cb
6-10: ccdcd
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cdabd 6-10: cdcdd 11-15: dccbb
6-10: cdddb 6-7: cb 6-10: bacbd
6-9: cdad
Book 2-Unit 10
▪ Text: ▪ A. d ▪ B. 1-5: cdabc ▪ C. 1-5: accac
11-12: dd
▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdbcd

checking its
accuracy, clarity, etc
Structure of the Text
• Avoid the details in order to maintain the maximum skimming speed.
A Mother’s Place
Donna Gamache
• God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. —Jewish Proverb
• You gave me an understanding of the value of life... a desire to share my special talents with others and to love others with the love you so generously bestowed on me... and I will leave this world a better place for having made a difference.
reorganize, especially
for the purpose of
updating and improving.
• For me, the process of writing has
several steps: planning and obtaining
information; composing; revising;
• Move your eyes quickly over the third or fourth paragraph for the key sentence, picking up one or two important words, phrases, or numbers.

Models for Understanding HistoryUnderlying every textbook and every historical work are a set of often un-acknowledged assumptions about how history works. Everyone who writes, reads, or thinks about history has a “model” in their mind which helps them t o interpret and assemble the facts of history. These “models” can be sorted into three broad categories.(基本上所有的课本和历史相关的作品都是一系列常常不被承认的关于历史怎样发展的假设。
) Model A is the dominant model for historians in the 20th century. There is a widespread and almost unshakable belief that the history of mankind is a record of progress and that future prospects are bright. There are a number of comforting implications that come with adopting this view. It’s very flattering to oneself and one’s contemporaries, since by implication everyone currently alive has made progress over all those folks who are dead. It also allows one to face the future with optimism, since as more time passes, more progress will be made. One can see this model clearly in the 19th century German historians such as Hegel, who saw all of history leading up to its fulfillment in the unified German state of Bismarck with Kaiser (Emperor) Wilhelm. There is a great deal of American history written to fit this mold, too. Those who believe in an “evolving” Constitution see all change as positive and therefore, the more time, the more changes, the better our Constitution will be.(模型A对于20世纪历史学家是最重要的。


Unit 5
1. Text Cheating
About the author
Susan Richards Shreve (1939- ) is an American author, and novelist, as well as author of over a dozen children's books. She currently teaches at George Mason University.
1. right out 坦率的,毫不隐瞒的 2. times table 乘法表 3. special (电视的)特别节目---be on special: 降价促销;打折促销;搞活动 4. disappointed 失望的---disappointment 5. bother 打扰 6. sensible:reasonable 合情合理的,明智的---(区别)sensitive 敏感的 7. suspect 怀疑---(区别)doubt 怀疑 8. glance over 浏览 9. cinch (infml): something which is very easy and is therefore a certainty 有把握

Text structure
Parts Contents Main ideas 1 1—16 Problem in the house 2 17—19 Dorothy’s solution to the problem 3 20—33 Tim’s solution to the problem 4 34—37 The ice was broken
Part 1 Problem in the house
2. What do you know about Dorothy? • hair not completely gray • only in her mid-fifties (middle-aged) • acting younger than her years • could still do all the work she’d ever done,
started a new life herself. • Unhappy • She had spent the last 30 years there, having a
lot of sweet memories.
Part 3 Tim’s solution
What’s Tim’s solution to the problem? They would buy a trailer for Dorothy.
work there all the time.
Part ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Dorothy’s solution
泛读教程2 Unit 5课件

New writers should realize that writing is a craft that one learns through practice. Very few writers succeed at first. Writing courses can be useful and input from peers through a writing group is invaluable, as a way of learning and as a support group. Beginners must not be upset by rejections. Even experienced writers still get these.
7. Why did Dorothy say “the answer is for me to move into town?” 8. What was Tim’s resolution?
9. What is the implication of the last paragraph? 10. How do you think of Tim?
You gave me an understanding of the value of life... a desire to share my special talents with others and to love others with the love you so generously bestowed on me... and I will leave this world a better place for having made a difference.
英语泛读教程3Unit 5

Passage 2 Topic: climbing Main idea: climbing by a disabled man Structure: What made this particular climb very difficult and dangerous was that one of the men, Mark Wellman, is a paraplegic. Language points: He is worthy to take the lead.他是配当领袖的人。
Fast Readings
Passage 1 Topic: UFO Main idea: Highly speculative explanation of UFO should not be adopted unless all of the more ordinary explanations can be ruled out. Structure: identified as; listed as unexplained; deceived; should not be adopted; no acceptable proof
Language points 1. An effort to identify them with the New England family of the same name… to identify sb with sth: to cause or consider sb to be connected with 使(认为)某人 与…有关联 He is too closely identified with the previous administration to be given a job in this one. 他与前政府的关系过于密切,难以在本届政 府得到一官半职。 2. Rule of three

Keys to Reading Course 3 Unit 1 Reading StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBB 6-10.AACCBReading Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Building1.a. practicable/practicalb. practicec. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiceda. worthlessb. worthyc. worthwhiled. worthe. wortha. varyb. varietyc. variationd. various/variede. Variousa. absorbingb. absorbedc. absorbd. absorptione. absorbent2.1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b. medium c. mediumClozegoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answerspredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CA Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTTVocabulary Building1.mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5. decisive6.shipment7. fiery8. physically9. action10. housing2.1. a. aptitude b. attitude2. a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCAC 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDACUnit 3 Body Language Section AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible admissiblyreliance rely reliable reliably definition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/variedvariously/variedlypart/partiality part partial partially manager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlatively adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively2.1. a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2. a. token b. badges c. token3. a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means//ones using/saying in of messagemeet/have/encounter/experience causes meaningtoSection B1-5. BABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15: TFCCB Section C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading Skill2-5.BBAC 6-10. BCCAAVocabulary Building1.1. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6.endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly2.1. a. dessert b. deserted2. a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3. a. awarded b. reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarksinstance/example migrateguide/direct pole effect/influence It/Thisif/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACC Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill2-6.CABCB 1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define definite definitely 2.1. a. Historical b. history2. a. rejected b. resist3. a. test/analyze b. analyzeClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found languageuse/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCAC Section C1-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill3-5.CAA 6-10. CACCAVocabulary Buildingavailability avail available availably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrentsystem systematizeSystematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decide decided/decisive decidedly / decisivelyvariety vary various variously superiority superior Superiorly2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access c. access3. a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causes makeslanguages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBA Section C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BACReading Skill1-5.BBBCC 6-8. BCBVocabulary Building1. deduced2. behavior3. adhere4. replacement5. option6. delicacy7.enormous 8. pursuit2.1. a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d.comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered lifesort/kind orbiting/going/circlinghave living were believe own solar where likely livingthroughSection B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACC Section C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCAReading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCCVocabulary Buildingoccupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate,discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendable superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficiallyspectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3. a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19.CTTFSection CAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Building1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure 8. boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes 2.1. a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm Clozesea within of dividesbuilt/constructed/completed celebrated inside/inattract together whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCAC Section C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural Communication Section AWord Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Buildingconsequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment, detach,detachable/detached, detachably/detachedlyintervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typicall2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2. a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3. a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11-15. ACTFF Section C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informativelyspecification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, specially narration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established1. extension2. ambiguity3. original4. specified5. additional6.unambiguously7. explosion8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative11.established2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2. a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countries sendsuggestion/proposal librarySection B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBAB Section C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 Environment Section AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction2. mass3. polluting4. planetary5. suspicious6. alarming7.emitted 8. emerged2.1. a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3. a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amount Section B1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBC Section C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Building:1.symptom,symptomize,symptomatic, symptomaticallylonging, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional/additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariably separation, separate, separate, separately condemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledged ClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsetting Section BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to,long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection C TFTFT FTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AVocabulary Building:1. Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federally Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperously Life, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectively Evaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentially Vision, vision, visional /visionary,visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous ClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。

大学英语泛读第二版课后习题标准答案大学英语泛读第二册答案目录一、Key to Lesson1------------------------------------ 2二、Key to Lesson 2----------------------------------- 4三、Key to lesson 3----------------------------------- 6四、Key to Lesson 4----------------------------------- 7五、Key to Lesson 5----------------------------------- 9六、Key to Lesson 6 -----------------------------------11一、Key to Lesson1Comprehension of the text1. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10) F2. 1) C 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) D3. 1)带硬币去银行存钱总是一件大事,父亲会把这些硬币整齐地放进一个小硬纸盒,然后放在他的旧货车里我们俩之间的座位上。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1. 1) merrier 2) cashier 3)copper 4) textile 5)counter6) lump 7) squatted 8) virtue 9) stacked 10)grinned2. 1) The poverty of the family didn’t frustrate him; to the contrary, he became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate.2) While Mr. Wang was in hospital, his two daughters took turns looking after him. However, to my amazement, his beloved son never turned up.3) You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back.4) A recent study shows that parents in almost all the families studied make great efforts to control their children and keep them out of trouble and danger, but many of them fail to see to the ways in which they talk to their children.5) Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nursery.二、Key to Lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1. 1) F 2) T 3) T 4)F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) T2. 1) B 2) D 3) A 4)C 5) B3. 1)而且,最好不要伸手到餐桌的另一端,而是让别人把盐瓶等递给你。

6-10: acddd 6-11: adbaaa 11-15: baddd
Home Reading:
1-5: aabcb
6-9: adba
6-10: dcacb Home Reading: 1-5: accbd 6-10: bacdb
Book 2-Unit 9
Text: A. d B. 1-5: cdbda C. 1-5: abcaa Fast Reading: 1-5: dadcb
6-10: cdddb 6-7: cb 11-15: dbbaa
《英语泛读教程2》 阅读练习答案
Book 2-Unit 1
Text: A. d B. 1-5: baccd C. 1-5: daaba Fast Reading: 1-5: dbcc a
6-8:cdd 6-10: dadca 11-15: dcdcd
6-10: cbbcd Home Reading: 1-5: abccc 6-8: bac
6-8: aad 6-10: bdaca 11-12: db 11-15: dddba
6-10: baacd Home Reading: 1-5: dccdb 6-10: bcdab
Book 2-Unit 14
Text: A. d B. 1-5: ddcda C. 1-5: dabad Fast Reading: 1-5: cbabb 6-10: cbccd
6-10: caddb Home Reading: 1-5: dbddd 6-8: aac
Book 2-Unit 11
Text: A. c B. 1-5: bd bba C. 1-5: aabba Fast Reading: 1-5: bcbcb