
浅谈小说《红字》中的多重象征意义 姜婷婷

浅谈小说《红字》中的多重象征意义姜婷婷发表时间:2018-09-18T09:51:05.987Z 来源:《知识-力量》3中作者:姜婷婷[导读] 小说《红字》是19世纪美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的第一部长篇小说,同时也是最能体现霍桑对象征手法的娴熟运用的代表作。
他在小说《红字》中大量地赋予不同的人物和事物以丰富且有层次的象征意义,使这部小说的内蕴远比字里行间所传达的文本信息更耐人寻味(河南大学,河南省开封市 475000)摘要:小说《红字》是19世纪美国浪漫主义作家霍桑创作的第一部长篇小说,同时也是最能体现霍桑对象征手法的娴熟运用的代表作。

关键词:《红字》; 象征; 多重涵义性; 发展性; 系统性Analysis of the Symbolism in The Scarlet LetterAbstract: Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) is one of the greatest romantic novelists in the 19th century of America. The novel The Scarlet Letter is his best repetitive work, which made him known all over the world. The Scarlet Letter is regarded as the first symbolism novel in the American literature because of the colorful symbols used in it, and this writing technique greatly influenced the development of the American literature.This paper analyzes the symbolism of The Scarlet Letter on the multi-conotational feature, the symbolic meaning of the four major characters‟ names and the symbolic meanings of the objects that are described in the novel. Firstly, the multi-conotational feature is perfectly shown by the scarlet letter “A”, which symbolizes love and life, crime, shame and punishment. Secondly, with the development of the novel, the symbolic meanings of the letter “A”also change constantly, which symbolizes adultery, alone and alienation, able, admirable, and angle, and some other special characteristics. In addition, from matters, details, characters to backgrounds or even actions, they are all, without any exception, possessed of symbolic meanings, which is the other feature of the symbolism used in this novel, i.e. the systematic feature.In conclusion,the symbolic writing techniques in this novel is everywhere and run through the whole novel, which strength it‟s art istic effect, and makes The Scarlet Letter win the reputation of world classic.Key Words: The Scarlet Letter; Symbolism; Multi-connotation; Development;SystematizationTable of Contents1. Introduction (1)2. The symbolic meanings of the Scarlet Letter “A” (1)2.1 Multi-connotation of symbolism (1)2.1.1 Love and l ife (1)2.1.2 Crime, shame and p unishment (1)2.2 Development of the the symbolic meanings of l etter “A” (2)2.2.1 Adultery (2)2.2.2 Alone and alienatio n (3)2.2.3 Able, admirable and a ngel (3)3. The Systematization of the Symbolism (4)3.1 The symbolic meanings of the four major c haracters‟n ames (4)3.1.1 Hester Prynne (4)3.1.2 Arthur Dimmes dale (5)3.1.3 Roger Chillingworth (6)3.1.4 Pearl (7)3.2 The symbolic meanings of the o bjects (9)3.2.1 Prison (9)3.2.2 Rosebush (10)3.2.3 Forest (11)3.2.4 S caffold (11)3.2.5 Light and darkness (12)4. Conclusion (13)Works Cited (14)1. IntroductionThe Scarlet Letter is recognized as Hawthorne‟s masterpiece and the most prestigious romantic novel of the in American literature. (Mao 162) In The Scarlet Letter, there are many artistic features which not only describe the fantastic romantic atmosphere, but also depict the delicate psychological activity. However, the most distinctive feature of the novel is the widely and extensively used symbolism and that is why The Scarlet Letter is regarded as the first novel of symbolism in American literature.In World Book Dictionary, a symbol is defined as something that stands for or represents something else, especially an idea, quality, or condition. Symbols can be objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent ideas or concepts (532). As for symbolism, different critics and poets have different definition on it. French poet Mallarme said: “Symbolism is to imply the object little by little, for the performance of a state of mind” (Gong 56). Famous critic Nan Fan said: “Symbolism is to perform the specific image particularly or imply some sort of concept, philosophy or emotion” (Wu 1).Symbolism does not describe objects directly and simply, so it arouses reader‟s emotion by metaphors, and it is often with ambiguity and uncertainty, which gives ordinary things great artistic power. In The Scarlet Letter,Hawthorne express this kind of power successfully. This paper analyzes its artistic power of symbolism in its multi-connotation, development and systematization.2.The Symbolic Meanings of the Scarlet Letter “A”2.1 Multi-connotation of symbolism2.1.1 Love and lifeRed is the symbol of life and love, in the novel, red symbolizes purity, beauty, warm love between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale, normal family and social life are based on them. In any healthy society, it is celebrated. However, inthe grim Puritanism society, the truth is often treated as a fallacy, human nature has been distorted, and a symbol of love's fire, the source of life, and the color, red is treated as a symbol of shame in the society.2.1.2 Crime, shame and punishment“In accordance with strict Puritan moral laws, the woman Hester Prynne is sentenced to an unusual punishment for her sin of adultery. She is hence forth to wear the letter “A”embroidered on her dress over her bosom as a permanent badge of shame. (Fred 88) This is the puritan way of treating her as a criminal, for the crime of adultery. The puritan treatment continues, because as Hester walks through the streets, she will be looked down upon as if she is some sort of demon from hell that commits a terrible crime. This letter is meant to be worn in shame, and to make Hester feel unwanted. “Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment…”(Hawthorne 74)2.2 Development of the l etter “A”In this novel, the scarlet letter “A”changes its meaning at many different times. As the development of the plots, the letter “A” is continuously endowed with new meanings, showing a dynamic “A”.Hawthorne did not clearly and directly tells the readers what the letter means, because it alters with the plots, settings and characters (Zhu 89). This change is significant. It shows growth in the characters, and the community in which they live. The letter “A” begins as adultery, a symbol of sin. It then becomes a symbol of alone and alienation, and finally it becomes a symbol of able, angel and admirable.2.2.1 AdulteryThe letter “A”, worn on Hester's bosom, is a symbol of her adultery against Roger Chillingworth. Hester is ashamed of her sin, but she chooses not to show it. She commits this sin in the heart of passion, and fully admits it, though she isashamed. She is a very strong woman to be able to hold up so well against what she must face. Many will have fled Boston, and seek a place where no one knows of her great sin. Hester chooses to stay though, which shows a lot of strength and integrity. Any woman with enough nerve to hold up against a town, which despises her very existence, and to stay in a place where her daughter is referred to as a devil child, either has some sort of psychological problem, or is a very tough woman.2.2.2 Alone and alienationThe scarlet letter “A” also stands for Hester‟s lonely life in New England. After she is released, Hester lives in a cottage ne ar the outskirts of the city. “It had been built by an earlier settler, and abandoned, because the soil about it was too sterile for cultivation, while its comparative remoteness put it out of the sphere of that social activity which already marked the habits of the emigrants” (Hawthorne 75). Hester‟s social life is virtually eliminated as a result of her shameful history. Hester comes to have a part to perform in the world with her native energy of character and rare capacity. However, there was nothing that made her feel as if she belonged to it. Every gesture, every word, and even the silence of those with whom she came to contact, implied, and often expressed, that she was banished, and as much alone as if she inhabited another sphere, or communicated with the common nature by other organs and senses than the rest of human kind. “She stood apart from moral interests… seemed to be the sole portion that she r etained in the universal heart.”(Hawthorne 78) Hester has no friends in the world, and little Pearl is the only companion of her lonely life, so the scarlet letter “A” also is a symbol of the words “alone” and “alienate”.2.2.3 Able, admirable and angelLater, the scarlet letter “A” changes its mea ning into being able, angel and admirable. The townspeople who condemned her now believe the scarlet letter to stand for her ability to her beautiful needlework and for her unselfish assistanceto the poor and sick. “The letter was the symbol of her calling. Such helpfulness is found in her so much power to do and power to sympathize—that many people refuses to interpret the scarlet letter …A‟ by its original signification.” (Hawthorne 148) At this point, a lot of the townspeople realize what a noble character Hester possesses. “Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge? It is our Hester —the town‟s own Hester—who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comforting to the afflicted!”(Hawthorne 149) The townspeople soon begin to believe that the badge served to ward off evil, and Hester grows to be quite admirable amongst the people of the town. Hester overcomes the shame of her sin through the purity and goodness of her soul. Unselfishly offering her time and love to those who need her most proves that she is not worthy of the fate which has been dealt to her.The three changes in the scarlet letter are significant; they show the progressive possession of her sin, her lonely life, and her ability. Hester is a strong admirable woman who goes through more emotional torture that most people go through in their lifetime.3. The Systematization of the Symbolism3.1 The symbolic meaning of the four major c haracters’ names3.1.1 Hester PrynneHester Prynne is one of the major characters in The Scarlet Letter.The writer gives her much symbolic meaning by giving her this name. Hester sounds this gives us like Hes ter, Zeus‟ sister in Greek mythology, who is a very beautiful goddess. a sense that Hester is a passionate beautiful woman. In this novel, she is the symbol of the truth, the goodness and the beauty. Nathaniel Hawthorne describes her in Chap ter Two like this: “The young woman was tall, a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale, she had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam, and a face which, besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion, had the impressivenessbelonging to a m arked brow and deep black eyes…” (Hawthorne 50) Also, Hester is the homophone of the word haste. At first, she gets married to Roger Chillingworth, an ugly man who gives his best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge. Not having got the news about her husband who should have arrived by ship from England, she falls love with Arthur hastily and gives birth to Pearl, for which she is condemned to wear on the breast of her gown the scarlet letter “A”, which stands for adultery. But Hester‟s adultery haste is nothing but a very natural thing to do.Also, Hawthorne uses the homophone of prurient, as her family name, which indicates the root of her sins. Hester Prynne is the symbol of love, and her desire stands for the evil aspects in human nature.3.1.2 Arthur DimmesdaleArthur Dimmesdale is a well-regarded young minister, whose initials are AD, which also stands for adultery. The author obviously tells us Author Dimmesdale is the partner in sin of Hester Prynne by giving him this name. The word Dimmesdale also has many symbolic meanings. Dim means dark and weak, and dale means valley, so the dimdale here is actually a symbol of the “dim-interior” of the clergyman. He loves Hester deeply, and he is the father of Pearl, but he can only show his passion for her in the forest or in darkness. His response to the sin is to lie. He stands before Hester and the rest of the town and proceeds to give a moving speech about how it would be in he r and the father‟s best interest for her to reveal the father's name. Though he never actually says that he is not the other partner, he implies it by talking of the father in third person. Such as, “If tho u feelest it to be for thy soul‟s peace, and that thy earthly punishment will thereby be made more effectual to salvation, I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer” (Hawthorne 63). He concedes his guilt for seven years, at the same time; he is tortured by his sin for so many years. He punishes himself by believing that he can never be redeemed. He feels that he will never been seen the same in the eyes of God, and that noamount of penit ence can ever return him to God‟s good graces. He hates his hypocrisy to sin, but dares not tell the truth that he is the fellow-sinner of Hester. When he finally decides to expose the truth and tell his followers of how he deceives them, his fixation on his sin has utterly corroded him to the point of death. The only good that comes out of conceding his guilt is that he passes away without any secrets, for he is already too far gone to be able to be saved. At the end of the story, the writer put the morals which press upon the readers from the poor minister‟s miserable experience into one sentence, “Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!” (Hawthorne 236)3.1.3 Roger ChillingworthRoger Chilling worth, like all of Hawthorne‟s main characters, is complex and d ifficult to see through. The words “chilling” and “worth” compose the surname Chillingworth. Chilling comes from the word “chilly”, which means this man is a merciless avenger. He is calm in temperament, kindly, but keeps evil intentions. It is he that has destroyed Hester's flower like youth, and indirectly leads to Hester‟s tragedy. After he discovers that his wife bore another man‟s child, Roger gives up his independence. He used to be a scholar, who dedicates his best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge, “but his new allegiance becomes finding and slowly punishing the man who seduces his wife. For seven y ears, he digs into the minister‟s heart with keen pleasure. He searches the minister‟s thoughts; he causes the poor minister to die daily a livi ng death. He searches into the minister‟s dim interior for a long time, and turns over many precious a tread, and as wary an outlook, as a thief entering a chamber where a man lies only half asleep, or if it may be, broad awake, with purpose to steal the very treasure which this man g uards as the apple of his eyes” (Hawthorne 119) When he fi nally found the scarlet letter “A”on the bosom of the minister, he busted out a ghastly rapture. When he does these, he is turning from a victim to a sinner. Chillingworth is also means t hat the avenger‟s life is worthless. When hefinds his wife betrays him, he dedicates all his time to seeking revenge. He gives up his identity, living with the minister and being by his side all day, every day. His largest sacrifice is by far, his own life. After spending so much time dwelling on his revenge, Chillingworth forgets that he still has a change to lead a life of his own. So after Dimmesdale reveals his secret to the world. “ All his strength and energy—all his vital and intellectual force—seemed at once to desert him; in so much that he positively withered up, shriveled away, and almost varied from mortal sight, like an uprooted wee d that lies wilting in the sun.”(Hawthorne 236) Chillingworth dies less that a year later because he has nothing left to live for. The poor forlorn creature is more wretched than his victim is.3.1.4 PearlPearl is one of the most complex and misunderstood symbols in the book, the daughter of Hester Prynne. Pearl, throughout the story, develops into a dynamic symbol—one that is always changing. Pearl was a source of many different kinds of symbolism. From a living scarlet letter to a valuable thing with high price, then to be the moral in this novel, she was a kind of burden, yet love for Hester.The most significant symbolic meaning of Pearl in the novel is her association with the scarlet letter “A”. When Hester stood fully revealed before the crowd, it is her first impulse to clasp Pearl closely to her bosom; “not so much by an impulse of motherly affection, as that she might thereby conceal a certain token, which was wrou ght or fastened into her dress.”(Hawthorne 50) “In a moment, however, wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another, she took the baby on her a rm…”(Hawthorne50) Hester embroidered the scarlet letter with gold thread fantastically, and she had allowed the gorgeous tendencies of her imagination their full playing contriving Pearl's g arb. “And, indeed, of the child‟s whole appearance, that it irresistibly reminded the beholder of the token which Hester Prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom.”(Hawthorne 93) Pearl really was the scarlet letter, the scarlet letter inanother form; the scarlet letter endowed with life.Pearl is a girl of rich and luxu riant beauty. “There was fire in her and throughout her; she seemed the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment.”(Hawthorne 93) The Bible says, “the kingdom of heaven is like merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it”(Matthew 13-14). Hester named the infant “pear l”, as being of great price—purchased with all she had, her only treasure!Pearl also serves as moral in this novel, the moral she is meant to teach is that Hester and Dimmesdale should fully commits their sin and then take responsibility for their sin. The first thing Pearl see in her infancy is the scarlet letter on her mother‟s bosom. As a baby, she even reaches up and touches the letter, causing her mother intense agony at the shame it generated in her. Later, she plays a game when she throws flowers at her mother and jumps around in glee every time, she hits the scarlet letter. She also makes her own letter “A” to wear. When she finds Hester removes the scarlet letter from her chest in the forest, Pearl starts screaming and convulsing and refuses to cross the stream until Hester reattaches the letter. She is really a constant mental and physical reminder to Hester of what she has done wrong. With Pearl at her side, Hester will never escape the punishment of her wrong deed.Moreover, Pearl is the person who eventually makes Dimmesdale admits his crime. She constantly asks why the minister keeps putting his hand over his heart, and figures out that it is for the same reason that her mother wears the scarlet letter. Meanwhile, Pearl‟s stand of urging the minister to commit his sin is firm. When Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold where Hester suffered her public humiliation several years before, he meets Hester and Pearl, who have been at Governor Winthrop‟s deathbed, taking measurements for a robe. He invites them to join him on the stand. When all three hold hands, Pearl asks Dimmesdale, “Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, tomorrow noontide?”(Hawthorne 140) Dimmesdale answers, “Not so, my child, I shall, indeed, stand with thy mother and thee, one other day, but not tomorrow.”(Hawthorne 141) Pearl laughs andattempts to pull away her hand until the minister promises to take her hand and her mother‟s hand at “the great judgment day”. When they later meet in the forest, Hester says to Pearl, “He loves thee, my little Pearl, and loves thy mother too. Wilt thou love him?” Pearl says, “Doth he love us?” then asks, “Wilt he go back with us, and hand in hand, we three tog ether, into the town?” The answer is “not now”. So when Dimmesdale impresses a kiss on her brow before they leave the forest, “Pearl broke away from her mother, and, running to the brook, stooped over it, and bathed her forehead, until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off …” (Hawthrone 194) At the end of the novel, when the minister climbs up the scaffold with the help of Hester and Pearl, confessing his sin to his followers, Pearl kisses his lips. She accepts her father finally. Pearl‟s role as the livi ng scarlet letter is over, and Dimmesdale, who finally takes responsibility for his sin, has learned the moral, which she is meant to teach.3.2 The symbolic meanings of the objects3.2.1 PrisonThe description of the prison indicates that it is old, rusted, yet strong with an iron-clamped oaken door. This represents the rigorous enforcement of laws and the inability to break free of them. The prison also serves as the symbol of the authority of the regime, which will not tolerate deviance.The opening chapter introduces several of the images and the themes within the story to follow. “ The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison.”(Hawthorne 45) The prison represents several different symbols. Foremost it is a symbol for the Puritanical severity of law. Hawthorne directly challenges this notion by throwing the name Ann Hutchinson into the opening pages. Hutchinson was a religious woman who disagreed with the Puritanical teachings, and as a result was imprisoned in Boston. Hawthorne claims that it is possible the beautiful rosebushgrowing directly at the prison door sprang from her footsteps. “But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as the came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart if Nature could pity and be kind to him.”(Hawthorne 46) This implies that the Puritanical authoritarianism may be too rigid, to the point of obliterating things of beauty. In the deep, dark portions of the forest, many of the pivotal characters bring forth hidden thoughts and emotions. The forest track leads away from the settlement out into the wilderness where all sign mandates of law and religion, to a refuge where men, as well as women, can open up and be themselves. It is here that Dimmesdale openly acknowledges Hester and his undying love for her. It is also here that the two of them can openly engage in conversation without being preoccupied with the constraints that Puritan society place3.2.2 RosebushThe narrator of The Scarlet Letter chooses to begin his story with the image of rosebushes next to the prison door. The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man's activities. “This rosebush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it—or whether, as there is fair authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson, as she entered the prison doo r—we shoul d not take upon us to determine”(Hawthorne 42). The narrator mentions vary significance to the rosebush, never admitting or denying them.The rose bush is a symbol of passion. As will later become obvious, Hester Prynne‟s sin is one of passion, thus linking her crime to the image of the rosebush. Hawthorne also indirectly compares Hester with Ann Hutchinson via the rosebush, and again makes the same parallel in Chapter 13, another view ofHester. Hawthorne cleverly links the rosebush to the wilderness surrounding Boston, commenting that the bush may be a remnant of the former forest, which covered the area. This is important, because it is only in the forest wilderness where the Puritans‟ laws fail to have any force. Thus the image of the rosebush serves to foreshadow that some of the passionate wilderness, in the form of Hester Prynne, may have accidentally made its way into Boston. The rosebush in full bloom indicates that Hester is at the peak of her passion. This parallels the fact that Hester has just born a child as a result of her passion. The child is thus comparable to the blossoms o n the rosebush. Hawthorn‟s comment that the rose may serve as a “moral blossom” in the story is therefore actually saying that Hester‟s child will serve to provide the moral of the story.3.2.3 ForestAfter Hester is released from prison, she finds a cottage in the woods, near the outskirts of the city. Her choice of habitation is crucial to the symbolism within the novel. The forest represents love, or the wilderness where the strict morals of the Puritan community cannot apply. Thus, when Hester makes her home on the outskirts of the city, directly on the edge of the woods, she is putting herself in a place of limbo between the moral and the immoral universes. This is important because it shows that Hester does not live under the strict Puritanical moral code, but rather tries to live in both worlds simultaneously. Hawthorne uses the forest to provide a kind of shelter for members of society in need of a refuge from daily Puritan life.3.2.4 ScaffoldThe scaffold is a place of public condemnation for Hester Prynne. Whenever the scaffold is mentioned, it signifies ignominy and alludes back to the sin of adultery. Walking in the shadow of a dream, as it were, and perhaps actually under the influence of a species of somnambulism, Mr. Dimmesdale reached the spot where, now so long since, Hester Prynne had lived through her first hours ofpublic ignominy. The same platform or scaffold, black and weather-stained with the storm or sunshine of seven long years, and foot-worn, too, with the tread of many culprits who had since ascended it, remained standing beneath the balcony of the meeting house.3.2.5 Light and darknessPuritan severity toward sex and matrimony and its tendency is to suppress bright color and true felling. (Chang 75) The novel is filled with light and darkness symbols because it represents the most common battle of all time, good versus evil. When Hester and her daughter are walking in the forest, Pearl exclaims: “Mother, the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on you bosom. Now see! There it is, playing a good way off. Stand you here, and let me run and catch it. I am but a child. It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my bosom yet.” (Hawthorne 168) Hester tries to stretch her hand into the circle of light, but the sunshine vanishes. She then suggests that they go into the forest and have rest. This short scene actually represents Hester's daily struggle in life. The light represents what Hester wants to be, which is pure. The movement of the light represents Hester's constant denial of acceptance. Hester's lack of surprise and quick suggestion to go into the forest, where is dark, shows that she never expected to be admitted and is resigned to her station in life. Another way light and darkness is used in symbolism is in the way Hester and Dimmes dale‟s plan to escape is doomed. Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the shadows of the forest with a gloomy sky and a threatening storm overhead when they discuss their plans for the future. The gloomy weather and shadows exemplify the fact that they can't get away from the repressive force of their sins. It is later proven when Dimmesdale dies on the scaffold! Instead of leaving with Hester and going to England. A final example occurs in the way Hester and Dimmesdale can not acknowledge their love in front of others. When they meet in the woods, they feel that, “No golden light had ever been as precious as the gloom of this dark forest.”(Hawthorne 199) This emotion foretells that they will never last together openly because their sin has separated them too much from normal life.。

1.1通奸(A for Adultery)由于海丝特与罗杰.齐灵渥斯通奸,她胸前被挂上了一个红字A,但这并不是唯一的,她被,遭人围。
海丝特鼓起一切勇气面生的和,她并人一,一个人道她罪的重生活,她来,这显示了她的勇气和o1.2孤独与疏离(A for Alone and Alienation)海丝特后,的一小。
1.3能力、钦佩和天使(A for Ability,Admiration and Angel)着时间的流逝,红字A逐渐转变为能力(Ability)、钦佩(Admiration(和天使(Angel)的象征。

关键词:象征;霍桑;红字a中图分类号:i3 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-10-0-02一、引言象征主义作为一种文学流派,出现于19世纪末至20世纪30年代,是欧美现代派文学的一个重要分支。

象征意义最为典型的红字“A”,顾名思义是红色的 A 字,首先映入我们眼帘的便是耀眼的红色。
1.2就红字“A”本身而言,它并没有神秘的色彩,第一次出现在人们面前,它仅仅是一个耻辱的符号,A字是通奸(Adultery)的缩写,作者霍桑是这样对它进行描述的:“在她(海丝特)衣服的胸部,出现 A 形的字,那是精美的红布制成的,四周有金线织成的细工刺绣和奇巧花样。


同样 ,监 狱 门前 那 一 片 长 满 牛 蒡 、藜 草 等 难 看 植 物 的杂 乱 无 章 的 草 地 ,
暗示文 明社会中存在着一些丑 陋的东西 ,而正是这些不 良社会成分 的存 在使得监狱必不可少 。作家在此也描写 了一处盛开的蔷薇花 ,并 以此来 象征 “ 从这个 故事可以发现 甜蜜的道德 花卉。 ”笔 者在此 引用作家原文 中的相关描述 部 分 以便 读 者更 好 地 理解 原 意 O“ I t ma y s e r v e ,l e t U S
个 同犯 , 将 他的身心彻底摧毁。他还利用科学和所学的巫术来窥 探他的
秘密 ,使后 者在精神和 内心上 都处 于崩 溃 的境地 。他 完全 成 了一个 恶 魔 ,将 自己的幸福和快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上 ,成 了恶 的象征。而丁 梅斯代 尔所 象征着善恶交锋的状态也被作家描写得生动形象 。他是 一名 年轻博 学的主教 ,英俊潇洒。他和海丝特犯了同样的罪。但是他 缺少海
《 红字》 是 1 9世纪美 国作 家霍桑 的长篇小说 。小 说 以两 百多年前
的殖 民地时期的美洲为题 材 ,但揭露 的却是 1 9世纪资本 主义发展 时期 美 国社会典法 的残酷 、宗教 的欺骗和道德 的虚伪 。主人公海 丝特被写成 了崇高道德 的善 的化身 。她的丈夫奇灵渥斯被写成 了一个一 心只想窥探 别人 内心的秘密从而伺机报仇的恶的化身。青年牧师丁梅斯代尔 则是善 恶交 加的人物。小说惯用象征手法 ,人物 、情节和语 言都颇具 主观想象

前生活 的地方 , 来到城市的边缘 ,以逃避社交活动。爱情和耻辱是指在 用 , 更多 的是象 征成为主观表现 的一种艺术 ,不单纯将主观与客观分 被发现犯有通奸罪时 ,海斯特没有为 自己进行辩 解,毅然决然承认 了自 割 的极其 明显 ,而是遵循 自己内心的想法和对小说故事情节 的整体构 者清晰的表达了 自己对于清教社会 的不 满情 绪 , 认 为清教对 于人 的惩 罚过于严重 ,且 压榨了人原本 的思想 。
映 出政府 的腐 败无 能 和不作 为 。
(二 )《红 字 》 中 “ 监 狱 ” 的 象 征
在小说 的第 一章就 提到 了监 狱 ,根据 对具体 内容和关键 词 的深
加 以 自身 的文字 功底 ,最终 为读者 贡献 出了精彩 的作 品 。本文 通过 《 红 字 》中 所 使 用 的 象 征 手法 包 含 的 多 种 含 义 、《 红 字 》 中象 征
百家争 鸣
商 品与质 量
・ 3 1 3・
《 红 字 》 象 征 手 法 的 运 用 探 究
孙 楠
(吉林 工商 学 院 , 吉林 长 春 1 30 0 6 2)
【 摘
要 】 《 红 字 》是在 十九世 纪 时由美 国著名作 家霍桑所 著写 的一部 长篇 小说 ,在 这部 著作 中第一 次运 用 了象征 这一手 法 ,是美 国
在象 征手法 的运 用中要 注意 区分 事 物的本体 和象征 体 ,写作 时 件却 又颇多惩 罚 ,呈现 出了本 末倒置 的奇怪 格局 。同时也鲜 明的反 应及 时 在 两者 之 间进 行 转化 ,防止 文字 的逻辑 性 出 现 问题 。而在

是 肮 脏 的 、 不 堪 的 、 非 正 常 的 , 从 出 生 就 注 定不 会 有 一个 快 乐 的童 年 。 珠 儿 生 于监 狱 之 中 ,成 长 与 不 公 之 中 ,但 命 运 还 是给 了珠 儿 天使 一般 的面 容 和 心 灵 。珠 儿 是海 斯 特 勇敢 追 求 爱 情 的产 物 ,是 追 求 美好 事 物 和 幸 福 所 需要 付 出 的沉 重代 价 的 象征 。 同 时 , 珠 儿 还 象 征 着 美 好 生 活 的 开 始 , 为 了 使 得 珠 儿 过 上 平 常 、 幸 福 的 生 活 , 海 斯 特 逼 迫 自 己经 历 痛 苦 的 蜕 变 , 最 终 追求 到 了 自 己 梦 寐 以 求 的 美 满 的 生 活 , 这 也 象 征 着 在 一切 理 想 事 物 到 来 前 都 必 须 经 历 一段 黑暗 的 、艰 辛的 岁月 。 2 .《 红 字 》 中象 征 手 法 所 表现 出 的 系 统 性 2 . 1 《 红字 》 中 “ 海 关 ” 的 象 征 小 说 开 篇 就 写 到 了海 关 , 国 内 外 众 多 学者 对 这 一 章 节 的 内容 都 有颇 多 争议 。 海 关 象 征 着 美 国政 府 , 而 海 关 关旗 就 象 征 着 当时 美 国政 府 的状 态 , 旗 帜 无力 萎 缩 和 政 府 当时 处 于 低 迷 的时 期 。 在 书 中对 海 关 一
投稿邮箱 :
自 z z s @s o h u e o m
《 红 字》象征手法的运 用探 宄
孙 楠 吉 林工 商 学院
【 摘 要】 红字》是在十九世纪时 由美国著名作家霍桑所 著写的一部长篇 小说 ,在这部著作 中第一次运用了象征这一手法,是美 国文学史中不可磨灭一段历 史。霍桑在小说的创作过程 中 创造性的大量使用象征的表现手法,小说 中所涉及到的人、场所 以 及 大自然中的一切景物都被赋予了特殊的意义 , 使得故事整体情 节更加新颖、 】 人入胜 ,具有跌宕起伏这 一特性 ,从而规避了平铺直叙。同时,象征手法的使用使得 小说 的内涵、意义大大提高 ,使得小说更具有艺术性和魅 力,读者在阅读的过程中回味无穷,留下了极大地想象空间。本文就对 《 红 字》象征手法的运用进行深入探 究。

论《红字》中象征主义手法的运用摘要:I.引言- 介绍《红字》- 简要说明文章的主题II.象征主义手法的定义和特点- 解释象征主义- 描述象征主义手法的特点III.《红字》中象征主义手法的具体运用- 分析《红字》中的象征元素- 解释这些象征元素在小说中的意义IV.象征主义手法在小说中的作用- 讨论象征主义手法如何增强小说的主题和表达力- 分析象征主义手法如何影响读者对小说的理解V.结论- 总结文章的主要观点- 提出对《红字》中象征主义手法的评价正文:I.引言《红字》是美国著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑的代表作之一,也是美国文学史上的一部经典之作。



个 天 真无 邪 的孩 子生来 就遭 受 到社 会 道德 的摒弃 ,如 的东西却是 清教徒们所 否定 的。但 是海斯 特对 于女儿
同小说中所述 : “Pe arl wa,a bo m ou tc as t of infa nt ile wor ld 深深的爱却部分地意味着她拒绝承认 自己的行为是
( 珠儿生来说是儿童世界里的一个弃儿) 此外,作者通 一种罪过。“A”字在珠儿身上,便是“天使”( Ang el ) 的
强而勇敢 ,有能力 、有个性 ,始终以乐观积极的态度对
霍桑在<红字》中塑造了美国小说 中第一位真正 的 待这个代表耻辱的红A字。与她相反 ,齐灵握斯同丁梅
女英雄 ,这就是女主角海斯特 。之所 以这样说,是 因为 斯代尔是一样的 ,他也可以被看作是清教主义的牺牲
她深深地牵连着她所生活存在性 别差异 的社会里 ,是 品,最终一无所得 。在霍桑眼中,清教思想是一种严厉
到她的婚姻是草率的。霍桑用prUti en t( 肉欲的)谐音作 为女主人公的姓氏pry n e ,揭示了罪恶的根源。其次,
pry n e也是pru ne ( 净化 ) 的谐音 ,霍桑不仅探究 了她犯
罪 的根 源 ,也 肯定 了她能够 负罪行善的壮举 。总之 ,海 斯特是 美好 爱情 的象征 ,同时她 的欲望代 表 她人性 中 霍 桑认 为 “恶 ”的一 面 ,她 的灵魂 的净化又 是霍 桑竭 力 推崇 的道 德行为。
的行为。以清教徒的眼光来看 ,这种行为无疑等同于
并不承认 自己真的有罪,进而树立起一个敢与命运抗 触犯了法律,但这个孩子却是没有义务来服从这些原
争 、追求 自由与幸福的新妇女形象。然而 ,小说中的珠 则的。在给予她生命的过程中,威严的法律触犯标记 ,被看作是“小 是一个生命的出现 ,这个生命可能是美好而聪明的,


论《红字》中象征手法的运用作者:戴晓婧来源:《成才之路》2010年第17期小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国文学史上杰出的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)的代表作。
红字A与海丝特·白兰(Hester Prynne)的命运是紧紧连在一起,在不同时期红字A有着不同的象征意义。
最初,红字A被小镇上人们视为“通奸”(Adultery)的缩写,羞耻的招牌,每个人都认为红字是海丝特通奸罪的象征;同时,“A”是海丝特的情人亚瑟·狄梅斯迪尔(Arthur Dimmesdale)的首字母,又是法语爱情(amour)的首字母,因此,“A”还代表女主人公海丝特心中澎湃起伏的情感(Affection),由此可见,“A”也象征崇高伟大的爱情。

论霍桑《红字》中象征手法的运用摘要:纳撒尼尔?霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne是美国19世纪伟大的浪漫主义小说家,长篇小说《红字》The Scarlet Letter是霍桑最杰出的作品。
关键词:霍桑;《红字》;象征手法;红字“A”;人物;场景霍桑的《红字》是19世纪美国杰出的浪漫主义小说,它以17世纪中叶清教统治下的波士顿为背景,围绕海丝特?白兰Hester Prynne、亚瑟?丁梅斯代尔Arthur Dimmesdale、罗杰?齐灵渥斯Roger Chillingworth和珠儿Pearl等四个主要人物的善恶、爱恨、惩罚与报复展开,同时揭露了19世纪资本主义发展时代美国社会法典的残酷、宗教的欺骗和道德的虚伪。

[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2013)-9-0-01一、引言作为一部历史题材的小说,《红字》描绘了17世纪北美新英格兰清教社会的生活风貌,暴露了清教主义统治下的社会黑暗。
二、象征手法的分析(一)四大人名的象征1、海斯特·普琳(Hester Prynne)海斯特(Hester)是位内外兼修的女性,“她身体修长,姿态优美;乌黑浓密的亮发与日月辉映;端正的五官,艳丽的肤色,加之她那清秀眉宇和乌黑双眼简直令人难以忘怀”,她还充满激情,心灵手巧,即使因罪受歧也坚强善良。
2、亚瑟·狄姆斯台儿(Arthur Dimmesdale)狄姆斯台儿是神职人员,新英格兰牧师,年轻英俊,却隐藏着通奸的罪名。


An Analyze of the Symbolism in theScarlet LetterContents1. Introduction (i)2. The Symbolic Meaning of the Images (i)2.1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters (i)2.1.1 Hester Prynne (i)2. 1.2 Roger Chillingworth (i)2.1.3Author Dimmesdale .................................................................................. .. (i)2.1.4 Pearl (i)2.2 The symbolic meaning of the Jail (i)2.3 The Symbolic Meaning of the Scaffold (ii)3. Conclusion (ii)An Analyze of the Symbolism in the Scarlet LetterAbstract:The Scarlet Letter is the 1st novel of symbolism in American literature. Being different from the romanticism, symboli sm is adopted to convey the author’s opinions in an indirect way. In this novel, Nathaniel Hawthorne artfully applied symbolism to express himself by creating several images with vivid and symbolic characteristics. This thesis mainly analyzes the symbolism applied in novel from three aspects: characters, jail and scaffold.Key Words: symbolism Puritanism adultery revenge摘要:《红字》是美国第一部象征主义小说。
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An Analyze of the Symbolism in theScarlet LetterContents1. Introduction (i)2. The Symbolic Meaning of the Images (i)2.1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters (i)2.1.1 Hester Prynne (i)2. 1.2 Roger Chillingworth (i)2.1.3Author Dimmesdale (i)2.1.4 Pearl (i)2.2 The symbolic meaning of the Jail (i)2.3 The Symbolic Meaning of the Scaffold (ii)3. Conclusion (ii)An Analyze of the Symbolism in the Scarlet LetterAbstract:The Scarlet Letter is the 1st novel of symbolism in American literature. Being different from the romanticism, symboli sm is adopted to convey the author’s opinions in an indirect way. In this novel, Nathaniel Hawthorne artfully applied symbolism to express himself by creating several images with vivid and symbolic characteristics. This thesis mainly analyzes the symbolism applied in novel from three aspects: characters, jail and scaffold.Key Words: symbolism Puritanism adultery revenge摘要:《红字》是美国第一部象征主义小说。
关键字:象征主义清教主义通奸复仇1. Introduction:The Scarlet Letter is Hawthorne’s famous fiction in which he revealed the dark side of Puritanism, as well as the harshness and persecution. It seems like a love story but actually it mainly reflected the society environment. Particularly, the author employed the symbolism to convey his ideas and thoughts. In which Hester is a vivid character created by Hawthorne.2. The Symbolic Meaning of the Images2.1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters2.1.1 Hester PrynneAs the main character in this novel, it is no doubt that Hester Prynne had been drawing more attention from the beginning. Readers may conclude what she suffered is a tragedy. But on the other hand, what she symbolized in the story is strong will, affection and loyalty. Anyhow, she deserves the attention.As the story happened in the 19th century in Boston, it was a period of Puritanism controlled. Anyone who inhabited on the island had to observe the stern puritan rules to survive from these cruel governors. However, Hester was the only one ventured to challenge the rigid religion regulations at the expense of burning enormous humiliation and shame in front of the public. Although she had committed the sin of adultery, she preferred to wear the scarlet letter “A” on her breast instead of naming the man with whom she committed adultery. “She was ladylike, too, after the manner of the femi nine gentility of these days” She was such a graceful woman in the writer’s book. Never had Heater intended to yield to the evil might. Her resistance had made her great. What the “A” embodied in her breast was not disgrace any more. Contrariwise, it just liked a scarlet rose--attractive and glittering. Undoubtedly, Hester was an unyielding woman with strong will.In this novel, Pearl, the daughter of Hester and Arthur, in fact, was one of the powerful currents to make Hester become a great woman. From the story we can perceive that Heater had an affectionate love towards Pearl. She spared no efforts to protect her daughter, not only her personal safety, but also her delicate dignity. She embroidered to support their lives. She dresses Pearl in bright highly—ornamented costume. She even begged the pastor not to take Pearl away from her. We can not deny that Heater was a tenderhearted mother through her profound affection for Pearl.Heater’s loyalty could be testified by her love for Arthur. She refused to nam e the man when confronting the roaming throng because she loved the man and cherished his life more than her own. She was willing to stand all the humiliation herself even though which was unfair for her.In all, Hester was described as a symbol of resister against Puritanism. “A” on her breast looked more dazzling and beautiful rather than shameful any more. The “A” ha d proved to be an angel. Nathaniel Hawthorne attempted to express his appeal to struggle for freedom and truth which was symbolized by Hester in that society.2.1.2 Roger ChillingworthHester’s previous husband, Roger Chillingworth was a fairly poor man in this novel. It’s the hatred that motivate d all his deeds, which also destroyed himself eventually. In this novel, he was a symbol of evil and monster.Used to enjoy great repute as a scholar, Roger Chillingworth could have led a decent life with his beautiful young wife---Hester. However, everything changed after the accident of the wreck of the ship. He suffered great shame because his wife had betrayed him. At the moment when he appeared from the forest to stand in front of the meeting house where Hester stood, he had made the decision to find out the man whom Hester committed adultery with and take revenge on the man, since then the plan for revenge began to spring up in his mind. His heart, his soul, as well as his blood were full of hatred. Especially when he discovered Arthur Dimmesdale was the sinful man, he took revenge on him crazily. He presented to be a physician to treat the sick Arthur, thus made Arthur suffered a lot both mentally and physically every day. But he did not satisfy with this, nor did he decide toforego his plan since the man had used to wrong him so much. Roger did not cease until Auther’s confession of his sin, whi ch Roger had never predicted before. With losing the only goal of his life, Roger died within years. What a poor man.An eye for an eye. A man with evil intention died miserably finally, he did not escape from the trap made by himself. Therefore he left people the impression that he was a pitiful man. In fact, what he did was turned to be in vain and his life was meaningless. Nathaniel Hawthorne tried to express his despise for these hypocritical people in this way, which was very impressive to the readers.2.1.3 Author DimmesdaleAuthor was also a vivid and symbolic image in this novel who represented cowardice.Author, used to committed sin with Hester, was indeed a coward. Witnessing Hester suffering humiliation before the crowd, he still pretended to be calm in order to maintain his respectable image among people in spite of the concerning Hester would speak his name out. He should have assumed the responsibility for the crime he had made, but he just preferred to escape. It doomed that he would bear the deep condemn from his inner conscience.Author was a character full of contradiction in this novel. On one hand, he stood for the stern power of Puritanism by complying with all the regulations. On the other hand, he disobeyed the rules with adultery. The author tried to criticize the contradiction of the Puritanism by creating such an image with two identifies.2.1.4 PearlJust as the name suggested, Pearl liked a pure and innocent angel in the story which was also associated with the scarlet letter “A”. Of course she was innocent because she did not involve in this sinful crime. Her voice and appearance were the symbol of angel. “She was to redeem the world”. She was described to stand for purity by the Nathaniel Hawthorne.2.2Symbolic Meaning of the Jail“The personage prefigured and represented in his aspect the whore dismal severity ofthe puritanical in code of law, which it was his business to administer in its final and closest application to the offender.” That is the description about the jail a nd jailers. Apparently, jail was a symbol of the strict puritanical regulations, it was protected by its loyal followers, who was symbolized by the jailers. The only difference lies in one was visible while the other was invisible. Hester was a victim of the jail in this novel.2.3The Symbolic Meaning of the ScaffoldThe word scaffold appeared several times in the Scarlet Letter was also given a particular meaning in this novel. We know its literal meaning is a stage to end one’s life, which symbolizes despair and hopelessness. However, Hester was put to the scaffold innumerable times, there she burn the great shame and humiliation herself. In addition, the scaffold also stands for the place where people were thrown into by the cruel religion rules and its loyal followers.3. ConclusionScarlet Letter was Nathaniel Hawthorne’s first work to employ symbolism. It was a great success because of the skillful use of symbolism. He applied symbolism to transmit his personal views towards the society as well as his hope for it. In particular, the symbolism used to create the characters, for each character was embodied a special meaning, which was very impressive and thought-provoking.Beside these images analyzed above, some other objectives also symbolized meanings in this novel, such as the forest and the pastor. In all, Nathaniel Hawthorne used symbolism successfully to clarify his thoughtBibliographyWu Weiren.1990. History and Anthology of American Literature:. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Yu Xuegong. 2001.Scarlet Letter. Shanghai: Xingsi Book Press.ChangY aoxin(常耀信).2006.《英国文学简史》.南开大学出版社。