
《英美国家文化概况》教学大纲课程名称:英美国家文化概况课程代码:190402043适用专业:商务英语学时:34学时(理论34 )学分:1开设学期:第4学期课程类型:专业拓展课(选修)编写执笔人:江金波编写日期:2020.5.31审定负责人:陈曦审定日期:2020.6.3一、课程定位1、课程的性质与作用该课程是商务英语专业拓展课,属于选修课。
英语国家概况 课程教学大纲 教案

(二)课程教学重点和难点1、重点:了解掌握5 个说英语的国家人文、地理、气候特征,政府政治与经济制度,以及文化教育特点。
(五)考核方式 : 期末考试(六)参考教材王恩铭《英语国家概况》上海外语教育出版社 2008谢福之《英语国家概况》外语教学与研究出版社 20071教学日历(语1-4’c )周星时授授课内容课外作业、参考书目书课教材页序名、章节、起教学大纲的章节、题目、形号、题序号止页码内容,章节、起止页码次期数式22 Mon.Wedn.Fri. 2 讲 P2-8 Part One : Geographic features of课 UK3 Mon.Wedn.Fri. 2 讲 P12-41 Part Two: The people and history课 4 Mon.Wedn.Fri. 2 讲 P42-61 Part three: Government and politics课 5 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲 P81-99 Part four: Religion and education 课 6 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲 Part five: Geographic features of 课 P 114-123 USA 7 Mon.Wedn.Fri. 2 讲国庆休假、实习课 8 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲课9 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲课 10 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲P 124-155 Part Six: History and American课 P145- 154 identity11 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲P156-175, Part Seven: Political situation and课 178-187 social service 12 Mon.Wedn. Fri 2 讲P188- 205 Part eight: Legal system, education 课 and Religion in American life 13 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲P 226-238Part Nine : The Land and people of 课Canada 14 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲Part Ten: History and culture life 课 15 Mon.Wedn. Fri 2 讲P239,262,271 Part Eleven: The land and people of课 P284-305 Australia16 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲 Part Twelve: Government, politics, 课 P317-338 culture life 17 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲 Part thirteen: The land and the 课P340 people of New Zealand 18 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲Part fourteen: History and political 课 P349-360system 19 Mon.Wedn.Fri 2 讲Review 课Lecture One Geography of U K Question for discussion:1) Where does Britain lie?2)What is its full name?33)What is the total land area of the United Kingdom?4)What is British Isles?5)How long does its coastline run?1. Geographic features and its total area.:Britain is situated in Western Europe and is separated from the European continent in the east by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel in the south. It is an insular(保守的)country. Its coastline runs 12,429 km, It is one of the countries with longest coastline. To thewest of it lies the Atlantic Ocean, across and beyond it is America. The Straits of Dover between France and England is quite narrow and itis 33 km across. In 1985 the British government and the French government decided to build a channel tunnel under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. Thischannel tunnel was opened to traffic in May 1994 after eight years hard work.The Britain faces Scandinavia Peninsular (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) to the northeast and to the North lies Iceland To the south across the English Channel lies France and Belgium and to the east across North Sea lie Germany and Holland.The total area is about 244,820 square kilometers.It Is over 1,000 km. from south to north and it is about 500 km.from west to east.2. The names of UKIts full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, usuallyshortened , abbreviated to the United Kingdom or U.K.. It may also called Great Britain, Britain or informally England.England: 130.000skm, 60% of whole island.British Isles: Two large islands and several small onesBritain:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Great Britain :England, Wales, ScotlandBritain is divided into highland area and lowland area.It has large mountain ranges : the Pennies :Bulk of Pennines(奔宁山脉) is moorland.The Cumbrian Mountain Range, the Grampian Mountains , the Cambrian Mountain Range and such important rivers as Thames River ,the Seven River, Mercy River, the Humber, the Clyde River and the Forth.Scotland has an area of 78,760 square kilometers in northern part.It is situated in the north of Great Britain with a good number of mountains and islands. There are 800 islands which contain Hebrides, Shetland and Orkney islands. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.Wales: Wales is in the west of Great Britain. It has an area of20,761 square kilometers and it take up less than 9% of the whole island. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. Most of Wales is mountainous. The hills rise steeply from the sea and rather flat on top. 6% of Wales is covered with forest and much of the country is pastureland for sheep and cattle. Wales on the WesternProminence. 20.700skm, 9% of the whole island.Wales was united to England in 14th centuryNorthern Ireland takes up the northern fifth of Ireland. It has an area of 14,147 square kilometers. It is made up of six counties that consist of fertile, drumlin [`dr?mlin] (鼓丘) countrysurrounding Lough Neagh. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. Mountains in the north4and south, separated by the fertile basin of Lough Neagh, mainly agricultural, industrial center: two ports– Belfast and Londonderry.3. Climate and Weather ------A maritime type of climate:1) moderated by the Atlantic Gulf Stream, milder than places in the same latitude. 2) equable: winters are mild, temperature exceed 4c inthe west, lower in the east. July about 18c. 13c in the northern Scotland.3) changeable day-t-day conditions.4) Rainfall throughout the year. No marked dry season.In Britain the weather is rainy, changeable and unpredictable. In fact it has a favorable maritime climate. It rarely rises above 32? in summer or falls below –10? in winter. Wintersare mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot.― Can I compare thee to the summer‘s day ?‖Rainfall: Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,ooo mm.It is rainy and so changeable and unpredictable. One can experience four seasons in the course of a single day. Britain is famous for its fogs. The smoke-fogs of the big town, which used to develop in winter time whenever there was not enough wind to blow the smoke away, were horrible, unhealthy and dangerous to movement4. Rivers and lakes and natural resourcesThere are many lakes and rivers in England: but not very large.1) the longest river: Severn River, 355km2) Thames River, 338km, in Oxford3) Clyde River in Scotland4) lakes lies in Northern Scotland & the Cambria Mountains and North Wales England is rich in coal, iron, tin, copper, oil and gasThere are no large land-based oilfields except in North Sea. (also gas)5. Exercise:Tell if the following are true or false1) The island of great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England , Scotland and Wales. ( + )2) People in different parts of Britain like to use the name Englandto refer to their country. ( - )3) Today more than half of people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language.( - ) 4) In terms of population and area, NorthernIreland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. ( - )5) The longest river of Britain originates in Wales. ( + )6) Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. ( + )7) Though the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperaturein Northern Scotland often falls below -10‘c in January. ( - )8) The two main islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. ( + )59) Cardiff is the capital city of Scotland. ( - )10) According to a 2005 census, Britain now has a population of 60 million. ( + ) 11) Among the four parts of United Kingdom, Wales is the smallest. ( - ) 12) English belong to the Germanic group of Indo-European family of language. ( + ) 13) Almost a quarter of the Britishpopulation lives in northwestern England. ( - ) 14) The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin and Greek words to English. ( + )15) The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the Norman influence. ( + )Lecture Two The People(1)Question for discussion:1) What are the Celtic languages? Are they still alive?2) How has English language evolved in history? Is it important tothe UK‘s class structure?3) What are the minor languages spoken in the UK,Overview: Population: 56,500,000English 80%; Welsh 5%; Scots 10%; Irish 4%.1. The English: Anglo-Saxon in origin, Germanic tribes conquered in the 5th, 6th AD. Norman French, Under William of Normandy in 1066. Welsh, Scot, Irish: Celts from north-western Europe, invaded Britain between700BC and 200BC.1.1 The characteristics of English people: reserved, unemotional, courteous; shy of strangers; suspicious of change and slow to accept new ideals; solid and dependable with a high sense of honesty, duty and justice; physically and morally courageous; conscious of his place inthe social order, disliking any show of emotion and lack of control.2. The Welsh is composed of two groups of people:1) sheep farmers in the mountainous regions of the centre and north;2) industrial workers in the south2.1 Characteristics of Welsh people: musical, emotional, cheerful, proud of their past, and welcoming to friends but suspicious of foreigners. They lived hard-working lives of the Welsh The culturalpride in Wales is very strong, famous for their love of music and poetry. Welsh is an ancient Celtic language, more different from English than English is from French or German.3. Characteristics of the Scots: inventive, hard-working, serious-minded and cautious withmoneyA) Highlanders live by farming sheep and fishing, being proud, independent, hardy B) Lowlanders live in industrialized urban areas.2) Great empire builders, fierce soldiers . ―Devils in skirts‖ or―ladies from hell‖ are nicknames ofScottish soldiers for their bravery.3) Distinctive national dress: kilt, pleated skirts( 百折裙)4.Characteristics of Irish: introspective(好反省的) dreamers and poets, argumentative and6aggressive.1) IRA: the Irish Republican Army on the Catholic side. 2) Ulster Unionists, (Loyalists) on the Protestant side.5 . Immigrants:1) escape political or religious persecution2) seek a better life3) A) from old dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South AfricaB) Eastern European refugeesC) West Indies, India & PakistanD) Chinese, Greek, Turkish Cypriots, Italian, Spaniards Emigration from Britain to Canada and Australia, USA (doctors, scientists) ---- “brain drain‖6. The Origins of a Nation6.1. early settlement (---55BC)A) the first immigrants: Iberians from Spain & Portugal about 5000 years ago.their relics: Stonehenge 石林(stone monuments) on Salisbury Plain in southwest of England.B) 3 waves: Celts from north-west Europe after 700 BC., 500 BC, and 100 BC — tall, red hair and blue eyes.C) Celtic conquerors blended with Iberian6.2. Roman Britain (55BC –410)1) Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55BC.2) Roman occupation lasted about 400 years.6.3 Impacts on its culture1) brought Christianity to England2) built roads all across Britain3) towns grew up along the Roman roads4) English upper classes became completely Romanized, Roman landowners and officials.5) Social systems: laws, taxes6) Roman language---Latin7) system of writing & numbering8) written description of the land, peoples9) engineering skills, architecture7. Anglo-Saxon times (446-871)Three Germanic tribes invaded England: Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The name England is namedafter Angles.7.1. Danish InvasionAt the turn of 8th century, Danes, or Vikings, invaded England from Norway & Denmark.8. NormansThe Norman Conquest in 1066.78.1 Consequences: William of Normandy and his French-speaking followers set up a strong central government which brought a new unified discipline and control to England. 8.2. French became the official language.8.3. established a feudal system.8.4. Contacts between England & France increased.Exercises:1. Decide whether the following are true or false:1) The British history before 55BC is basically un documented. (+)2) The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe ---the Britons. (+)th3) The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the mid 5 century. (+) th4) The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8 century.(+).2. Choose the best answer:1) The ____ attack on Roman ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic (d)th2) By the late 7 century, _____ Christianity became the dominant religion in England.A. CelticB. Anglo-SaxonC. GermanicD. Roman (d)Part I Politics Feudal EnglandRecorded history in Britain began in the year 55BC, when Julius Caesar and his Roman troopsththinvaded the island. Between the 8 and 5 centuries BC, the Celts inhabited the island and becamethe dominant residents. The name Britain came from the Britons, a Celtic tribe. In 43AD, Britainthsubsequently became a Roman province and it remains so until the beginning of the 5 century.Many of the native Celtic were driven to the mountainous region of Scotland and Wales, which remain unconquered by the Romans. The Roanswere excellent builders and they constructed towns and cities which prospered far longer than any previous settlements on the island. In 410, Germanic barbarians attacked Roman, forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain, which ended the Roman occupation of the island. These warriors included the Angles, the Saxons and Hutes. From that time on, English, the language of the Angles, replaced the old Celtic language as the dominant language of the land. As the Anglo-Saxon were not Roman Christian, St. Augustine was sent to Britain to convert the Anglo Saxon people in 587 with 40 missionaries. They converted many Anglo-Saxons to Roman Christians. Augustine founded a church and a monastery in Canterburythand became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 601. By the late7 century Roman Christianitythbecame the dominant religion in Britain. In the 8 century the Vikings from the Scandinaviancountries of Northern Europe to attack the English coast. The seven Anglo-Saxons= kingdom in England gradually united under Alfred the Great. In 1042, Edward the Confessor,, as a piousChristian, built Westminster Abbey, which exists today. On September 28, 1066, William crossed the channel with a formidable army. His army defeated the English army King Harold (brother in law of Edward) at the battle of Hastings. and began the Norman Conquest of England, which marked the establishment of feudalism in England.By the year 1154, Henry II, William‘s great grandso n, ascended the throne and thus began therule of the House of Anjou(also known as (the House of Plantagenet). Henry II is best remembered for his reform of the courts and the laws, He improved the courts of justice,8introduced the jury system and institutionalized common law. After Richard I, son of Henry II, was killed in France, his brother John ascended the throne in 1199. He was defeated in a war in France and lost Normandy in 1204. Dissatisfied with John‘s leadership, the lords forced him tosign the Magna Carta(大宪法), which is regarded as the foundation of the Britishconstitutionalism and it provides the basic principles for the protection of individual rights. P15 The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) was a series of wars between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne. This war had significant impact on the English society. It promoted the English concept of nationalism and promoted the development of the textile industry.The War of the Roses was a series of Civil War between two great noble families: the House of York, whose badge was a white rose, and the House of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose. Both houses battled for power, wealth and ultimately the throne. in the end , the House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII andstarted the rule of the House of Tudor, an efficient centralized government.1. Under William’s rule, the Normans changed England to a feudal state under an absolute kingship.2. King Arthur: in 6th, the central figure of many legends about him and his Knights of round Table.3. the Magna Carta– Great Charter, a document signed in 1215 byKing John, to recognize the rights of barons.4. Hundred Years’ War: between England & France from 1337 to 1453in France. French drove English partly through the inspiration of Joan of Arc (a French saint & national heroine), partly through the effective use of guns.5. Wars of the Roses: struggle for the throne of England (1455-1485)between . The houses of Lancaster, whose badge was a red rose, and York, a white rose. Impacts: the war weakened both nobility and the monarch.6. The Black Death: a deadly bubonic plague(淋巴腺鼠疫), struck Europe in middle of 14th,reached England in 1348. ? of the population died.7. Religious Revolution1) the Catholic Church:A) headed by the Pope;B) members accept the gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Bible.C) Any revolt against the traditional Christian faith was “heresy”.D) in the Middle Ages, Pope was powerful2) Protestant Church:A) whose faith and practice originated with the principles of the Reformation. B) Pope’s political power and religious authority declinedin 16th, Protestant churches sprang up in Northern Europe, and in the Elizabethan age, became gradually the do minant faith. 3) Henry VIII’s divorce question, married his brother’s widow, a Spanish princess, who gave adaughter, Mary, not a son.4) Bloody Mary: a devout Catholic, burnt so many protestants; succeeded by Elizabeth I. 5) Elizabethan age: literary achievement, Shakespeare, an age of adventure on the sea.There was an inevitable conflict between the Roman Catholic Churchand the King of9England who had established absolute monarchy. At that time , theonly person who could grant a divorce was the Pope. So Henry VII started the Reformation movement by declaring a break with Rome. He carried outa wholesale suppression of the monasteries and declared himself to bethe ―only supreme head of the church( in his Act of Supremacy in 1534). The Reformation was in essence a political movement in a religious guise.Part II The English Civil War1. a bitter power struggle (1642-1648) between the monarchy and Parliament.2. the victory of the Parliament led to the execution of Charles I in 1649, and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy.3. a republic founded by Oliver Cromwell for more than ten years.4. King Charles I: divine rights to govern,Ruled without parliament, levied taxes without parliament’s approval.5. Cromwell: Roundhead leader, defeated the King Charles I.The Glorious Revolution1. in 1688, Catholic king James II fled to France.2. the throne was offered to his Protestant daughter and her husband Dutch king William.3. the Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament to restrict the power of the Monarchy.4. beginning of the Constitutional Monarchy in Britain.5. Since then every English monarch rules by permission of Parliament.6. the theories of divine or hereditary right to the throne were ended.7. Bloodless Revolution7.Background:7.1. The 18th century saw ascendancy of the middle class in the life of the nation, with the development of commerce & industry.7.2. Glorious Revolution established the authority of middle class over the crown. 7.3. The union of Scotland and England into the nation of Great Britain --- the Act of Union of 1707.7.4. The Seven Years’ War (1756-63) in North America (French and India War) --- which left Britain predominant in North America and in India, Britain became the world’s leading colonialpower.7.5. In the 2nd half of the 18th century, the great economic and social changes were taking place in Britain --- agricultural and home-based trades and industries gradually gave way to factory-based industries with complex machinery.7.6. England was a great trade nation, with much private capital ready for investment. Not only was trade free to move throughout the British Isles, but also there was freedom of movement between the social classes. Middle class values encouraged self-reliance and enterprising initiative.7.8. Political leaders were interested in commerce. The growing population provided a market. Farmers‘ improved methods of cultivation freed much labor, which became available for employment in the town factories, and also increased food supplies for towns. 7.9 18th century was a time of peace and stability. Foreign plunder, the newly acquired wealth10after 7 years’war. Industrial Revolution first began in the textile industry, which was accelerated by important mechanical inventions ---- flying shuttle, spinning jenny, especially the steam-engine by James Watt in 1769.Results1. Factories came into being because they brought about more profits to the owners.2. New cities sprang up, population was concentrated in towns and cities.3. The power of influence of industrial capitalists grew greater.4. It gave birth a new social-economic class – proletariat who were exploited cruelly.5. It brought many economic advantages to Britain and made Britain rich and powerful. Chartist MovementThe Chartist Movement (1836-48): the industrial and commercial classes, with the support of the working classes, demanded to reform the old voting system.Exercise:Tell whether the following are true or false:1) The Magna Carts was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and thetownpeople. (-)2) The Hundred Years‘ War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for tradeand territory. (-)3) Westminster Abbey was built at the time of Edward the Confessor. (+)4) The Norman Conquest marked the establishment of feudalism in England. (+) 5) The end of the Wars of Roses led to the rule of the House of Tudor (+)6) The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King HenryVIII‘s efforts to divorce hiswife. (+)Lecture Three Government System P31A nation of Constitutional Monarchy1. The Monarch respects the Constitution.2. In law, the monarch is head of the executive, an integral part of the legislature; head of the judiciary; commander-in-chief of3. In the Glorious Revolution, William and Mary became the joint rulers of Britain, and the Constitutional Monarchy began.4. The Bill of Rights which was passed in 1689 restricted the power of the monarchy.The British Constitution1.1. It is unwritten1.2. Its components include Acts of Parliament, the Prerogative of the Crown, Conventions of the Constitution, Common Law and Parliamentary Privilege.1.3. It is more flexible than the written ones in other countries.2. Conventions of the Constitution2. 1. They form an important part of the Constitution just aswritten laws do. 2. 2. They are rules which are not written down but which everyone agrees must be followed in11practice.2. 3. They include the following:1) the powers of the Crown are exercised mainly by Ministers;2) the Queen must act on the advice of Ministers;3) Ministers are responsible to parliament for their actions;4) the sovereignty of Parliament3. Common Law3. 1. It is one of the main components of the British Constitution.3. 2. It refers to the Bills which have been passed by courts.3. 3. It marked a sharp decline in powers of the Monarch.4. The Bill of Rights4. 1. It was the Bill passed by the Parliament in 1689 after the Glorious Revolution. 4. 2. It laid down a number of things that future monarchs could not do. 4. 3. It marked a sharp decline in powers of the Monarch.4. 4. It marked the beginning of the British Constitutional Monarchy5. General Election5. 1. General Election is held at least every five years.5. 2. The country is divided into 635 constituencies, each of which returns one Member of Parliament.5. 3. The one who has the most votes in a constituency becomes a Member of Parliament. 5. 4. The leader of the party with the largest number of members returned to the House of Commons becomes Prime Minister.6. Party system in Parliament6. 1. The leader of the party with the largest number of members returned to the House of Commons becomes Prime Minister and is invited by the Queen to form a government; 6. 2. The party with the next largest numbers of supporters in the Commons becomes the official Opposition to Government.6. 3. The Prime Ministers and other ministers sit on the7. Political Parties7. 1. The UK has a two-party system.7. 2. The Conservative is major right-wing party.It supports free enterprise and is generally opposed to nationalization and to extending the social services. So conservatives are those who have something to conserve and they usually hate the great changes in society.It believes actively in the pursuit of greater social and economic equality. The Labor Party is a party of moderate socialism in favor of Nationalization of key industries. It has always been anti-Communist, supported by some middle class and intellectuals. It is also a main party for working class people.It draws most of its support from highly urban and industrialized people.127.3 . The Liberal Party is the third largest political party since 1922. 7.4. The Social Democratic Party was formed in 1981 by a small number of right-wing Labor party politicians.8. British Parliament8.1. It includes 3 elements:1) the Crown;2) the House of Lords;3) the House of Commons8.2. It is the supreme law-making authority in Britain.8.3. The real center of parliamentary power is in the House of Commons. 8.4. Other functions:1) to control and criticize the executive government;2) to control the raising and the spending of money.9. The House of Lords9.1. Its members are peers, most of whom are hereditary.9.2. Its powers have been severely reduced by the Parliament Acts of 1911 and 1949. 9.3. It must pass all financial legislation sent to it from the House of Commons, and can delay other Bills for only one year.9.4. It has a special judicial function.9.5. The Lord Chancellor=Speaker10. The House of Commons1). It consists of 635 elected Members of Parliament.2.) MPs have a number of privileges, eg. The freedom of speech in Parliament. 3). it is by far the most powerful and important element in Parliament, therefore plays the key role in the activities of Parliament as a whole.4.) The Speaker presides over the meeting in the House of Commons.Exercise:1. Answer the following questions:1) Which of the following is just rules and p ractices, but don‘t exist legally?A. Statutory LawB. Common LawC. Conventions2)The constitution can be altered or amended by Monarchy, so it is subjects to different bodies, like politicians, judges and scholars. right? *3) Who is the head of the executive branch ____? A. legislature,B .executive C. judiciary 4) Parliament consists of the king or Queen, the house of Lords and the House of Commons. Is it right?5) Prominent bishops of the church of England are included in the House of Lords? (yes) 6) What‘s the legislative function of the House of Lords? to examine the revise bills. 7). How often is a general election of the government held? 58). Which of the two Houses has the power of drafting new laws?9). The one important function of the House of Commons is scrutinize or restrain the actions of。

《英美国家概况》课程教学大纲一、课程大体信息课程代码:080355课程名称:英美国家概况英文名称:An Introduction to the Society and Culture of Major English-Speaking Countries课程类别:选修课学时:36学分:适用对象: 英语专业学生考核方式:考试先修课程:基础英语,英语语法,英语泛读等二、课程简介英美国家概况是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语专业限选课,旨在向学生介绍所学语言国家的社会和文化等背景知识,拓宽其知识面,帮忙学生了解要紧英语国家的社会与文化概貌,使其从文化和社会的角度加倍深刻地明白得和把握所学语言知识和技术。
This is an English Major elective which, mingling together the background information of English-speaking countries and knowledge of the English language, aims at introducing to students information on the society and culture of major English-speaking countries, thus enlarging their sphere of knowledge and enhancing their power to better understand and manipulate the knowledge and skills they have acquired.三、课程性质与教学目的1.课程性质英美国家概况是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语专业限选课。

“英美概况”课程教学大纲英文名称:Fundamentals in American and British Studies课程类型:专业必修课学时:72学时学分:4学分适用对象: 英语专业辅修班学生先修课程:“基础英语”“英语阅读”使用教材:1.来安方著《英美概况》2.朱永涛主编,《英语国家社会与文化入门》,高等教育出版社,2001年中文参考书目:1.邓炎昌主编,《现代美国社会与文化》,高等教育出版社,2002年2.邓蜀生著,《美国历史与美国人》,北京人民出版社,1993年3.王恩铭著,《当代美国社会与文化》,上海外语教育出版社,1996年4.余志远主编,《英语国家概况》,外语教学与研究出版社,2001年5.肖惠云主编,《当代英国概况》,上海外语教育出版社一、课程性质、目的和任务1.性质:本课程是知识性与实用性相结合的英语专业基础课程2.目的:课程旨在系统介绍英美两国的历史、地理、政治、经济等方面的情况;了解这些国家的文化传统,风俗习惯及社会生活其它方面的情况。

英语国家概况课程教学大纲第一篇:英语国家概况课程教学大纲《英语国家概况》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:03050201222 课程类别:必修课学时:总36学时;2学时/周学分:2学分适用专业:英语开课院(系):英语语言文化系开课学期:2009~2010学年第一学期二、教学目标及教学要求教学目标:根据全国专业英语教学大纲的要求,英语专业二年级英语国家概况的教学目标是培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,为学生升入三年级打下扎实基础。
三、教学内容及学时分配1.第一章Britain: Land and People(2学时)目的要求:掌握英国的自然、地理、人口概况。
2.第二章Britain: History I(2学时)目的要求:英国的古代史。
基本内容: 英国的古代史。
3.第三章Britain: History II(2学时)目的要求:英国的形成。
基本内容: 英国的形成。
4.第四章Britain: History III(2学时)目的要求:英国的近代史。

二、课程教学内容A. 英国部分(UK)a.人民,国土,天气,举止(People,Land,Weather and Behavior)b.政府,政治,传媒,警察,司法(Govenment,Politics,Mass media,Policeman and Justice)c.英联邦,宗教,社会福利,教育(Commonwealth,religion,socialwelfare,education)d.威廉`莎士比亚,伦敦,简史(Willian Shakespear,London,concise history)B.澳大利亚(Australia)a.国土,人民,气候(Land,people climate)b.教育,语言,政治制度(Education,language,political system)c.文化,历史(Culture,history)C.美国(US)a.国土,人民,气候,政府,种族问题(Land,people,climate,government,politics,race problem)b.教育,社会生活c.重大历史事件(important historical and historic events)D.加拿大Canadaa.早期加拿大及国家的形成Early Canada,the making of Canadab. 政府,政治c.社会生活三、实践环节、作业图书馆查阅资料,收集资料,撰写阶段性论文,继而连成课程(学期)论文。

二、课时分配三、教学组织Unit One Introduction to the UK[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 geographical features, climate2 characteristics of the UK3 history of the UK4distribution of the UK’s population[本章主要内容]:1 geographical features, climate2 characteristics of the UK3 history of the UK4distribution of the UK’s population[本章重点]:1 features of invasion of the UK2 the Great Empire, gentleman[本章难点]:Troubles in the Northern Ireland[本章思考题]:1.What is gentleman?2.The influences of the Great EmpireUnit Two The government of the UK[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions3 British government[本章主要内容]:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions3 British government[本章重点]:1 Constitutional Monarchy2 British parliament and its functions[本章难点]:Constitutional Monarchy[本章思考题]:1.How long do you think the royal family can exist?Unit Three Politics, class and race[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 understanding of the general election of the UK2 social class3 races[本章主要内容]:1 understanding of the general election of the UK2 social class3 races[本章重点]:1 the general election of the UK2 multiracial society[本章难点]:the general election of the UK[本章思考题]:1.The system of general elections and its influence in the worldUnit Four The UK economy[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 understanding the position of the UK after the WW II2. the reason of the decline3 characteristics of British agriculture and industry[本章主要内容]:1 understanding the position of the UK after the WW II2. the reason of the decline3 characteristics of British agriculture and industry[本章重点]:1 the reasons for the decline2.the trends for the British economy[本章难点]:the reasons for the decline he general election of the UK[本章思考题]:1.The privatization and reform in the economic developmentUnit Five British literature[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of British literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章主要内容]:1 the history of British literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章重点]:1 the history of British literature2 well-known writers[本章难点]:divisions of literal periods[本章思考题]:1.Describe a writer/ a school/work you are most familiar with?Unit Six British education system[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章主要内容]:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章重点]:1 the history of education2 education systems[本章难点]:higher education[本章思考题]:1.Compare British and Chinese higher educationUnit Seven British Foreign Relations[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and international institutions3 Britain and the United States[本章主要内容]:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and international institutions3 Britain and the United States[本章重点]:1 UK foreign policies and their makings2 Britain and the United States[本章难点]:Britain and the United States[本章思考题]:1.The change of British image in international world from Iraqi warUnit Eight the British Media[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media3 television media[本章主要内容]:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media3 television media[本章重点]:1 British newspapers2 broadcast media[本章难点]:British newspapers[本章思考题]:1.The functions of media in cultural acquisitionUnit Nine American beginnings[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 a new land2 the settlement in Virginia3 Puritan New England4 Catholic Maryland5 Quaker Pennsylvania6 American revolution[本章主要内容]:1 a new land2 the settlement in Virginia3 Puritan New England4 Catholic Maryland5 Quaker Pennsylvania6 American revolution[本章重点]:1 A new land2 American revolution[本章难点]:American revolution[本章思考题]:1.How did modern development in Europe influence the settlement of North American colonies?Unit Ten Political system in the United States[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of :1 legislative branch2 executive branch3 Judicial branch4 political parties[本章主要内容]:1 legislative branch2 executive branch3 Judicial branch4 political parties[本章重点]:1 Checks and balance2 Political parties[本章难点]:checks and balance[本章思考题]:Compare the political systems between the UK and the USAUnit Eleven American economy[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1.industry revolution2.free enterprise3 . American agriculture[本章主要内容]:1.industry revolution2.free enterprise3. American agriculture[本章重点]:1 free enterprise2. the roots of affluence[本章难点]:the roots of affluence[本章思考题]:The influences of American economy on the worldUnit Twelve Religion in the USA[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1 religious liberty2. protestants in the USA3. Catholics in the USA[本章主要内容]:1 religious liberty2. protestants in the USA3. Catholics in the USA[本章重点]:1 religious liberty2 religious diversity[本章难点]:American character of religion[本章思考题]:The effects of religion on American culture and everyday lifeUnit Thirteen American literature[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of American literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章主要内容]:1 the history of American literature2 writers3 schools4 divisions of literal periods[本章重点]:1 the history of American literature2 well-known writers[本章难点]:divisions of literal periods[本章思考题]:Describe a writer/ a school/work you are most familiar with?Unit Fourteen Education system in the United States[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章主要内容]:1 the history of education2 education systems3 higher education[本章重点]:1 the history of education2 education systems[本章难点]:higher education[本章思考题]:1.Why American schools have more international students than any other countries?Unit Fifteen Social problems in the USA[教学目标与要求]:Understanding of:1 racial problems2 drug abuse3 crimes4.abuse of power by government and corporation[本章主要内容]:1 racial problems2 drug abuse3 crimes4.abuse of power by government and corporation[本章重点]:1 racial problems2 drug abuse[本章难点]:racial problems[本章思考题]:Why is it perceived as a major threat to American society?Unit Sixteen Post-WWII American foreign policy[教学目标与要求]:understanding of:1 the beginning of the cold war2 arm races3 the engagement and expansion[本章主要内容]:1 the beginning of the cold war2 arm races3 the engagement and expansion[本章重点]:1 the cold war2 the engagement and expansion[本章难点]:the cold war[本章思考题]:The current international relationships and the role America plays in it四、课程考核学生总评成绩取决于学生的出勤情况、课堂参与、学期论文、课后作业和期末考试成绩。

三、教学内容及具体要求Chapter 1 Land and People of the UK授课学时:4教学内容:英国的国土和人民基本要求:通过教学使学生对英国国家的组成、地理、气候、旅游名胜等有一个初步的了解,熟悉英国的主要民族及英国人的性格特点。
Chapter 2 The Origins and Shaping of the Nation授课学时:6讲授内容:英国国家起源和形成基本要求:通过本节课的教学,使学生了解英国历史,掌握主要历史事件及人物。

《英美概况》教学大纲课程名称:英美概况课程代码:04213020课程类别:公共基础课课程性质:必修总学时:64 理论学时:64先修课程:《综合英语》适用专业:应用英语、商务英语开课单位:经管学院一、课程性质、目的课程性质:《英语国家概况》是英语专业的一门知识性基础课。
【教学时数】 6【教学重点和难点】重点:英国社会背景文化知识介绍。
【教学时数】 6【教学重点和难点】重点:英国政府体制的特色;民族等级制度对人民生活的影响;英国经济发展的原因。


《英美国家文化概况》教学大纲课程名称:英美国家文化概况课程代码:190402043适用专业:商务英语学时:34学时(理论34 )学分:1开设学期:第4学期课程类型:专业拓展课(选修)编写执笔人:江金波编写日期:2020.5.31审定负责人:陈曦审定日期:2020.6.3一、课程定位1、课程的性质与作用该课程是商务英语专业拓展课,属于选修课。

《英语国家概况》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号:990130120课程中文名称: 英语国家概况课程英文名称:A Survey of the United Kingdom and the United States of America 课程类型:专业方向必修课总学时:36 理论学时:36学分:2适用专业:初中毕业起点五年制小学教育专业英语方向2012级专科段先修课程:综合英语英语阅读英语视听说开课院系:小学教育系二、课程性质和任务《英语国家概况》是一门集英语国家背景知识和英语语言知识为一体的英语业必修课,是知识性与实用性相结合的英语专业基础课程,旨在向学生介绍所学语言国家的社会和文化等背景知识,拓宽其知识面,帮助学生了解主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,使其从文化和社会的角度更加深刻地理解和掌握所学语言知识和技能。

* 足球、板球、赛马、高尔夫、 网球
* 博物馆、科技馆、音乐、戏剧 * 圣诞节、复活节、 苏格兰新年、
万圣节 * 结婚、餐饮、城市
* 英国邀请、吃饭、打电话的风 俗习惯
* 英国人的特点
* 说一下你对英国体育赛事的 了解情况
* 说一下你对莎士比亚的了解 * 说一下你的圣诞节经历 * 你知道这几个节日是怎么来
* 美国的地理位置 * 美国的 50 各州及其基本情况
* 美国的地理位置情况 * 美国的五大湖
* 说一下你对美国的基本了解 * 从地图上找出美国的位置
* 说一下你对美国人的了解 * 说一下你对美国各个州的了
参考 学时
2 美国历史
3 美国政治体系 4 美国宗教 5 美国经济 6 美国教育 7 美国社会运动 8 美国文化生活
一、 课程基本信息
课程名称 课程类型 总学时 开设学期 修订日期
英美概况 专业必修课
60 第一 - 二学期 2011 年 9 月
课程编号 适用专业
总学分 修订人 审核人
1601005000 商务英语 4 于晓晶 杜文捷
《英美国家概况》 为英语专业一年级的专业基础课。 本课程提供英美两国的历史、 地理、 政治、经济、文化传统、风俗习惯及社会生活等方面的情况,在加深对两国国情了解的情况
单元 ∕课
*了解英国总体的基本情况 * 英国四周海域名字及英国四

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英语国家概况复习The Republic of Ireland Geography and History本章概论:1. 爱尔兰共和国的地理特征--- the Emerald Isle--- The Central Lowland--- bogs--- the Shannon River2. 爱尔兰共和国的气候--- mild, moist and changeable--- excessive rainfall3. 爱尔兰共和国的人口和宗教--- the Great Famine--- one of the most Catholic countries of Europe4. 爱尔兰共和国历史--- The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 4325. 爱尔兰共和国的外交政策--- neutrality and nonalignment1. 简答题:Why Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle?----- Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of its rich green countryside.爱尔兰也因其乡村绿荫葱葱而被称为绿宝石岛第一部分:Geographical Features1. 识记要点:Why Ireland has been geographically compared to a basin?----- Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highlands.2. 识记要点:The central plain area is characterized by many lakes, bogs (wet areas) and low ridges.Variety is the main feature of the lowlands.The Central Lowland is the heart of Ireland.3. 简答题:What is the largest river in Ireland? Why is it very important?----- The largest river in Ireland is the Shannon River. It is very important because itprovides electric power for much of the Republic.4. 简答题:Bogs remain the most significant feature of Irish landscape.第二部分:Climate and Weather1. 简答题:What are the characteristics of Ireland’s climate?----- The weather of Ireland is described as “mild, moist and changeable.”2. 识记要点:Ireland suffers from excessive rather than deficient rainfall.3. 识记:The Central Lowland is the area of the lightest rainfall in Ireland, with two areas that receive less than 762 mm per annum.4. 识记要点:The climate of the Northeast is cooler throughout the year than in the rest of the country.第三部分:Population and Religion1. 简答题:The year 1845, when the Great Famine began, marks the end of one era and the beginning of another in the social history of Ireland.2. 识记要点:There are two official languages in Ireland. They are Irish (or Gaelic) and English. Ireland is one of the most Catholic countries of Europe.Today 93% of the Irish population are Roman Catholics.The Anglican Church of Ireland is the largest non-Catholic denomination.第四部分:Historical Background1. 简答题:The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 432 was perhaps the most important event in Irish history and transformed the island into a centre of learning and Christian culture.2. 选择题:Henry VIII was the first king to bring all Ireland under English control.3. 识记:The Penal Laws deprived Catholics and Dissenters of all legal rights.4. 识记:In 1948, Ireland voted itself out of the Commonwealth and on April 18, 1949 declared itself a republic.A free trade area with the United Kingdom was established in 1966.In 1973 the Republic was admitted to the EC.第五部分:Foreign Policy1. 简答题:Since independence Ireland has adhered to a policy of neutrality and nonalignment. 2. 识记:Ireland established diplomatic relations with China on June 22, 1979.Ireland Today本章概述:1.爱尔兰共和国的政治概况2. 爱尔兰共和国的经济2. 爱尔兰共和国的教育和文化第一部分:Political Structure1. 简答题:Ireland is a parliamentary republic and a unitary state under the 1937 Constitution. 2. 识记:The head of state is the president, elected by direct suffrage for a term of seven years. 国家元首是总统,直接投票选举产生,任期七年。
3. 选择题:The government’s responsibility to the Dail is collective.4. 识记:All the legislative powers are vested in the national parliament.The national parliament has two Houses. They are the House of Representatives and the Senate.TDs and Senators are elected for five-year terms.第二部分:Political Parties1. 识记要点:Ireland has a bipolar political party system with two major parties: Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.They are both descended from Sinn Fein.Sinn Fein was split in 1921.The only other national party of some size is the Labor Party.2. 选择题:The Irish Labor Party is the oldest of all parties in Ireland.第三部分:The economy1. 选择题:Ireland is a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.2. 识记要点:Ireland is one of the least developed countries in the EC. Its small economy is marked by slow growth, high unemployment and imbalances in public finance.3. 论述题:What is the most significant recent development in Irish agriculture? Why do we say the most significant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community?----- The most significant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community. EC membership enabled Irish farmers to participate in the Community’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and export their products to a wider range of markets.4. 选择题:Ireland is now the largest producer of lead and zinc concentrates in Europe.5. 简答题:*Turf is considered as a solid fuel in Ireland.6. 识记要点:Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total exports.第四部分:Education1. 选择题:Ireland’s oldest university is the University of Dublin, of which Trinity College is aconstituent. It was founded in 1591.The National University is the nation’s second institution of higher learning.第五部分:Media and Culture1.Today the "Irish Times" is the nation’s m ost influential daily.The Irish Independent is a best-selling daily.Some 250 magazines are published in Ireland.2. 简答题:Irish newspapers are forbidden to refer to the Irish Republican Army because the IRA is an illegal organization in Ireland.3. 简答题:The most well-known Irish writer of the modern period is James Joyce.Ulysses is Joyce’s masterpiece. The novel describes the events of one day in the lives of several people in Dublin, and explores their subconscious minds.补充内容:What is the significance of the Peace Agreement on Northern Ireland signed on 10th April, 1998?----- An agreement was signed on 10th April, 1998 by eight of Northern Ireland’s ten political parties and by representatives of the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom who were the cosponsors of the talks. The agreement would create a new provincial assembly establishing a power-sharing arrangement between the majority Protestants and minority Catholics and return a measure of self-government to Northern Ireland after 26 years of direct rule by the United Kingdom. It would establish a North-South council promoting cooperation between Northern Island and the Republic of Ireland. The significance of the Peace Agreement on Northern Ireland is that it would end the violence in Northern Ireland and lay the foundations of peaceful coexistence between the two communities in Northern Ireland and between the North and the South.The United States of AmericaChapter 13 Geography第一部分:Location and Size1. 美国的地理位置:The continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its south, the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west.2. 识记:The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continental United States.3. 简答:Why does the United States have an ideal location for trade?The United State has an ideal location for trade. Its Atlantic coast faces the developed countries of Western Europe and its Pacific coast and Hawaii give the nation an approach to the Far East and Australasia.4. 美国最大和最小的州:Of all the states Alaska is the largest in area and Rhode Island is the smallest, but on the mainland Texas is the largest state of the country.5. 美国两大主要山系:the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky mountains6.落基山脉的最高峰:the Elbert7. 落基山脉--大陆分水岭:The Rockies, the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.8. 名词解释:the Continental Divide----- The Rockies, the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide, it is an imaginary north-south line that separates streams that flow into the Pacific Ocean from those that flow into the Atlantic.9. 有关the Mississippi 的重点:Lying between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains is one of the world’s great continental rivers—the Mississippi. The Mississippi proper rises in the lake region in North Minnesota and flows south to the Gulf of Mexico.The Mississippi has been c alled “father of waters” or “old man river”.10. The Ohio River的别称:The Ohio River has been called the American Ruhr (after the Ruhr River in Germany).11. 太平洋沿岸的河流:On the Pacific side there are two great rivers: the Colorado in the south, and the Columbia, which rises in Canada.12. 美国的大湖区:The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes. They are Lake superior, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the U.S.), Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.注:可以用Homes 这个单词来帮助同学们记忆美国的五大湖,H 代表Lake Huron, O 代表Lake Ontario, M代表Lake Michigan, E代表Lake Erie, S代表Lake Superior. 其中Lake Superior是世界上最大的淡水湖, Lake Michigan完全在美国境内13. 五大湖的重要性:The Great Lakes are the economic lifeline of the Midwest, they provide cheap transportation for materials14. 简答:What are the benefits of the lakes, rivers and seacoasts of the United States?----- The long and irregular seacoasts provide many excellent harbors. A large network of lakes and the Atlantic and Gulf rivers links the interior of the country with the coastal cities. Many swift rivers provide good sources of hydroelectric power.15. 论述:What are the factors which influence the climate of the United States?----- (1). The United States is located in the middle latitudes north of the equator. Like China many seasonal changes are found there.(2). The cilmate of the United States is influenced by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes. These large bodies of water help keep temperatures moderate in the regiones bordering them.(3). Ocean currents influence the climate over wide regions. The southeastern coast is warmed by the Gulf Stream. New England is cooled by the waters of the Labrador Current, which enters the Gulf of Maine.(4). The western mountain ranges have an important effect on the climate of the Far East. The Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges prevent westerly winds from bringing moisture to the intermountain region of the West. The Interior Plains of the Midwest, on the other land, are exposed to both the cold northern winds from Canada and the tropical winds from the Gulf of Mexico.16. 有关New England 的重点:---New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America. It was the chief centre of the American War of Independence of 1776 and was also the nation’s first industrial area.---New England is also well-known for its position in education. Yale, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are located here.---Because of New England’s cool climate, beautiful scenery, and places o f historic interest, tourism is quite developed here and is one of the most profitable industries. ---New Englanders were originally known as Yankees, which came to stand for allAmericans.17. 为什么Midwest 的农业比较发达?----- Midwest is a low area. Many parts are flat. The climate is humid continental. The soil is rich, the rain usually plentiful and the growing season long. These factor make the Midwest America’s most important agricultural area.18. 关于Chicago:Chicago, the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes, is the largest industrial and commercial centre of the area. Chicago is also the cultural capital of the Midwest. 19.Omaha, known as the agricultural capital of the United States.20.The South now contains 90% of the American textile industry.21. The West 被分为三部分:The West can be divided into three parts: the Great Plains; the Rocky Mountains; the Intermountain Basin and Plateaus.22.Colorado has been called the steel city of the west.23. 美国著名的国家公园:Yellowstone National Park / Rocky Mountain National Park / Glacier National Park 24. 胡佛水坝Hoover Dam built on the border between Nevada and Arizona is one of the highest dams in the United States.25. 科罗拉多大峡谷The Grand Canyon in north-western Arizona is one of nature’s most impressive sigh ts. The bright colors of the canyon walls are a wonderful sight.26. The Intermountain area 的各大城市及其特点:--- Phoenix is the largest city in this area. It is famous as a health resort and vacation spot.--- Tucson is a well-known winter resort--- Albuquerque is a centre for touring the lands of Native American Peoples and is the site of New Mexico’s state university.--- Salt Lake City is the centre of transportation and trade for a large part of the area. The largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau.27. 关于the region of the Pacific Coast 的重点:The region of the Pacific Coast is characterized by a series of mountain ranges and fertile river valleys.California’s Imperial Valley is one of the world’s most famous irrigated areas.28. 关于Hawaii:Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, is located on Hawaii and erupts from time to time.Tourism is Hawaii’s most important industry.Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii.Population, Race and Ethnic Groups1. 关于美国人口:The United States of America, with a population of 255.5 million in July1992, is the third most population country in the world after China and India.Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth.2.*The United States had a more or less open-door policy to immigrants from independence until the 1960s.*Ellis Island of New York was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890s and at the turn of the century.3. 简答:Why the United States has long been known as a nation of immigrants?----- The United States has long been known as a nation of immigrants because many of its people descend from settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land then populated by native American tribes.4.The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. 5. 名词解释:indentured servants----- In early settlement in America, some came to the new Continent as indentured servants. These were poor people in Europe who wanted to seek better life in America yet had no money to pay the cross-Atlantic fare. They signed contracts with companies or individuals, committing to work for their masters a specified term in exchange for the journey’s expenses to America.6.the largest immigration movement took place in 18157. 论述题:Say something about the three immigration waves.----- The first immigration wave began in the mid 1810s, grew steadily during the 1830s and 40s and reached the highest point in1845. The second wave covered the period between 1860 and 1890. The third wave was the largest of he three, it happended between 1890 and 1914.8.Mobility is considered to be one of the characteristics of the American people.9. 论述题:Describe the 4 population movements in the U.S.答题要点:*the first movement: from the end of the Civil War to 1880 --- westward movement *the second movement: from 1890 to 1920 --- from rural areas to cities*the third movement: from 1920 to 1960, with the 1940s, the war years, as the peak --- a large number of black people move out of the South to other areas*the forth movement: from the end of the 1960s till now --- from the Northeast and Central North to the West and the South, that is, to the sunbelt areas10. 有关The blacks 的重点:*The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. is the blacks.*The first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619.*In order to keep the black slaves under control, the slave-owners resorted to brutal methods.*"Uncle Tom’s Cabin" and "Roots" are two novels giving a vivid description of th e miserable life of the black slaves.*The slave system was formally ended by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.*The poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groups. 11. 简答或名词解释:The Civil Rights Act of 1964 added protections for the blacks for the right to vote, to use public facilities and to enjoy the same education as white people. It also contained provisions guaranteeing equal employment opportunities.12. 识记:The V ote Rights Act of 1965 was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote13. 名词解释:Hispanics----- Hispanics refer to the Spanish-speaking population of the United States, who is large, diverse and rapidly growing one.14.Three major Hispanic groups historically have had the greatest influence on the United States, Mexican-Americans, or Chicanos, make up the largest group; the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.15.The most important obstacle to Hispanic success in the labor market is their low education.16. 有关the Asian-Americans 的重点:*The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States.*Experts say three Asian traditions best explain the success of Asian-Americans: education, hard work, and family.*The largest group of Asian-Americans are the Chinese-Americans.*Most of the Chinese settled in California.17. 名词解释:powwow----- The American Indians are making efforts to keep and develop their cultures, one example is the reappeara nce of the “powwow”, a community celebration including crafts, food, dance, song and the playing of drums.18. 名词解释:WASPs----- Traditionally, the mainstream Americans were called WASPs, that is, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.。