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பைடு நூலகம்peak out
1) Don’t go home alone, Joan.
2) Little stroke fell great oaks.水滴
3) As you sow, you shall mow.种瓜
4) A straw will show which way the
/aʊ/发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow
ou: house mouse mouth trousers ow: flower cow how now down 根据发音规则,选出不发/aʊ/的单词。 1. mouse cloud arm clown 2. teacher trousers cow mouth 3. town dance flower house 4. tower blouse now baby
3.time tape train snake
4.rain soap cake train
1) A: What a beautiful cake!

B: Yes, it’s Kate’s birthday cake. A: How old is she? B: She is eighteen today. A: Happy birthday to Kate.
/aʊ/ /ɔɪ/
发音要点: 1.由第一个音/e/的舌 位向第二个音/ɪ/的舌 位滑动,但不到/ɪ/音 的舌位,即告发音结 束; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床介于半开半合 之间向半合接近,由 大到小; 4.唇形扁平。
[eɪ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay
a: cake make name game snake gate lazy
ai: rain train wait
ay: day May play today way
根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单 词。
1.face wave sheep tail
2.grape plane
name coat
Speak out
1) No pain, no gain.不吃苦中苦,没
2) Call a spade a spade. 实话实说 3) A penny saved is a penny
4) Haste makes waste.欲速则不达 5) I hate to trouble you, but…我不
A: What will you do tomorrow?
B: let’s go to the Summer Palace to
row a boat, shall we? A: Oh, I’ve listened to the radio. The broadcast says tomorrow it will rain. A: In that case, we could just stay at home.
2) A: Mrs. Taylor’s a good
dressmaker, isn’t she? B: Yes. The new dress she made is great. A: Maybe I need her to make one for me. A: Wait a second, Jane. It’s time to bake the bread.
i: kite bike nice tiger write knife y: by cry fly my sky try why ie: tie pie uy: buy

根据发音规则,找出每组中发/ aɪ /的2个单词.
1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse 3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small tennis kite
Speak out
1) Strike while the iron is hot.趁热
打铁 2) Time and tide wait for no man.岁 月不待人。 3) A stitch in time saves nine.及时 处理,事半功倍。
4) Great minds think alike. 英雄所
双元音 The Diphthongs
时由第一个音向第二个音滑动过程 中没有任何停顿。 双元音发音饱满、圆润。第一个音 长而响亮,第二个音短而模糊. 前重 后轻,前长后短 避免把双元音单音化
合口双元音 The Closing Diphthongs

A: I need someone to help me with
the housework. B: What do you want me to do? A: Well, milk the cow, kill the mouse, wash the towel, and clean the house. B: How could you find someone like that? A: That’s what I am worried about.
A: Try the French fries.
B: Well, the smell is so nice. Mm, they
are fried really well. A: Let’s have ice-creams for dessert. B: How many ice-creams are there in the fridge? A: Let me see. Nice. Three of them are pineapple flavor. B: Well, I prefer pineapple flavor icecreams.
wind blows.草动知风向。
5) I’d like to propose a toast.我提议
6) I know what you know. 我知道

/ əʊ/ coal loan pose toll bowl hold note
/‫כ‬:/ call lawn pause tall ball halt naught
A: I’m going to the grocery store.
Would you like to go with me? B: Sorry. I have to write a letter. A: Anything I can do for you? B: Can you get some tomatoes for me? A: Ok. How many do you want? B: One kilo. Thanks.
A: Hey, Rachel. Did you take the
test? B: No, I couldn’t make it. I went to see a Broadway Play. What a shame! When will you take the makeup test? Maybe in April or May?
/ əʊ /
发音要点: 1.由第一个音/ə/的舌位向第
二个音/ʊ/的舌位滑动;但 合口双元音/ əʊ /中第一个 音/ə/的舌位略高于单元音 /ə/的舌位,接近第十一号 元音[ɜ:]的舌位,而第二个 音不到后元音/ʊ/的舌位即 告发音结束; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由接近半合到略小于 半合,由大到小; 4.唇形由扁平偏圆到略圆。
/ aɪ /
发音要点: 1.第一个音/a/是前元音,
舌前部抬高,舌位最高 点介于舌前和舌中,由 /a/音向/ɪ/音滑动,不到 /ɪ/ 音,即告发音完成; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由全开到半合; 4.唇形扁平,由大到小。
/ aɪ /发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy

A: You bought a new motorcycle,
didn’t you? B: Yes. How do you like it? A: It’s really stylish. Did you ride it? B: Sure. I’ve tried it.
6) There’s no way I can get out of it.

/eɪ/ age late pain sail fail hail jail wane
/e/ edge let pen sell fell hell jell when

/ aɪ / bike height mine pile sight dime kite lime
/æ / back hat man pal sat dam cat lamb
发音要点: 1.第一个音/a/由于受到后元
音/ʊ/的影响,其舌位最高 点略后于双元音[aɪ]中的第 一个音/a/。舌身/a/向后元 音[ʊ]滑动,略低于/ʊ/的舌 位,即告发音完成; 2.舌位由低到高; 3.牙床由全开到半合; 4.唇形由扁平到圆形,由大 到小。
Speak out
1) Round and round he danced in
front of the crowd. 2) Brown spends hour after hour among his flowers. 3) March wind and April showers bring May flowers.

1) A: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown.
B: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Howard. A: Listen. Who’s shouting? B: That’s my son singing. But he sounds like he’s shouting.
ties on their tiny tails.
A tidy tiger tied a tie
tighter to tidy her tiny tail
Ripe white wheat(麦子)
reapers reap(收割) ripe white wheat right.

A writer named Wright was instructing(指导) his little son how to write Wright right. He said:“ It is not right to write Wright as ‘rite’-try to write Wright aright(正确地)!
/ əʊ /发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow
o: nose rose no over oa: boat coat soap goat ow: show window snow bowl 根据发音规则,圈出每组中发/ əʊ /的2个单词。 1. coat goat tree river 2. make window knife road 3. your white row coat 4. boat hen nose lamp
5)The moon and the stars come
out at night.
Tongue twister
No need to light a night
light on a light night like tonight.
Ten tiny tigers tied ten tiny