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《Progress in Human Geography》2011年
1.Tourism geography in China, 1978-2008: Whence, what and whither? 1978-2008年中国旅游地理学研究:根源,内容和未来
2.Reconstructing scale: Towards a new scalar politics 重构尺度:新尺度政治学(“尺度政治学”概念取代“规模政治学”概念)
3.A taxonomy for communication geography 通讯地理学
4.Human geography and the institutions that underlie economic growth 人文地理学与刺激经济增长制度的研究(人文地理学同制度经济学的结合)
5.【R】Geographies of production I: An evolutionary revolution? 生产地理学:一场进化式的革命(经济地理学中对渐进式/进化式方法不断增长的兴趣)
6.Cartographic calculations of territory 地域制图计算
7.Geographies of food: ‘Afters’食品地理学:“正餐后的甜点”
8.Sedgwick’s geographies: Touching space维克的地理学思想:触动空间(酷儿理论)——学科交叉
9.【M】Why we disagree about climate change: Understanding controversy, inaction, and opportunity. 我们为什么不同意气候改变:
10.【M】one homeland or two? The nationalization and transnationalization of Mongolia’s Kazakhs.家园,一个还是两个?蒙古哈萨克族的民族化和国际化
11.【M】the sociology of intellectual life: the career of the mind in and around the academy
12.【M】degrees without freedom? Education, masculinities and unemployment in north India. 没有自由的学位?教育,男性,失业—以北印度地区为例
13.The reshaping of the British welfare system and its implications for geography and geographers 英国福利体系重塑对地理学及地理学家的启示
14.Citizenship, care and companionship: Approaching geographies of health and bioscience 市民,照顾与陪伴:走进健康地理学和生物科学(生物公民身份/biological citizenship;伴生种/companion species;生物科学地理;健康地理;本体政治)
15.【R】The Great Indoors: Research frontiers on indoor environments as active political-ecological spaces 研究前沿:作为政治生态活跃空间的市内环境研究(消费地理学;具体化;封闭;环境性、市内环境、政治生态学)
16.Variegated capitalism and the geography of finance: Towards a common agenda 多样的资本主义和金融地理学(比较政治经济学;经济地理;金融地理;多样性的资本主义/variegated capitalism;资本主义多样性/varieties of capitalism)
17.Constrained agency? Re-evaluating the geographies of labour 约束中介?对劳工地理学的重新评价(中介机构;资本;社区;媒介;劳工地理学/劳动资源地理学;)
18.【R】Geographies of money and finance I: Cultural economy, politics and place 货币和金融地理学I:文化经济,政策和地方(文化经济和经济地理在研究货币和金融方面的学科交叉。

19.Geography and ethics: Justice unbound 地理与道德:自由的公正(民主;平等主义;正义;责任)
20.Contemporary geographies of exclusion III: To assist or punish? 当代排斥地理学研究:协助还是惩罚(包含与排斥)
21.【M】The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments. 景观肖像学:关于符号表征,设计和旧环境运用
22.【M】Muslims in Britain: Race, Place and Identity. 种族,地方和身份
23.【M】Searching for the Just City: Debates in Urban Theory and Practice 寻求正义城市:关于城市理论和实践的争论
24.【M】Sustainable Rural Systems: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities. 乡村可持续系统:可持续农业和乡村社区
25.【M】Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009 规划可持续性城市:全球人类居住报告2009
26.Human geographies of climate change: Landscape, temporality, and lay knowledges 气候变化中的人文地理学:景观、时序及外行知识
27.Race in the study of food 食品研究中的种族
28.The complexity of innovation: A relational turn 创新的复杂性:相关转向
29.The Mediterranean alternative 地中海气候替代
30.Theorizing practice in economic geography: Foundations, challenges, and possibilities
31.Political geography: Where’s citizenship? 政治地理学:市民在哪里?
32.Geographic Information Science: Visualization, visual methods, and the geoweb 地理信息科学:可视化,可视方法及地理网络
33.Historical geography, 2009-2010: Geohistoriography, the forgotten Braudel and the place of nominalism 历史地理学,2009-2010:唯名主义的地方
34.Rethinking territory 对领土的再思考
35.Response to Antonsich: The role of history
36.【M】Boundless Worlds: An Anthropological Approach to Movement 无界的世界:移动的人类学解读
37.【M】Working Bodies: Interactive Service Employment and Workplace Identities.
38.【M】Whose Urban Renaissance? An International Comparison of Urban Regeneration Strategies 谁的城市复兴了?城市再生战略研究——全球比较研究
39.The global rural: Gentrification and linked migration in the rural USA 全球乡村研究:美国乡村绅士化及关联性移民(舒适型移民;乡村绅士化)
40.Small technologies, big change: Rethinking infrastructure through STS and geography 小技术,大变化:通过科技研究和地理学反思基础设施
erning temptation: Changing behaviour in an age of libertarian paternalism 管理的诱惑:自由家长制时代下的行为改变
42.Making links: On (re)engaging with transport and transport geography 交通地理学
43.Videographic geographies: Using digital video for geographic research 视频制作地理学:利用数字视频的地理研究(文化地理学;数字视频;人种学;参与式影响;反身性;目视法)
44.【R】Responding to environmental change: A new age for human geography? 应对环境变化:人文地理学的新世纪?(全球气候变化;人文因素)
45.Mobilities I: Catching up
46.Geographies of markets: Materials, morals and monsters in motion 市场地理学:物质,道德,运动中的怪物()
47.Is engaged pluralism the best way ahead for economic geography? Commentary on Barnes and Sheppard (2009) (多元主义是否是经济地理学最好的未来?关于Barners 和Sheppard的评论)
48.Can error statistical theory include everything that matters? 误差统计理论能否包含一切相关事物?(完全方法;一元论)
49.【M】Changing Families, Changing Food
50.【M】The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism.
51.【M】Complex Locations: Women’s Geographical Work in the UK 1850—1970
w and the geographic analysis of economic globalization 法律及经济全球化的地理学分析(公司的力量;经济全球化;法律;法律例外;法律地理)
53.Geographies of shit ——Spatial and temporal variations in attitudes towards human waste (排泄物地理学——人类排泄物的时空变化)
54.Researching hybrid ‘economic’/‘development’geographies in practice——Methodological reflections from a collaborative project on India’s new service economy 经济地理学与发展地理学实证混合研究——关于对印度新服务经济研究中方法论的反思
55.Geographies of long-distance family migration——Moving to a ‘spatial turn’远距离家庭移民地理学(社区;性别;移动;邻里;人口变化;社会地理学)
56.What kind of right is the right to the city? 什么样的权力对城市是正确的?(法律;城市权力;权力话语;城市地理学)
57.Population geographies and climate change 人口地理学及气候变化(生态公民;全球网络;管制;移民)
58.Development geography——Critical development studies and political geographic imaginaries 发展地理学—主要发展研究及政治地理构想(新自由主义管理;社会公正)
59.Critical geography III:Critical development geography 地理学批判:发展地理学批判
60.Resources, violence and the telluric geographies of small wars 资源,暴力和小型战争的陆地地理学
61.‘Claiming’the diaspora——Elite mobility, sending state strategies and the spatialities of citizenship 离散的犹太人——精英移动,国家战略的送出及公民的空间性
62.Geographies of policy From transfer-diffusion to mobility-mutation
63.Financializing space, spacing financialization 金融化空间和空间过程的金融化
64.【R】Resource geographies 1 Making carbon economies, old and new
65.【R】Where in the world is environmental justice? 环境公正在哪里?
66.【R】Political ecology III: Theorizing landscape 政治生态学III:景观理论
67.【M】The Natures of Maps: Cartographic Construction of the Natural World 地图的本质:自然世界的题图结构
68.【M】Swept Up Lives? Re-Envisioning the Homeless City 席卷生活?重新审视无家的城市
69.【M】Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies 城市集合:行动者网络如何改变城市研究
70.【M】Taking-Place: Non-Representational Theories and Geography 发生:非再现理论和地理学
《Progress in Human Geography》2012年
1.Sociospatial inequalities in health-related behaviours——Pathways linking place and smoking 健康关联行为的社会空间不平等研究——地方与抽烟行为的关联路径
2.Urban policy mobility, anti-politics, and histories of the transnational municipal movement 城市政策移动,反政策,跨国城市政策历史
3.Trade, globalization and uneven development——Entanglements of geographical political economy 贸易,全球化和非平衡发展——地理政策经济的交织
4.Situating the geoweb in political economy 政治经济环境下的地理网络定位
5.【R】Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm I: Hybrid geographies, the spatial turn, and volunteered geographic information (VGI) 混合地理学、空间转向、自发式地理信息
6.【R】The geographies of cultural geography II: Visual culture 文化地理学:视觉文化
7.【R】Embodied cognitive geographies 具身认知地理学
8.【R】Geographies of children and youth II: Global youth agency 青少年地理学II:全球青年机构
9.Region and place: Regionalism in question 区域和地方:质疑中的区域主义
10.The geography of gentrification: Thinking through comparative urbanism 绅士地理学:对比较城市主义的深思
11.Whiteness and futurity: Towards a research agenda 白人及其未来研究
12.Policy transfer, consultants and the geographies of governance. 政策转移,咨询和管理地理学
13.‘Mapping’and‘doing’critical geographies of home
14.The politics of autonomous space 自治/自主空间政策
15.Geography and ethics: Placing life in the space of reasons 地理与伦理:
16.Geographies of production II: A global production network A–Z 生产地理学
17.Geographies of money and finance II: Financialization and financial subjects 货币金融地理学
work political ecology: Method and theory in climate change vulnerability and adaptation research 网络政治生态学
19.Urban geographies I: Still thinking cities relationally 城市地理学I : 关系性思维下的城市
20.Transnational mobilities and urban spatialities: Notes from the Asia-Pacific 跨国移动和城市空间性
21.A sonic geography of voice: Towards an affective politics
22.Determining environmental determinism 环境决定主义
23.Socio-technical regimes and sustainability transitions: Insights from political ecology 基于政治生态学视角的社会—技术体制和可持续发展转变研究
24.Echoes of the New Geography? History and philosophy of geography I 新地理学的回声?地理学历史和哲学
25.Historical geography I: Vital traditions 历史地理学:重要的传统
26.Gender and sexuality I: Intersectional anxieties
27.Resilience thinking meets social theory: Situating social change in socio-ecological systems (SES) research
28.Geographies of friendships 友谊地理学
29.The geographies of religious conversion 宗教皈依地理学
30.Progress in global climate change politics? Reasserting national state territoriality in a ‘post-political’world 全球气候变化政策的进步?再论“后政治”世界的国家领土权
31.Geographies of identity I: Geography–(neo)liberalism–white supremacy 身份地理学:地理学-新自由主义-白人特权
32.Claiming the diaspora: Elite mobility, sending state strategies and the spatialities of citizenship 《人文地理学进展获奖作品》
33.Geography and abstraction : Towards an affirmative critique 地理与抽象
34.Becoming differently modern : Geographic contributions to a generative climate politics
35.Economic geographies of power:Methodological challenges and interdisciplinary analytical possibilities 经济地理学之力:方法论的挑战交叉学科分析的可能性
36.Ecosystem services : Tensions, impurities, and points of engagement within neoliberalism 生态系统服务:
37.Garbage matters : Concepts in new geographies of waste无用物质:新地理学中关于废弃物的概念
38.Race and ethnicity : Latino/a immigrants and emerging geographies of race and place in the USA 种族和民族:美国拉丁美洲移民和
39.Indigenous geographies I : Mere resource conflicts? The complexities in Indigenous land and environmental claims 本土地理学: 仅仅是资源冲突吗?本土景观和环境诉求间复杂性研究
40.City-regionalism : Questions of distribution and politics 城市区域主义:
《Progress in Human Geography》2013年
1. In quest of a new humanism Embodiment, experience and phenomenology as critical geography 探寻人本主义新体现、新经验和新
2. Geographies of postsecular rapprochement in the city
3. Geography and art. An expanding field
Site, the body and practice 地理与艺术:地点,身体和实践
4.Getting off the ground:On the politics of urban verticality 离开地面:关于城市垂直性政策的研究
5.From knowledge to action:Bridging gaps in disaster risk reduction 降低灾害风险方面,知识到行动间的弥合研究
6.Henri Lefebvre:Debates and controversies 亨利. 列斐伏尔:辩论和争议
7.Cartography I Mapping narrative cartography 地图制作:
8.The geographies of cultural geography III Material geographies, vibrant matters and risking surface geographies 文化地理学:物质地理学,
9.‘A great space of murmurings’Madness, romance and geography 叹息的空间,疯狂,浪漫和地理学
10.(Re)enchanting geography? The nature of being critical and the character of critique in human geography 地理学的魔力?人文地理学批判的本质和特点
11.The necessity of a multiscalar analysis of climate justice 气候公正多标量分析的必要性
12.Revitalizing the production of nature thesis:A Gramscian turn? 自然生产理论的复兴:一种葛兰西式的转变
13.From resilience to resourcefulness:A critique of resilience policy and activism 从恢复力到资源丰富:
14.Geographies of production III Making space for labour 生产地理学:为劳动力制造空间
15.Geographies of money and finance III Financial circuits and the ‘real economy’货币和金融地理学:金融界和“真实经济”
16.Crossing the qualitative- quantitative divide II Inventive approaches to big data, mobile methods, and rhythm analysis
17.【M】Postsecular Cities: Space, Theory and Practice “后修道院式”城市:空间、理论和实践
19.【M】Flirting With Space: Journeys and Creativity 与空间调情:旅行与创造
《Urban studies》2012
1.Socialist Summer-home Settlements in Post-socialist Suburbanization 后社会主义郊区暑期度假定居点研究
2.Making Scents of Transition Smellscapes and the Everyday in ‘Old’and ‘New’Urban Poland 制造香味
3.Multiple Transformations Conceptualizing the Post-communist Urban Transition
work Accessibility and Employment Centres 雇佣中心和网络可达性
5.Cultural Industries in Small-sized Canadian Cities Dream or Reality? 加拿大小规模城市文化产业研究,梦想还是现实?
6.Developing a Framework for Assessing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Museums The Regional Value of the ‘Flexible Museum’易变图书馆的区域价值
7.Femininity As a City Marketing Strategy Gender Bending Rotterdam 作为城市市场战略的女性化——性别偏移的鹿特丹。
