









1、可数名词是指那些能够用数来计量的名词,如:dog, bus, boy ,piece等;反

之则为不可数名词,如;water, milk, coffee, information等。




a、以元音字母加 y结尾的,直接加--s;如:day, boy, play 等;

b、以o结尾的,加--es, 如:hero, patato, tomato, 但zoo, radio, photo等



man--men woman--women child--children foot---feet

goose--geese tooth--teeth fish--fish sheep--sheep

deer--deer Chinese--Chinese mouse--mice penny--pence

d、有些名词只有复数形式。如;clothes, trousers, glasses, thanks, pants 等

e、有些复合名词变成复数时,只将复合名词的主体名词变为复数,如: boy student--boy students banana tree --banana trees bus driver --bus

drivers 等。但,由man 和woman构成的合成名词,变复数时要将名词及

man 或woman 都变成复数。如:

man teacher--men teacher woman doctor --women doctor

f、名词+man (woman)构成的复合名词其复数形式通常与简单名词一样,即把man(woman)改成men(women),如:Englishman--Englishmen policewoman--policewomen 但:German--Germans

g、有些名词形似复数,实际作单数用。如:maths, physics, politics等。

h、有些名词形式上是单数形式,但意义上是复数。如:people, police等。 i、

关于国人变复数有记忆口诀:中日不变英法变,其余 s 加后面。





(1)单词名词的加's,如Ann's teacher, an hour's work, the girl's excuse (2)以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格只加’,如the students' books

(3)不以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格加's, 如the women's room, Children's Day (4)表示两人共有时,只在后一个名词后加's,如:Lucy and Lily's mother,


用复数形式,如 Tom's and Lily's mothers



等。如:at the doctor's at the grocer's


s'。如:a twenty minutes' walk ten miles' journey today's paper China's population

(二) of 所有格

如果是无生命的,在表示所有关系时,就要用“名词+of +名词”这样的所有格来

表示。如:the photo of my family the name of your school


当名词前有两层所有格时,多使用双重所有格,结构是:把一个名词所有格放到of 短语里,这种结构用来突出局部,表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”的意思。

eg. This is a picture of my friend's 这是我朋友的一张照片(指很多照片中一张)

I know some friends of my brother's .我认识我哥哥的一些朋友(朋友中的一部分) 注:①a photo of me 我的一张照片(我的像)

②a photo of mine 我的一张照片(照片属于我,但不是我的像)


1、可数名词的修饰语有:数词、不定冠词、(a) few、several、a great

number of 、 many、dozens of 、hundreds of 等。

2、不可数名词的修饰语:much,(a) little,a bit of 、a bottle of 、a kilo of 等。

3、可数名词与不可数名词的共同修饰语:some、any、a lot of 、lots of、

plenty of 等。

四、易用错的名词:exercise,work , job, fun, news, advice, informantion, experience, orange, life, voice, sound, noise等。


( ) 1.Look,Those three _______are talking with the three ______.


B.Englishmans ,Germans

C.Englishmen, Germans

D.Englishmans ,Germen

( ) 2.What's in the _______?There are some ______and _______in them.


B.photos, potatoes, radios

C.photoes, potatos, radios

D.photos, potatoes, radioes

( ) 3.There are ______on the table. Would you like to drink some?

A.two milk

B.two bottles of milk

C.two bottle of milk

D.two bottles of milks

( ) 4.There are about twenty ____in the room.They are having a party there.





( ) 5.____mothers couldn't go to the meeting.Because they've gone to?S.

A.Li Lei and Lucy's

B.Li Lei's and Lucy's

C.Li Lei and Lucy

D.Li Lei's and Lucy

( ) 6. It is over ______from Shi Jiazhuang to Beijing.

A.three hours' drive

B.three hour's drive

C.three hours drives

D.three hours drive

( ) 7.Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of ______,you may disturb others.





( ) 8.I've read ______sports news about the F1 race today.

A. two


C.two pieces

D.two pieces of

( ) 9.Mrs Jenny gave us _______on how to learn English well .

A.some advices

B.many advices

C.some advice

D.an advice

( ) 10.It will be National Day in a few _________.

A.month's time

B.months time

C.months' time

D.month time

( ) 11. Time is up.Now please hand in your test ______,boys and girls.



C.piece of paper

D.pieces of paper

( )12.This is _______that all of us believe it's very important.

A.such useful information

B.so useful an information

C.so useful information

D.such a useful information

( )13. Can I help you? I'd like _______for my twin daughters.

A.two pair of shoes

B.two pairs of shoe

C.two pair of shoe

D.two pairs of shoes

( )14.Jenny's shoes were worn out.She wanted to buy a new _______.





( ) 15.--Whose dictionaries are these? -- They are the _______.

A. twins'

B. twin

C. twins

D. twin's

( ) 16.Miss Smith is a friend of _______.

A.Mary's mother's

B.Mary's mother

C.mother's of Mary

D.Mary mother's ( ) 17.Ten years has passed. I found my parents had _______.

A.much white hair

B.some white hair

C.a little white hairs

D.a few white hair

( ) 18.It is a ____to shake hands with a friend when people meet for the first time in many countries.





( ) 19. Two ___students in our school will go to the beach for the vacation.



C.hundred of

D.hundreds of

( ) 20.Wu peng won the girls ___race in the school __meeting last week.

A.100 meters ,sport

B.100--meters, sports

C.100 meter, sport

D.100--meter, sports

( ) 21.There are only five ________in my hospital.

A.man doctor

B.men doctors

C.men doctor

D.man doctors

( ) 22. _______is made of _______.

A.A glass ,glass

B.Glasses ,glasses


D.A glass,glasses ( ) 23.A group of _________have been caught by the police .





( ) 24.Is this dictionary sent by ________?

A.a friend of your brother

B.a friend of your brother's

C.your brother friend

D.your brother friend's

( ) ?5.________are sitting at the table.



C.The turners


( ) 26. How much ____ would you like to buy?

A. apples

B. bread

C. books

D. sheep

( ) 27. What ___ weather it was yesterday!

A. bad

B. a bad

C. an bad

D. the bad

( ) 28. Students shouldn't be always busy doing their ____in the classroom. They should do more _____ on the playground A.exercise; exercise B. exercise;exercises C. exercises; exercise D. exercises;exercises ( ) 29. Linda's Chinese is better than _____ in her class.

A. anyone's else

B. anyone else's

C. anyone else

D. anyone's else's

( ) 30. Last night,there was a fool accident.Ten ___were ill,but no ____ were lost.

A. child;lives

B. children;life

C. children;lives


( ) 31.Children should make ______ for ole people in a bus.

A. room

B. a room

C. rooms

D. the room

( ) 32.--How's Joy's skirt? --Her skirt si more beautiful than ______.

A. her sister's and Kate

B. her sister and Kate

C. her sister and kate's

D. her sister's and kate's

( ) 33. The restaurant is so popular here.Look ,there are so many ____here. A. food B. dish C. people D. waiter

( ) 34. --Excuse me,could you tell me where the nearest post office is ?

--The nearest post office ? You will have to walk________.

A. 500--metre away

B. 500 metre far

C. 500 metres further

D. 500--metre--far away

( ) 35. There are three_____assistants in that shop.

A. women shoe

B. woman shoe

C. woman shoes

D. women shoes










【注1】人称代词 it 的用法:

(1)指代天气、时间、距离等,如:Is it far from here? It's late,let's go quickly. It's much colder than it was yesterday.

(2)用作形式主语,常见于※It's +adj.+(of / for sb.)to do sth; ※It takes sb. time to do sth 等句型中,如:It 's wrong to laugh at others in class.

It took us half an hour to finish our work last night.

(3)用作形式宾语,常见于think, find , make 等动词之后,用来代替不定式或从句。如:I find it really hard to learn English well.


It seems that…… It's time to / for / that……

It's one 's turn to do …… It's +adj.+taht……

(5)指代心目中不太清楚的那个人或child, baby 等性别不太清楚的名词。如:

--Who is it ? --It's me. Is it your brother? --No,Its me.


? I've lost my pen,and I can't find it .

His wife is seriously ill,but he knows nothing about it .



(2)在句中起强调作用,如:He himself is a doctor.

He says that he will do it himself.

(3)当表达“某人自己的……”时,不用反身代词作定语,而用one's own作定语。如;This is my own room.这是我自己的房间。

(4)反身代词可作动词的宾语,如:hurt, teach, dress, enjoy, help, buy, look after, 等。如:The boy can't dress himself.

(5)反身代词可放在介词by, for, to 等之后,表示“某人独自”。

【注3】多个人称代词排列顺序:如有几个不同的人称代词同时作主语,并用and , or 连接时,习惯上顺序是:单数:you, he and I;复数:we,you and they.但如果是承认错误、承担责任时,第一人称放前。如:I and she made the mistake.

二、指示代词:英语中指示代词主要有:this ,that ,these,those。当指近处的人或物时,常用this, these,指远处的人或物时,用that, those。它们一般用以代替第一次出现的人或物,再次出现时则用it 代替this, that,they代替these,those. 【注】为了避免重复,that,those指代上文提到过的名词,this,these用来指后面要提到的事物。如The building in Japan is different from that in China.

This is what I saw in the house. This is Walter speaking.Who's that? 【针对性练习】

( ) 1.--A latest English newspaper,please!

--Only one copy left, would you like to have ______.sir?

A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that

( ) 2. There's someone at the door. Can you go and see who _____ is ?

A. he

B. she

C. that

D. it

( ) 3. The pears in my basket are smaller than_____ in Jim's.

A. it

B. that

C. ones

D. those

( ) 4.--Linda, the new term is coming. Do you think you need a schoolbag? --Yes, I'm going to buy ______ this afternoon.

A. it

B. this

C. one

D. that

( ) 5. The population of China is much larger than _____of Russia.


B. those

C. it

D. that

( ) 6. --May I help you with some jeans, Sir?

--Yes, I'd like to try on those blue _________.

A. pair


C. two

D. ones

( ) 7.--I haven't seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?

--__________.His mother told me that he was in hospital.

A. I'm afraid so

B. I hope not

C. I don't expect

D. I am afraid not

( ) 8. --Excuse me. is this seat taken?

--________.That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.

A. I'm afraid so

B. I don't think so

C. I don't know

D. I hope not

( ) 9. --Would your sister go to Hainan this summer? --If I don't go, ____.

A. neither will she

B. neither does she

C. so will she

D. so does she ( ) 10. --I usually go to bed late at night. And you?

A. So I do

B. So do I

C. So am I

D. So l am

( ) 11. Andy's mother told her to pour the waste.________.

A. So she does

B. so it is

C. So did she

D. And so she did

( ) 12. --Who's knocking at the door?? --_______me, Jim.

A. I' m

B. This is

C. That is

D. It' s

( ) 13. We think _____ necessary for you to wash your own clothes.

A. it

B. that

C. that is

D. we are

( ) 14 _____ have known each other for many years.

A. He, you and I

B. You, I and he

C. I, you and he

D. You, he and I

( ) 15 On his way to the park, he saw an old friend of _______.

A. him

B. he

C. his

D. himself

( ) 16. She has lost her English book. Would you lend her ________?

A. your

B. yours

C. yourself

D. hers

( ) 17. --How long can I keep the books?

--One month. You must _______ to the library on time.

A. give back it

B. give it back

C. give back them

D. give them back

( ) 18. _______is very kind of______ to buy me so many presents.

A. It; you

B. It; yours

C. That; you

D. That; yourself

( ) 19--Who taught ______Enghsh when he was young? --His mother did.

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. himself

( ) 20. If you meet some difficult questions that you can' t work out, you can

________ with other students.

A. talk about it

B. talk it about

C. talk about them

D. talk them about ( ) 21. Don' t worry about _____. _______ can do it well.

A. she; She

B. she; Her

C. her; Her

D. her; She

( ) 22. --Could I speak to Jane,please? --______Jane speaking.

A. This is

B. That is

C. I am

D. She is

( ) 23. My brother fell off his bike.Luckily, he didn't hurt_______.

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. himself

( ) 24. --Who taught___ French? --Nobody. She learned all by____.

A. herself; her

B. she; herself

C. her; herself

D. her; she

( ) 25. The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than____ made in America.

A. ones

B. those

C. that

D. it

( ) 26. The population of China is much larger than _____ of Japan.

A. one

B. it

C. that

D. these

( ) 27. I could dress_______ when I was just six.

A. my

B. myself

C. me

D. mine

( ) 28. My bottle is empty. There is_____ in it.

A. everything

B. something

C. nothing

D. anything

( ) 29.--Is there _____ water in that glass? --Yes, there is_______.

A. some; some

B. any; any

C. some; any

D. any; some

( ) 30. The blue skirt looks much better than the green_______.

A. one

B. ones

C. skirt

D. /

( ) 31. The boy runs faster than ______ in his class.

A. any of the boy

B. any boys

C. any other boys D, all the boys

( ) 32. Could you please do______ for me.?

A. everything

B. nothing

C. something

D. anything

( ) 33__ of the four roads will take you to the school where you want to go.

A. Neither

B. Either

C. Both

D. Any

( ) 34. Listen to me. I have _____ to tell you.

A. anything important

B. something important

C. important something

D. nothing important

( ) 35. There are many students in the classroom now. Some are listening to music. ________ are reading books and doing homework.

A. The other

B. Other

C. The others

D. Others

( ) 36. ______of the students has an English dictionary.

A. Every

B. All

C. Both

D. Each

( ) 37. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of water?

-- ______ I think I'll just have a glass of milk.

A. None.

B. Neither.

C. Both.

D. Either.

( ) 38. _____ is watching TV. Let' s turn it off.

A. Somebody

B. Anybody

C. Nobody

D. Everybody

( ) 39 Yesterday I saw _____ enjoy _____ in the park.

A. her; hers

B. them; them

C. she; herself

D. them; themselves

( ) 40. -- What else do you want? -- __ else. I think I have got everything ready.

A. Something

B. Nothing

C. Anything

D. Everything

( ) 41. Did you find ____ very interesting to play Yo Yo?

A. this

B. it' s

C. that

D. it

( ) 42. --Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman?

-- _____ I prefer the new kind of MP4.

A. Both.

B. None.

C. Neither.

D. Either.

( ) 43. -- Good morning, Mr. Brown. Would you please tell me the result of

the exam ? -- OK. You did quite well. You've made____ mistakes.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

( ) 44. --Is there ____ in today' s newspaper?

--Yes. Shenzhou VI will be sent up into space in the near future.

A. nothing new

B. new nothing

C. anything new

D. new anything

( ) 45.--Whose English-Chinese dictionary is this?

--It' s ____ . My parents got it for my sister and me.

A. hers

B. ours

C. mine

D. theirs

( ) 46. People everywhere celebrate the New Year. ____ is a time to say goodbye to the past and to think about new beginnings.

A. That

B. It

C. This

D. Such

( ) 47. Nancy spoke in such a low voice that ____ students in our class could hear her.

A. all

B. many

C. few

D. most

( ) 48. Now many Chinese farmers like traveling from one place to _____ to

enjoy the beautiful scenery of our country.

A. other

B. others

C. the others

D. another

( ) 49. A lot of stone tables and chairs are____ of the river and the number

of them is growing_______.

A. on both side; greater

B. on each sides; more

C. on both sides; larger

D. on each side; more

( ) 50. I can' t find the pen I was given. Have you seen_____?

A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that

( ) 51. Shirley had to buy______these three CDs because she didn' t know

which one to take.

A. all

B. none

C. each

D. both

( ) 52.. We' ve got two TV sets, but_______ works well.

A. any

B. both

C. either

D. neither

( ) 53. If you need a story book, I'll lend _______ to you.

A. one

B. ones

C. some

D. another

( ) 54. There are many trees on ______ side of the lake.

A. both

B. either

C. all

D. every

( ) 55. --Would you like _____ meat for your supper? --Yes, just ____

A. some; a little

B. any; little

C. a little; some

D. much; a few

( ) 56.--Is this your shoe? --Yes, it is. But where is_______?

A. the others

B. another

C. other one

D. the other one

( ) 57--Oh, there is someone in the teachers' office.

--______ must be Mr. Wang. He always works hard.

A. There

B. She

C. This

D. It

( ) 58.The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forget__

A. anything else

B. nothing else

C. something else

D. everything else

( ) 59. _____ the twins enjoyed _____at the party last Saturday evening.

A. Both; them

B. Both; themselves

C. Neither; them

D. All; themselves

( ) 60. There were __ people and cars on the street, as it was late at night.

A. some

B. many

C. few

D. a few

( ) 61. China is larger than _______ country in Asia

A. any

B. any other

C. all the

D. the other

( ) 62. Lucy is a short girl, but she jumps higher than____ in her class.

A. any boy

B. any other boy

C. any girl

D. all the girls

( ) 63. ___ of us knows why winter is colder than summer.

A. Everyone

B. Every one

C. All

D. Both

( ) 64. The students in my class work much harder than _____in Class3.

A. it

B. them

C. that

D. those

( ) 65. This bike is neither______nor______.

A. my; his

B. mine; his

C. my; her

D. mine; him

( ) 66. Mr. Lin has three sons. ____ is a teacher, _____ are doctors.

A. One; another

B. One; other

C. This; the other

D. One; the others

( ) 67.We find ______impossible to get there before 8:00.





( ) 68 --Which classmates is the best friend of __________?

--I think Helen is .





( ) 69.___wonderful work of art it it! I like Zhang Daqian's better than___.


B.How a ,any other's

C.What, any others

D. What, anybody else's

( ) 70. --Who taught _____English last term? Was ______Mr Smith?

--No,Miss White did.

A.you, it

B.you ,he

C.your ,it

D.your ,that


Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn' t mean they don' t like you.

Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p. m.and end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a gift.

Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks, If you want to be extra polite, say how much you like the room, or the pictures on the wall. But remember it' s not polite to ask how much things cost.

In many families, the husband sits at one of the table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests.

You'll probably start the meal with soup or something small, then you'll have meat or fish with vegetables, and then dessert, followed by coffee.It' s polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it.

Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, or write them a short "thank you" letter. British and American people like to say "thank you, thank, thank you" all the time!

( ) 1. If your English friend doesn' t invite you to dinner at home, it means he or she________.

A. doesn't like you

B. likes you

C. can't afford to do so

D. is too busy

( )2. It's impolite_________

A. to ask about the price of a certain thing

B. to say "thank you" to hosts

C. take nothing with you when you are invited to dinner

D. to eat up everything on your plate

( ) 3. The meal ends with ______ usually.

A. soup

B. coffee

C. meat or fish

D. dessert

( ) 4. When you are invited to a dinner party, you' d better______.

A. ask what time you should arrive

B. take your wife with you

C. drink as more as possible

D. eat more snacks as you can

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. The hosts like the people who sit closer l0 them.

B. The hosts like the people who ask them time, price, age, etc.

C. The husband and the wife usually sit together.

D. You can call your host the next day or write a letter of

thanks after that.







1.代替或修饰对象多少,如either,both,neither只指代两部分的事物;none,all,any 指代三个或三个以上事物;each指代两个或两个以上的事物。

2.代替或修饰可数名词或不可数名词,如little,much 指代不可数名词,few,many指代可数名词。


【注】some,any,every和no都可以与body,thing和one构成复合不定代词,在用法上保持some,any ,every,no的特点,但这些合成的不定代词只能作名词性代词,不能作形容词性代词。


1.some & any some用于肯定句,any用于否定句,疑问句,条件句中,表示建议,请求或确信会得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中,也要用some.

2.many & much many用于修饰可数名词复数,much用于修饰不可数名词。

3.一点,很少。 a few/few(修饰可数), a little,little(修饰不可数)

【注】a little 还可以表示“一个小..... ”,后加单数名词,little用作形容词,“小的” a little 作副词还可修饰形容词或副词的比较级。如:

I can see a little boy under the tree. She got up a little earlier yesterday

5.every 用于三者以上,只能用作形容词性代词,修饰名词强调整体

each 用于两者或两者以上,既可用作形容词也可用作名词性代词。

either 只用于两个物体,既可用作形容词也可用作名词性代词。

Every boy can get a flower . Each of them has a new computer

There are many trees on either(each) side of the street.

注:(1)every 后跟“数字+复数名词”,表示频度,如every three days

(2)each 每个,强调“个体”,除了可作主语,宾语和定语外,还可作同位语,如:They each have a book. (主语的同位语)

He gave us a book each.(宾语的同位语)


如:-Which book would you like to have,this one or that one?

-Either, I don't care.

-When can we meet next week? -Any day is OK.I'm free next week.

7.(都) both用于两个事物,多构成短语,both...and , both of

all 用于三个以上事物,多构成短语 all of ...

You can see some students on both sides of the river.

All of them are reading.

【注】not 跟 both 或all(every)连用时,表示半否定“并非全部……”的意思,全否定用 none或neither.

Not all the students like reading.(All the students don't like reading).


None of the students like reading.没有一个学生喜欢读书。

8.都不(后可跟of短语)none用于三个以上事物; neither用于两个事物,作主语谓语用单数。如:None of them come(s)here. Neither of the twins has a book.

【注】(1)neither…nor…连接主语时,谓语动词的形式和最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 eg. Neither they nor I am going hiking tomorrow.

Do neither you nor he likes playing football?

(2)neither do…句式,表示“某人也不……”,助动词跟前句保持一致。如:

Lucy doesn't have any friend, neither do I .

Lucy isn't a student, neither is her sister.

9.没有一个。(1)no one 只能指人,后不可跟of连用,回答who提出的问句。

(2)none (not…any)既可指人,也可指物,可以跟of连用,回答how many(much) 提出的问句。如:-Who was late this morning? -No one.

-How many books have you read? -None

None of them have(has) a new computer.


(1)any不同范围内比较;(2)any other同一范围内比较

eg. Shanghai is larger than any city in India.

Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.

11.其他的。other多与 any,the结合使用或用作复数,很少单独使用


the other 指两个当中的“另一个”常与one 连用,即:one …the other

the others 指两部分当中的“另一部分”,既可指人,也可指物

others 不限定范围的“别人”,和some对应使用。

This shirt is too short,have you got another one?

What can you see on the other side of the river?

There are 60 students in the room. Twenty-six are reading,the others are talking.

Lei Feng is always ready to help others.

We need another three students to help us.

The dictionary is better than the others.

It's not polite to laugh at others when they make mistakes.

12. --thing 的修饰语要放在它们的后面,如:There's nothing serious with you. Would you like something to eat? Anything else?


1. some 也可用于表示请求、建议、反问、邀请或期望得到对方肯定回答的问句中。如:Would you please...? Could you ...? Why not ...?等问句。any 也可用于肯定句中,此时any 的意思是“任何……的”,相当于every。如:

Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.

2. every 与one,body,thing构成复合不定代词时,谓语用单数,后不接“of...”短语。如:Everyone of them is good at playing basketball.(×)

3. another后有few 或one以上的数字时,则可与复数名词连用。如:

Give me another ten days,and I can finish the work in time.




如:One should do one's best to work hard.

(2)代替前面一类名词中的一个。The books are nice.I'd like to have one.

(3)当特指某一类名词中的某一个时,用the one.the one 后往往有介词短语修饰。This book is newer than the one on the table.

(4)替代可数名词的复数形式时,one,the one分别变成ones,the ones,the ones 等于those. The books on the shelf are better than the ones (those)on the ground. 【注1】that, one 与it 的不同之处在于:it 和被代替的名词是指同一事物,而that, one 和被替代的名词并非指同一事物,而是指同类事物。

【注2】that 与one的区别是:one 只可替代可数名词;that既可替代可数名词,又可替代不可数名词;one之前或之后常有修饰语修饰,而that一般不能带前置修饰语,且常用于含比较结构的句型中。如;

Look at the kite,that in the sky.

The handwriting of Li Ming is much better than that of Gao Hua.

指示代词that多用来替代不可数名词,当被用来替代上文出现过的复数名词时,要用其复数形式those. 如:

The note in his pocket is much newer than that on the table.

The students in our class are more hard-working than those in your class.

2. so的用法 so 作为替代词时,可用来替代上文中提到的某种情况,常用于以下两种句型中。

(1) so +助动词/情态动词 /系动词be +主语,该结构常用来表示上文中提到的某一肯定情况也同样适用于下文中的人或物,意为“某人(物)也如此”,如:

She likes music and so do I

--Jim likes swimming. --So does Lily

(2)so +主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词be 。该结构常用来表示强调或赞同对方的话或意见,意为“的确如此”,主时,上下文中的主语指的是同一个人或物。如: --It may be in that pocket --Ah,so it is.

【注】so 和not 常用在think, hope, guess, be afraid, believe 等词后。替代表示肯定的that从句时用so,替代表示否定的that 从句时要用not。需要指出的是:I think not 要表达为 I don't think so.


( ) 1.- Is ________here? -No,Tom and Peter have asked for a leave.





( ) 2.___passed the exam in maths.Peter got only fifty-one marks.

A.Not all them

B.Not all of them

C.Any of them

D.They all

( ) 3.We couldn't buy anything because ___of us had ___money with us.

A.all ,no

B.any ,not

C.none, any

D.no one, any

( ) 4. He introduced _________.

A.he to I

B.she to I

C.she to me

D.her to me

( ) 5. I mistook _______.

A.hers to my

B.hers for mine

C.she's to mine

D.her for mine

( ) 6. A book is in her left hand, a pen is in her _______hand.

A. the other




( ) 7. --What's on TV tonight? Is there ____ interesting? --I'm afraid not.

A. something

B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything

( ) 8. This isn't_____ pencil case. I left mine at home.

A. my

B. me

C. I

D. myself

( ) 9. --How about the movie you saw yesterday?

--Some people think it's boring;_____ think it's exciting.

A. others

B. other

C. each

D. another

( ) 10. --Do you prefer milk or orange juice?

--I don't like___. I usually drink coffee.

A. other

B. another

C. neither

D. either-

( ) 11. A true friend is someone _____ gives his hand and touches your heart.

A. whose

B. who

C. which

D. what

( ) 12 --_____ Which do you prefer, coffee or cola?

--_______, thanks. I'd like a cup of tea.

A. Either

B. Both (2. Neither D. None

( ) 13. --Who is the man ______was talking to our English teacher?

( ) --Oh! It's Mr Baker, our new maths teacher.

A. he

B. that

C. whom

D. which

( ) 12 --Why did _____ take aunt Alice almost an hour to get home?

--I don't know. Maybe there was something wrong with her car.

A. that

B. it

C. she

D. this

( ) 13. --Wang Bo is going to study abroad next month. What about you?

--I'm afraid my parents can't afford______.

A. me

B. it :

C. this

D. him

( ) 14. I'm looking at the photograph______ you sent me with your letter.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. it

( ) 15. --How many of these books have you read? --_____ of them. Every one.

A. Many

B. Some

C. All

D. None

( ) 16. --How often are the Olympic Games held? --______four years.

A. Every

B. Each

C. In

D. For

( ) 17. When Yang Liwei came back from space; manny reporters interviewed ______and got some first--hand information.

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. himself

( ) 18. The pears in my basket are smaller than ______ in Jim's.

A. it

B. that

C. ones

D. those

( ) 19. It was a long journey, but ______ of them four felt boring.

A. neither

B. both

C. none

D. all

( ) 20. --Dear me! What a wonderful computer!

--My grandpa bought it for my sister and me. It's_______.

A. mine

B. hers

C. theirs

D. ours

( ) 21. Don't worry. We have _____ time to do the job.

A. enough

B. few

C. many

D. little

( ) 22. --Sorry, I'm late. --_____ doesn't matter this time.

A. This

B. That

C. It

D. One

( ) 23. --Excuse me, is there a repair shop near here for MP3?

--Well, turn left at the crossing, then you will find

A. that

B. any

C. this

D. one

( ) 24. So______ homework really makes the students feel tired.

A. much

B. many

C. little

D. few

( ) 25. I had to buy ____ these books because I didn't know which one was the best.

A. both

B. none

C. neither

D. all

( ) 26.--That's ____ he told me the other day. --Thank you for telling me the


A. that

B. which

C. when

D. what

( ) 27. --Which is more useful, biology or chemistry?

--I think ___ them are useful.

A. either of

B. none of

C. both of

D. all of ( ) 28. It rained heavily yesterday, but_______ of the students was late for school.

A. both

B. all

C. none

D. every

( ) 29. We'll try our best to do the work with ____ money and ____ people.

A. few;little

B. a few;a little

C. less;fewer

D. fewer;less

( ) 30. Rick, this is my notebook. Where is _______ ?

A. his

B. yours

C. mine

D. your

( ) 31. Your digital watch is quite nice. Where did you buy______ ?

I want to buy _______, too.

A. one;one

B. it;it

C. it;one

D. one;it ( ) 32. This is a _______ car._______ is over there.

A. visitor' s;My

B. visitor' s,Mine

C. visitor;Mine

D. visitors' ;My

( ) 33. ______ of the students in our class want to go to plant trees.

A. One

B. Both

C. Neither

D. All

( ) 34. I've had enough bread.Would you like _________?

A. a few more

B. one more

C. another more

D. some more

( ) 35. --Is ______OK,Lucy? --No,my maths is not as good as English.

A. everything

B. something

C. nothing

D. anything










形容词在句中主要用作定语、表语和宾语补足语。在英语中大多数形容词既可作定语又可作表语,但有少数形容词只能作表语,如alone,afraid,asleep,awake,alive, ill等。

e.g.After that the old man was alone in a small village.

The children is asleep.Turn down the radio,please.

2. 形容词的基本用法:

(1)置于名词之前作定语:The little girl did a foolish thing.

(2)置于系动词之后作表语:Sichuan food tastes good and hot.

(3)置于特定的动词如:make , find, think, keep 等之后作宾语补足语。如:

We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. They found English very useful. (4)置于以some, any, no 等构成的合成词之后作后置定语。如:

Can't you give me something different?


有些形容词可以和定冠词连用,表示一类人或东西,这时它接近一个名词,可以作主语或宾语,作主语时,其谓语动词应用复数。 e.g.The poor were well taken care of in that area. They will build a school for the deaf and the blind.




(2)表示观点的描绘性形容词,如:beautiful,fine ,interesting,.etc.






e.g. two round blue dinner plates. three big round new Chinese wooden tables


be+ glad / happy / pleased / sorry / sad /sure / ready /afraid /able +to do sth 6. 以--ing 结尾的形容词,在句中既可作表语也可作定语;以--ed 结尾的形容词在句中只能作表语,修饰人,不能修饰物。如:

Are you interested in art ? The news is very surprising.

7. 由“基数词 + —单数名词”构成的复合形容词,只能作定语,放在被修饰的名词前,常表示时间、度量等。如:an eight--year--old boy two--month holiday


1. 作状语修饰行为动词、形容词和副词。如:

The wind is quite strong. The girl sings well . He ran so quickly.

2. 方位副词作定语或置于特定的动词如 see, find 等之后作补语。如:

Every night , the man upstairs came late. I saw her out with her sister just now.

3. 频度副词通常放在行为动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后。如:

They always come to school late. I can hardly see the words on the blackboard.

4. 副词常与动词搭配成动词短语,这些短语中既有相当于及物动词的短语,也有相当于不及物动词的短语。若是所构成的及物动词的短语,当人称代词作宾语时,人称代词要用宾格形式,且必须放在两词中间,这些副词主要有:away,down, up, out, off, on, back , over 等

4. 易用混的形容词和副词:ago / before , too/ either / also / as well /neither, high /tall, after / later, alive / living , interested / interesting, a bit / a little, such / so , much too / too much, fine / good /well , interested /interesting , ill / sick, hard / hardly 等





good /well — better— best ill /bad /badly — worse — worst

many /much — more— most little — less — least

far — further / farther — furthest /farthest old —older/elder— oldest / eldest


2. 形容词、副词原级主要使用于下面几个句型之中。

(1). as+原级+ as……和……一样 The white shirt is cheap as the blue one.

(2)not as (so)+原级+ as 和…不一样,不如… eg;It is not so warm today as yesterday.


(1) 两者比较用比较级,三者或三者以上比较用最高级,带有than的用比较级,带有of…,in…, among…短语的句子用最高级。in 后常跟表示组织、单位的单数名词,而of 后常跟表示人或物的复数名词。

e.g.Who is younger,Tom or John? Among the students I like Tom best.

China has the largest number of the people in the world.

(2)形容词比较级前可以用much,a little,even,still,a lot,a bit , far等来修饰说明程度,但不可用very, quite, rather, too 等修饰。如:This one is not good ,that one is even worse. Our school is much more beautiful than before

(3)在一些含比较级的句子里,常用that(单数),those(复数)代替前面的名词,以避免重复。e.g.The weather in Beijing is colder than that i Shanghai in winter.

The girls in our class are more than those in your class.

(4)形容词最高级前必须有the,而副词最高级前则可以省略the,但当最高级前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时,the 就要省去。如:

He is the most careful student in his class. She is Mr Hanson's youngest daughter.

4. 一些重要的句型或短语结构

(1)so +原级+that从句,如此…以致于…

(2)too+原级+to do sth.太……而不能……

(3)形容词的比较级可以 and 用连接,表示“越来越……”

e.g.Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.

(4)形容词比较级前加 the 有以下两种情况:

①the +比较级,the +比较级,表示“越……,越……”;

②the +比较级+of the two ,表示“两个中比较……的一个”。

e.g.The more,the better The girl is the taller of the two.

(5)one of + the +最高级+复数名词,表示最……之一

(6) the +序数词+最高级,表示在某个范围内处于第几位,如:

She is the second tallest student in her class.

(7) 原级+enough + ( for sb.) +to do

(8) as …as …can / could.如:I went into my room as quietly as I could.

(9)be+倍数+形容词比较级+ than…

e.g. The building is three times longer than that one.

(10) be+数词+名词+形容词比较级+than…

e.g.The woman is five years older than the man.


( ) 1.--Could you tell me _____ you've been here? --Since last year.

A. how far

B. how often

C. how soon

D. how long

( ) 2.--What do you think of her spoken English? --Oh, no one speaks _____

A. better

B. well

C. best

D. good

( ) 3. I can't say______ l want to go back to my hometown. It's quite a few years since

I last wemt back.

A. how much B: how long C. how .often D. how soon

( ) 4.--_______ do you go to Hong Kong? --Sorry, I've never been there.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How far

D.How soon

( ) 5. --Hi, Bob ! I can't find my history book..Have you seen it______ ?

--Sorry,l haven'l. Why don't you ask him? Perhaps he's seen it.

A. somewhere

B. everywhere

C. nowhere

D. anywhere

( ) 6. The light of this room was______ dim for Torm ____ read last light.

A. too; to

B. enough; to

C. too;not to

D. not enough;to

( ) 7.Emily hasn't been to London. I haven't ,___________.

A. also

B. either

C. too

D. already

( ) 8.If you want to learn Enghsh well,you must use it as_______as possible.

A. often

B. long

C. quickly

D. soon

( ) 9.--He was ______tired______he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.


B.so that


D.such ,that

( ) 10. Remember, boys and girls. _____ yon work,______result :you'll get.

A,The better;the harder B. The harder,the better

C. The hard,the better

D.The harder, the good

( ) 11. My English used to be very poor.____I wanted to give up. Dad would encourage me to work ha rder.

A. However

B. Whatever

C. Whenever

D. Wherever

( ) 12. Miss Read is in Tokyo at the moment. She will come back ___ next month..

A. sometimes

B. some time

C. some times

D. sometime

( ) 13.--Is someone hurt? -- Yes.one is hurt,but not ___________.

A. bad

B. hard

C. badly

D. much

( ) 14. This book is very _______ and I am _______ in it.

A. interesting, interest

B. interesting, interested

C. interested,interest

D. interested,interested

( ) 15. ---________ will Mr Green be back? --In a week,l think.

A. How often

B.How many

C. How long

D. How soon

( ) 16. Li Lei did quite ________in the English competition.I did even_________.





( ) 17. --What is the main cause of tihe accident? --Driving_________.

A. carefully




( ) 18. Robert wanted to find a good job in the city,but he found things were____ when he got there.

A. comfortable


C. easy

D. pleasant

( ) 19. After a long walk,little Jim was hungry and tired.He could___ walk any farther.

A. suddenly B, hardly C. luckily D. mostly

( ) 20. The population of China is_____than ____of any other country in the world.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1416352297.html,rger,the one


https://www.360docs.net/doc/1416352297.html,rger ,that

D.more ,the one

( ) 21. He eats _______food,so he is _________fat.

A.much too; too much

B.much too;too many

C.too much; much too

D.too much;many too

( ) 22. --Was the man strong enough? --No,______enough.

A.he wasn't much too strong

B.he wasn't too much strong

C.he wasn't quite strong

D.he wasn't too strong

( ) 23. --Our holiday was _______________. --Yes .I've never had_________. A.such great;the better one B.greatly; a good one

C.so great ;a better one

D.very good ; the best one

( ) 24. All the students thought it_____ to find the answer to the question.

A. difficult

B. difficultly

C. more difficult

D. most difficult

( ) 25. I felt that math was ___ hard for me.

A. a little of

B. a bit of

C. a little

D. little

( ) 25. Chongqing is one of _____ in China.

A. the biggest city

B. the biggest cities

C. biggest cities

D. bigger cities ( ) 26. The Yellow River is the second ________ river in China.

A. long

B. longer

C. longest

D. the longer

( ) 27. I can only work out_______ of the two problems.

A. easy

B. easier

C. the easier one

D. the easiest

( ) 28. China is developing _______ than any western country now.

A. very quickly

B. very more quickly

C. quicker

D. far more quickly

( ) 29. The red shoes are too big for me. Could you please show me a?____pair?

A. small

B. smaller

C. the smaller

D. smallest

( ) 30. When I found the questions were quite easy, I became ________

A. more confident and more confident

B. more confident and confident

C. confident more and more

D. more and more confident

( ) 31. Lucy writes as _______ as Lily. They are both good students.

A. careful

B. carefully

C. more careful

D. most carefully

( ) 32. --Is your toothache getting better? --No. It' s ______.

A. bad

B. serious

C. worse

D. the worst

( ) 33. -- What do you think of his speech?

-- Oh, it's wonderful! But he sounds really ____when he first started speaking.

A. aloud

B. worried

C. nervous

D. quiet

( ) 34. I think Mary is _____ student in our class.

A. very careful

B. the most careful

C. more careful

D. most careful

( ) 35. What do you think_____ her______ ?

A. make; sad

B. makes; sadly

C. made; sad

D. made; sadly

( ) 36. --Where would you like to go on vacation? --I'd love to go_______.

A. somewhere relaxing

B. anywhere relaxed

C. somewhere relaxed

D. everywhere relaxing

( ) 37. I like buying food in the supermarket because it offers the____ at the __price.

A. less; least

B. most; best

C. best; most

D. most; most

( ) 38. It' s ?______ to teach a man fishing than to give him fish.

A. more

B. better

C. good

D. best

( ) 39. Students must keep their eyes _____ when you put something in the bag.

A. close

B. closing

C. closed

D. opened

( ) 40. My mother doesn't have ________ to give to me.

A. so nice bike

B. so nice a bike

C. such nice bike

D. such nice a bike

( ) 41. Mary doesn' t sing quite __ the other boys and girls in her class.

A. as good like

B. so well as

C. so good as

D. as well like

( ) 42. This kind of shoes looks _______ and sells________.

A. nice; well

B. nice; good

C. well; well

D. good; nice

( ) 43 The climate of Kunming in summer is not so hot as __________.

A. Hainan

B. of Hainan

C. in Hainan

D. that of Hainan

( ) 44. Don' t be worried about your mother. She will get ________

A. well and well

B. better and better

C. well and better

D. well and good ( ) 45.Oct.15th was one of____days in 2003. Shenzhou V was sent up successfully.

A. exciting

B. more exciting

C. the most exciting

D. much exciting

( ) 46. How _______ the flowers smell!

A. well

B. nice

C. badly

D. hard

( ) 47. Nothing in the world is _______ if you set your mind to do it.

A. impossible

B. wonderful

C. interesting

D. necessary

( ) 48 --How do you write with your new pen? --_________.

A. Quickly and neatly

B. Quick and neat

C. Quick and neatly

D. Quickly and neat ( ) 49. My sister is good at sports. She can jump _______ than me.

A. highest

B. very high

C. too high

D. much higher

( ) 50. --What delicious cakes! --They would taste ____ with butter.

A. good

B. better

C. bad

D. worse

( ) 51. The cheese cake tasted so______ that the kids asked for more.

A. delicious

B. well

C. bad

D. badly

( ) 52. How much is the _____ car? A. small Japanese

B. Japanese small

C. Japanese white

D. small Japanese white

( ) 53. Last weekend many people went to the concert, _______ young people.

A. hardly

B. probably

C. mostly

D. really

( ) 54. The smile on her face shows that she is ?____ her work.

A. worried about

B. pleased with

C. sorry for

D. afraid of

( ) 55. --Have you bought that digital camera?

--No, I can't afford it. The price is a bit too _____, I think.

A. low

B. high

C. cheap

D. expensive

( ) 56. --You must be very tired after having an ______ flight.

--Exactly. I need a good sleep right now.

A. one-day

B. one day

C. eighteen hours

D. eighteen-hour

( ) 57. After that they were ________ before. A. so friendly as

B. not as friendly as

C. not as more friendly as

D. A or B

( ) 58. China is bigger than ________ in Asia. A. any other country B. all the countries C. any country D. any countries


2013年实验中学初三英语复习学案 萧东来2013-04 初中英语语法之形容词、副词 形容词: 一、形容词的一般用法 1.作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 例如,It’s a cold and windy day. 2.作表语,放在系动词的后面。 例如,He looks happy today. 3.形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything 等复合不定代词时,须放在其后。 例如,Would you like something hot to drink? 4.表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 例如,How long is the river?It’s about two hundred kilometers long. 5.只能作表语的形容词:afraid 害怕;alone 独自的;asleep 睡着的;awake 醒着的;alive 活着的;well 健康的;ill 病的;frightened 害怕的 例如,The man is ill.(正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) 6.只能作定语的形容词:little 小的;only 唯一的;wooden 木质的;woolen 羊毛质的;elder 年长的 例如,My elder brother is in Beijing. (正) My brother is elder. (误) 7.貌似副词的形容词:lonely 独自的;friendly 友好的;lively 生动的;lovely 可爱的 8.复合形容词:snow-white 雪白的English-speaking 说英语的;full-time 全日制的;well-known 众所周知的;kind-hearted 善良的;man-made 人造的;take-away 可以带走的;ten-year-old 十岁的。 二、多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、数词) ——描绘词(大小,长短,形状,新旧,长幼,颜色)——出处——材料性质——类别——名词(此项不要求掌握) A small round table 一张小圆桌 A tall white building 一幢高大的白色建筑物 A dirty old black shirt 一件又脏又旧的黑色衬衣 A famous American medical school 一个非常著名的美国医学院 三、形容词常用句型 1.“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,good(好的),如kind(友善的),nice(友好的),polite(有礼貌的),clever(聪明的),foolish(愚蠢的),lazy(懒惰的),careful(细心的),careless(粗心的),right(正确的),wrong(错误的)等。 例如,It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.)你能帮助我,真好。 It’s very rude of her to say such words.(=She is very rude to say such words.)她说这样的话,真 粗鲁。 It’s foolish of him to go alone.(=He is foolish to go alone.)他单独出去太傻了。 2.“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有important(重要的),necessary(必要的),difficult(困难的),easy(容易的),hard(艰难的),dangerous(危险的),safe(安全的),useful(有益的),pleasant(舒适的),interesting(有趣的),impossible(不可能的)等。 例如It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language. (=To learn a foreign language is no t easy for them.) 对于他们来说学好一门外语不容易。 It’s very important for students to listen to teachers carefully. (=To listen to teachers carefully is very important for students.) 对于学生来说上课认真听老师讲课是非常重要的。 It’s necessary for us to get to school on time . (=To get to school on time is necessary for us.) 对于我们来说按时到校是非常必要的。 3. 表示感情或情绪的形容词,glad(高兴的),如pleased(高兴的),sad(忧伤的), thankful(感激的)等常接不定式。 例如,Glad to see you.见到你非常高兴。 I’m very sorry to hear the bad news.听到这个坏新闻,我非常难过。 4. 表示能力和意志的形容词,如ready(乐意的,有准备的),able(有能力的),sure(一定), 等常接不定式。 例如,He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于助人。 四、一些形容词的用法辨析: ⑴whole 与all:记住两个词序:①the whole + 名词;②all (of) the + 名词。 如:He was busy the whole morning.( 整个早晨他都很忙) He can remember all the words he learns.(他能记住学过的所有单词) ⑵tall 与high, short 与low : 指人的个子时用tall 与short;指其他事物时一般用high 与low。 如:He’s very tall/short.(他个子高/矮) Tall trees are standing on both sides of that avenue.(大道的两侧有高大的树木)


连词 (一) 正误辨析 1、[误]Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正]Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析]在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。 2、[误]He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正]He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析]由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。 3、[误]You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正]You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析]or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4、[误]Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正]Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正]He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析]"虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。 5、[误]Either you or I are on duty. [正]Either you or I am on duty. [析]either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither…nor, not only…but also等。 6、[误]Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析]并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。 7、[误]My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正]My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析]由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都用动名词,如用不定式则都应用不定式,这是初学者要注意的一点。 8、[误]My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正]My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析]两个并列句中间不可用逗号连接,要用并列连词来连接。 9、[误]My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正]My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析]宾语从句的连接词只能有一个不能重复使用。 10、[误]We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正]We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析]用both…and…作连接词时,其相连接的部分结构也要相同。 11、[误]Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正]Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析]由not only…but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个主语,所以谓语形式应采用就近原则。

8B U1中考复习学案

8年级下Unit1 Past and present Ⅰ单元知识点复习 一、重点单词: 1.现在,目前 ____________ 2.自…以来______________ 3.北方的__________ 4.已婚的__________ 5.妻子____________ 6.污染物__________ 7.工厂____________ 8.意识到___________ 9.寂寞的___________ 10.会见___________ 11.最近___________ 12.环境___________ 13.返回_____________ 14.到国外__________ 15.交流(n.)________ 16.不可能的________ 17.正是___________ 18.街区___________ A.根据中文提示完成句子: 1.Mrs Smith is preparing dinner in the kitchen at _________(目前) 2.There are a lot of _________ (工厂) in our town. 3. They invite famous engineers from home and __________ ( 在国外). 4. They are talking about how to protect the ________________(环境). 5. UNICEF helps many children ________(返回)to school in poor areas. B.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.These shoes which are their _____(wife) look new. 2.The train arrived in Shanghai at_________ (exact) 9. 3.She comes from the _________ (north) part of China. 4.There are too many cars in the city,so air _________ (pollute) is very serious. 5.It is __________(possible) for me to do so many things in two days.Can you help me? 二、重点词组 A.请将下列词组翻译成中文: https://www.360docs.net/doc/1416352297.html,ed to do sth ____________ 2.enjoy a comfortable life____________ 3.get used to sth _____________ 4.keep in touch ______________ 5.go abroad________________ 6.travel to and from__________ 7.in the past ______________ 8. take place___________ 9.feel a bit lonely_____________ 10.as often as before__________ 11.improve the situation_____________ 12.turn ...into…___________ 13.in the northen part of town____________ 14.move house__________ 15.get/be married____________ 16.put the waste into the river___________ 17. in some ways___________ 18.play cards and Chinese chess___________ 19.from time to time_____________ 20.all one’s life_____________ 21.over the past century____________ 22.return from______________ 23.open space_______________ 24.on one’s own_____________ B.根据句意,选择下列词组填空使句子完整,并注意其适当形式: 1.This foreign teacher in our school ___________ here since he came to Nanjing.


中考人教版初中英语语法---一般现在时和一般过去时教学案及练习 同学英语学科核心素养培养与个性发展研究年级日期时间 管理师辅导教师课时 课题一般现在时和一般过去时 行为与习惯、学科素养养成 查漏补缺兴趣激发一般现在时 1.用法 (1)表示经常发生的动作、存在的状态或日常的习惯,常与 every day, often, always sometimes 等时间状语连用。 eg. She gets up at six every day. She is our teacher of English. We go there once a week. (2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力等。 eg. Tom studies very hard. She is always ready to help others. I major in English. (3)表示客观事实或普遍真理。 eg. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The water boils at 100℃ . Actions speaks louder than words.行动胜于言辞。 2. 构成 ⑴系动词 be 的一般现在时 be (单数 -is, 复数 -are, I-am) 构成: a.肯定句:主语 + be +其他 b.否定句:主语 + be +not+其他 (is not = isn’ t, are not = aren’ t , I am not =I’ m not ) c.一般疑问句(一调二改三问号 )Be + 主语 + 其它部分? 肯定回答: Yes,主语 +be否定回答:No,主语+be+not (注意:在回答时,主语要用相应的代词代替) ⑵ 情态动词的一般现在时 情态动词后的动词一定要用原形,没有人称和数的变化。(can, must, should等) 构成: a.肯定句:主语+ 情态动词+ 动词原形 +其他 b 否定句:主语+ 情态动词+ not + 动词原形+ 其他 c.一般疑问句:情态动词+ 主语 + 动词原形+ 其它部分? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语 +情态动词 否定回答: No, 主语 +情态动词 +not


一、选择题 1.I quite like noodles_________ my cousin doesn't. A.or B.so C.and D.but 2.I know her, ____________I forget(忘了)her name. A.so B.and C.but 3.I live far away from my school, ________ I have to get up early every day. A.and B.but C.so D.or 4.______ Lucy ______Wendy speaks good English, so they cannot communicate with these British students very well. A.Neither, nor B.Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or 5.I really want to go back to my hometown, ________ I don't have time. A.if B.but C.or D.as 6.—Will you go to Nanjing by bus _____ by plane? —By plane. It is expensive ______ fast. A.or; but B.or; and C.and; but D.and; and 7.—Have you ever tried food in Singapore? —Yes.______ you like Indian food, Western food ______ Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Whether;or 8.Is getting up late good____ bad for our health? A.and B.or C.but D.for 9.— Would you like some cakes? — No, thanks. They smell delicious I’m not hungry. A.and B.so C.but D.or 10.—Ancient Chinese believed that traveling ten thousand miles is as important as reading ten thousand books. —I agree. It’s just like the popular saying “Make sure that your body your soul(灵魂)is on the way.” A.both; and B.not; but C.neither; nor D.either; or 11.He ________ like baseball. ________ he likes football. A.don’t, but B.doesn’t, and C.doesn’t, but D./, and 12.Get up early, John. you will be late for the class. A.And B.But C.So D.Or 13.-I like apples,_______ I like pears, too. What about you,Linda? -Well,I like pears _______ I don't like apples. A.and;and B.but; but C.but;and D.and; but 14.The shop isn't open, she can’t buy her favourite chocolate.


初三英语总复习学案名词 【考点】 1、名词的单复数; 2、名词所有格; 3、名词的修饰语; 4、易用错的名词 【重点知识讲解】 一、名词的数:可数名词与不可数名词 1、可数名词是指那些能够用数来计量的名词,如:dog, bus, boy ,piece等;反 之则为不可数名词,如;water, milk, coffee, information等。 2、可数名词的复数形式: 1)规则变化(请同学们自己复习并巩固) 2)应注意的问题: a、以元音字母加 y结尾的,直接加--s;如:day, boy, play 等; b、以o结尾的,加--es, 如:hero, patato, tomato, 但zoo, radio, photo等 则要在词尾加--s。. c、不规则变化(希望同学们能从中找出规律来,你试试,你肯定能!) man--men woman--women child--children foot---feet goose--geese tooth--teeth fish--fish sheep--sheep deer--deer Chinese--Chinese mouse--mice penny--pence d、有些名词只有复数形式。如;clothes, trousers, glasses, thanks, pants 等 e、有些复合名词变成复数时,只将复合名词的主体名词变为复数,如: boy student--boy students banana tree --banana trees bus driver --bus drivers 等。但,由man 和woman构成的合成名词,变复数时要将名词及 man 或woman 都变成复数。如: man teacher--men teacher woman doctor --women doctor f、名词+man (woman)构成的复合名词其复数形式通常与简单名词一样,即把man(woman)改成men(women),如:Englishman--Englishmen policewoman--policewomen 但:German--Germans g、有些名词形似复数,实际作单数用。如:maths, physics, politics等。 h、有些名词形式上是单数形式,但意义上是复数。如:people, police等。 i、 关于国人变复数有记忆口诀:中日不变英法变,其余 s 加后面。 二、名词的所有格: (一)名词所有格是名词的一种形式,它是通过名词词尾的变化形式来表示名词的 所有关系,名词的所有格分为有生命名词的所有格和无生命名词的所有格。有生命的名 词所有格的规则变化如下: (1)单词名词的加's,如Ann's teacher, an hour's work, the girl's excuse (2)以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格只加’,如the students' books (3)不以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格加's, 如the women's room, Children's Day (4)表示两人共有时,只在后一个名词后加's,如:Lucy and Lily's mother, (5)当两人不共有某人或某物时,两个名词都要使用所有格形式,后边所修饰的名词 用复数形式,如 Tom's and Lily's mothers (6)独立所有格,即以“s”所有格修饰的名词可以省略。所有格所修饰的名词在上下 文中出现过,或表示某人的家或住宅,或表示教堂、学校等公共场所或表示公司、店铺 等。如:at the doctor's at the grocer's


连词 (一) 1、[误]Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正]Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析]在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确" 2、[误]He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正]He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析]由or 3、[误]You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正]You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析]or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4、[误]Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正]Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正]He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析]"虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然" 5、[误]Either you or I are on duty. [正]Either you or I am on duty. [析]either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither…nor, not only…but also 6、[误]Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析]并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不 7、[误]My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正]My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析]由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都用动名词,如 8、[误]My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正]My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析] 9、[误]My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正]My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析] 10、[误]We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正]We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析]用both…and 11、[误]Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正]Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析]由not only…but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个主语,所以谓语形式应


总复习第34时Unit8 It must be long to Carla . 班级小组姓名 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌握本单元单词、短语及重点句型。 2. 能力目标:掌握情态动词表示推测和可能性。 教学重点、难点:情态动词表示推测和可能性。 【预习导航】 一.导学部分 1. 翻译下列单词和短语 ) 谁的卡车野餐出席 贵重的敌人任何人噪音 男警察狼不安的实验室 在野外外套困倦的着陆 外星人西服表达圈出··· 大不列颠奥秘收到历史学家 领导仲夏医学的目的 阻止能量位置埋葬 尊重祖先顺利辛勤的 追逐同时属于某个温暖的地方 . 捡起没什么事逃跑不寻常的事物赶公交车指出以特定的方式阻止某人做某事【合作、探究、展示】 翻译下列句子。 1.这是谁的书 2.它一定是玛丽的。 3.它不可能被偷。 4.我认为一定有人已经捡到了它。 5. 一定有什么东西在光顾我们居民区的人家。 : 6.这个噪音制造者正在享受在邻里间制造恐惧带来的太多乐趣。 7. 你认为这个男人为什么在跑 8. 他可能是在跑步锻炼。 9. 巨石阵不仅是英国著名的历史遗迹之一,还是英国最大的谜团之。 10或许我们可能不知道,但我们知道他们一定很勤劳——而且是伟大的规划者。 【学后训练】 一.用合适的情态动词填空。 1.Who is the man over there Is it Tom—No, it _____ be him ,Tom is much taller. |

2. When you cross the street , you __________be careful. 3. —Must they come to the party at 5:00 — No, they _________. 4.— May I use your dictionary —No,you _________. be happy! 6. You _________ get up so early, It’s Sunday today, and we have no classes. 7.—___________ I speak to Miss Green ,please — Speaking. 8. You __________play with fire , It’s dangerous. 9. You ___________be more careful next time. 10. Cars, buses ,and bikes _______ stop when the traffic light is red. the road is wet now, it __________(must rain )last night. … 12. What is Tom doing He_________(must write)a letter. ,I _____(must sleep)this time yesterday, so I didn’t hear you. 14. The textbook ______be his ,It has his name on it. 15. The football ______ be Tom’s or John’s, they both play football. 16. The red bike ________be mine, Mine is black. 18. This kind of food ___________(must put)in cool, clean and dry places.二.单项选择。 must be kids having fun, _____________ A. mustn’t there ’t there ’t they ’t they 2. Don’t go out at night,_______________ * you we C. will you you 3. The pen can’t belong to Sally,__________ A .can it B. is it C. does it ’t it 6. She must have finished writing,______________ A. must’t she ’t she ’t she D. isn’t she 7. She must have finished writing last week,__________ A. must’t she ’t she ’t she D. isn’t she 8. The man could be running for exercise,_____________ A. isn’t he B .couldn’t he C. didn’t he ’t the man


初中英语语法复习导学案——动词的语态 一、知识梳理归纳. 英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active V oice)和被动语态(The Passive V oice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,例如:Many people speak English . (主动语态) English is spoken by many people. (被动语态) 1、被动语态的构成被动语态由"助动词be +及物动词的过去分词"构成。助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。被动语态的肯定式、否定式及疑问式列表如下:肯定句:主语+ be+ 过去分词+(by…)eg. He is often asked to do this work (by his boss). 否定句:主语+ be not +过去分词+(by…)eg. I am not invited to the party (by him). 一般疑问句:Be + 主语+过去分词+ (by…)?eg. Are your clothes washed by yourself? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+ be+主语+过去分词+ (by…)?eg. What is this sweater made of? 现以动词give为例,其被动语态的各种时态如下: 式时一般进行完成现在Am / is /are + given Am/is/are +being + given Have / has +been +given 过去Was / were + given Was / were + being + given Had +been + given 将来Shall/ will be+ given 含情态词的Can / may /must +be +given 2、被动语态的用法:1)当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。例如:This jacket is made of cotton. English is spoken in many countries in the world. 2)强调动作的承受者时。如:The boy was saved at last.这个男孩最后得救了。 3. 主动语态变被动语态的步骤: 主动句: The boy broke the window yesterday. 被动句: The window was broken by the boy yesterday. 步骤一:原句中的宾语the window变成主语。步骤二:谓语动词broke改为被动形式:was broken 步骤三:原句中的主语The boy放在介词by的后面。步骤四:其他成分如:yesterday不变。 4.主动变被动时应注意1) 主动语态里的宾补若是省略to的动词不定式,变被动时须加to. 2)短语动词时不可分割的整体,在变被动时要保持其完整性,不可少介词或副词. 3)表示感官意义的系动词用主动表被动. 4) 有两个宾语的句子的被动语态: A. 可有两种被动语态的常用动词有:buy,give,leave,lend,offer,pay,teach,tell,show,等。Eg .He gave me the book just now. →The book was given to me( by him) just now. = I was given the book (by him) just now. B. 通常用直接宾语作被动语态主语的一些动词有: bring,do,make,pass,sell,send,sing,write,等。My mother made me a skirt. →A skirt was made (for me) by my mother. C.若将直接宾语提前,则应在间接宾语前加to或for.加for的动词有buy,cook,make,get等.show,pass,give,lend等则加to. 5)want和need 后加动词的ing形式表被动. 二.例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!三.练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!(一)用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1、Some ideas ______(give) to college students by him yesterday. 2、---Do you like the music "Moonlight"? ---Yes, it ______really beautiful!(sound) 3、He won't come to the party unless Sue ______.(invite) The chair


一、选择题 1.-How do you keep healthy? -I don't eat much meat, I do exercise every day. A.or B.so C.but D.and 2.We just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us. A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Not only; but also D.Neither; nor 3.__________ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesn’t like to see horror films. A.Since B.As C.Though D.不填 4.Mike does his homework and __________ to play football after school every day. A.goes B.go C.to go D.went 5.Don't run so fast, ____________you might fall over. A.or B.and C.unless 6.I know her, ____________I forget(忘了)her name. A.so B.and C.but 7.I don't want to buy the jeans because__________ the colour_________the size fits me. A.both,and B.neither,nor C.either,or D.not only,but also 8.-- I bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A.but B.and C.or D.so 9.My brother will get up early tomorrow morning ___________ he must go to bed now. A.and B.but C.so D.or 10.The supermarket is far away from here, ___________ you'd better take a taxi. A.because B.if C.so D.or 11.I live far away from my school, ________ I have to get up early every day. A.and B.but C.so D.or 12.Mike is good at playing basketball ______Bruce does well in football . A.when B.until C.since D.while 13.Is getting up late good____ bad for our health? A.and B.or C.but D.for 14.My grandfather is over 70 ______ he thinks he is very young. A.and B.so C.because D.but 15.I quite like noodles_________ my cousin doesn't. A.or B.so C.and D.but 16.My grandfather is 85 years old. he's in excellent condition. A.Or B.And C.As D.So 17.I like fruit _________ I don't eat too much. A.and B.but C.because 18.—What do you usually do in the evening?
