专题02 摩擦力(原卷版)




压轴题专题摩擦力1 .如图1所示,水平路面由三段长度相等的粗糙区域组成。

在2N 水平拉力F 的作用下,物块(体积忽略 不计)从区域①的最左端由静止开始运动,在刚进入区域③时撤去拉力,物块最终停在区域③的最右端。

B .拉力在区域①中做功的功率比②的小 C .物块在区域①上所受的摩擦力等于2N D .物块在区域③上运动的时间可能为1s2 .如图所示,一个木块在光滑水平面上以v 0的速度做匀速直线运动,冲上粗糙斜面后最终静止在A 点。

以下关于木块在斜面上受到摩擦力的说法正确的是()A .木块在斜面上受到的摩擦力始终是滑动摩擦力B .木块静止在A 点时受到的摩擦力大小等于木块的重力C .木块在斜面上受到的摩擦力方向始终沿斜面向下D .若减小斜面的倾斜度,沿斜面往上运动的木块所受的摩擦力将变大3 .体育课上,张平同学先后以相同的姿势顺着绳和杆匀速上爬,并匀速滑下来,以下说法正确的是()A .爬绳比爬杆受到的摩擦力大,因为绳子粗糙B .爬绳与从绳上滑下来受到的摩擦力方向相反C .爬绳和爬杆受到的摩擦力一样大D .若爬绳和爬杆的速度不一样,则速度大的摩擦力大 4 .如图所示,用6N 的水平拉力F 拉动物体A 在水平地面上向右匀速运动,物体B 静止不动,弹簧测力计示数为2N ,下列说法正确的是( )A. A 对B 的摩擦力大小为4N ,方向水平向右B. B 对A 的摩擦力大小为2N ,方向水平向右C .地面对A 的摩擦力大小为4N ,方向水平向左D .地面对A 的摩擦力大小为6N ,方向水平向左图2为物块在区域①和②上运动的v -t 图象,则( )A .区域①路面的粗糙程度比②的大5 .在图中,甲、乙两个完全相同的物体中间夹着质量是1kg 的物体丙,若丙物体能沿竖直方向匀速下滑,则下面说法正确的是(A .丙受甲摩擦力大小为9.8N ,方向竖直向上B .丙受甲摩擦力大小为4.9N ,方向竖直向上C .丙受乙摩擦力大小为9.8N ,方向竖直向下D .丙受乙摩擦力大小为4.9N ,方向竖直向下6 .如图所示,水平地面上有A . B . C 三个物体,物体A 、B 放在物体C 上,水平力F 作用于A ,使A 、B 、C 一起匀速运动,各接触面间的摩擦力的情况是( )A . A 对C 有向右的摩擦力B .C 对B 有向左的摩擦力 C .物体C 受到三个摩擦力的作用D .地面对C 有向右的摩擦力7 .如图所示,将弹簧测力计左端固定在墙上,右端用细线与重力为10N 的木块相连,木块放在上表面水平 的小车上,弹簧测力计保持水平。

专题02 静态平衡问题(原卷版)

专题02 静态平衡问题(原卷版)

专题02 静态平衡目录一、热点题型归纳 ........................................................................................................................................................【题型一】力的合成与分解 ..............................................................................................................................【题型二】三力静态平衡...................................................................................................................................【题型三】三力以上静态平衡 ..........................................................................................................................【题型四】不共面的力静态平衡 ......................................................................................................................二、最新模考题组练 (2)【题型一】力的合成与分解【典例分析】如图所示,一个“Y”形弹弓顶部跨度为L,两根相同的橡皮条自由长度均为L,在两橡皮条的末端用一块软羊皮(长度不计)做成裹片。

2024年中考语文记述文阅读题答题模板及例题引领(全国)专题02 开头段作用(原卷版)

2024年中考语文记述文阅读题答题模板及例题引领(全国)专题02 开头段作用(原卷版)
④上小学时学会骑车,有时由哥哥带着坐大梁,有时自己骑,当时校中人不多,路 上清静,慢慢地骑着车左顾右盼很是惬意。我们从大礼堂东边绕过来,到图书馆前下车, 走上台阶,再跑下来,再继续骑,算是过了一座桥。我们仰头再仰头,看这座“桥”和 上面的楼顶。楼顶似乎紧接着天上的云彩。云彩大都简单,一两笔白色而已,但却使整 个建筑显得丰富。多么高大,多么好看。这印象还留在我心底。
答题要点:段落的具体内容;抒发了什么情感;与上下文有何关系;表达了怎样的 艺术效果。
2023 上·山东聊城·八年级校联考期末)那祥云缭绕的地方 宗璞①
②我结识清华图书馆是从襁褓中开始的。我出生两个月,父亲执教清华,全家移居 清华园。母亲在园中来去,少不得有时抱着我,或用儿车推着我。从那时,我便看见了 清华图书馆。我想,最初我还不会知道那是什么。渐渐地,能认识那是一座大建筑。在 上幼稚园时就知道那是图书馆了。
⑩父亲在图书馆楼下仍有一个房间,我有时去看看。常见隔壁的房门敞开着,哲学 系学长唐稚松在里面读书,唐兄先学哲学又学数学,在“计算机科学与软件工程”方面 有重大成就,享有国际声誉。我们在电话中谈到清华、谈到图书馆,都认为清华教我们 自强、严谨、要有创造性,终身难忘。
⑪从清华图书馆里走出来的还有少年闻一多和青年曹禺②。闻一多 1912 年入清华学 堂,在清华学习九年中少不了要在图书馆读书,在九年中他课余写的旧体诗文还自编为 《古瓦集》。去年经整理后出版,可惜我目力太弱,已不能阅读,只能抚摸那典雅的蓝 缎面,让想象飞翔在那一片彩云之上。
③图书馆外面的石阶很高,里面的屋顶也很高,一进门便有一种肃穆的气氛。说来 惭愧,对于孩子们,它竟是一个好玩的地方。不记得我什么时候第一次走进图书馆。父 亲当时在楼下,向南的甬道里有一间朝东的房间,我和弟弟大概是跟着父亲走进来的。 那房间很乱,堆满书籍文件,我不清楚那是办公室还是个人研究室,也许是兼而用之。 每次去不能多停,我们本应立即出馆,但常做非法逗留,在房间外面玩。给我们的告诫 是不准大声说话,于是我们的舌头不活动,腿却自由地活动。我们把朝南和朝西的甬道 都走到头,甬道很黑,有些神秘,走在里面像是探险或者是去爬楼梯,跑到楼上再跑下 来。有时还从楼下的饮水管中吸满一口水,飞快地跑到楼梯顶往下吐,听见水“啪”的 一声落地,觉得真有趣。我们想笑却不敢笑,这样的活动从来没有被人发现。

专题02 力与直线运动(原卷版)

专题02 力与直线运动(原卷版)

2022年高考物理三轮冲刺与命题大猜想专题02 力与直线运动目录猜想一 :突出匀变速直线运动规律在解决实际问题中的灵活运用 (1)猜想二 :借助图像在直线运动中的应用考科学思维 (2)猜想三:创新动力学图像的考查形式 (3)猜想四:强化应用牛顿运动定律处理经典模型 (5)猜想五:运动学与动力学联系实际的问题 (8)冲刺押题练习 (9)猜想一 :突出匀变速直线运动规律在解决实际问题中的灵活运用【猜想依据】匀变速直线运动是高中物理的基础运动模型,应用匀变速直线运动的规律解决运动问题是高考的重点问题,匀变速直线运动问题情景多种多样,涉及公式较多,能否正确选取公式就成了解决此类问题的第一要素而如若能能灵活应用推论公式解决问题将使问题得到大大简化。

【必备知识】1.两个基本公式:速度公式:v =v 0+at ,位移公式:x =v 0t +12at 2. 2.当遇到以下特殊情况时,用导出公式会提高解题的速度和准确率:(1)不涉及时间,比如从v 0匀加速到v ,求此过程的位移x ,可用v 2-v 02=2ax .(2)平均速度公式:①运用2t v =x t =v 求中间时刻的瞬时速度;②运用x =v 0+v 2t 求位移. (3)位移差公式:运用Δx =x 2-x 1=aT 2,x m -x n =(m -n )aT 2求加速度.【例1】(2022届云南省高三(下)第一次统测)无人驾驶汽车通过车载传感系统识别道路环境,自动控制车辆安全行驶。

无人驾驶有很多优点,如从发现紧急情况到车开始减速,无人车需要0.2s ,比人快了1s 。

人驾驶汽车以某速度匀速行驶,从发现情况到停下的运动距离为44m ,汽车减速过程视为匀减速运动,其加速度大小为210m /s 。

同样条件下,无人驾驶汽车从发现情况到停下的运动距离为( )A. 24mB. 26mC. 28mD. 30m【试题分析】:本题以无人驾驶汽车的安全行驶为情境贴合生活实际引导学生学以致用突出物理的应用性,构建示意图或v -t 图辅助分析并灵活选用公式是解决问题的关键。



专题二:仪器的使用和读数命题点1:刻度尺的使用及读数【注意】1.被测物体的长度应为末端对应的刻度值减去始端对应的刻度值.2.使有刻度线的一侧紧靠被测物体,并与被测长度平行.3.视线正对刻度读出数值,读数时看清分度值,并估读到分度值的下一位.若估读值为“零”,也要补上.4.注意填空后面的单位转换:1 cm=10 mm.【针对训练】1.如图所示,图中木块的长度为cm。


命题点2:停表的读数【注意】1.停表内圈的单位是“分钟”,外圈的单位是“秒”.2.读数前,先分清内圈和外圈的分度值.3.读数时,对于外圈一圈表示30 s的停表,内圈的分针小于30 s时(指针未过半刻度线),读外圈小于30的读数;内圈的分针大于30 s时(指针过半刻度线),读外圈大于30的读数.4.注意单位转换:1 min=60 s.【针对训练】1.图乙机械停表的读数为______s。

命题点3:温度计的使用及读数温度计注意:1.先估计被测物体温度,再选择适当量程的温度计.2.认清温度计的分度值.3.温度计的玻璃泡要与被测物体充分接触,不能碰到容器底或容器壁.4.待示数稳定后再读数.5.读数时温度计不能离开被测物体(体温计例外),视线要与温度计中的液面齐平.6.读数时,要看清分度值和液柱方向,弄清楚示数是在0 ℃的上方还是下方.体温计注意:1.看清分度值,体温计精确到0.1 ℃.2.体温计有细管(缩口),可以离开被测物体读数.【针对训练】1.常用温度计是根据液体的规律制成的。



专题02 词语运用-2023年中考语文二轮复习专题训练 (原卷版)

专题02  词语运用-2023年中考语文二轮复习专题训练 (原卷版)



















专题2 力物体的平衡一、单项选择题1.(山西大学附中2012届高三月考)如图所示是皮带传动装置示意图,A为主动轮,B 为从动轮.关于A轮上P点和B轮上Q点所受摩擦力的方向,下列说法正确的是()A.P、Q点所受摩擦力的方向均沿轮的切线向上B.P、Q点所受摩擦力的方向均沿轮的切线向下C.P、Q点所受摩擦力的方向沿轮的切线,Q点向上,P点向下D.P、Q点所受摩擦力的方向沿轮的切线,P点向上,Q点向下2.(湖北省黄冈中学2012届高三下学期理综模拟测试)L型木板P(上下表面光滑)放在固定斜面上,轻质弹簧一端固定在木板上,另一端与置于木板上表面的滑块Q相连,如图所示,使弹簧为原长时释放,P、Q一起沿斜面下滑,不计空气阻力,则木板P的受力个数为()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.63.(山西省忻州一中2012届高三期中试题)如图所示,固定斜面上有一光滑小球,有一竖直轻弹簧P与一平行斜面的轻弹簧Q连接着,小球处于静止状态,则关于小球所受力的个数不可能的是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.44.(上海市吴淞中学2012届高三第一学期期中考试、湖北省八校2012届高三12月第一次联考理综卷)如图所示,物块A放在倾斜的木板上,木板的倾角α为30︒和45︒时物块所受摩擦力的大小恰好相同,则物块和木板间的滑动摩擦系数为()A .1/2B .2/2C .3/2D .5/25.(浙江省温州市2012届高三第一次适应性测试试题理综卷)如图所示,质量分别为m A 、m B 的A 、B 两个楔形物体叠放在一起,B 靠在竖直墙壁上,在力F 的作用下,A 、B 都始终静止不动,则( )A .墙壁对B 的摩擦力大小为m B g B .A 、B 之间一定有摩擦力的作用C .力F 增大,墙壁对B 的摩擦力也增大D .力F 增大,B 所受的合外力一定不变6.(江苏省盐城中学2012届高三第一学期期中考试)如图所示,石拱桥的正中央有一质量为m 的对称楔形石块,侧面与竖直方向的夹角为α,重力加速度为g ,若接触面间的摩擦力忽略不计,则石块侧面所受弹力的大小为( )A .αsin 2mgB .αcos 2mgC . 1tan 2mg α D .1t 2mgco α 7.(浙江省浙南、浙北部分学校2012届高三12月联考)叠罗汉是一种二人以上层层叠成各种造型的游戏娱乐形式,也是一种高难度的杂技。

专题02 受力分析 共点力的平衡—备战2023年高考物理母题题源解密(全国通用)(原卷版)

专题02  受力分析 共点力的平衡—备战2023年高考物理母题题源解密(全国通用)(原卷版)

专题02 受力分析 共点力的平衡考向一 静态平衡【母题来源一】2022年高考广东卷 【母题题文】(2022·广东卷·T1)图是可用来制作豆腐的石磨。

木柄AB 静止时,连接AB 的轻绳处于绷紧状态。

O 点是三根轻绳的结点,F 、1F 和2F 分别表示三根绳的拉力大小,12F F =且60AOB ∠=︒。

下列关系式正确的是( )A. 1F F =B.12F F =C.13F F =D. 13F F【母题来源二】2022年高考浙江卷 【母题题文】(2022·浙江6月卷·T10)如图所示,一轻质晒衣架静置于水平地面上,水平横杆与四根相同的斜杆垂直,两斜杆夹角60θ=︒°。

一重为G 的物体悬挂在横杆中点,则每根斜杆受到地面的( )A. 作用力为33G B. 作用力为36 C. 摩擦力为34G D. 摩擦力为38G【命题意图】 本题结合生活实际考查受力分析、共点力的平衡条件,涉及正交分解法的简单应用,意在考查考生对力学基本知识的掌握情况,以及运用物理知识解决实际问题的能力。

【考试方向】 受力分析和共点力的平衡问题是高中物理的基础,也是高考考查的重点。






注意:涉及滑动摩擦力的四力平衡问题中,可以把滑动摩擦力F f 和正压力F N 合成为一个力F ,只要Ff 和F N 方向不变,则F 的方向不变。

专题02 相互作用——力(讲义)(原卷版)

专题02 相互作用——力(讲义)(原卷版)

专题02 相互作用——力01专题网络·思维脑图02考情分析·解密高考03高频考点·以考定法04核心素养·难点突破05创新好题·轻松练习考点内容要求 考情力的合成与分解基本运算 c 2023·重庆·1、广东·2、山东·2、浙江6月· 6 浙江1月·2、海南·3、江苏·72022·辽宁·4、浙江1月·4(·5和·7)、浙江6月·10、广东·1、河北·7、湖南·5、重庆·1、海南·7、2021·重庆·1、广东·3、湖南·5、浙江1月· 4 2020·海南·2、北京·11、山东·8、浙江1月· 2、 浙江6月·3(·10)、全国III ·22019·天津·2、全国I ·6、全国II ·3、全国III ·3、浙江6月·6(·11)牛顿运动第一第三定律的运用 c 对研究对象的受力分析 c 共点力的静态平衡分析方法 c 共点力的动态平衡分析方法c学 习 目 标 1. 熟悉掌握力的合成与分解的基本计算,熟练掌握利用三角函数求解合力或分力的大小。





专题02 三种不同性质的力——弹力、重力和摩擦力(解析版)

专题02 三种不同性质的力——弹力、重力和摩擦力(解析版)












专题02 匀变速直线运动基本运动规律公式(原卷版)-2024年高考物理一轮综合复习导学练

专题02 匀变速直线运动基本运动规律公式(原卷版)-2024年高考物理一轮综合复习导学练

2024年高考物理一轮大单元综合复习导学练专题02匀变速直线运动基本运动规律公式导练目标导练内容目标1匀变速直线运动的基本公式目标2匀变速直线运动三个推论目标3初速度为零的匀加速直线运动的比例关系目标4刹车类和双向可逆类问题【知识导学与典例导练】一、匀变速直线运动的基本公式1.四个基本公式及选取技巧题目涉及的物理量没有涉及的物理量适宜选用公式v 0,v ,a ,t x v =v 0+at v 0,a ,t ,x v x =v 0t +12at 2v 0,v ,a ,x t v 2-v 02=2ax v 0,v ,t ,xax =v +v 02t 2.运动学公式中正、负号的规定匀变速直线运动的基本公式和推论公式都是矢量式,使用时要规定正方向。

而直线运动中可以用正、负号表示矢量的方向,一般情况下规定初速度v 0的方向为正方向,与初速度同向的物理量取正值,反向的物理量取负值。

当v 0=0时,一般以加速度a 的方向为正方向。

【例1】(2023秋·河北沧州·高三统考期末)某新能源汽车的生产厂家为了适应社会的需求,在一平直的公路上对汽车进行测试,计时开始时新能源汽车a 、b 的速度分别满足10a v t =、105b v t =+,经时间1s t =两新能源汽车刚好并排行驶。

则下列说法正确的是()A .计时开始时,b 车在a 车后方5mB .从计时开始经2s 的时间两新能源汽车速度相同C .两新能源汽车速度相等时的距离为2mD .从第一次并排行驶到第二次并排行驶需要3s 的时间【针对训练1】(2022秋·河南开封·高三校考阶段练习)2022年6月17日,中国第3艘航空母舰“中国人民解放军海军福建舰”正式下水,这一刻标志着中国人民海军进入“三舰客时代”。


设在静止的航母上某种型号舰载飞机没有弹射系统时匀加速到起飞速度v 需要的距离是0L ,弹射系统给飞机一个初速度0v 之后,匀加速到起飞速度v 需要的距离是L ,若0716L L =,设飞机两次起飞的加速度相同,则弹射速度0v 与起飞速度v 之比为()A .79B .49C .34D .916二、匀变速直线运动三个推论1.匀变速直线运动三个推论公式:(1)一段时间内的平均速度等于中间时刻的瞬时速度,即:2tv v =(2)中间位置速度:2x v =(3)连续两个相等时间(T )内的位移之差是一个恒量,即:21n n x x x aT +∆=-=;不连续两个两个相等时间(T )内的位移之差的关系:2()m n x x m n aT -=-2.匀变速直线运动中间时刻的速度与中间位置速度的大小关系:(1)在匀变速直线运动,不管匀加速直线运动和匀减速直线运动,中间位置速度一定大于中间时刻速度。

02 相互作用高考真题分项详解(解析版)

02 相互作用高考真题分项详解(解析版)

十年高考分类汇编专题02 相互作用(2011-2020)目录题型一、力学基础、力的合成与分解 ......................................................................................... 1 题型二、受力分析之黄金三角形的典型应用 ............................................................................. 6 题型三、受力分析之正交分解的应用 (11)题型一、力学基础、力的合成与分解1.(2020年浙江-1月)如图所示,一对父子掰手腕,父亲让儿子获胜。

若父亲对儿子的力记为1F ,儿子对父亲的力记为2F ,则( )A. 21F FB. 1F 和2F 大小相等C. 1F 先于2F 产生D. 1F 后于2F 产生 【考点】牛顿第三定律 【答案】B【解析】父亲对儿子的力1F 和儿子对父亲的力2F 是一对相互作用力,根据牛顿第三定律可知这两个力等大反向,同时产生同时消失,故B 正确。



已知飞机受到重力G、发动机推力1F、与速度方向垂直的升力2F和与速度方向相反的空气阻力f F。

下列受力分析示意图可能正确的是()A B C D【考点】受力分析【答案】A【解析】由题意可知,战斗机受竖直向下的重力,空气阻力与其速度方向相反,升力F2与速度的方向垂直,发动机推力F1的方向沿喷口的反方向。







02 破解力与平衡难度:★★★☆☆建议用时:30分钟正确率:/15 1.(2023·福建泉州·校考二模)(多选)两个物体相互接触,关于接触处的弹力和摩擦力,以下说法正确的是()A.一定有弹力,但不一定有摩擦力B.如果有弹力,不一定有摩擦力C.如果有摩擦力,则一定有弹力D.如果有摩擦力,则其大小一定与弹力成正比2.(2023·辽宁沈阳·统考一模)(多选)中国的杂技艺术种类繁多、底蕴深厚。





则形成的麦堆的最大高度为()B.rμA.rμC.√1−μ2r D.√1+μ2r4.(2023·湖南长沙模拟)如图所示,水平地面上有重力均为20N的A、B两木块,它们之间夹有被压缩了2.0cm的轻质弹簧,已知弹簧的劲度系数k=200N/m,两木块与水平地面间的动摩擦因数均为0.25,系统处于静止状态。

现用F=9N的水平力推木块B,假设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,则力F作用后()A.弹簧的压缩量变为2.5cm B.木块B所受静摩擦力为0C.木块A所受静摩擦力大小为5N D.木块B所受静摩擦力大小为5N5.(2023·山东日照·统考一模)(多选)如图所示,质量为M 的三角形斜劈B 放置在水平地面上,质量为m 的木块A 放在三角形斜劈B 上,现用大小相等、方向相反的水平力F 分别推A 和B ,木块A 和斜劈B 均静止不动,重力加速度为g 。

【中考英语 考题研究】专题02 冠词(原卷版)

【中考英语 考题研究】专题02 冠词(原卷版)

专题02 冠词1.(2022·江苏淮安·统考中考真题)Autumn is ________ best season to visit the Great Wall in China.A./ B.a C.an D.the 2.(2022·江苏盐城·统考中考真题)Travelling to Yancheng, ________ beautiful seaside city, is a fantastic experience.A.a B.an C.the D.3.(2022·江苏南通·统考中考真题)—Mum, I’m so hungry. Would you please pass ________ apple to me?—OK. Here you are.A.不填B.a C.an D.the 4.(2022·江苏镇江·统考中考真题)The 2022 Winter Olympics impressed me a lot, and _______ moment Xu Mengtao won the gold medal moved me the most.A.a B.an C.the D.不填5.(2022·江苏宿迁·统考中考真题)My brother often plays ________ football with his classmates after school.A.a B.an C./ D.the 6.(2022·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since________ late 1970s, according to ________ World Bank.A.a; a B.the; the C.a; the D.the; a 7.(2022·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)Me and My Winter Games is ________ interesting film. It’s a gift for Beijing 2022.A.a B.an C.the D./ 8.(2021·江苏淮安·统考中考真题)I always run for half ________ hour every day to keep fit. A.a B.an C.the D./ 9.(2021·江苏南通·统考中考真题)My family have ________ breakfast together every day. This helps us start a day well.A.不填B.a C.an D.the 10.(2021·江苏宿迁·统考中考真题)Kitty sometimes eats ________ orange or some grapes after lunch.A.an B.a C.the D./11.(2021·江苏盐城·统考中考真题)As an old saying goes, “He who has never been to________ Great Wall is not a true man.”A.a B.an C.the D./ 12.(2021·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)As ________ teacher, it’s important to be ________ good role model for their students.A.the; a B.a; the C.a; a D.the; the 13.(2021·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)—Shall we play ________ basketball this afternoon? —Good idea! Do you have ________ basketball?A.the; a B.a; a C./; / D./; a 14.(2020·江苏宿迁·统考中考真题)Tom likes playing____football very much.A./ B.an C.the D.a 15.(2020·江苏南通·统考中考真题)Tom was happy to get a chance to play _______ football for the school team.A.a B.an C.the D.不填16.(2020·江苏镇江·统考中考真题)Peng Min finally became the winner of___________ season of CCTV's Chinese Poetry Conference.A.five B.fifth C.the fifth D.fifths 17.(2020·江苏泰州·统考中考真题)It’s ________ pity that many wild animals are now in danger. Please have________ pity on them since they are part of our big family.A.a; / B.a; a C./; a D./; / 18.(2020·江苏淮安·统考中考真题)—Amy, do you know Langlang and his wife?—Of course. They play _________ piano well.A.a B.an C./ D.the 19.(2020·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)In 2016,________ China set April 24 as ________ country’s Space Day.A.a; the B.the; the C.the; / D./; the 20.(2020·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)Leap is___________ film on the Chinese women’s national volleyball team. ___________ film is directed by Peter Ho-sun Chan.A.a; A B.a; The C.the; The D.the; A 21.(2019·江苏扬州·中考真题)—Look at _____ boy over there. He looks excited. —Yeah, he has won _____ first prize in the school English Reading & Writing Competition. A.a ; the B.the; a C.the ; the D.a ; a 22.(2019·江苏南通·中考真题)Sandy is Australian girl, she came to China for travelling with her parents last week.A.a B.an C.the D./23.(2019·江苏盐城·中考真题)Yancheng, ________energetic city, has set up trade relations with lots of countries and areas.A.a B.an C.the D./ 24.(2019·江苏淮安·中考真题)To save time, many students have _________ lunch at school every day.A.a B.an C./ D.the 25.(2019·江苏泰州·中考真题)As _______volunteer at the Beijing Expo 2019 (园艺博览会),Lu Ming understands_________idea of green life better than before.A.a; an B.a; the C.the; an D.the; the 26.(2019·江苏宿迁·统考中考真题)Daniel had _______egg, apiece of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast this morning.A.a B.an C.the D./ 27.(2019·江苏连云港·中考真题)If you want to take __________short ride in the city, choose __________shared bike.A.a;/B.the; the C.a; a D./; a 28.(2018·江苏淮安·中考真题)—I’m thirsty, Mom.—Here is ________ bottle of water for you.A.a B.an C.the D./ 29.(2018·江苏盐城·中考真题)The Yangko Dance is ________ traditional Chinese folk dance created by the farmers.A.a B.an C.the D./30.(2018·江苏南通·中考真题)Earth is only home to everyone.Let’s try to make it greener world to live in.A.a;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the分析江苏近几年各市中考真题可知,对冠词的考查均在单项选择题型中涉及,题位稳定在第1题,且都为1空,具体的考查情况如下:1.不定冠词a:表泛指2.不定冠词an:表泛指3.定冠词the:表特指;固定搭配4.零冠词:考情分析表课标语法项目题型考查点考查特点不定冠词a/an单项选择a(三年9次)an(三8次)a和an区别:辅音音素前加a;元音音素前加an.定冠词the (三年10次)1、特指2、序数词3、乐器前零冠词(三年考7次)Play football/basketball(4次)havelunch(2次)知识导图1、不定冠词a和an的区别(1)、a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前;(2)、元/辅音音素≠元/辅音字母。

2023年中考物理二轮复习专题训练02 弹力、重力、摩擦力

2023年中考物理二轮复习专题训练02 弹力、重力、摩擦力

专题02弹力、重力、摩擦力一、选择题1.下列关于力的说法中错误的是()A.在弹性限度内,物体发生弹性形变时会产生弹力B.力有大小、方向和作用点三要素,只有人才能产生力C.力是物体对物体的作用D.施力物体同时也是受力物体2.如图所示的图像中,能表示物体所受重力与质量的关系的是()A.B.C.D.3.卡塔尔世界杯体精彩纷呈,踢出去的足球在空中飞行时所受到的力有()A.重力和空气阻力B.只有重力C.重力和脚踢的力D.重力、空气阻力和脚踢的力4.将弹簧测力计水平放置,在弹簧测力计两端沿水平方向施加5N的拉力,两个拉力在一条直线上且方向相反,则弹簧测力计的示数是()A.10N B.5N C.2. 5N D.0N5.摩擦与我们的生活息息相关.假如没有摩擦,下列现象可能发生的是()A.人可以正常走路B.老师能用粉笔在黑板上写字C.火柴头可以划燃D.自行车刹车失灵6.很多体育赛事都与摩擦有关,有时要增大摩擦力,有时又要设法减小摩擦力。



七上专题02 完形填空期末真题分类汇编(人教版)(原卷版)

七上专题02 完形填空期末真题分类汇编(人教版)(原卷版)

专题02 完形填空(一)(2022-2023上·广东阳江·七年级统考期末)It is very important to be healthy. I have a neighbor (邻居). She is an old 1 , but she can do all the housework, 2 newspapers, watch TV and go online to learn something new. I often see her do Taijiquan in the morning and go dancing in the evening. She is over seventy, but she looks 3 and beautiful. People often 4 her how she keeps so healthy. Here is what she says about the 5 . It is quite 6 . Be interested in the world around you, and learn something new every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as 7 as you can. Don’t think you are too old to go back to school. A man went to a 8 school at the age of 71. Now he 9 tennis very well. No matter (无论) how old you are, you can do the 10 things as my neighbor and the 71-year-old man.Please tell the story to your friends. I hope all people will stay young and healthy.( )1.A.boy B.girl C.man D.woman( )2.A.look B.read C.see D.watch( )3.A.old B.fat C.tall D.young( )4.A.ask B.help C.love D.watch( )5.A.answer B.question C.lesson D.people( )6.A.early B.hard C.easy D.far( )7.A.easily B.busily C.hardly D.often( )8.A.computer B.music C.sports D.dance( )9.A.buys B.sells C.makes D.plays( )10.A.same B.wrong C.difficult D.boring(二)(2022-2023上·四川资阳·七年级统考期末)Jimmy is an English boy. He wants to have a friend in China. He 11 sports very much. They’re relaxing for him. He plays sports 12 his classmates after class. He has five soccerballs, two 13 and one basketball. He doesn’t like tennis. He thinks it’s 14 .Jimmy 15 a healthy eating habit. He likes fruit and vegetables. 16 are his favorite (最喜欢的) vegetables. He often has fruit salad 17 dinner. He doesn’t eat 18 or ice-cream. He doesn’t want to be 19 . Do you want to be his friend? You can e-mail 20 *****************.( )11.A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking( )12.A.with B.for C.in D.of( )13.A.books B.volleyballs C.watches D.basketball( )14.A.good B.fun C.boring D.interesting( )15.A.has B.have C.to have D.having( )16.A.Carrots B.Apples C.Bananas D.Bread( )17.A.in B.for C.to D.about( )18.A.hamburgers B.vegetables C.fruit D.rice( )19.A.well B.fine C.fat D.OK( )20.A.his B.him C.he D.he’s(三)(2022-2023上·江苏扬州·七年级统考期末)Mike and Jack are on holiday in France. Mike loves to learn about 21 of different countries, so Jack agrees to sightseeing some historical buildings with him. In a village, Jack and Mike see a beautiful old church, but when they go into the church, a service(礼拜)is already in progress.“Shh! Just sit 22 , so that we don’t stand out.” Mike whispers. Since they don’t really know French, Jack and Mike just sit down and 23 like others. During the service,they stand, kneel and sit to follow what the rest of the crowd do.“I hope we don’t look like 24 !”Mike tells Jack.At one point, the priest(牧师)makes an announcement and the man who sits next to Jack and Mike stands up.“We 25 stand up, too!”Jack whispers to Mike. 26 , Jack and Mike stand up with the man. Suddenly, all the people burst into laughter!After the service, Jack and Mike walk up to the priest, who speaks English.“What’s so 27 ?”Jack asks.With a smile on his face the priest says,“Well, there is a new baby born, and it’s a 28 to ask the father to stand up.”Jack and Mike 29 each other and Mike shakes his head. He smiles and says,“I guess we should understand what people do 30 we act like the others!”( )21.A.cities B.people C.views D.histories( )22.A.quietly B.loudly C.quickly D.slowly( )23.A.talk B.write C.act D.look( )24.A.strangers B.locals C.friends D.tourists( )25.A.should B.would C.can D.may( )26.A.And B.But C.So D.Because( )27.A.funny B.lovely C.noisy D.lively( )28.A.guide B.tradition C.purpose D.direction( )29.A.look at B.look up C.look over D.look after( )30.A.after B.while C.before D.when(四)(2022-2023上·广东汕头·七年级统考期末)Everyone has a family name. In China, the family name is the 31 name. But in English countries, the family name is the last name. Do you know 32 English people get their family names? English people usually get their family names in 33 ways.First, some people get their family names from the place (地点) of their 34 . If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. If a man lives near a lake, then we 35 he may be Mr. Lake. People’s name may be Wood, Bush, 36 they live near the wood or bush.Second, some people get their family names from their 37 . If he is a cook, his family name may be Cook.Third, some family names 38 their fathers’ given names. If a man’s name is Jackson, we can tell that he is the 39 of Jack.How 40 their family names are! That’s very different from ours.( )31.A.last B.first C.given D.middle( )32.A.why B.where C.how D.when( )33.A.two B.three C.four D.five( )34.A.homes B.countries C.schools D.towns( )35.A.talk B.answer C.know D.see( )36.A.so B.and C.but D.because( )37.A.hobby B.habit C.job D.parents( )38.A.look for B.look at C.come to D.come from( )39.A.father B.son C.friend D.child( )40.A.right B.interesting C.funny D.bad(五)(2022-2023上·河北石家庄·七年级统考期末)It's 12:00. Mom is not at home. No one makes lunch for Jenny and Frank. Frank wants to have some bread, but Jenny doesn't 41 it."How about making fruit salad? We have 42 , oranges and bananas at home," Jenny says."Sounds nice. 43 I also like some hot food," Frank says.Jenny 44 some rice, some eggs and two tomatoes. She has a 45 idea(想法), "I can make tomato and egg rice for you. It's very 46 . "They have lunch at 1:00 p. m. Frank 47 the tomato and egg rice is great. And the fruit salad is nice, 48 . Jenny is happy he likes them. 49 the evening, Mom comes home, She is happy that Jenny and Frank have a good 50 . She says, "I'm proud(自豪的) of you. You can look after yourselves when I'm out. Great!"()41.A.call B.help C.like D.play()42.A.carrots B.hamburgers C.ice-cream D.apples ()43.A.So B.And C.Because D.Or()44.A.finds B.asks C.knows D.calls()45.A.difficult B.good C.relaxing D.boring()46.A.happy B.right C.easy D.tidy()47.A.thinks B.gets C.thanks D.spells()48.A.too B.sure C.then D.only()49.A.After B.On C.At D.In()50.A.breakfast B.lunch C.friend D.sport(六)(2022-2023上·广东茂名·七年级统考期末)It’s Sunday today and the weather is really fine. My class is going to have a school 51 . We go to the mountains in the countryside.We get up 52 and meet at the gate of our school at half past seven. We all go by bike. On the way, we are talking and singing happily. It 53 us about an hour to get there. We cannot wait. We put our bikes at the foot of the mountain and start to climb. About half an hour later, we feel so 54 that we have to stop to have a rest 55 a tall tree. Oh, where is my best friend Anna? I look back. She is about 200 meters behind me. She is 56 slowly. I sit down and 57 her. At about ten o’clock, all of us get to the top. It is great. We can see the white 58 flying above our heads. Sometimes it even runs through our fingers. We breathe(呼吸)the clean air and enjoy the beautiful flowers. At twelve, we are all hungry, so we have some 59 and water. I 60 feel the food is so delicious like that.( )51.A.party B.lesson C.meeting D.trip( )52.A.hard B.early C.late D.quietly( )53.A.spends B.costs C.takes D.pays( )54.A.tired B.hungry C.happy D.busy( )55.A.under B.behind C.on D.in( )56.A.running B.jumping C.walking D.riding( )57.A.wait for B.find out C.look for D.laugh at( )58.A.wind B.rain C.snow D.cloud( )59.A.ice cream B.cola C.tea D.food( )60.A.never B.ever C.often D.always(七)(2022-2023上·广东·七年级统考期末)Jessica Brown is a middle school student. She is a great 61 lover. She keeps a little dog at home and its 62 is Bobo. She likes the dog and often 63 withit in the park.This morning, Jessica is really 64 because she is going to a zoo with Bobo by bus. She likes having 65 to different zoos and taking photos of different animals.“ 66 , Bobo! We can meet new friends today!” Bobo comes to Jessica, running here and there. They get off the bus 67 and go to the zoo. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo, such as giraffes and elephants. Jessica likes the 68 pandas best. They are so lovely(可爱的). 69 are the pandas doing? Some pandas are sleeping, some are 70 bamboo and some are even waving(挥手) their hands. Jessica and Bobo stay there for 3 hours and have a good time. What a nice day!( )61.A.food B.sports C.animal D.music( )62.A.name B.face C.food D.brother( )63.A.sleeps B.runs C.swims D.sings( )64.A.afraid B.tired C.happy D.lucky( )65.A.lessons B.trips C.dreams D.dinners( )66.A.Hurry up B.Go back C.Come back D.Sit down( )67.A.angrily B.quickly C.easily D.badly( )68.A.dangerous B.important C.small D.cute( )69.A.What B.Where C.Why D.How( )70.A.cutting B.planting C.eating D.cooking(八)(2022-2023上·安徽安庆·七年级统考期末)Hello! My name is Dave Brown. My 71 name is Dave. I play sports every day and I am very 72 . I eat a lot of fruit and 73 . For fruit, I like apples, oranges, pears and 74 . For vegetables, I like tomatoes and 75 . I don’t like ice-cream. I like chicken 76 dinner every day. I like playing sports, too. I 77 in the morning. I like Lin Shuhao. Do you 78 him? Yeah, he is a basketball player. I like 79 basketball, too. I play it every afternoon. It is not 80 for me. Healthy food and lots of sports make(使得) me healthy.()71.A.first B.last C.family D.English()72.A.good B.healthy C.dear D.boring()73.A.salad B.eggs C.vegetables D.rice()74.A.ice B.bananas C.cream D.hamburgers()75.A.oranges B.apples C.carrots D.chicken()76.A.of B.for C.in D.on()77.A.run B.spell C.lose D.find()78.A.need B.call C.meet D.know()79.A.playing B.to playing C.play D.plays()80.A.difficult B.interesting C.great D.relaxing(九)(2022-2023上·广东云浮·七年级统考期末)It’s Sunday. Dick’s family are 81 today. His father goes to the 82 with him. On the way to the zoo, they are very 83 . Some hours later, they 84 the zoo. “Look! Dad, what’s this?” Dick says. “This is a(an)85 , ” his father says, “It’s a black and white one. It’s a 86 from China. The people here all like it. It’s very 87 . ” Dick asks, “What’s that?” “It’s a lion, ” his father 88 him with a smile. “I know. Let’s go there. ” Dick says 89 . “All right. ” says Dick’s father. Some monkeys are all in the tree. And two of them are eating 90 . They are all very lovely. What a nice day!( )81.A.easy B.free C.clever D.different( )82.A.farm B.school C.hospital D.zoo( )83.A.happy B.sorry C.fine D.cool( )84.A.live in B.look at C.get to D.think of( )85.A.animal B.photo C.tree D.book( )86.A.monkey B.tiger C.lion D.panda( )87.A.bad B.cute C.hungry D.old( )88.A.asks B.calls C.tells D.shows( )89.A.quickly B.happily C.easily D.correctly( )90.A.rice B.bamboos C.bananas D.fish(十)(2022-2023上·广东江门·七年级统考期末)It is Sunday morning. Grace is not happy 91 she can’t find her parents. 92 are they? Today is 93 . She wants to be with them. Then she gets a phone call from her 94 . “Good morning, Grace!” her dad says. “Now go to your room. 95 is a present for you.”There is a red box in her room and there is a red and white skirt 96 it. Grace loves it. She 97 out in the nice skirt.Then her parents come back home. “Happy birthday!” they say to Grace.“It’s a big day today.” her mom says. Let’s take a one-day 98 . Where do you want to 99 , Grace?”“Oh, I want to go to the library. I love 100 .” says Grace.( )91.A.so B.and C.but D.because( )92.A.Where B.Who C.Which D.What( )93.A.Children’s Day B.her birthdayC.English Day D.Women’s Day( )94.A.sister B.mother C.father D.teacher( )95.A.It B.This C.That D.There( )96.A.in B.on C.of D.under( )97.A.come B.goes C.comes D.gets( )98.A.party B.trip C.sleep D.movie( )99.A.go B.get C.come D.take( )100.A.dogs B.apples C.books D.carrots(十一)(2022-2023上·湖北黄石·七年级统考期末)It’s Sunday morning. Mrs. Smith says to her 101 , “Lucy, it’s 7:00 now. You must get up.”Lucy says, “Please let me sleep (睡) for some time, Mom.”Mrs. Smith says, “I’m sorry, but it’s 102 to get up.”“Today is Sunday. I have no 103 . I don’t need to 104 . I only want to sleep.”“But don’t you want to go to the zoo ? I 105 you love pandas .”“Yes, Mom. 106 I don’t want to get up early (早地). I can see them in the afternoon.”Mrs. Smith says, “Are you 107 ? Your father, your brother and I will go to your grandparents’ farm (农场) this afternoon. We will have a party there. Sounds 108 , right?”Lucy says, “Oh, Mom. I want to see pandas, and I want to go to my grandparents’ farm. I can play 109 my cousins.”Mrs. Smith says, “OK! Get up now and have your 110 . Then let’s go to the zoo.”()101.A.sister B.mother C.daughter D.aunt()102.A.hour B.day C.week D.time()103.A.questions B.subjects C.classes D.tests()104.A.have a party B.go to schoolC.watch TV D.play games()105.A.know B.call C.spell D.sell()106.A.And B.But C.Because D.So()107.A.well B.free C.OK D.sure()108.A.difficult B.boring C.interesting D.useful()109.A.to B.with C.for D.from()110.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.rice(十二)(2022-2023上·广东东莞·七年级统考期末)Today is Mother’s Day. Brenda wants to give a gift to her 111 . Brenda does not have money to buy a gift, 112 she plans to make one. She wants to get some 113 from the garden. But when she goes into the garden, she doesn’t 114 any flowers but vegetables. Then, she goes to her uncle’s 115 and visits his garden. His garden is very 116 . There are many colorful flowers. She asks, “Could I 117 some flowers from your garden?” After her uncle 118 why she wants them, he is very moved(感动)and gives her many beautiful flowers. She thanks her uncle for the flowers and goes home 119 . In the evening, when Brenda gives her mother the beautiful flowers, her mother is very 120 to see them.( )111.A.father B.mother C.sister D.brother( )112.A.so B.but C.and D.or( )113.A.flowers B.cards C.cakes D.books( )114.A.like B.buy C.see D.use( )115.A.store B.house C.family D.station( )116.A.small B.bad C.delicious D.beautiful( )117.A.get B.catch C.put D.sit( )118.A.knows B.says C.makes D.thinks( )119.A.really B.sadly C.badly D.excitedly( )120.A.tired B.angry C.funny D.happy(十三)(2022-2023上·广东珠海·七年级统考期末)Dear Jane,How is it going? I am here in the US writing to tell you some happy time about my life. I came here two months ago, 121 I have many new friends here. They are very helpful and always help 122 with my English, so I can speak English better now. On the weekend, they 123 to play tennis with me in the morning. Then we go to the library to 124 together. In the afternoon, we go to the park and have a lot of fun. It is very 125 to play games in the park. And then, we go for dinner. I like to eat rice and vegetables for dinner but my friends always 126 hamburgers and cola. It is 127 to find a place to eat Chinese food here. But the food in the US is different from that in our 128 . After dinner, we always go to the cinema to watch 129 . When I spend time with my friends, I feel 130 happy.What about you? Are you having a good time?Yours,Emily ( )121.A.if B.or C.but D.so( )122.A.him B.her C.me D.you( )123.A.like B.hate C.need D.have( )124.A.buy clothes B.read books C.do sports D.watch TV( )125.A.boring B.relaxing C.tiring D.moving( )126.A.eat B.drink C.make D.have( )127.A.easy B.difficult C.different D.important( )128.A.school B.class C.country D.town( )129.A.TV B.games C.shows D.movies( )130.A.really B.badly C.nicely D.wrongly(十四)(2022-2023上·广东广州·七年级校考期末)Hi, I’m Jill from London. And I like to keep (保持) busy after school. I can always 131 some interesting things to do.I’m going to a new 132 this term. This school has many clubs and I want to 133 some of them. I really like 134 . I can play the guitar and I can play it 135 . So I want to join the music club. I want to play at the school 136 one day. I also like 137 pictures. Art is my favorite subject. So the art club is good 138 me, too. Many people like Picasso’s pictures, but I don’t like them, 139 they are very difficult to understand (理解). I speak English, so I also want to join the 140 club. ( )131.A.meet B.finish C.write D.find( )132.A.club B.school C.home D.store( )133.A.help B.get C.join D.play( )134.A.music B.art C.sports D.games( )135.A.too B.well C.now D.then( )136.A.trip B.dinner C.library D.party( )137.A.drawing B.taking C.making D.selling( )138.A.to B.on C.for D.about( )139.A.because B.after C.and D.but( )140.A.Chinese B.English C.soccer D.chjess(一)(2022-2023上·广东深圳·七年级校考期末)Who is 1 most famous artist in the world? If not Leonardo da Vinci, it might be Pablo Picasso.Picasso (1881—1973) is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century. He has a(n) 2 for drawing. Born in Spain, Picasso showed his talent at 3 early age. He first learned 4 from his father, who was an art teacher. By the time he was 13, he could already draw 5 than his father.He could draw and paint almost 6 , and in any style. He liked to try new ideas.People divide his arts into different periods. One of his most famous periods was his Cubist period (立体派时期). Cubism is when an artist paints things, 7 a bottle, from many 8 angles (角度) all in the same picture. You can see the front, the back and the sides of the bottle all 9 the same time. In a way, it’s a bit like having X-ray eyes. This new way of painting 10 the art world in the 20th century. Picasso has become an idol (偶像) of many artists nowadays. People said he helped us see the world in a new way. ( )1.A.a B.an C.the D./( )2.A.habit B.job C.interest D.talent( )3.A.a B.an C.the D./( )4.A.dancing B.singing C.painting D.working( )5.A.good B.better C.bad D.worse( )6.A.something B.nothing C.somebody D.anything( )7.A.like B.such C.as D.likes( )8.A.different B.same C.high D.difficult( )9.A.in B.for C.on D.at( )10.A.satisfied B.worried C.scared D.surprised(二)(2022-2023上·四川成都·七年级统考期末)In Jayda’s family, there is a special tradition(传统)—Grandmother needs to make clothes as her 11 twelfth birthday gift(礼物). And the clothes must be in the child’s favorite color.Time flies, and Jayda’s twelfth birthday comes. On 12 day, Jayda gets up early and goes to see her grandmother. When she walks into the house, her grandmother says, my child! I want to make you a 13 . What color do you like best?”Jayda 14 for a minute and says,“Grandma, I love all the colors of the rainbow! “Red is the color of love. Orange makes 15 feel warm. Yellow is the color just right for kids. Green is the color of life. When I wear green, I feel 16 . Blue is the color of sea and sky. It’s big 17 quiet(安静的). Purple is the color of wisdom(智慧). When I wear purple, I feeel cool. They are all great. But 18 can I get them all?”Hearing this, the grandma says,“I know what to do now 19 later, she comes back. Jayda is so happy with a rainbow﹣colored skirt in 20 hand. “Wow! I have the rainbow now!”()11.A.grandfather’s B.daughter’s C.grandchild’s()12.A.one B.this C.that()13.A.shirt B.skirt C.dress()14.A.thinks B.looks C.asks()15.A.you B.me C.her()16.A.relaxed B.bored C.busy()17.A.because B.or C.but()18.A.what B.why C.how()19.A.Hours B.Days C.Weeks()20.A.his B.her C.our(三)(2022-2023上·河北邯郸·七年级统考期末)My name is Ann. I’m a middle school student. I’m 21 Class 3, Grade 7. I usually go to 22 from Monday to Friday. My home isn’t far from our school, so I often go toschool 23 . I have seven 24 every day. I like English class very much. Today is Sunday. I don’t have to go to school. After breakfast, I go to the 25 with my family. We buy some bread, fish, eggs and apples. We buy four bags of milk and then my father 26 us to the Star Park. There are many people in the park. Some people chat. Some people sing. We have a 27 there. We eat some nice food. My mother takes some photos for us. My brother Tom plays basketball with other boys. My father goes 28 . He gets a big fish. He feels very 29 . We all have a 30 time there.()21.A.on B.in C.at D.to()22.A.school B.work C.home D.shop()23.A.by plane B.by bus C.by car D.on foot()24.A.apples B.books C.classes D.pencils()25.A.store B.school C.park D.library()26.A.comes B.goes C.takes D.catches()27.A.swim B.picnic C.walk D.talk()28.A.boating B.shopping C.swimming D.fishing()29.A.sad B.scared C.lonely D.excited()30.A.bad B.good C.soft D.different(四)(2022-2023上·广东广州·七年级广州市天荣中学校考期末)There is a swimming-pool near Peter’s house. He loves 31 in it very much, especially in 32 summer days. But then his father goes to 33 in another city and Peter has to go there with his family. Their new house has a garden, 34 the garden is very small. Peter is not very 35 .“Is there anywhere interesting near 36 house?” he asks his father one morning. “I think so. There is a big 37 near here. And we are going to the park this afternoon,” says his father. Peter is happy.Peter and his father go to the park in the 38 . Peter sees a pool and he gets excited. Maybe he can have a new swimming-pool. But just then he sees a sign. His father reads it to him “Warning (警告): This pool is 39 . Don’t get close to it.” Peter knows that it is right. So he has to 40 the pool and keeps looking for his dream swimming pool.( )31.A.reading B.sleeping C.swimming D.singing( )32.A.cold B.hot C.warm D.cool( )33.A.work B.eat C.make D.think( )34.A.so B.but C.or D.because( )35.A.busy B.free C.sad D.happy( )36.A.your B.his C.their D.our( )37.A.school B.park C.hospital D.station( )38.A.morning B.evening C.noon D.afternoon( )39.A.dangerous B.big C.beautiful D.useful( )40.A.leave B.build C.buy D.make(五)(2022-2023上·广东广州·七年级广州市第三中学校考期末)If you visit the USA, you must spend some time in the National Mustard(芥末)Museum. There are different kinds of mustard in it, and many mustard 41 come to visit it. In the museum, you can see many things used to make mustard. You can even buy special mustard that you can 42 find in your local supermarket. This museum is a big 43 of mustard in the world.What’s more amazing is that you can 44 mustard inside the museum. Some mustard has special flavour(味道), like chocolate, blue cheese or others. Whatever flavour you 45 in your mind, you can try here!Why was there such a museum? The owner of the museum, Barry Levenson, said he 46 it because of his favorite team, the Boston Red Sox. After the team lost a very important game, Barry walked 47 at a supermarket. He kept thinking of the meaning of life. When he went to the mustard area, he heard a voice “If you collect us, you will know 48 .” So he spent years collecting many kinds of mustard from many 49 such as Japan, India and Australia and opened it in 1992. Now the museum is one of the most 50 places in the US. Lots of people know about it and go to visit it.( )41.A.guests B.fans C.relatives D.tourists( )42.A.slowly B.easily C.luckily D.hardly( )43.A.food B.friend C.family D.fun( )44.A.hear B.see C.taste D.touch( )45.A.wake up B.think of C.write down D.give up( )46.A.opened B.met C.heard D.forgot( )47.A.patiently B.carefully C.sadly D.successfully( )48.A.it B.us C.them D.me( )49.A.villages B.towns C.cities D.countries( )50.A.harmful B.popular C.dangerous D.expensive(六)(2022-2023上·江苏淮安·七年级期末)Nancy is reading an e- mail from her friend Jack. She is very 51 to get the e-mail.Jack writes about his school 52 weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school, 53 . Jack’s school is very big and he likes his classroom. The 54 and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures 55 the wall. They clean the classroom every day.The teachers are nice and the 56 are friendly. He loves 57 because he can learn a lot about the world. He also loves 58 . He is good at playing football. He often 59 it with his friends after school. He is in the school 60 team. He says he has a good time at school.Jack doesn’t 61 to school on Saturdays and Sundays. He gets up 62 at six on Saturday. He goes jogging in the park for half 63 . Then he eats his 64 . After that, he helps his mother with housework. At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast food restaurant. In the 65 , he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening. He enjoys his weekend very much.()51.A.beautiful B.hungry C.happy D.sad()52.A.for B.to C.at D.in()53.A.also B.again C.too D.very()54.A.desks B.schoolbags C.pencils D.pens()55.A.in B.on C.near D.at()56.A.subjects B.books C.workers D.students()57.A.drawing B.swimming C.dancing D.reading ()58.A.sports B.trees C.animals D.hobbies ()59.A.playing B.play C.plays D.played ()60.A.basketball B.football C.music D.volleyball ()61.A.like B.play C.go D.have ()62.A.early B.late C.before D.after()63.A.a year B.a month C.an hour D.a day ()64.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner ()65.A.day B.hour C.afternoon D.morning。

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C.物块在区域①上所受的摩擦力等于2N D.物块在区域③上运动的时间可能为1s 2.(2019春•重庆月考)如图所示,一个木块在光滑水平面上以v0的速度做匀速直线运动,冲上粗糙斜面后最终静止在A点。

B.木块静止在A 点时受到的摩擦力大小等于木块的重力

A.5N、3N B.5N、2N C.2N、3N D.3N、5N

A.F=20N B.F=10N C.F=5N D.F=30N
