The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
The sun comes out,and the rhe red and white ones go away."
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the white flower."White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go together.”
Red/yellow/white flower,please let us come in! Red/yellow/white butterfly,please come in,the others go away.
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the yellow flower."Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
Three butterfliesThere are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white. They're playing and dancing in the garden all day. They're very happy.Suddenly, it rains! They fly to the red flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The red flowers answer:“Red butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterflies say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”It's raining harder. They fly to the yellow flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The yellow flowers answer:“Yellow butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterflies say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”It's raining harder and harder. They fly to the white flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The white flowers answer:“White butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterfly say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”They fly under the rain. They are cold and afraid. But they don't want to leave their friends.Just then, the sun comes out. He smiles and stops the rain. It’s sunny now. The butterflies dance and play in the garden. They are happy!。
三只蝴蝶 英语剧本
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower.黄花:I am yellow flower.蓝花:I am blue flower.五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have know dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly.黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
英语童话剧:六只蝴蝶six Butterflies适用年龄:3.5—4.5岁活动准备:1、红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶、红花、黄花、蓝花、太阳、雨点的头饰、2、花丛的背景板、3、舒缓的钢琴曲,(背景)4、英文歌《Fly Fly the butterfly》、《Rain,rain,go away》剧中角色:红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶、红花、黄花、蓝花、太阳、雨点剧中音乐:舒缓的钢琴曲,(背景)《Fly Fly the butterfly》《Rain,rain,go away》《togeter》Scene One(场景一):(舒缓的钢琴曲)三色花分散在舞台,蹲下做花状红蝴蝶: I am red butter e on!Come on!(招手)黄蝴蝶: I am yellow butterfly. Come on!Come on!蓝蝴蝶; I am Blue butterfly.蝴蝶们: We are good friends.(欢快的音乐配简单动作的1分钟的小舞蹈,《Fly Fly the butterfly》)Scene Two(场景二):(舒缓的钢琴曲)太阳:It will be raining.I must go away.(小跑上台,手指天空做下雨的动作,说完后下台) 下雨歌舞:<<Rain,rain go away>>(雨点上台,散落在花朵和舞台四周不规则)三只蝴蝶四处飞,歌舞音乐停,飞向红花蝴蝶们: Red flower,red flower,may I come in?(请求)红花: Red butterfly,come in,blue butterfly,yellow butterfly,go away,go away.(站起来说,笑眯眯---厌恶)蝴蝶们: No,no. We are good friends.We come together,we gotogether.(在红花旁,摇头,来走动作)蝴蝶们: Bye-bye.(摆手)红花: Bye-bye.(说完后蹲下)Scene three(场景三):舒缓的钢琴曲作背景音乐)三只蝴蝶绕场一周,飞向黄花.蝴蝶们: Yellow flower,yellow flower may I come in,? (请求)黄花: Yellow butterfly,come in,red butterfly,blue butterfly,go away, go away。
Three butterflies: Red flowers, red flowers, May I come in?
Yellow flowers: Yellow butterfly come in. Red butterfly and blue butterfly, go away, go away!”
Good bye
Yellow butterflies: No,No,We’re good friends.
We come together. We go together. Goodbye.
Three butterflies: Yellow flowers, yellow flowers,
May I come in?
Red butterfly: I can fly again.
Yellow butterfly: I can sing again.
Blue butterfly: I can dance again.
Three butterflies&Mr.Sun: Hello little birds.
All: What a beautiful day. Let's dance together.
Mr. Sun: Good idea.<Do Re Mi>
Cloud: It’s going to rain. It’s going to rain….Hahahaha….It’s raining.
Three flowers: We are
Blue flowers: We are blue flowers.
(旁白) There are three buterflies lived in the garden. They are very lovely.
道具:服饰、背景音乐等(四朵花出场)one little two little three littleflowers,four little five little six little flowers,sevenlittle eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !红花:Hello ,I am red flower,黄花:I am yellow flower蓝花:I am blue flower五色花:I am colorful flower .(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .太阳公公:Are you happy today?合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.合:We are good friends红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?合:Ok !背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。
1. 教学目标
2. 教学内容
3. 教学准备
4. 教学过程
4.1. 导入新知
4.2. 学习剧本
4.3. 表演剧本
4.4. 后续拓展
5. 教学反思
三只蝴蝶这个故事讲述了蝴蝶们坚定不移、团结友爱、相互关心的美好感情,借着这个故事可以陶冶孩子们团结友爱相互关系的美好情感急求六一节目串词:舞蹈祖国你好,牛奶歌,故事表演三只蝴蝶,舞蹈我最棒,服装秀,三句半今天是六一儿童节,是每一个小朋友的节日,在这个幸福的日子里,每个小朋友都感受到世界的美好,每个小朋友都想表达自己的心中的快乐,我们首先来看大班小朋友的体操表演《世界真美好》,让我们一起快乐起来刚才大班的体操表演的真好,给我们今天的演出带来一个精彩的开篇,让我们通过这个节目,感受到小朋友的眼中,世界是如此纯真和美好,在小朋友的心中,充满快乐,下面的节目同样是快乐的,请看中班表演的体操《猪小弟》猪小弟,猪小弟,你可真给力,刚才中班小朋友带给我们这么多的欢乐,接下来我希望小朋友们除了感受那份快乐之外,也能从中感悟人生的道理,下面的节目是三字经,表演者是小班的小朋友,大家给他们热烈的掌声,给他们加油鼓励小班小朋友表演的真好,三字经交给我们许多做人的道理,今天的播种是为了明天的收获,好了,下面是*小朋友带来的独唱,大皮球,大家跟着她一起快乐吧宝贝宝贝真快乐,是谁每天在家里照顾我们,让我们健康的成长,对了,是妈妈,是谁每天在幼儿园里教育我们,让我们幸福的成长,对了,是老师,我们应该怎么表达对妈妈和老师的爱呢,下面的这个节目是《三句半》,来听听大班的同学是怎么说的三句半的形式很新颖,大家为她们鼓掌,妈妈真伟大,我们爱妈妈,在这个快乐的节日里,我们回家都要向妈妈说一声:妈妈辛苦了…今天是六一儿童节,儿童是祖国的未来与希望,男同学们最大的梦想就是长大当光荣勇敢的 -,请看*小朋友带来的舞蹈《小海军》我们是祖国的未来,我们是祖国的希望,祖国的阳光照耀着我们,我们天天快乐的成长,在小朋友的世界里,没有丑陋,没有欺骗,没有虚假,请看舞蹈《 -的世界》我们是祖国的花朵,需要园丁们的辛勤呵护,今天老师们除了欣赏大家的精彩演出,也为小朋友们准备了节目,我们热爱祖国,也要学会保护我们的环境和家园,下面一个节目非常的特别,是由*老师带来的二重唱《兰花草》老师是不是唱的特别好啊,小朋友们再给老师鼓掌喝彩小朋友们,我们*幼儿园是个快乐的集体,在这里我们幸福的成长…今天的六一儿童节,喜悦的心情我们一起用歌声表达,听,幼儿园的全体小朋友带来的大合唱《夸夸我们的幼儿园》今天的演出到现在进行了一个多小时,已经接近尾声,在座的每一个小朋友认真看表演,遵守纪律,你们每一个小朋友都是最棒的也给自己鼓鼓掌吧,等到秋天,又一批小朋友要毕业了,老师舍不得你们,你们也舍不得老师,可是你们长大了,要到更高等的学校接受教育,你们也会认识更多的朋友,遇到更多关心你们的老师,有空的时候回来坐坐,和老师说说你们的心里话,好么。
Good bye
Blue butterflies: No,No,We’re good friends. We come together. We go together. Goodbye.
Three butterflies: Blue flowers, blue flowers, May I come in?
Hello little birds. :
What a beautiful day. Let's dance together.
Good idea.<Do Re Mi>
Cloud: It’s going to rain. It’s going to rain….Hahahaha….It’s raining.
Sun: I can help you! I can help you. song<rain rain go away>歌舞表演
Three butterflies: Wow, it's sunny.
Red butterfly: I can fly again.
Yellow butterfly: I can sing again.
together. Goodbye.
Three butterflies: Red flowers, red flowers, May I come in?
Yellow flowers: Yellow butterfly come in. Red butterfly and blue butterfly, go away, go away!”
Blue butterfly: I can dance again.
will fly to
and ask:
“Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in”
Then the
“Yellow butterfly,please come in,the others go away.” Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go together”
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the white flower."White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in." The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
How is the weather? It's a fine day. How is the weather? It's a cloudy day. How is the weather? How is the weather? It's raining . It's snowing .
will fly to
and ask:
“White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in.”
三只蝴蝶英语故事three butterflies
will fly to
and ask:
“White flower,white flower,please let us come in, please let us come in.”
Then the
“White butterfly,please come in,the others go away.”
Said: “We are good friends. We will come together and go to flower,please let us come in! Red/yellow/white butterfly,please come in,the others go away.
The three butterflies are playing and dancing again.
They are happy and gay./gei/快乐的
will fly to
and ask:
“Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in”
"We are good friends. We will come together and go together."
Then they fly to the yellow flower."Yellow flower,yellow flower,please let us come in, please let us come in."
The white one can come;the red and yellow ones go away."
Three butterfliesThere are many beautiful flowers in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, One is blue. hello , I’m red flower.”hello, I’m yellow flower.”hello, I’m blue flower.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden。
They’re very happy.Look! Butterflies are coming! One is red , one is yellow, one is blue.hello! I’m red butterfly.”hello! I’m yellow butterfly.”hello! I’m blue butterfly.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden. They’re very happy.Suddenly , it rains !Then ,they fly to the red flowers and ask,“knock, knock, knock, may I coming ?may I coming ?”no, no, no. red butterfly coming, red butterfly coming, you and you, go away, go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the yellow flowers and ask,“knock , knock , knock , may I coming?may I coming ?”no , no , no . yellow butterfly coming , yellow butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the blue flowers and ask , “knock , knock , knock , may I coming ?may I coming ?”no , no , no . blue butterfly coming ,blue butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”Just then. the sun comes out. he smiles and stops the rain. it’s sunny now. the butterflies dance and play in the garden. they are very happy !从前,有三只红、黄、白小蝴蝶,它们从来都和睦相处。
(蝴蝶随着音乐自由飞)There are three butterflies in the garden. They are red, yellow, and white.太阳:太阳出来了。
The sun is rising.三只蝴蝶:(轮流介绍)我是红蝴蝶,我是黄蝴蝶,我是白蝴蝶。
I’m the red butterfly. I’m the yellow butterfly. I’m the white butterfly.红蝴蝶:你们看,太阳出来了。
Look, the sun is rising.黄蝴蝶:天气真好~What a nice day!白蝴蝶:我们一起跳舞吧~(它们非常快乐地在花园里跳舞、游戏。
) Let’s dance together.旁白:有一天,它们正在草地上玩,突然下起了大雨来。
One day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly it’s raining. (乌云将太阳赶下台)乌云:我来啦~I’m coming.白蝴蝶:哎呀,下雨了,我们怎么办,Oh, it’s raining, what should we do? 黄蝴蝶:快找找避雨的地方呀~Find the shelter.红蝴蝶:瞧,前面是红花姐姐的家,我们一起去问问吧,Look, it’s the red flower sister’s home. Let’s go!旁白:它们一同飞向红花那里,齐声向红花请求说They are flying there.众蝴蝶:红花姐姐,红花姐姐,大雨把我们的翅膀淋湿了,大雨把我们淋得发冷了,让我们到你的叶子下避避雨吧~”Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves.红花:红蝴蝶的颜色象我,请进来~黄蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来~ The red butterfly looks like me, please come in!三只蝴蝶(互相看了看)齐声说:我们三个是好朋友,相亲相爱不分手; We are good friends.要来一块来,要走一块走。
sun:Today is fine. The sun is coming.spring breeze:I’m spring breeze. Spring is coming。
)red flower. :I’m a red flower.yellow flower: I’m a yellow flower.white flower :I’m a white flower.tree.: I’m a tree. Get up ,get up.grass:I’m grass. Get up ,get up.红蝴蝶先走,I’m a red butterfly.黄蝴蝶,I’m a yellow butterfly.白蝴蝶,I’m a white butterfly.三只蝴蝶在三朵花之间来回穿梭、舞蹈。
Black cloudy:I’m black cloudy.i’m coming coming . white butterfly:Oh!The sun isn’t here. It’s raining.三只蝴蝶挤在一起(做动作)What should we do?三只蝴蝶看见了三朵花,先走到红花前red butterfly.:Red flower,red flower. Please let us hide under you.红花摇摇头,指着红蝴蝶Red flower:NO,the red butterfly can come in. The others go away please.三只蝴蝶手拉手,互相看看了看,遥遥头。
red butterfly.:No,we are good friends. We’ll stay together.三只蝴蝶只好哆哆嗦嗦来到了黄花前。
We go together.
Three butterflies: Yellow flowers, yellow flowers,
May I come in?
Yellow butterfly: Look look, yellow flowers!
Blue flowers: Blue butterfly come in. Red butterfly and yellow butterfly, go away, go away!”
All: What a beautiful day. Let's dance together.
Mr. Sun: Good idea.<Do Re Mi>
Cloud: It’s going to rain. It’s going to rain….Hahahaha….It’s raining. It’s raining.
三只蝴蝶(1)ppt课件 threebutterflies garden,there're many flowers.《音乐:班得瑞初雪》 garden redflowers: red flowers: (旁白)song<three butterfly> 1011 12hello mr. sun. hello buttrflies. hello little birds. beautifulday. let?s dance together. good idea.<do re mi> 13 cloud: rain….hahahaha….it'sraining. raining.14 15 three butterflies: red flowers, red flowers, may redflowers: red butterfly come yellowbutterfly bluebutterfly, go away, go away!" red butterflies: no,no,we're good friends. we come together. we go together. goodbye. good bye 16 yellow butterfly: look look, yellowflowers! three butterflies: yellow flowers, yellow flowers, may yellowflowers: yellow butterfly come redbutterfly bluebutterfly, go away, go away!" yellow butterflies: no,no,we're good friends. we come together. we go together. goodbye. good bye 17 blue butterfly: look look, blue flowers! three butterflies: blue flowers, blue flowers, may blueflowers: blue butterfly come redbutterfly yellowbutterfly,go away, go away!" blue butterflies: no,no,we're good friend
Three butterfliesThere are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white. They're playing and dancing in the garden all day. They're very happy.Suddenly, it rains! They fly to the red flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The red flowers answer:“Red butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterflies say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”It's raining harder. They fly to the yellow flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The yellow flowers answer:“Yellow butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterflies say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”It's raining harder and harder. They fly to the white flowers and ask:“We're so cold. Can we hide under your leaves?”The white flowers answer:“White butterfly, please come in. The others go way!”Three butterfly say together:“We're good friends, we must stay together.”They fly under the rain. They are cold and afraid. But they don't want to leave their friends.Just then, the sun comes out. He smiles and stops the rain. It’s sunny now. The butterflies dance and play in the garden. They are happy!。
Three butterfliesThere are many beautiful flowers in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, One is blue. hello , I’m red flower.”hello, I’m yellow flower.”hello, I’m blue flower.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden。
They’re very happy.Look! Butterflies are coming! One is red , one is yellow, one is blue.hello! I’m red butterfly.”hello! I’m yellow butterfly.”hello! I’m blue butterfly.”They’re playing and dancing in the garden. They’re very happy.Suddenly , it rains !Then ,they fly to the red flowers and ask,“knock, knock, knock, may I coming ?may I coming ?”no, no, no. red butterfly coming, red butterfly coming, you and you, go away, go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the yellow flowers and ask,“knock , knock , knock , may I coming?may I coming ?”no , no , no . yellow butterfly coming , yellow butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”they fly to the blue flowers and ask , “knock , knock , knock , may I coming ?may I coming ?”no , no , no . blue butterfly coming ,blue butterfly coming , you and you , go away , go away!”no , no , no , we are friends , we are friends !”Just then. the sun comes out. he smiles and stops the rain. it’s sunny now. the butterflies dance and play in the garden. they are very happy !从前,有三只红、黄、白小蝴蝶,它们从来都和睦相处。
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红花:Hello ,I am red flower,
黄花:I am yellow flower
蓝花:I am blue flower
五色花:I am colorful flower .
(太阳公公出场)I am laughing(大笑)ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,
太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .
合:Hello grandpa sun(太阳老爷爷), good morning .
太阳公公:Are you happy today?
合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)
红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly
黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly
蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.
合:We are good friends(我们是好朋友)
红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !(今天天气真好!)
黄蝴蝶:Look ! Many beautiful flowers !(看!那里有好多花)
蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,OK ?(我们一起去玩吧)
合:Ok !
红蝴蝶:Oh ,it is going to rain ,(哦,马上要下雨了)
黄蝴蝶:Where shall we hide ?(我们躲在哪里呢?)
蓝蝴蝶:We can hide behind the flower(我们可以躲在花的后面)(他们飞向红花)
红蝴蝶:Red flower , red flower , can we hide here ?(我们能躲这里么?)
红花:Red butterfly come in(请进),yellow and blue butterfly go away .(走开)
红花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate(分开),bye bye !
黄蝴蝶:Yellow flower , yellow flower , can we hide here ?
黄花:Yellow butterfly come in ,red and blue butterfly go away .
黄花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye ! (他们飞向蓝花)
蓝蝴蝶:Blue flower ,blue flower , can we hide here ?
蓝花:Bule butterfly come in ,yellow and red butterfly go away .
蓝花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
五色花:Hey , come here , you can hide here.
合:Thank you !
太阳公公:Rain rain(雨) go away , rain rain go away, 合:Yeah , thank you grandpa sun !