国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2017年秋季学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(3) 试题

(每小题1分,共20分)1.企业盘点现金时,对无法查明原因的长款应计入( )。
A.管理费用 B.营业外收入C.其他业务收入 D.其他货币资金2.A公司4月15日签发一张为期90天的商业汇票。
按日计算汇票到期日,该汇票的到期日应为( )。
A.7月13日 B.7月14日C. 7月15日 D.7月20日3.下列各项中,应记入“坏账准备”账户贷方的是( )。
A.本期确认的坏账D.本期转销的坏账C.收回过去已确认并注销的坏账D.确实无法支付的应付账款4.在物价持续上涨期间,能使企业当期利润最小的存货计价方法是( )。
A.后进先出法 B.先进先出法C.加权平均法 D.个别计价法5.出租包装物的摊销价值应计入( )。
A. 生产成本 B.营业费用C.其他业务支出 D. 管理费用6.企业可支取工资和奖金的存款账户是( )。
A.基本存款户 B.一般存款户C.专用存款户 D.临时存款户7.短期股票投资与长期股票投资在会计核算上的共同之处主要是( )。
A.购入时按投资成本人账 B.收到现金股利时作为投资收益C.期末按成本计价 D.按实际权益调整投资账面价值8.企业(一般纳税人)经营业务发生的下列税金支出中,与其损益无关的税种是( )。
A.所得税 B.消费税C.印花税 D.增值税9.预收货款业务不多的企业,可不单设“预收账款”账户;若发生预收货款业务,其核算账户应为( )。
A.应付账款 B.应收账款C.其他应付款 D.其他应收款10.A公司于2000年7月1日发行面值10万元、票面利率lo%、期限5年、到期一次还本付息的公司债券,共收款12万元(发行费用略)。

试卷代号:2411中央广播电视大学2009-2010学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试(半开卷)中国现代文学试题 2010年1月一、填空题(要求:书写规范,不得有错别字。
2. 1921年3月出版的胡适的《》,是中国现代文学史上的第一部个人诗集。
3. 1907年,在日本的留学生李叔同、欧阳予倩等组织的“”,是中国文学史上最早的话剧团体。
5. 1927年与王映霞在上海相遇后,几乎每天都要在日记里记下对王映霞的相思和爱慕,后结集有《日记九种》出版。
7.《金粉世家》是张恨水写得最好的小说,在_ 的形象塑造上具体表现出当时正风靡全国的人道主义思潮的影响。
8.《春蚕》是_ 农村题材小说中成就最为突出的一篇,也是当时“丰收成灾”作品中最早也最卓越的代表。
10. 1938年,“文协”成立后,_ 被推举为常务理事和总务部主任,主持日常工作,组织出版了“文协”会刊《抗战文艺》,直至抗战胜利。
11. 1934年,_ 在回乡的行程中给妻子张兆和写了近50封信,这些书信经过加工整理,以系列散文的形式发表,后结集成《湘行散记》。
12._ 的《上海的狐步舞》曾注明“一个断片”,是描述1931年的上海风情的长篇小说《中国1931》中的一节。
14. 1923年暑假,冯至参加了“浅草社”,并在《_ 》上发表诗歌和散文。

中央广播电视大学2004—2005第一学期开放专科期末考试英语专业商务交际英语(1)试题试卷代号:2139中央广播电视大学2004—2005学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试英语专业商务交际英语(1) 试题I . MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. Which of the fo[lowing is a purpose of communication'?.A. To establish and build goodwill.B. To build self-esteem.C. To persuade.D. All of the above describe a purpose of communication2. A key to receiving honest feedback isA. the attitude of the receiverB. the message's environmentC. the sender' attitudeD. effective listening3. What is the first step lo working effectively with people from different cultures?A. Teach them as much as you can about your culture.B. Learn to speak their language.C. Recognize and accept the differences between cultures.D. Pretend not to notice any differences.4. Communicating effectively with people of diverse backgrounds is bothA. challenging and rewardingB. difficult and frustratingC. complicated and unsatisfyingD. simple and uncomplicated5. Which of the following sentences contains all of the five W's?A. The Board of Directors will hold a meeting at company headquarters on March 9, 2001, to approve the revised employee policy manual.B. New employees should report at 8..30 a.m. on Monday, October 6, for an orientation session.C. Committee volunteers will meet in conference room C on Thursday at 2:30.D. Please join Chief of Staff Dr. Ar[yn Michaels at the 4~h floor nurses~ station for a tour of the new facility.6. An agenda isA. a purchase orderB. the order of business to be discussed during a meetingC. the list of decisions made during a meetingD. the order of announcements to be made at a meeting7. Which of the following letter parts is optional?A. datelineB. subject lineC. writer's nameD. salutation8. Which of the following twenty-first century?likely an accurate projectign for the workforceA. The workforee will have to be more mobile than ever before becausemarketplace.B. Continuing development of international workforce.global marketplacerequire development ofC. The technology required by the global marketplace will reduce the neea Ior a multieultural workforce.D. As nations become self-sufficient, international business will decrease, eliminating the need for a multinational workforce.9. Which of the following is based on data?A. Findings.B. Conclusions.C. Recommendations.D. Conclusions and recommendation.10. Which of the following would be a formal report?A. Memo report.B. Letter report.C. Short manuscript report.D. Long manuscript report.Ⅱ. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statementis false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.T/F__ 11. When using the I-attitude, the sender is showing concern for the receiver.__ 12. Integrated software will contain several types of software, and these programs can run at the same time.__ 13. A stereotype can get in the way of truly understanding an individual.__ 14. Maintaining steady eye contact with a person from an Asian culture is a good way to show that you are confident and that you really want to do business.__ 15. A receiver-oriented message contains mostly first-person pronouns, such as we and us.__ 16. A message organized in direct order includes the main idea followed by supporting information.__ 17. Hard copy is another term for electronically sent mail.__ 18. A memo heading is always in capital letters on plain stationery.__ 19. A multinational company not only does business in other countries but also maintains a multinational workforee.__ 20. Most business reports are written in formal report format.Ⅲ. CASE ANALYSIS (10 分)21. Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them: Enclose is a certificate for 25 percent off you next purchase at Lee's. Presently, we are have a 33 percent off sale on computer and software. Come in, use your certificate, and take advantage for this opportunity.Ⅵ. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)Read the following two passages and answer the questions.Passage One:More than 65 percent of a company's business comes from current customers. Those customers are not easily replaced, so it is every company's job to keep its current customers satisfied even as it is trying to attract new customers. After all, some of those new customers will come because they hear about the store from current customers.In the fast-paced world of retail, customer loyalty is especially important. So manystores are selling the same products that retailers have to offer customers something more.That something more is their customer service. Discount coupons, valet parking (whereparking is a problem), and free gift wrapping are just some of the extras retailers now offer. Another important facet (方面)of customer service is handling customer complaints. Retailers should not think of complaints as a nuisance(麻烦事). They should see them as anexcellent opportunity for some free feedback, although it is true that a small percentage utcustomers do complain unjustly. But the vast majority of customers who complain are tellingretailers what they need to hear. For this reason, retailers should (1) listen carefully,(2)respond positively, (3) admit a mistake immediately, or if a mistake has not been made,explain the reason for the confusion, (4) ask customers what they would like done, and (5)comply with their requests. Good customer service is the surest way to stand out from all of he other retailers.22. Why are current customers important to retailers?A. They shop at the same place from habit.B. They provide at least two-thirds of a company's business.C. They bring their friends shopping with them.23. So many stores sell tile same products. How can one retailer stand out?A. With discount coupons.B. Through heavy advertising.C. With the quality of its customer service.24. How can retailers get free feedback?A. By increasing profits.B. By paying attention to complaints.C. By promoting holiday sales.25. Most customers who complain areA. doing it unjustlyB. just trying to get their money back.C. telling the retailer what he should know26. If a mistake has not been done, a retailer shouldA. offer a reason for the misunderstandingB. pretend it never happenedC. get an apology from the customerPassage Two:A formal written agreement, or contract, is invaluable to employers and employeesalike. Both benefit by having the terms of their association spelled out in advance. Spoken agreements are subject to misinterpretation. While written agreements do not guarantee identical interpretations, they can help provide legal protection for everyone involved. Most businesses have a standard contract; however, the terms of the contract may be negotiable. Changing a contract requires careful attention to the legal implications, and changes should always be noted in writing and initialed or signed by all parties. Original copies are generally retained by the employer.Contracts may list penalties(处罚)if the signed agreement is broken. With intellectual property, for example, many contracts stipulate(规定)that, while an employee works for a company, ideas developed by the employee belong to the company. If the employee tries to market his or her ideas independently, he or she risks a lawsuit(诉讼)and possibly a financial penalty to make up {or the company's presumed losses.Contractual disputes sometimes are settled by lawsuits, or they may be settled through arbitration(仲裁). In arbitration, a neutral third party investigates the disagreement. To avoid the expense of a lawsuit, many companies prefer arbitration. Contracts often contain clauses that speci[y how arbitration would take place. Both parties agree to accept the arbitrator's decision as binding.27. Written agreementsA. are not likely to be misinterpreted than oral onesB. assure that the employee and employer interpret everything identicallyC. provide legal protection [or both the employer and the employee28. Changes to a contractA. should be initialed or signed by the employerB. should be initialed or signed by the legal departmentC. should be initialed or signed by all parties to the agreement29. With intellectual property, companies often stipulate thatA. if a company employee develops a marketable idea, it belongs to the companyB. original ideas belong to the employee who thought them upC. no one can own an idea30. What happens if an employee markets his or her ideas independently?A. The company may sue for losses.B. The employee will be fired.C. The contract agreement must be rewritten.31. Who can be an arbitrator?A. A court-appointed attorney.B. A third party not involved in the dispute.C. A legal advisor hired by the employer.V. TRANSLATION (3 段短文,每段5分,共15分)32.Communication skills are especially important when you communicate with people of diversebackgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding, and tolerance in your communication.33.The two most common internal documents--those written for use within an organization-- are memos and e-mai[ messages. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a company's walls. However, with the advent of Internet technology, electronically sent e-mail messages are quickly replacing the memo asthe communication of choice.34.The tone of a letter that contains a negative message should reflect a sincere concern for the receiver's interests. Your aim is to present the unfavorable news positively and in a manner the receiver will view as fair and, if possible, in the receiver's best interests.Ⅵ. WRITING (35分)35. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5 分)The sender: GUANGDONG PROVINCIAL FOODSTUFFS IMPORT &. EXPORT CORP.No. 101, Xinhua Road, New & Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China, 529010Tel: 0852-0750-3345215Fax: 0852-0750-3345215The receiver:Prof. L. S, St. Clair, 71 South Perkins Ext& Memphis, TN, U. S. A. 38117-321136. Assume that you are Jane Scroggins, the manager of the word-processing department. Write a memo to your supervisor, Ms. Jaquette Stevenson, vice president of information systems, informing your selection of new word-processing software. You choose a popular, but powerful and most user-friendly software, which will cost just over $15, 000, approximately $ 3, 000 [ess than other world-processing packages (the budget allocated $20,000). You will have to buy a site license for your company so that everyone in the organization can legally use this package, which will improve your productivity greatly. You thank her for her help in getting you the fund for this improvement. (10 分)37. Write a letter according to the situation below, using the block format and open punctuation.Situation: Nancy White, the purchasing manager of Sunshine Manufacturing, writes to Charles Perilli, the Sales Consultant of Jacksonville Stationery, informing him that her company now needs printer paper for use with the five Printstar laser printers which have been purchased and will be delivered. She requests price quotes and the samples of the paper he may recommend and also encloses her company's standard quote form. His address is 30- 65 Paim Place, Jacksonville, Fl. 32201-7246. (20分)中央广播电视大学2004—2005学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试英语专业商务交际英语(1) 试题答案及评分标准(供参考)Ⅰ. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)Choose the letter of the best word or words to complete each sentence:1. D2. C3. C4. A5. A6. B7. B8. B9. A 10. DII. TRUE / FALSE (10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statementis false.11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F16. T 17. F 18. F 19. T 20. FⅢ. CASE ANALYSIS (10分)21. Rewrite the following short paragraph by identifying all errors and correcting them: Enclosed is a certificate for 25 percent off your next purchase at Lee~s. Presently, we are having a 33 percent off sale on computers and software. Come in, use your certificate, and take advantage of this opportunity.Ⅳ. READING COMPREHENSION (10 小题,每小题2分,共20分)Passage One: 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. APassage Two: 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. BV. TRANSLATION (3段短文,每段5分,共15分)32.在与来自不同文化背景的人进行交流时,交流技巧尤为重要。

(4) 社会支持系统。对教师的社会支持应表现为多方面,既有与教师工作,生活息息相关 的物质支持,又有与地位、荣誉相关的精神支持。这要求全社会、社区、教育行政部门、部门领 导真正解决教师的实际问题,对教师各种问题及时有效地解决。同时,教师也要认识到社会支 持的积极作用,充分利用可能的各种支持,促进身心健康,为教育事业做出贡献。 (5 分)
试卷代号 :2079
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2016 年秋季学期"开放专科"期未考试
现代教师学导论 试题答案及评分标准(开卷)
2017 年 1 月
一、选择题{每小题 4 分,共计 20 分}
l. A
试卷代号 :2079
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2016 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
2017 年 1 月
一、选择题(在下列每小题的 4 个选项中只有 1 个是正确的,请选出
并将题号填入括弧之中。每小题 4 分,共计 20 分)
致,尤其鼓励具有创新意识的体会。 25 分) 8. 答案要点: (1)自我修养的提高。内容包括树立正确的自我认识和自我职业观念等。其中教师的自
我职业观念指个人在教师这个职业中所体现出的态度。一个人自我的发展是在具体的生活情 况中体现出来的。教师的价值就是在教育教学中体现的。教师的心理健康只有在教师生活过 程中通过自己与他人的共同努力,才能维护与增进。 (5 分)
中央广播电视大学2012-2013学年度第二学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语Ⅰ(2) 试题

B. anything
A. easily
C. lazy
B. easy
10. He stopped__TV when dinner was ready.
A. watching
C. watch
B. to watch
11. My sister told me_his trip to Scotland.
A. no one
C. someone
B. nothing
21. If you___the tickets, I will do the packing.
A. will book
B. booked
C. book
22. He_me he was going to Japan next month.
B. Wrong
A. Right 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)
B. Wrong
6-25 题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答
题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。 6. She's not tall__to play basketball.
A. very C. enough
C. study
・ B. spend her holiday
36-40 题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确( Right) ,还是错误 (Wrong) ,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分) In Europe sales of new motorcycles have increased by 12%this year. This is probably because more and more people are using them to travel to work in cities where the roads have too many cars using them. Most of these motorcycles are imported from Japan,but many are built in Europe. Italy is the largest producer of motorcycles in Europe. Most customers are buying small motorcycles because they have not ridden before,and these motorcycles are best for people who want to learn how to ride. Britain and Germany only produce large motorcycles, but both these countries have also seen sales of their products rise. More people are also watching motorcycle sports on television. This is because of more television programmes about motorcycle racing,and also because of new young riders who are like "pop stars" and have lots of fans. Many governments think that an increase in the number of motorcycles on the roads is a good thing,and are passing new laws to help motorcyclists. This is because they think that motorcycles are better than cars on busy city streets and also produce less pollution. Because motorcycles can be more dangerous than cars,riders have to wear helmets in
国家开 放大学 秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试 汽车电工电子基础试题及答案

18. B
19. D
20. C
二、判断题{判断下列词语解释正确与杏,在括号内正确打 -J. 错误打 x 0 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
21. -J
22. X
23. X
26. X
27. -J
28. X
31. -J
32. -J
33. X
36. X
37. -J
38. -J
三、填空题(1 0 空,每空 2 分,共 20 分)
34. 测量时,电流表应并联在被测电路中,电压表应串联在被测电路中。(
35. 汽车点火线圈是利用变压器原理制成的。(
36. 电感的基本单位是"法拉"用 F 表示。(
37. 负载增加指负载取用的电流和功率增加(电压一定) 0 (
38. 引人负反馈能提高放大器性能。(
39. 电源未经负载而直接由导线接通的现象称电掠短路。因此时负载中没有电流流过,
29. 电子电路中的开环是指电路中没有接负载。(
30. 三极管是线性器件,因此,可用线性模型来代替。(
3 1.三相发电机绕组,向外供电时,其连接方式有星形连接和三角形连接两种。(
32. 变压器可进行交流电压、交流电流和交流阻抗变换。(
33. 在汽车运行中,可拆装蓄电池的正负两极的任意一根线。(
B. 12A
二、判断题(判断下列词语解释正确与否,在括号内正确打 .J, 错误打
x 0 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
2 1.电路一般由电源、负载、导线和控制装置四部分期性变化的电流称为交流电。(

B. at 12. 30
31-35 题:英译汉。将下列英文旬子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上。
3 1. While she wa5 waiting. her phone rang. 32. I've got the
sam巳 sense
of humour as my mum.
交际用语{共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)
1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选 A (Right ),不恰当的选 B
(Wrong) .并将答案写在答题纸上。
Xiaoyan: 1 don' t know. l' 11 ask her to book one. We need to be at the airport by 6. 00
0' clock.
What about the conference? Has Susan fixed the
A. look like
B. take after
like is wrong with the car. It won't start.
A. Nothing
C. Everything
B. Something
1 will do the packing.
B. book
1 1. If
you 一一一
33. He pointed out that she needed a better violin.


不得分。每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
12. ABCD
14. ABC
15. ACD
三、判断正误(下列各题有对有错,对的打、/,错的打×。每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
16. X
17. -J
18. -J
19. X
20. X
四、配伍题(请将下列代表名词解释的英文字母填在与其相对应的名词后的括号中。每题 2
A. 决策树法
B. 哥顿法
c. 头脑风暴法
D. 莱普勒斯法
7. 以下组织结构形式中, (
A. 职能制结构
B. 直线职能制结构
c. 事业部制结构
D. 矩阵制结构
8. 管理人员的选聘主要有内部和外部两个渠道。一般而言, (
A. 基层管理者
16. 处于不同管理层次上管理者,其履行的管理职能也是不同的。(
17. 一般而言,预测时间越短,影响预测结果的因素变化越小,预测误差也越小;反之亦
18. 目标管理强调的是以成果为目标的管理。(
19. 组织实施稳定型战略就是保持组织的原有状态。(
20. 高层领导者更应该了解相关的专业知识。(
2668国家开 放大学2017年秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试-人员招聘与培训实务试题及答案2018年1月

手册》解决了大方公司过去在开展培训需求调查工作中存在的很多问题,如:调查时间、进度随 意化;表单不齐全、不规范;操作者的随意性强,不便于督导其过程和结果。公司还与十多家咨
2015 年年底,公司又到了制订年度培训计划的时候,人力资源部高度重视,按照国际标准 化组织于 1999 年 12 月颁布的。 S010015 :质量管理 培训指南》中的"培训需求确定控制
B. 构造法 D. 表达法
2. 招聘中运用评价中心技术频率最高的是(
A. 管理游戏
C 案例分析
B. 公文处理 D.角色扮演
3. 拟定招工简章,进行"安民告示"。这是企业每年一次招聘录用工作的哪个阶段? (
A. 需求阶段
B. 招募阶段
C. 录用阶段
D. 试用阶段
4. 在招聘过程中,企业必须计划吸引到比空缺职位更多的求职者,但是实际能够录用的
四、简答题(每小题 7 分,共 35 分)
26. 27.
五、案例分析题(每小题 10 分,共 20 分)
3 1. 1)
试卷代号 :2668
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
得分比例来扣分,不答或错答者不得分) 26. 人员招聘的原则。

A. 物 理 层
C. 网 络 层
E. 应 用 层
6. 中 继 器是( )
A. 网 桥
C. 信 号 再 生 放 大 器
7. 因 特 网中的 IP地址由两部分组成 ,前面一个部分称为( )
A. 帧 头
3. 规 定 了网络上该计算机的身份
4. 1 5 4. 1 9
5.广 域 网 局域网 城域网
6. 网 络 层 链路层 链路层 网络层
7. I P 无需建立连接 8. 机 械 特性 电气特性
9. 1 2 8 IP
10. 时 延 带宽
二、名词解释 (英译汉)(每个 3分 ,共 18分 ) 1.集 线 器
2.通信子网是 由用作信息交换的 通信系统 ,它担负着全网的
技术来检测计算机所用 的传输信道可 技术来保证所有要 传送信息 的计算机之
、转接 、加工 和
组成 的 等通信处理工
3.在一个 IP地址中主机标识的作用是
4.已知 B类地址 154.1 9.2 .7 ,其中
是 网络地 址 。
C. 4 D . 5
10. 这 两 个域名 www,p ku.e du.c n与 www,c am,a c.u s哪部分是相同的( )
A. 最 高 层 域
C. 主 机 域 11. 半 双 工方式是指( )
3.简述路由器的基本功能是什么,什么情况下在网络中设置路 由器是有效的,什么情况下 在网络中设置路 由器是无效的。<9分)
(2068号)计算机网络试题第 7页(共 8页)
开 放大学 秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试 劳动关系与社会保障实务试题及答案 月

了他的经典著作《劳动关系系统)) 0 (
18. 劳动者即劳动关系主体的一部分,该定义体现和反映了现代产业中的社会经济关系
19. 我国许多民营企业的劳动关系中存在明显的非合作博弈性质,这种对抗性的不合作
20. 三方协商机制最主要和最基本的是企业一级的胁商。(
2 1.我国社会保障体系主要包括社会救助、社会保险、社会福利、军人保障四个主要组成
13. 下列不属于我国国有企业劳动关系问题的有(
A. 劳动合同方面
B. 城乡统一的劳动力市场难以真正建立起来
D. 社会保障方面
14. 三方协商机制的职能和作用主要表现在(
A. 咨询和对话的职能
B. 参与管理的职能
C. 谈判的职能
15. 根据劳动争议的性质不同,劳动争议可划分为(
社会保障制度具有以下特征:社会性,公平性,福利性,强制性,多样性。 (2) 关于未签订劳动合同职工能否参加社会保险? 许多单位为减轻成本负担,以职工没有签订劳动合同为由,不为职工办理参保手续,致使 部分职工己工作多年,仍然没有参加社会保险。用人单位与劳动者没有签订劳动合同,是不是 就可以逃避参加社会保险呢?答案是否定的。根据最高人民法院出台的相关司法解释精神, 劳动者与用人单位虽然没有签订劳动合同,但存在劳动权利义务的,视为双方存在劳动关系, 受《劳动法》的调整,系,单位和个人同样要参加社会保险。换句话说,不论单位和员工是否签 订书面合同,只要存在事实用工关系,单位就必须为员工申办社会保险,同时,劳动者必须高度 重视自身权益,监督单位依法参加社会保险。
2247国家开 放大学2017年秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试-社会工作政策法规试题及答案2018年1月

(3) 具有广泛的社会性。 (2 分) (4) 时间性和地域性。 (3 分)
五、论述题{本题 20 分)
29. 本题答案呈开放性,只要言之有理,即可酌情得分。以下是参考答案要点提示:
(1)生产力标准,是政策法规评估的首要的标准。 (4 分)
(2) 效益标准,政策法规效益指达到政策法规目标的程度。 (4 分)
试卷代号 :2247
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
2018 年 1 月
一、单项选择题{每小题 2 分,共 20 分}
1. B 6. D
2. C 7. D
3. C
8. D
4. B 9. A
5. A
10. A
(3) 效率标准,政策法规效率是政策法规效益与政策法规投入之间的比率。 (4 分) (4) 公正标准,与该政策法规有关的社会资源、利益及成本公平分配的程度。 (4 分)
(5) 政策法规回应度,政策法规实施后满足特定社会团体需求的程度。 (4 分每题 10 分,共 30 分)
26. 社会政策与法规终结的内容分为 4 类 z
(1)功能的终结,功能的终结最难。 (2 分)
(2) 机构的终结,机构缩减或撤销。 (3 分) (3) 政策法规本身的终结,阻力较小。 (2 分〉 (4) 计划的终结,执行政策法规的措施和手段的终结,最容易达成。 (3 分)
17. 社会政策的适用范围,与法律相比,应该是小于法律。(

试卷代号:2204中央广播电视大学2009-2010学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试英语工(1) 试题注意事项2010年1月,7月2013年1月一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。
第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B (Wrong).并将答案写在答题纸上。
1. - What are they doing now? (B)- They work in a bank.A.Right B.Wrong2. - What do you think of your new job? (A)- I think it is very difficult.A.Right B.Wrong3. - Excuse me, where's the supermarket, please? (A)- It's next to the bank.A.Right B.Wrong4. - Are you free on Thursday? (B)- That's a good idea.A.Right B.Wrong5. - Could you sign the register, please? (A)- Of course.A. Right B.Wrong6. - How old is your sister? (A)- She is 25 years old.A.Right B.Wrong7.- What's the weather like in Shanghai? (B)-That's all right.A.Right B.Wrong8. -What time does the Swimming Pool close? (B)-On Tuesday.A. Right B.Wrong9. - How much does the flat cost a month? (A)-lt costs 500 pounds. .A.Right B.Wrong10.- Could you. finish late today? (B)- Yes, please.A.Right B.Wrong11. ——Are you free tomorrow? (A)——No, I’m afraid I’m not .A. RightB. Wrong12. ——Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone. (B)——Are you? I am fine.A. RightB. Wrong13. ——How about going to an estate agent? (A)——Yes, that’s a good idea.A. RightB. Wrong14. ——What’s the weather like in your city? (B)——Yes, the sun is shining.A. RightB. Wrong15. ——Could you tell me your car number, please? (A)——No, sorry.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。

试卷代号 国家开 放大学 秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试 农业项目投资试题及答案

1 1.一项投资活动从开始到结束,要经历一个特定的周期过程。这个过程一般分
A. 技资的形成与筹集阶段
D. 投资的回收与增值阶段
12. 用模糊综合评价法进行决策的具体步骤是(
A. 确定评价目标和评价因素
B. 因素权重的确定
D. 形成评价矩阵
20. 元约束的条件下独立方案选择的常用指标和方法是(
A. 费用效果分析方法
C. 净年值法
D. 净现值法
)和商 )。
三、判断题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
2 1.投资回收是投资活动过程中不可缺少的环节,只有经过回收,投资才能开始新的循
22. 相对于企业投资主体而言,政府对农业项目投资的核心是追求杜会效益以及宏观经
2018 年 1 月
一、单项选择题(在各题的备选答案中,只有 1 项是正确的,请将正确答案的序号,填写在题中
的括号内。每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A
二、多项选择题(在各题的备选答案中,只有 1-4 项是正确的,请将正确答案的序号,填写在题
A. 专利权
B. 非专利技术
D. 土地使用权
18. 社会评价指标按照其衡量的内容和对象不同,可分为(
A. 客观指标
B. 主观指标
D. 其他指标
2799国家开 放大学2017年秋季学期“中央电大开 放专科”期末考试-远程教育技术与管理试题及答案2018年1月

素材、课件与网络课件、案例、文献资料、常见问题解答、资源目录索引、网络课程。 9. 简述学习支持服务体系的构成。 答:一般认为,现代远程教育学习支持服务体系应该包括以下子系统:
(3) 检查阶段,即检查远程教学资源管理计划的执行效果。通过做好自检、互检、工序交接 检、专职检查等方式,将执行结果与预定目标对比,认真检查计划的执行结果。
(4) 行动阶段,这是总结经验和发现存在问题的阶段,是一个十分重要的环节,重点在于修 订标准,包括技术标准和管理制度。
答: "PDCA 循环"(又称戴明环〉方法涵盖了质量管理的精华,也适用于远程教学资源管
理。 "PDCA 循环"教学资源管理的基本过程为:
(2) 执行阶段,这是最关键的一步,是完成计划,实现预定目标的保证,是远程教学资源管 理系统运行、实践、调控的核心环节。
(2) 软件子系统。学习支持服务体系的软件子系统涉及许多相关领域,但主要包括远程开
四、论述题{共 20 分)
10. 试论如何应用 "PDCA 循环"方法开展远程教育资源的管理。
6. 学习支持服务:是远程教育机构及其教师为远程学习者解决学习困难和问题而提供的
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Questions and Answers. Rol e- play.
岛'1 ini-talk.
Part 1 Part 2
Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Complete a rol e- play task with your conversation partner , using the information
provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends. They are talking about their weekend plan. The following is the procedure you should follow. Student B • • Ask for some detai1s about A' s weekend visit
and interest) ;
Say you have other p1ans. Tell A what you wou1d 1ike j p1an to do CImpossibi1ityj intention) ;
• •
Say you fee1 you' re not interested in eating in restaurants CBoredom); Exp1ain what a perfect way to spend the weekend for you. End the conversation natura l1 y (Giving details).
provided in the following box. You have 4 minutes for this part. Student A and Student B are close friends. They are talking about their weekend plan. The following is the procedure you should follow. • Tell B about your plans to visit a popular tourist sight in your part of the country on the weekend CPossibility); • • Give details about your plan and ask B to join in CUrging); Introduce a new topic-a new restaurant is set up nearby and invite B to go there for a meal CInterrupting and urging) ; • Ask B what would be a perfect way to spend the weekend for B CEnquiring).
Part 3
Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
Topic for Student A Do you agree with the saying that every culture has its own body language? Give examples to illustrate your view48
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
英语口语 (3 )
2018 年 1 月
In this test , students wiII have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Part 2 Part
Part 3
Speak on the following topic for 2-3 minutes.
If you were offered a free trip to anywhere around China , where wou1d you 1ike to go ,
how wou1d you 1ike to 392
试卷代号 :2148
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
英语口语 (3 )
(学生用卷 lB)
2018 年 1 月
In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Part 2 Part
Questions and Answers. Rol e- play.
Part 1 Part 2
Answer the questions the examiner asks you. Complete a rol e- play task with your conversation partner , using the information
试卷代号 :2148
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年秋季学期"开放专科"期末考试
英语口语 (3 )
(学生用卷 lA)
2018 年 1 月
In this test , you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken EngJish. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Part 2 Part