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• Level of planning & implementation basic
• “Non-greenfield” – surface disruptions, underground utilities 在市区施工, 对地面上的物景
Horizontal Directional Drilling
• Lengths of 15 - 1800 m 施工长度:15-1800米 • Diameters of 25 - 1200 mm 管径25-1200毫米 • Applications: 应用 – utility conduits 市政工程 – Pipelines 管道设施 – gravity sewers 下水管道 – force mains 压力管道 – horizontal remediation wells 治理污染的水平管群
• Disadvantages 缺点
1. Upsize required at the upper limit of PB technology in North America; however, there had been limited success 扩径要求已达北美的爆管的上限;但也有一些成 功的实例 2. Lengths 100m to 175m 长度为100米 至175米 3. Limited availability of contractors in North America with capability to perform upsize of this nature 能做这样的扩径工程的承包商有限
Trenchless Technologies 非开挖技术
• Thrust Boring & Pipe Jacking (pre-1900’s) 顶管法
• • • • •
Auger Boring (1940) 螺旋钻进法 Impact Moling (1962) 冲击矛法 Directional Drilling (1971) 水平定向钻进法 Impact Ramming (1980) 夯管法 Pipe Bursting (1980’s) 爆(裂)管法
材料,设备来铺设,更换或修复地下公用设施而能做到最小限度地扰民 碍市
New Construction Techniques 新技术
H.D.D.水平定向钻进法 Pipe Bursting 爆(裂)管法
Microtunneling 微型隧道法
Pipe Jacking 顶管法
Auger Boring螺旋钻进法
Pipe Jacking Process
Auger Boring 螺旋横钻孔机
•Lengths of 12 - 150 m 施工长度:12-150米
•Diameters of 200 - 1500 mm 管径:200-1500毫米
•Applications: 应用 •relatively short crossings of pipes and conduits 短距离的管道施工
Microtunnelinபைடு நூலகம் Process
Pipe Jacking
• Lengths of up to 490 m have been achieved 施工长度可达490米 • Diameters of 1060 - 3050 mm 管径介于1060-3050毫米 • Applications: 应用 – large diameter gravity sewers and force mains 大型下水管道和压力管道
爆管法的过程 (气动工法)
Microtunneling 微型隧道法
•Lengths of 25 - 225 m 施工长度:25-225米 •Diameters of 250 - 3050 mm 管径:250-3050毫米
•Applications: 应用 •gravity sewer installations 下水管道的安装
(一)Pipe Bursting 爆管法 (二)Horizontal Directional Drilling 水平定向钻进法
(一)爆管法 Alternatives 方案比较
• Parallel the existing gravity trunk sewer with a new gravity trunk sewer
摘抄整理: 吕明刚
Traditional Methods
传统的方法 • First suited for “gre enfield” 适用于未发展区域 • Low tech – little change over past 50 yrs.
– geotechnical investigations地质调查
HDD Process 水平定向钻进过程
HDD Process 水平钻进定进过程
Pipe Bursting 爆(裂)管法
• Lengths of 100 - 900 m
Static Head 固定式裂管头
Definition of Trenchless Technologies
“A family of methods, materials, and equipment
capable of being used for the installation of new or replacement or rehabilitation of existing underground infrastructure with minimal disruption to surface traffic, business, and other activities.” 非开挖技术就是采用各种方法,
Pumped Option 泵站方案
• Advantages 优点 – Minimizes environmental impacts as pump stations and forcemains for the most part would be constructed in existing right-of-ways. 对环境扰动小 • Disadvantages 缺点 – Added undesirable long term operational costs to the City of Nanaimo 给这个城市增 加了一些额外的长期营运成本 • Cost Estimated at $5.2 million 成本估算约5.2百万美元
Demonstration Section
能施工100 至175 米的长度
• Ability to burst project lengths (100m to 175m) • Ability to burst pipe couplings 能裂管接头 • Ability to burst concrete encasement 能裂混凝土包封 • Although some difficulties encountered, remaining project was subsequently awarded
• Diameters of 75 - 1060 mm
• Applications: 应用 – replacement of force mains Pneumatic Head 气动式裂管头 压力管的更换 – replacement of gravity sewers 下水道的更换
Pipe Bursting Researched as a Possible Alternative 爆管法作为可能的另一选择
• Advantages 优点
1. Less environmental impact as excavation is minimized 由于极少动土, 对环境影 响小 2. Gravity flow maintained 保持重力流动 3. No additional right-of-ways required无需额外的管位 4. No long term operational and maintenance costs associated with pump stations 无需 象泵站方案那样需要长期的营运和维护成本 5. More cost effective than alternatives 最经济的工法
650mm (26”)
750mm (30”)
350mm (14”)
(二)Horizontal Directional Drilling 水平定向钻进法
• Construct a series of 5 new pumping stations and pump to adjacent sewerage area
Parallel Trunk Sewer 平行管道方案
• Advantages 优点 – Maintains gravity flow 维持重力流动 • Disadvantages 缺点 – Construction in silty sand to clayey material 3 to 6 metres deep with high groundwater in close proximity to Millstone River, a highly sensitive Coho salmon habitat stream. 在3-6米的粘沙土层施工难度大 ;地下水位高;会影响三文鱼栖息地的生态 – Additional right-of-way would be required 需要额 外的管位 • Cost Estimated at $5.1 million 成本估算约5.1百万美元
Hydraulic Head 液压式裂管头
Pipe Bursting Process(Static)
爆管法的过程 ( 固定裂管工艺)
Pipe Bursting Process(Static Cont.)
爆管法的过程 (固定裂管工艺)

Pipe Bursting Process(Pneumatic)