Some American Slang ( 较新的美国英语俚语)
[美国⼝语俚语]以B开头的常见俚语美国⼝语俚语Modern American Slang and Colloquialisms简介:俚语(lǐyǔ)(Slang),是指民间⾮正式、较⼝语的语句,是百姓在⽇常⽣活中总结出来的通俗易懂顺⼝的具有地⽅⾊彩的词语。
1. Barge in 闯⼊George rudely barged in on our private meeting.乔治很⽆礼的闯⼊我们的私⼈会谈2. Basket case 绝望⽆助,意志消沉的⼈,完全没有希望的⼈When Sam’s wife left him, he was a basket case for weeks.Sam的太太离开他时,他消沉了好⼏个星期3. Beat a dead horse ⽩费唇⾆,⽩费⼒⽓I’ve already made up my mind. There’s no sense beating a dead horse.我已经下定决⼼了,不必再⽩费唇⾆了.4. Beat it ⾛开Beat it! I’m busy right now.⾛开,我现在忙着呢5. Beats me 我不知道,考到我了Beats me. We haven’t had that yet.我不知道,我们还没学到那个6. Belly laugh 震⽿欲聋的笑声,捧腹⼤笑My goodness, Burt, you’ve got a really belly laugh.我的天啊,Burt,你的笑声也太震⽿了7. Bent out of shape ⽓坏了,⼤发雷霆Our mom was really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night.我们昨晚到家很晚,妈妈⼤发雷霆8. Bend over backwards 不遗余⼒,拼命Sue will bend over backwards to help her friends.苏会不遗余⼒地帮助她的朋友9. Between a rock and a hard place 进退两难I don’t know what the solution is. Right now, I’m caught between a rock and a hard plac e.我不知道如何解决,现在我简直是进退两难10. Big 重要的,受欢迎的,热门的Her new novel is really big in New York.她新出版的⼩说在纽约很红⽂章出处:/doc/23385512.html /html/ability/americanslang/20141230/94832.html。
美国俚语slang 3

A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good. B: Yep. I just kick ass!
“kick ass”直译过来是“踢屁股”, 美国俚语里表示轻而易举地战胜 某人,此人很“牛”。 给大家举个 例子:你即将参加一场篮球比赛, 你的朋友问你紧张不紧张,你可 以说:"They are going to get their asses kicked (他们就等着 被打个落花流水吧! )
•A: When I told my mom I would be •home around 2 am, she had a cow! A: 我跟我妈说我会到半夜二点才回家, B: Duh! 她气炸了。 B: 废话!(怎么会不生气?)
Don’t forget to make up a dialogue!
A: Richard 这个夏天真的去了意大利了吗? B: 哪有可能? 他只是跟你开玩笑的, 你还当 A:真啊? Did Richard really go to Italy this summer?
B: No way. He was only pulling your leg and you believed him?
American Slang 3
Example: 1
拍马屁, 巴结
A: Mary, I'm sorry for cheating on you before. Do you see any chance that we can get back together? B: I don‘t know, but you can kiss my ass.
American Slang----A Mirror of American Society and Culture 美国俚语---美国社会与文化的镜子

美国俚语---美国社会与文化的镜子American Slang----A Mirror of American Society and CultureContents Abstract...................................................................................................摘要............................................................................................................... Introduction.................................................................................................. Chapter One The Features of American Slang.........................................1.1 Definition of Slang...........................................................................1.2 Being Highly colloquial...........................................................................1.3 Brevity...................................................................................................1.4 Novelty..................................................................................................1.5 Instability............................................................................................... Chapter Two American Slang and American Subculture Groups..........2.1 Language and Culture..............................................................................2.2 Characters of Americans..........................................................................2.3 Origin of American Slang........................................................................2.4 American Subculture Groups...................................................................2.4.1 Drug Culture and Its Slang...................................................................2.4.2 Gay Culture and Its Slang.....................................................................2.4.3 College Students Culture and Its Slang................................................2.4.4 Army Culture and Its Slang................................................................... Chapter Three Status Quo of American Slang..........................3.1 Attitude to American Slang............................................................... 3.2 The Future of American Slang.................................................................Conclusion.................................................................................................... Bibliography................................................................................................. Acknowledgements......................................................................................AbstractAmerican slang is one of the language varieties in English language. It used to be considered as low, vulgar language, which ought not to be admitted as legitimate language. But there is a strong relationship between language and culture, and even the society. One language could just come into being in a very society and culture. American slang words manifest American culture and characters of American people. With the development of globalization, economy and social system, American slang gets more and more influential. This thesis puts American slang under the discussion of language and culture, and can help us achieve better understanding of American culture and society. The first part of this thesis talks about the basic perspective and features of slang, which gives us a brief introduction to American slang. The second part of this thesis is the keystone. In this part, we will analyze the relationship of language and culture and the sub-culture groups in America. Along with the discussion, we will get clearer understanding of the origin of American slang, and get further knowledge of the development of American culture and society. In the last part of this thesis, discussion will be focused on the status quo of American slang and the attitude people hold to it.Key words:American slang, origin, sub-culture groups摘要语言和社会文化是相互影响的。

美国口语俚语(1)1. keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way hetalks.保持冷静。
2. cool it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
3. joy ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4. rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗我听不太懂其中的歌词。
5. red-letter day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a veryimportant client.今天是susan的大日子。
(2)1. clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
2. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
3. come easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4. don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
常用且好玩美国俚语 Interesting American Slan

常用且好玩的"American Slang"!1.Henpeck 妻管严Don’t try to ask him out to drink at the bar,because he’s a well-known henpeck.Hen-pecked 本义被母鸡啄的,引申为怕老婆,像软弱的公鸡一样,经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤。
2.A cup of tea 意中人,想要之物,轻而易举之事She is my cup of tea 她是我的意中人。
Riding a car is a cup of tea for me. 开车对我来说再简单不过了。
A piece of cake 3.Anywhere but here. 除了这里,哪里都好Anyone but her. 除了她,别人都行。
Anything but this. 除了这个,其他都行。
4.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦。
You just bite the bullet and get it over. 咬紧牙关,完成这件事吧! sheep 败家子,害群之马He is the black sheep in the family. All he does is to drink and gamble.6.break up with 分手Tom and his girl friend broke up yesterday.Warm up 和好,破镜重圆;(使…)更活跃 out of water 格格不入,很不自在,无法适应I felt like a fish out of water when I went to a new country.8.flog a dead horse 做无用功,白费口舌,白费力气 beat a dead horse.I’ve made up my mind. Don’t flog a dead horse.9.flip flop 翻来覆去,出尔反尔I’m really angry with this kind of flip flop.你这样出尔反尔,我很生气。
American slangs 美国俚语

2.hittheroad上路Weshouldprobablyhittheroad.It’sgoingtotakeustwohourstogethome.我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢!3.shapeup表现良好,乖You’dbettershapeupifyouwan ttostayon.如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿。

[color=DarkSlateBlue]through - thru
[color=DarkSlateBlue]love - luv
[color=DarkSlateBlue]thanks - thanx (或直接写成thx)
[color=DarkSlateBlue]ganster - gansta
[color=DarkSlateBlue]reguler - regula
[color=DarkSlateBlue]rapper - rappa
[color=DarkSlateBlue]nigger - nigga
2. 搞清楚这个人的来路,属于哪个帮派。
[color=DarkSlateBlue]"Jonny, go hit them fools up."
[color=DarkSlateBlue]Grab your glocks when you see 2pac
但是大家一般都会看到很多歌词里都会出现nigga……那个……是黑人自己不争气,不过当一个黑人对另一个人说" u re my nigga"的意思,nigga已经延伸为一个“值得信任的朋友,兄弟”的一个涵义。
bling bling
2. 性……1女v2男或者2男以上……

Hood rat – 邻居
Keep it real– 坦白说
Loc – 疯狂的
Locin’– 发疯了
Main squeeze – 某人最好的女朋友
Nasty – 性的吸引力
Old school – 老朋友
Seeds – 小孩子
Sleep on – 忽略
Fac,或是饶舌团体The Whitehead brother的成名曲「My Lover is a
A表示最好的,B则为差的,如B-Side即指最劣的事物,但A plus (A+)则是最优的代表。C常为see的任用字。G则来头不小,可指帮派分子
Ice Cabe的专辑Bootlegs B.B.
Underground的歌曲Wussup with The LUV,即是What's up with The Love的实体,字体虽改变,但发音仍相同。
shorty - 指女性时,意思就像 baby 或 honey。
sister - 女性友人。
skank - 有丑闻上身的女人。
skirt - 就是指女生。
trick - 贱女人,相当不雅的字眼。
Accessory – 男朋友/女朋友
Ace – 最好的朋友
Bag – 一瓶啤酒
ill, Indo, iszm, Lebanon, Mary Jane, maui, method, pot,

Amercianslanglanguage(美国俚语大全)1. cheapo小气鬼,没格调的人Brian is a real cheapo. He won’t even spend the money to buy his mother a birthday present.布莱恩真是个小气鬼。
2. cheapie便宜货It’s a cheapie. I spent only a couple of bucks on it.这是个便宜货。
3. chow down吃饭Let’s chow down. I’m so hungry.吃饭吧。
4. clam up住口,不说话(原意为“蚌壳合起来”)When Vinnie entered the room, Mary clammed up.文尼已进入房间,玛丽就闭嘴了。
5. chill out缓和情绪,冷静下来Chill out. Things are not as bad as they seem.冷静一点。
1. out in left field疯了He’s out in left field. Nob ody ever understands what he is talking about.他必定疯了。
2. out of it迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉,心不在焉Sara’s always out of it, she has no idea of what goes on in the world today.萨拉总是迷迷糊糊的,现在世界发生什么事完全不知道。
3. out of luck运气不好You’re out of luck. The last bus left half an hour ago.你运气不好。
4. out of this world太棒了,好极了This food is out of this world. I’ll have to get your recipe.这食品好极了!我得向你要点烹饪秘诀。

主题:美国口语俚语大全American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
2.e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
3.e easily 易如反掌Languages e easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks.保持冷静。
那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
你快把我逼疯了。 ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music" I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。 day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。
有趣的英语俚语American Slang

American Slang: make outMeaning: to hug and kiss, possibly with some pettingFor example:1. Lots of couples were making out at the party, but there was no real sex going on.2. Mandy saw her boyfriend making out with another girl. She was very upset.Note: This term is used mostly among teenagers, and it usually means anything from lengthy kissing to what is sometimes called "heavy petting", meaning sexual activity that can involve genital stimulation and even oral sex, but the term "make out" is not usually used to mean penetrative sex.Variety:This slang is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.Quick Quiz:Lee and Kim were making out for quite a while. They were ___________.a. having a discussionb. making some snacksc. kissing and cuddlingAnswer: cIdiom: make yourself at homeMeaning: If you make yourself at home, you relax and feel comfortable in someone else's home.For example:1. When we arrived at my apartment, I showed my guests the sofa and said, "Make yourself at home."2. Bill certainly knows how to make himself at home. Within five minutes of arriving he'd turned on my TV and helped himself to a beer from my fridge.Quick Quiz:I said "Make yourself at home" after ______________,a. inviting my friends insideb. arriving at my friend's housec. driving my friend to the airportAnswer: a。

听不懂美国人说话?那只是你不懂slang(完整版)来源:张旻昊sneaks的日志抵美已经将近半年了,但是还是很多时候他们在我面前说话还是bla,bla,bla,bla....... 于是我和我的美国朋友有了一次深刻的交流,终于完成了俚语葵花宝典当然你不用自宫了,但是这些都是常用的美国俚语,希望对大家有所帮助。
首先我们从A开始AaceHe's an ace reportervery goodactionDo you know where the action is in this town?excitementairheadMy sister's boyfriend is a real airheadstupid personall wetYour ideas about politics are all wet.completely wrongall-nighterI almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.after studying all nightammoThe gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.ammunitionantifreezeI really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.liquorarmpitThis town is really an armpit.undersirable placeawesomeWhat an awesome sunset.meaningBbadWow, that was really a bad movie.intensebarfHe barfed all over the seat of the airplane. vomitedbashedThe boat was bashed beyond recognition. crushedbeatAfter working all day I am really beat. exhaustedbeemerHe just bought a new beemer to drive to work in. BMW carbenchHe was benched during the basketball playoffs. taken out of the gamebentIt's OK. Don't get so bent.angrybent out of shapeDon't get so bent out of shape.become upsetbig gunThe president brought two big guns to the meeting. powerful peoplebig mouthShut up! You really have a big too muchbig stinkThe citizens made a big stink about the new nuclear power station. big issuebladeHe carried a ten inch blade with him.knifeblimpI always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel. very fat personblowI'm going to blow out of here now.leaveHe blew all his money gambling.lostblow a fuseHey, don't blow a fuse.loose your temperblow one's coolCalm down. Don't blow your cool.become angryblown awayI was blown away by his donation of a million dollars.greatly impressedbombThe movie was a bomb.badbombedThe driver of the car was bombed.intoxicatedbonkersI think I am going bonkers.crazyboo-booIf you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job. mistakeboozeI promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party.alcoholbreadI need some bread to pay for my car.moneybreakA lucky break helped him get the job.opportunitybreak it upBreak it up, or I will call the police.stopbring-downThe news of the airplane crash was a bring-down. depressingbuckDo you have a buck I can borrow?dollarbummedI was really bummed after I heard the news.depressedbummerMy trip to New York was a bummer.bad experiencebustThe whole idea was a bust.failurebuy itIf you don't slow down, you're going to buy it in a car accident. dieCcallThe weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come. predictioncanDo you know where the can is?bathroomcarbMy motorcycle's carb is out of adjustment.carburetorcatch some raysI'm going to lie on the beach and catch some rays.get some sunshinecatch some Z'sI need to catch some Z's before I go on my trip.get some sleepcheesyThat is really a cheesy looking outfit.cheapchickenDon't be a chicken.cowardchintzyThat really was a chintzy present you got him.cheapchow downI need to find a place to chow a lotclipWatch out or they will clip you at that bar.cheatclunkerI can't go on a date in that clunker.cold fishMy date for the dance was a cold fish.dullcollarI knew they would collar the robber sooner or later. arrestcome up for airHe has to come up for air or he will die from exhaustion. take a breakconDon't try to con me.deceivecoolThis is a really cool place to work.goodcool downThings should cool down in a day or two.calm downcopHow did you get the road sign? I copped it.stoleThe cop showed me his badge.plicemancouch potatoHe is a couch potato.lazy personcrack open a bottleLet's crack open a bottle for his birthday.opencramI need more time to cram for the hardOur team creamed them badly.beatcroakI feel like I am going to croak.diecruiseThe skier was cruising down the hillgoing very fastcuffsHe put the cuffs on the killer.handcuffscushyHe has a really cushy job.easycutCould you cut my whiskey with a little water? dilutecut outIt is late. I have to cut out.leaveDdamageLets get the bill and find out the damage. costdeadThis disco is really dead tonight.quietdeckHe was decked in the fight.knocked downdeep pocketsHer boyfriend has deep a good source of monediceySince the weather is a little dicey, I won't go today. chancydirtyI hear that it's a dirty obsceneditchI'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother. leavedo a snow job onDon't try to do a snow job on me.deceivedopeHe is such a dope.stupid personThere are a lot of dope dealers around here.drugdorkHe is such a dork.strange persondoughI need some dough before I can go Christmas shopping. moneydownLet's go to a bar and down a few beers.drink quicklydragDoing homework on the weekend is a drag.boringdynamiteThis drink is really dynamite.powerful; greatEearfulMy grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood.a lot of gossipeasy markThe Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash. likely victimseatThe problem is really eating away at me.botheringexcellentThat's excellent man.fineFface-offThe two sides were headed for a nasty face-off. confrontationfar-outThis music is really far-out.greatfixThe addict needs another fix.dose of drugsflakyHe is too flaky to do the work.unreliableflashbackAt the wedding he had a flashback of his old girlfriend. rememeberedflickI haven't seen a flick in a long time.movieflip outHe flipped out when he heard that his mother had been killed. lost controlflip sideWhat kind of music do you have on the flip side of the tape? other sidefoxHis older sister is a fox.very attractivefoxyShe is a foxy lady.sexyfreebieThe pillow was a freebiea free thingGget into somethingI got into gardening in high school.became seriously inteseted inget itI listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it. understandget with itIf you don't get with it, we will never finish this work.hurry upgigI have a gig on Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00.jobglitchThis computer program has a glitch.defectglitzyThis is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in. fashionablegoLet me have a go at solving the problem.trygo bananasI am going to go bananas if I don't have a vacation soon. go crazygo downWhat is going down?happeninggoofI am really a goof at times.foolgoof upI really goofed up when I painted my room green. make a serious mistakegoofyYou are always acting goofy these days.sillygourdUse your gourd to figure out what is happening.headgrandHis salary is twenty grand.thousand dollarsgrassLots of students smoke grass in the dormitory. marijiuanagravyThis job is pure gravy.easy moneyThis music is groovy.pleasantgrossPicking your nose is really a gross habit.disgustinggross-outThe party was a gross-out.disgusting timegrubWhere is the best place to get some grub around here?foodgrubbyThose clothes are too grubby to wear to the party.unclear and untidygrungyThat is a really grungy jacket.dirtygutHe got shot in the gut.stomachgutsIt takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion. courageHhairyThat was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over. dangeroushammerPut the hammer to the floor or we will be late for the wedding. acceleratorhang it upI have decided to hang up my teaching job.hang looseJust hang loose for another few days.relaxhang toughWe need to hang tough on our decision.stick withhardwareThe police were surprised by all the hardware the gang members had. weaponshave a buzz onI had a buzz on after the third martini.was slightly intoxicatedhave good vibesI have good vibes about our new secretary.feel good abouthave it all togetherRecently I don't have it all together.feel mentally all thereheaveI heaved up on the floor.vomitedhighThe teenagers look high to me.intoxicated on drugs or alcoholhip-shooterHe is such a hip-shooter.always talking without thinkinghistoryI don't have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He's history. something in the pasthitYour proposal was a hit with the boss.hole upI had to hole up for three days because the police were looking for me.hidehonchoThe honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation. bosshookerHer clothes make her look like a hooker.prostitutehotThe police stopped them because they thought the car was hot.stolenhuffyI will do it soon so please don't get huffy.angryhungryIf you are not hungry, you won't get ahead in the business.eager to make moneyhustleIf you don't hustle, we will be late again.hurry uphypedThe fans were all hyped up for the football game.excitedhyperDon't get hyper about what she told you. You know it isn't true.over excitedIinThe tie you are wearing is really in.fashionableThey are really in deep with each other.deeply involvedin the bagEverything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about. settledintenseThis is a very intense situation we are discussing. seriousJjamI am glad you got yourself out of that jam.troublejerk someone aroundRecently it seems like everyone is jerking me around. wasting my time and cause my troublejockMy roommate is a jock for the basketball athletejohnThe john really smells.bathroomjointWhere is the closest joint to barHe is good at rolling joints.marijuana cigerattesjunkieSam is a junkie.drug addictjust off the boatHe acts like he is just off the boat.naiveKkeep one's coolHe kept his cool when his house burned down. remain calmkeggerI hear there is a kegger at John's house tonight. beer partykickI get a kick out of watching him paint.enjoyklutzHe is a real klutz.stupid and clumsy personknockDon't knock it if you can't do it any better. criticizeknocked upMy dog gets knocked up once a year.pregnantknockoutWho was that knockout I saw you with last Friday? stunning personknuckle sandwichShut up or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich. punch in the mouthkookWatch out for all the kooks in this neighborhood. strange personLlaid-backYou need to be more laid-back.calm and relaxedlameThat is really a lame inadequatelineI have heard that line a million times.storyloserJohn is a loser.annoying and uselesslove handlesI exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles.rolls of fat around my stomachMmake wavesTry not to make waves around the office.cause troublemaxed outI am maxed out at my work and need to rest.exhuastedmeanHe plays a mean violin.performs well onmegaI have mega amounts of tomatoes in my garden this summer.largemegabucksHe made megabucks when he sold his company.a lot of moneymellowYou need to mellow out and enjoy life.calm downand relaxmeltdownThere has been a meltdown in the relationship between my parents and me.mickey mouseThe homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse. nonsense and a waste of timemove on someoneI am going to try to move on Sarah next Saturday.pick up seducemushThat is total mush and you know it.nonsenseNnarkWatch out for the narks in the airport.drug policeneatThat was a neat idea that you had.goodnegativeThere are too many negatives about the company merger. bad thingsnickThe police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store. arrestednipHe took a nip out of the bottle.a quick drinkno sweatIt's no sweat to have the report in to you by problemnukeI'll nuke our dinner in a few minutes.heat up in the microwaveDoes that attack plane have any nukes?nutI think that he is a nut.crazy personYou are completely nuts if you think I will go with you. crazyPpadHave you found a pad yet?a place to livepain in the neckMy wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.annoyingpaper-pusherMy office is filled with paper-pushers.bureaucratic office workparty animalYou're too old to be a party partiesparty-heartyWe need to party-hearty because we just got a raise in salary. celebratepawGet your paws off of my body.handspeanutsI am not going to work for peanuts.practically no moneypickledHe gets pickled after only one beer.intoxicatedpiece of cakeWorking on a computer for me is a piece of cake.easy to dopigHe is a pig at parties.eats too muchpig outLet's go to the restaurant and pig a lot or overeatpit stopLet's make a pit stop at the next rest area.stop and go to the bathroomplasteredHe drinks too much and is always plastered on the weekend. intoxicatedpooped outHe pooped out after we started to do the hard work.quitpopShut up or I will pop you.hitpop for somethingIt is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.buyproHe is really a pro at his work.professionalprodCan you give me a gentle prod next week so I won't forget? remindpsyched upThe players are really psyched up for the game on Friday. mentally readypsychoShe is a psycho. She should be in a hospital.pukeI feel like I am going to puke.vomitpush offI am going to push off now.leaveput the moves onYou should give up trying to put the moves on her. She is married. seduceput-onIt was an elaborate put-on which I almost believed.deceptionQquarterbackWho is going to quarterback the meeting?leadquick buckI need to make a quick buck.some easy moneyRrackI have to hit the rack by ten or I'll be tired in the morning.bedrack outI am going to rack out for two hours.sleepracketThere sure was a lot of racket outside last night.noiseragI can't believe we still get this same old rag.rapWe need to sit down and rap about a few aboutratholeWhen are you going to be able to move out of that rathole? run down palcerawThe raw office workers were not getting much done.newream someone outThe boss really reamed him out for his bad angry with himred hotYour idea is really red hot.importantrepoHey, don't repo my car. I will pay next week.repossessrinky-dinkThe circus was really rinky-dink.inferiorriotThe comedy program was a real riot.funnyroad hogThat driver is a road hog.takes up too much of the roadrocksWould you like your whiskey on the rocks?with icerough timeWe have had a rough time this winter.rugIs that a rug on his head?wigrug ratMy sister has three rug rats.childrenruleMy wife rules the house.dominatesrun off at the mouthHe is always running off at the mouth.talking too muchrun out of gasThe politician ran out of gas during the campaign.lost interst or momentumSsackWhen did you hit the sack last night?go to bedscamDon't lose your money in some kind of scam.swindlescarfSince he hadn't eaten in a week, he scarfed down everything on his plate. ate quicklyschmuckWhat a stupid schmuck.jerkscrew aroundIf you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come back again. waste timeIf you screw up one more time, I will fire you.make a mistakesharpHe is very sharp with numbersintelligentshotI'll give the puzzle another shot.tryshot downEveryone shot down my idea at first, but later agreed that it was a good idea. disagreed withslammerThe police threw them both in the slammer.jailsmashedTry not to get smashed at the beer party.intoxicatedsmoke eaterMy father is a smoke eater.firemansplitIt is time to split and go see the movie.leavespookThe cows were spooked by the howling of the wolves.frightenedspudDo you want rice or spuds for dinner?potatoessquareMy father looks square in his jacket.old-fashionedDon't get so steamed up over the issue.angrystinkThis whole operation repulsivestraightI want you to give me a straight answer.honeststressedI am really stressed by all the recent world events.upsetsuckerDon't be a deceivedTtake a hikeI am tired of all your complaining. Take a hike.leavetakenHe was taken for all his money at the casino.cheated out oftaking care of businessI have been taking care of business.doing what i have to dothreadsThose look like expensive threads he is wearing. clothestool aroundI don't want to tool around all night. It is time to go home. drive aroundtotaledMy car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck.complemently wreckedUupHe has been up ever since he met his new girlfriend.happy and cheerfulup for grabsThis is a sale. Everything is up for grabs.availableVveg outI want to veg out in front of the television this evening.relax and do nothingvibesHe really gives off good vibes.feelingwwadYou don't want to carry a wad like that with you in the big city. bundle of moneywasteAfter you waste him, throw the body in the river.killwheelsIf you let me borrow your wheels, I'll go out and buy a pizza. carwhizHe is a whiz at the computer.talented personwiredI am really wired after drinking five cups of coffee.altertwussyDon't be such a wussy all the time. Say what you are thinking.weak personYyukkyThis food tastes yukkybadZzappedI am too zapped to help you right now.exhuastedzipHe knew zip about running the company.nothing终于完成了,这些天累的半死半活的整理,然后天天还有人说一些乱七八糟的,感到心寒。
American Slang 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言

American Slang 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。
a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始)a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满)a cat nap 打个盹儿a chip off the old block 大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父)a chip on one's shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅)a ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼)a cake walk 走去吃糕(易事)a headache 头痛(麻烦事)a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒)a load off my mind 心头大石落地a nut 傻子,疯子a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事)a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件)a pig 猪猡a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜)a short fuse 引线短(脾气火爆)a sinking ship 正在下沉的船a slam dunk 灌篮(轻而易举的事)a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱)a smoke screen 烟幕a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人)a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝a thick skin 厚脸皮a thorn in someone's side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背)a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒)an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜)a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担ace 得满分(得到完美的结果)all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听)all thumbs 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚)an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌an open and shut case明显的事件ants in one's pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安)back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓)back on track重上轨道(改过自新)backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反)ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆)beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳)beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)beggar can't be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四bet on it 下这一注稳赢(有把握,无疑)bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了)better half 我的另一半between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷(前有狼后有虎)big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大)bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办)bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦)birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了)bologna 胡说,瞎说break a let 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功)break the ice 破冰(打破僵局)bright聪明,灵光brown nose 讨好,谄媚bug somebody 使人讨厌bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人)bump into 撞上(巧遇)burn brides 烧桥(过河拆桥)burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景)bury one's head in the sand把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人)butterfingers奶油手指(抓不稳东西的人)butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下)buy the farm买下农场(归道山,死了)call it a night一日事毕,可以睡觉了can't teach an old dog new tricks老狗学不会新把戏cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝)chicken鸡(胆小鬼)circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待)clean up one's act自我检点,自我改进come down in bucket倾盆大雨come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)cool your lips冷静下来cost someone an arm and a leg要花上一条胳膊一条腿(代价昂贵)count on something /doing something 这事靠得住count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡crock 破瓦片(无用之物,废话)cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了)cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直)cry over spilled milk 为泼了牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)cushion the blow 给垫着点儿(说话绵软一点,以免打击太重)cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入)daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工days are numbered 来日无多dead center 正当中dead-end street 死路,死巷子dog 狗(丑八怪)domino effect 骨牌效应don't hold your breath 别憋着呼吸(别期望太高)don't look a gift horse in the mouth 赠马不看牙(收人礼物别嫌好道歹)down to the wire 最后关头down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲)downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下)drop the ball 掉了球(失职)empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家)every cloud has a silver lining 乌云也有银边(祸兮福所倚,塞翁失马)fall into place 落实,就绪fender bender 撞弯保险杠的车祸(小车祸)fight tooth and nail 爪牙并施,拚命抵抗fine line 细线(微妙的差别)fish out of water 如鱼离水flash in the pan 淘金盆里的反光(空欢喜一场,好景不长)fork in the road 岔路fox 狐狸(并无贬意)framed 被陷害,遭栽赃full throttle 加足马力get a foot in the door 一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)get hitched 拴起来(结婚)get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳)get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来)get/give the green light 绿灯亮了(获准行动)get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床下错边give the shirt off one's back 连衬衫都肯脱给人(慷慨成性)go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)go overboard 过火go to hell in a hand basket 坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)go to one's head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑go under 沉没(破产)goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩grasp for straws 抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓)guts 胆子hot 惹火have one's cake and eat it too 既想留着蛋糕,又想吃(既要鱼,又要熊掌)hindsight is 20/20 事后的先见之明hit stride 脚步走顺了hit the books 撞书(用功)hit the hay 倒在稻草上(睡觉、就寝)hit the jackpot 中了头彩hit the road 上路hold a candle to 给他拿蜡烛都不配(元不能相比)hold the key to my heart 掌管我心灵的钥匙hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来)hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了)in one's back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物)in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道)in the lime light 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)it's Greek to me 希腊文(天书)in the middle of nowhere 周围什么也没有(前不见村,后不着店)joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人)jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先)just what the doctor ordered 正是大夫说的(对症下药)keep an ear to the ground 一耳贴地(注意新动向)keep one's fingers crossed/cross one's fingers 把手指交叉成十字架(暗祈上苍保佑)kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子)kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕,一举两得kiss up to 讨好kitty corner 小猫的角落(斜对角)knuckle sandwich 指节骨三明治(饱以老拳)landslide 山崩(压倒性的胜利)last straw 最后一根稻草left a bitter taste in one's mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆)left hanging 被晾起来了(被挂起来,悬而不决)let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗(别无事生非,过去的事不要再提)let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动)light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望)like hot cakes 象刚出炉的蛋糕(很受欢迎的东西,抢手货)like looking for a needle in a haystack 如同在稻草堆里找一根针(大海捞针)like pulling hen's teeth 跟拔母鸡的牙一样(艰苦不堪)like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖)like stealing candy from a baby 娃娃手里骗糖(易事)ling winded 长舌,碎嘴loose cannon 松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气)lose one's marbles 疯了,神智不清low blow 不正当的攻击,下流手段make a mountain out of a molehill 把小土堆说成大山(小题大作)make him and break the mold 上帝造了他以后就把模型砸了(再没有跟他一样的人了)Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮)monkey business 猢狲把戏(胡闹)monkey on one's back 背上的猴子(难以摆脱的负担)more than you can shake a finger at 屈指难数more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法)music to my ears 爱听的话my old man 我的老头(我父亲)nail in the coffin 棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素)neck and neck 马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)no sweat不出汗(没什么大不了)not dealing with a full deck 脑子里少几张牌(头脑不正常)nothing will leave these walls 话不传出这四堵墙之外(言不入六耳)off the charts 好得没治了off the deep end 暴跳如雷off the fop of one's head 临时一想,随口一说on a good note 尽欢而散on a roll 做得很顺,势如破竹on cloud nine 九霄云上on fire 着火了(红火,手气旺)on my nerves 惹我心烦on pins and needles 如坐针毡,坐立不安on tap 桶装啤酒(现成的,预备好的)on the back burner 搁在靠后的炉子上(靠边站)on the ball 看球看得准(做事有准备,有把握)on the edge of my seat 坐在椅子前沿(专心地看和听)on the rocks 触礁,搁浅;加冰块on the same page 在同一页上(进度相同)on the tip of my tongue 话到舌尖,呼之欲出once in a blue moon 出蓝月亮的时候(稀罕,少见)one foot in the grave 一脚已经入了坟(入土三尺)one of a kind 独一无二one step ahead of you 领先你一步out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下)out of the picture 不在画面里out of this world 人世所无,只应天上有pale in comparison 相形失色peas in a pod一荚之豆(好哥儿们)pieces come together 拼图游戏凑成图案(诸事顺利,达成完美结果)play it by ear不用看谱(随机应变)plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草)poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色)pop the question 提出大问题(求婚)pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步)pull oneself up by one's bootstraps 拎着鞋带把自己提起来(凭自己的力量重新振作起来)pull the rug out from underneath someone 地毯从脚下被抽出(事出意外)punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑put all of one's eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)put one's foot in one's mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了)put one's nose to the grindstone 鼻子冲着磨刀石(专心工作)put the cart before the horse 车在马前(本末倒置)put up the white flag 竖白旗(投降,放弃)rain on your parade 游行时下雨(扫兴,浇冷水)rain cats and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)raise the bar 提高横竿(更上一层楼)read someone like a book 对这个人一目了然red handed 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮red tape(扎公文的)红带子,官样文章(繁文缛节)right down my alley 恰是我的路(正能者多劳的胃口)rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草)rock the boat晃船(无事生非,制造不安定)rumple my feathers 逆指羽毛(逆批龙鳞)seamless 天衣无缝secret weapon 秘密武器see right through someone 一眼看穿,洞烛其奸shoot for the stars sick and tired 射星星(立志要高)sit shotgun 厌烦six one way, half a dozen the other一边六个,一边半打(半斤八两)skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境)skeleton in one's closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事)skin and bones 皮包骨sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上)small talk 寒喧,闲聊smooth sailing 一帆风顺snowball 滚雪球,越滚越大snowball's chance in hell 雪球进了地狱(希望不大)spark 火星(来电)spineless 没脊梁(没有骨气)split hairs 细分头发(吹毛求疵)stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算)stallion 千里驹(貌美体健的男人)stand someone up 对方失约,让人空等stick a fork in him, he's done 用叉子戳他一下看看,他烤熟了吧stop and smell the roses 停下来闻玫瑰(享受生活)straw that broke the camel's back压断骆驼脊梁的稻草(最后致命的一击)straight from the horse's mouth 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)strike out 三振出局stud 种马(貌美体健的男人)swing for the fence 打全垒打take a hike 走路(滚蛋)take a rain check 因雨停赛时送给观众下次免费来看的票(另一次机会)take off 动身take one for the team 为了全队挨一下(为了集体利益,牺牲个人利益)take the word right out of someone's mouth 替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的)the ball is in someone's court 球在你那边(该你行动了)the walls have ears 墙有耳朵(隔墙有耳)the whole nine yards 整整九码(一举成功,美式足球的攻方一次需推进十码)throw in the towel 扔毛巾(认输,放弃)tie the knot 打结(结婚)toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地)too many cooks in the kitchen 厨房里厨子太多(筑室道谋,三个和尚没水渴)twinkle in your mother's eye 母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎)twisted 脾气拧,别扭two left feet 有两左脚(笨手笨脚)under my skin 钻到我的皮下(让我极不舒服)under the weather 受了风寒until the cows come home 等到牛回家(空等,白等)until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干)unwind 放松发条(轻松下来)up for grabs 大家有份up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决)walk in someone's shoes 穿他的鞋走走看(设身处地,经历相同)walk on air(高兴得)脚不点地,飘飘然washed up 像是洗过的(筋疲力尽,力气都放完了)water off a duck's back 鸭背的水珠(马耳东风)water under the bridge 桥下的水(逝水,覆水)when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事)weed out 除去杂草(淘汰)well rounded全能,全才when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能)not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观)wound up 上足发条(紧张,兴奋)wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间)wring his neck 扭断他的脖子Hope you enjoy it!!Thank you for giving me some advice...。

黑人俚语今天开始坚持更新告诉大家一些美国黑人俚语(African American slang),包括HIPHOP常出现的以及一些帮派英语(gang slang)第一天从最基础的说起今天要讲解的词汇有这么八个,这些都是最常用的黑人俚语和帮派词汇。
what is up, hood, homie, da, ain't, yall, holla, hit' em upwhat is up/whassup/whadup1. 相当于how are you,通常美国人见面为了打招呼用的,回答可以用初中英语课本的im fine thank you来回答。
但是自然一点一般美国人会说im good, im pretty good之类。
2. 相当于你好/大家好,通常你回答的时候也可以说whassup. 据我的经验来说,一般美国北方人喜欢把whassup当作how are you,所以一般会回答你他好不好或者近况;南方人尤其是南方黑人喜欢用来打招呼,例如a: ”whassup man!”b: “whassup!”3. 特定的语境中,也会作为“怎么样,事情怎么样,怎么了”之类的问题。
比如某一个电影里黑人A进房间买毒品,然后出了公寓楼,他的同伙黑人B问他whassup?就是询问事情办的怎么样,基本可以等同于"whats going on?"hood一般用来形容黑帮成员的居住地/聚居地。
[color=DarkSlateBlue]Guy: ”I am from the trailer park, where are you from?“[color=DarkSlateBlue]Thug: ”Da hood!“[color=DarkSlateBlue]男子:我在住在拖车公园,你呢?[color=DarkSlateBlue]帮派成员:那个hood!da="the"[color=DarkSlateBlue]”she is in da club man!“[color=DarkSlateBlue]朋友,她在那个俱乐部里面!homie从homeboy分离出来的一个词汇,一般指一个非常好的朋友,或者指帮派里的其他黑帮成员,负数形式我们经常可以看到homiz.[color=DarkSlateBlue]“i ain't shoot my homiez alright?"[color=DarkSlateBlue]我不会对我自己的兄弟开枪的好吧?ain't美国南方俚语,黑人用的较多。

American slang 美国俚语(1)rumor has it that ……据说(2)come on 不相信的语气/ hurry up / 加油(3)can’t get over 无法忘记(4)play chicken 危险的(游戏);Don’t be a baby 抱怨(5)take your pick 随你挑(6)It’s up to you 由你定(7)Busting my mass 让…难看/努力工作(8)Pass 给/ 超过/ 成功作什么(9)The order of the day 最重要的事(10)Bluff 骗人(11)Ready to roll 准备好可以走了吗?(12)Hold on 等一下(13)Straight up 完全正确(14)A lift 搭车(15)Whacked out 精神完全失常(16)Tell on 告状(17)Get a head start 走在…前面(18)What’s up 你好(how are u )/ 发生什么事(what’s the matter )(19)Pawn 廉价出售/ 把…推给;go for 喜欢做(20)Tiger 父亲对儿子的爱称;pumpkin 对女儿的爱称(21)Birthday suits 什么都没穿(22)Make a crack about 因为…取笑(23)Spiked 给…下麻醉剂(24)Ten-four 收到(25)In vogue 时尚,流行(26)?(27)?(28)?(29)?(30)To be nuts 疯了吗?=to be crazy(31)Side tracked 转移话题,分神(32)Bang 使劲敲give me a big bang = surprise(33)Thick 笨,傻(34)Give it everything you’ve got 竭尽全力去做(35)Shut sb down 打败;shut down 停止(36)What a rush 真带劲,好过瘾(37)Come off as annoying 惹人讨厌;come off as +adj 给人…印象(38)Draw 拔出= take out a weapon(39)Use the noodle 动动脑筋(40)Pep talk 鼓励人的话(41)Y a right 骗人,不相信(42)Y ou bet 当然,真的,没错(43)Hang on 停留,等待/ 等一下(接电话时)(44)Fill me in on 详细了解知道(45)Rendezvous 特定时间地点集合(法语)(46)Sb / sth is history 无用了,过去了(47)See to it 负责,照顾(48)Chief 头儿,老大(49)Cute act 小伎俩(50)Got tagged 被逮住(51)Set up 冤枉,陷害(52)Break it up 停下来,分工(53)Hot stuff 宝贝,美人,帅哥(54)Watch it 让开,当心一点(55)Fool , idiot 傻瓜;geek , nerd 书呆子(56)Okay – doke 好的,没问题(57)Let’s get this show on the road 我们开始吧(58)Let’s move it 快一点/ 让开,闪开一点(59)Dumb blonde 没有头脑的金发美女(60)Stuff sth 狼吞虎咽的吃(61)Spill 把内心世界讲给….听(泄露)(62)I blew it 我把….搞砸了(63)Pull stunt 表演特技(64)Boogie 跳舞=dance(65)Y ou’re nuts 你有病/ 你疯了(66)A hat idea 非常棒的注意(67)Bimbo 花花公主(68)Take a rain check 改天(69)Clueless 脑子不灵活的,笨的(70)Creepy 有点怪,有点吓人(71)Blow sth on 挥霍(72)Bankrolling 出钱…投资…(73)Jinx 扫把星(74)Dead end 死胡同,没有出路的(75)Stay cool 镇静(76)Freeze 不许动(77)To give sb a shot 给…机会;sth a shot 尝试。
American English slangs 美国俚语

American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in, otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
Easy come easy go 钱来得快去得快4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around! 别想耍我!Pull one’s leg 开某人玩笑美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just theway he talks.保持冷静。
那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
你快把我逼疯了。 ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。
American Slang I 俚语

American Slang I(edited from /)There are some sentences have not been translated into Chinese.We just grasp the meaning with the context.Go ahead!1.babe美人儿(名词)迷人的人Did you see that girl he was with?She was a real babe.看见他身边的女孩了吗,她真是个美人儿。
2.wigging out慌了(片语)失去镇定或自信,失去控制,惊慌When her date talked to another girl at the dance,she started wigging out.当她的约会对象在舞会上同另一个姑娘交谈的时候,她开始慌了。
3.psycho发疯(形容词)发疯或狂野When the band came on stage,the crowd went psycho.乐队上台的时候,观众都象发疯了一样。
4.brownie point欢心(名词)因做了好事而得到的认可或赞扬He's trying to score some brownie points with his wife by staying home and doing the dishes every night.他每天晚上呆在家里,并且洗碗,希望讨得妻子的欢心。
5.crash呼呼大睡(动词)睡觉I crashed on the sofa at his house last night.昨天晚上,我在他家沙发上呼呼大睡。
6.go postal发疯一样(片语)发疯,通常用暴力损坏财物或人身After he lost his job,he went postal-he returned to the office with a gun and shot the manager.失业后,他向发疯一样,拿着枪回到办公室,给了经理一枪。

主题:美国口语俚语大全American English slangs美国俚语美国口语俚语(1)1.clock in 打卡Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.别忘了打卡,否则领不到钱。
e on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。
e easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。
4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。
5.push around 欺骗Don't try to push me around!别想耍我!美国口语俚语(2)1.keep one's shirt on保持冷静Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just theway he talks.保持冷静。
那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 it冷静一点Cool it. You are making me mad.冷静一点。
你快把我逼疯了。 ride兜风Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。
4.rap说唱乐Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.你喜欢说唱音乐吗?我听不太懂其中的歌词。 day大日子This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client.今天是susan的大日子。
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Some American Slangs (I)
(1) Boondoggle (n.)
A business trip that, because of its fun or exciting location, seems more like a vacation. This term is sometimes used to mock the person taking the boondoggle, even if the trip is completely legitimate and perhaps even very busy. To hear the pronunciation, go to /search/boondoggle/ and click on the "play" symbol. Examples:
"Your next conference is in Las Vegas? Geez, how'd you pull off that boondoggle?" "Financial audit in Miami---sure sounds like a boondoggle to me."
(2) Dealbreaker (n.)
A condition that eliminates any possibility of future negotiation. Often used in business but also in personal relationships.
"If they ask for anything over $50,000, that's an automatic dealbreaker."
"She's pretty, so I normally wouldn't mind asking her out on a date, but she smokes, and that's a dealbreaker for me."
"I'm not saying that a person having a tattoo is a dealbreaker in a spouse, but it's pretty close."
(3) Leadfoot (n.)
A person who likes to drive cars quickly (as if lead [chemical symbol: Pb] weights were attached to his/her foot).
(to) Floor it (v.) To accelerate a car quickly (as if pressing the gas pedal of one's car all the way down to the floor of the car).
(Put the) Pedal to the metal (phrase) Similar to "floor it". As before, the visual image is that of someone pressing the gas pedal all the way down to the floor of the car. Examples:
"Take it easy, leadfoot! I'd like to get to the supermarket without getting in a car accident, if you don't mind."
"This criminal is going to get away if you don't floor it right now!"
"If you don't want her to have the baby in your car, you'd better put the pedal to the metal and get to the hospital as fast as you can."
(4) Shoutout (n.)
Positive recognition, usually preceded by "give a". Used in informal situations, like radio shows, and more by people in their 20s and 30s. Not used in formal situations, such as academic lectures.
"I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to XYZ Company, for their time and contributions that make all of this possible."
"Thanks for this award---I'd like give a shoutout to my family and friends for all their support."
(5) True that (phrase)
A phrase meaning "I agree." Used almost exclusively by teenagers and people in their 20s. Relatively new slang.
Person A: "That was a really good movie."
Person B: "True that. It had a lot of action."。