
Unit 1 School life本单元主要介绍了学校生活的相关主题,如学校设施、教室用品等。
主要知识点包括:- 学校地图及地点介绍- 学校设施,如图书馆、音乐室、美术室等- 教室用品,如黑板、书包、钢笔、铅笔、课本等Unit 2 My day本单元主要介绍了日常生活中的活动及时间表达方式。
主要知识点包括:- 日常起居活动,如起床、刷牙、吃早餐等- 时间表达方式,如数字时间、时间段等- 一天不同时间的活动安排Unit 3 My family本单元主要介绍了家庭生活的相关主题,如家庭成员、家庭环境等。
主要知识点包括:- 家庭成员及称呼- 家庭环境,如家具、颜色等- 家庭活动,如吃饭、看电视等Unit 4 My city本单元主要介绍了城市生活的相关主题,如城市交通、地标建筑等。
主要知识点包括:- 城市交通工具及用途- 城市地标建筑介绍- 城市的基本特征介绍Unit 5 Food and drink本单元主要介绍了食品和饮料的相关主题,如饮食惯、食品种类等。
主要知识点包括:- 饮食惯及健康饮食知识- 食品和饮料种类介绍- 点餐和付款的相关表达方式Unit 6 Our world本单元主要介绍了地理和自然环境的相关主题,如世界各地、动物和植物等。
主要知识点包括:- 世界各地及地理位置介绍- 动物和植物种类介绍- 简单的地理和自然环境常识以上是六年级下册的各单元知识点的简要介绍,希望本文档能够帮助您更好地掌握小学英语知识。

北师大版小学英语知识点一、单词拼写与发音1. 单词拼写:学生在学习英语时,需要掌握单词的正确拼写。
2. 发音:正确的发音是学习英语的基础,学生需要通过听力训练和模仿来提高自己的英语发音水平。
二、语法知识1. 时态:学生需要掌握英语中的各种时态,如一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时等。
2. 词性:学生需要学习并区分名词、动词、形容词、副词等不同的词性。
三、句型构造1. 简单句:学生需要学会构造简单句,包括主语、谓语和宾语的搭配。
2. 复合句:学生需要学会构造复合句,包括主从句的关系和连接词的使用。
四、阅读技巧1. 阅读理解:学生需要通过阅读短文和文章,理解文章中的内容,并回答相关问题。
2. 阅读技巧:学生需要掌握一些阅读技巧,例如利用上下文推测词义、理解文章的主旨等。
五、口语表达1. 口语对话:学生需要通过与他人的对话来练习口语表达。
2. 口语表达:学生需要学会用简洁、清晰的语言表达自己的意思。
六、文化背景1. 英语国家文化:学生需要了解英语国家的文化背景,如美国、英国等。
2. 跨文化交流:学生需要学会跨文化交流,尊重他人的文化差异,培养自己的国际视野。

1. 语音和拼读
- 研究正确的音标和发音,如 /æ/、/i:/、/ʌ/ 等。
- 通过练读音标进行发音练,掌握正确的发音方法。
2. 词汇和句子
- 研究并记忆常用的词汇,如动物、食物、人物等。
- 掌握基本的句型结构,如主语 + 谓语,主语 + 动词 + 宾语等。
3. 语法规则
- 研究动词的时态变化,如一般现在时和一般过去时。
- 掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的构成方法。
- 研究名词单复数的规则,如加 -s 或 -es。
4. 对话和交际技巧
- 研究常用的问候语和礼貌用语,如“Hello!”、"Thank you!" 等。
- 通过对话练,提高表达和交流能力。
5. 阅读和理解
- 阅读短文,掌握主旨和关键信息。
- 练回答相关问题,加深对文章的理解。

最新北师大版小学英语四年级上册单元知识总结(全册)一、单元一:Nice to Meet You本单元主要介绍了自我介绍和问候的基本用语。
1. 自我介绍- Hi, I'm [name].- I'm [age] years old.- I'm from [place].- Nice to meet you.2. 问候语- Hello.- Hi.- Good morning.- Good afternoon.- Good evening.- How are you?- I'm fine, thank you. And you?二、单元二:At School本单元主要介绍了与学校相关的词汇和日常用语。
1. 学校设施- Classroom - 教室- Library - 图书馆- Playground - 操场- Canteen - 食堂- School bus - 校车2. 日常用语- May I go to the bathroom? - 我可以去洗手间吗?- Can I have a pencil, please? - 我可以请你给我一支铅笔吗?- Thank you, teacher. - 谢谢你,老师。
三、单元三:In the Park本单元主要介绍了在公园中常见的景物和活动。
1. 公园景物- Tree - 树- Flower - 花- Lake - 湖- Swing - 秋千- Slide - 滑梯- Fountain - 喷泉2. 活动- Play on the swing - 在秋千上玩耍- Slide down the slide - 滑滑梯- Feed the ducks - 喂鸭子四、单元四:My Family本单元主要介绍了家庭成员的称呼和基本描述。
1. 家庭成员称呼- Father - 爸爸- Mother - 妈妈- Grandfather - 爷爷- Grandmother - 奶奶- Brother - 哥哥- Sister - 姐姐2. 描述- My father is tall and strong. - 我的爸爸又高又壮。

北 大版小学英 六年 知 点 Grade SixUnit 1 Structures:What's your favorite subject? Geography. It's the most exciting subject.tall tallerthe tallestboringmore boringthe most boringfunny funnier the funniestwill go / will swimWords: art English historyscience music math P.E.interesting difficulteasy boring法知 :复 去 (yesterday, last week ⋯)将来 (tomorrow, next week) 、形容 的比的构成及用法(比 +than ; the+最高 )Unit 2 Structures: I have to water the plants.have to/has to+ 原形He doesn't have to wash the dog.What chores do you have to do?I have to ....Words: make my bed walk the dog take out the trash polish my shoes wash the dishes clean my room feed the fish water the flowers cut the grass dust the furniture wash the clothes every day every week once a week twice a week hardly ever always often usually sometimes never法知 : 度副 的基本用法Unit 3 Words:karate Structures: What are you doing tomorrow?I am playing tennis tomorrow. How often do you play tennis?I play tennis three times a week.skiing swimmingice-skatingbowlinggoing shopping playing football doingworking out at the gym on Sunday next week every day once a week sometimes 法知 :能 理解并初步运用“be ( am/is/are )+ doing + 将来 状 ”表示将来的用法.Unit 4 Structures: We hate/ like/ prefer to shop.How much does this T-shirt cost? How much do these gloves cost?Which sunglasses do you prefer?He hates/ likes/ prefers these belts.It costs ...They cost ⋯.I prefer these.Words:belt sunglasses gloves sweatpants 法知 :在具体 境中理解并会使用表示 近、 复数的代 。

北师大版小学英语六年级知识点总结Grade SixUnit 1 Structures:What's your favorite subject?Geography. It's the most exciting subject.tall taller the tallest boring more boring the most boringfunny funnier the funniestwill go / will swimWords: art English history science music math P.E.interesting difficult easy boring语法知识:复习过去时(yesterday, last week )未来时 (tomorrow, next week) 、形容词的比较级的组成及用法(比较级 +than; the+最高等 )Unit 2Structures: I have to water the plants.have to/has to+动词原形He doesn't have to wash the dog.What chores do you have to do?I have to ....Words: make my bed walk the dog take out the trash polish my shoes wash the dishes clean my room feed the fish water the flowers cut the grass dust the furniture wash the clothes every day every week once a week twice a week hardly ever always often usually sometimes never语法知识:频度副词的基本用法Unit 3Words: karate Structures: What are you doing tomorrow?I am playing tennis tomorrow.How often do you play tennis?I play tennis three times a week.skiing swimming ice-skating bowling going shopping playing football doing working out at the gym on Sunday next week every day once a week sometimes语法知识:可以理解并初步运用“be( am/is/are)+ doing + 未来时间状语”表示未来的用法.Unit 4Structures: We hate/ like/ prefer to shop.How much does this T-shirt cost?How much do these gloves cost?Which sunglasses do you prefer?He hates/ likes/ prefers these belts. It costs ...They cost.I prefer these.Words:belt sunglasses gloves sweatpants语法知识:在详细语境中理解并会使用表示远近、单复数的代词。

小学英语(北师大版)知识点小结(三、四年级)三年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby介入自然拼读法的学习加入Culture Corner.Unit1 Don’t walk字母:a 在单词中的发音单词:do left right litter touch move camera worry cry food smoking parking 句子:Don’t touch. Don’t walk. Don’t litter.No smoking. No cameras. No food. don’t=do notUnit2 How much字母:e 在单词中的发音单词:how much toy please fifty thirty robot sixty ninety forty seventy eighty hundred句子:How much is the kite? It’s 30 yuan.How much are they? They are 90 yuan.Here is the money. Thank you.Unit3Uncle Booky’s study字母:i 在单词中的发音单词:study whose computer CD glasses watch TV children photo radio mobile phone句子:Whose computer is this? It’s Aunt Booky’s.Whose CDs are those? They’re Uncle Booky’s.Is this Aunt Booky’s watch? Yes, it is.Are these Uncle Booky’s glasses? Yes, they are.Unit4 Bobby’s house字母:o 在单词中的发音单词:come in living room bedroom sleep(sleeping) bathroom wash(washing) come out fish(fishing) kitchen cook(cooking) dinner write(writing) drink(drinking) play(playing) paint(painting)句子:What is he doing? He is sleeping.What is she doing? She is washing.What are you doing? I am eating.This is the bedroom. My sister is sleeping.Unit 5 Our school字母:u 在单词中的发音单词:our math English subject classroom playground their library music art Chinese science P.E.句子:What subjects do you have today? We have Chinese ,Math and English.What subjects do you like? I like English and Art.Unit6 Review单词:Christmas parents三年级下册Unit7 At the restaurant字母:k/c 在单词中的发音单词:restaurant menu like chicken noodles bread fruit meat vegetables dumplings hamburgers句子:What do you like? I like fruit. I don’t like chicken.Do you like vegetables? Yes, I do.Do you like noodles? No, I don’t.Unit8 Big bird!字母:g 在单词中的发音单词:big beautiful tall small peacock old turtle young bad good happy short fast slow fat thin long句子:It’s a tall tree. This bird is small.It’s an old turtle. Is it old? Yes, it is.Is he a tall boy? Yes, he is. Is she a short girl? No, she isn’t.Unit9 Hot soup字母:f/v 在单词中的发音单词:hot soup thirsty some cola hungry milk cold fresh favorite coffee water iced tea句子:I’m thirsty. I want some orange juice.I’m hungry. I want some chicken.What’s your favorite drink? My favorite is water.Is that milk cold? Yes, it is. That soup is hot.Unit10 Mocky’s store字母:j/q 在单词中的发音单词:store hat new clock storybook sell newspaper magazine watch umbrella toys句子:Can I help you? I want a camera.Do you have one? Yes, I do.I have this camera. That’s great!Do you have a clock? Yes, I do.Can I have the blue one? Here you are.Do you have a pen? No, I don’t.Unit11 I’m not well字母:w/y 在单词中的发音单词:well stomach hurt mouth hair face head arm hand leg foot句子:Are you all right? I’m not well.What’s the matter? My head hurts.How are you today? I’m better. Thank you.Unit12 Review单词:ticket train window四年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby介入自然拼读法的学习Unit1 Mocky the juggler字母:a,i,o(元辅e) 以及ee, oa,单词:juggler does here juggle Get help. go quickly telephone call ambulance vet doctor hurt him of course worry have a look alright do go home farmer policeman nurse pilot dancer student teach句子:What does he do? He is a vet.Are you a vet? Yes, I am.Is he a doctor? No, he isn’t.What does she do? She is a teacher.Are you a nurse? No, I am not.Is she a dancer? Yes, she is.Unit2 I like Bobby字母:th的发音单词:a lot wear glasses come know so cute rabbit great leopard tiger lion donkey fox panda squirrel sheep goat frog monkey horse feather句子:Do you know her/him? Yes,I do.Do you like him? Yes, I do. I like him a lot.Does he/she know you/me? No, he/she doesn’t.Unit3It’s too expensive!字母:wh的发音单词:too expensive in skirt clothes cheap any shoes only trousers smaller shorts right size medium socks pajamas tie shirt dress sweater coat jeans large thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety wheel whale wheat whistle 句子:Do you have any sweaters? Yes, we do. Yes, we have some.Do you have any jeans? No, we don’t. No, we don’t have any.What size do you want? Small./Size 20.The shoes are too expensive/big/small.Unit4 Where is it?字母:ar的发音单词:where on rock under in behind in front of look for sad ground next to bed desk sofa chair floor farm shark句子:Where is the book? It’s on/under the sofa.Where is the ball? It’s in the box.Where is your chair? It’s behind the door.Where is the radio? It’s next to/in front of the TV.Unit 5 Our town字母:ir, ur的发音单词:map town supermarket near train station park movie theater swimming pool between turn left right toilet bus shop post office hospital police station library bank fire station句子:Excuse me. Where ‘s the school? It’s near the park.Thank you very much. You are welcome.Excuse me. Where’s the supermarket?It’s between the movie theater and the train station.Thanks a lot. You’re welcome.Unit6 Review单词:dangerous still四年级下册Unit7 Today is Monday字母:ow/ou的发音单词:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday every day remember diary week learn only tomorrow with then class corner shopping watch TV visit句子:What do you do on Monday? I go to school.What do they do on Tuesday? They go to the bank.What does he do on Saturday? He goes to the library.What does she do on Sunday? She goes to the park.Unit8 Mocky is late字母:oy/oi的发音单词:hurry o’clock early late time Excuse me. slow broken fix fixed句子:What time is it? It’s one o’clock.It’s time to visit Uncle Booky.It’s two fifteen. It’s three thirty. It’s four forty-five.Unit9 Day and night字母:or/o的发音单词:breakfast lunch dinner always at night usually after at home often never sometimes get up go to bed sleep afternoon evening句子:When do you get up? We always get up at seven in the morning.When do you go to bed? I usually go to bed at ten in the evening.When does he get up? He often gets up at eight o’clock.When does she go to bed? She sometimes goes to bed at twelve o’clock.Unit10 Let’s go!字母:air/ear的发音单词:go to a movie start enough shall amusement park far away too money museum dinosaur science free close by bus by car句子:Shall we go to a movie?Do we have enough money? Yes, we do.Do we have enough time? No, we don’t.Let’s go by bus.Unit11 Uncle Jack’s farm字母:oo的发音单词:ride sure cloud rain weather report fine fun stay sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy snow wind句子:What are you going to do? I am going to eat dinner.What are they going to do? They are going to see a movie.What is he going to do? He is going to watch a video.What is she going to do? She is going to play football.Unit12 Review单词:sky。

小学英语北师大版各年级知识点总汇.(总8页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除小学英语北师大版各年级知识点总汇Grade TwoUnit 1 Structures: Hello! What’s your nameMy name’s … I’m …Words: hello what’s your name my children is good morningUnit 2 Structures: This is … How are youI’m fine, thank you.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.Show me a pencil. Stand up. Sit down. Open your books.Words: pencil sharpener pencil box ruler eraser book pencil penUnit 3 Structures: Who’s this/ thatThis/ That is (not) … She/ He is from …Words: who’s that who Britain Canada America ChinaUnit 4 Structures: Who’s thatThat’s / This is my …Words: father mother brother sister uncle aunt grandfather grandmother family meUnit 5 Structures: He’s my father. That’s his boat. How old is he He’s …She’s my mother. That is her car.Words: he she your her his boat room computer lemon mom dad语法知识:能够用物主代词表达物品的归属。

北师大版小学英语各年级知识点汇总5四年级上语音知识:元音字母在开、闭音节中的发音;th 在不同单词中的不同发音;字母组合wh, ar, ir, ur,在单词中的发音;Unit 7 Structures: Today is Monday. Do you go to school every day?We go to school on Monday, Tuesday…What do you do on Monday?What does he/she do on Friday? What day is it today?Words: Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday Sunday day week everydiary tomorrow English class swimmingmusic class shopping birthday party visitholiday go playUnit 8 Structures: What time is it? It’s four o’clock. We’re late.It’s time for…It’s time to …Words: early late time o’clock hurryUnit 9 Structures: When do you eat breakfast? Ann always eats breakfast in the morning.What does he/she do in the morning? He/She often goes to the store.Words: always usually often sometimes never breakfast lunch dinner in the morning afternoonat night when get up go to bed eat sleepOK homeUnit 10 Structures: Let’s go to a movie. What time does it start?Do you have enough money? We go by bus Shall we go swimming?Words: movie start enough money spendamusement park dinosaur watch take buscome home byUnit 11 Structures: What are we going to do today? We’re going to visit Uncle Jack.It’s going to be a fine/ cold/ hot/ windy/ rainy day.It’s going to be sunny.She/He is going to …I’m/ We’re going to …What’s the weather like? It’s windy.Words: weather rain cloud cloudy wind windy rainysun sunny fine hot warm cold cool四年级下语音知识:字母组合ow, ou, oy, oi, or, oor, air, ear在单词中的发音;oo 在不同单词中的不同发音;Grade FiveUnit 1 Structures: Where were you yesterday? We were at school.Ann had a dream last night. Ann and Ken were at home yesterday.They had fun.Words: space planet moon star spaceship spaceastronaut air dream afraid soon thenyesterday语法知识:能够初步了解一般过去时态的用法及动词has,have, be(am , is , are)的过去式had, was, were 语音知识:了解字母r, l在单词中的发音,并能区分他们发音的不同;Unit 2 Structures: Mocky went to the house. They weren’t at school. He didn’t eat.Words: clean cough look pat visit watch come doeat go put see sit window语法知识:初步了解一般过去式行为动词规则与不规则的变化形式以及在肯定、否定句中的运用。

2023年北师大版小学英语1-6年级总复习知识点汇总一年级语音- 发音规则:字母的发音规则和示例词汇- 基础词汇:常用单词的拼写和意思- 短语:常用短语的拼写和意思语法- 句子结构:句子的基本结构和构成要素- 名词:单数名词和复数名词的形式及用法- 代词:人称代词和物主代词的形式及用法- 动词:一般现在时的动词变化规则及用法二年级语音- 声调:不同声调的发音规则和示例词汇- 扩展词汇:常用单词的拼写和意思- 句型:常用句型的构成和用法语法- 形容词:形容词的基本形式和比较级的形式及用法- 副词:副词的基本形式和比较级的形式及用法- 介词:常用介词的使用场景和搭配- 时态:一般过去时的动词变化规则及用法三年级语音- 连读:连读的基本规则和示例词汇- 高级词汇:常用高级词汇的拼写和意思- 同义词:常见同义词的辨析和用法语法- 时态:一般现在进行时和一般将来时的动词变化规则及用法- 数量词:基数词和序数词的形式及用法- 情态动词:常用情态动词的形式和用法四年级语音- 音标:国际音标的基本符号和发音规则词汇- 词组:常用词组的拼写和意思- 接龙游戏:根据给定的词找出合适的词来接龙语法- 时态:一般过去进行时和一般将来进行时的动词变化规则及用法- 比较级和最高级:形容词、副词和名词的比较级和最高级形式及用法五年级语音- 重音:重音在单词中的位置和发音规则词汇- 同根词:常见同根词的辨析和用法- 反义词:常见反义词的辨析和用法语法- 时态:现在完成时和过去完成时的动词变化规则及用法- 被动语态:被动语态的构成和用法六年级语音- 连读:连读的特殊规则和示例词汇- 高级词汇:学科相关的高级词汇的拼写和意思- 成语和俚语:常用成语和俚语的拼写和意思语法- 时态:现在完成进行时和过去完成进行时的动词变化规则及用法- 宾语从句:宾语从句的引导词和基本结构以上是2023年北师大版小学英语1-6年级的总复习知识点汇总,希望对您有所帮助。

Unit 9特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词,(what,whose, when, which, who, why, where, how)名词:row, team, basketball, badminton, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, goalkeeper, goal, sports star score, corner kick, field,词组:at the same time, at last, up and down, cheer for, 动词:fall句型:Wh o’s that/she/he? Where is the book/pen? When’s your birthday/the big game/ dinner? Whose book/pen is that/this? Which row are we in? Which ball do you want?Who’s=who is when’s=when is fall—fellUnit 10形容词多音节词比较级和最高级形容词:boring,colorful, difficult, exciting, expensive, interesting,名词:dictionary, picture, story 动词:buy—bought句型:This book/game is more interesting/exciting/difficult/expensive than that one.This book/game is the most interesting/exciting/difficult/ expensive.多音节形容词比较级和最高级boring—more boring—the most boringdifficult—more difficult—the most difficultexciting—more exciting—the most excitingexpensive—more expensive—the most expensiveinteresting—more interesting—the most interestingbeautiful—more beautiful—the most beautifulUnit 11过去时,谈论做饭名词:butter, cookbook, flour, knife, plate, recipe, salt, step, sugar, a liter of milk, Father’s Day动词:ask, add, bake, break, change, guess, mix, need, pour, shout, tell形容词:puzzled句型:What do we need? We need flour, milk, eggs and butter.First, put 2cups of flour into a bowl. Then, add 1cup of milk.Show me the cookbook. Pass her the butter. Pass him the eggs.Give us the flour. Give them the flour.主+decide to do something 主+want to do something 主+tell somebody to do something ask—asked add—added bake—baked break—broke change—changed guess—guessed mix—mixed need—needed pour—poured shout—shouted tell—toldUnit 12 eat out, hate, try out, walk through, take a boat, get to the restaurant小学六年级:上册Unit1复习时态,形容词比较级,最高级名词:classmate, club, drawing, experiment, geography, history, kid, neighbor, neighborhood, painting, subject,形容词:easy, boring, funny,动词:introduce, live,副词:especially, maybe, really, 代词:themselves语法:过去时:am/is/are—was/were , live—lived, go—went swim—swam将来时:will be will go, will live, will swimtall—taller— the tallest boring—more boring—the most boringfunny—funnier—the funniest exciting—more exciting—the most excitingthe sounds of “s” and “es”chips/clocks/jackets hands/pears/ keys boxes/dishes/dressesUnit2一般现在时,谈论家务劳动名词:chore, dish, furniture, grass, homework, person, plant, street, trash动词:dust, feed, feel, polish, tell, think,形容词:busy,副词:never, hardly ever, never, once, twice, every day, every week, once a week, twice a week, always, usually, on Saturdays词组:make my bed, walk the dog, take out the trash, polish the shoes, wash the dishes, feed the fish clean my room, water the plants/flowers, wash the windows, make breakfast/lunch/dinnerdust the furniture, cut the grass,语法:I have to /don’t have to water the plants.You /We have to/don’t have to feed the fish. They have to/don’t have to help mom.He has to wash the windows. She doesn’t have to wash the dog/the dishes.Do or makedo homework do chores, make the bed, make breakfast, make a cakeThe sounds of “y”This calculation is easy. This boy is dirty. This orange is juicy.This bird is tiny. This baby is noisy. This girl is sleepy.Unit 3将来时运动名词:bowling, gym, information, invitation, karate, partner,动词:find, ice-skate, learn, receive, ski, sound, work out形容词:cool 副词:sometimes运动:skiing,swimming, going shopping,ice-skating,bowling,playing football, doing karate working out at the gym,how often Saturday, on Sunday, next week, every day, sometimes, once a week句型:What are you doing tomorrow? I am playing tennis tomorrow.You are working on Monday. The health club is opening at 7A.M.He/She is going to the movies on Friday. We are ice-skating on Sunday at 10 A.M.They are coming for dinner next week.How often …? How often do you play tennis? I play once a week/twice a week/three times a week/every day/on Saturday.The sounds of “s” and “ge”We usually watch televi s ion on Sunday. Our car is parked in the gara ge.After school I always wear ca s ual clothes. This is a map of buried trea s ure.Unit4 购物话题,指示代词,hate, like, prefer, 动词的用法一般现在时,三单名词:baseball,belt, glove, idea, mall, pair, people, popcorn, style, sunglasses, sweatpants, video game动词:buy, cost, prefer, spend,形容词:latest, pop, quick, 词组:in the end句型:I like to shop. You hate shopping. We /they prefer this belt.He/She likes/hates/prefers these belts.How much does this/that T-shirt cost?How much do these/those sunglasses cost?this/that 这个、那个单数these/those 这些,那些复数Pronunciation:Th is watch is better than th ese watches. Mom gave her a k iss when she found he k eys.Don’t m iss th is sign about the tr ees.H e’s riding th is red bike.Unit 5 针对不同情况提建议。

北师大版四年级下英语各单元重点U7 Today is Monday1. 六会词汇(听说读写译及字母组合的发音):16 个on 在(星期几, 天);Monday 星期一;Tuesday星期二;Wednesday 星期三;Thursday星期四;Friday 星期五;Saturday 星期六;Sunday 星期六;go(goes)去;school 学校;bank 银行;Library 图书馆;park 公园;today 今天;week 周,星期;diary 日记,日记本2. 五会词汇(听说认译及字母组合 ow, ou 的发音):6 个(语音)Cow 母牛;brown 棕色;owl 猫头鹰;house 房子;mouse 老鼠,鼠标;cloud云注:字母组合 ow, ou 在单词中的发音 [au] P83. 三会词汇(听说认) 5 个holiday 假日;remember 记住;learn 学习;tomorrow 明天;then 那么,然后4. 四会词组Every day 每天;go to school 上学;go to the bank 去银行;go to the library 去图书馆;go to the park 去公园;a lot 许多;English Corner 英语角;swimming class 游泳课;art class 美术课;dance class舞蹈课;visit grandma 看望奶奶;after school 放学后5. 五会句型(听说读写译) (P9黑板句子 )1)询问“你星期 , 做什么?”及其简答:--What do you do on 星期几 ?--I go to school. (--We go to the bank.)2)询问“他们星期 , 做什么?”及其简答:-- What do they do on 星期几 ?--They go to the library.3)询问“他 /她星期 , 做什么?”及其简答:-- What does he do on 星期几 ?--He goes to the park.-- What does she do on 星期几 ?--She goes to the park.6. 三会句型(听读译)1) What day is it today? 今天是星期几?2 ) Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。

二、日常交际用语1.问候语:Hello!/ Hi! / Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Goodevening!2.介绍自己:My name is … / I am …3.介绍他人:This is … / He/She is …4.感谢、道歉:Thank you! / Sorry!5.询问:How are you?/ What’s your name?/ What’s this?三、句型和语法1.简单句:由主语和谓语构成的句子。

小学英语(北师大版)知识点小结(五、六年级)五年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby文段,文章学习Unit1 Ann’s dream单词:afraid air a lot of astronaut become dream finally friendly had last night moon planet space spaceship star then was were yesterday句子:I a dream.You had an English class.He some fun.SheWeTheyWhere were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school.IHe was in the kitchen.SheThey were in a spaceship.WeUnit2 Mocky’s bad day单词:again back clean cough everywhere give make next pat sick slowly visit watch句子:Iyou visited a friend.Yesterday he went to school.she cleaned the house.wetheyWhat did you do yesterday? I went to school.Iyou didn’t visit a friend.Yesterday he didn’t go to school.she didn’t clean the house.wetheyHe wasn’t at home. They weren’t at school.Unit3 School sports day单词:because competition eighth excited fast fifth first fourth happy high high jump hundred last ninth prize race decide second seventh sixth sport sports day third thousand win tenth meter句子:Who was first? Mocky was first.second? Ann second.came third? Ken came third.I eat a bananayou visit a friendhe read a book yesterday?Did she go to school last night?we win the racethey clean the houseyouI did.Yes, heNo, she didn’t.wetheyUnit4 Mocky’s birthday单词:April August autumn birthday calendar check date December February forget gift invite January July June March May month November October say season September spring summer surprise winter year句子:your January 12th.When is his birthday? It’s March 1st.Her September 3rdis he? I’m eightHow old she? He’s eleven years old.are you? She’s fifteenUnit 5 I am taller than Mocky单词:center centimeter funny heavy height kilogram measure one by one or scales something weigh weight why wrong句子:tall Ken is 147 centimeters tall.How heavy is Ken? He weighs 33 kilograms.Who is the oldest? Ken is the oldest.Which is the longest? The yellow skirt is the longest.Who is taller, John or Mary? John is taller than Peter.younger? Mary younger Jane.Unit6 Review单词:many photo五年级下册Unit7 At the airport单词:backpack either finally find Germany get give go away go home hers his meet mine ours quickly suitcase theirs trip yours句子:pen this?Whose book is that?bagmine.pen yours.This book is his.That bag hersours.theirs.IHe get the bag.She wanted to see a movie.We read a book.TheyUnit8 Mocky is late单词:believe Children’s Day concert drum flute guitar kid music piano play the piano program really start tonight violin句子:I go to the concertYou will have fun tomorrow.He will not visit Uncle Booky next week.She won’t go on vacationThey see a movieWeUnit9 A football game单词:row team basketball badminton table tennis tennis volleyball goalkeeper goal sports star score at the same time at last corner kick field cheer for fall up and down句子:Who’s that? Where is the book? When’s your birthday?Who is she? the pen? the big game?he? dinner?Whose book is that? Who’s=Who ispen this?Which row are we in? When’s=When isball do you want?Unit10 Buying e-books单词:boring buy colorful dictionary difficult exciting expensive interesting picture story句子:This book is more interesting than that one.game excitingdifficultexpensiveThis book is the most interesting.game exciting.difficult.expensive.Unit11 Cooking with Mocky单词:a liter of milk ask add bake break butter change cookbook flour guess knife mix need plate pour puzzled recipe salt shout step sugar tell句子:What do we need? We need flour, milk, eggs and butter.First, put 2 cups of flour into a bowl. Then, add 1 cup of milk.Show me cookbook.Pass her butter.Give him the eggs.us flour.themUnit12 Review单词:eat out hate try out walk through六年级上册人物:Ann KenUnit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids单词:boring classmate club drawing easy especially experiment funny geographyhistory introduce kid live maybe neighbor neighborhood painting really subject themselves句子:am/is/are—was/were live—lived go—went swim—swam will be will go will live will swimtall taller the tallestboring more boring the most boringfunny funnier the funniestexciting more exciting the most excitingUnit2 Charlie’s chores单词:busy chore dish dust feed feel furniture grass hardly ever homework never once person plant polish street tell think trash twice句子:IYou have to water the plants.We don’t have to feed the fish.They help Mom.He has to the windows.She doesn’t have to wash the dog.the dishes.do homework make the bedchore breakfasta cakeTIME EXPRESSIONSalways < usually < often < sometimes < hardly ever < neveronce a week twice a week on SaturdaysUnit3Redrock Bay Health Club单词:bowling cool find gym ice-skate information invitation karate learn partner receive ski sometimes sound work out句子:What are you doing tomorrow?I am playing tennis tomorrow.You are working on Monday.The health club is opening at 7 A.M.He/She is going to the movies on Friday.We are ice-skating on Sunday at 10 A.M.They are coming for dinner next week.HOW OFTEN ...?How often do you play tennis?I often...once a week twice a week three times a week every day on SaturdaysUnit4 Choosing a gift单词:baseball belt buy cost glove idea in the end latest mall pair people pop popcorn prefer quick spend style sunglasses sweatpants video game句子:I like to shop.You hate shopping.We prefer this belt.TheyShe likes these belts.He hatesprefersthis belt that belt these belts those beltsHow much does this/that T-shirt cost?How much do these/those sunglasses cost?Unit 5 The broken computer单词:accident advice angry bored check deep dentist dizzy explain give glad manual medicine press problem scared screen sure switch tell tired toothache turn on understand weekend work句子:What should I do?youhe/shewetheyI ask first.You should work hard.He/she shouldn’t wear a hat.We eat fast food.They go to bed late.Unit6 Review单词:city Internet Italy Japan lake lesson Mexico mountain pollution pyramid 六年级下册Unit7 The mountain bike race单词:ankle competitor crash cycling shoes elbow entry fill out flat form helmetinvite mail number official pad post puddle rider sign skid slippery tire track warning句子:I have to wear a helmet.You must read the rules.We must not be late.TheyHe/She has to fill in the form.mustn’t play with fire.quick—quickly slow—slowly bad—badlygood—well hard—hard fast—fastUnit8 In the emergency room单词:awful bone brake chine crutch emergency eyesight fall hear injection letter outside pain relax smell taste wrist句子:IyouCan he/she go out after school?wetheyyou youYes, he/she can. No, he/she can’t.they theyYou like orange juice, don’t you? Yes, I do.She is a doctor, isn’t she? Yes, she is.He wasn’t hurt, was he? No, he wasn’t.You won’t forget, will you? No, I won’t.We can play tennis, can’t we? Yes, we can.Unit9 Life in the year 2050单词:agree bottle break city country dark different field future hate hope huge leave light neither modern other over here over there part pick up place plant present tin can trashcan understand woods work句子:We are going to plant trees.clean up the forest.there will be more pollution.life will be better.In the year 2050 I will be sixty years old.you will be a doctor.we will talk to computers.they will find life on Mars.will not=won’t I hope so./I hope not.I like fast cars. So do I./I do,too.I don’t like snakes. Neither do I./I don’t, either.Unit10 Review 1Unit11 Review 2Unit12 Review 3。

一、单词和词组1. 词汇量扩充北师大四年级英语课程要求学生掌握一定数量的单词和词组。
2. 句型和表达方式在四年级英语课程中,学生需要掌握各种基本句型和常用表达方式。
例如:- 询问和回答问题:- What's your name? My name is...- How old are you? I'm...- 描述事物:- That is my friend. He is tall.- 表达喜好和日常活动:- I like swimming.- They play soccer on weekends.二、语法知识1. 名词的单数和复数形式名词的单数和复数形式是四年级英语课程中的基础知识。
学生需要掌握规则名词和不规则名词的复数形式,例如:- apple - apples- foot - feet2. 动词的一般现在时学生需要学习动词的一般现在时的构成和用法,掌握动词在不同主语下的变化规则。
例如:- I play soccer.- He reads books.3. 基本的代词和人称代词的用法学生需要学习和运用基本的代词和人称代词,包括主格和宾格。
例如:- She is my friend. I play with her.三、阅读理解1. 阅读短文并回答问题四年级英语课程要求学生能够读懂简短的英语短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
小学英语知识点小结(北师大版)全册一年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle BookyUnit1 Hello字母:A,B单词:hello Ann Ken Mocky Uncle Booky a an am apple ant banana balloon monkey句子:Hello!Hi!I’m.... What’s your name? My name’s ....Stand up. Sit down.Unit2 About me字母:C,D单词:girl boy teacher please cat crocodile dog duck句子:Ann is a girl.Touch your nose,please.Please sit down. Thank you.Unit3 At school字母:E,F单词:bag chair book pencil egg elephant fish frog this句子:What’s this? It’s a ....Is it a ...? Yes./No.Take out your...,please.Unit4 Color字母:G,H单词:color yellow blue red green brown gift girl hat hammer句子:What color? It’s....Draw an apple. Color it red,please.Unit 5 Numbers字母:I,J单词:train one two three four five car doll ball teddy bear insect ice creamjacket jeep句子:How many ...?Point to the ... please.Unit6 Happy birthday!字母:K,L单词:six seven eight nine ten key kite lock lollipop cake句子:Happy birthday!How old are you? I’m ....一年级下册Unit7 Animals字母:M,N单词:rabbit tiger lion bird panda mouse net nest句子:What’s this? It’s a....Unit8 Shapes字母:O,P单词:heart square circle triangle rectangle star ostrich octopus pig peacock句子:What shape is it? It’s a ....How many stars can you see?Draw a circle, please.Unit9 Food&Drink字母:Q,R单词:pizza hamburgers chicken rice noodles milk juice French fries queen quilt rain robot like句子:What do you like? I like ....Eat a hamburger,please.Unit10 Family字母:S,T单词:father mother brother sister friend sandwich salad tomato tea my句子:Who’s this? This is my....Do you want to eat ...? Yes./No.Unit11 Clothes字母:U,V,W单词:are socks dress shirt sweater pants shoes umbrella violin watermelon watch these句子:What are these? They are....Put on your sweater.Unit12 I can swim字母:X,Y,Z单词:swim jump run walk dance X-ray yo-yo zebra zoo can句子:Can you ...? Yes,I can./No,I can’t.I can ....二年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky LuluUnit1 Hello字母:复习A,B,C,D单词:hello what is your name my good morning children good-bye hi I am 句子:Hello!Hi!I’m....=I amWhat’s your name? My name’s ....=My name is....Good morning. Good bye.Unit2 Mocky’s friend字母:复习E,F,G,H,I单词:friend this look that a lovely deer no it tiger句子:This is .... That is.... This isn’t.... isn’t=is notUnit3 My friend字母:复习J,K,L,M,N单词:who she from Canada he UK play football China USA句子:Who’s this? This is.... She’s from....Who’s that? That is....Where is he from? He’s from the UK.Who’s=Who is That’s=That isUnit4 My family字母:复习O,P,Q,R单词:family photo mother father sister brother me grandfather grandmother aunt uncle句子:Who’s that? That’s my grandfather.Is this your family? Yes, it is.Unit 5 Welcome字母:复习S,T,U,V单词:welcome mom his parrot dad her room doll bike bag computer car句子:He’s my father. That’s his parrot.She’s my mother. That’s her car.He’s=He is She’s=She isUnit6 Review字母:复习W,X,Y,Z二年级下册Unit7 Fruit单词:fruit it banana nut pear strawberry yes lemon an orange句子:What’s this? It’s a....Is it a ...? Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.Unit8 Vegetable单词:vegetables are these they tomatoes those beans mushroom cabbages onions potatoes carrots eggplants peppers句子:What are these? They’re ....What are those? They’re ....Are these ... ? Yes, they’re./No,they aren’t.Unit9 Numbers单词:number bird how many there nest too egg flower eleven thirteen twelve small crocodile big fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty句子:How many ... are there? There are ....Unit10 Colors单词:color butterfly beautiful red yellow blue green brown orange look at all white black pink purple句子:What color is this/that ...?What color is it ? It’s ....What color are these/those... ?What color are they? They are ....Unit11 I can单词:can climb tree see house catch walk carry listen read write sing dance talk draw句子:Can you ...? Yes,I can./No, you can’t.What’s the matter?I can’t .... I can... You can.... He can.... She can....Unit12 Review单词:open door candy bar cookie monkey animal三年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby介入自然拼读法的学习加入Culture Corner.Unit1 Don’t walk字母:a 在单词中的发音单词:do left right litter touch move camera worry cry food smoking parking 句子:Don’t touch. Don’t walk. Don’t litter.No smoking. No cameras. No food. don’t=do notUnit2 How much字母:e 在单词中的发音单词:how much toy please fifty thirty robot sixty ninety forty seventy eighty hundred句子:How much is the kite? It’s 30 yuan.How much are they? They are 90 yuan.Here is the money. Thank you.Unit3Uncle Booky’s study字母:i 在单词中的发音单词:study whose computer CD glasses watch TV children photo radio mobile phone句子:Whose computer is this? It’s Aunt Booky’s.Whose CDs are those? They’re Uncle Booky’s.Is this Aunt Booky’s watch? Yes, it is.Are these Uncle Booky’s glasses? Yes, they are.Unit4 Bobby’s house字母:o 在单词中的发音单词:come in living room bedroom sleep(sleeping) bathroom wash(washing) come out fish(fishing) kitchen cook(cooking) dinner write(writing) drink(drinking) play(playing) paint(painting)句子:What is he doing? He is sleeping.What is she doing? She is washing.What are you doing? I am eating.This is the bedroom. My sister is sleeping.Unit 5 Our school字母:u 在单词中的发音单词:our math English subject classroom playground their library music art Chinese science P.E.句子:What subjects do you have today? We have Chinese ,Math and English.What subjects do you like? I like English and Art.Unit6 Review单词:Christmas parents三年级下册Unit7 At the restaurant字母:k/c 在单词中的发音单词:restaurant menu like chicken noodles bread fruit meat vegetables dumplings hamburgers句子:What do you like? I like fruit. I don’t like chicken.Do you like vegetables? Yes, I do.Do you like noodles? No, I don’t.Unit8 Big bird!字母:g 在单词中的发音单词:big beautiful tall small peacock old turtle young bad good happy short fast slow fat thin long句子:It’s a tall tree. This bird is small.It’s an old turtle. Is it old? Yes, it is.Is he a tall boy? Yes, he is. Is she a short girl? No, she isn’t.Unit9 Hot soup字母:f/v 在单词中的发音单词:hot soup thirsty some cola hungry milk cold fresh favorite coffee water iced tea句子:I’m thirsty. I want some orange juice.I’m hungry. I want some chicken.What’s your favorite drink? My favorite is water.Is that milk cold? Yes, it is. That soup is hot.Unit10 Mocky’s store字母:j/q 在单词中的发音单词:store hat new clock storybook sell newspaper magazine watch umbrella toys句子:Can I help you? I want a camera.Do you have one? Yes, I do.I have this camera. That’s great!Do you have a clock? Yes, I do.Can I have the blue one? Here you are.Do you have a pen? No, I don’t.Unit11 I’m not well字母:w/y 在单词中的发音单词:well stomach hurt mouth hair face head arm hand leg foot句子:Are you all right? I’m not well.What’s the matter? My head hurts.How are you today? I’m better. Thank you.Unit12 Review单词:ticket train window四年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby介入自然拼读法的学习Unit1 Mocky the juggler字母:a,i,o(元辅e) 以及ee, oa,单词:juggler does here juggle Get help. go quickly telephone call ambulance vet doctor hurt him of course worry have a look alright do go home farmer policeman nurse pilot dancer student teach句子:What does he do? He is a vet.Are you a vet? Yes, I am.Is he a doctor? No, he isn’t.What does she do? She is a teacher.Are you a nurse? No, I am not.Is she a dancer? Yes, she is.Unit2 I like Bobby字母:th的发音单词:a lot wear glasses come know so cute rabbit great leopard tiger lion donkey fox panda squirrel sheep goat frog monkey horse feather句子:Do you know her/him? Yes,I do.Do you like him? Yes, I do. I like him a lot.Does he/she know you/me? No, he/she doesn’t.Unit3It’s too expensive!字母:wh的发音单词:too expensive in skirt clothes cheap any shoes only trousers smaller shorts right size medium socks pajamas tie shirt dress sweater coat jeans large thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety wheel whale wheat whistle 句子:Do you have any sweaters? Yes, we do. Yes, we have some.Do you have any jeans? No, we don’t. No, we don’t have any.What size do you want? Small./Size 20.The shoes are too expensive/big/small.Unit4 Where is it?字母:ar的发音单词:where on rock under in behind in front of look for sad ground next to bed desk sofa chair floor farm shark句子:Where is the book? It’s on/under the sofa.Where is the ball? It’s in the box.Where is your chair? It’s behind the door.Where is the radio? It’s next to/in front of the TV.Unit 5 Our town字母:ir, ur的发音单词:map town supermarket near train station park movie theater swimming pool between turn left right toilet bus shop post office hospital police station library bank fire station句子:Excuse me. Where ‘s the school? It’s near the park.Thank you very much. You are welcome.Excuse me. Where’s the supermarket?It’s between the movie theater and the train station.Thanks a lot. You’re welcome.Unit6 Review单词:dangerous still四年级下册Unit7 Today is Monday字母:ow/ou的发音单词:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday every day remember diary week learn only tomorrow with then class corner shopping watch TV visit句子:What do you do on Monday? I go to school.What do they do on Tuesday? They go to the bank.What does he do on Saturday? He goes to the library.What does she do on Sunday? She goes to the park.Unit8 Mocky is late字母:oy/oi的发音单词:hurry o’clock early late time Excuse me. slow broken fix fixed句子:What time is it? It’s one o’clock.It’s time to visit Uncle Booky.It’s two fifteen. It’s three thirty. It’s four forty-five.Unit9 Day and night字母:or/o的发音单词:breakfast lunch dinner always at night usually after at home often never sometimes get up go to bed sleep afternoon evening句子:When do you get up? We always get up at seven in the morning.When do you go to bed? I usually go to bed at ten in the evening.When does he get up? He often gets up at eight o’clock.When does she go to bed? She sometimes goes to bed at twelve o’clock.Unit10 Let’s go!字母:air/ear的发音单词:go to a movie start enough shall amusement park far away too money museum dinosaur science free close by bus by car句子:Shall we go to a movie?Do we have enough money? Yes, we do.Do we have enough time? No, we don’t.Let’s go by bus.Unit11 Uncle Jack’s farm字母:oo的发音单词:ride sure cloud rain weather report fine fun stay sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy snow wind句子:What are you going to do? I am going to eat dinner.What are they going to do? They are going to see a movie.What is he going to do? He is going to watch a video.What is she going to do? She is going to play football.Unit12 Review单词:sky五年级上册人物:Mocky Ann Ken Uncle Booky Lulu Bobby文段,文章学习Unit1 Ann’s dream单词:afraid air a lot of astronaut become dream finally friendly had last night moon planet space spaceship star then was were yesterday句子:I a dream.You had an English class.He some fun.SheWeTheyWhere were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school.IHe was in the kitchen.SheThey were in a spaceship.WeUnit2 Mocky’s bad day单词:again back clean cough everywhere give make next pat sick slowly visit watch句子:Iyou visited a friend.Yesterday he went to school.she cleaned the house.wetheyWhat did you do yesterday? I went to school.Iyou didn’t visit a friend.Yesterday he didn’t go to school.she didn’t clean the house.wetheyHe wasn’t at home. They weren’t at school.Unit3 School sports day单词:because competition eighth excited fast fifth first fourth happy high highjump hundred last ninth prize race decide second seventh sixth sport sports day third thousand win tenth meter句子:Who was first? Mocky was first.second? Ann second.came third? Ken came third.I eat a bananayou visit a friendhe read a book yesterday?Did she go to school last night?we win the racethey clean the houseyouI did.Yes, heNo, she didn’t.wetheyUnit4 Mocky’s birthday单词:April August autumn birthday calendar check date December February forget gift invite January July June March May month November October say season September spring summer surprise winter year句子:your January 12th.When is his birthday? It’s March 1st.Her September 3rdis he? I’m eightHow old she? He’s eleven years old.are you? She’s fifteenUnit 5 I am taller than Mocky单词:center centimeter funny heavy height kilogram measure one by one or scales something weigh weight why wrong句子:tall Ken is 147 centimeters tall.How heavy is Ken? He weighs 33 kilograms.Who is the oldest? Ken is the oldest.Which is the longest? The yellow skirt is the longest.Who is taller, John or Mary? John is taller than Peter.younger? Mary younger Jane.Unit6 Review单词:many photo五年级下册Unit7 At the airport单词:backpack either finally find Germany get give go away go home hers his meet mine ours quickly suitcase theirs trip yours句子:pen this?Whose book is that?bagmine.pen yours.This book is his.That bag hersours.theirs.IHe get the bag.She wanted to see a movie.We read a book.TheyUnit8 Mocky is late单词:believe Children’s Day concert drum flute guitar kid music piano play the piano program really start tonight violin句子:I go to the concertYou will have fun tomorrow.He will not visit Uncle Booky next week.She won’t go on vacationThey see a movieWeUnit9 A football game单词:row team basketball badminton table tennis tennis volleyball goalkeeper goal sports star score at the same time at last corner kick field cheer for fall up and down句子:Who’s that? Where is the book? When’s your birthday?Who is she? the pen? the big game?he? dinner?Whose book is that? Who’s=Who ispen this?Which row are we in? When’s=When isball do you want?Unit10 Buying e-books单词:boring buy colorful dictionary difficult exciting expensive interesting picture story句子:This book is more interesting than that one.game excitingdifficultexpensiveThis book is the most interesting.game exciting.difficult.expensive.Unit11 Cooking with Mocky单词:a liter of milk ask add bake break butter change cookbook flour guess knife mix need plate pour puzzled recipe salt shout step sugar tell句子:What do we need? We need flour, milk, eggs and butter.First, put 2 cups of flour into a bowl. Then, add 1 cup of milk.Show me cookbook.Pass her butter.Give him the eggs.us flour.themUnit12 Review单词:eat out hate try out walk through六年级上册人物:Ann KenUnit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids单词:boring classmate club drawing easy especially experiment funny geography history introduce kid live maybe neighbor neighborhood painting really subject themselves句子:am/is/are—was/were live—lived go—went swim—swam will be will go will live will swimtall taller the tallestboring more boring the most boringfunny funnier the funniestexciting more exciting the most excitingUnit2 Charlie’s chores单词:busy chore dish dust feed feel furniture grass hardly ever homework never once person plant polish street tell think trash twice句子:IYou have to water the plants.We don’t have to feed the fish.They help Mom.He has to the windows.She doesn’t have to wash the dog.the dishes.do homework make the bedchore breakfasta cakeTIME EXPRESSIONSalways < usually < often < sometimes < hardly ever < neveronce a week twice a week on SaturdaysUnit3Redrock Bay Health Club单词:bowling cool find gym ice-skate information invitation karate learn partner receive ski sometimes sound work out句子:What are you doing tomorrow?I am playing tennis tomorrow.You are working on Monday.The health club is opening at 7 A.M.He/She is going to the movies on Friday.We are ice-skating on Sunday at 10 A.M.They are coming for dinner next week.HOW OFTEN ...?How often do you play tennis?I often...once a week twice a week three times a week every day on SaturdaysUnit4 Choosing a gift单词:baseball belt buy cost glove idea in the end latest mall pair people poppopcorn prefer quick spend style sunglasses sweatpants video game句子:I like to shop.You hate shopping.We prefer this belt.TheyShe likes these belts.He hatesprefersthis belt that belt these belts those beltsHow much does this/that T-shirt cost?How much do these/those sunglasses cost?Unit 5 The broken computer单词:accident advice angry bored check deep dentist dizzy explain give glad manual medicine press problem scared screen sure switch tell tired toothache turn on understand weekend work句子:What should I do?youhe/shewetheyI ask first.You should work hard.He/she shouldn’t wear a hat.We eat fast food.They go to bed late.Unit6 Review单词:city Internet Italy Japan lake lesson Mexico mountain pollution pyramid六年级下册Unit7 The mountain bike race单词:ankle competitor crash cycling shoes elbow entry fill out flat form helmet invite mail number official pad post puddle rider sign skid slippery tire track warning句子:I have to wear a helmet.You must read the rules.We must not be late.TheyHe/She has to fill in the form.mustn’t play with fire.quick—quickly slow—slowly bad—badlygood—well hard—hard fast—fastUnit8 In the emergency room单词:awful bone brake chine crutch emergency eyesight fall hear injection letter outside pain relax smell taste wrist句子:IyouCan he/she go out after school?wetheyyou youYes, he/she can. No, he/she can’t.they theyYou like orange juice, don’t you? Yes, I do.She is a doctor, isn’t she? Yes, she is.He wasn’t hurt, was he? No, he wasn’t.You won’t forget, will you? No, I won’t.We can play tennis, can’t we? Yes, we can.Unit9 Life in the year 2050单词:agree bottle break city country dark different field future hate hope huge leave light neither modern other over here over there part pick up place plant present tin can trashcan understand woods work句子:We are going to plant trees.clean up the forest.there will be more pollution.life will be better.In the year 2050 I will be sixty years old.you will be a doctor.we will talk to computers.they will find life on Mars.will not=won’t I hope so./I hope not.I like fast cars. So do I./I do,too.I don’t like snakes. Neither do I./I don’t, either.Unit10 Review 1Unit11 Review 2Unit12 Review 3。