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an orange an apple
a melon
some grapes
a pear
a carrot
a tomato
green bean
Healthy food
We’veUngiot t1 lots of apples.
2. Label the food in the pictures with the words from the box.
candy fruit meat vegetables
3.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and write down their names.
apple beans beef carrot chicken chocolate coffee cola juice milk orange potato tea tomato water
She _h_a_s_g_o_t _so_m__e_ coffee.
have/has got的用法
在英国英语中,常用have/has got来表示 “某人有”的意思。其构成:
肯定句: 主语 + have/has got + … 否定句: 主语 + haven’t/hasn’t got + … 一般疑问句: Have/Has + 主语 + got + …? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语 + have/has. 否定回答: No, 主语 + haven’t/hasn’t. 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句?
4. Listen and check (√) the food and
drink Betty and her mother have got.
apples √
oranges √
chicken √ coffee √

tomatoes √
3 Listen, read and answer the questions. 1.Is too much chocolate good for our healthy? No, it isn’t. 2. Have they got lots of apples? Yes, they have. 3. Has Tony’s mum got any coffee? No, she hasn’t.
1. — Has she got a dog?
— ______. It is white.
A. Yes, she is B. Yes, she has
C. No, he isn’t D. No, he haven’t
2. We ___ any uncles or aunts.
A. has got
B. hasn’t got
A: Has he got any …? B: No, he hasn’t …
Pronunciation & speaking
7. Listen and repeat.
/s/ drinks /t/ tea tomato water
/z/ apples potatoes vegetables /d/ bad food idea
1.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about them.
chocolate chicken
fruit candy
beans tomato
tea juice coffee water milk cola
Complete the table.
Food Drink
Things Tony’s family has got
at home
Things Tony’s family hasn’t got
at home
chicken, oranges
Orange juice, coffee, cola
1.Let’s go shopping for food and drink. Now,we haven’t got any meat. Let’s get some chichen.
2.Too much chocolate isn’t good for you. 3.What kind of fruit?Apples? 4.How about some orange juice? 5.Cola is bad for you! 6.oh,too bad.
8. Listen and choose /s/ or /z/.
1 apples 3 drinks
2 beans 4 potatoes
根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 我们没有肉,只能吃些苹果了。
We _h_a_v_e_n_’t_g_o_t_a_n_ymeat, so we'll have to eat _s_o_m_e_a_p_p_l_e_s_. 2. 我们还有啤酒和葡萄酒吗? _H_a_v_e_ w__e _g_o_t a_n_y_ beer and wine? 3. 她有一些咖啡。
用have/has got的否定形式填空。
1. Betty_h_a_s_n_’_t _g_o_t a lovely dog 2. The students_h_a_v_e_n_’t_g__o_t _any pictures 3. They_h_a_v_e_n_’t_g__o_t any friends here. 4. Ih_a_v_e_n_’_t_g_o_t a bike. Heh_a_s_n_’_t_g_o_t_a bike. 5. My brother _h_a_s_n_’t_g__o_t __a bike. 6. Daming and Lisa_h_a_v_e_n_’_t _g_o_tany books. 7. Our teacher_h_a_s_n_’_t_g_o_tany books.
用have/has got的一般疑问句形式填空。
1. _H_a_s__ Tom_g__o_t a lovely dog? -Yes,__h_e__ha_s 2H. _a_v_e_ their parents__g_o_tany friends here? -Yes,_t_h_e_y_h_ave 3. H__a_s__ my sister g__o_ta bike? -No,_sh_e_h_as_n’_t _ 4.H_a_v_e_ Daming and Lisa_g_o_t_any books? -No,_th_e_y h_a_ve_n’_t
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
B. have got
C. haven’t got
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
用have/has got填空。
1.He_h_a_s__g_o_t_two brothers.
2. Betty_h_a_s__g_o_t__ a lovely dog 3. I_h_a_v_e__g_o_t_a beautiful picture 4. They__h_a_v_e__g_o_t_some friends here. 5. I _h_a_v_e_g_o_t_ a bike. He__h_a_s_g_o__t __a bike 6. Your sister _h_a_s__g_o_t_a bike. 7. We_h_a_v_e_g__o_t some books. 8. Our teachers_h_a_v_e__g_o_t_ some books.
注: have用于主语是第一人称(I, We),第 二人称(you)以及第三人称复数(they),其 他复数名词或并列的主语。has 用于 第三人称单数(he, she, it或单数名词)。 eg: I have got a new pen.
I haven’t got a new pen. Have you got a new pen? Yes, I have. He has got a friend. He hasn’t got a friend. Has he got a friend? No, he hasn’t.