
清华大学考博复习资料1.Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.Ban /abolish /abort /cancel /cross out /wipe out /put off /delayDesert /forsake /leave /cease /depart /discard / relinquish /surrender /quit /withdraw /give up (24)*Abandon oneself to 沉湎于,放纵(感情)*ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事*Cancel sth out 抵消*Cross out 划掉,勾掉(错误的内容)Cross sb’s mind (注意、想法等)闪现,掠过Cross sth off 划掉,删去(已处理过或不再需要的东西)*wipe out 磨灭表示放弃、取消等意思的时候一定是ing形式Wipe sth down (用湿布)把(表面)擦干净Wipe sth up (用布)擦净*put up with 忍耐容忍(讨厌的人或事)Put up 建造(房屋)搭起(帐篷);Put sth up 1、张贴(布告等);2、抬高,提高(价格等);3、出卖;Put sb up 为…提供食宿;Put sb up to 纵容,鼓动,教唆*Put out 熄灭;使不安,激怒;Put sth out 出版,发布;Put oneself out 自找麻烦put an end to = stop it 停止做某事put the blame on 归罪于put to death 处死put it right 改正put paid to 毁坏,破坏,结束Put sth about 散布(谣言等)Put sth across/over 解释,说明;清楚地表达自己的意思Put sth aside 1、把(某事)撇开不理,不考虑;2、(为特殊目的)而储蓄;3、放下(手里的活);4、留出(一段时间)Put sth away 把…收起来;储存Put sb /sth down 1、一再当众批评(某人);2、付(订金);3、写下,记下;4、宰杀;5、镇压(革命、反叛等),击败;6、着陆;7、贬低羞辱;8、~as (没有充分根据就)认为(某人)是…;9、~for 把(某人)登记在参加者的名单上,登记注册;10、*~to把…归因于Put sth forth (树)长出叶子Put (sb./sth.) forward 1、提出(计划、建议等);2、将…提前;3、向前拨;Put in 1、安装(设备);2、花费(时间作某事);3、插话;4、提交提出(要求);5、选举;6、(船)进港;Put in for 提出正式要求Put into 把…加进加上;(船)进港*Put sb /sth off 1、推迟延期;2、搪塞,敷衍,推诿;3、阻止,劝阻;*Put sb off sth 阻止, 使气馁Put sb /sth on 1、穿上,戴上;2、打开(灯或电器装置);3、播放;4、装出,假装;5、增加,提高;6、上演演出;7、提供;8、欺骗,哄骗;9、增加;Put (sb.) onto 提供关于…的信息Put through 把(电话)接通;Put sth through使(某人)做(不愉快或困难的事);做成完成(一件工作)Put sb through 使经历,使经受*Put to 1、向…提问,向…提议;2、Put sb /sth to sth 使经受…考验;3、Put sb to sth 使处于…状态Put together 形成一个团体;合在一起;使构成整体Desert /forsake*Delay doing sth 推迟,延期leave over 剩下的,狼藉的样子;Leave sth to sb 教某人做某事leave off 忘记某人Leave sb/sth out 忽略,遗漏Leave it at that 到此为止Leave go/hold of 松开,放开Leave for 去哪里cease*depart from 背离,违反(惯例、传统等)*discard v. 扔掉,弃置*Surrender to sb /sth 投降、听任某物摆布get out:走出去;滚;get away with 胜利逃脱;做了(坏事)而未受惩罚Get away To escape (从犯罪现场)脱身bug outget through 1、to reach someone, esp. by telephone (尤指通过电话)与某人取得联系;2、to (cause to) be understand by sb. (使)某人理解;3、to(cause to) successfully to the end of (使)成功,(使)完成Get across To (cause to) be understand (esp. by a large group) (使)被理解(尤指一大群人)Get ahead To advance (beyond someone or sth) 前进,进步(超越某人或某事)Get along 1、Leave, move away 走开离开;2、go well 进展顺利进行;3、to continue (often in spite of difficult) (常指不顾困难)继续下去; 4、= get on 相处得好合得来Get around/round to find time 找到时间,有时间(做某事)Get back 1、To return, esp. go home 回去回家;2、重新掌权;3、~at someone 报复反击Get by To continue one’s way of life 度日,过活;to be good enough but not bad 尚好,过得去Get down 1、艰难咽下;2、写下,记下;3、(get sb. down)使紧张,使难过Get down to 开始认真对待Get in 1、到达,进入,进去(交通工具);2、(get sb. in)请人(到家里)帮忙;3、插话;4、to take part in 参与Get into 同get in;(get sb. Into sth) 使…陷入困境up the creek;to learn or become accustomed to 学会,熟悉,习惯于Get off 离开;下(交通工具);逃脱惩罚Get on 1、同get along;2、变迟,变老;3、继续(常指在中断之后);4、取得成功;5、坐上,骑上;6、登上;Get on for(时间、年龄、距离等的)接近Get onto (无被动语态) 交谈,写信,联系,接触;查出识破某人的骗局;开始谈论,着手干Get out of 1、逃避责任;2、能够停止或摆脱;3、逼出;4、to gain from 从…得到Get over 完成,结束(一般指不愉快的事);复原,恢复(健康、快乐等);Get around 钻空子,利用…漏洞;说服某人Get together 集会,聚会;Get up 起床;(风,火等)增强,加剧;数量增大;Get up to 到达To reachbe given to 喜欢Give sb /sth away 1、赠送(礼物)颁发(奖品);2、表露,流露;3、泄露(秘密);4、(因做蠢事)丧失,丢失;5、(在婚礼上)将新娘交给新郎;Give sb Back sth 1、归还,恢复;2、使(某人)恢复(品质、能力和特点)Give in 1、屈服,让步;2、呈上,交上;Give of 献出(自身或某物)以帮助他人Give off 发出,放出(气体、气味等)Give out 分发;用完,用尽Give over 停止*Give up 放弃,停止;停止尝试;认为没救了;投案2.Abide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (Abide /observe /discover /adapt)Her fame will abide for sure. Last /endure / continue /persist /remain /stay (10)*Abide by遵守(法律)、信守(协议)*observe sb doing sth 看到,注意到discover*Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合Be well adapted to 特别适应Adapt (+for) 改造,改装*at (long) last 最终,终于endure / continue*persist in (doing) 坚持,执意*stay on (在通常的时间以后)继续留下工作(学习)3.You have to keep ______ with the times.Abreast up /catch up with /go along with /fit in with(4)Keep abreast of 了解…的最新情况*catch on 1、开始变得流行;2、理解,开始明白Catch sight of 一时见到,注意到catch (sb) out 1、使某人措手不及;2、发觉某人的错误catch sb doing 当场抓住*catch up 1、赶上拉平;2、~with 追上,超过;3、~on 补做(工作);catch up in 被卷入,被牵涉Catch at 尽力抓住*Go off 1、爆炸,铃声大作;2、(机器)停止运转;3、进行得(成功或失败);4、变质,(食物)变坏;5、go off (sb./sth.) 失去兴趣,不再喜欢;6、入睡,失去知觉;停止进行;*go off with 携…潜逃,带…私奔;Go about (sth.) 着手,开始工作;从事Go after (sb /sth) 追逐,追求;设法获得Go against (sb /sth) 1、违反,违背,反对;2、不利于;3、与…不符go ahead 1、开始,继续;2、先走Go along 继续;赞同,支持*Go along with 同意,赞成,支持Go around /round 1、经常做某事(尤指不赞成的事);2、通常(穿着),习惯于;3、(疾病)传播,流行;4、(与某人一起)在公共场所露面;5、足够分配;6、转动,旋转Go at/for (sb.) 1、(无被动)袭击;2、攻击,打击;Go away 1、离开,走开;2、外出Go back 1、返回,回复;2、、追溯到Go back on (sth.) 食言,毁约Go by 1、过去,经过(时间或地点);2、(无被动)依照…做,遵守;3、根据…做判断go by the name of 称为go down 1、下楼;2、(质量、标准等)下降,降低;3、下沉;4、消肿;5、被接受;被记录下来;6、到达,延伸到;7、往南去;8、输了(比赛),降级;9、(计算机)暂停运转,死机;10、(灯光)暗下来;11、~with 感染上(传染病)go far 有成就,成功;满足许多需要go too far 太过分Go for sb /sth 1、去参加某种活动2、攻击,抨击;3、争取得到;4、同Go at/for (sb.);喜欢,被…吸引;5、同Go after (sb./sth.);6、包括…在内,可适用于;7、出售Go in for (sth.) 1、参加,从事(技能、知识竞赛);2、惯于,爱好Go into (sth.) 1、进入,加入(地方、职业等);2、被用在…;3、详细解释;4、探究,彻底调查5、(汽车等)撞在…上;*Go on 1、继续下去;2、转而做另一件事;3、发生;4、以(某事)为根据(做出判断)5、(时间)过去;6、开始运转,使工作,实施;7、抱怨不停;喋喋不休;8、接近(年龄、时间等)go out 1、(为了娱乐)离家,出门,经常出外消遣;(去远方)旅行;2、交往,谈恋爱;3、(灯)熄灭;4、广播;5、出国;6、落潮,过时;7、公开,公布;8、对…充满同情;9、(时间)结束Go over (sth.) 1、走近;2、查看,仔细检查;3、重读,重看;4、转向,改变(信仰等);5、转播;6、清除,打扫;Go through (sth.) 1、经受,经历,忍受;2、用光;3、通过,被接受;4、得到正式认可,被批准;5、磨破,穿破;6、练习,排练;7、仔细检查;8、从头到尾阅读Go through with (sth.) (常指艰难地)完成,做完Go to (sth.) 使经历;进入,开始经历(某一状态)go together (两件事物)互相协调,相配go under 下沉,沉没Go up 上升;被建造起来;炸毁,被烧毁*Go with (sth.) 1、与…相配,适合于;2、伴随,陪伴;3、同意,接受(看法)Go without (sth) 同do without; it goes without saying 不言而喻Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、*fit in with 使某事适合于4.Absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.Engage /occupy /bend over /involve /be busy with (6)*Be absorbed in 吸引(某人),使专心be absorbed into 并入,吞并absorption with/in 专注*Engage sb to do sth 安排雇用Engage in 参加,参与*be occupied with 忙于做某事*Bend the rules 通融Bend one’s mind /effort /thoughts to 专心致志于…,集中全力于…Bend over backwards (to do sth) 竭尽全力做某事*Involve doing sth 包含,包括,需要Involve sb in sth 要求(允许)参与*Be busy with 正在工作的,无空闲的Busy doing with 忙于做某事5.Abundant /rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game.*An abundance of 丰富,充裕In abundance 充满了,丰富的Abundantly clear 显而易见*rich (+in) 富含…的;丰富的;6.access In many schools, students don't have sufficient access to the library.Way /approach /solution /answer / Accessible /available /handy /ready /convenient /obtainable /at hand (12)*Have access to 有权做某事*Stand in the way of = prevent 阻碍…实施Right of way 有权*be Under way = start 开始;在进行中*Get one’s own way 自行其是;随心所欲;为所欲为*Give way 退让;让步;屈服Have it both ways 左右逢源,见风使舵*In a way 某种方法,某一方面In no way 无论如何,决不In the way /in sb’s way 挡住去路,碍事*By the way 顺便By way of 当做,用作,作为*approach sb for 接洽,交涉Approach sb /sth about (doing) (同上)*Answer back 回嘴,反驳Answer for 对…负责;担保Answer to 对(某人)负责,对(某事,尤指错事)做出解释(antenna)*Come in handy 迟早有用*ready to do sth 准备好了做*convenient for sb /sth 方便的,合宜的*Hand down 传下来,传给;宣布,宣判;Hand over 移交,拿给Hand around0609177.His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (Situation /accordance /according /fit)I'm in agreement with Mr. Moore. In agreement with /be compatible with /comply with /conform to /be in proportion to (9)Of your own accord 出于自愿,主动地With one accord 一致地In accordance with (正式)按照,依照According to 据…所说;~(as) 【英,正式】按照Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、fit in with 使某事适合于*be In agreement with 一致同意*be compatible with 兼容,一致*comply with 服从,遵守*conform to 遵守(法律、规定等)*be in proportion to (与某物)成比例,相称8.Account He asked no one's advice; he did it on his own (account).independentlyYou have to take everything into account /consideration /Attention /regard /respect /mindGive us an account of what happened. Story /reason /information /description /tale /statementHe has been asked to account for his absence. (Describe /tell /relate / Describe (19)N.*Take sth into account/take account of 把某事考虑在内,思考On account of 因为,由于On account 赊帐By/from all account 根据各方面所说V.Account for 是…原因,= answer for;对…做出(满意的)解释Count in (out on) = back on; rely on;*Take sth into consideration 考虑到某事Attention*as regards 至于,关于*Respect for 考虑,顾及,重视In respect of 关于,有关With respect to 关于,谈到*Make up one’s mind 做出决定,拿主意;Take one’s mind off sth 不再想某件(烦心事)Keep /bear sth in mind 记住某事(有用或重要的信息)Stick in one’s mind 对(名字、细节等)经久不忘Put one’s mind to 专心于…Keep one’s mind on 专心于…Story*by reason of (正式)因为…Reason to do sth (正确或充分的)理由做某事Reason sth out (通过推理)解释,解决Reason with 与…讲道理,说服*for information only 仅供参考description /tale /statementDescribe*Tell off 责备,斥责;叫出(做某事)Tell on 告发Tell against sb 不利于…Tell sb /sth apart 区分,区别Tell of 描绘,描述*Relate to 1、有关,涉及;2、与…直接相关;3、与…和睦相处;4、认同,产生共鸣*to say the least 至少可以说to say nothing of 更不用说,何况*explain sth away 通过解释消除(某事的影响),辩解9.Acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain /obtain /gain /earn /secure(6)Acquire 得到;掌握,获得;~a taste for 开始喜欢上Attain /obtain*Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利Gain the upper hand 占上风,处于有利地位,控制Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事Gain ground 稳步发展,Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上Earn /secure10.Active He is very active in politics.Energetic /spirited /lively /dynamic /excited /enthusiastic(7)*Active duty 现役Be active in (doing) sth 积极参加活动*group dynamics 群体动态(指某一团体成员之间的相互行为和态度)(以上99)06092011.Adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.Adjust /accommodate /alter /vary /arrange /modify /make fit(8)*Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合Adapt for (+for) 改造,改装Be well adapted to 特别适应*Adjust (+to) 适应,使适合*accommodate to 使适应,顺应alter /vary*Arrange to do sth 安排,筹划modify*MakeV.Make a start(+on /with) 开始做某事~believe (that)假装to pretend;~sb do sth 强迫某人做某事;be made to do sth~do with sth. 将就,凑合用;~it 1、及时赶到;2、成功;3、能参加、出现;4、(在生病或事故之后)活下来;~it up 和解,和好Make it up for (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;Make up to (sb.) 企图得到…欢心;make (it) up to (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;make one’s way 闯出一条路,make time 抽出时间~living (doing sth) (做某事)为生;~or break (使)完全成功或彻底失败;*make away with 带着东西逃跑; bug outMake at 采用什么手段Make for sth. 向…(快速)走去;导致,有利于,倾向Make sb /sth into 将…制成;Make (sth.) of (sth.) 理解,看待;对待,处理;Make off 仓皇逃走Make out 1、(费力)理解,辨认出;2、(以完整的形式)填写,开列;3、(泛指在商业、人际关系或生活中)成功;4、声称,假装;5、把…说成是,声称(尤指自己)重要;Make (sth.) over(尤指法律上的)转让,转交Make up 1、编造,虚构;2、化妆;整理备用;3、补足;4、(make sth. up)偿还,归还;5、(争吵后)和解12.Accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (Accustomed /used /addict /be familiar with) (4) *Accustom oneself to 使某人习惯于Be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯(做)某事*Be used to (doing) 习惯(做)某事Used to do sth 过去常做某事Use sb to do sth 利用某人做某事Be in use (机器、场所等)在使用中*addicted (+to) 对…上瘾的*be familiar with 通晓,熟悉13.Admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.(Allow /admit /accept /permit /receive /confess /acknowledge /adopt) (8)*Allow sb to do sth 允许,容许,准许Allow for考虑,顾及*Admit of (sth) 【正式】允许有Admit (to) doing sth 承认(做错了事、犯了罪)* Accept sth from sb 接受,同意做*permit sb to do sth 【正式】允许,准许做某事Permit of 容许有,允许有receive*confess to doing sth 承认(使自己尴尬的事情)*Be acknowledge as 被公认为是…*adopt an approach /strategy /policy 采用某方法、战略、政策等06092314.Adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.Enough /sufficient /satisfactory /plenty /ample (6)*Adequate to do sth 可以胜任的*enough to do sth 足够做…事Near enough 几乎,差不多*Sufficient to do sth 足够做某事satisfactory*plenty (+of) 丰富,大量,众多Plenty big /bright enough 非常(足够)大(明亮)的In plenty 供应充足,多得很ample15.Advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.Benefit /gain upper hand /interest /profit /harvest /crop /earnings /returns (9)*Take advantage of sb(不公正地)利用某人,占便宜Take advantage of sth(巧妙地)利用某物*benefit (+from /by) 获益,受益,得到好处*Gain the upper hand 占上风,处于有利地位,控制Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事Gain ground 稳步发展Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上*be in the public /national interest 出于公众、国家利益*Profit by /from 从中获益,取得教训*reap a harvest 获得成果;尝到苦果*A crop of 一群(同时到达的人),一批(同时发生的事)Crop up (尤指问题)突然发生(出现)*in return (for) (作为…的)交换(回报)16.Aim His aim is to win the game.Purpose /intention /goal /end /target /objective /motive /destination (9)Aim*On purpose 故意(地)For the purpose of 为了…目的*(have <no>) intention (of doing) to do sth (不)打算做某事with the intention of doing 意图,目的,打算Intention to do sth 目标是*No end 非常No end of 大量的,许多Make (both) ends meet 收支仅能相抵target /objective /motive /destination(以上143)06092617.Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years. Accumulate /assemble /gather /increase /collect /compile /heap up /store upMass /bulk /quantity /load /amount /volume /accumulation /pile/heap /crowd /multitude /pack /gang (22)Figure /digit /measureAmassAccumulateassemble*gather around /round 聚拢过来Gather sth in 收(庄稼)Gather sth together /up 集拢,拾拢*compile sth from /for sth 编辑,编纂,编制,汇编*heap up (杂乱地)堆积,堆放*be in store 将要发生,将要出现Store up 储存;制造(麻烦)*A mass of 大量,大宗Masses of 许多的,大量的The masses 群众,平民*the bulk (of sth) (某物的)主要部分,大半In bulk 整批的,大批的Bulk sth out 使膨胀,看起来更厚实,充实*quantity of 若干数量;大量,许多*load sb /sth down 给(某人)过重的负担No amount of sth will do sth 毫无结果,毫无影响*Amount to sth 总计,达到not amount to much /anything 没多大了不起*A pile of /(also) piles of 一大堆,大量Pile in /into 拥进,挤进Pile on 过分地称赞、批评等;过分夸大坏的情况Pile out 挤出,蜂拥而出Pile up 堆积,积累*crowd sb /sth out 把…挤出,排挤*pack sth away 将(某物)收拾起来Pack sb /sth in 吸引(大批的人);把(太多东西)塞入;Pack sb /sth off 把打发走,撵走Pack up 完成工作,停工;(机器)出故障,失灵;停止做某事*a multitude of 【正式或文】大批,大量,大群,众多The multitude 大众,民众*figure sth /sb out 想出,理解(某事);看透,理解(某人)*Half measure 折中办法Measure sb /sth against (用比较的方法)评判Measure out 量出Measure up 合格,达到标准18.Ambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money.Eager for /longing for / hopeful for /wish for /cravefor /be set on /be bent on /be intent upon*be ambitious for sb 希望某人成功*Eager for 急于得到*longing for 渴望,盼望*wish for sth 最理想的;默默期盼Wish sth away 希望(不愉快的事)自行消失*crave for 渴望,热望;恳求,请求*Set the table 准备饭菜*Set on 攻击;使攻击,使追逐;set aside 存钱set sth in See to sb/sth 照顾,照料set up 1、建造,设立;2、安排(会议),建立(制度);3、安装,架设;4、树起,垒起,设置;Set out 同set off;开始一项行动;set sth. out 同Set forth阐明;陈列,布置;动身踏上;按顺序拜访Set in (疾病或不好的天气)来临而且(也许)持续Set foot in/on 登上,涉足,访问Set short by 重视Set the pace 定出步调,速率Set to work 开始工作*Set about (sth.) 开始做,开始;以(某种方式)处理;攻击Set sb /sth against 彼此均衡,从…减去;敌对,使与(某人)对立;*Set apart 使(某人或某物)与众不同;留出(作某种用途)*Set (sth.) aside 另外存放;拨出;置之不理Set (sth.) back 使倒退;推迟;Set (sb.) back (sth.) 使某人花费Set (sb./sth.) down 写,记下;制定,规定;将(车)停下让下车Set forth 陈述观点,阐明;出发,启程Set off 1、出发,动身;2、引起,激发(意外事件);3、触发;4、引发(爆炸);5、(衣服、颜色等)衬托(某物)很漂亮;6、激起(某人)的情感*Be bent on 下决心做,专心于,埋头于*Intent on /upon 专注的,专心致志的06092719.Amount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.Add up to /approximate /total /sum up*Add up to 总的来讲,等于说add sth to sth 把…和…放在一起add fuel to the fire 火上浇油add (sth) in 加进,包括add (sth) on 加盖,加建;附加,增加add to(使)增加add up 把…加起来;not ~不合情理;积少成多approximate /total*Sum up 概括,总结;对…做出判断20.The future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.Sum /measure /quantity /price /value*at any price 不惜任何代价,无论如何Not at any price 无论如何也不21.Angle Try looking at this affair from a different angle.Aspect /view /point of view /opinion /belief /attitude /impression /notion /idea /thought /conception /judgment /theory /outlook(15)061107;*Angle for(以暗示的方法)猎取,谋求*aspect (+of) 方面*point of view 观点,看法On view (画、照片)在展览,在陈列In view of 鉴于,由于,考虑到*opinion (+of) 意见,主张,看法A second opinion 他人的鉴定Be of the opinion (that) 认为,主张*Be Beyond belief 难以置信*attitude (+towards) 心态,感觉,看法With attitude 我行我素的打扮*impression (+of) (对人、事等的)印象,感想Be under the impression (that) 原以为,误以为*notion (+of) (尤指错误或模糊的)概念,观点,看法*spare a thought for 给(某人)一点关心conception /judgment /theory*outlook (+on) (对生活、世界的)看法,观点,态度Outlook (+for) 前景,远景22.Announce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.Proclaim /broadcast /report/state /declare /notify /tell /make known(9)061107;Announce*report back 回报,汇报Report to sb 向…负责,向…报告state*Declare against 声明反对Declare for 声明支持*notify sb of 通知,告知06092923.Anticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.Expect /look forward to /await /foresee /hope for (6)061107;*anticipate (doing) 期待做某事*expect (to do) 希望做某事*Look forward to 期望,期待Be looking to do sth 正打算(期待)做某事*look (sb) up (顺便)拜访,看望;look (sth) up (在书中)查找;look up 好转,有起色;look up to 尊敬,尊重look at 1、看;2、浏览,泛泛地读;3、检查,察看;4、仔细考虑;5,看待,对待;look out take care 当心,留神;挑选,找出Look to tend to 依靠,仰仗Look after take care of 照料,照顾Look ahead 向前看,作未来的打算Look back 回顾回想;never ~获得全胜Look down on 看不起,轻视Look down your nose at 看不起,对…不屑一顾Look for 寻找Look in 探望,短暂访问Look into (sth) 调查,检查Look on onlooker 旁观;regard 看待Look (sth) over 快速查看Look through 审核仔细检查;(假装)没有注意到await /foresee*hope for /to do sth 盼望,期望24.Anything The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at all 061107;*anything but 一点也不*(not) at all 无论如何(都不),一点儿(都不)All along 自始至终All at once 同时All but 几乎,差不多All for 完全赞成For all 尽管All in all 归根到底All of sudden 突然All round 全面地All the more 更加All the same 还是,仍然All too 极,过于25.The apparent things might not tell of the truth.Apparent /obvious /seeming /evident /clear /plain (6)061107;*apparent (+to) 显而易见的,明白易懂的obvious /seeming /evident*Clear up 说明,解释清楚;整理,收拾Clear up after 替…收拾Clear away 收拾,整理Clear off 迅速离开Clear out 清除,整理Be clear (about /to) 确切知道,充分了解be privy to*Make sb /sth plain 把…说清楚06093026.Apart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.Except for /other than /but /but for /besides /moreover /also /too /as well /in addition(12)061112 *Joking apart 说正经的Quite apart from 撇开…来说,不考虑Apart from 除了,只是;除…以外*except for 除…之外,没有Except from (正式)把排除在外,不计*other than 除了*But for 要不是,除非Besides 除…之外,还有Besides (doing sth)moreover /also /too*Such as (用来列举事物)如像;像…这样的*As well 也,还As usual 像平常一样So as(not) to 以便(免)So …as to 这(那)样…一致So(停顿) as to 这样…以使As for 至于,说到As to 至于,说到As yet 到这时为止As if(though) 就仿佛…似的;引导从句做状语、表语As against (和…过去情况加以比较)而…是much as 尽管(倒装)As well as同(一样也),和,也,还As a matter of fact 事实上,实际上,不瞒你说As a result(consequence) 结果(发生某情况As a result of 由于…As a rule 一般(说来),通常As a whole 作为总体,总的说来As … as anything 极为,非常As …as …can be 到了最…的程度,极其As …as one can 尽力,尽可能As …as …permit 在…许可范围内尽量As …as possible 尽可能,尽量As follows 如下As from 从…时起As good as 几乎已经,实际已经As it is(was) 根据现在情况看,就以现在样子As it were 可以这么说,姑且这么说As many (much etc.) as 到…程度,多达As one likes(choose etc.) 爱怎样就怎样As opposed to 和…相反As the matter(position/it) stands 在现在的情况下As things are 照目前情况So(as) far as 就…而论,据…So(as) long as 只要Such …as to 那样…以致Won’t(wouldn’t) so much as 连…都不As best one can(could) 尽其可能地,尽可能好地As much 同样(做),同样(想)As soon 宁愿As soon as 一…就;~possible 尽快地May as well 不妨,不如*In addition 另外27.He was appointed member of the committee.Name /elect /nominate /choose /assign /vote for28.Appeal I appeal to him for help. Implore /plead /beg (4)061112*AppealN.Appeal for 恳求,呼吁Appeal to 上诉,申诉V.Appeal (to sb) for sth 恳请,呼吁Appeal to sb 吸引某人*Implore sb to do sth 乞求,哀求*Plead for 祈求,央求Plead with sb to do sth 恳求*Beg sb to do sth 请求,恳求29.Apply Please apply to the secretary for further information.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 061112*apply (+to) 申请Apply (+for) 申请Apply sth to 使用,应用Apply yourself 致力于,专心于Apply force /pressure 用力/施压06100130.Approve Many people don't approve of the plan. DisapproveLike /prefer /endorse /accept /think well of(7)061112*Approve (+of) 赞成,同意*disapprove (+of) 反对,非难*be like to do sth 有可能做某事*Prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做…而不愿做…Prefer doing sth to doing sth 喜欢…胜过…endorse/accept*Think of /about doing sth 考虑做某事的可能性Think better of it 认为还是不做的好Think on your feet 思路敏捷Think to do sth 设法做某事Think back 回想起,追忆Think of sb /sth 1、想出(新主意等);2、回忆起;3、对(某人)关怀;4、what do you think of …你怎么认为Think sth out 把(某事)考虑好Think sth over 认真考虑某事Think sth through 认真考虑(某事可能出现的结果)Think sth up 想出,构思出(主意、名字等)31.Arise The company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes.Rise /raise /rouse /arouse /ariseOriginate /derive /stem / flow /come /emerge /appear /show up /turn up(14)061114*Arise (+from) (由…)引起(产生)*riseV.Rise from 从…升起rise up 反抗,造反rise to sth 对某事(尤指令人气愤的评论)反应强烈rise out of sth 起因于某事,由某事引起rise above 1、超脱,不计较;2、克服,摆脱;3、(水平)超过,搞出;4、(知识、智慧)超越(他人)5、改善(境遇)rise against 起义,造反;2、对…反感N.Rise (+in) 增加Rise (+of) 升迁,兴起*Rouse sb (from their sleep /slumbers) (艰难地把某人从沉睡中)叫醒*Originate (+in /from /with) 发源,始于*Derive (+from) 源自,源于*Stem from 源于,来自,由…发生*Flow from 来自,产生于,源自In full flow n. 滔滔不绝*Come and go 忽来忽去;变化Come unstuck 遇到困难,失败How come 怎么会这样To come 将来Come about 发生,产生(尤指不受控制地)Come across/upon 1、遇见,碰上;2、受欢迎,起到效果;3、被理解Come after 查找(某人)Come along 1、come on (尤指教育或健康)进展,进步,好转2、(意外地)出现,碰巧遇到;3、跟随(某人);Come apart 碎裂;无法处理;Come around /round 1、拜访,探访;2、改变观点;3、降临,发生;4、苏醒Come at 1、逼近;2、(大量信息)涌向;3、考虑、处理问题Come away 脱落,脱离;离开;Come back 回来;记起;重新流行;驳斥;Come between 离间,使分开;妨碍某人做某事;Come by sth 1、得到,获得;2、顺路拜访Come down 1、(价格、水平等)下降,降低;2、南下,(从大城市)来到;3、(建筑物)被拆毁;4、~on the side of (深思熟虑后)决定支持某人;5、~in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势;6、~to the earth 回到现实中;7、~on 痛斥;8、~to 归结为,落到…手里Come down with (无被动)患病Come for 来接,来拿;试图伤害,强行带走;Come forward (+as) 毛遂自荐,自告奋勇Come from 产自,来自Come in 1、到达,达到;2、进入(房间);3、卷入,参与;4、流行起来;5、~for 挨批评,受责备;Come into 1、继承遗产;2、卷入(某事);3、进入某种状态Come out 1、显露,泄露;2、(事实)变得清楚;3、(书、唱片)出版,发行;4、(言语)说出,道出;5、宣布,声称;6、褪去,消失;Come out with (尤指出乎意料地)说出,提出Come of age 1、到达法定年龄;2、达到巅峰时期*Come of sth 由于…而产生,是…的结果Come off 1、脱离,分开;2、进行得…;3、达到效果,成功Come on 1、(灯或机器)打开,开动;2、快点儿,加油,高兴点儿;3、改善,提高;4、偶然发现;5、~to 转到(新话题)Come over 1、拜访;2、突然感觉…;3、清楚地理解(观点);4、表现为,显得Come through 1、(消息、结果等)公开,公布;2、安然渡过Come to 醒过来Come to sth 达到某种状态(目的)Come under 被统治(控制、影响);2、列在…之下Come up 1、被提到,被考虑;2、北上,去大城市;3、走近;4、升起;5、(问题或困难)突然出现;6、~for 定期回顾,检查Come up with 想出,提出(主意、计划);提供*emerge (+from) 浮现,出现;(从困境中)摆脱出来*show up 1、到达;2、使(某物)显现出来;3、显露;Show sb around 带某人参观*Show off 1、(自我)炫耀;2、炫耀(某物);3、使夺目Show over 带某人参观Be on show 在陈列,在展出V. *Turn down 关小,调低(音量等);拒绝,摒弃Turn off 关上(电源等);转入拐入(另一条路);(使)厌烦Turn one’s hand to 着手做…*Turn (sb) against (使)转而反对Turn around 完成,提供,生产出;使(业务)好转Turn away 打发走,拒绝接纳;拒绝给(某人)同情Turn back(使)折回*Turn in 1、交回,交还;2、交差;3、~(sb)~告发,交给警方;4、上床睡觉;Turn into 1、变成;2、(通过魔法)使…变成;3、(季节)变化Turn on 1、打开,接通(电源等);2、突然攻击。

Test one一、完形填空(语言的进化与学习)Evolved;valuable;attainment;resonble;claim;with;organisms;potential;as;biological;reviews;infact; the lower;exposed;rules;although;isolated;interaction;acquisition;in other words二、阅读理解1、culture is the sum total of all the traditions……(文化是所有传统的总称)C(basically equal);D(complicated);A(vocabulary);A(all languages allow);B(It helps anthropology) 2、aurora极光篇C(know little);D(the behavior24);A(magnetosphere);B(colors depend on);B(formatio and colors) 3、划船-团队论B(spirit of teamwork);D(a coach);A(key to);C(bad management );C(from the beginning)4、If you intend to using humou……(幽默的使用)D(use humor effiectively);B(relevant to);A(god-like);B(another group);B(as if be natural)5、four words that changed a life(C-E-A-D-F)Test two一、完形填空(我们正在进入一个飞速发展、致命武器、资源耗费、国际紧张的时代)There;achieved;transfers;scale;outcome;needed;whether;possibly;as;last;difficult;pace;allowance;o ut;many;then;come;line;extent;or;二、阅读理解1、Archaeology has long been an tool for…… (考古学已成为研究史前文化的一个工具)A(purpose changed);C(investigate European cultures in northAmerican);D(locate);B(misused in1940s);A(become valuable in science and history )2、A folk culture is small…….(民间文化)A(contrast between);B(popular cultures);C(tradition);D(while );D(popular culture incresingly)3\As Dr Samuel…..计算机B(at all);D(compared with man);C(absurd);A(handle streams information);B(before 1970s)4、genetic discrimination is a bad thing (基因歧视)C(may become a musician);A(Yo-yo Ma);D(hard work);D(reliable than other);B(advocates) 5、The irresponsibility that spreads AIDS:B-A-F-D-CTest three一、完形填空(culture is the sum total of all the traditions……文化是所有的总称)Sense;may;savage;of;that;series;established;spoken;uncivilized;complex;tranfer;their;which;but; Speakers;expansions;existence;to;ours;what二、阅读理解1、Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths.D(the prevalent measurement);C(achieve happiness);A(annoying);D(encounter few difficuties)B(wants to illustrate those who know ……are truly intelligent)2、In July of 1994,an astournding series of events took place(comet 彗星事件)D(once combined larger body);C(frozen);B(more than 20);A(left marks and ribbons )D(collisions between heavenly bodies have been relatively frequent)3、By the year 2100,global temperatures are expected to rise (地球温度将升高)C(0.8-3.5recent years)D(technically not very difficut to reduce);D(overdue=late);A( a political risk );A(may emit more for somet time)4、Over the past few years ,people being told what they cant eat. (diets 食物节食)D(wandering what food healthy)A(more profits than safty);D(consumers blame for)B(ready-made meal replaced the home-making );B(man-made and not beneficial to health)5、Working women----East an West:B-A-D-E-FTest Four一、完形填空(one of the major problems of nuclear energy…核能的主要问题)Many;active;whilespan;forcing;involves;which;by-products;undetacted;containers;leaked;effects;consideration; Building;high;enclosing hot;where;thereby;abandoned二、阅读理解1、Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies(火山与冰川是敌人)C(steam caves of Mount Rainier);C(Destruction in the cutting of glaciers);D(bowel-like)A(sth between ofdinary ice and crystalline ice);A(destroy the cave system)2、Out of more than 3 million students graduates from high school (300万中学生高中毕业) B(0.2%);B(pass entrance examinatio);C(reasearch institutions);C(equally well-known);B(diffent opinions)3、Most americans spend far more of their leisure time(美国人的休闲时间在大众媒体)C(mass media occupies leisure time);B(our exposure not necessary) A(by different factors)B(influence as great as film ) D(somewhat passive)4、For the past 20 years, scientists have been investigating科学家探讨疾病与电磁场的关系A(rise debate);B(a figure to judge);D(The EMF);B(make clear);C(adequate hunman models)5、you are what you think D-B-A-C-FTest Five一、完形填空(Humor doesn't travel well;Jokes rarely translate)While;in term of; so that;capable;advance;shaped;depends on;interpreting;interacting;about;compounded;incorporated;at the mercy of ;transform;offensive;constraints;likewise;at the expense of;cautious;risky二、阅读理解1、Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion(想象如果世界没有了情绪)B(tell beneficial from harmful);C(enjoy doing right thing);A(basis);B(classcify objects);B(socity) 2\War may be a natural expression of biological instince and .(战争可能是生物本能的表达) B(be reasonable);B(by social conventions);B(control violence);C(responsibility punishment);B(sacrifices individual for the benefit of the social menmber)3、The case for college has been accepted without question for more高中生上大学的好处?) B(value it high);B(themore ,the less)C(rise unemployment);B(only a choice);A(strong motivation)4、Automobile industry has been well in USA and Japan (为什么日本汽车生产水平比美国高)D(different process)B(both well)C(not only ..but also)A(practicable) D(make clear)5、JAKARTA C-B-E-D-ATest SIX一、完形填空(Generally speaking 英国人可能更愿意谈天气)Even;witness;dozing;but;once;object;fancy;atlength;follows ;speculation;certainly;who;when;pred ictions;surprised;repaced;although;at aloss;mention;reserved二、阅读理解1\略2、for most of us ,the work is the central….(工人与管理者工作的差别)C(by work they do);B(satisfaction in life);B(frustrations from inequality at work)D(intolerable and challenging )A(have no control over their work)3、Prospective teachers are urged to develop their…..(未来老师的教学方法)A(possible selecting)C(instruction practice)A(oversimlified and judgement)B(responsible use 0f teaching style)B(Educational philosophies)4、Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology别歧视被证明是思想意识形态) D(somewhat a prejudice)A(weaker sex);B(an extension domestic role)B(social determined and full of prejudices);B(sex role different are taught in schools)5、The grass is always greener A-C-D-F-ETest Seven一、完形填空(One of the basic characteristics of capitalism is ….资本主义的本质特征是)Extensive ;however;evolution ;significant;source;material;problems;which;deny;emergence;For example;created;line;recognized;stepped in;important;industries;pursuit;handicap;condemn二、阅读理解1、Its natural for young people to be critical their parents(年轻人经常抱怨父母不理解他们)D(teenagers);A(sometimes reasonable to complain);D(illustrate existence);D(show difference and independence);C(cooperate with their parents)2、What do we think of the word “business”你认为什么是生意?()C(business many kinds of enterprises);B(Munich Re);D(socially and responsible);A(more responsibilities than profits);B(a chapter of a business book)3、Although we can say…language learning like to pretend (语言学习)D(generalizationg in very beginning);B(students exposed to plenty language materials);D(Teahers should exercise students ability);A(make slow progress);B(some generalization of language learning)4、Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions…(衣着提供个人的信息)B(helps us understand);C(attract more attention);C (certain type certain occasions);A(Few women are certain professional clothing);D(Clothing for appropriate effects)5、Don't cry for the new economy B-C-E-A-FTest eight一、完形填空(there are two ways to see growth 有两种基本方式去观察增长)Viewed;promotion;measurable;by contrast;definition;specigic;as;ends;order ;risks;first;perceive; Open;cause;adapt;cope;likely;role;both;cease to二、阅读理解1、Should doctors ever lie to be benefit ,,,,(医生应该撒谎吗?C(lawyers);D(necessary practice);C(unable to deal properly);A(doctors different government );B(slightly sarcastic稍带讽刺2、Fortunately there are still afew tasty things for us to enjoy security (食盐还是不食盐呢?D(not convincing);C(humorous);B(too much salt);B(equally harmful to health);C(not result from)3、Few people would defend the attitude to childern (父母对孩子溺爱的度的把握)B(very strict);D(followers);B(urging to spoil child);D(strong);C(hardships beneficial growth ) 4、The destruction of natural resources and contamination of food (环境与食物污染)C(pollution);B(Environmental health professionals);A(Ecologists,conserbationists)D(Unable to see the whole);B(America)5、Our pursuit of Happiness F-B-C-A-ETest Nine一、完形填空(many definitions of social movements and revolutions社会运动革命的不同)Purposeful;profit;and;legal;thus;find;Civil;involved;achieve;however;stop;disagreements;standard ;scale;enact;major;and;sought;stakes;ready二、阅读理解1、For centuries ecplorers have risked their lives….(探险活动的目的及意义,火星探险)B(for economic and polical purposes);D(an unknown region);D(Non-commercial ornational imperative);C(a role more important than past);A(May helpunderstand how life began)2、American and British annoyed the French Paradox(法国式的似是而非与反话)B(eat more fatty but less die of);C(show uncertain );A(the special way of wine-drinking)D(delayed result of an action);A(still uncertain about the key to French Paradox puzzle)3、A reviews of the female characters in Chinese fiction..(中国小说中的妇女形象)C(of the 20th century);B(subject to male-centered );A(pessimistic);C(not just ,but economic as well);A(wives at homes and working outside at the same time )4、The fear of Americanization of the planet …..(文化美国化或全球化现象)D(at the expense of the other languages);A(encourages to learn other language cultures )D(now popular in the world);C(to promote language cultures);A(Universalist)5、Einsteins painful romance;E-C-A-B-DTest Ten一、完形填空(略)二、阅读理解1、Income disparity describes two disparate groups:the rich and the poor(收入划分贫富距) C(different);D(only have better conditions);C(only somewhat reasonable)A(still hope to make fortune);B(unrealistic to take monetary wealth as the only aim of life )2、Crying is hardly encouraged by scciety (流眼泪的不同原因与作用)D(harmful to health);A(physiological);C(hardly necessary to get help);A(Emotional tears different other accounts );B(discovery of drug abuse and the diagnosis of eye illnesses)3、satiric literature is its freshness,its originality…(讽刺文学的魅力)D(reasons for pooularity of satire)C(new form);A(Jonathan Swift);D(original aesthertically);C(because they need to be reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate)4、One fact demonstated by early sleep researchers (睡眠的研究情形)B(each individual had the same EFG as his signature);D(sleep involves different levels of consciousness) C(single);D(after the alpha rhythm descents);A(sustainable)5、When to say no to kids E-B-F-C-D。

大连理工大学网络教育学院《大学英语三》复习题一、单项选择题(本大题共300小题,每小题1.5分,共450分)1. We can obtain knowledge from other sources ___ books..A.besideB.besidesC.apartD.in addition2. This movie is not ___ for children to see; it contains too much violence and too many love scenes..A.profoundB.validC.uprightD.decent3. Without proper lessons, you could ___ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano..A.keep upB.catch upC.pick upD.draw up4. When she heard the bad news, she ___completely..A.broke awayB.broke downC.broke outD.broke through5. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a ___ of its economy..A.responseB.revelationC.reactionD.reflection6. We’ll visit Europe next year ___ we have e nough money..A.lestB.untilC.unlessD.provided7. She was so angry that she felt like ___ something at him..A.to throwB.throwingC.to have thrownD.having thrown8. A mother naturally feels ___ towards her children..A.protectiveB.protestantC.prospectiveD.prosperous9. These areas rely on agriculture almost ___, having few mineral resources and minimum of industrial development..A.respectivelyB.extraordinarilyC.incrediblyD.exclusively10. Young people are not ___ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in..A.contentB.generousC.confidentD.conservative11. Usually there is ___ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays..A.littleB.lessC.fewD.fewer12. It’s a pleasure for him to ___ his energy and even his life to research work..A.dedicateB.dictateC.decorateD.direct13. In no country ___ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day..A.better thanB.more thanC.other thanD.rather than14. Many people like white color as it is a ___ of purity..A.signB.symbolC.signalD.symptom15. The financial problem of this company is further ___ by the rise in interest rates..A.increasedB.aggravatedC.reinforcedD.strengthened16. A visitor to a museum today would notice ___ changes in the way museums are operated..A.cognitiveB.rigorousC.conspicuousD.exclusive17. The students laughed ___ the silly answers they had put on their tests..A.atD.over18. Which sport has the most expenses ___ training equipment, players’ personal equipment and uniforms?.A.in place ofB.in terms ofC.by means ofD.by way of19. A dog was ___ by a bus and killed..A.run overB.taken overC.felled downD.tripped up20. They are going to have the serviceman ___ an electric fan in the office tomorrow..A.installB.to installC.to be installedD.installed21. I caught a ___ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street..A.visionB.glimpseC.lookD.scene22. We reached the station too late, just as the train was pulling ___..A.outB.offC.inD.over23. The plane ___, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground..A.smashedB.crushedC.plungedD.crashed24. There is no ___ to the house from the main road..A.accessB.avenueC.exposureD.edge25. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t ___ anything..A.lackB.withdrawC.omitD.leak26. To my surprise, ___ turned out that John failed in his examination..A.itB.as27. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man ___ the exit as quickly as possible..A.made forB.made offC.made upD.made out28. Ten days ___ long enough for Mr. Carter to finish his design. He doesn’t need any more..A.isB.has beenC.wasD.had been29. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!___..A.Thank you, the same to youB.I hope soC.I wish soD.I’m glad to hear you30. He often tells stories ___..A.that people laugh atB.what people laugh atC.which people laughD.at what people laugh31. Now, many people use the word Ms instead of Miss or Mrs. for example, before the name of ___in business letters..A.woman managerB.women managerC.woman managersD.women managers32. Mr. Smith was asked to ___ five hours before he left the hotel..A.check inB.check outC.set outD.set off33. Not many people realize this,___ it is quite true..A.butB.howeverC.soD.that34. Mike’s uncle insists ___ in this hotel..A.staying notB.not to stayC.that he would not stayD.that he not stay35. These people once had fame and fortune; now ___ is left to them is utter poverty..A.all whatC.that allD.all that36. It wasn’t an accident. He did it on ___..A.reasonB.determinationC.purposeD.intention37. Although a teenager, Fred could resist ___ what to do and what not to do..A.being toldB.tellingC.to be toldD.to tell38. ___ their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two schools of thought..A.Being reviewedB.Having reviewC.ReviewingD.To have reviewed39. ___ we have gone so far, we might go a little further..A.Because ofB.ThatC.Since thatD.Now that40. This is the only English-Jap anese dictionary ___ could be found in the teacher’s reading room..A.whatB.whichC.itD.that41. Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ___..A.in no wayB.on the contraryC.at a lossD.of no avail42. No one can function properly if they are ___ of adequate sleep..A.deprivedB.rippedC.strippedD.contrived43. England’s team, who are now superbly fit, will be doing their best next week to ___ themselves for last year’s defeat..A.remedyB.reviveC.revengeD.retort44. Having finished their mooring work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ___ themselves..B.extendingC.prolongingD.expanding45. The ___ lawyer made a great impression on the jury..A.defendingB.guardingC.hieldingD.protecting46. Although it was his first experience as chairman, he ___ over the meeting with great skill..A.presidedB.administeredC.masteredD.executed47. I’d ___ his reputation with other far mers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan..A.take into accountB.account forC.make up forD.make out48. Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ___ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft..A.restrictivelyB.radicallyC.inclusivelyD.exclusively49. She keeps her keys and money in the handbag ___ she takes with he everywhere..A.whichB.soC.thereforeD.when50. The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight ___ are..A.paymentsB.chargesC.fundsD.prices51. You are always ___ fault with what I do..A.thinkingB.seeingC.discoveringD.finding52. He will ___ resign in view of the complete failure of the research project..A.doubtfullyB.adequatelyC.presumablyD.reasonablysecurity..A.lead toB.result fromC.lie inD.settle down54. He ___ to his customers and halved the price..A.leakedB.drewC.quotedD.yielded55. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous ___..A.paceB.measureC.progressD.rate56. The original elections were declared ___ by the former military ruler..A.voidB.vulgarC.surplusD.extravagant57. I don’t know the room ___..A.in which does our teacher liveB.our teacher is livingC.our teacher lives inD.where our teacher lives in58. Father usually comes back from his work ___..A.at noonB.in noonC.on noonD.in the noon59. We wrote a letter of thanks to ___ had helped us..A.whomeverB.whateverC.whoeverD.whichever60. The shy girl felt ___ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions..A.amazedB.awkwardC.curiousD.amused61. Can you ___ me to the library, please?.A.instructB.describeC.directD.appointA.preserveB.sustainC.retainD.reserve63. I didn’t ___ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late..A.meanB.assumeC.hopeD.suppose64. Computers are supposed to save time, but I’m not so sure they ___..A.haveB.areC.wereD.do65. ___, that step is not safe!.A.Look aroundB.Look outC.look upD.Look down66. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ___ his financial situation..A.with respect toB.in accord withC.regardless ofD.in terms of67. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong ___ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists..A.motivationB.perspectiveC.impressionD.impact68. It is true that ___ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time..A.multiplyingB.breedingC.magnifyingD.generating69. He is the only person who can ___ in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously..A.testifyB.chargeC.accuseD.rectify70. I saw a ___ of sheep in the meadow..A.swarmB.groupC.flock71. The speaker, ___ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience..A.having knownB.being knownC.knowingD.known72. The committee ___ a conclusion only after days of discussion..A.achievedB.reachedC.arrivedD.completed73. It was in 1989 ___ I met John..A.whenB.thatC.whichD.at that time74. The bond of true affection had pulled us-six very different men from six very different countries--across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren’t very different ___..A.for allB.as usualC.in particularD.after all75. They were ___ in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab..A.submergedB.drownedC.immersedD.dipped76. It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big ___ of feet..A.pairB.sizeC.coupleD.number77. I am looking forward ___ Mike next week..A.to seeB.to seeingC.seeingD.see78. Eating too much fat can ___ heart disease and cause high blood pressure..A.contribute toB.attribute toC.attend toD.devote to79. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised ___ from the United States..A.deliveriesB.transmissionsD.transportation80. She asked that the letter be ___ in order that the contents should remain a secret..A.eliminatedB.ruinedC.destroyedD.spoiled81. Frequently single-parent children ___ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served..A.take offB.take afterC.take inD.take on82. I like your furniture very much.Thank you. We bought ___ in Beijing..A.the most of themB.some advicesC.an adviceD.such an advice83. Some diseases are ___ by certain water animals..A.transplantedB.transformedC.transportedD.transmitted84. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so ___ that they can disappear at any moment..A.trivialB.fatalC.tentativeD.feeble85. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his ___ as he developed his own technique..A.descendantsB.predecessorsC.successorsD.ancestors86. He finds it difficult to ___himself to the climate..A.applyB.accountC.availD.accustom87. We are looking ___ to hearing from you soon..A.atB.forwardC.forD.up88. In British people ___ four million tons of potatoes every year..D.exhaust89. He’s watching TV? He’s ___ to be cleaning his room..A.knownB.supposedC.regardedD.considered90. The ship’s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ___ instead of mechanically..A.manuallyB.artificiallyC.automaticallyD.synthetically91. He felt as if he alone ___ responsible for what had happened..A.were toB.wasC.wereD.should be92. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ___ towards producing workers..A.harnessedB.hatchedC.motivatedD.geared93. I think we need to see an investment ___ before we make an expensive mistake..A.guideB.entrepreneurC.consultantD.assessor94. Remember that customers don’t ___ about prices in that city..A.debateB.consultC.disputeD.bargain95. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ___ how great their achievements are..A.in spite ofB.in ways ofC.in favors ofD.in terms of96. The film provides a deep ___ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings..A.insightB.imaginationC.fancyD.outlook97. He wouldn’t answer the reporters’ questions, nor would he ___ for a photograph..A.summon98. As a result of careless washing, the jacket ___ to a child’s size..A.compressedB.shrankC.droppedD.decreased99. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the ___ of lessons..A.observationB.investigationC.inspectionD.examination100. I don’t trust him at all. His smiles always make me ___..A.feeling sickB.be sickC.being sickD.sick101. We are doing this work in the ___ of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres..A.contextB.contestC.pretextD.texture102. He gave a good speech, in which he ___ clearly the reasons for changing the law..A.marshaledB.adjustedC.breededD.modulated103. We’ll be very careful and keep what you’ve told us strictly____..A.rigorousB.confidentialC.confidentD.mysterious104. A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ___..A.panicB.patrioticC.patheticD.periodic105. Reading English newspapers ___ a good way of ___ your English..A.is…improveB.are…improvingC.is …improvingD.are…improve106. The younger person’s attraction to stereos cannot be explained only ___ familiarity with technology..A.by means ofB.in terms ofD.by virtue of107. All the key words in the article are printed in ___ type so as to attract readers’ attention..A.darkB.boldC.denseD.black108. I’m going away for a ____..A.holiday of a weekB.week holidayC.holiday weekD.week’s holiday109. I don’t know her address,___ I can’t write to her..A.butB.orC.soD.since110. In a sudden ___ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach..A.attackB.burstC.splitD.blast111. We’ll ___ you for any dama ge done to your house while we are in it..A.compensateB.remedyC.supplementD.retrieve112. I was advised to arrange for insurance ___ I needed medical treatment..A.neverthelessB.althoughC.in caseD.so that113. 1 know I have seen that man before. I can’t ___ where..A.wonderB.recognizeC.remindD.recall114. I would never have ___ a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate..A.sought forB.accounted forC.turned upD.resorted to115. The toy maker produces a ___ copy of the space station, exact in every detail..A.minimalB.minimum116. I’m very sorry to have ___ you with so many questions on such an occasion..A.interferedB.offendedC.impressedD.bothered117. I usually go to work by bus.Why not ___ by bike for a change?.A.trying to goB.try goingC.to try goingD.try go118. Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately ___, and still others are supported by religious organizations..A.ensuredB.attributedC.authorizedD.endowed119. The damage to his car was ___; therefore, he could repair himself..A.appreciableB.negligibleC.considerableD.invisible120. Mary once ___ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music..A.mergedB.collaboratedC.coincidedD.constituted121. As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he ___ his parents’ strict rules..A.defiedB.refutedC.excludedD.voted122. Those opinions are out of ___..A.fashionB.moodC.orderD.form123. The number of students who failed the chemistry examination ___to fifteen..A.have increasedB.has increasedC.is increasedD.are increasing124. The tomato juice left brown ___ on the front of my jacket..A.spotD.trace125. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers ___ before their time..A.be bloomedB.bloomingC.bloomD.bloomed126. He always did well at school ___ having to do part-time jobs every now and then..A.in case ofB.in spite ofC.regardless ofD.on account of127. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to ___ storming into the boss’s office..A.preventB.prohibitC.turnD.avoid128. The little girl found it difficult to ___ spending her summer vacation in the city..A.endureB.frowningC.grabbingD.melting129. He will surely finish the job on time ___ he’s left to do it in his own way..A.in thatB.in caseC.as far asD.so long as130. All visitors are requested to ___ with the regulations..A.complyB.agreeC.assistD.consent131. Let me give you ___..A.some adviceB.some advicesC.an adviceD.such an advice132. His failure in the examination is ___ to the plan..A.fatalB.essentialC.crucialD.vital133. The bell rang and I hurriedly rushed into the classroom, knocking ___ our math’s teacher..A.atB.into134. Only by such inventive nights of the imagination could the naked animal ___ a harsh climate..A.surviveB.endureC.liveD.exist135. ___ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all..A.When comparedB.CompareC.While comparingD.Comparing136. Trains stop here in order to ___passengers only..A.get offB.pull upC.get onD.pick up137. I am afraid that there isn’t ___ left for you two in my car. There are already five people in it ..A.many roomsB.any roomsC.any roomD.many room138. He saw the enraged elephant ___ about in the undergrowth..A.crawlingB.crashingC.stridingD.creeping139. Failure in a required subject may result in the ___ of a diploma..A.refusalB.betrayalC.patheticD.periodic140. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, ___ you give us all the necessary information..A.as ifB.or elseC.in caseD.provided that141. The energy ___ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat..A.conveyedB.releasedC.transferredD.delivered142. Three times seven ___ twenty-one..A.haveB.areC.has143. Without enough air, the fire will easily ___..A.go offB.go overC.go outD.go through144. We must look beyond ___ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing..A.justificationsB.illusionsC.manifestationsD.specifications145. Cultural ___ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.A. translationB. transitionC. transmissionD. transaction146. The prisoner was ___ of his civil liberty for three years.A. dischargedB. derivedC. deprivedD. dispatched147. The ___ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.A. incompatibleB. exceedingC. instantaneousD. eternal148. In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the ___ of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world.A. stringB. processionC. arrayD. succession149. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ___ such as colored lights and glass balls.A. ornamentsB. luxuriesC. exhibitsD. complements150. Britain has the highest ___ or road traffic in the world-over 60 cars for every mile of road.A. densityB. intensityC. popularityD. prosperity151. There is no doubt that the ___ of these goods to the others is easy to see.A. prestigeB. superiorityD. publicity152. He seems to be ___ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.A. radiantB. conscientiousC. conspicuousD. energetic153. After several nuclear disasters, a ___ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.A. quarrelB. suspicionC. verdictD. controversy154. He is ___ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A. optimisticB. optionalC. outstandingD. obvious155. The price of beer ___ from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.A. alteredB. rangedC. separatedD. differed156. Their products are frequently overpriced and ___ in quality.A. influentialB. subordinateC. inferiorD. superior157. The statistical figures in that report are not ___. You should not refer to them.A. accurateB. fixedC. delicateD. rigid158. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ___ heavy schedules.A. with regard toB. as toC. in relation toD. owing to159. The computer revolution may well change society as ___ as did the Industrial Revolution.A. certainlyB. insignificantlyC. fundamentallyD. comparatively160. I suggest we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite ___.A. feasibleB. eligibleC. probable161. Everybody ___ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A. piledB. assembledC. joinedD. accumulated162. We should ___ our energy and youth to the development of our country.A. dedicateB. caterC. ascribeD. cling163. This movie is not ___ for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.A. profoundB. validC. uprightD. decent164. The designer has applied for a ___ for his new invention.A. tariffB. discountC. versionD. patent165. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ___ and a scholarship.A. statusB. fameC. faithD. courage166. The leader of the expedition ___ everyone to follow his example.A. sparkedB. inspiredC. promotedD. reinforced167. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ___ themselves.A. stretchingB. extendingC. prolongingD. expanding168. The ___ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly between researchers and teachers.A. overallB. intensiveC. jointD. concise169. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ___.A. blankB. hollowC. vacant170. Some people think that a ___ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.A. literalB. literaryC. liberalD. linear171. We should make a clear ___ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.A. distinctionB. discriminationC. deviationD. separation172. The hopes, goals, fears and desires ___ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.A. alterB. shiftC. transferD. vary173. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ___.A. grantedB. exaggeratedC. impliedD. remedied174. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly ___ by a computer.A. managedB. monitoredC. gradedD. conducted175. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax ___.A. efficiencyB. revenuesC. privilegesD. validity176. The thief tried to open the locked door but ___.A. in no wayB. in vainC. without effectD. at a loss177. Cancellation of the flight ___ many passengers to spend the night at the airport.A. obligedB. demandedC. resultedD. recommended178. All the students have to ___ to the rules and regulations of the school.A. confirmB. confrontD. conform179. His ___ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.A. ambiguousB. complicatedC. intricateD. arbitrary180. Sadly, the Giant Panda is one of the many species now danger of ___.A. emigrationB. extinctionC. destructionD. extraction181. All the finished products are stored in a ___ of the delivery port and shipping is available at any time.A. garageB. cabinetC. capsuleD. warehouse182. Military orders are ___ and cannot be disobeyed.A. defectiveB. conservativeC. alternativeD. imperative183. As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town ___ 50 households or more.A. havingB. to haveC. to have hadD. having had184. The committee is totally opposed ___ any changes being made in the plan.A. ofB. onC. toD. against185. ___ road out of town is good ,but this one is better than the other.A. BothB. AllC. NoneD. Neither186. Catherine is one of the brightest students who ___ from the Department of Computer Science, Brown University.A. is graduatedB. has graduatedC. are graduatedD. have graduated187. Watch your step, ___ you might fall into the water.A. orC. unlessD. but188. I got to the theatre just before the end of ___.A. the act twoB. act twoC. act secondD. the act second189. Not until he finished his homework ___ him to watch TV in the evening.A. his mother allowedB. his mother had allowedC. did his mother allowD. had his mother allowed190. No sooner had the thief disappeared into a side street ___.A. than the police arrivedB. when the police arrivedC. as the police arrivedD. than police arrived191. My car is mot so fashionable as ___.A.he’sB.heC.hisD.his’192. Her English is very good. She can speak English better than ___ in her grade.A.any oneB.the oneC.any one elseD.other student193. Of the colors, blue, red and orange, which do you like ___?A.bestB.betterC.wellD.much194. Mary runs ___ among them.A.the fastestB.the most fastC.most fastlyD.most fast195. Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the ___ important.A.leastB.moreC.mostD.much196. The student doesn’t work ___ he used to.A.so hard asB.so harder thanD.as hard like197. They differ ___ each other in many ways.A.toB.withC.onD.from198. The movie we saw last night was very different ___ the novel.A.ofB.toC.fromD.as199. Someone was speaking there; the voice was familiar ___ us.A.byB.toC.forD.with200. Controlling a class of school pupils calls ___ all your skills as a teacher.A.upB.offC.forD.on201. When the taxi came I put out my hand, but it just went ___ me without stopping.A.offB.overC.throughD.past202. I began to work here ___1978.A.inB.atC.onD.since203. It’s nice to go for a walk ___ a summer evening.A.onB.atC.inD.during204. Most Chinese like to drink tea. But some prefer coffee ___ tea.A.toB.forC.withD.against205. I prefer writing a term paper ___ taking an examination.A.thanB.toC.for。

一、深度篇1. 整理过去的试题考博英语考试作为一项非常重要的考试,过去的试题是备考的重要材料。
2. 找对应的备考资料备考资料的选择是备考过程中的重中之重。
3. 制定备考计划制定备考计划对备考取得好成绩至关重要。
4. 备考笔记备考笔记是备考过程中的重要工具之一。
5. 零散知识点在备考过程中,会遇到一些零散的知识点,这些知识点可能会在考试中涉及。
二、广度篇1. 心理调适资料备考考博英语是一个长期的过程,因此在备考的过程中,也需要有相应的心理调适资料。
2. 计算机技术资料考博英语考试中的听力、阅读等部分是需要依赖计算机来完成的,因此在备考过程中,也需要有相应的计算机技术资料来帮助我们熟练使用计算机来完成这些部分。
3. 模拟试题模拟试题是备考过程中的重要资料,通过模拟试题的练习,可以帮助我们熟悉考试的题型和考试的节奏,同时也可以帮助我们查漏补缺。
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考博英语-553(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part Ⅱ Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:20.00)1.In the dark they could not see anything clear, but could ______.(分数:1.00)A.hear somebody mournB.hear somebody mourning √C.hear somebody mournedD.hear somebody had been mourning解析:hear somebody doing something听见……正在做……。
2.Please ______ if you ever come to Sydney.(分数:1.00)A.look at meB.look me up √C.look me outD.look to me解析:look up 意思是“看望”,符合题意。
look at看着;look out留神,照料;look to照看,指望。
3.The cargo box has a label ______ on it. Please handle it with care.(分数:1.00)A.A . "flexible"B."break"C."fragile" √D."stiff"解析:“fragile”易碎的,脆的;A.“flexible”灵活的,柔软的;B.“break”暂停,打破;D.“stiff”僵硬的,呆板的。
4.The index of industrial production ______ last year.(分数:1.00)A.raised up by 4 per centB.rose up with 4 per centC.arose up with 4 per centD.went up by 4 per cent √解析:go up上升,增长;表示增加的百分数用介词“by”。

1.The ideology of choice is all-pervasive in today’s society, and has contribute d to growing feelings of anxiety and inadequacy among consumers.We’re told that we can choose the type of life we live, the type of body we have, even the way our kids will turn out. But while we bask in the false promise of mastery, we forget that the choices we make are often irrational-either linked to other people’s choices (what is socially acceptable), or our own unconscious motives.2.鉴于甲方拥有合同产品的生产及销售所涉及的技术信息,包括设计、技术、工艺、配方、技能和其他资料的专有权;鉴于乙方以生产、使用和销售合同产品为目的,希望获得使用上述协助的许可权利;鉴于乙方希望使用甲方所有的下述商标;双方兹就下列内容达成一致:2. Whereas Party A possesses proprietary technical information including designs, techniques, workmanship, formulas, skills and other data useful in the manufacture and marketing of certain products; and whereas Party B desires to acquire the right and licence to use the above-mentioned technical assistance for the purpose of manufacturing, using and selling such products; and whereas Party B desires to use the following trademarks owned by Party A. Now Therefore, the parties hereby agree as follows:3.版权是一种无形资产。

考博英语-421(总分:105.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(总题数:5,分数:20.00)A man-made chemical that attracts male gypsy moths by duplicating the natural attractant of female gypsy moths has been patented as No. 3,018,219.Dr. Martin Jacobson of Silver Spring, Md., assigned patent rights to the U. S. Government as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture. The chemical can be used to detect gypsy moth infestations, as well as to control the insects.The gypsy moth does serious damage to forest and shade trees in New England and eastern New York State. The caterpillars, or larvae, of gypsy moths eat the leaves of trees, often causing death by a single attack. Losses of hardwood trees have been estimated at tens of millions of dollars from a 20-year study.Gypsy moths were prevented from spreading to other U. S. forest areas by using the natural attractant of the female to detect infestations, then spraying with chemicals such as DDT to kill the insects.Since the lure could previously be obtained only by clipping the last two abdominal segments of the virgin female moth, extracting the segments with benzene and then processing to stabilize the chemical, the procedure was expensive. Another difficulty was that, as the gypsy moth population declined, it became increasingly hard to obtain the females needed for lure production. Dr. Jacobson overcame both these difficulties by discovering a synthetic method for making the female's attractant chemical. The chemical is known as 12-acetoxy-l-hydroxycis-9- octadecene. It is so potent that the fraction of a drop produced by the female is 200,000 times more than the amount needed to catch a mate. The synthetic chemical is also very powerful--it works in amounts about equivalent to one drop in a box car.The flightless female gypsy moth mates only once a year and, as soon as she does, an enzyme switches off production of the sex attractant. The winged male, however, call mate several times and it is because of this that the chemical is being used for pest control.By using a mixture of attractant and DDT in traps lined with a sticky substance, enough males can be caught to reduce the gypsy moth population substantially.(分数:4.00)(1).The damage done by gypsy moths to trees in New England and New York is done by ______.(分数:1.00)A.only the male mothB.only the female mothC.a substitute female attractantD.caterpillars √解析:舞毒蛾给新英格兰和纽约的树木造成的危害是由毛虫造成的。

考博英语词汇(1)第一部分词汇记忆策略1.全脑活化人类左右脑分析比较:左脑:意识、低速、一般阅读、知识、知觉、知性、逻辑右脑:无意识、超高速、速读、创造力、视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉、图像、色彩、直觉右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能:1.超高速大量记忆机制2.图像化机能3.超高速演算机能4.共振共鸣机能2.举例说明:253.词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配✧euthanasia, chrysanthemum✧flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus,chrysanthemum, forget-me-not, poinsettia, …✧receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take; con- = 共同)✧tumble---stumble (tumble…into/through跌倒;stumble…over / on脚下拌到东西而跌倒)✧stationary---stationery (文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有"e", 故见到"e"就想起是文具。
)✧genius --- genuine (含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”),✧form---deform确(形状;变形)✧attach to第二部分实例练习1.联想法carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour, abalone, flounder, cult, beau2.串联法network:Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---log on…3.构词法-age (状态、特性、行为)page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garagecoverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage (bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage (garb 衣服), manage ,spillage,usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosagelanguage, image, heritage, engage-wardinward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward, downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award,a- (构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。

考博英语阅读资料Unit OnePassage 1The physical distribution of products has two primary aspects: transportation and storage.Both aspects are highly developed and specialized phases of marketing. The costs of both trans-porting and storing are built into the prices of products. Transportation can be by truck, rail-way, ship, or barge. For some items, such as exotic plants and flowers, or when rapid deliveryis essential, air freight may be used.Storage, or warehousing, is a necessary function because production and consumption ofgoods rarely match: items generally are not sold as quickly as they are made. Inventories buildup, both in warehouses and at retail establishments, before the foods are sold. The transporta-tion function is involved in bringing goods to a warehouse and taking them from it to retailstores.Storage performs the service of stabilizing market price. If, for example, no agriculturalproduct could be stored, all food would have to be put on the market immediately. This would,of course, create a glut and lower prices drastically. There would be an immediate benefit toconsumers, but in the long run they would suffer. Farmers, because of low prices, would beforced off the land, and the amount of food produced would decrease. This, in turn, wouldraise consumer prices.Warehouses for storage are of several types. Private warehouses are owned by manufactur-ers. Public warehouses, in spite of their name, are privately owned facilities, but they are in-dependent of manufacturer ownership. General-merchandise warehouses store a great variety ofproducts. Cold-storage warehouses store perishable goods, especially food products. Grain ele-vators are a kind of warehouse used to keep wheat and other grains from spoiling. A bondedwarehouse is one that stores foods, frequently imported, on which taxes must be paid beforethey are sold. Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are common examples.The distribution center is a more recently developed kind of warehouse. Many large com-panics have several manufacturing plants, sometimes located outside the country. Each plantdoes not make every company product but specializes in one or more of them. The distributioncenter allows a manufacturer to bring together all product lines in one place. Its purpose is tominimize storage andto ease the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers rather than buildup extensive inventories. It reduces costs by speeding up product turnover. Very largecorporations will have several distribution centers regionally or internationally based1. The main subject of this passage is______.A) transportation and storage B) storage of productsC) distribution center D) two main aspects of product distribution2. Warehousing is important in that _A) inventories build up before the goods are soldB) the prices will go downC) more goods are produced than can be consumedD) the food has to be put on the market immediately3. How many types of warehouses for storage are discussed in the passage?A) 3. B) 4. C) 6. D) 7.4. Where might one find meat and milk?A) Grain elevator. B) Cold-storage warehouse.C) Private warehouse. D) Bonded warehouse.5. What is NOT true of a distribution center?A) It is a relatively new type of warehouse.B) Product is replaced more quickly and costs are down.C) Some distribution centers are not built in the sane country as the factoryD) It builds up extensive inventories to minimize storage.Passage 2How much pain do animals feel? This is a question which has caused endless controversy.Opponents of big game shooting, for example, arouse our pity by describing tile agonies of abadly-wounded beast that has crawled into a comer to die. In countries where the fox, the hareand the deer are hunted, animal-lovers paint harrowing pictures of the pursued animal sufferingnot only the physical distress of the chase but the mental anguish of anticipated death. The usual answer to these criticisms is that animals do not suffer in the same way, or tothe same extent, as we de. Man was created with a delicate nervous system and has never losthis acute sensitiveness to pain; animals, on the other hand, had less sensitive systems to beginwith and in the course of millions of years, have developed a capacity of ignoring injuries anddisorders which human beings would find intolerable. For example, a dog will continue toplaywith a ball even after a serious injury to his foot; he may be unable to run without limping, buthe will go on trying long after a human child would have had to stop because of the pain. Weare told, moreover, that even when animals appear to us to be suffering acutely, this is not so;what seems to us to be agonized contortions caused by pain are in fact no more than muscularcontractions over which they have no control.These arguments are unsatisfactory because something about which we know a great deal is being compared with something we can only conjecture. We know what we feel; we have no means of knowing what animals feet. Some creatures with a less delicate nervous system than ours may be incapable of feeling pain to the same extent as we do: that as far as we are entitled to do, the most humane attitude, surely, is to assume that no animals are entirely exempt from physical pain and that we ought, therefore, wherever possible, to avoid causing suffering even to the least of them.6. Animal-lovers assume that animals, being hunted, would suffer from ____.A) a great deal of agony both in body and in spiritB) mental distress once they are woundedC) only body pains without feeling sadD) crawling into the comer to die7. Supporters of game shooting may argue that animals ______.A) cannot control their muscular contractionsB) have developed a capacity of feeling no painC) are not as acutely sensitive as human beings to injuriesD) can endure all kinds of disorders8. The author feels sure that _____.A) animals don't show suffering to usB) dogs are more endurable than human childrenC) we cannot know what animals feelD) comparing animals with human beings is not appropriate9. What is the author's opinion about animal hunting?A) We should feel the same as the hunted animals do.B) We should protect and save all the animals.C) We shouldn't cause suffering to them.D) We should take care of them if we can.10. This passage seems to ____.A) argue for something B) explain somethingC) tell a story D) describe an objectPassage 3In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A the-ory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed eventcould be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in whichgases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events thathave not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experi-merits to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists' predictions, the theory is sup-ported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. Theremay be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information andperforming experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules HenriPoincare said: "Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collectionof facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house."Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned abouta particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part ofthe investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem areformulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses.In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist's thinkingbeyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes ob-servations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose anddirection. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.11. The word "this" in the 3rd sentence in paragraph 1 refers to ______.A) a good example B) an imaginary modelC) the kinetic molecular theory D) an observed event12. Bricks are mentioned in the 3rd paragraph to indicate how ____.A) mathematicians approach scienceB) building a house is like performing experimentsC) science is more than a collection of factsD) scientific experiments have led to improved technology13. In the last paragraph, the author refers to a hypothesis as "a leap into the unknown" in or- der to show that hypotheses ______.A) are sometimes ill-conceived B) can lead to dangerous resultsC) go beyond available facts D) require effort to formulate14. What is a major function of hypotheses as implied in the last paragraph7A) Sifting through known facts.B) Communicating a scientist's thoughts to others.C) Providing direction for scientific research.D) Linking together different theories.15. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?A) Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.B) It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.C) A scientist's most difficult task is testing hypotheses.D) A good scientist needs to be creative.B) Education systems need to be radically reformed.C) Going to school is only part of how people become educated.D) Education involves many years of professional training.20. The passage is organized by ___A) listing and discussing several educational problemsB) contrasting the meanings of two related conceptsC) narrating a story about excellent teachersD) giving examples of different kinds of schoolsPassage 5The phrase "civil disobedience" is usually attributed to the nineteenth-century Americanphilosopher Henry David Thoreau. Although the concept is unquestionably much older (its rootslie in ancient Greek philosophy), the designation is nonetheless telling: people tend to creditThoreau, an American, with the idea because civil disobedience, is a hallmark of American eth- ics and politics. The clash between the dictates of individual conscience on one hand, and the imperatives of civil law on the other, forms much of this country's history. Examples range from the incidents leading up to the Revolution through the many social protests of the1960'S.What constitutes an act of civil disobedience? First, an actof civil disobedience requires a formal legal structure that is enforced by the government. Second, it requires as its target a specific law or policy, rather than the entire legal system. Thisis true even if the protester's ul- timate goal is to alter radicallythe legal system; an act of civil disobedience must be directed against one concrete example of that system's inequities. The American civil rights movement, for example, first targeted discrimination on public transportation, then used its victories asa springboard to address other injustices. Third, the act must be done publicly, because the ef- fectiveness of such a protest dependson its ability to mobilize public sentiment against the protest's target. Finally, those protesting must understand the penalties their acts entail--us-ually jailing--and be willing to accept those penalties. This last requirement strengthens the act's effect on public opinion, since it serves to underscore the injustice of the protest's target.21. The word "telling" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 1 is closestin meaning to _____.A) inappropriate B) revealing C) insignificantD) challenging22. In the passage, the author mentions that the civil rights movement _______.A) focused its early efforts on public transportationB) did not always practice civil disobedienceC) started in nineteenth centuryD) used the Revolution of 1776 as its model23. According to the passage, for which of the following reasons should civil protests be donepublicly?A) To alter the legal system in radical way.B) To uphold the imperatives of civil law.C) To stimulate public support for a cause.D) To announce the success of a previous act of civil disobedience.24. The author suggests that when protesters go to jail _______.A) it helps convince the public to support their causeB) they usually do so unwillinglyC) it is because their protest has not gone according to planD) they are always released almost immediately25. In the 2nd paragraph, the author ________.A) argues that civil disobedience is unnecessaryB) provides an extensive history of civil disobedienceC) presents several differing viewpoints on civil disobedienceD) defines the concept of civil disobediencePassage 6In taking up a new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United Statesdid not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tediumof life. Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor the scattered population northe disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farmdwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanksto the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose. No other set of colonists took so seriously an expression of the period, "Leisure is time fordoing something useful." In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the dailyroutine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group workprovided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural parties. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone, including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some ofthe rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting,skating, and swimming.But city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.26. What is the passage mainly about?A) Methods of fanning used by early settlers of the United States.B) Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.C) Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.D) Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.27. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?A) They followed a pattern Begun in Europe.B) They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.C) The clergy organized them.D) Only the wealthy participated in them.28. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers' altitude toward "the pursuitof pleasure" ?A) They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.B) They felt that it was not necessary.C) They felt that it should be productive.D) They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.29. What is meant by the phrase "double-purpose" in the 4th sentence in paragraph 2?A) Very frequent. B) Useful and enjoyable.C) Extremely necessary. D) Positive and negative.30. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph following this passage?A) The rural diversions enjoyed by both urban and rural people.B) Leisure activities of city dwellers.C) Building methods of the early settlers in rural areas.D) Changes in lifestyles of settlers as they moved to the cities.Passage 7For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with the natural world (physical and biological sciences), and sciences dealing withmankind (psychology, sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements, every kind of historical knowledge). Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure or theoretical knowledge that is intrinsic and consubstautial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn't be a man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasinglymore truly human.But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy andautonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will haveimmediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionaryscope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall aweN-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic sections zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful,it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to studythe nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which wecan scarcely conceive of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, be-cause the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. But, in addition, the foundation forpractical results would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been soughtdisinterestedly.31. The most important advances made by mankind come from __.A) technical applications B) apparently useless informationC) the natural sciences D) philosophy32. The word "Utopians" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __.A) idealists B) Greek mathematiciansC) scientists D) true human33. In the paragraph the follows this passage, we may expect the author to discuss __.A) the value of technical research B) the value of pure researchC) philosophy D) unforeseen discoveries34. The word "resign" in the 6th sentence in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning toA) dismiss B) quit C) remark D) submit35. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is __.A) "Technical Progress"B) "A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing"C) "Man's Distinguishing Characteristics"D) "The Function of Theoretical Knowledge as Compared to Its Practical Applications"Passage 8In most of the human civilization of which we have any proper records, youth has drawn oneither art or life for models, planning to emulate the heroes depicted in epics on the shadowplay screen or the stage, or those known human beings, fathers or grandfathers, chiefs orcraftsmen, whose every characteristic can be studied and imitated. As recently as 1910, thiswas the prevailing condition in the United States. If he came from a nonliterate background, therecent immigrant learned to speak, move, and think like an American by using his eyes andears on the labor line and in the homes of more acculturated cousins, by watching school children, or by absorbing the standards of the teacher, the foreman, the clerk who served him inthe store. For the literate and the literate children of the nouliterate, there was art--the story ofthe frustrated artist in the prairie town, of the second generation battling with the limitations ofthe first. And at a simpler level, there were the Western and Hollywood fairy tales which pointed a moral but did not, as a rule, teach table manners.With the development of the countermovement against Hollywood, with the efflorescence (全盛)of photography, with Time-Life-Fortune types of reporting and the dead-pan New Yorker manner of describing the life of an old-clothes dealer in a forgotten street or of presenting the"accurate", "checked" details of the lives of people whose eminence gave at least a sort of license to attack them, with the passion for "human documents" in Depression days--a necessarysubstitute for proletarian art among middle class writers who knew nothing about proletarians, and middleclass readers whoneeded the shock of verisimilitude(真实)--a new era in American life was ushered in, the era in which young people imitated neither life nor art nor fairy tale,but instead were presented with models drawn from life with minimal but crucial distortions.Doctored life histories, posed carelessness, "candid" shots of people in their own homes whichtook hours to arrange, pictures shot from real life to scripts written months before supplementedby national polls and surveys which assured the reader that this bobby soxer (少女)did indeed represent a national norm or a growing trend--replaced the older models.36. This article is based on the idea that ________.A) people today no longer follow modelsB) People attach little importance to whoever they followC) people generally pattern their lives after modelsD) People no longer respect heroes37. Stories of the second generation battling against the limitations of the first were often re- sponsible for ______.A) inspiring literate immigrantsB) frustrating educated immigrantsC) preventing the assimilation of immigrantsD) instilling into immigrants an antagonistic attitude toward their forebears38. The countermovement against Hollywood was a movement ______A) toward realism B) toward fantasyC) against the teaching of morals D) away from realism39. The author attributes the change in attitudes since 1910 to ____A) a logical evolution of ideas B) widespread moral decayC) the influence of the press D) a philosophy of plenty40. The word "distortions" at the end of the 2nd sentence in paragraph 2 is closest in meaningto ______.A) presentations B) misinterpretationsC) influences D) limitationsPassage 9The conflict between good and evil is a common theme running through the great literatureand drama of the world, from the time of the ancient Greeks to all the present. The principlethat conflict is the heart of dramatic action when illustrated by concrete examples, almost alwaysturns up some aspect of the struggle between good and evil.The idea that there is neither good nor evil--in any absolute moral or religious sense—iswidespread in our times. There are various relativistic and behavioristic standards of ethics. Ifthese standards even admit the distinction between good and evil, it is as a relative matter andnot as whirlwind of choices that lies at the center of living. In any such state of mind, conflictcan at best, be only a petty matter, lacking true universality. The acts of the evildoer and ofthe virtuous man alike become dramatically neutralized. Imagine the reduced effect of Crimeand Punishment or The Brothers Karamazoc, had Dostoevsky thought that good and evil, asportrayed in those books, were wholly relative, and if he had had no conviction about them.You can't have a vital literature if you ignore or shun evil. What you get then is the worldof Pollyanna, goody-goody in place of the good. Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel because Alan Paton, in addition to being a skilled workman, sees with clear eyesboth good and evil, differentiates them, pitches them into conflict with each other, and takessides. He sees that the native boy Absalom Kumalo, who has murdered, cannot be judged justly without taking into account the environment that has had part in shaping him. But Patonsees, too, that Absalom the individual, not society the abstraction, committed the act and isresponsible for it. Mr. Paton understands mercy. He knows that this precious thing is notevoked by sentimental impulse, but by a searching examination of the realities of human action.Mercy follows a judgment; it does not precede it.One of the novels by the talented Paul Bowles, Let It Come Down, is full of motion, fullof sensational depravities, and is a crashing bore. The book recognizes no evil, and is coldlyindifferent to the moral behavior of its characters. It is a long shrug. Such a view of life is non-dramatic and negates the vital essence of drama.41. In our age, according to the author, a standpoint often taken in the area of ethics isthe _____.A) relativistic view of morals B) greater concern with religionC) emphasis on evil D) greater concernwith universals42. The author believes that in great literature, as in life, good and evil are ____A) relative B) unimportantC) constantly in conflict D) dramatically neutralized43. When the author uses the expression "it is a long shrug" in referring to Bowles's book, heis commenting on the ___A) length of the novelB) indifference to the moral behavior of the charactersC) monotony of the storyD) sensational depravities of the book44. In the opinion of the author, Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel be-cause of Paton's ____.A) insight into human behaviorB) behavioristic beliefsC) treatment of good and evil as abstractionsD) willingness to make moral judgments45. The word "shun" in the 1st sentence in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.A) shut B) attend C) show D) avoidPassage 10African-American filmmakers should be in an enviable position, for since the early 1990sthere has been a steady wave of low budget black films which have turned a solid profit due toa very strong response in the African-American community and a larger crossover audience thananticipated. Any rational business manager would now identify this sector as a prime candidatefor expansion, but if the films have done so well with limited production and marketing costs,why have they not received full scale support7Many analysts feel the business is engulfed in a miasma of self-serving and self-fulfilling myths based on the unspoken assumption that Mfrican-American films can never be vehicles of prestige, glamour, or celebrity. The relationship players haveconvinced themselves that black films can do only a limited domestic business under any circumstance and have virtually no for- eign box office potential. As executives who now control the film industry grew up in those de- cades when there were few black images on the screen and those that did exist were produced by film-makers with limited knowledge of the black community, it is little wonder that they avoid ideological issues, and seek to continue making films that they are comfortable with by avoiding they negative imagery of films they would prefer to eschew entirely.Also to blame for this deleterious phenomenon are legions of desperate and Machiavellian African-American film producers, directors, and writers who would transform The Birth of ANation into a black musical as long as it would provide them with gainful studio employment.These filmmakers not only perpetuate negative stereotypes in their films, but they also seasonthem with a sprinkling of African-American authenticity. This situation would be onerousenough, given the economic exploitation of the community involved; unfortunately these filmsalso validate the pathologies they depict. The constant projection of the black community as akind of urban Wild Kingdom, the glamorization of tragic situations, and the celebration of innercity drug dealers and gangsters has a programming effect on black youth. The power of music infilm is a particularly seductive and propagandistic force which in the recent crop of African-American films has rarely been used in a positive social manner. What flows from this combination of factors is a policy of market exploitation rather thanmarket development, evidenced by the fact that any number of films may open to 1,500 screensin one week, only to totally disappear in less than a month. This restricted body of film products erodes the genre's long-term viability, particularly with the more fickle non-African-American- can audiences and foreign audiences. Furthermore, when African-American actors begin toemerge as stars, their projects are usually designed to be "more" than a black film, such thatany success that follows is therefore perceived not as a reflection of the viability of African-American filmmaking but as the broader pursuit of celebrity.46. According to the passage, all wise managers think that ___A) the industry of black film would increase in the future。

清华大学考博复习资料1.Abandon Abandon The The The match match match was was was abandoned abandoned abandoned because because because of of of bad bad weather. Ban /abolish /abort /cancel /cross out /wipe out /put off /delay Desert Desert /forsake /forsake /forsake /leave /leave /cease /cease /depart /depart /depart /discard /discard / relinquish /surrender /quit /withdraw /give up (24) *Abandon oneself to 沉湎于,放纵(感情)沉湎于,放纵(感情)沉湎于,放纵(感情) *ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 *Cancel sth out 抵消抵消抵消 *Cross out 划掉,勾掉(错误的内容) Cross sb’s mind (注意、想法等)闪现,掠过(注意、想法等)闪现,掠过 Cross Cross sth sth sth off off 划掉,删去(已处理过或不再需要的东西) *wipe out 磨灭磨灭 表示放弃、取消等意思的时候一定是ing 形式 Wipe sth down (用湿布)把(表面)擦干净(用湿布)把(表面)擦干净 Wipe sth up (用布)擦净(用布)擦净 *put up with 忍耐忍耐忍耐 容忍(讨厌的人或事) Put up 建造(房屋)搭起(帐篷); Put sth up 1、张贴张贴(布告等)(布告等);2、抬高,提高(价格等);3、出卖; Put sb up 为…提供食宿; Put sb up to 纵容,鼓动,教唆 *Put out 熄灭;使不安,激怒;熄灭;使不安,激怒; Put sth out 出版,发布;出版,发布; Put oneself out 自找麻烦自找麻烦自找麻烦 put an end to = stop it 停止做某事停止做某事 put the blame on 归罪于归罪于 put to death 处死处死 put it right 改正改正 put paid to 毁坏,破坏,结束毁坏,破坏,结束 Put sth about 散布(谣言等)散布(谣言等) Put sth across/over 解释,说明;清楚地表达自己解释,说明;清楚地表达自己的意思的意思 Put sth aside 1、把(某事)撇开不理,不考虑;2、(为特殊目的)而储蓄;3、放下(手里的活);4、留出(一段时间) Put sth away 把…收起来;储存 Put sb /sth down 1、一再当众批评一再当众批评(某人)(某人);2、付(订金);3、写下,记下;4、宰杀;5、镇压(革命、反叛等),击败;6、着陆;7、贬低贬低 羞辱;8、~ as (没有充分根据就)认为(某人)是…;9、 ~for 把(某人)登记在参加者的名单上,登记注册;10、*~to 把…归因于归因于 Put sth forth (树)长出叶子 Put (sb./sth.) forward 1、提出(计划、建议等);2、将…提前;3、向前拨;、向前拨; Put in 1、安装(设备)、安装(设备);2、花费(时间作某事);3、插话;4、提交、提交 提出(要求);5、选举;6、(船)进港;进港; Put in for 提出正式要求提出正式要求 Put into 把…加进加进 加上;(船)进港 *Put sb /sth off 1、推迟、推迟 延期;2、搪塞,敷衍,推诿;3、阻止,劝阻; *Put sb off sth 阻止, 使气馁 Put sb /sth on 1、穿上,戴上;2、打开(灯或电器装置);3、播放;4、装出,假装;5、增加,提高;6、上演、上演 演出;7、提供;8、欺骗,哄骗;9、增加;、增加; Put (sb.) onto 提供关于提供关于…的信息的信息 Put through 把(电话)接通; Put sth through 使(某人)做(不愉快或困难的事);做成做成 完成(一件工作) Put sb through 使经历,使经受使经历,使经受使经历,使经受 *Put to 1、向…提问,向…提议;2、Put sb /sth to sth 使经受…考验;3、Put sb to sth 使处于…状态 Put together 形成一个团体;合在一起;使构成整体 Desert /forsake *Delay doing sth 推迟,延期推迟,延期 leave over 剩下的,狼藉的样子;剩下的,狼藉的样子; Leave sth to sb 教某人做某事 leave off 忘记某人 Leave sb/sth out 忽略,遗漏忽略,遗漏忽略,遗漏 Leave it at that 到此为止到此为止 Leave go/hold of 松开,放开松开,放开松开,放开 Leave for 去哪里去哪里 cease *depart from 背离,违反(惯例、传统等) *discard v. 扔掉,弃置扔掉,弃置 *Surrender to sb /sth 投降、听任某物摆布 get out :走出去;滚;:走出去;滚;:走出去;滚; get away with 胜利逃脱;做了(坏事)而未受惩胜利逃脱;做了(坏事)而未受惩罚 Get away To escape (从犯罪现场)脱身bug out get through 1、to reach someone, esp. by telephone (尤指通过电话)与某人取得联系;2、to (cause to) be understand understand by by by sb. sb. (使)某人理解;3、to(cause to(cause to) to) successfully to the end of (使)成功(使)成功 ,(使)完成(使)完成 Get Get across across across To To To (cause (cause (cause to) to) to) be be be understand understand understand (esp. (esp. (esp. by by by a a large group) (使)被理解(尤指一大群人) Get ahead To advance (beyond someone or sth) 前进,进步(超越某人或某事)进,进步(超越某人或某事) Get along 1、Leave, move away 走开走开走开 离开;2、go well 进展进展 顺利进行;3、to continue (often in spite of difficult) (常指不顾困难)继续下去; 4、= get on 相处相处得好得好 合得来 Get around/round to find time 找到时间,有时间(做某事) Get back 1、To return, esp. go home 回去回去 回家;2、重新掌权;3、~、~ at someone 报复报复 反击 Get by To continue one’s way of life 度日,过活;to be good enough but not bad 尚好,过得去尚好,过得去 Get down 1、艰难咽下;、艰难咽下;2、写下,记下;3、(get sb. down )使紧张,使难过 Get down to 开始认真对待开始认真对待开始认真对待 Get in 1、到达,进入,进去(交通工具);2、(get sb. in )请人(到家里)帮忙;3、插话;4、to take part in 参与 Get into 同get in ; (get sb. Into sth) 使…陷入困境 up the creek ;to learn or become accustomed to 学会,熟悉,习惯于熟悉,习惯于 Get off 离开;下(交通工具);逃脱惩罚;逃脱惩罚 Get on 1、同、同get along ;2、变迟,变老;3、继续(常指在中断之后);4、取得成功;5、坐上,骑上;6、登上;登上; Get on for (时间、年龄、距离等的)接近 Get onto (无被动语态) 交谈,写信,联系,接触;查出查出 识破某人的骗局;开始谈论,着手干 Get out of 1、逃避责任;2、能够停止或摆脱;3、逼出;4、to gain from 从…得到 Get Get over over 完成,结束(一般指不愉快的事);复原,恢复(健康、快乐等); Get around 钻空子,利用…漏洞;说服某人漏洞;说服某人 Get together 集会,聚会;集会,聚会; Get Get up up 起床;(风,火等)增强,加剧;数量增大;大; Get up to 到达到达To reach be given to 喜欢喜欢 Give sb /sth away 1 Give sb /sth away 1、赠送赠送(礼物)(礼物)(礼物)颁发颁发颁发(奖品)(奖品);2、表露,流露;3、泄露(秘密);4、(因做蠢事)丧失,丢失;5、(在婚礼上)将新娘交给新郎;(在婚礼上)将新娘交给新郎; Give sb Back sth 1 Give sb Back sth 1、归还,恢复;2、使(某人)恢复(品质、能力和特点) Give in 1 Give in 1、屈服,让步;2、呈上,交上; Give of Give of 献出(自身或某物)以帮助他人献出(自身或某物)以帮助他人献出(自身或某物)以帮助他人 Give off Give off 发出,放出(气体、气味等)发出,放出(气体、气味等)发出,放出(气体、气味等) Give out Give out 分发;用完,用尽分发;用完,用尽 Give over Give over 停止停止停止 *Give up *Give up 放弃,停止;停止尝试;认为没救了;放弃,停止;停止尝试;认为没救了;投案2.Abide W e have to abide by the rules of the game. (Abide /observe /discover /adapt) Her Her fame will abide for sure. Last /endure / continue /persist /remain /stay (10) *Abide by 遵守(法律)、信守(协议) *observe sb doing sth 看到,注意到 discover *Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合(使)适合 Be well adapted to 特别适应 Adapt (+for) 改造,改装改造,改装 *at (long) last 最终,终于最终,终于最终,终于 endure / continue *persist in (doing) 坚持,执意坚持,执意坚持,执意 *stay on (在通常的时间以后)(在通常的时间以后)继续留下工作(学习)3.You have to keep ______ with the times. Abreast up /catch up with /go along with /fit in with (4) Keep abreast of 了解了解…的最新情况 *catch on 1、开始变得流行;、开始变得流行;2、理解,开始明白 Catch sight of 一时见到,注意到一时见到,注意到 catch (sb) out 1、使某人措手不及;2、发觉某人的错误的错误 catch sb doing 当场抓住当场抓住 *catch up 1、赶上赶上 拉平;2、~ with 追上,超过;3、~、~ on 补做(工作); catch up in 被卷入,被牵涉被卷入,被牵涉 Catch at 尽力抓住 *Go off 1、爆炸,铃声大作;、爆炸,铃声大作;2、(机器)停止运转;3、进行得(成功或失败);4、变质,(食物)变坏;5、go go off off off (sb./sth.) (sb./sth.) 失去兴趣,不再喜欢;6、入睡,失去知觉;停止进行;*go off with 携…潜逃,带…私奔; Go about (sth.) 着手,开始工作;从事着手,开始工作;从事 Go after (sb /sth) 追逐,追求;设法获得追逐,追求;设法获得 Go against (sb /sth) 1、违反,违背,反对;2、不利于;3、与…不符不符 go ahead 1、开始,继续;、开始,继续;2、先走、先走 Go along 继续;赞同,支持 *Go along with 同意,赞成,支持同意,赞成,支持同意,赞成,支持 Go around /round 1、经常做某事(尤指不赞成的事);2、通常(穿着),习惯于;3、(疾病)传播,流行;4、(与某人一起)在公共场所露面;5、足够分配;6、转动,旋转 Go Go at/for at/for at/for (sb.) (sb.) (sb.) 11、(无被动)袭击;2、攻击,打击;击; Go away 1、离开,走开;、离开,走开;2、外出 Go back 1、返回,回复;、返回,回复;2、、追溯到 Go back on (sth.) 食言,毁约食言,毁约 Go by 1、过去,经过(时间或地点)、过去,经过(时间或地点);2、(无被动)依照…做,遵守;3、根据…做判断go by the name of 称为称为 go down 1、下楼;、下楼;2、(质量、标准等)下降,降低;3、下沉;4、消肿;5、被接受;被记录下来;6、到达,延伸到;7、往南去;8、输了(比赛),降级;9、(计算机)暂停运转,死机;10、(灯光)暗下来;11、~with 感染上(传染病) go far 有成就,成功;满足许多需要 go too far 太过分太过分太过分 Go for sb /sth 1、去参加某种活动2、攻击,抨击;3、争取得到;4、同Go at/for (sb.);喜欢,被…吸引;5、同Go after (sb./sth.);6、包括…在内,可适用于;7、出售 Go in for (sth.) 1、参加,从事(技能、知识竞赛);2、惯于,爱好、惯于,爱好 Go into (sth.) 1、进入,加入(地方、职业等);2、被用在…;3、详细解释;4、探究,彻底调查5、(汽车等)撞在…上;上; *Go on 1、继续下去;、继续下去;2、转而做另一件事;3、发生;4、以(某事)为根据(做出判断)5、(时间)过去;6、开始运转,使工作,实施;7、抱怨不停;喋喋不休;8、接近(年龄、时间等)、接近(年龄、时间等) go out 1、(为了娱乐)离家,出门,经常出外消遣;(去远方)旅行;2、交往,谈恋爱;3、(灯)熄灭;4、广播;5、出国;6、落潮,过时;7、公开,公布;8、对…充满同情;9、(时间)结束 Go over (sth.) 1、走近;2、查看,仔细检查;3、重读,重看;4、转向,改变(信仰等);5、转播;6、清除,打扫; Go through (sth.) 1、经受,经历,忍受;2、用光;3、通过,被接受;4、得到正式认可,被批准;5、磨破,穿破;6、练习,排练;7、仔细检查;8、从头到尾阅读尾阅读 Go Go through through through with with with (sth.) (sth.) (常指艰难地)完成,做完 Go to (sth.) 使经历;使经历;进入,开始经历(某一状态) go together (两件事物)互相协调,相配 go under 下沉,沉没 Go up 上升;被建造起来;炸毁,被烧毁上升;被建造起来;炸毁,被烧毁 *Go with (sth.) 1、与…相配,适合于;2、伴随,陪伴;3、同意,接受(看法)、同意,接受(看法) Go Go without without without (sth) (sth) 同do do without; without; without; it it it goes goes goes without without saying 不言而喻不言而喻 Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、*fit in with 使某事适合于使某事适合于 4.Absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call. Engage /occupy /bend over /involve /be busy with (6) *Be absorbed in 吸引(某人)吸引(某人),使专心,使专心 be absorbed into 并入,吞并并入,吞并 absorption with/in 专注 *Engage sb to do sth 安排雇用安排雇用 Engage in 参加,参与参加,参与 *be occupied with 忙于做某事忙于做某事 *Bend the rules 通融通融 Bend Bend one’s one’s mind mind /effort /effort /effort /thoughts /thoughts /thoughts to to 专心致志于…,集中全力于… Bend over backwards (to do sth) 竭尽全力做某事 *Involve doing sth 包含,包含,包含,包括,包括,包括,需要需要 Involve sb in sth 要求(允许)参与 *Be busy with 正在工作的,无空闲的正在工作的,无空闲的 Busy doing with 忙于做某事忙于做某事5.Abundant /rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game. *An abundance of 丰富,充裕丰富,充裕丰富,充裕 In abundance 充满了,丰富的充满了,丰富的 Abundantly clear 显而易见 *rich (+in) 富含…的;丰富的;的;丰富的;6.access In many schools, students don't have sufficient access to the library. W ay /approach /approach /solution /solution /solution /answer /answer /answer / / / Accessible Accessible Accessible /available /available /handy /ready /convenient /obtainable /at hand (12) *Have access to 有权做某事有权做某事 *Stand in the way of = prevent 阻碍…实施 Right of way 有权有权 *be Under way = start 开始;在进行中 *Get one’s own way 自行其是;随心所欲;为所欲为 *Give way 退让;让步;屈服 Have it both ways 左右逢源,见风使舵左右逢源,见风使舵 *In a way 某种方法,某一方面某种方法,某一方面 In no way 无论如何,决不无论如何,决不 In the way /in sb’s way 挡住去路,碍事挡住去路,碍事 *By the way 顺便顺便 By way of 当做,用作,作为当做,用作,作为当做,用作,作为 *approach sb for 接洽,交涉接洽,交涉 Approach sb /sth about (doing) (同上) *Answer back 回嘴,反驳回嘴,反驳 Answer for 对…负责;担保负责;担保 Answer Answer to to 对(某人)负责,对(某事,尤指错事)做出解释 (antenna ) *Come in handy 迟早有用迟早有用迟早有用 *ready to do sth 准备好了做 *convenient for sb /sth 方便的,合宜的方便的,合宜的 *Hand down 传下来,传给;宣布,宣判;传下来,传给;宣布,宣判; Hand over 移交,拿给移交,拿给 Hand around 060917 7.His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (Situation /accordance /according /fit) /fit) I'm in agreement with Mr. Moore. In agreement In agreement with /be compatible with /comply with /conform to /be in proportion to (9) Of your own accord 出于自愿,主动地 With one accord 一致地一致地 In accordance with (正式)按照,依照(正式)按照,依照 According According to 据…所说;~所说;~ (as) 【英,正式】按照按照 Fit in 1、(因为有共同的兴趣和爱好)被他人接受;2、fit sb /sth in 安排时间做某事(见某人);3、fit in with 使某事适合于使某事适合于 *be In agreement with 一致同意一致同意 *be compatible with 兼容,一致兼容,一致兼容,一致 *comply with 服从,遵守服从,遵守 *conform to 遵守(法律、规定等)遵守(法律、规定等) *be in proportion to (与某物)成比例,相称 8.Account He asked no one's advice; he did it on his own (account).independently Y Y ou have to take everything into account /consideration /Attention /regard /respect /mind Give Give us an account of what happened. Story /reason /information /description /tale /statement He He has has has been been been asked asked asked to to to account account account for for for his his his absence. absence. (Describe /tell /relate / Describe (19) N.*Take sth into account/take account of 把某事考虑在内,思考虑在内,思考 On account of 因为,由于因为,由于因为,由于 On account 赊帐 By/from all account 根据各方面所说根据各方面所说根据各方面所说 V . Account for Account for 是…原因,= answer for ;对…做出(满意的)解释(满意的)解释 Count in (out on) = back on; rely on; *Take sth into consideration 考虑到某事 Attention *as regards 至于,关于 *Respect for 考虑,顾及,重视 In respect of 关于,有关关于,有关关于,有关 With respect to With respect to 关于,谈到 *Make up one’s mind 做出决定,拿主意;做出决定,拿主意; Take one’s mind off sth 不再想某件(烦心事) Keep /bear sth in mind 记住某事(有用或重要的信息) Stick in one’s mind 对(名字、细节等)对(名字、细节等)经久不忘经久不忘 Put one’s mind to 专心于… Keep one’s mind on 专心于… Story *by reason of (正式)因为(正式)因为… Reason to do sth (正确或充分的)理由做某事(正确或充分的)理由做某事 Reason sth out (通过推理)解释,解决(通过推理)解释,解决 Reason with 与…讲道理,说服讲道理,说服 *for information only 仅供参考仅供参考 description /tale /statement Describe *Tell off 责备,斥责;叫出(做某事)责备,斥责;叫出(做某事) Tell on 告发 Tell against sb 不利于不利于… Tell sb /sth apart 区分,区别 Tell of 描绘,描述 *Relate to 1、有关,涉及;、有关,涉及;2、与…直接相关;3、与…和睦相处;4、认同,产生共鸣 *to say the least 至少可以说 to say nothing of 更不用说,何况更不用说,何况 *explain sth away 通过解释消除(某事的影响)通过解释消除(某事的影响),辩解9.Acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain /obtain /gain /earn /secure (6) Acquire 得到;掌握,获得;~得到;掌握,获得;~ a a taste taste taste for for 开始喜欢上 Attain /obtain *Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利受益,获利 Gain the upper hand 占上风,处于有利地位,控制 Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来 There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事 Gain ground 稳步发展, Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上逼近,赶上 Earn /secure10.Active He is very active in politics. Energetic Energetic /spirited /lively /dynamic /excited /enthusiastic (7) *Active duty 现役现役 Be active in (doing) sth 积极参加活动 *group *group dynamics dynamics 群体动态(指某一团体成员之间的相互行为和态度)间的相互行为和态度) (以上99) 060920 11.Adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation. Adjust Adjust /accommodate /accommodate /accommodate /alter /alter /alter /vary /vary /vary /arrange /arrange /arrange /modify /modify /make fit (8) *Adapt (+to) (使)适应,(使)适合(使)适合 Adapt for (+for) 改造,改装改造,改装改造,改装 Be well adapted to 特别适应 *Adjust (+to) 适应,使适合适应,使适合 *accommodate to 使适应,顺应使适应,顺应 alter /vary *Arrange to do sth 安排,筹划安排,筹划 modify *Make V . Make a start(+on /with) 开始做某事开始做某事 ~ believe (that)假装假装 to pretend ; ~ sb do sth 强迫某人做某事;强迫某人做某事;be made to do sth ~ do with sth. 将就,凑合用;将就,凑合用;将就,凑合用; ~ it 1、及时赶到;2、成功;3、能参加、出现;4、(在生病或事故之后)活下来;(在生病或事故之后)活下来; ~ it up 和解,和好和解,和好 Make it up for (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;(用好东西)赔偿,偿还; Make up to (sb.) 企图得到…欢心;make (it) up to (用好东西)赔偿,偿还;(用好东西)赔偿,偿还; make one’s way 闯出一条路,闯出一条路, make time 抽出时间抽出时间 ~ living (doing sth) (做某事)为生;(做某事)为生; ~ or break (使)完全成功或彻底失败;完全成功或彻底失败; *make away with 带着东西逃跑带着东西逃跑; bug out Make at 采用什么手段 Make for sth. 向…(快速)走去;导致,有利于,倾向倾向 Make sb /sth into 将…制成;制成; Make (sth.) of (sth.) 理解,看待;对待,处理; Make off 仓皇逃走仓皇逃走 Make out 1、(费力)理解,辨认出;2、(以完整的形式)填写,开列;3、(泛指在商业、人际关系或生活中)成功;4、声称,假装;5、把…说成是,说成是,声称声称(尤指自己)重要;指自己)重要; Make (sth.) over (尤指法律上的)转让,转交 Make up 1、编造,虚构;2、化妆;整理备用;3、补足;4、(make sth. up )偿还,归还;)偿还,归还;5、(争吵后)和解 12.Accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (Accustomed /used /addict /be familiar with) (4) *Accustom oneself to 使某人习惯于使某人习惯于 Be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯(做)某事习惯(做)某事 *Be used to (doing) 习惯(做)某事习惯(做)某事 Used to do sth 过去常做某事 Use sb to do sth 利用某人做某事利用某人做某事 Be in use (机器、场所等)在使用中(机器、场所等)在使用中 *addicted (+to) 对…上瘾的 *be familiar with 通晓,熟悉通晓,熟悉通晓,熟悉 13.Admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. (Allow (Allow /admit /admit /accept /accept /permit /permit /permit /receive /receive /receive /confess /confess /acknowledge /adopt) (8) *Allow sb to do sth 允许,容许,准许允许,容许,准许 Allow for 考虑,顾及 *Admit of (sth) 【正式】允许有【正式】允许有【正式】允许有 Admit (to) doing sth 承认(做错了事、犯了罪)承认(做错了事、犯了罪) * Accept sth from sb 接受,同意做接受,同意做 *permit sb to do sth 【正式】允许,准许做某事【正式】允许,准许做某事 Permit of 容许有,允许有 receive *confess to doing sth 承认(使自己尴尬的事情)承认(使自己尴尬的事情) *Be acknowledge as 被公认为是被公认为是… *adopt an approach /strategy /policy 采用某方法、战略、政策等战略、政策等060923 14.Adequate Adequate Their Their Their earnings earnings earnings are are are barely barely barely adequate adequate adequate to to to their their needs. Enough /sufficient /satisfactory /plenty /ample (6) *Adequate to do sth 可以胜任的 *enough to do sth 足够做…事 Near enough 几乎,差不多几乎,差不多 *Sufficient to do sth 足够做某事足够做某事 satisfactory *plenty (+of) 丰富,大量,众多 Plenty big /bright enough 非常(足够)大(明亮)的 In plenty 供应充足,多得很供应充足,多得很 ample 15.Advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money. Benefit Benefit /gain /gain /gain upper upper upper hand hand hand /interest /interest /interest /profit /profit /profit /harvest /harvest /crop /earnings /returns (9) *Take advantage of sb (不公正地)利用某人,占便宜便宜 Take advantage of sth (巧妙地)利用某物(巧妙地)利用某物 *benefit (+from /by) 获益,受益,得到好处获益,受益,得到好处 *Gain the upper hand 占上风,占上风,处于有利地位,处于有利地位,处于有利地位,控控制 Gain (sth) from (使从某种局面、机会或事件中)受益,获利 Gain currency (某种观点)流行起来 There’s nothing to be gained 无济于事 Gain ground 稳步发展稳步发展 Gain on /upon 逼近,赶上逼近,赶上逼近,赶上 *be in the public /national interest 出于公众、国家利益 *Profit by /from 从中获益,取得教训从中获益,取得教训从中获益,取得教训 *reap a harvest 获得成果;尝到苦果获得成果;尝到苦果获得成果;尝到苦果 *A crop of 一群一群(同时到达的人),一批一批(同时发(同时发生的事) Crop up (尤指问题)突然发生(出现) *in return (for) (作为(作为…的)交换(回报)的)交换(回报)16.Aim His aim is to win the game. Purpose /intention /goal /end /target /objective /motive /destination (9) Aim *On purpose 故意(地)故意(地) For the purpose of 为了…目的目的 *(have <no>) intention (of doing) to do sth (不)打算做某事 with the intention of doing 意图,目的,打算意图,目的,打算 Intention to do sth 目标是 *No end 非常非常 No end of 大量的,许多大量的,许多 Make (both) ends meet 收支仅能相抵 target /objective /motive /destination (以上143) 060926 17.Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years. Accumulate Accumulate /assemble /assemble /assemble /gather /gather /gather /increase /increase /increase /collect /collect /collect /compile /compile /heap up /store up Mass /bulk /quantity /load /amount /volume /accumulation /pile/heap /crowd /multitude /pack /gang (22) Figure /digit /measure Amass Accumulate assemble*gather around /round 聚拢过来聚拢过来Gather sth in 收(庄稼)收(庄稼) Gather sth together /up 集拢,拾拢 *compile sth from /for sth 编辑,编纂,编制,汇编 *heap up (杂乱地)堆积,堆放 *be in store 将要发生,将要出现将要发生,将要出现将要发生,将要出现 Store up 储存;制造(麻烦) *A mass of 大量,大宗大量,大宗大量,大宗 Masses of 许多的,大量的 The masses 群众,平民群众,平民 *the bulk (of sth) (某物的)主要部分,大半 In bulk 整批的,大批的 Bulk sth out 使膨胀,看起来更厚实,充实使膨胀,看起来更厚实,充实 *quantity of 若干数量;大量,许多若干数量;大量,许多 *load sb /sth down 给(某人)过重的负担 No amount of sth will do sth 毫无结果,毫无影响毫无结果,毫无影响 *Amount to sth 总计,达到总计,达到 not amount to much /anything 没多大了不起没多大了不起 *A pile of /(also) piles of 一大堆,大量一大堆,大量 Pile in /into 拥进,挤进拥进,挤进 Pile on 过分地称赞、批评等;过分夸大坏的情况 Pile out 挤出,蜂拥而出挤出,蜂拥而出 Pile up 堆积,积累 *crowd sb /sth out 把…挤出,排挤挤出,排挤 *pack sth away 将(某物)收拾起来将(某物)收拾起来将(某物)收拾起来 Pack sb /sth in 吸引(大批的人);把(太多东西)塞入; Pack sb /sth off 把打发走,撵走把打发走,撵走 Pack up 完成工作,停工;(机器)出故障,失灵;停止做某事做某事*a multitude of 【正式或文】大批,大量,大群,众多【正式或文】大批,大量,大群,众多【正式或文】大批,大量,大群,众多 The multitude 大众,民众 *figure sth /sb out 想出,理解(某事);看透,理解(某人)*Half measure 折中办法折中办法 Measure sb /sth against (用比较的方法)评判(用比较的方法)评判 Measure out 量出量出Measure up 合格,达到标准合格,达到标准18.Ambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money. Eager for /longing for / hopeful for /wish for /crave for /be set on /be bent on /be intent upon *be ambitious for sb 希望某人成功希望某人成功 *Eager for 急于得到 *longing for 渴望,盼望 *wish for sth 最理想的;默默期盼最理想的;默默期盼最理想的;默默期盼 Wish sth away 希望(不愉快的事)自行消失希望(不愉快的事)自行消失希望(不愉快的事)自行消失 *crave for 渴望,热望;恳求,请求 *Set the table 准备饭菜准备饭菜准备饭菜 *Set on 攻击;使攻击,使追逐; set aside 存钱存钱 set sth in See to sb/sth 照顾,照料 set up 1、建造,设立;2、安排(会议),建立(制度);3、安装,架设;4、树起,垒起,设置;、树起,垒起,设置; Set out 同set off;开始一项行动;set sth. out 同Set forth阐明;陈列,布置;动身踏上;按顺序拜访 Set in (疾病或不好的天气)来临而且(也许)持续持续 Set foot in/on 登上,涉足,访问登上,涉足,访问登上,涉足,访问 Set short by 重视重视重视 Set the pace 定出步调,速率定出步调,速率 Set to work 开始工作开始工作开始工作 *Set about (sth.) 开始做,开始;以(某种方式)开始做,开始;以(某种方式)处理;攻击处理;攻击 Set sb /sth against 彼此均衡,从…减去;敌对,使与(某人)对立; *Set apart 使(某人或某物)与众不同;留出(作某种用途) *Set (sth.) aside 另外存放;拨出;置之不理另外存放;拨出;置之不理 Set (sth.) back 使倒退;推迟;使倒退;推迟;Set (sb.) back (sth.) 使某人花费 Set (sb./sth.) down 写,写,记下;制定,规定;将(车)停下让下车停下让下车 Set forth 陈述观点,阐明;出发,启程陈述观点,阐明;出发,启程 Set off 1、出发,动身;、出发,动身;2、引起,激发(意外事件);3、触发;4、 引发(爆炸);5、(衣服、颜色等)衬托(某物)很漂亮;6、激起(某人)的情感、激起(某人)的情感 *Be bent on 下决心做,专心于,埋头于下决心做,专心于,埋头于下决心做,专心于,埋头于 *Intent on /upon 专注的,专心致志的专注的,专心致志的专注的,专心致志的06092719.Amount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds. Add up to /approximate /total /sum up *Add up to 总的来讲,等于说 add sth to sth 把…和…放在一起 add fuel to the fire 火上浇油火上浇油 add (sth) in 加进,包括加进,包括 add (sth) on 加盖,加建;附加,增加加盖,加建;附加,增加 add to(使)增加 add up 把…加起来;not ~不合情理;积少成多 approximate /total *Sum up 概括,总结;对…做出判断20.The future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.Sum /measure /quantity /price /value *at any price 不惜任何代价,无论如何不惜任何代价,无论如何不惜任何代价,无论如何 Not at any price 无论如何也不21.Angle Try looking at this affair from a different angle. Aspect Aspect /view /point of view /opinion /belief /attitude /impression /notion /idea /thought /conception /judgment /theory /outlook(15)061107; *Angle for(以暗示的方法)猎取,谋求 *aspect (+of) 方面 *point of view 观点,看法观点,看法观点,看法 On view (画、照片)在展览,在陈列(画、照片)在展览,在陈列 In view of 鉴于,由于,考虑到鉴于,由于,考虑到鉴于,由于,考虑到 *opinion (+of) 意见,主张,看法 A second opinion 他人的鉴定他人的鉴定他人的鉴定 Be of the opinion (that) 认为,主张认为,主张 *Be Beyond belief 难以置信难以置信 *attitude (+towards) 心态,感觉,看法 With attitude 我行我素的打扮 *impression *impression (+of) (+of) (对人、事等的)印象,感想 Be under the impression (that) 原以为,误以为原以为,误以为 *notion (+of) (尤指错误或模糊的)概念,观点,看法看法 *spare a thought for 给(某人)一点关心给(某人)一点关心 conception /judgment /theory *outlook (+on) (对生活、世界的)看法,观点,态度态度 Outlook (+for) 前景,远景前景,远景22.Announce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board. Proclaim Proclaim /broadcast /broadcast /broadcast /report/state /report/state /report/state /declare /declare /declare /notify /notify /tell /make known(9)061107; Announce *report back 回报,汇报回报,汇报 Report to sb 向…负责,向…报告 state *Declare against 声明反对 Declare for 声明支持 *notify sb of 通知,告知通知,告知06092923.Anticipate A g ood good good general general general can can can anticipate anticipate anticipate what what what the the enemy will do. 。

考博英语1001用书(最新版)目录1.考博英语 1001 概述2.考博英语 1001 的教材选择3.考博英语 1001 的复习建议正文【考博英语 1001 概述】考博英语 1001 是我国博士研究生入学考试中的一门重要科目,其主要目的是测试考生的英语水平,以确保他们具备进入博士研究生阶段学习的基本英语能力。
考博英语 1001 试题主要包括听力、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译和写作等部分,全面考查考生的英语听、说、读、写、译等综合能力。
【考博英语 1001 的教材选择】对于备考考博英语 1001 的考生来说,选择合适的教材是非常重要的。
以下几本书可以作为参考教材:1.《考博英语词汇》:这本书涵盖了考博英语 1001 所需的全部词汇,可以帮助考生打好扎实的词汇基础。
【考博英语 1001 的复习建议】复习考博英语 1001 需要有计划、有针对性地进行。
总之,考博英语 1001 是一项重要的考试,考生需要做好充分的准备。


考博英语-557(总分:99.99,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(总题数:4,分数:20.00)There can be no question about the dangers of heroin use. What may start out innocently enough as a desire to experience a new kind of high may progress with extreme rapidity to an almost continuous type of nightmare existence.The heroin user may begin by snorting or inhaling the drug, progress to "skin popping" (injecting it beneath the skin), and end up "mainlining" it (injecting it directly into the bloodstream). If a hypodermic syringe is not available, the user may sever an artery and pour the heroin in with a spoon. Once users are "hooked", their entire lives become centered upon this white powder. They will do anything--lie, steal, cheat, even kill--to get that next fix. After a while, riley do not even experience a high; they simply need the drug to avoid the terrors of withdrawal. The habit demands more and more, and still more, of the drug. Even a highly paid corporation executive would find it difficult to support such a habit. Usually, the only way the addict can get enough money is through crime or prostitution. Thus, crime associated with heroin addiction is not a direct effect of the drug, but stems from the need to support the habit. In fact, heroin is an extremely effective depressant, which markedly reduces such motivational states as hunger and sex.How is it that this innocent-looking white powder can come to dominate the life of the abuser so completely? Within the first minute of heroin injection, there is a sudden, climactic rush of feeling. This extremely pleasurable experience is followed by a "high" which is characterized by lethargy, emotional detachment, a sense of well-being, and deep feelings of contentment. To illustrate, a heroin abuser may spend hours before a TV set, watching the dancing images on the screen without becoming emotionally involved in the program content. But then comes the crushing aftermath. As the high begins to subside, so also does the sense of well-being. The euphoria of a moment ago is replaced by gnawing feelings of apprehension and anxiety. The bizarre cycle culminates in an overwhelming sense of panic as the addict begins a frantic search for tile next fix.The victims of heroin addiction are legion--the addicts themselves, their families, and those they have robbed or otherwise brutalized in their quest for the "big H". In recent years another innocent victim of heroin addiction has come to light, the newborn infant of an addicted mother. Studies of infants born to heroin-addicted mothers have found that more than two-thirds start out life as addicts. Within 96 hours of birth, most will show signs of withdrawal, including extreme irritability, tremors, and vomiting. The incidence of withdrawal symptoms in the newborn depends on how long the mother has been addicted, on the amount of heroin she has taken, and on how close to delivery she was when she took her last dose. Traces of drugs taken as little as ten minutes prior to delivery have been found in newborns.(分数:5.00)(1).We may infer from the passage that a curious desire to experience a high produced by heroin ______.(分数:1.00)A.won't lead to addictionB.will rapidly make the person have a terrible dreamC.may be disastrous √D.may immediately endanger the existence of the person who tries解析:我们可以根据短文推测,想经历海洛因产生的快感会造成惨重的损失。

考博英语-299(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、SectionⅠVocabulary(总题数:30,分数:30.00)1.At first I guessed it was an airplane, but I soon changed my mind because it re mained static instead of moving like a plane.(分数:1.00)A.stationary √B.statutoryC.stationeryD.statuesque解析:[解析] 本题中,static的意思是“静态的”。
四个选项中,stationary的意思是“固定的”,如:Wait until the bus is stationary before you get off.(你要等公共汽车停稳了再下车。
)statutory 的意思是“法令的,法定的”;stationery的意思是“文具,信纸”;statu esque的意思是“雕像般的,均衡的”。
2.Through the discussion they gained an extraordinary insight into the complexity of women's emotions.(分数:1.00)A.cleverness ofB.knowledge of √C.prediction ofD.perception of解析:[解析] 本题中,insight into的意思是“洞察,有一定深度的认知了解”。
四个选项中,knowledge of的意思是“……的知识、学问”,如:She has a good knowledge of Lon don.(她对伦敦很熟悉。
)cleverness of的意思是“……的聪明才智”;prediction of的意思是“……的预言”;perception of的意思是“……的理解、感知”,侧重由感官获得的认知了解,比较肤浅。

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Test one一、完形填空(语言的进化与学习)Evolved;valuable;attainment;resonble;claim;with;organisms;potential;as;biological;reviews;infact; the lower;exposed;rules;although;isolated;interaction;acquisition;in other words二、阅读理解1、culture is the sum total of all the traditions……(文化是所有传统的总称)C(basically equal);D(complicated);A(vocabulary);A(all languages allow);B(It helps anthropology) 2、aurora极光篇C(know little);D(the behavior24);A(magnetosphere);B(colors depend on);B(formatio and colors) 3、划船-团队论B(spirit of teamwork);D(a coach);A(key to);C(bad management );C(from the beginning)4、If you intend to using humou……(幽默的使用)D(use humor effiectively);B(relevant to);A(god-like);B(another group);B(as if be natural)5、four words that changed a life(C-E-A-D-F)Test two一、完形填空(我们正在进入一个飞速发展、致命武器、资源耗费、国际紧张的时代)There;achieved;transfers;scale;outcome;needed;whether;possibly;as;last;difficult;pace;allowance;o ut;many;then;come;line;extent;or;二、阅读理解1、Archaeology has long been an tool for…… (考古学已成为研究史前文化的一个工具)A(purpose changed);C(investigate European cultures in northAmerican);D(locate);B(misused in1940s);A(become valuable in science and history )2、A folk culture is small…….(民间文化)A(contrast between);B(popular cultures);C(tradition);D(while );D(popular culture incresingly)3\As Dr Samuel…..计算机B(at all);D(compared with man);C(absurd);A(handle streams information);B(before 1970s)4、genetic discrimination is a bad thing (基因歧视)C(may become a musician);A(Yo-yo Ma);D(hard work);D(reliable than other);B(advocates) 5、The irresponsibility that spreads AIDS:B-A-F-D-CTest three一、完形填空(culture is the sum total of all the traditions……文化是所有的总称)Sense;may;savage;of;that;series;established;spoken;uncivilized;complex;tranfer;their;which;but; Speakers;expansions;existence;to;ours;what二、阅读理解1、Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths.D(the prevalent measurement);C(achieve happiness);A(annoying);D(encounter few difficuties)B(wants to illustrate those who know ……are truly intelligent)2、In July of 1994,an astournding series of events took place(comet 彗星事件)D(once combined larger body);C(frozen);B(more than 20);A(left marks and ribbons )D(collisions between heavenly bodies have been relatively frequent)3、By the year 2100,global temperatures are expected to rise (地球温度将升高)C(0.8-3.5recent years)D(technically not very difficut to reduce);D(overdue=late);A( a political risk );A(may emit more for somet time)4、Over the past few years ,people being told what they cant eat. (diets 食物节食)D(wandering what food healthy)A(more profits than safty);D(consumers blame for)B(ready-made meal replaced the home-making );B(man-made and not beneficial to health)5、Working women----East an West:B-A-D-E-FTest Four一、完形填空(one of the major problems of nuclear energy…核能的主要问题)Many;active;whilespan;forcing;involves;which;by-products;undetacted;containers;leaked;effects;consideration; Building;high;enclosing hot;where;thereby;abandoned二、阅读理解1、Volcanic fire and glacial ice are natural enemies(火山与冰川是敌人)C(steam caves of Mount Rainier);C(Destruction in the cutting of glaciers);D(bowel-like)A(sth between ofdinary ice and crystalline ice);A(destroy the cave system)2、Out of more than 3 million students graduates from high school (300万中学生高中毕业) B(0.2%);B(pass entrance examinatio);C(reasearch institutions);C(equally well-known);B(diffent opinions)3、Most americans spend far more of their leisure time(美国人的休闲时间在大众媒体)C(mass media occupies leisure time);B(our exposure not necessary) A(by different factors)B(influence as great as film ) D(somewhat passive)4、For the past 20 years, scientists have been investigating科学家探讨疾病与电磁场的关系A(rise debate);B(a figure to judge);D(The EMF);B(make clear);C(adequate hunman models)5、you are what you think D-B-A-C-FTest Five一、完形填空(Humor doesn't travel well;Jokes rarely translate)While;in term of; so that;capable;advance;shaped;depends on;interpreting;interacting;about;compounded;incorporated;at the mercy of ;transform;offensive;constraints;likewise;at the expense of;cautious;risky二、阅读理解1、Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion(想象如果世界没有了情绪)B(tell beneficial from harmful);C(enjoy doing right thing);A(basis);B(classcify objects);B(socity) 2\War may be a natural expression of biological instince and .(战争可能是生物本能的表达) B(be reasonable);B(by social conventions);B(control violence);C(responsibility punishment);B(sacrifices individual for the benefit of the social menmber)3、The case for college has been accepted without question for more高中生上大学的好处?) B(value it high);B(themore ,the less)C(rise unemployment);B(only a choice);A(strong motivation)4、Automobile industry has been well in USA and Japan (为什么日本汽车生产水平比美国高)D(different process)B(both well)C(not only ..but also)A(practicable) D(make clear)5、JAKARTA C-B-E-D-ATest SIX一、完形填空(Generally speaking 英国人可能更愿意谈天气)Even;witness;dozing;but;once;object;fancy;atlength;follows ;speculation;certainly;who;when;pred ictions;surprised;repaced;although;at aloss;mention;reserved二、阅读理解1\略2、for most of us ,the work is the central….(工人与管理者工作的差别)C(by work they do);B(satisfaction in life);B(frustrations from inequality at work)D(intolerable and challenging )A(have no control over their work)3、Prospective teachers are urged to develop their…..(未来老师的教学方法)A(possible selecting)C(instruction practice)A(oversimlified and judgement)B(responsible use 0f teaching style)B(Educational philosophies)4、Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology别歧视被证明是思想意识形态) D(somewhat a prejudice)A(weaker sex);B(an extension domestic role)B(social determined and full of prejudices);B(sex role different are taught in schools)5、The grass is always greener A-C-D-F-ETest Seven一、完形填空(One of the basic characteristics of capitalism is ….资本主义的本质特征是)Extensive ;however;evolution ;significant;source;material;problems;which;deny;emergence;For example;created;line;recognized;stepped in;important;industries;pursuit;handicap;condemn二、阅读理解1、Its natural for young people to be critical their parents(年轻人经常抱怨父母不理解他们)D(teenagers);A(sometimes reasonable to complain);D(illustrate existence);D(show difference and independence);C(cooperate with their parents)2、What do we think of the word “business”你认为什么是生意?()C(business many kinds of enterprises);B(Munich Re);D(socially and responsible);A(more responsibilities than profits);B(a chapter of a business book)3、Although we can say…language learning like to pretend (语言学习)D(generalizationg in very beginning);B(students exposed to plenty language materials);D(Teahers should exercise students ability);A(make slow progress);B(some generalization of language learning)4、Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions…(衣着提供个人的信息)B(helps us understand);C(attract more attention);C (certain type certain occasions);A(Few women are certain professional clothing);D(Clothing for appropriate effects)5、Don't cry for the new economy B-C-E-A-FTest eight一、完形填空(there are two ways to see growth 有两种基本方式去观察增长)Viewed;promotion;measurable;by contrast;definition;specigic;as;ends;order ;risks;first;perceive; Open;cause;adapt;cope;likely;role;both;cease to二、阅读理解1、Should doctors ever lie to be benefit ,,,,(医生应该撒谎吗?C(lawyers);D(necessary practice);C(unable to deal properly);A(doctors different government );B(slightly sarcastic稍带讽刺2、Fortunately there are still afew tasty things for us to enjoy security (食盐还是不食盐呢?D(not convincing);C(humorous);B(too much salt);B(equally harmful to health);C(not result from)3、Few people would defend the attitude to childern (父母对孩子溺爱的度的把握)B(very strict);D(followers);B(urging to spoil child);D(strong);C(hardships beneficial growth ) 4、The destruction of natural resources and contamination of food (环境与食物污染)C(pollution);B(Environmental health professionals);A(Ecologists,conserbationists)D(Unable to see the whole);B(America)5、Our pursuit of Happiness F-B-C-A-ETest Nine一、完形填空(many definitions of social movements and revolutions社会运动革命的不同)Purposeful;profit;and;legal;thus;find;Civil;involved;achieve;however;stop;disagreements;standard ;scale;enact;major;and;sought;stakes;ready二、阅读理解1、For centuries ecplorers have risked their lives….(探险活动的目的及意义,火星探险)B(for economic and polical purposes);D(an unknown region);D(Non-commercial ornational imperative);C(a role more important than past);A(May helpunderstand how life began)2、American and British annoyed the French Paradox(法国式的似是而非与反话)B(eat more fatty but less die of);C(show uncertain );A(the special way of wine-drinking)D(delayed result of an action);A(still uncertain about the key to French Paradox puzzle)3、A reviews of the female characters in Chinese fiction..(中国小说中的妇女形象)C(of the 20th century);B(subject to male-centered );A(pessimistic);C(not just ,but economic as well);A(wives at homes and working outside at the same time )4、The fear of Americanization of the planet …..(文化美国化或全球化现象)D(at the expense of the other languages);A(encourages to learn other language cultures )D(now popular in the world);C(to promote language cultures);A(Universalist)5、Einsteins painful romance;E-C-A-B-DTest Ten一、完形填空(略)二、阅读理解1、Income disparity describes two disparate groups:the rich and the poor(收入划分贫富距) C(different);D(only have better conditions);C(only somewhat reasonable)A(still hope to make fortune);B(unrealistic to take monetary wealth as the only aim of life )2、Crying is hardly encouraged by scciety (流眼泪的不同原因与作用)D(harmful to health);A(physiological);C(hardly necessary to get help);A(Emotional tears different other accounts );B(discovery of drug abuse and the diagnosis of eye illnesses)3、satiric literature is its freshness,its originality…(讽刺文学的魅力)D(reasons for pooularity of satire)C(new form);A(Jonathan Swift);D(original aesthertically);C(because they need to be reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate)4、One fact demonstated by early sleep researchers (睡眠的研究情形)B(each individual had the same EFG as his signature);D(sleep involves different levels of consciousness) C(single);D(after the alpha rhythm descents);A(sustainable)5、When to say no to kids E-B-F-C-D。