
轴承制造专业英语AABRASIVE BLASTING: Process for removing scale from product after heat treatment and prior to grinding; product pieces are placed in a tumbler that bombards the surface with high velocity metal shot particles. This process also acts as a tempering or stabilizing process. (Also called Shotblasting)磨料喷砂法:热处理之后磨削之前去除产品表面氧化皮的工序;把工件放进滚筒里,用高速金属磨料喷击表面。
(也叫喷丸处理)ABRASIVE WEARING: Damage to bearing parts caused by fine foreign particles which get in through badly worn or defective seal and/or lubricants.磨料磨损:由于密封磨损或损坏以及润滑剂失效而导致外界细小磨粒进入轴承内部从而引起轴承部件的损伤。
ACCIDENT: The occurrence in a sequence of events that usually produces unintended injury, death, or property damage.意外事故:在一系列的事件当中发生的产品意外伤害、毁坏或者功能损失。
ACID ETCH: The process of checking surface of ground product for cracks or burns by use of a series of acids or neutralizers. Also called Nital Etch酸蚀:指使用一系列的酸或者中和剂来检查研磨产品表面裂纹或者烧伤的工序。

轴承专业英语(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承 rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ]2. 单列轴承 single row bearing [rau]3. 双列轴承 double row bearing4. 多列轴承 multi-row bearing ['mʌlti]5. 满装滚动体轴承 full complement bearing [ful] ['kɔmplimənt]6. 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing ['æŋɡjulə]7. 自动调心轴承 automatic self-aligning bearing [ə‘lainiŋ]8. 可分离的轴承 separable bearing ['sepərəbl]9. 不可分离轴承 non-separable bearing10. 英制轴承 inch bearing inch [intʃ]11. 开型轴承 open bearing open ['əupən]12. 密封圈轴承 sealed bearing sealed [si:ld]13. 防尘盖轴承 shielded bearing shielded ['ʃi:ldid]14. 闭型轴承 capped bearing15. 预润滑轴承prelubricated bearing [pri:‘ljubrikeitid]16. 仪器精密轴承 instrument precision bearing ['instrumənt] [pri'siʒən]17. 组配轴承 matched bearing(二)向心轴承1. 向心轴承 radial bearing ['reidiəl]2. 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing contact ['kɔntækt]3. 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing ['æŋɡjulə]4. 外球面轴承 insert bearing insert [in'sə:t]5. 锥孔轴承 tapered bore bearing ['teipəd]6. 凸缘轴承 flanged bearing [flændʒ] flanged adj. 带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承 track roller (rolling bearing) ['rəulə]8. 万能组配轴承 universal matching bearing [,ju:ni'və:səl](三)球轴承1. 球轴承 ball bearing2. 向心球轴承 radial ball bearing3. 深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing4. 装填槽球轴承 filling slot ball bearing5. 三点接触球轴承 three point contact ball bearing6. 四点接触球轴承 four point contact ball bearing7. 推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing8. 单列双向推力球轴承 single row double-direction thrust ball bearing9. 双排单向推力球轴承 doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing10. 特种轴承 special bearing11. 带止动环球轴承 ball bearing with snap ring12. 外球面体球轴承 external sphere ball bearing(四)轴承零件1. 轴承零件 bearing part [pɑ:t]2. 轴承套圈 bearing ring [riŋ]3. 轴承垫圈 bearing washer4. 止动环 snap ring [snæp] [riŋ]5. 隔圈 spacer ['speisə]6. 密封圈 seal [si:l]7.防尘盖 shield8. 挡圈 slinger ['sliŋə]9. 滚动体 rolling element ['rəuliŋ] ['elimənt]10. 保持架 cage or retainer [ri'teinə]11. 内圈 inner ring ['inə]12. 外圈 outer ring ['autə]13. 油脂 grease [ɡri:s]14. 钢球 steel ball steel [sti:l] : 钢,钢的15. 偏心套 eccentric collar [ik'sentrik]16. 锁紧套 locking collar17. 止动销钉 anti-rotation pin [pin]18. 轴承座 housing ['hauziŋ]19. 橡胶套 rubber grommet ['ɡromit]20. 紧定衬套 adapter sleeve [ə'dæptə(r)] [sli:v]21、尺寸:dimension [di'menʃən]22、直径:diameter [dai'æmitə]23、宽度:width [widθ, witθ]24、长度:length [l eŋθ]25、高度:height [hait]26、角度:angle ['æŋɡl]27、半径:radius ['reidiəs]28、厚度:thickness ['θiknis]29、轴向的:axial ['æksiəl]30、径向的:radial ['reidjəl]31、外圆(外径) outside surface32、内圆(内径) inner surface33、沟道 raceway(五)技术常用词1、公差:tolerance ['tɔlərəns] n. 公差;容忍;宽容;公差2、游隙:clearance ['kliərəns] 清除;清理;出清,出空【机械】余隙,间隙3、噪音:noise [nɔiz] n. 响声;杂音;噪音4、扭矩:torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈5、硬度:hardness ['hɑ:dnis] n. 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷6、倒角: chamfer ['tʃæmfə] vt. 去角;挖槽;斜切n. 斜面;凹槽7、精度:precision [pri'siʒən] n. 精确;精度,精密度adj. 精密的,精确的8、残磁:residual magnetism [ri'zidjuəl] n. 剩余;残渣 adj. 剩余的;残留的['mæɡnitizəm] n. 磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力9、表面质量:surface quality ['sə:fis] n. 表面;外观;表层 adj. 表面的,肤浅的['kwɔləti] n. 质量,品质;特性;才能10、注脂量:grease fill [ɡri:s] vt. 涂脂于;贿赂n. 油脂;贿赂 grease volume11、打字:marking ['mɑ:kiŋ] n. 做记号;打分;标志;斑纹v. 作记号于;注意;给…打分数12、包装:packaging ['pækidʒiŋ] n. 包装;包装业,包装风格 v. 包装(package的ing形式)13、表面处理:surface finishing ['sə:fis] ['finiʃiŋ] 表面精加工,表面修整14、螺钉:set screw [set] [skru:] 固定螺钉;定位螺钉15、公称尺寸:nominal dimension ['nɔminəl] [di'menʃən]15、振动/偏差:vibration [vai'breiʃən]16、钢球等级:ball grade [ɡreid]17、清洁度:cleanliness ['klenlinis]18、毛刺:burr [bə:] 毛口,毛边,毛头,毛刺19、锈蚀:rust [rʌst] n. 锈;生锈;锈病vt. 使生锈;腐蚀 vi. 生锈;成铁锈色;变迟钝20、极限转速:limiting speed(六)工序常用词1、割料 cutting ['kʌtiŋ] n. 切断;剪辑;开凿 adj. 严寒的;锋利的;尖酸刻薄的 v. 切开;采伐;削减(cut的ing形式)2、锻造 forging ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]n. 锻件,锻造(法)3、铸造 casting ['kɑ:stiŋ]n. 投掷;铸造;铸件;角色分配v. 投掷;铸造;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast的ing形式)4、热处理heat treatment[hi:t] ['tri:tmənt]5、车加工 turning ['tə:niŋ]【机械工程】车削工作,车工工艺6、光饰 tumbling ['tʌmbliŋ]【工程】滚筒抛光7、磨加工 grinding ['ɡraindiŋ] 磨制;研磨:8、粗磨 rough grinding [rʌf] ['ɡraindiŋ] 粗研磨9、软磨 soft grinding10、精磨 precision grinding [pri'siʒən]【机械工程】精磨 fine grinding11、修磨 correct grinding12、光磨(无进给磨,即静止状态磨削)13、超精 superfinishing [,sju:pə'finiʃiŋ] 【冶金学】超级研磨14、磨孔 bore grinding15、清洗 washing ['wɔʃiŋ] 洗;洗涤,洗濯;洗净16、装配 assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合17、采购 purchase18、原材料 raw material19、坯件冲压(成型) blank punching20、抛光 polish21、整形 truing22、包装 packing / packaging23、纸板盒 carton / cardboard24、抽检 / 取样 sampling inspection / sampling25、全检 full inspection26、终检 final inspection27、巡检 tour inspection28、镀黄锌 yellow zine plated29、热处理前软磨非基准面 non-reference face grinding before heat treatment30、热处理前软磨两端面 double face grinding before heat treatment31、车孔及一端外角 bore and one side outer corner turning32、车两面防尘槽 double-side shields groove turning33、车沟及另一外角 raceway and receive of grinding34、磨削收发 dispatch and receive of grinding35、定期防锈处理 periodically anti-rust treatment(七)机械常用词1、Instrument ['instrumənt] n. 仪器;器械;工具;手段;乐器2、Efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]a. 有效的,生效的 n. 效率3、Usage ['ju:zidʒ] n. 用法;使用;惯例4、Straight [streit] adj. 直的;正直的;整齐的;连续的;笔直的 adv. 直接地;坦率地;立即;不断地 n. 直线;直5、Horizontal adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的 n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置['hɔri'zɔntəl]6、Vertical ['və:tikəl] adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的 n. 垂直线,垂直面7、Incline [in'klain] vi. 倾斜;倾向;易于 vt. 使倾斜;使倾向于 n. 斜面;斜坡;倾斜8、Angle ['æŋgl] n. 角度,角9、Arc [ɑ:k] n. 弧(度);弧形物;天穹; adj. 圆弧的;反三角函数的vt. 走弧线;形成电弧10、Scale [skeil] n. 刻度;比例;数值范围;天平;规模;鳞 vi. 攀登;衡量;生水垢;剥落vt. 攀登;测量;刮鳞;依比例决定11、Tolerance ['tɔlərəns]n. 宽容,容忍 n.公差12、Interchangeable [,intə'tʃeindʒəbl]adj. 可互换的;可交换的;可交替的13、Mechanism ['mekənizəm]n. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程14、Individual [,indi'vidjuəl]adj. 个别的;个人的;独特的 n. 个人,个体15、Impractical [im'præktikəl]adj. 不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的16、Perfect ['pə:fikt]adj. 完美的;最好的;精通的vt. 使完美;使熟练n. 完成式17、Worn [wɔ:n]adj. 用旧的;疲倦的 v. 穿;佩戴;磨损(wear的过去分词)18、Slight [slait]adj. 轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的 vt. 怠慢;轻视,忽略n. 怠慢;轻蔑19、Variation [,vεəri'eiʃən] n. 变异,变种;变化20、Minus ['mainəs]prep. 减,减去n. 不足;负号,减号;负数 adj. 负的;减的.21、shaft [ʃɑ:ft] n. 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物22、steady ['stedi] adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的23、rotary ['rəutəri] adj. 旋转的,转动的;轮流的24、friction ['frikʃən] n. 摩擦,摩擦力25、component [kəm'pəunənt] n. 成分;组件;元件26、efficiency [i'fiʃənsi] n. 效率;效能;功效27、assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合28、groove[ɡru:v] n. 凹槽,槽;最佳状态;惯例29、installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职30、transmission [trænz'miʃən] n. 传动装置,变速器;传递;传送;播送●密封的轴承系统减少夹持力并增加轴承寿命。

grease 油脂tolerance class 公差等级general tolerance 公差rated load,nominal load,rated burden 额定负荷radial clearance 径向间隙,径向游隙leaked grease 漏油量crack/ crackle 裂纹Welding 焊接interlayer,sandwich 夹层mechanical wound/injury 机械伤corrosion,rust 锈蚀appearance defect,apparent defect,macroscopic flaw 外观缺陷chamfer,chamfer angle 倒角Hole Face孔端面45° Chamfer Anglesealing groove,seal tank,sealing chute 密封槽uniform and symmetrical 均匀对称turning tool,lathe tool 车刀blank,roughcast,rough part,enamel blank毛坯radius半径diameter 直径area 面积volume 体积butadiene acrylonitrile rubber 丁晴橡胶nylon,polyamide 尼龙iron cage铁保持架Copper cage/ Shelf/ Keeper 铜保持架maximum 最大minimum 最小KN 千牛Filling Grease Amount 填脂量dustproof 防尘grease leakage 漏脂Cr 额定动载荷Cor 额定静载荷Decibel 分贝Measured in decibels,noise intensity can range from zero,the quietest sound the human ear can detect,to over 160 decibels.按分贝计算,噪音强度可以从零(人耳所能感到的最低声音)到160分贝以上。

设备和工具•Conveyor:传送带•Crane:起重机•Drill:钻机•Grinder:砂轮机•Hacksaw:手用金属锯•Hoist:吊车•Lathe:车床•Milling machine:铣床•Pneumatic saw:气动锯•Press:压床•Sander:毛刷磨床•Screwdriver:螺丝刀•Welding machine:焊接机零件和组件•Bearing:轴承•Bolt:螺栓•Brake pad:刹车片•Cam:凸轮•Clamp:夹子•Coupling:联轴器•Gear:齿轮•Gasket:垫片•Hydraulic cylinder:液压缸•Lock nut:锁紧螺母•Nut:螺母•Piston:活塞•Pipe fitting:管接头•Seal:密封件•Spring:弹簧•Washer:垫圈•Valve:阀门流程和工艺•Assembly line:生产线•Automation:自动化•Blueprint:蓝图•CNC (Computer Numerical Control):数控•Manufacturing process:制造工艺•Mould:模具•Quality control:质量控制•Specification:规格•Tolerance:公差•Welding:焊接职业和术语•Engineer:工程师•Fabricator:制造工•Fitter:装配工•Machinist:孔加工工•Mechanic:机械师•Operator:操作员•Technician:技术员•Threader:螺纹车工以上是机械类行业常用的英语词汇,虽然并不全面,但肯定能帮助你在机械行业的沟通中更加得心应手。

Lubrication润滑bearing轴承Anti- 反对friction摩擦Relubrication循环润滑maintenance 保养The grease used as a lubricant in grease-lubricated Anti-friction ball bearings does not lose its润滑脂在油脂润滑球轴承中被用作润滑剂时不能在电机运行一段时间后突然丧失它的润滑能力lubricating ability suddenly ,but over a period of time. For a given bearing construction and为了给轴承在它的寿命期内具备建造和集合润滑的能力Assembly the lubricating ability of a grease with agedepends primarily on the type of grease the size of the bearing, the speed at which the bearing主要依靠轴承的润滑脂型号、轴承的运转速度与运转条件的恶劣程度operates and the severity of operating conditions. As a result, it is not possible to accurately不可能精确预测什么时候加油。
predetermine when new grease must be added. But, good results can be obtained if the general recommendations as stated in this instruction book are followed.The primary function of grease is to supply the essential lubricating oil from the sponge-like润滑脂的主要功能是从肥皂结构储存的海绵体中提供必要的润滑油reservoir of its soap structure. Grease lubricated anti-friction ball bearings consume only a small 油脂润滑轻微摩擦球轴承仅仅消耗小数量的润滑剂。

机械专业英语词汇金属切削metal cutting [英] [ˈmetl][美] [ˈmɛtl]机床machine tool [英] [məˈʃi:n tu:l][美] [məˈʃin tul] 金属工艺学technology of metals [tekˈnɔlədʒi] [ˈmetl] 刀具cutter['kʌtɚ]摩擦friction['frikʃən][’frɪkʃən]联结link [liŋk]传动drive/transmission [trænzˈmiʃən]轴shaft [ʃɑ:ft]弹性elasticity[ɪlæ'stɪsɪti:, ,i:læ-][ɪlæ'stɪsɪti, ,ilæ-]频率特性frequency characteristic['fri:kwənsi][ˌkæriktəˈristik]误差error[ˈerə]响应response[ri'spɔns]定位allocation[ˌæləˈkeiʃən]机床夹具jig[dʒɪg]动力学dynamic[dai'næmik]运动学kinematic[,kaini'mætik]静力学static[ˈstætik]分析力学analyse mechanics[ˈænəlaiz] .[mɪˈkænɪks] 拉伸pulling['puliŋ]压缩hitting[hitiŋ]剪切shear[ʃiə]扭转twist[twist]弯曲应力bending stress['bendiŋ] .[stres]强度intensity[inˈtensiti]三相交流电three-phase AC[feiz] 磁路magnetic circles[mæɡˈnetik] .[ˈsə:kl]变压器transformer[trænsˈfɔ:mə]异步电动机asynchronous motor[ei'siŋkrənəs] ['məutə]几何形状geometrical[dʒɪəˈmetrɪkəl]精度precision[priˈsiʒən]正弦形的sinusoid[ˈsainəˌsɔid]交流电路AC circuit [ˈsə:kit]机械加工余量machining allowance [mə'ʃi:niŋ] .[əˈlauəns]变形力deforming force [dɪˈfɔ:miŋ] .[fɔ:s]变形deformation [ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən, ˌdefə-]应力stress [stres]硬度rigidity [rɪˈdʒɪdɪti:]]热处理heat treatment [ˈtri:tmənt]退火anneal [əˈni:l]正火normalizing ['nɔ:məlaiziŋ]脱碳decarburization [di:,kɑ:bjuərai'zeiʃən]渗碳carburization [,kɑ:bjurai'zeiʃən]电路circuit [ˈsə:kit]半导体元件semiconductor element [ˌsemikənˈdʌktə] .[ˈelimənt] 反馈feedback [ˈfi:dbæk]发生器generator [ˈdʒenəreitə]直流电源DC electrical source [i'lektrikəl] .[sɔ:s]门电路gate circuit [ɡeit] [ˈsə:kit]逻辑代数logic algebra [ˈlɔdʒik] .[ˈældʒibrə]外圆磨削external grinding [eksˈtə:nl] ['ɡraindiŋ]内圆磨削internal grinding [inˈtə:nəl] ['ɡraindiŋ]平面磨削plane grinding [plein] ['ɡraindiŋ]变速箱gearbox [ˈɡiəbɔks]离合器clutch [klʌtʃ]绞孔fraising [freiziŋ]绞刀reamer .[ˈri:mə]螺纹加工thread processing [θred] .[prəʊˈsesɪŋ]螺钉screw [skru:]铣削mill [mil]铣刀milling cutter [ˈmiliŋ] .[ˈkʌtə]功率power [ˈpauə]工件workpiece [ˈwɜ:kpi:s]齿轮加工gear machining [ɡiə] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]齿轮gear [ɡiə]主运动main m ovement [mein] .[ˈmu:vmənt]主运动方向direction of main movement [diˈrekʃən]进给方向direction of feed [diˈrekʃən] .[fi:d]进给运动feed movement [fi:d] [ˈmu:vmənt]合成进给运动resultant movement of feed [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt] [fi:d]合成切削运动resultant movement of cu tting [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt][ˈkʌtɪŋ]合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting [diˈrekʃən] [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt] [ˈkʌtɪŋ]切削深度cutting depth [ˈkʌtɪŋ] .[depθ]前刀面rake face [reik][ feis]刀尖nose of tool [nəuz] .[tu:l]前角rake angle [reik] .[ˈæŋɡl] 后角clearance angle [ˈkliərəns] .[ˈæŋɡl]龙门刨削planing [plæniŋ]主轴spindle [ˈspɪndl]主轴箱headstock [ˈhedstɔk]卡盘chuck [tʃʌk]加工中心machining center [mə'ʃi:niŋ]车刀lathe tool [leɪð] .[tu:l]车床lathe [leɪð]钻削镗削bore [bɔ:]车削turning [ˈtɜ:nɪŋ]磨床grinder [ˈgraɪndə]基准benchmark [ˈbentʃˌmɑ:k]钳工locksmith [ˈlɔkˌsmɪθ]锻forge [fɔ:dʒ]压模stamping [ˈstæmpiŋ]焊weld [weld]拉床broaching machine ['brəutʃiŋ] .[məˈʃi:n]拉孔broaching['brəutʃiŋ]装配assembling [ə'sembliŋ]铸造found [faund]流体动力学fluid dynamics ['flu(:)id] [dai'næmiks]流体力学fluid mechanics ['flu(:)id] [mi'kæniks]加工machining [mə'ʃi:niŋ]液压hydraulic pressure [hai'drɔ:lik] ['preʃə]切线tangent ['tændʒənt]机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration [,mekənə'trɔniks] [mi'kænikl] [i'lektrikəl] [,inti'ɡreiʃən]气压air pressure pneumatic pressure [nju(:)'mætik] 稳定性stability [stə'biliti]介质medium ['mi:djəm]液压驱动泵fluid clutch ['flu(:)id] [klʌtʃ]液压泵hydraulic pump [hai'drɔ:lik] [pʌmp]阀门valve [vælv]失效invalidation [in'vælideiʃn]强度intensity [in'tensiti]载荷load [ləud]应力stress [stres]安全系数safety factor ['seifti] ['fæktə]可靠性reliability [ri,laiə'biliti]螺纹thread [θred]螺旋helix ['hi:liks]键spline [splain]销pin [pin]滚动轴承rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ] ['bɛəriŋ]滑动轴承sliding bearing ['slaidiŋ] ['bɛəriŋ]弹簧spring [spriŋ]制动器arrester brake [ə'restə] [breik]十字结联轴节crosshead ['krɔshed]联轴器coupling ['kʌpliŋ]链chain [tʃein]皮带strap [stræp]精加工finish machining ['finiʃ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]粗加工rough machining [rʌf] [mə'ʃi:niŋ] 变速箱体gearbox casing ['ɡiəbɔks] ['keisiŋ]腐蚀rust [rʌst]氧化oxidation [ɔksi'deiʃən]磨损wear [wɛə]耐用度durability [,djuərə'biliti]随机信号random signal ['rændəm] ['siɡnl]离散信号discrete signal [dis'kri:t] ['siɡnl]超声传感器ultrasonic sensor ['ʌltrə'sɔnik] ['sensə]集成电路integrate circuit ['intiɡreit] ['sə:kit]挡板orifice plate ['ɔrifis] [pleit]残余应力residual stress [ri'zidjuəl] [stres]套筒sleeve [sli:v]扭力torsion ['tɔ:ʃən]冷加工cold machining [mə'ʃi:niŋ]电动机electromotor [i,lektrəu'məutə]汽缸cylinder ['silində]过盈配合interference fit [,intə'fiərəns] [fit]热加工hot work [hɔt] [wə:k]摄像头CCD camera ['kæmərə]倒角rounding chamfer ['raundiŋ] ['tʃæmfə]优化设计optimal design ['ɔptiməl] [di'zain]工业造型设计industrial moulding design [in'dʌstriəl] ['məuldiŋ] [di'zain]有限元finite element ['fainait] ['elimənt]滚齿hobbing ['hɔbiŋ]插齿gear shaping [ɡiə] ['ʃeipiŋ]伺服电机actuating motor ['æktjueitiŋ] ['məutə]铣床milling machine ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]钻床drill machine [dril] [mə'ʃi:n]镗床boring machine ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]步进电机stepper motor ['stepə] ['məutə]丝杠screw rod [skru:] [rɔd]导轨lead rail [li:d] [reil]组件subassembly ['sʌbə'sembli]可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC ['prəuɡræməbl] ['lɔdʒik] [kən'trəulə]电火花加工electric spark machining [i'lektrik] [spɑ:k] [mə'ʃi:niŋ] 电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire –cutting [i'lektrikəl] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]相图phase diagram [feiz] ['daiəɡræm]固态相变solid state phase changes [feiz]有色金属nonferrous metal ['nɔn'ferəs] ['metl]陶瓷ceramics [si'ræmiks]合成纤维synthetic fibre [sin'θetic] ['faibə]电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion [i,lektrəu'kemikəl] [kə'rəuʒən]车架automotive chassis [ɔ:tə'məutiv] ['ʃæsi]悬架suspension [səs'penʃən]转向器redirector ['ri:di'rektə]变速器speed changer [spi:d] ['tʃeindʒə]板料冲压sheet metal parts [ʃi:t] ['metl] [pɑ:ts]孔加工spot facing machining [spɔt] ['feisiŋ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]车间workshop ['wə:kʃɔp]工程技术人员engineer [,endʒi'niə]气动夹紧pneuma lock ['nju:mə] [lɔk] 数学模型mathematical model [,mæθi'mætikəl]画法几何descriptive geometry [dis'kriptiv] [dʒi'ɔmitri] 机械制图Mechanical drawing [mi'kænikl] ['drɔ:iŋ]投影projection [prə'dʒekʃən]视图view [vju:]剖视图profile chart ['prəufail] [tʃɑ:t]标准件standard component ['stændəd] [kəm'pəunənt] 零件图part drawing [pɑ:t] ['drɔ:iŋ]装配图assembly drawing [ə'sembli] ['drɔ:iŋ]尺寸标注size marking [saiz] ['mɑ:kiŋ]技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity [ri'dʒiditi]内力internal force [in'tə:nl] [fɔ:s]位移displacement [dis'pleismənt]截面section ['sekʃən]疲劳极限fatigue limit [fə'ti:ɡ] ['limit]断裂fracture ['fræktʃə]塑性变形plastic distortion ['plæstik, plɑ:stik] [dis'tɔ:ʃən] 脆性材料brittleness material ['britl] [mə'tiəriəl]刚度准则rigidity criterion [ri'dʒiditi] [krai'tiəriən]垫圈washer ['wɔʃə]垫片spacer ['speisə]直齿圆柱齿straight toothed spur gear [tu:ðd] [spə:]斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear ['helikəl] [spə:][ɡiə]直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear [streit] ['bevəl] [ɡiə]运动简图kinematic sketch [,kaini'mætik] [sketʃ]齿轮齿条pinion and rack ['pinjən] [ræk]蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear [wə:m] [ɡiə]虚约束passive constraint ['pæsiv] [kən'streint]曲柄crank [kræŋk]摇杆racker ['rækə]凸轮cams [kæm]共轭曲线conjugate curve ['kɔndʒuɡit] [kə:v]范成法generation method [,dʒenə'reiʃən] ['meθəd]定义域definitional domain [,defi'niʃən] [dəu'mein]值域range [reindʒ]导数\\微分differential coefficient [,difə'renʃəl][kəui'fiʃənt]求导derivation [deri'veiʃən]定积分definite integral ['definit] ['intiɡrəl]不定积分indefinite integral [in'definit] ['intiɡrəl]曲率curvature ['kə:vətʃə]偏微分partial differential ['pɑ:ʃəl] [,difə'renʃəl]毛坯rough [rʌf]游标卡尺slide caliper [slaid] ['kælipə]千分尺micrometer calipers [mai'krɔmitə] ['kælipəs]攻丝tap [tæp]二阶行列式second order determinant ['sekənd] [' ɔ:də] [di'tə:minənt]逆矩阵inverse matrix ['in'və:s] ['meitriks]线性方程组linear equations ['liniə] [i'kweiʃən]概率probability [,prɔbə'biliti]随机变量random variable ['rændəm] ['vɛəriəbl] 排列组合permutation and combination [,pə:mju(:)'teiʃən][,kɔmbi'neiʃən]气体状态方程equation of state of gas [i'kweiʃən] [steit] [ɡæs]动能kinetic energy [kai'netik] ['enədʒi]势能potential energy [pə'tenʃəl] ['enədʒi]机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy [,kɔ nsə(:)'veiʃən] [mi'kænikl] ['enədʒi]动量momentum [məu'mentəm]桁架truss [trʌs]轴线axes ['æksi:z]余子式cofactor [kəu'fæktə]逻辑电路logic circuit ['lɔdʒik] ['sə:kit]触发器flip-flop ['flipflɔp]脉冲波形pulse shape [pʌls] [ʃeip]数模digital analogy ['didʒitl] [ə'nælədʒi]液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism ['flu(:)id] [draiv] ['mekənizəm] 机械零件mechanical parts [mi'kænikl] [pɑ:t]淬火冷却quench [kwentʃ]淬火hardening ['hɑ:dəniŋ]回火tempering ['tempəriŋ]调质hardening and tempering ['hɑ:dəniŋ] ['tempəriŋ]磨粒abrasive grain [ə'breisiv] [ɡrein]结合剂bonding agent ['bɔndiŋ] ['eidʒənt]砂轮grinding wheel ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]机械零件mechanical parts [mi'kænikl] [pɑ:t]淬火冷却quench [kwentʃ]淬火hardening ['hɑ:dəniŋ]回火tempering ['tempəriŋ]调质hardening and tempering ['hɑ:dəniŋ] ['tempəriŋ]磨粒abrasive grain [ə'breisiv] [ɡrein]结合剂bonding agent ['bɔndiŋ] ['eidʒənt]砂轮grinding wheel ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]机床行业部分英汉对照按英文字母排序3-Jaws indexing spacers[dʒɔ:] ['indeksiŋ] ['speisə]三爪分割工具头A T C system ['sɪstəm]加工中心机刀库Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces[ə'lu:mənəm] [kən'tinjuəs] ['meltiŋ] ['həuldiŋ] ['fə:nis] 连续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment ['bælənsiŋ] [i'kwipmənt]平衡设备Bayonet ['beɪənɪt, -,net, ,beɪə'net]卡口Bearing fittings ['bɛəriŋ] ['fitiŋ]轴承配件Bearing processing equipment ['bɛəriŋ] [prəu'sesiŋ][i'kwipmənt]轴承加工机Bearings ['bɛəriŋ]轴承Belt drive [belt] [draɪv]带传动Bending machines ['bendiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]弯曲机Blades [bleid]刀片Blades,saw [bleid] [sɔ:]锯片Bolts,screws&nuts [bəult][skru:][nʌts]螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Boring heads ['bɔ:riŋ] [hed]搪孔头Boring machines ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]镗床Cable making tools ['keibl] ['meikiŋ] [tu:l]造线机Casting,aluminium ['kæstɪŋ] [,ælju:'minjəm]铸铝Casting,copper ['kæstɪŋ] ['kɔpə]铸铜Casting,gray iron ['kæstɪŋ] [ɡrei] ['aiən]铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron ['kæstɪŋ] ['mæliəbl]可锻铸铁Casting,other ['kæstɪŋ]其他铸造Casting,steel ['kæstɪŋ] [sti:l]铸钢Chain drive [tʃein] [draɪv]链传动Chain making tools [tʃein]造链机Chamfer machines ['tʃæmfə] [mə'ʃi:n]倒角机Chucks [tʃʌk]夹盘Clamping/holding systems ['klæmpiŋ]夹具/支持系统CNC bending presses (CNC=Computerized Numerical Control[kəm'pju:tə] [nju(:)'merikəl] [kən'trol])['bendiŋ] [pres] 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控钻床CNC EDMwire-cutting machines(EDM=Electron Discharge Machining [i'lektrɔn] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]放电加工)[mə'ʃi:n] ['waiə]电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines [i'lektrik] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控磨床CNC lathes [leið]电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings [mə'ʃi:n] [tu:l] ['fitiŋ]电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines ['ʃiəriŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC ['tu:liŋ]刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines ['waiə] ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains [kən'veiiŋ] [tʃein]输送链Coolers ['ku:lə]冷却机Coupling ['kʌpliŋ]联轴器Crimping tools [krimpiŋ] [tu:l]卷边工具Cutters ['kʌtə]刀具Cutting-off machines ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]切断机Diamond cutters ['daiəmənd] ['kʌtə]钻石刀具Dicing saws ['daisiŋ] [sɔ:]晶圆切割机Die casting dies [dai] ['kɑ:stiŋ]压铸冲模Die casting machines [dai] ['kɑ:stiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]压铸机Dies-progressive [dai] [prə'ɡresiv]连续冲模Disposable toolholder bits [dis'pəuzəbl] ['tu:l,həuldə] [bit]舍弃式刀头Drawing machines ['drɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]拔丝机Drilling machines ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]钻床Drilling machines bench ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [bentʃ]钻床工作台Drilling machines,high-speed ['dri liŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [hai] [spi:d]高速钻床Drilling machines,multispindle [,m ʌlti] ['spindl]多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['reidjəl]摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl] 立式钻床drills [dril]钻头Electric discharge machines(EDM) [i'lektrik] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]电火花机Electric power tools [i'lektrik] ['pauə] [tu:l]电动刀具Engraving machines [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]雕刻机Engraving machines,laser [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['leizə]激光雕刻机Etching machines ['etʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]蚀刻机Finishing machines ['finiʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]修整机Fixture ['fikstʃə]夹具Forging dies ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [dai]锻模Forging,aluminium ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [,ælju:'minjəm]锻铝Forging,cold ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [kəuld]冷锻Forging,copper ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] ['kɔpə]铜锻Forging,other ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] ['ʌðə]其他锻造Forging,steel ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [sti:l]钢锻Foundry equipment ['faundri] [i'kwipmənt]铸造设备5 Gear cutting machines [ɡiə] ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]齿轮切削机Gears [ɡiə]齿轮Gravity casting machines ['ɡræviti] ['kɑ:stiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]重力铸造机Grinder bench ['ɡraində] [bentʃ]磨床工作台Grinders,thread ['ɡraində] [θred]螺纹磨床Grinders,tools & cutters ['ɡraində] [tu:l] ['kʌtə]工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic ['ɡraində] ['ʌltrə'sɔnik]超声波打磨机Grinding machines ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]磨床Grinding machines,centerless ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['sentəles]无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical [si'lindrik(ə)l]外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal [,ju:ni'və:səl]万能磨床Grinding tools ['ɡraindiŋ] [tu:l]磨削工具Grinding wheels ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]磨轮Hand tools [hænd] [tu:l]手工具Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant[iks'pænʃən] [ʃi:t]硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Heat preserving furnaces [pri'zə:v] ['fə:nis]保温炉Heating treatment funaces ['tri:tmənt] ['fə:nis]熔热处理炉Honing machines ['həuniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]搪磨机Hydraulic components [hai'drɔ:lik][kəm'pəunənt]液压元件Hydraulic power tools [hai'drɔ:lik]液压工具Hydraulic power units [hai'drɔ:lik]液压动力元件Hydraulic rotary cylinders['rəutəri] ['silində]液压回转缸Jigs [dʒiɡ]钻模Lapping machines ['læpiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]精研机Lapping machines,centerless无心精研机Laser cutting ['leizə] ['kʌtiŋ]激光切割Laser cutting for SMT stencil['stensl, -sil]激光钢板切割机Lathe bench ['leizə] [bentʃ]车床工作台Lathes,automatic ['leizə] [,ɔ:tə'mætik]自动车床Lathes,heavy-duty ['leizə] [hevi:'du:ti:, -'dju:-]重型车床Lathes,high-speed ['leizə] [hai] [spi:d]高速车床Lathes,turret ['leizə] ['tʌrit]六角车床Lathes,vertical ['leizə] ['və:tikəl]立式车床Lubricants ['lu:brikənt]润滑液Lubrication Systems [,lu:bri'keiʃən] ['sɪstəm]润滑系统Lubricators ['lju:brikeitə]注油机Machining centers,general [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['dʒ enərəl]通用加工中心Machining centers,horizontal [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] [,hɔri'zɔntl]卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] [,hɔri'zɔntl] ['və:tikəl]卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['və:tikəl]立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['və:tikəl] ['dʌbl] ['kɔləm] [taip]立式双柱加工中心Magnetic tools [mæɡ'netik] [tu:l]磁性工具Manifolds ['mænifəuld]集合管Milling heads ['miliŋ] [hed]铣头Milling machines ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]铣床Milling machines,bed type ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [taip]床身式铣床Milling machines,dupli cating ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['dju:plikeitiŋ]仿形铣床Milling machines,horizontal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [,hɔri'z ɔntl]卧式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['tʌ rit] ['və:tikəl]六角立式铣床Milling machines,universal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [,ju:ni'və:səl]万能铣床Milling machines,vertical ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl]立式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃ i:n] ['və:tikəl] [,hɔri'zɔntl]立式及卧式铣床Mold & die components [məuld] [dai] [kəm'pəunənt] 模具单元Mold changing systems [məuld] ['tʃeindʒiŋ] ['sɪstəm] 换模系统Mold core [məuld] [kɔ:]模芯Mold heaters/chillers [məuld] ['hi:tə] ['tʃilə]模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing [məuld] ['pɔliʃiŋ] ['tekstʃəriŋ]模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair [məuld] [ri'pɛə]模具维修Molds [məuld]模具Nail making machines [neil] [mə'ʃi:n]造钉机Oil coolers [ɔil] ['ku:lə]油冷却器Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels ['əuvə'fləu] [mə'ʃi:n] [,ælju:'minjəm] [wi:l, hw-]铝轮冒口切断机P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant 6 [taip] ['wɔ:təpru:f] [rəuld] [ʃi:t] [plɑ:nt] PPVC高分子防水PCB fine piecing systems [fain] [pi:s] ['sɪstəm]( PCB =Printed -circuit Board [bɔ:d]印刷电路板)印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统Pipe & tube making machines [paip] [mə'ʃi:n] ['tju:b] [mə'ʃi:n]管筒制造机Planing machines [plæniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]刨床Planing machines vertical [plæniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl]立式刨床Pneumatic hydraulic clamps [nju(:)'mætik] [hai'dr ɔ:lik] [klæmp]气油压虎钳Pneumatic power tools [nju(:)'mætik] ['pauə] [tu:l]气动工具Powder metallurgic forming machines ['paudə] [,metə'lə:dʒik] ['fɔ:miŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]粉末冶金成型机Presses,cold forging [pres] ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]冷锻冲压机presses,crank [pres] [kræŋk]曲柄压力机Presses,eccentric [pres] [ik'sentrik]离心压力机Presses,forging [pres] ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]锻压机Presses,hydraulic [pres]液压冲床Presses,knuckle joint [pres]肘杆式压力机Presses,pneumatic [pres] [hai'drɔ:lik]气动冲床Presses,servo [pres] ['sə:vəu]伺服冲床Presses,transfer [pres] [træns'fə:]自动压力机Pressing dies [presiŋ] ['daii:z]压模Punch formers [pʌntʃ] ['fɔ:mə]冲子研磨器Quick die change systems [kwik] [dai] [tʃeindʒ] ['sɪ stəm]速换模系统Quick mold change systems [kwik] [məuld] [tʃeindʒ]['sɪstəm]快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces [ri'və:bərətəri] ['fə:nis]反射炉Rollers ['rəulə]滚筒Rolling machines ['rəuliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]辗压机Rotary tables ['rəutəri] ['teibl]转台Sawing machines ['sɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]锯床Sawing machines,band ['sɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [bænd]带锯床Saws,band [sɔ:] [bænd]带锯Saws,hack [sɔ:] [hæk]弓锯Saws,horizontal band [sɔ:] [,hɔri'zɔntl] [bænd]卧式带锯Saws,vertical band [sɔ:] ['və:tikəl] [bænd]立式带锯shafts [ʃɑ:ft]轴Shapers ['ʃeipə]牛头刨床Shearing machines ['ʃiəriŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]剪切机Sheet metal forming machines [ʃi:t] ['metl] ['fɔ:miŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]金属板成型机Sheet metal working machines [ʃi:t] ['metl] [mə'ʃi:n]金属板加工机Slotting machines ['slɔtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]插床spindles ['spindl]主轴Stamping parts ['stæmpiŋ] [pɑ:t]冲压机Straightening machines ['streitniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]矫直机Switches & buttons [switʃ] ['bʌtn]开关及按钮Tapping machines ['tæpiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]攻螺丝机Transmitted chains [trænz'mit] [tʃein]传动链Tube bending machines ['tju:b] ['bendiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]弯管机Vertical hydraulic broaching machine ['və:tikəl] [hai'drɔ:lik] ['brəutʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]立式油压拉床Vises [vais]虎钳Vises,tool-maker [vais][ 'tu:l,meɪkə]精密平口钳Wheel dressers [wi:l, hw-] ['dresə]砂轮修整器Woven-Cutting machines ['wəuvən]织麦激光切割机Wrenches [rentʃ]扳手螺丝词汇的中英文对照六角盖头螺帽HEX CAP NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [kæp] [nʌts]六角锯齿螺帽HEX SERRATED NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [se'reitid [nʌts] 六角轮缘螺帽HEX FLANGE NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [flændʒ] [nʌts]高脚螺帽HEX COUPLING NUTS(HIGH NUTS) (HEX= hexagon['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) ['kʌpliŋ] [nʌts] [hai]圆螺帽ROUND NUTS [raund] [nʌts]四角螺帽SQUARE NUTS HEAVY HEX NUTS [skwɛə] [n ʌts] [ 'hevi] (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形)不锈钢六角螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL HEX NUTS ['steinlis] [sti:l] (HEX= hexagon ['heks əɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [n ʌts] 不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS ['steinlis] [sti:l] ['nail ən] [in's ə:t] [l ɔk] [n ʌts] 普通六角螺帽 HEX NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heks əɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [n ʌts]六角重型螺帽 HEAVY HEX NUTS [ 'hevi]['heks əɡən][n ʌts]薄型螺帽 HEX JAM NUTS ['heks əɡən][d ʒæm] [n ʌts]尼龙嵌入防松螺帽NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS ['nail ən][in's ə:t] [l ɔk] [n ʌts]机械螺丝用六角螺帽 HEX MACHINE SCREW NUT['heks əɡən] [m ə'ʃi:n] 7 [skru:] [n ʌt]机械工具英语 机械工具 spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench) ['spæn ə] [rent ʃ]double-ended spanner ['spæn ə]双头扳子adjustable spanner, monkey wrench [ə'd ʒʌst əbl] ['spæn ə]['m ʌŋki] [rent ʃ]活扳子,活络扳手 box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench) [b ɔks] ['spæn ə]['s ɔkit] [rent ʃ]calipers ['kælip ə]卡规pincers, tongs ['pins əz] [t ɔŋz]夹钳shears [ʃi əz]剪子 hacksaw ['hæks ɔ:]钢锯wire cutters ['wai ə] ['k ʌt ə]剪线钳 multipurposepliers,universal pliers ['m ʌlti'p ə:p əs] ['plai ə] [,ju:ni'v ə:s əl] ['plai əz]万能手钳 adjustable pliers [ə'd ʒʌst əbl] ['plai əz]可调手钳punch [p ʌnt ʃ]冲子drill [dril]钻chuck [t ʃʌk]卡盘scraper ['skreip ə]三角刮刀 reamer ['ri:m ə]扩孔钻calliper gauge ['kælip ə] [ɡedʒ]孔径规 rivet ['rivit]铆钉 nut [n ʌt]螺母 locknut ['l ɔkn ʌt]自锁螺母,防松螺母bolt [b əult]螺栓pin, peg, dowel [pin] [pe ɡ] ['dauəl]销钉washer ['w ɔʃə]垫圈 staple ['steipl]U 形钉 oil can 油壶 jack 工作服grease gun [ɡri:s]注油枪机械加工抛光 polishing ['p ɔli ʃiŋ]安装 to assemble [ə'sembl] 衬套 bushing ['bu ʃiŋ] 外贸常用机械英语大全 Assembly line [ə'sembl]组装线 Layout ['lei,aut]布置图 Conveyer [k ən'vei]流水线物料板 Rivet table ['rivit]拉钉机 Rivet gun ['rivit]拉钉枪 Screw driver 起子 Pneumatic screw driver [nju(:)'mætik]气动起子 worktable ['w ə:kteibl]工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together [tə'ɡeðə]组装在一起fasten ['fɑ:sn]锁紧(螺丝)ixture ['fikstʃə]夹具(治具)pallet ['pælit]栈板bar code [bɑ:] [kəud]条码bar code scanner [bɑ:] [kəud] ['skænə]条码扫描器fuse together [fju:z] [tə'ɡeðə]熔合fuse machine [fju:z] [mə'ʃi:n]热熔机repair[ri'pɛə]修理operator['ɔpəreitə]作业员QC [=Quality Control ['kwɔliti] [kən'trol]质量控制]品管supervisor ['sju:pəvaizə]课长ME [=Mechanical Engineer机械工程师]制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect [kɔz'metik] [in'spekt]外观检查inner parts inspect ['inə] [in'spekt]内部检查thumb screw [θʌm]大头螺丝lbs inch [intʃ]镑、英寸EMI gasket ['ɡæskit]导电条front plate [frʌnt] [pleit]前板rear plate [riə] [pleit]后板chassis ['ʃæsi]基座bezel panel ['bezəl] ['pænl]面板power button ['pauə] ['bʌtn]电源按键reset button ['ri:set] ['bʌtn]重置键Hi-pot test of SPS [test]高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS ['vəultidʒ] [switʃ]电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts [ʃi:t]冲件plastic parts ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]塑胶件SOP [=Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序] 制造作业程序material check list [mə'tiəriəl]物料检查表work cell [wə:k] [sel]工作间trolley ['trɔli]台车carton ['kɑ:tən]纸箱sub-line ['sʌblain]支线left fork [fɔ:k]叉车personnel resource department [,pə:sə'nel] [ri'sɔ:s] [di'pɑ:tmənt]人力资源部production department [prə'dʌkʃən]生产部门planning department ['plænɪŋ] [di'pɑ:tmənt]企划部QC Section ['sekʃən]品管科stamping factory ['stæmpiŋ] ['fæktəri]冲压厂painting factory ['peintiŋ]烤漆厂molding factory ['məuldiŋ] ['fæktəri]成型厂common equipment ['kɔmən] [i'kwipmənt]常用设备uncoiler and straightener [ʌn'kɔilə] ['streitənə]整平机punching machine [pʌntʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]冲床robot ['rəubɔt, 'rɔbət]机械手hydraulic machine [hai'drɔ:lik]油压机lathe [leið]车床planer |plein|刨床miller ['milə]铣床grinder ['ɡraində]磨床linear cutting ['lini ə] ['k ʌtiŋ]线切割electrical sparkle [i'lektrik əl] ['sp ɑ:kl]电火花welder ['weld ə]电焊机staker=reviting machine ['steik ə]铆合机position [p ə'zi ʃən 职务president ['prezid ənt]董事长general manager ['d ʒen ər əl] ['mænid ʒə]总经理special assistant manager ['spe ʃəl] [ə's ɪst ənt] ['mænid ʒə]特助 factory director ['fækt əri] [di'rekt ə, dai'rekt ə]厂长department director[di'p ɑ:tmənt] [di'rektə, dai'rektə] 部长deputy manager | =vice manager 副理 section supervisor 课长 ['depjuti] ['mænid ʒə] ['sju:p əvaiz ə] deputy section supervisor =vice section supe risor['depjuti] ['sek ʃən] ['sju:p əvaiz ə]副课长group leader/supervisor['sju:p əvaiz ə]组长line supervisor['sju:p əvaiz ə]线长assistant manager 助理to move, to carry, to handle ['hændl]搬运be put in storage['st ɔrid ʒ]入库pack packing 包装to apply oil [ə'plai]擦油to file burr [fail] [b ə:]锉毛刺final inspection ['fain əl] [in'spek ʃən]终检to connect material [k ə'nekt] [m ə'ti əri əl]接料to reverse material [ri'v ə:s] [m ə'ti əri əl]翻料wet station ['stei ʃən]沾湿台cleaning cloth ['kli:niŋ] [klɔ(:)θ]抹布 to load material [l əud] [m ə'ti əri əl]上料 to unload material['ʌn'l əud] [m ə'ti əri əl]卸料 to return material/stock to [ri't ə:n] [m ə'ti əri əl] [st ɔk] 退料 scraped [skreipid]报废 scrape [skreip]v 刮;削 deficient purchase[di'fi ʃənt] ['p ə:t ʃəs]来料不良 manufacture procedure[,mænju'fækt ʃə] [pr ə'si:d ʒə]制程 deficient manufacturing procedure[di'fi ʃənt] [,mænju'fækt ʃə] [pr ə'si:d ʒə]制程不良 oxidation [ɔksi'dei ʃən]氧化 scratch[skræt ʃ]刮伤 dents['dents]压痕defective upsiding down[di'fektiv] ['ʌpsaidiŋ]抽芽不良 defective to staking[di'fektiv] ['steikiŋ]铆合不良 embedded lump[em'bedid] [l ʌmp]镶块 feeding is not in place['fi:diŋ] [pleis]送料不到位 stamping-missing ['stæmpiŋ] ['misiŋ]漏冲 production capacity [pr ə'd ʌk ʃən] [k ə'pæsiti]生产力 education and training [,edju(:)'kei ʃən] ['treiniŋ]教育培训 proposal improvement[pr ə'p əuz əl] [im'pru:vm ənt]提案改善 spare parts=buffer['b ʌf ə]备件 forklift['f ɔ:klift]叉车 trailer=long vehicle ['treil ə] ['vi:ikl]拖板车 外贸常用机械英语大全(续) compound die['k ɔmpaund] [dai]合模 die locker [dai] ['l ɔk ə]锁模器。

电机行业专业英语单词集以下是一些电机行业常见的专业英语单词:1. 电动机(Motor)2. 发电机(Generator)3. 直流电机(DC Motor)4. 交流电机(AC Motor)5. 永磁电机(Permanent Magnet Motor)6. 电励磁电机(Electro-Excited Motor)7. 感应电机(Induction Motor)8. 同步电机(Synchronous Motor)9. 异步电机(Asynchronous Motor)10. 伺服电机(Servo Motor)11. 步进电机(Stepper Motor)12. 马达(Motor的俚)13. 控制器(Controller)14. 变速器(Gearbox)15. 电刷(Brush)16. 电动机驱动器(Motor Driver)17. 电源(Power Supply)18. 转子(Rotor)19. 定子(Stator)20. 线圈(Coil)21. 轴承(Bearing)22. 绝缘材料(Insulation Material)23. 电磁场(Electromagnetic Field)24. 热管理(Thermal Management)25. 能效(Energy Efficiency)26. 噪音与振动(Noise and Vibration)27. 维护与修理(Maintenance and Repair)28. 环境影响(Environmental Impact)29. 测试与验证(Testing and Verification)30. 安全与可靠性(Safety and Reliability)31. 材料科学(Materials Science)32. 控制理论(Control Theory)33. CAD/CAM/CAE (Computer-Aided Design / Manufacturing / Engineering)34. AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning)35. UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)36. EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)37. RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)38. ECM (Electronic Speed Controller)39. PM (Permanent Magnet)40. FET (Field Effect Transistor)41. SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)42. MCU (Microcontroller Unit)43. PCB (Printed Circuit Board)44. FET (Field-Effect Transistor)45. IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor)46. LSI (Large Scale Integration)47. ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)48. PMSM (Pole-Phase-Modulated Synchronous Motor)49. BLDC (Brushless Direct Current Motor)50. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)51. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)52. VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)53. DTC (Direct Torque Control)54. VSD (Variable Speed Drive)55. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)56. DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)57. DSC (Digital Signal Controller)58. PFC (Power Factor Correction)等等。

轴承专业英语大全轴承专业英语(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承 rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ]2. 单列轴承 single row bearing [rau]3. 双列轴承 double row bearing4. 多列轴承 multi-row bearing ['mʌlti]5. 满装滚动体轴承 full complement bearing [ful] ['kɔmplimənt]6. 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing ['æŋɡjulə]7. 自动调心轴承 automatic self-aligning bearing [ə‘lainiŋ]8. 可分离的轴承 separable bearing ['sepərəbl]9. 不可分离轴承 non-separable bearing10. 英制轴承 inch bearing inch [intʃ]11. 开型轴承 open bearing open ['əupən]12. 密封圈轴承 sealed bearing sealed [si:ld]13. 防尘盖轴承 shielded bearing shielded ['ʃi:ldid]14. 闭型轴承 capped bearing15. 预润滑轴承 prelubricated bearing [pri:‘ljubrikeitid]16. 仪器精密轴承 instrument precision bearing ['instrumənt] [pri'siʒən]17. 组配轴承 matched bearing(二)向心轴承1. 向心轴承 radial bearing ['reidiəl]2. 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing contact ['kɔntækt]3. 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing ['æŋɡjulə]4. 外球面轴承 insert bearing insert [in'sə:t]5. 锥孔轴承 tapered bore bearing ['teipəd]6. 凸缘轴承 flanged bearing [flændʒ] flanged adj. 带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承 track roller (rolling bearing) ['rəulə]8. 万能组配轴承 universal matching bearing [,ju:ni'və:səl](三)球轴承1. 球轴承 ball bearing2. 向心球轴承 radial ball bearing3. 深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing4. 装填槽球轴承 filling slot ball bearing5. 三点接触球轴承 three point contact ball bearing6. 四点接触球轴承 four point contact ball bearing7. 推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing8. 单列双向推力球轴承 single row double-direction thrust ball bearing9. 双排单向推力球轴承 doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing10. 特种轴承 special bearing11. 带止动环球轴承 ball bearing with snap ring12. 外球面体球轴承 external sphere ball bearing(四)轴承零件1. 轴承零件 bearing part [pɑ:t]2. 轴承套圈 bearing ring [riŋ]3. 轴承垫圈 bearing washer4. 止动环 snap ring [snæp] [riŋ]5. 隔圈 spacer ['speisə]6. 密封圈 seal [si:l]7.防尘盖 shield8. 挡圈 slinger ['sliŋə]9. 滚动体 rolling element ['rəuliŋ] ['elimənt]10. 保持架 cage or retainer [ri'teinə]11. 内圈 inner ring ['inə]12. 外圈 outer ring ['autə]13. 油脂 grease [ɡri:s]14. 钢球 steel ball steel [sti:l] : 钢,钢的15. 偏心套 eccentric collar [ik'sentrik]16. 锁紧套 locking collar17. 止动销钉 anti-rotation pin [pin]18. 轴承座 housing ['hauziŋ]19. 橡胶套 rubber grommet ['ɡromit]20. 紧定衬套 adapter sleeve [ə'dæptə(r)] [sli:v]21、尺寸:dimension [di'menʃən]22、直径:diameter [dai'æmitə]23、宽度:width [widθ, witθ]24、长度:leng th [l eŋθ]25、高度:height [hait]26、角度:angle ['æŋɡl]27、半径:radius ['reidiəs]28、厚度:thickness ['θiknis]29、轴向的:axial ['æksiəl]30、径向的:radial ['reidjəl]31、外圆(外径) outside surface32、内圆(内径) inner surface33、沟道 raceway(五)技术常用词1、公差:tolerance ['tɔlərəns] n. 公差;容忍;宽容;公差2、游隙:clearance ['kliərəns] 清除;清理;出清,出空【机械】余隙,间隙3、噪音:noise [nɔiz] n. 响声;杂音;噪音4、扭矩:torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈5、硬度:hardness ['hɑ:dnis] n. 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷6、倒角: chamfer ['tʃæmfə] vt. 去角;挖槽;斜切 n. 斜面;凹槽7、精度:precision [pri'siʒən] n. 精确;精度,精密度 adj. 精密的,精确的8、残磁:residual magnetism [ri'zidjuəl] n. 剩余;残渣 adj. 剩余的;残留的['mæɡnitizəm] n. 磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力9、表面质量:surface quality ['sə:fis] n. 表面;外观;表层 adj. 表面的,肤浅的['kwɔləti] n. 质量,品质;特性;才能10、注脂量:grease fill [ɡri:s] vt. 涂脂于;贿赂 n. 油脂;贿赂 grease volume11、打字:marking ['mɑ:kiŋ] n. 做记号;打分;标志;斑纹 v. 作记号于;注意;给…打分数12、包装:packaging ['pækidʒiŋ] n. 包装;包装业,包装风格 v. 包装(package的ing形式)13、表面处理:surface finishing ['sə:fis] ['finiʃiŋ]表面精加工,表面修整14、螺钉:set screw [set] [skru:] 固定螺钉;定位螺钉15、公称尺寸:nominal dimension ['nɔminəl] [di'menʃən]15、振动/偏差:vibration [vai'breiʃən]16、钢球等级:ball grade [ɡreid]17、清洁度:cleanliness ['klenlinis]18、毛刺:burr [bə:] 毛口,毛边,毛头,毛刺19、锈蚀:rust [rʌst] n. 锈;生锈;锈病vt. 使生锈;腐蚀 vi. 生锈;成铁锈色;变迟钝20、极限转速:limiting speed(六)工序常用词1、割料 cutting ['kʌtiŋ] n. 切断;剪辑;开凿 adj. 严寒的;锋利的;尖酸刻薄的 v. 切开;采伐;削减(cut的ing形式)2、锻造 forging ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]n. 锻件,锻造(法)3、铸造 casting ['kɑ:stiŋ]n. 投掷;铸造;铸件;角色分配 v. 投掷;铸造;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast 的ing形式)4、热处理heat treatment[hi:t] ['tri:tmənt]5、车加工 turning ['tə:niŋ]【机械工程】车削工作,车工工艺6、光饰 tumbling ['tʌmbliŋ]【工程】滚筒抛光7、磨加工 grinding ['ɡraindiŋ] 磨制;研磨:8、粗磨 rough grinding [rʌf] ['ɡraindiŋ] 粗研磨9、软磨 soft grinding10、精磨 precision grinding [pri'siʒən]【机械工程】精磨 fine grinding11、修磨 correct grinding12、光磨(无进给磨,即静止状态磨削)13、超精 superfinishing [,sju:pə'finiʃiŋ] 【冶金学】超级研磨14、磨孔 bore grinding15、清洗 washing ['wɔʃiŋ] 洗;洗涤,洗濯;洗净16、装配 assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合17、采购 purchase18、原材料 raw material19、坯件冲压(成型) blank punching20、抛光 polish21、整形 truing22、包装 packing / packaging23、纸板盒 carton / cardboard24、抽检 / 取样 sampling inspection / sampling25、全检 full inspection26、终检 final inspection27、巡检 tour inspection28、镀黄锌 yellow zine plated29、热处理前软磨非基准面 non-reference face grinding before heat treatment30、热处理前软磨两端面 double face grinding before heat treatment31、车孔及一端外角 bore and one side outer corner turning32、车两面防尘槽 double-side shields groove turning33、车沟及另一外角 raceway and receive of grinding34、磨削收发 dispatch and receive of grinding35、定期防锈处理 periodically anti-rust treatment(七)机械常用词1、Instrument ['instrumənt] n. 仪器;器械;工具;手段;乐器2、Efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]a. 有效的,生效的 n. 效率3、Usage ['ju:zidʒ] n. 用法;使用;惯例4、Straight [streit] adj. 直的;正直的;整齐的;连续的;笔直的 adv. 直接地;坦率地;立即;不断地 n. 直线;直5、Horizontal adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的 n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置['hɔri'zɔntəl]6、Vertical ['və:tikəl] adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的 n. 垂直线,垂直面7、Incline [in'klain] vi. 倾斜;倾向;易于 vt. 使倾斜;使倾向于 n. 斜面;斜坡;倾斜8、Angle ['æŋgl] n. 角度,角9、Arc [ɑ:k] n. 弧(度);弧形物;天穹; adj. 圆弧的;反三角函数的vt. 走弧线;形成电弧10、Scale [skeil] n. 刻度;比例;数值范围;天平;规模;鳞 vi. 攀登;衡量;生水垢;剥落vt. 攀登;测量;刮鳞;依比例决定11、Tolerance ['tɔlərəns]n. 宽容,容忍 n.公差12、Interchangeable [,intə'tʃeindʒəbl]adj. 可互换的;可交换的;可交替的13、Mechanism ['mekənizəm]n. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程14、Individual [,indi'vidjuəl]adj. 个别的;个人的;独特的 n. 个人,个体15、Impractical [im'præktikəl]adj. 不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的16、Perfect ['pə:fikt]adj. 完美的;最好的;精通的vt. 使完美;使熟练n. 完成式17、Worn [wɔ:n]adj. 用旧的;疲倦的 v. 穿;佩戴;磨损(wear的过去分词)18、Slight [slait]adj. 轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的 vt. 怠慢;轻视,忽略n. 怠慢;轻蔑19、Variation [,vεəri'eiʃən] n. 变异,变种;变化20、Minus ['mainəs]prep. 减,减去n. 不足;负号,减号;负数 adj. 负的;减的.21、shaft [ʃɑ:ft] n. 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物22、steady ['stedi] adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的23、rotary ['rəutəri] adj. 旋转的,转动的;轮流的24、friction ['frikʃən] n. 摩擦,摩擦力25、component [kəm'pəunənt] n. 成分;组件;元件26、efficiency [i'fiʃənsi] n. 效率;效能;功效27、assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合28、groove[ɡru:v] n. 凹槽,槽;最佳状态;惯例29、installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职30、transmission [trænz'miʃən] n. 传动装置,变速器;传递;传送;播送●密封的轴承系统减少夹持力并增加轴承寿命。

机械常用英语词汇1. 概述机械工程是一门研究机械结构、运动规律以及能量转化和传递的学科。
2. 机械部件2.1. Bolts and Nuts(螺栓和螺母)•Bolt: 螺栓•Nut: 螺母•Washer: 垫圈•Thread: 螺纹•Thread pitch: 螺距•Tension: 张力•Torque: 扭矩•Fasten: 固定•Loosen: 松开•Tighten: 拧紧2.2. Gears(齿轮)•Gear: 齿轮•Gear ratio: 齿轮比•Spur gear: 直齿轮•Helical gear: 斜齿轮•Bevel gear: 锥齿轮•Worm gear: 蜗杆齿轮•Gear tooth: 齿•Gearbox: 齿轮箱•Gear teeth engagement: 齿轮啮合•Gear rotation: 齿轮转动2.3. Bearings(轴承)•Bearing: 轴承•Ball bearing: 滚动轴承•Roller bearing: 滚子轴承•Thrust bearing: 推力轴承•Radial bearing: 径向轴承•Lubrication: 润滑•Friction: 摩擦•Shaft: 轴2.4. Springs(弹簧)•Spring: 弹簧•Compression spring: 压缩弹簧•Torsion spring: 扭转弹簧•Extension spring: 伸展弹簧•Spring constant: 弹簧常数•Elasticity: 弹性•Deflection: 变形3. 机械性能3.1. Power and Torque(功率和扭矩)•Power: 功率•Torque: 扭矩•Horsepower: 马力•Watt: 瓦特•RPM (Revolutions Per Minute): 转速•Efficiency: 效率•Load: 负载•Overload: 过载•Mechanical advantage: 机械优势3.2. Speed and Acceleration(速度和加速度)•Speed: 速度•Velocity: 瞬时速度•Acceleration: 加速度•Deceleration: 减速度•Inertia: 惯性•Centrifugal force: 离心力•Centripetal force: 向心力•Kinetic energy: 动能3.3. Pressure and Force(压力和力)•Pressure: 压力•Force: 力•Newton: 牛顿•Pascal: 帕斯卡•Frictional force: 摩擦力•Tension force: 张力•Compression force: 压缩力•Shear force: 剪切力•Tensile strength: 抗拉强度4. 工艺和加工4.1. Welding and Cutting(焊接和切割)•Welding: 焊接•Arc welding: 电弧焊•Gas welding: 气焊•Spot welding: 点焊•Seam welding: 缝焊•Laser cutting: 激光切割•Plasma cutting: 等离子切割4.2. Machining(机械加工)•Machining: 机械加工•Turning: 车削•Milling: 铣削•Drilling: 钻孔•Grinding: 磨削•Boring: 镗削•CNC (Computer Numerical Control): 数控•Lathe: 车床•CNC machine: 数控机床4.3. Measurement(测量)•Measurement: 测量•Caliper: 游标卡尺•Micrometer: 千分尺•Vernier scale: 游标刻度尺•Gauge: 规•Dial indicator: 指示器•Tolerance: 公差•Precision: 精度•Accuracy: 准确度5. 总结本文档介绍了机械工程领域常用的英语词汇,涵盖了机械部件、机械性能、工艺和加工等方面。

机械专业英语词汇金属切削metal cutting [英] [ˈmetl][美] [ˈmɛtl]机床machine tool [英] [məˈʃi:n tu:l][美] [məˈʃin tul] 金属工艺学technology of metals [tekˈnɔlədʒi] [ˈmetl] 刀具cutter['kʌtɚ]摩擦friction['frikʃən][’frɪkʃən]联结link [liŋk]传动drive/transmission [trænzˈmiʃən]轴shaft [ʃɑ:ft]弹性elasticity[ɪlæ'stɪsɪti:, ,i:læ-][ɪlæ'stɪsɪti, ,ilæ-]频率特性frequency characteristic['fri:kwənsi][ˌkæriktəˈristik]误差error[ˈerə]响应response[ri'spɔns]定位allocation[ˌæləˈkeiʃən]机床夹具jig[dʒɪg]动力学dynamic[dai'næmik]运动学kinematic[,kaini'mætik]静力学static[ˈstætik]分析力学analyse mechanics[ˈænəlaiz] .[mɪˈkænɪks] 拉伸pulling['puliŋ]压缩hitting[hitiŋ]剪切shear[ʃiə]扭转twist[twist]弯曲应力bending stress['bendiŋ] .[stres]强度intensity[inˈtensiti]三相交流电three-phase AC[feiz] 磁路magnetic circles[mæɡˈnetik] .[ˈsə:kl]变压器transformer[trænsˈfɔ:mə]异步电动机asynchronous motor[ei'siŋkrənəs] ['məutə]几何形状geometrical[dʒɪəˈmetrɪkəl]精度precision[priˈsiʒən]正弦形的sinusoid[ˈsainəˌsɔid]交流电路AC circuit [ˈsə:kit]机械加工余量machining allowance [mə'ʃi:niŋ] .[əˈlauəns]变形力deforming force [dɪˈfɔ:miŋ] .[fɔ:s]变形deformation [ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃən, ˌdefə-]应力stress [stres]硬度rigidity [rɪˈdʒɪdɪti:]]热处理heat treatment [ˈtri:tmənt]退火anneal [əˈni:l]正火normalizing ['nɔ:məlaiziŋ]脱碳decarburization [di:,kɑ:bjuərai'zeiʃən]渗碳carburization [,kɑ:bjurai'zeiʃən]电路circuit [ˈsə:kit]半导体元件semiconductor element [ˌsemikənˈdʌktə] .[ˈelimənt] 反馈feedback [ˈfi:dbæk]发生器generator [ˈdʒenəreitə]直流电源DC electrical source [i'lektrikəl] .[sɔ:s]门电路gate circuit [ɡeit] [ˈsə:kit]逻辑代数logic algebra [ˈlɔdʒik] .[ˈældʒibrə]外圆磨削external grinding [eksˈtə:nl] ['ɡraindiŋ]内圆磨削internal grinding [inˈtə:nəl] ['ɡraindiŋ]平面磨削plane grinding [plein] ['ɡraindiŋ]变速箱gearbox [ˈɡiəbɔks]离合器clutch [klʌtʃ]绞孔fraising [freiziŋ]绞刀reamer .[ˈri:mə]螺纹加工thread processing [θred] .[prəʊˈsesɪŋ]螺钉screw [skru:]铣削mill [mil]铣刀milling cutter [ˈmiliŋ] .[ˈkʌtə]功率power [ˈpauə]工件workpiece [ˈwɜ:kpi:s]齿轮加工gear machining [ɡiə] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]齿轮gear [ɡiə]主运动main m ovement [mein] .[ˈmu:vmənt]主运动方向direction of main movement [diˈrekʃən]进给方向direction of feed [diˈrekʃən] .[fi:d]进给运动feed movement [fi:d] [ˈmu:vmənt]合成进给运动resultant movement of feed [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt] [fi:d]合成切削运动resultant movement of cu tting [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt][ˈkʌtɪŋ]合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting [diˈrekʃən] [riˈzʌltənt] [ˈmu:vmənt] [ˈkʌtɪŋ]切削深度cutting depth [ˈkʌtɪŋ] .[depθ]前刀面rake face [reik][ feis]刀尖nose of tool [nəuz] .[tu:l]前角rake angle [reik] .[ˈæŋɡl] 后角clearance angle [ˈkliərəns] .[ˈæŋɡl]龙门刨削planing [plæniŋ]主轴spindle [ˈspɪndl]主轴箱headstock [ˈhedstɔk]卡盘chuck [tʃʌk]加工中心machining center [mə'ʃi:niŋ]车刀lathe tool [leɪð] .[tu:l]车床lathe [leɪð]钻削镗削bore [bɔ:]车削turning [ˈtɜ:nɪŋ]磨床grinder [ˈgraɪndə]基准benchmark [ˈbentʃˌmɑ:k]钳工locksmith [ˈlɔkˌsmɪθ]锻forge [fɔ:dʒ]压模stamping [ˈstæmpiŋ]焊weld [weld]拉床broaching machine ['brəutʃiŋ] .[məˈʃi:n]拉孔broaching['brəutʃiŋ]装配assembling [ə'sembliŋ]铸造found [faund]流体动力学fluid dynamics ['flu(:)id] [dai'næmiks]流体力学fluid mechanics ['flu(:)id] [mi'kæniks]加工machining [mə'ʃi:niŋ]液压hydraulic pressure [hai'drɔ:lik] ['preʃə]切线tangent ['tændʒənt]机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration [,mekənə'trɔniks] [mi'kænikl] [i'lektrikəl] [,inti'ɡreiʃən]气压air pressure pneumatic pressure [nju(:)'mætik] 稳定性stability [stə'biliti]介质medium ['mi:djəm]液压驱动泵fluid clutch ['flu(:)id] [klʌtʃ]液压泵hydraulic pump [hai'drɔ:lik] [pʌmp]阀门valve [vælv]失效invalidation [in'vælideiʃn]强度intensity [in'tensiti]载荷load [ləud]应力stress [stres]安全系数safety factor ['seifti] ['fæktə]可靠性reliability [ri,laiə'biliti]螺纹thread [θred]螺旋helix ['hi:liks]键spline [splain]销pin [pin]滚动轴承rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ] ['bɛəriŋ]滑动轴承sliding bearing ['slaidiŋ] ['bɛəriŋ]弹簧spring [spriŋ]制动器arrester brake [ə'restə] [breik]十字结联轴节crosshead ['krɔshed]联轴器coupling ['kʌpliŋ]链chain [tʃein]皮带strap [stræp]精加工finish machining ['finiʃ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]粗加工rough machining [rʌf] [mə'ʃi:niŋ] 变速箱体gearbox casing ['ɡiəbɔks] ['keisiŋ]腐蚀rust [rʌst]氧化oxidation [ɔksi'deiʃən]磨损wear [wɛə]耐用度durability [,djuərə'biliti]随机信号random signal ['rændəm] ['siɡnl]离散信号discrete signal [dis'kri:t] ['siɡnl]超声传感器ultrasonic sensor ['ʌltrə'sɔnik] ['sensə]集成电路integrate circuit ['intiɡreit] ['sə:kit]挡板orifice plate ['ɔrifis] [pleit]残余应力residual stress [ri'zidjuəl] [stres]套筒sleeve [sli:v]扭力torsion ['tɔ:ʃən]冷加工cold machining [mə'ʃi:niŋ]电动机electromotor [i,lektrəu'məutə]汽缸cylinder ['silində]过盈配合interference fit [,intə'fiərəns] [fit]热加工hot work [hɔt] [wə:k]摄像头CCD camera ['kæmərə]倒角rounding chamfer ['raundiŋ] ['tʃæmfə]优化设计optimal design ['ɔptiməl] [di'zain]工业造型设计industrial moulding design [in'dʌstriəl] ['məuldiŋ] [di'zain]有限元finite element ['fainait] ['elimənt]滚齿hobbing ['hɔbiŋ]插齿gear shaping [ɡiə] ['ʃeipiŋ]伺服电机actuating motor ['æktjueitiŋ] ['məutə]铣床milling machine ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]钻床drill machine [dril] [mə'ʃi:n]镗床boring machine ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]步进电机stepper motor ['stepə] ['məutə]丝杠screw rod [skru:] [rɔd]导轨lead rail [li:d] [reil]组件subassembly ['sʌbə'sembli]可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC ['prəuɡræməbl] ['lɔdʒik] [kən'trəulə]电火花加工electric spark machining [i'lektrik] [spɑ:k] [mə'ʃi:niŋ] 电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire –cutting [i'lektrikəl] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]相图phase diagram [feiz] ['daiəɡræm]固态相变solid state phase changes [feiz]有色金属nonferrous metal ['nɔn'ferəs] ['metl]陶瓷ceramics [si'ræmiks]合成纤维synthetic fibre [sin'θetic] ['faibə]电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion [i,lektrəu'kemikəl] [kə'rəuʒən]车架automotive chassis [ɔ:tə'məutiv] ['ʃæsi]悬架suspension [səs'penʃən]转向器redirector ['ri:di'rektə]变速器speed changer [spi:d] ['tʃeindʒə]板料冲压sheet metal parts [ʃi:t] ['metl] [pɑ:ts]孔加工spot facing machining [spɔt] ['feisiŋ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]车间workshop ['wə:kʃɔp]工程技术人员engineer [,endʒi'niə]气动夹紧pneuma lock ['nju:mə] [lɔk] 数学模型mathematical model [,mæθi'mætikəl]画法几何descriptive geometry [dis'kriptiv] [dʒi'ɔmitri] 机械制图Mechanical drawing [mi'kænikl] ['drɔ:iŋ]投影projection [prə'dʒekʃən]视图view [vju:]剖视图profile chart ['prəufail] [tʃɑ:t]标准件standard component ['stændəd] [kəm'pəunənt] 零件图part drawing [pɑ:t] ['drɔ:iŋ]装配图assembly drawing [ə'sembli] ['drɔ:iŋ]尺寸标注size marking [saiz] ['mɑ:kiŋ]技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity [ri'dʒiditi]内力internal force [in'tə:nl] [fɔ:s]位移displacement [dis'pleismənt]截面section ['sekʃən]疲劳极限fatigue limit [fə'ti:ɡ] ['limit]断裂fracture ['fræktʃə]塑性变形plastic distortion ['plæstik, plɑ:stik] [dis'tɔ:ʃən] 脆性材料brittleness material ['britl] [mə'tiəriəl]刚度准则rigidity criterion [ri'dʒiditi] [krai'tiəriən]垫圈washer ['wɔʃə]垫片spacer ['speisə]直齿圆柱齿straight toothed spur gear [tu:ðd] [spə:]斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear ['helikəl] [spə:][ɡiə]直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear [streit] ['bevəl] [ɡiə]运动简图kinematic sketch [,kaini'mætik] [sketʃ]齿轮齿条pinion and rack ['pinjən] [ræk]蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear [wə:m] [ɡiə]虚约束passive constraint ['pæsiv] [kən'streint]曲柄crank [kræŋk]摇杆racker ['rækə]凸轮cams [kæm]共轭曲线conjugate curve ['kɔndʒuɡit] [kə:v]范成法generation method [,dʒenə'reiʃən] ['meθəd]定义域definitional domain [,defi'niʃən] [dəu'mein]值域range [reindʒ]导数\\微分differential coefficient [,difə'renʃəl][kəui'fiʃənt]求导derivation [deri'veiʃən]定积分definite integral ['definit] ['intiɡrəl]不定积分indefinite integral [in'definit] ['intiɡrəl]曲率curvature ['kə:vətʃə]偏微分partial differential ['pɑ:ʃəl] [,difə'renʃəl]毛坯rough [rʌf]游标卡尺slide caliper [slaid] ['kælipə]千分尺micrometer calipers [mai'krɔmitə] ['kælipəs]攻丝tap [tæp]二阶行列式second order determinant ['sekənd] [' ɔ:də] [di'tə:minənt]逆矩阵inverse matrix ['in'və:s] ['meitriks]线性方程组linear equations ['liniə] [i'kweiʃən]概率probability [,prɔbə'biliti]随机变量random variable ['rændəm] ['vɛəriəbl] 排列组合permutation and combination [,pə:mju(:)'teiʃən][,kɔmbi'neiʃən]气体状态方程equation of state of gas [i'kweiʃən] [steit] [ɡæs]动能kinetic energy [kai'netik] ['enədʒi]势能potential energy [pə'tenʃəl] ['enədʒi]机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy [,kɔ nsə(:)'veiʃən] [mi'kænikl] ['enədʒi]动量momentum [məu'mentəm]桁架truss [trʌs]轴线axes ['æksi:z]余子式cofactor [kəu'fæktə]逻辑电路logic circuit ['lɔdʒik] ['sə:kit]触发器flip-flop ['flipflɔp]脉冲波形pulse shape [pʌls] [ʃeip]数模digital analogy ['didʒitl] [ə'nælədʒi]液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism ['flu(:)id] [draiv] ['mekənizəm] 机械零件mechanical parts [mi'kænikl] [pɑ:t]淬火冷却quench [kwentʃ]淬火hardening ['hɑ:dəniŋ]回火tempering ['tempəriŋ]调质hardening and tempering ['hɑ:dəniŋ] ['tempəriŋ]磨粒abrasive grain [ə'breisiv] [ɡrein]结合剂bonding agent ['bɔndiŋ] ['eidʒənt]砂轮grinding wheel ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]机械零件mechanical parts [mi'kænikl] [pɑ:t]淬火冷却quench [kwentʃ]淬火hardening ['hɑ:dəniŋ]回火tempering ['tempəriŋ]调质hardening and tempering ['hɑ:dəniŋ] ['tempəriŋ]磨粒abrasive grain [ə'breisiv] [ɡrein]结合剂bonding agent ['bɔndiŋ] ['eidʒənt]砂轮grinding wheel ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]机床行业部分英汉对照按英文字母排序3-Jaws indexing spacers[dʒɔ:] ['indeksiŋ] ['speisə]三爪分割工具头A T C system ['sɪstəm]加工中心机刀库Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces[ə'lu:mənəm] [kən'tinjuəs] ['meltiŋ] ['həuldiŋ] ['fə:nis] 连续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment ['bælənsiŋ] [i'kwipmənt]平衡设备Bayonet ['beɪənɪt, -,net, ,beɪə'net]卡口Bearing fittings ['bɛəriŋ] ['fitiŋ]轴承配件Bearing processing equipment ['bɛəriŋ] [prəu'sesiŋ][i'kwipmənt]轴承加工机Bearings ['bɛəriŋ]轴承Belt drive [belt] [draɪv]带传动Bending machines ['bendiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]弯曲机Blades [bleid]刀片Blades,saw [bleid] [sɔ:]锯片Bolts,screws&nuts [bəult][skru:][nʌts]螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Boring heads ['bɔ:riŋ] [hed]搪孔头Boring machines ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]镗床Cable making tools ['keibl] ['meikiŋ] [tu:l]造线机Casting,aluminium ['kæstɪŋ] [,ælju:'minjəm]铸铝Casting,copper ['kæstɪŋ] ['kɔpə]铸铜Casting,gray iron ['kæstɪŋ] [ɡrei] ['aiən]铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron ['kæstɪŋ] ['mæliəbl]可锻铸铁Casting,other ['kæstɪŋ]其他铸造Casting,steel ['kæstɪŋ] [sti:l]铸钢Chain drive [tʃein] [draɪv]链传动Chain making tools [tʃein]造链机Chamfer machines ['tʃæmfə] [mə'ʃi:n]倒角机Chucks [tʃʌk]夹盘Clamping/holding systems ['klæmpiŋ]夹具/支持系统CNC bending presses (CNC=Computerized Numerical Control[kəm'pju:tə] [nju(:)'merikəl] [kən'trol])['bendiŋ] [pres] 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines ['bɔ:riŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控钻床CNC EDMwire-cutting machines(EDM=Electron Discharge Machining [i'lektrɔn] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] [mə'ʃi:niŋ]放电加工)[mə'ʃi:n] ['waiə]电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines [i'lektrik] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控磨床CNC lathes [leið]电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings [mə'ʃi:n] [tu:l] ['fitiŋ]电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines ['ʃiəriŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC ['tu:liŋ]刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines ['waiə] ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains [kən'veiiŋ] [tʃein]输送链Coolers ['ku:lə]冷却机Coupling ['kʌpliŋ]联轴器Crimping tools [krimpiŋ] [tu:l]卷边工具Cutters ['kʌtə]刀具Cutting-off machines ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]切断机Diamond cutters ['daiəmənd] ['kʌtə]钻石刀具Dicing saws ['daisiŋ] [sɔ:]晶圆切割机Die casting dies [dai] ['kɑ:stiŋ]压铸冲模Die casting machines [dai] ['kɑ:stiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]压铸机Dies-progressive [dai] [prə'ɡresiv]连续冲模Disposable toolholder bits [dis'pəuzəbl] ['tu:l,həuldə] [bit]舍弃式刀头Drawing machines ['drɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]拔丝机Drilling machines ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]钻床Drilling machines bench ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [bentʃ]钻床工作台Drilling machines,high-speed ['dri liŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [hai] [spi:d]高速钻床Drilling machines,multispindle [,m ʌlti] ['spindl]多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['reidjəl]摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical ['driliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl] 立式钻床drills [dril]钻头Electric discharge machines(EDM) [i'lektrik] [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]电火花机Electric power tools [i'lektrik] ['pauə] [tu:l]电动刀具Engraving machines [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]雕刻机Engraving machines,laser [en'greɪvɪŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['leizə]激光雕刻机Etching machines ['etʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]蚀刻机Finishing machines ['finiʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]修整机Fixture ['fikstʃə]夹具Forging dies ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [dai]锻模Forging,aluminium ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [,ælju:'minjəm]锻铝Forging,cold ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [kəuld]冷锻Forging,copper ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] ['kɔpə]铜锻Forging,other ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] ['ʌðə]其他锻造Forging,steel ['fɔ:dʒiŋ] [sti:l]钢锻Foundry equipment ['faundri] [i'kwipmənt]铸造设备5 Gear cutting machines [ɡiə] ['kʌtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]齿轮切削机Gears [ɡiə]齿轮Gravity casting machines ['ɡræviti] ['kɑ:stiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]重力铸造机Grinder bench ['ɡraində] [bentʃ]磨床工作台Grinders,thread ['ɡraində] [θred]螺纹磨床Grinders,tools & cutters ['ɡraində] [tu:l] ['kʌtə]工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic ['ɡraində] ['ʌltrə'sɔnik]超声波打磨机Grinding machines ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]磨床Grinding machines,centerless ['ɡraindiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['sentəles]无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical [si'lindrik(ə)l]外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal [,ju:ni'və:səl]万能磨床Grinding tools ['ɡraindiŋ] [tu:l]磨削工具Grinding wheels ['ɡraindiŋ] [wi:l, hw-]磨轮Hand tools [hænd] [tu:l]手工具Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant[iks'pænʃən] [ʃi:t]硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Heat preserving furnaces [pri'zə:v] ['fə:nis]保温炉Heating treatment funaces ['tri:tmənt] ['fə:nis]熔热处理炉Honing machines ['həuniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]搪磨机Hydraulic components [hai'drɔ:lik][kəm'pəunənt]液压元件Hydraulic power tools [hai'drɔ:lik]液压工具Hydraulic power units [hai'drɔ:lik]液压动力元件Hydraulic rotary cylinders['rəutəri] ['silində]液压回转缸Jigs [dʒiɡ]钻模Lapping machines ['læpiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]精研机Lapping machines,centerless无心精研机Laser cutting ['leizə] ['kʌtiŋ]激光切割Laser cutting for SMT stencil['stensl, -sil]激光钢板切割机Lathe bench ['leizə] [bentʃ]车床工作台Lathes,automatic ['leizə] [,ɔ:tə'mætik]自动车床Lathes,heavy-duty ['leizə] [hevi:'du:ti:, -'dju:-]重型车床Lathes,high-speed ['leizə] [hai] [spi:d]高速车床Lathes,turret ['leizə] ['tʌrit]六角车床Lathes,vertical ['leizə] ['və:tikəl]立式车床Lubricants ['lu:brikənt]润滑液Lubrication Systems [,lu:bri'keiʃən] ['sɪstəm]润滑系统Lubricators ['lju:brikeitə]注油机Machining centers,general [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['dʒ enərəl]通用加工中心Machining centers,horizontal [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] [,hɔri'zɔntl]卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] [,hɔri'zɔntl] ['və:tikəl]卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['və:tikəl]立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type [mə'ʃi:niŋ] ['sentə] ['və:tikəl] ['dʌbl] ['kɔləm] [taip]立式双柱加工中心Magnetic tools [mæɡ'netik] [tu:l]磁性工具Manifolds ['mænifəuld]集合管Milling heads ['miliŋ] [hed]铣头Milling machines ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]铣床Milling machines,bed type ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [taip]床身式铣床Milling machines,dupli cating ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['dju:plikeitiŋ]仿形铣床Milling machines,horizontal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [,hɔri'z ɔntl]卧式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['tʌ rit] ['və:tikəl]六角立式铣床Milling machines,universal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [,ju:ni'və:səl]万能铣床Milling machines,vertical ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl]立式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal ['miliŋ] [mə'ʃ i:n] ['və:tikəl] [,hɔri'zɔntl]立式及卧式铣床Mold & die components [məuld] [dai] [kəm'pəunənt] 模具单元Mold changing systems [məuld] ['tʃeindʒiŋ] ['sɪstəm] 换模系统Mold core [məuld] [kɔ:]模芯Mold heaters/chillers [məuld] ['hi:tə] ['tʃilə]模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing [məuld] ['pɔliʃiŋ] ['tekstʃəriŋ]模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair [məuld] [ri'pɛə]模具维修Molds [məuld]模具Nail making machines [neil] [mə'ʃi:n]造钉机Oil coolers [ɔil] ['ku:lə]油冷却器Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels ['əuvə'fləu] [mə'ʃi:n] [,ælju:'minjəm] [wi:l, hw-]铝轮冒口切断机P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant 6 [taip] ['wɔ:təpru:f] [rəuld] [ʃi:t] [plɑ:nt] PPVC高分子防水PCB fine piecing systems [fain] [pi:s] ['sɪstəm]( PCB =Printed -circuit Board [bɔ:d]印刷电路板)印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统Pipe & tube making machines [paip] [mə'ʃi:n] ['tju:b] [mə'ʃi:n]管筒制造机Planing machines [plæniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]刨床Planing machines vertical [plæniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] ['və:tikəl]立式刨床Pneumatic hydraulic clamps [nju(:)'mætik] [hai'dr ɔ:lik] [klæmp]气油压虎钳Pneumatic power tools [nju(:)'mætik] ['pauə] [tu:l]气动工具Powder metallurgic forming machines ['paudə] [,metə'lə:dʒik] ['fɔ:miŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]粉末冶金成型机Presses,cold forging [pres] ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]冷锻冲压机presses,crank [pres] [kræŋk]曲柄压力机Presses,eccentric [pres] [ik'sentrik]离心压力机Presses,forging [pres] ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]锻压机Presses,hydraulic [pres]液压冲床Presses,knuckle joint [pres]肘杆式压力机Presses,pneumatic [pres] [hai'drɔ:lik]气动冲床Presses,servo [pres] ['sə:vəu]伺服冲床Presses,transfer [pres] [træns'fə:]自动压力机Pressing dies [presiŋ] ['daii:z]压模Punch formers [pʌntʃ] ['fɔ:mə]冲子研磨器Quick die change systems [kwik] [dai] [tʃeindʒ] ['sɪ stəm]速换模系统Quick mold change systems [kwik] [məuld] [tʃeindʒ]['sɪstəm]快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces [ri'və:bərətəri] ['fə:nis]反射炉Rollers ['rəulə]滚筒Rolling machines ['rəuliŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]辗压机Rotary tables ['rəutəri] ['teibl]转台Sawing machines ['sɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]锯床Sawing machines,band ['sɔ:iŋ] [mə'ʃi:n] [bænd]带锯床Saws,band [sɔ:] [bænd]带锯Saws,hack [sɔ:] [hæk]弓锯Saws,horizontal band [sɔ:] [,hɔri'zɔntl] [bænd]卧式带锯Saws,vertical band [sɔ:] ['və:tikəl] [bænd]立式带锯shafts [ʃɑ:ft]轴Shapers ['ʃeipə]牛头刨床Shearing machines ['ʃiəriŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]剪切机Sheet metal forming machines [ʃi:t] ['metl] ['fɔ:miŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]金属板成型机Sheet metal working machines [ʃi:t] ['metl] [mə'ʃi:n]金属板加工机Slotting machines ['slɔtiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]插床spindles ['spindl]主轴Stamping parts ['stæmpiŋ] [pɑ:t]冲压机Straightening machines ['streitniŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]矫直机Switches & buttons [switʃ] ['bʌtn]开关及按钮Tapping machines ['tæpiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]攻螺丝机Transmitted chains [trænz'mit] [tʃein]传动链Tube bending machines ['tju:b] ['bendiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]弯管机Vertical hydraulic broaching machine ['və:tikəl] [hai'drɔ:lik] ['brəutʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]立式油压拉床Vises [vais]虎钳Vises,tool-maker [vais][ 'tu:l,meɪkə]精密平口钳Wheel dressers [wi:l, hw-] ['dresə]砂轮修整器Woven-Cutting machines ['wəuvən]织麦激光切割机Wrenches [rentʃ]扳手螺丝词汇的中英文对照六角盖头螺帽HEX CAP NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [kæp] [nʌts]六角锯齿螺帽HEX SERRATED NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [se'reitid [nʌts] 六角轮缘螺帽HEX FLANGE NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [flændʒ] [nʌts]高脚螺帽HEX COUPLING NUTS(HIGH NUTS) (HEX= hexagon['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形) ['kʌpliŋ] [nʌts] [hai]圆螺帽ROUND NUTS [raund] [nʌts]四角螺帽SQUARE NUTS HEAVY HEX NUTS [skwɛə] [n ʌts] [ 'hevi] (HEX= hexagon ['heksəɡən] 六角形; 六边形)不锈钢六角螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL HEX NUTS ['steinlis] [sti:l] (HEX= hexagon ['heks əɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [n ʌts] 不锈钢尼龙嵌入螺帽 STAINLESS STEEL NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS ['steinlis] [sti:l] ['nail ən] [in's ə:t] [l ɔk] [n ʌts] 普通六角螺帽 HEX NUTS (HEX= hexagon ['heks əɡən] 六角形; 六边形) [n ʌts]六角重型螺帽 HEAVY HEX NUTS [ 'hevi]['heks əɡən][n ʌts]薄型螺帽 HEX JAM NUTS ['heks əɡən][d ʒæm] [n ʌts]尼龙嵌入防松螺帽NYLON INSERT LOCK NUTS ['nail ən][in's ə:t] [l ɔk] [n ʌts]机械螺丝用六角螺帽 HEX MACHINE SCREW NUT['heks əɡən] [m ə'ʃi:n] 7 [skru:] [n ʌt]机械工具英语 机械工具 spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench) ['spæn ə] [rent ʃ]double-ended spanner ['spæn ə]双头扳子adjustable spanner, monkey wrench [ə'd ʒʌst əbl] ['spæn ə]['m ʌŋki] [rent ʃ]活扳子,活络扳手 box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench) [b ɔks] ['spæn ə]['s ɔkit] [rent ʃ]calipers ['kælip ə]卡规pincers, tongs ['pins əz] [t ɔŋz]夹钳shears [ʃi əz]剪子 hacksaw ['hæks ɔ:]钢锯wire cutters ['wai ə] ['k ʌt ə]剪线钳 multipurposepliers,universal pliers ['m ʌlti'p ə:p əs] ['plai ə] [,ju:ni'v ə:s əl] ['plai əz]万能手钳 adjustable pliers [ə'd ʒʌst əbl] ['plai əz]可调手钳punch [p ʌnt ʃ]冲子drill [dril]钻chuck [t ʃʌk]卡盘scraper ['skreip ə]三角刮刀 reamer ['ri:m ə]扩孔钻calliper gauge ['kælip ə] [ɡedʒ]孔径规 rivet ['rivit]铆钉 nut [n ʌt]螺母 locknut ['l ɔkn ʌt]自锁螺母,防松螺母bolt [b əult]螺栓pin, peg, dowel [pin] [pe ɡ] ['dauəl]销钉washer ['w ɔʃə]垫圈 staple ['steipl]U 形钉 oil can 油壶 jack 工作服grease gun [ɡri:s]注油枪机械加工抛光 polishing ['p ɔli ʃiŋ]安装 to assemble [ə'sembl] 衬套 bushing ['bu ʃiŋ] 外贸常用机械英语大全 Assembly line [ə'sembl]组装线 Layout ['lei,aut]布置图 Conveyer [k ən'vei]流水线物料板 Rivet table ['rivit]拉钉机 Rivet gun ['rivit]拉钉枪 Screw driver 起子 Pneumatic screw driver [nju(:)'mætik]气动起子 worktable ['w ə:kteibl]工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together [tə'ɡeðə]组装在一起fasten ['fɑ:sn]锁紧(螺丝)ixture ['fikstʃə]夹具(治具)pallet ['pælit]栈板bar code [bɑ:] [kəud]条码bar code scanner [bɑ:] [kəud] ['skænə]条码扫描器fuse together [fju:z] [tə'ɡeðə]熔合fuse machine [fju:z] [mə'ʃi:n]热熔机repair[ri'pɛə]修理operator['ɔpəreitə]作业员QC [=Quality Control ['kwɔliti] [kən'trol]质量控制]品管supervisor ['sju:pəvaizə]课长ME [=Mechanical Engineer机械工程师]制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect [kɔz'metik] [in'spekt]外观检查inner parts inspect ['inə] [in'spekt]内部检查thumb screw [θʌm]大头螺丝lbs inch [intʃ]镑、英寸EMI gasket ['ɡæskit]导电条front plate [frʌnt] [pleit]前板rear plate [riə] [pleit]后板chassis ['ʃæsi]基座bezel panel ['bezəl] ['pænl]面板power button ['pauə] ['bʌtn]电源按键reset button ['ri:set] ['bʌtn]重置键Hi-pot test of SPS [test]高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS ['vəultidʒ] [switʃ]电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts [ʃi:t]冲件plastic parts ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]塑胶件SOP [=Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序] 制造作业程序material check list [mə'tiəriəl]物料检查表work cell [wə:k] [sel]工作间trolley ['trɔli]台车carton ['kɑ:tən]纸箱sub-line ['sʌblain]支线left fork [fɔ:k]叉车personnel resource department [,pə:sə'nel] [ri'sɔ:s] [di'pɑ:tmənt]人力资源部production department [prə'dʌkʃən]生产部门planning department ['plænɪŋ] [di'pɑ:tmənt]企划部QC Section ['sekʃən]品管科stamping factory ['stæmpiŋ] ['fæktəri]冲压厂painting factory ['peintiŋ]烤漆厂molding factory ['məuldiŋ] ['fæktəri]成型厂common equipment ['kɔmən] [i'kwipmənt]常用设备uncoiler and straightener [ʌn'kɔilə] ['streitənə]整平机punching machine [pʌntʃiŋ] [mə'ʃi:n]冲床robot ['rəubɔt, 'rɔbət]机械手hydraulic machine [hai'drɔ:lik]油压机lathe [leið]车床planer |plein|刨床miller ['milə]铣床grinder ['ɡraində]磨床linear cutting ['lini ə] ['k ʌtiŋ]线切割electrical sparkle [i'lektrik əl] ['sp ɑ:kl]电火花welder ['weld ə]电焊机staker=reviting machine ['steik ə]铆合机position [p ə'zi ʃən 职务president ['prezid ənt]董事长general manager ['d ʒen ər əl] ['mænid ʒə]总经理special assistant manager ['spe ʃəl] [ə's ɪst ənt] ['mænid ʒə]特助 factory director ['fækt əri] [di'rekt ə, dai'rekt ə]厂长department director[di'p ɑ:tmənt] [di'rektə, dai'rektə] 部长deputy manager | =vice manager 副理 section supervisor 课长 ['depjuti] ['mænid ʒə] ['sju:p əvaiz ə] deputy section supervisor =vice section supe risor['depjuti] ['sek ʃən] ['sju:p əvaiz ə]副课长group leader/supervisor['sju:p əvaiz ə]组长line supervisor['sju:p əvaiz ə]线长assistant manager 助理to move, to carry, to handle ['hændl]搬运be put in storage['st ɔrid ʒ]入库pack packing 包装to apply oil [ə'plai]擦油to file burr [fail] [b ə:]锉毛刺final inspection ['fain əl] [in'spek ʃən]终检to connect material [k ə'nekt] [m ə'ti əri əl]接料to reverse material [ri'v ə:s] [m ə'ti əri əl]翻料wet station ['stei ʃən]沾湿台cleaning cloth ['kli:niŋ] [klɔ(:)θ]抹布 to load material [l əud] [m ə'ti əri əl]上料 to unload material['ʌn'l əud] [m ə'ti əri əl]卸料 to return material/stock to [ri't ə:n] [m ə'ti əri əl] [st ɔk] 退料 scraped [skreipid]报废 scrape [skreip]v 刮;削 deficient purchase[di'fi ʃənt] ['p ə:t ʃəs]来料不良 manufacture procedure[,mænju'fækt ʃə] [pr ə'si:d ʒə]制程 deficient manufacturing procedure[di'fi ʃənt] [,mænju'fækt ʃə] [pr ə'si:d ʒə]制程不良 oxidation [ɔksi'dei ʃən]氧化 scratch[skræt ʃ]刮伤 dents['dents]压痕defective upsiding down[di'fektiv] ['ʌpsaidiŋ]抽芽不良 defective to staking[di'fektiv] ['steikiŋ]铆合不良 embedded lump[em'bedid] [l ʌmp]镶块 feeding is not in place['fi:diŋ] [pleis]送料不到位 stamping-missing ['stæmpiŋ] ['misiŋ]漏冲 production capacity [pr ə'd ʌk ʃən] [k ə'pæsiti]生产力 education and training [,edju(:)'kei ʃən] ['treiniŋ]教育培训 proposal improvement[pr ə'p əuz əl] [im'pru:vm ənt]提案改善 spare parts=buffer['b ʌf ə]备件 forklift['f ɔ:klift]叉车 trailer=long vehicle ['treil ə] ['vi:ikl]拖板车 外贸常用机械英语大全(续) compound die['k ɔmpaund] [dai]合模 die locker [dai] ['l ɔk ə]锁模器。

轴承专业英语(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ]2. 单列轴承single row bearing [rau]3. 双列轴承double row bearing4. 多列轴承multi-row bearing ['mʌlti]5. 满装滚动体轴承full complement bearing [ful] ['kɔmplimənt]6. 角接触轴承angular contact bearing ['æŋɡjulə]7. 自动调心轴承automatic self-aligning bearing [ə…lainiŋ]8. 可分离的轴承separable bearing ['sepərəbl]9. 不可分离轴承non-separable bearing10. 英制轴承inch bearing inch [intʃ]11. 开型轴承open bearing open ['əupən]12. 密封圈轴承sealed bearing sealed [si:ld]13. 防尘盖轴承shielded bearing shielded ['ʃi:ldid]14. 闭型轴承capped bearing15. 预润滑轴承prelubricated bearing [pri:…ljubrikeitid]16. 仪器精密轴承instrument precision bearing ['instrumənt] [pri'siʒən]17. 组配轴承matched bearing(二)向心轴承1. 向心轴承radial bearing ['reidiəl]2. 径向接触轴承radial contact bearing contact ['kɔntækt]3. 角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing ['æŋɡjulə]4. 外球面轴承insert bearing insert [in'sə:t]5. 锥孔轴承tapered bore bearing ['teipəd]6. 凸缘轴承flanged bearing [flændʒ] flanged adj. 带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承track roller (rolling bearing) ['rəulə]8. 万能组配轴承universal matching bearing [,ju:ni'və:səl](三)球轴承1. 球轴承ball bearing2. 向心球轴承radial ball bearing3. 深沟球轴承deep groove ball bearing4. 装填槽球轴承filling slot ball bearing5. 三点接触球轴承three point contact ball bearing6. 四点接触球轴承four point contact ball bearing7. 推力球轴承thrust ball bearing8. 单列双向推力球轴承single row double-direction thrust ball bearing9. 双排单向推力球轴承doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing10. 特种轴承special bearing11. 带止动环球轴承ball bearing with snap ring12. 外球面体球轴承external sphere ball bearing(四)轴承零件1. 轴承零件bearing part [pɑ:t]2. 轴承套圈bearing ring [riŋ]3. 轴承垫圈bearing washer4. 止动环snap ring [snæp] [riŋ]5. 隔圈spacer ['speisə]6. 密封圈seal [si:l]7.防尘盖shield8. 挡圈slinger ['sliŋə]9. 滚动体rolling element ['rəuliŋ]['elimənt]10. 保持架cage or retainer [ri'teinə]11. 内圈inner ring ['inə]12. 外圈outer ring ['autə]13. 油脂grease [ɡri:s]14. 钢球steel ball steel [sti:l] : 钢,钢的15. 偏心套eccentric collar [ik'sentrik]16. 锁紧套locking collar17. 止动销钉anti-rotation pin [pin]18. 轴承座housing ['hauziŋ]19. 橡胶套rubber grommet ['ɡromit]20. 紧定衬套adapter sleeve [ə'dæptə(r)] [sli:v]21、尺寸:dimension [di'menʃən]22、直径:diameter [dai'æmitə]23、宽度:width [widθ, witθ]24、长度:length [l eŋθ]25、高度:height [hait]26、角度:angle ['æŋɡl]27、半径:radius ['reidiəs]28、厚度:thickness ['θiknis]29、轴向的:axial ['æksiəl]30、径向的:radial ['reidjəl]31、外圆(外径)outside surface32、内圆(内径)inner surface33、沟道raceway(五)技术常用词1、公差:tolerance ['tɔlərəns] n. 公差;容忍;宽容;公差2、游隙:clearance ['kliərəns] 清除;清理;出清,出空【机械】余隙,间隙3、噪音:noise [nɔiz] n. 响声;杂音;噪音4、扭矩:torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈5、硬度:hardness ['hɑ:dnis] n. 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷6、倒角: chamfer ['tʃæmfə] vt. 去角;挖槽;斜切 n. 斜面;凹槽7、精度:precision [pri'siʒən] n. 精确;精度,精密度 adj. 精密的,精确的8、残磁:residual magnetism [ri'zidjuəl] n. 剩余;残渣adj. 剩余的;残留的['mæɡnitizəm] n. 磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力9、表面质量:surface quality ['sə:fis] n. 表面;外观;表层adj. 表面的,肤浅的['kwɔləti] n. 质量,品质;特性;才能10、注脂量:grease fill [ɡri:s] vt. 涂脂于;贿赂 n. 油脂;贿赂grease volume11、打字:marking ['mɑ:kiŋ] n. 做记号;打分;标志;斑纹 v. 作记号于;注意;给…打分数12、包装:packaging ['pækidʒiŋ] n. 包装;包装业,包装风格v. 包装(package的ing形式)13、表面处理:surface finishing ['sə:fis] ['finiʃiŋ]表面精加工,表面修整14、螺钉:set screw [set] [skru:] 固定螺钉;定位螺钉15、公称尺寸:nominal dimension ['nɔminəl] [di'menʃən]15、振动/偏差:vibration [vai'breiʃən]16、钢球等级:ball grade [ɡreid]17、清洁度:cleanliness ['klenlinis]18、毛刺:burr [bə:] 毛口,毛边,毛头,毛刺19、锈蚀:rust [rʌst] n. 锈;生锈;锈病vt. 使生锈;腐蚀vi. 生锈;成铁锈色;变迟钝20、极限转速:limiting speed(六)工序常用词1、割料cutting ['kʌtiŋ] n. 切断;剪辑;开凿adj. 严寒的;锋利的;尖酸刻薄的v. 切开;采伐;削减(cut的ing形式)2、锻造forging ['fɔ:dʒiŋ]n. 锻件,锻造(法)3、铸造casting ['kɑ:stiŋ]n. 投掷;铸造;铸件;角色分配 v. 投掷;铸造;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast 的ing形式)4、热处理heat treatment[hi:t] ['tri:tmənt]5、车加工turning ['tə:niŋ]【机械工程】车削工作,车工工艺6、光饰tumbling ['tʌmbliŋ]【工程】滚筒抛光7、磨加工grinding ['ɡraindiŋ] 磨制;研磨:8、粗磨rough grinding [rʌf] ['ɡraindiŋ] 粗研磨9、软磨soft grinding10、精磨precision grinding [pri'siʒən]【机械工程】精磨fine grinding11、修磨correct grinding12、光磨(无进给磨,即静止状态磨削)13、超精superfinishing [,sju:pə'finiʃiŋ] 【冶金学】超级研磨14、磨孔bore grinding15、清洗washing ['wɔʃiŋ] 洗;洗涤,洗濯;洗净16、装配assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合17、采购purchase18、原材料raw material19、坯件冲压(成型)blank punching20、抛光polish21、整形truing22、包装packing / packaging23、纸板盒carton / cardboard24、抽检/ 取样sampling inspection / sampling25、全检full inspection26、终检final inspection27、巡检tour inspection28、镀黄锌yellow zine plated29、热处理前软磨非基准面non-reference face grinding before heat treatment30、热处理前软磨两端面double face grinding before heat treatment31、车孔及一端外角bore and one side outer corner turning32、车两面防尘槽double-side shields groove turning33、车沟及另一外角raceway and receive of grinding34、磨削收发dispatch and receive of grinding35、定期防锈处理periodically anti-rust treatment(七)机械常用词1、Instrument ['instrumənt] n. 仪器;器械;工具;手段;乐器2、Efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]a. 有效的,生效的n. 效率3、Usage ['ju:zidʒ] n. 用法;使用;惯例4、Straight [streit] adj. 直的;正直的;整齐的;连续的;笔直的adv. 直接地;坦率地;立即;不断地n. 直线;直5、Horizontal adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置['hɔri'zɔntəl]6、V ertical ['və:tikəl] adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的n. 垂直线,垂直面7、Incline [in'klain] vi. 倾斜;倾向;易于vt. 使倾斜;使倾向于n. 斜面;斜坡;倾斜8、Angle ['æŋgl] n. 角度,角9、Arc [ɑ:k] n. 弧(度);弧形物;天穹;adj. 圆弧的;反三角函数的vt. 走弧线;形成电弧10、Scale [skeil] n. 刻度;比例;数值范围;天平;规模;鳞vi. 攀登;衡量;生水垢;剥落vt. 攀登;测量;刮鳞;依比例决定11、Tolerance ['tɔlərəns]n. 宽容,容忍n.公差12、Interchangeable [,intə'tʃeindʒəbl]adj. 可互换的;可交换的;可交替的13、Mechanism ['mekənizəm]n. 机械装置;机制;技巧;原理,途径;进程14、Individual [,indi'vidjuəl]adj. 个别的;个人的;独特的n. 个人,个体15、Impractical [im'præktikəl]adj. 不切实际的,不现实的;不能实行的16、Perfect ['pə:fikt]adj. 完美的;最好的;精通的vt. 使完美;使熟练n. 完成式17、Worn [wɔ:n]adj. 用旧的;疲倦的v. 穿;佩戴;磨损(wear的过去分词)18、Slight [slait]adj. 轻微的,少量的;脆弱的;细长的;不重要的vt. 怠慢;轻视,忽略n. 怠慢;轻蔑19、V ariation [,vεəri'eiʃən] n. 变异,变种;变化20、Minus ['mainəs]prep. 减,减去n. 不足;负号,减号;负数adj. 负的;减的.21、shaft [ʃɑ:ft] n. 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物22、steady ['stedi] adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的23、rotary ['rəutəri] adj. 旋转的,转动的;轮流的24、friction ['frikʃən] n. 摩擦,摩擦力25、component [kəm'pəunənt] n. 成分;组件;元件26、efficiency [i'fiʃənsi] n. 效率;效能;功效27、assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;集会,集合28、groove[ɡru:v] n. 凹槽,槽;最佳状态;惯例29、installation [,instə'leiʃən] n. 安装,装置;就职30、transmission [trænz'miʃən] n. 传动装置,变速器;传递;传送;播送●密封的轴承系统减少夹持力并增加轴承寿命。

进口轴承的专业英语介绍1.滚子轴承roller bearing滚动体是滚子的滚动轴承。
2.圆柱滚子轴承cylindrical roller bearing滚动体是圆柱滚子的向心滚动轴承。
3.向心滚子轴承radial roller bearing滚动体是滚子的向心滚动轴承。
4.圆锥滚子轴承tapered roller bearing滚动体是圆锥滚子的向心滚动轴承。
5.滚针轴承needle roller bearing滚动体是滚针的向心滚动轴承。
6.球面滚子轴承spherical roller bearing滚动体是凸球面或凹面滚子的调心向心滚动轴承。
7.滚动轴承rolling bearing在支承负荷和彼此相对运动的零件间作滚动运动的轴承,它包括有滚道的零件和带或不带隔离或引导件的滚动体组。
8.满装滚动体轴承full complement bearing无保持架的轴承,每列滚动体周向间的间隙总和小于滚动体的直径并尽可能小,以使轴承有良好的性能。
9.角接触轴承angular contact bearing公称接触角大于0°而小于90°的滚动轴承。
10.轴承系列bearing series一组特定类型的滚动轴承,具有逐渐增加的尺寸,在大多数情况下有相同的接触角且外形尺寸之间有一定的关系。
11.内圈、保持架和球(滚子)组件inner ring cage and ball(roller)assembly由一个内圈、球(滚子)和保持架组成的分部件。
12.无内圈的滚针轴承needle roller bearing without inner ring由一个外圈与满装轴承的滚针或一个外圈与滚针及保持架组成的分部件。

机床专业英语大全发现机床行业专业英语词汇, 非常有用, 与各位共享!(1):按英文字母排序3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment 平衡设备Bayonet 卡口Bearing fittings 轴承配件Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机Bearings 轴承Belt drive 带传动Bending machines 弯曲机Blades 刀片Blades,saw 锯片Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Boring heads 搪孔头Boring machines 镗床Cable making tools 造线机Casting,aluminium 铸铝Casting, copper 铸铜Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁Casting,other 其他铸造Casting,steel 铸钢Chain drive 链传动Chain making tools 造链机Chamfer machines 倒角机Chucks 夹盘Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床CNC lathes 电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链Coolers 冷却机Coupling 联轴器Crimping tools 卷边工具Cutters 刀具Cutting-off machines 切断机Diamond cutters 钻石刀具Dicing saws 晶圆切割机Die casting dies 压铸冲模Die casting machines 压铸机Dies-progressive 连续冲模Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头Drawing machines 拔丝机Drilling machines 钻床Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical 立式钻床drills 钻头Electric discharge machines(EDM) 电火花机Electric power tools 电动刀具Engraving machines 雕刻机Engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻机Etching machines 蚀刻机Finishing machines 修整机Fixture 夹具Forging dies 锻模Forging,aluminium 锻铝Forging, cold 冷锻Forging, copper 铜锻Forging,other 其他锻造Forging,steel 钢锻Foundry equipment 铸造设备Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机Gears 齿轮Gravity casting machines 重力铸造机Grinder bench 磨床工作台Grinders,thread 螺纹磨床Grinders,tools & cutters 工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic 超声波打磨机Grinding machines 磨床Grinding machines,centerless 无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical 外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal 万能磨床Grinding tools 磨削工具Grinding wheels 磨轮Hand tools 手工具Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Heat preserving furnaces 保温炉Heating treatment funaces 熔热处理炉Honing machines 搪磨机Hydraulic components 液压元件Hydraulic power tools 液压工具Hydraulic power units 液压动力元件Hydraulic rotary cylinders 液压回转缸Jigs 钻模Lapping machines 精研机Lapping machines,centerless 无心精研机Laser cutting 激光切割Laser cutting for SMT stensil 激光钢板切割机Lathe bench 车床工作台Lathes,automatic 自动车床Lathes,heavy-duty 重型车床Lathes,high-speed 高速车床Lathes,turret 六角车床Lathes,vertical 立式车床Lubricants 润滑液Lubrication Systems 润滑系统Lubricators 注油机Machining centers,general 通用加工中心Machining centers,horizontal 卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical 卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical 立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式双柱加工中心Magnetic tools 磁性工具Manifolds 集合管Milling heads 铣头Milling machines 铣床Milling machines,bed type 床身式铣床Milling machines,duplicating 仿形铣床Milling machines,horizontal 卧式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical 六角立式铣床Milling machines,universal 万能铣床Milling machines,vertical 立式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal 立式及卧式铣床Mold & die components 模具单元Mold changing systems 换模系统Mold core 模芯Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair 模具维修Molds 模具Nail making machines 造钉机Oil coolers 油冷却器Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 铝轮冒口切断机P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant P型PVC高分子防水PCB fine piecing systems 印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统Pipe & tube making machines 管筒制造机Planing machines 刨床Planing machines vertical 立式刨床Pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气油压虎钳Pneumatic power tools 气动工具Powder metallurgic forming machines 粉末冶金成型机Presses,cold forging 冷锻冲压机presses,crank 曲柄压力机Presses,eccentric 离心压力机Presses,forging 锻压机Presses,hydraulic 液压冲床Presses,knuckle joint 肘杆式压力机Presses,pneumatic 气动冲床Presses,servo 伺服冲床Presses,transfer 自动压力机Pressing dies 压模Punch formers 冲子研磨器Quick die change systems 速换模系统Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces 反射炉Rollers 滚筒Rolling machines 辗压机Rotary tables 转台Sawing machines 锯床Sawing machines,band 带锯床Saws,band 带锯Saws,hack 弓锯Saws,horizontal band 卧式带锯Saws,vertical band 立式带锯shafts 轴Shapers 牛头刨床Shearing machines 剪切机Sheet metal forming machines 金属板成型机Sheet metal working machines 金属板加工机Slotting machines 插床spindles 主轴Stamping parts 冲压机Straightening machines 矫直机Switches & buttons 开关及按钮Tapping machines 攻螺丝机Transmitted chains 传动链Tube bending machines 弯管机V ertical hydraulic broaching machine 立式油压拉床Vises 虎钳Vises,tool-maker 精密平口钳Wheel dressers 砂轮修整器Woven-Cutting machines 织麦激光切割机Wrenches 扳手铝轮冒口切断机Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 离心压力机Presses,eccentric六角立式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical六角车床Lathes,turret螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Bolts,screws & nuts螺纹磨床Grinders,thread冷却机Coolers冷锻Forging,cold冷锻冲压机Presses,cold forging立式双柱加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式铣床Milling machines,vertical立式油压拉床V ertical hydraulic broaching machine立式刨床Planing machines vertical立式车床Lathes,vertical立式带锯Saws,vertical band立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical立式及卧式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal立式钻床Drilling machines,vertical联轴器Coupling连续溶解保温炉Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续冲模Dies-progressive链传动Chain drive切断机Cutting-off machinesCNC刀杆CNC toolings曲柄压力机presses,crank修整机Finishing machines舍弃式刀头Disposable toolholder bits润滑系统Lubrication Systems润滑液Lubricants熔热处理炉Heating treatment funaces三爪、分割工具头3-Jaws indexing spacers伺服冲床Presses,servo输送链Conveying chains手工具Hand tools砂轮修整器Wheel dressers蚀刻机Etching machines外圆磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical搪磨机Honing machines搪孔头Boring heads卧式铣床Milling machines,horizontal卧式带锯Saws,horizontal band卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical万能铣床Milling machines,universal万能磨床Grinding machines,universal镗床Boring machines弯曲机Bending machines弯管机Tube bending machines通用加工中心Machining centers,general铜锻Forging,copper铣头Milling heads铣床Milling machines无心磨床Grinding machines,centerless无心精研机Lapping machines,centerless压模Pressing dies压铸冲模Die casting dies压铸机Die casting machines油冷却器Oil coolers造链机Chain making tools造线机Cable making tools造钉机Nail making machines印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统PCB fine piec ing systems摇臂钻床Drilling machines,radial硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 辗压机Rolling machines液压元件Hydraulic components液压冲床Presses,hydraulic液压动力元件Hydraulic power units液压工具Hydraulic power tools液压回转缸Hydraulic rotary cylindersP型PVC高分子防水P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant 刨床Planing machines牛头刨床Shapers其他铸造Casting,other其他锻造Forging,other模芯Mold core模具Molds模具维修Mold repair模具打磨/磨纹Mold polishing/texturing模具单元Mold & die components模具加热器/冷却器Mold heaters/chillers磨轮Grinding wheels磨削工具Grinding tools磨床Grinding machines磨床工作台Grinder bench平衡设备Balancing equipment气油压虎钳Pneumatic hydraulic clamps气动冲床Presses,pneumatic气动工具Pneumatic power tools轴shafts轴承Bearings轴承配件Bearing fittings轴承加工机Bearing processing equipment肘杆式压力机Presses,knuckle joint铸铝Casting,aluminium铸铜Casting,copper铸造设备Foundry equipment铸钢Casting,steel铸灰口铁Casting,gray iron织麦激光切割机Woven-Cutting machines重力铸造机Gravity casting machines重型车床Lathes,heavy-duty主轴spindles扳手Wrenches拔丝机Drawing machines保温炉Heat preserving furnaces插床Slotting machines齿轮Gears齿轮切削机Gear cutting machines冲压机Stamping parts冲子研磨器Punch formers超声波打磨机Grinders,ultrasonic车床工作台Lathe bench磁性工具Magnetic tools传动链Transmitted chains床身式铣床Milling machines,bed type带传动Belt drive带锯Saws,band带锯床Sawing machines,band电脑数控镗床CNC boring machines电脑数控弯折机CNC bending presses电脑数控铣床CNC milling machines电脑数控线切削机CNC wire-cutting machines电脑数控磨床CNC grinding machines电脑数控车床CNC lathes电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC electric discharge machines电脑数控雕刻机CNC engraving machines电脑数控机床配件CNC machine tool fittings电脑数控剪切机CNC shearing machines电脑数控钻床CNC drilling machines电动刀具Electric power tools电火花机Electric discharge machines(EDM)雕刻机Engraving machines刀片Blades刀具Cutters倒角机Chamfer machines多轴钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle锻铝Forging,aluminium锻压机Presses,forging锻模Forging dies仿形铣床Milling machines,duplicating粉末冶金成型机Powder metallurgic forming machines反射炉Reverberatory furnaces钢锻Forging,steel高速车床Lathes,high-speed高速钻床Drilling machines,high-speed管筒制造机Pipe & tube making machines滚筒Rollers工具磨床Grinders,tools & cutters攻螺丝机Tapping machines弓锯Saws,hack虎钳V ises换模系统Mold changing systems夹盘Chucks夹具Fixture夹具/支持系统Clamping/holding systems剪切机Shearing machines加工中心机刀库 A.T.C.system激光切割Laser cutting激光雕刻机Engraving machines,laser激光钢板切割机Laser cutting for SMT stensil 集合管Manifolds矫直机Straightening machines金属板成型机Sheet metal forming machines 金属板加工机Sheet metal working machines 锯片Blades,saw锯床Sawing machines卷边工具Crimping tools晶圆切割机Dicing saws精密平口钳V ises,tool-maker精研机Lapping machines可锻铸铁Casting,malleable iron快速换模系统Quick mold change systems卡口Bayonet开关及按钮Switches & buttons钻石刀具Diamond cutters钻头drills钻模Jigs钻床Drilling machines钻床工作台Drilling machines bench自动压力机Presses,transfer。

机床专业英语大全发现机床行业专业英语词汇, 非常有用, 与各位共享!(1):按英文字母排序3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment 平衡设备Bayonet 卡口Bearing fittings 轴承配件Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机Bearings 轴承Belt drive 带传动Bending machines 弯曲机Blades 刀片Blades,saw 锯片Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Boring heads 搪孔头Boring machines 镗床Cable making tools 造线机Casting,aluminium 铸铝Casting, copper 铸铜Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁Casting,other 其他铸造Casting,steel 铸钢Chain drive 链传动Chain making tools 造链机Chamfer machines 倒角机Chucks 夹盘Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床CNC lathes 电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链Coolers 冷却机Coupling 联轴器Crimping tools 卷边工具Cutters 刀具Cutting-off machines 切断机Diamond cutters 钻石刀具Dicing saws 晶圆切割机Die casting dies 压铸冲模Die casting machines 压铸机Dies-progressive 连续冲模Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头Drawing machines 拔丝机Drilling machines 钻床Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical 立式钻床drills 钻头Electric discharge machines(EDM) 电火花机Electric power tools 电动刀具Engraving machines 雕刻机Engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻机Etching machines 蚀刻机Finishing machines 修整机Fixture 夹具Forging dies 锻模Forging,aluminium 锻铝Forging, cold 冷锻Forging, copper 铜锻Forging,other 其他锻造Forging,steel 钢锻Foundry equipment 铸造设备Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机Gears 齿轮Gravity casting machines 重力铸造机Grinder bench 磨床工作台Grinders,thread 螺纹磨床Grinders,tools & cutters 工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic 超声波打磨机Grinding machines 磨床Grinding machines,centerless 无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical 外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal 万能磨床Grinding tools 磨削工具Grinding wheels 磨轮Hand tools 手工具Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Heat preserving furnaces 保温炉Heating treatment funaces 熔热处理炉Honing machines 搪磨机Hydraulic components 液压元件Hydraulic power tools 液压工具Hydraulic power units 液压动力元件Hydraulic rotary cylinders 液压回转缸Jigs 钻模Lapping machines 精研机Lapping machines,centerless 无心精研机Laser cutting 激光切割Laser cutting for SMT stensil 激光钢板切割机Lathe bench 车床工作台Lathes,automatic 自动车床Lathes,heavy-duty 重型车床Lathes,high-speed 高速车床Lathes,turret 六角车床Lathes,vertical 立式车床Lubricants 润滑液Lubrication Systems 润滑系统Lubricators 注油机Machining centers,general 通用加工中心Machining centers,horizontal 卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical 卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical 立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式双柱加工中心Magnetic tools 磁性工具Manifolds 集合管Milling heads 铣头Milling machines 铣床Milling machines,bed type 床身式铣床Milling machines,duplicating 仿形铣床Milling machines,horizontal 卧式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical 六角立式铣床Milling machines,universal 万能铣床Milling machines,vertical 立式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal 立式及卧式铣床Mold & die components 模具单元Mold changing systems 换模系统Mold core 模芯Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair 模具维修Molds 模具Nail making machines 造钉机Oil coolers 油冷却器Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 铝轮冒口切断机P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant P型PVC高分子防水PCB fine piecing systems 印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统Pipe & tube making machines 管筒制造机Planing machines 刨床Planing machines vertical 立式刨床Pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气油压虎钳Pneumatic power tools 气动工具Powder metallurgic forming machines 粉末冶金成型机Presses,cold forging 冷锻冲压机presses,crank 曲柄压力机Presses,eccentric 离心压力机Presses,forging 锻压机Presses,hydraulic 液压冲床Presses,knuckle joint 肘杆式压力机Presses,pneumatic 气动冲床Presses,servo 伺服冲床Presses,transfer 自动压力机Pressing dies 压模Punch formers 冲子研磨器Quick die change systems 速换模系统Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces 反射炉Rollers 滚筒Rolling machines 辗压机Rotary tables 转台Sawing machines 锯床Sawing machines,band 带锯床Saws,band 带锯Saws,hack 弓锯Saws,horizontal band 卧式带锯Saws,vertical band 立式带锯shafts 轴Shapers 牛头刨床Shearing machines 剪切机Sheet metal forming machines 金属板成型机Sheet metal working machines 金属板加工机Slotting machines 插床spindles 主轴Stamping parts 冲压机Straightening machines 矫直机Switches & buttons 开关及按钮Tapping machines 攻螺丝机Transmitted chains 传动链Tube bending machines 弯管机Vertical hydraulic broaching machine 立式油压拉床Vises 虎钳Vises,tool-maker 精密平口钳Wheel dressers 砂轮修整器Woven-Cutting machines 织麦激光切割机Wrenches 扳手铝轮冒口切断机Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 离心压力机Presses,eccentric六角立式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical六角车床Lathes,turret螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Bolts,screws & nuts螺纹磨床Grinders,thread冷却机Coolers冷锻Forging,cold冷锻冲压机Presses,cold forging立式双柱加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式铣床Milling machines,vertical立式油压拉床Vertical hydraulic broaching machine立式刨床Planing machines vertical立式车床Lathes,vertical立式带锯Saws,vertical band立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical立式及卧式铣床Milling machines,vertical & horizontal立式钻床Drilling machines,vertical联轴器Coupling连续溶解保温炉Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续冲模Dies-progressive链传动Chain drive切断机Cutting-off machinesCNC刀杆CNC toolings曲柄压力机presses,crank修整机Finishing machines舍弃式刀头Disposable toolholder bits润滑系统Lubrication Systems润滑液Lubricants熔热处理炉Heating treatment funaces三爪、分割工具头3-Jaws indexing spacers伺服冲床Presses,servo输送链Conveying chains手工具Hand tools砂轮修整器Wheel dressers蚀刻机Etching machines外圆磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical搪磨机Honing machines搪孔头Boring heads卧式铣床Milling machines,horizontal卧式带锯Saws,horizontal band卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal & vertical万能铣床Milling machines,universal万能磨床Grinding machines,universal镗床Boring machines弯曲机Bending machines弯管机Tube bending machines通用加工中心Machining centers,general铜锻Forging,copper铣头Milling heads铣床Milling machines无心磨床Grinding machines,centerless无心精研机Lapping machines,centerless压模Pressing dies压铸冲模Die casting dies压铸机Die casting machines油冷却器Oil coolers造链机Chain making tools造线机Cable making tools造钉机Nail making machines印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统PCB fine piecing systems摇臂钻床Drilling machines,radial硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 辗压机Rolling machines液压元件Hydraulic components液压冲床Presses,hydraulic液压动力元件Hydraulic power units液压工具Hydraulic power tools液压回转缸Hydraulic rotary cylindersP型PVC高分子防水P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant刨床Planing machines牛头刨床Shapers其他铸造Casting,other其他锻造Forging,other模芯Mold core模具Molds模具维修Mold repair模具打磨/磨纹Mold polishing/texturing模具单元Mold & die components模具加热器/冷却器Mold heaters/chillers 磨轮Grinding wheels磨削工具Grinding tools磨床Grinding machines磨床工作台Grinder bench平衡设备Balancing equipment气油压虎钳Pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气动冲床Presses,pneumatic气动工具Pneumatic power tools轴shafts轴承Bearings轴承配件Bearing fittings轴承加工机Bearing processing equipment 肘杆式压力机Presses,knuckle joint铸铝Casting,aluminium铸铜Casting,copper铸造设备Foundry equipment铸钢Casting,steel铸灰口铁Casting,gray iron织麦激光切割机Woven-Cutting machines 重力铸造机Gravity casting machines重型车床Lathes,heavy-duty主轴spindles扳手Wrenches拔丝机Drawing machines保温炉Heat preserving furnaces插床Slotting machines齿轮Gears齿轮切削机Gear cutting machines冲压机Stamping parts冲子研磨器Punch formers超声波打磨机Grinders,ultrasonic车床工作台Lathe bench磁性工具Magnetic tools传动链Transmitted chains床身式铣床Milling machines,bed type带传动Belt drive带锯Saws,band带锯床Sawing machines,band电脑数控镗床CNC boring machines电脑数控弯折机CNC bending presses电脑数控铣床CNC milling machines电脑数控线切削机CNC wire-cutting machines电脑数控磨床CNC grinding machines电脑数控车床CNC lathes电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC electric discharge machines电脑数控雕刻机CNC engraving machines电脑数控机床配件CNC machine tool fittings电脑数控剪切机CNC shearing machines电脑数控钻床CNC drilling machines电动刀具Electric power tools电火花机Electric discharge machines(EDM)雕刻机Engraving machines刀片Blades刀具Cutters倒角机Chamfer machines多轴钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle锻铝Forging,aluminium锻压机Presses,forging锻模Forging dies仿形铣床Milling machines,duplicating粉末冶金成型机Powder metallurgic forming machines反射炉Reverberatory furnaces钢锻Forging,steel高速车床Lathes,high-speed高速钻床Drilling machines,high-speed管筒制造机Pipe & tube making machines滚筒Rollers工具磨床Grinders,tools & cutters攻螺丝机Tapping machines弓锯Saws,hack虎钳Vises换模系统Mold changing systems夹盘Chucks夹具Fixture夹具/支持系统Clamping/holding systems剪切机Shearing machines加工中心机刀库A.T.C.system激光切割Laser cutting激光雕刻机Engraving machines,laser激光钢板切割机Laser cutting for SMT stensil 集合管Manifolds矫直机Straightening machines金属板成型机Sheet metal forming machines 金属板加工机Sheet metal working machines 锯片Blades,saw锯床Sawing machines卷边工具Crimping tools晶圆切割机Dicing saws精密平口钳Vises,tool-maker精研机Lapping machines可锻铸铁Casting,malleable iron快速换模系统Quick mold change systems卡口Bayonet开关及按钮Switches & buttons钻石刀具Diamond cutters钻头drills钻模Jigs钻床Drilling machines钻床工作台Drilling machines bench自动压力机Presses,transfer。

A back to top-----ABEC:Annular Bearing Engineers Committee. Used as a prefix for tolerance grades of bearings as set up by this committee.ABEC 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:Annular Bearing Engineers Committee classes or grades of ball bearing precision.ABMA:American Bearing Manufacturers Association. This is a non-profit association consisting of American manufacturers of anti-friction bearings, spherical plain bearings or major components thereof. The purpose of ABMA is to define national and international standards for bearing products and maintain bearing industry statistics.ABRASION:The wearing away of a surface by mechanical action such as rubbing, scraping or erosion. ABRASIVE BLASTING:Process for removing scale from product after heat treatment and prior to grinding; product pieces are placed in a tumbler that bombards the surface with high-velocity metal shot particles. This process also acts as a tempering or stabilizing process. (Also called Shotblasting)ABRASION RESISTANCE:The ability of a rubber compound to resist mechanical wear.ABS (ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM):Ability to brake and steer at the same time. A braking system, usually electronically controlled, that prevents wheel lock during heavy brake application.ACCELERATED LIFE TEST:Any set of test conditions designed to reproduce in a short time the deteriorating effect created under normal service condition.ACID ETCH:The process of checking surface of ground product for cracks or burns by using a series of acids or neutralizers. Also called Nital Etch.ALL PURPOSE BEARING:The Timken Company "AP" Bearing; a self-contained pre-assembled, pre-adjusted, pre-lubricated, completely sealed unit. Applied to and removed from an axle without exposing the bearing elements, seal or lubricant to contamination or damage.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:The surrounding temperature. Note that ambient temperature is not necessarily the same as atmospheric temperature.AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE - ANSI:An agency that develops standards and requirements regarding all things which affect the health and safety of associates.ANGULAR CONTACT BEARING:A type of ball bearing whose internal clearances and ball race locations result in a definite contact angle between the races and the balls when the bearing is in use.ANSI:The American National Standards Institute is a private organization that identifies industrial standards and coordinates their development. Many ANSI standards relate to safe design, performance and practices for equipment.ANTI-FRICTION BEARING:These bearing types use rolling contact to cut power loss resulting from friction.ANTI-OXIDANT:An additive that is usually incorporated in a relatively small proportion to retard oxidation of lubricants, including greases and gear lubricants. It is an oxidation inhibitor.ANTI-RUST OR ANTI-CORROSION ADDITIVES:These additives help prevent oxidation of metal by displacing water from metal surfaces. They plate to metal with a polarized effect to give the metal an internal “umbrella,” helping to deter iron-oxide formation.APEX:The common point on the axis of a bearing where angular lines of each of the various tapered roller surfaces meet.AXIAL CLEARANCE:The gap between the toe face of the head section and the inside surface of the inner case.AXIAL INTERNAL CLEARANCE:In a ball bearing assembly, the axial internal clearance is the total maximum possible movement parallel to the bearing axis or the inner ring, in relation to the outer ring.AXIAL LOAD:A type of load on a bearing that is parallel to the axis of rotation.AXIAL RUNOUT:Also called lateral runout, is the measurable irregularity or wobble parallel to the axis of rotation. AXIS:A straight line about which an object rotates; a straight line about which the parts of a bearing are regularly arranged. The center line of a shaft serves as an axis for a bearing; the cup and housing remain stationary while the shaft and cone rotate OR the cone and shaft remain stationary and the cup and housing rotate around it. The relative motion of the cup and cone is accommodated by the rolling motion of the rollers.AXLE:Rod or spindle on or with which a wheel revolves; the bar connecting two opposite wheels. The shaft (axle) of an automobile fits through the bore of a cone of the tapered roller bearing.-----B-----BALL:A spherical rolling element.BALL BEARING:An anti-friction bearing that uses a series of steel balls held between inner and outer bearing races. BALL DETENT:A spring-loaded ball mechanism that aligns the needle rollers of a full complement drawn cupbearing before it is pressed into a housing. The rollers are aligned when the ball detent forces the rollers apart, gathering circumferential clearance in one location.BENCH TEST:A modified service test in which service conditions are approximated using conventional laboratory equipment, not necessarily application-identical equipment.BORE:The inside diameter of the inner ring or cone.BORE CORNER:The maximum shaft fillet radius that will provide for proper bearing fit.BORE SIZE:The inner diameter of a cone, which accommodates a shaft.BOUNDARY LUBRICATION:A state of lubrication that occurs w hen, due to speed, load or lubricant combination, the “thick film” or hydrodynamic conditions do not completely separate the rubbing surfaces. Special additives sometimes are used for bearing protection under these conditions.BRUISING:A form of bearing surface damage from other fatigued parts.-----C back to top-----CAGE:The separator that spaces and holds rolling elements in their proper positions along the races.CAGE DEFORMATION:Improperly installed or dropped bearing.CAGE POCKET WEAR:Heavy contact between the rollers and cage pocket surfaces caused by a bearing's operating too loosely.CAGED BEARING:Similar to a full complement bearing, except that there are fewer rollers, allowing room for the cage. CLOSED-END BEARING:A drawn cup bearing where one end of the cup has a solid face, which fully encloses that end of the bearing. This allows the housing to be through bored (straight housing). The closed end of the installed bearing seals the housing.COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION:The ratio of the friction between two surfaces to the pressure between them. A low coefficient of friction means low friction losses that are influenced by the viscosity and character of the lubricant and by materials, surface conditions and other factors.COHESION:The molecular attraction between grease particles that causes them to stick together. This attraction contributes to its resistance to flow.COMBINED LOAD:Both radial and thrust loads applied to the same bearing at one time.CONE:The bearing's inner ring that is fixed to and/or pressed onto a rotating shaft.CONE BORE DAMAGE:Fractured cone due to out-of-round or over-sized shaft.CONE LARGE RIB FACE DEFORMATION:Metal flow from excessive heat generation.CONE LARGE RIB FACE SCORING:Welding and heat damage from metal-to-metal contact.CONRAD DEEP-GROOVE BALL BEARING:Standard single-row deep-groove bearing. Also referred to as a radial ball bearing.CONTACT LINE HEIGHT:The axial distance from the outside seal face to the lip contact line.CONTACT POINT:The line of intersection between the outside and inside lip surfaces of a radial lip seal. In across-sectional view, this intersection is illustrated as a point.CONTAMINATION:The pollution of a lubricant by an external agent.CORROSION:A chemical attack on metals by acids, alkalies, oxygen, chlorine, sulfur or other chemicals. This is distinct from metal destruction by wear and may be evident by either discoloration or pitting. CORROSION INHIBITOR:An additive that protects lubricated metal surfaces from chemical attack by water or other contaminants.The bearing's outer ring that sits on the housing and remains stationary during rotation.CUP-FACE DENTING:Indentations from hardened driver.CUP SPINNING:A loose cup fit in a rotating wheel hub.-----D back to top-----DEAD-END HOUSING:A housing that is not through bored. The machining stops part way through the housing forming a blind hole.DIAL INDICATOR:A measuring device, equipped with a readout dial, used most often to determine end motion or irregularities/runout.DRAWN CUP NEEDLE ROLLER BEARING:A needle roller radial bearing with a thin, pressed steel outer ring (drawn cup). It is usually employed without an inner ring. Available in caged and full complement designs. Drawn cup bearings are normally supplied with both ends open, but most sizes are also available with one end closed. A drawn cup bearing can only carry a radial load.DYNAMIC SEAL:A seal required to prevent leakage past parts that are in relative motion.E back to top-----ECCENTRIC:Circles or diameters not having the same exact centers.ECCENTRICITY:This is determined by measuring the shaft runout, TIR and the shaft-to-bore misalignment. ELASTOHYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION (EHD):A lubricant regime characterized by high-unit loads and high speeds where the mating parts, usually in roller bearings, deform elastically, causing an increase in lubricant viscosity andload-carrying capacity.END PLAY:The amount of axial or end-to-end movement in a shaft due to clearance in the bearings. ETCHING:Rusting with pitting and corrosion from moisture and water exposure.EVAPORATION LOSS:The portion of a lubricant that evaporates under the effects of temperature, pressure and time. The test methods include ASTM D 972 and ASTM D 2595.-----F back to top-----FACE:The side surface of a bearing.FALSE BRINELLING:Wear caused by vibration or relative axial movement between the rollers and races. (See Fretting.) FATIGUE:The fracture and breaking away of metal in the form of a spall. Generally, three modes of contact fatigue are recognized:Inclusion originGeometric stress concentrationPoint surface originFILLET RADIUS:Shaft or housing corner dimension that bearing corner must clear.FIXED BEARING:Bearing which positions shaft against axial movement in both directions.FLOATING BEARING:Bearing so designed or mounted as to permit axial displacement between shaft and housing.FLUTING:A series of small axial burns caused by an electric current passing through the bearing while it is rotating.FPM:Feet per minute.FRETTING:Wear characterized by the removal of fine particles from mating surfaces. Fretting is caused by vibratory or oscillatory motion of limited amplitude between contacting surfaces. (See False Brinelling.)FRICTION:Resistance to motion due to the contact of surfaces.FRICTION BREAK-OUT:Friction developed during initial or starting motion.FRICTION RUNNING:Constant friction created during the operation of a dynamic seal.FULL COMPLEMENT BEARING:A bearing without a cage that contains the maximum number of rollers and has maximum load carrying ability. The rollers are mechanically retained by the cup in most full complement drawn cup bearings.-----G back to top-----GALLING:A form of wear in which seizing or tearing of the gear or bearing surface occurs.GEOMETRIC STRESS CONCENTRATION:Spalling from misalignment, deflections or heavy loading.GROOVING:Large particle contamination imbedding into the soft cage material.GROSS MARGIN:The difference between the cost of merchandise and its selling price.-----H back to top-----HARDNESS:The resistance to indentation. This is measured by the relative resistance of the material to an indentor point of any one of a number of standard hardness testing instruments.HDLTM:Timken Hydrodynamic Labyrinth (HDLTM) Seal.HEAD SECTION:The portion of a lip seal that is generally defined by the inside and outside lip surfaces and the spring groove.HEAVY-DUTY NEEDLE ROLLER BEARINGS:A needle roller radial bearing with a machined and ground channel-shaped outer ring with a complement of needle rollers, retained and guided by a cage. A heavy-duty needle roller bearing can only carry a radial load.HEAVY PARTS:Examples of heavy parts are chassis (shock absorbers, mufflers and exhaust system products, struts), drivetrain (U-joints, transmission parts, clutches), brake parts (rotors, discs) and crash parts (body repair kits, fenders and bumpers, fiberglass panels, glass).HIGH SPOTS IN CUP SEATS:Localized spalling on the cup race from stress riser created by a split housing pinch point. HOUSING:A rigid structure that supports and locates the seal assembly with respect to the shaft.HOUSING FITAmount of interference or clearance between bearing outside surface and housing bearing seat.HUB BEARING ASSEMBLY:A packaged wheel-end unit that contains bearings, seals and all components necessary for easy installation. It is pre-sealed, pre-lubricated and pre-set for precise performance.HUB GREASE CAP/DUST COVER:A metal cap that fits over the outer end of the hub to keep grease in and dirt out of the bearing assembly.HYDRODYNAMIC (FLUID-FILM) LUBRICATION:That state of lubrication in which the shape and relative motion of the sliding surfaces cause the formation of a continuous fluid film under sufficient pressure to prevent any contact between the surfaces. It is commonly called fluid-film lubrication.-----I back to top-----INCLUSION ORIGIN:Spalling from oxides or other hard inclusions in the bearing steel.INNER CASE:A rigid, cup-shaped component of a seal assembly that is placed inside the outer seal case. It has one or more of the following devices: reinforcing member, shield, spring retainer or a lip-clamping component.INNER RING:Bearing component with the inner raceway on its OD surface.INNER RING RACE:The surfaces on the cup and cone where the rolling elements make contact.INSIDE CASE INNER DIAMETER:The inner diameter of the inner case of a radial-lip seal.INSIDE FACE:The surface of the inner case that faces and is usually in contact with the sealed fluid.INSIDE LIP ANGLE:The angle between the inside lip surface and the axis of the seal case.INSIDE LIP SURFACE:The inside truncated conical surface of the lip.INTERNAL CLEARANCE:The internal clearance of a single-row radial contact ball bearing is the average outer ring racediameter, minus the average inner ring race diameter, minus twice the ball diameter. It also is known as the radial internal clearance or end play.INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION:Most commonly referred to as the ISO STANDARD. An international standard setting body that is composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.-----L back to top-----LIFE TEST:A laboratory procedure that is used to determine the amount and duration of resistance of an article to a specific set of destructive forces or conditions.LINE SPALLING:Roller spaced spalling from bearings operating after etching damage.LIP HEIGHT:The axial distance from the outside seal face to the toe face.LIP LENGTH:The axial distance between the thinnest part of the flex section and the contact line.LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY:The property of a lubricant that forms a film on the lubricated surface, which resists rupture under given load conditions. It is expressed as the maximum load the lubricated system can support without failure or excessive wear.LUBRICANT:Any substance used to separate two surfaces in motion and reduce the friction or wear of the surfaces.LUBRICATION:The control of friction and wear by introducing a friction-reducing film between moving surfaces that make contact. It may be a fluid, solid or plastic substance.LUBRICITY:A term used to describe the ability of a lubricant to reduce friction between rubbing surfaces. There are no generally accepted test methods available to evaluate this property. Lubricity is important mostly in conditions of boundary lubrication and probably represents some relationship to the ability of the oil to wet the bearing surfaces and to resist being rubbed off. Lubricity has no known direct relationship to oil viscosity. It is also referred to as oiliness.-----M back to top-----MAXIMUM CAPACITY BEARING:A bearing with filling notches to allow the loading of the maximum number of balls.METAL (OUTER) CASE:The outer, thin-wall, rigid structure of the lip-seal assembly that contains the primary sealing ring and, if present, the inner case, spring and secondary seal.MISALIGNMENT:An irregular roller path from deflection, inaccurate machining or wear of bearing seats.-----N back to top-----NEEDLE ROLLER:Cylindrical roller with large length to diameter ratio. The length is between three and ten times the diameter, which does not usually exceed 5 mm. The ends of the needle roller may be one of several shapes.-----O back to top-----OPEN-END BEARING:A drawn cup bearing that does not have a closed end. This allows a shaft to extend through the bearing.OUTER RING:A bearing component with the outer raceway on its bore surface.OUTER RING RACE:The ball or roller path on the bore of the outer ring.OUTSIDE CASE INNER DIAMETER:The inside or smallest diameter of the outer case of a lip-seal assembly.OUTSIDE DIAMETER:The diameter of the outer ring or cup. It also is known as O.D.OUTSIDE FACE:The surface of the seal case perpendicular to the shaft axis that is not in contact with the fluid being sealed.OUTSIDE LIP ANGLE:The angle between the outside lip surface and the axis of the seal case.OUTSIDE LIP SURFACE:The outside truncated conical surface of the lip.OVERALL BEARING WIDTH:The overall dimension when the cup and cone are mated, including rollers and cage. OXIDATION:This occurs when oxygen attacks petroleum fluids. The process is accelerated by heat, light, metal catalysts and the presence of water, acids, or solid contaminants. It leads to increased viscosity and deposit formation.OXIDATION INHIBITOR:A substance (chemical additive) added in small quantities to a petroleum product to increase its oxidation resistance, thereby lengthening its service or storage life.OXIDATION STABILITY:The resistance of a petroleum product to oxidation and, therefore, a measure of its potential service or storage life.-----P back to top-----PEELING:Micro-spalling due to a thin lubricant film from high loads/low RPM or elevated temperatures. PITTED:Small indentations appearing as black dots on finished surfaces of any piece of product; undesirable surface defects.POINT SURFACE ORIGIN:Spalling from debris or raised metal exceeding the lubricant film thickness.PRELOAD:Thrust load applied to bearings that support a rotating part; eliminates axial endplay or movement. -----R back to top-----RACES:The surfaces on the cup and cone where the rolling elements make contact.RACEWAY:The functional surfaces in an anti-friction bearing that contact the rolling elements.RADIAL DEVIATION:The amount of deviation from the true circular form.RADIAL INTERNAL CLEARANCE:Also called radial clearance. It is the total distance the inner ring (or shaft) may be displaced relative to the outer ring of an assembled, installed bearing.RADIAL LOAD:A load applied perpendicular to the axis of the shaft.RADIAL RUNOUT:Measurable irregularity or out-of-roundness in a rotating assembly, at a right angle to an axis.RIB (HELIX):In seals, a long, narrow projection that is normally triangular in the cross section. It is molded into the outside lip surface of a helix seal. The rib is oriented at an angle to the shaft axis. One end of the rib forms part of the seal-lip contact surface. In tapered roller bearings, it is a raised structure at the end of the raceway that guides or supports the rollers.RMS:Root mean square.ROLLER BINDING SKEWING:Cage ring compressed during installation or interference during service.ROLLER END SCORING:Metal-to-metal contact resulting from the breakdown of lubricant film.ROLLER NICKING/DENTING:Damage from rough handling or installation damage.ROLLER SPACE NICKING:Raised metal on races from contact with roller edges.ROLLERS:Rolling elements that are located between the cone and cup.RUNOUT:Measurable irregularity across a plane surface, such as a disc brake rotor, hub or wheel assembly. RUNOUT (SHAFT):This is the same as gyration. When it is expressed in inches alone or accompanied by the abbreviation TIR (total indicator reading), it refers to twice the radial distance between the shaft axis and axis of rotation.-----S back to top-----SCALLOPING:Uneven localized wear resulting from excessive endplay.SCUFFING:Abnormal wear due to localized welding and fracture. It can be prevented through the use ofanti-wear, extreme-pressure and friction-modifier additives.SENSOR-PAC™ BEARING:A light-duty packaged bearing that includes a sensing system for antilock brake and traction control systems.SHAFT FIT:Amount of interference or clearance between bearing inside diameter and shaft bearing seat outside diameter.SHAFT HARDNESS:The resistance to indentation. At minimum, it should be Rockwell C45.SHAFT LOBING:Uniform radial deviation of the shaft surface. An oval shaft is said to have two lobes. Faulty centerless grinding usually causes an odd number of lobes to occur. Higher order lobing is also referred to as chatter.SHAFT OUT-OF-ROUND:The deviation of the shaft cross section from a true click. Out-of-round is measured as the radial distance, on a polar chart recording, between concentric, circumscribed and inscribed circles that contain the trace and are centered to minimize the radial distance.SHAFT TOLERANCE:This is the allowable variation in the shaft diameter.SPALLING:Metal flaking (off) of the race or roller caused by inclusions in bearing steel, misalignment, deflection or heavy loading.SPINDLE:A short tapered axle that supports a free rolling wheel. Also referred to as a stub axle. SPINDLE NUT:A nut threaded on the end of the spindle for adjusting the wheel bearing endplay or preload. SPLINES:External or internal slots or grooves cut in a shaft/gear/hub or yoke used so that two different components must rotate together.STAINING:Surface stain with no significant corrosion from moisture exposure.STATIC POINT:The section of the helix seal lip incorporating the contact line.STRAIGHT HOUSING:A housing that is through bored. The machining passes all the way through the housing forming a through hole.STRAIGHT MINERAL OIL:A petroleum oil not containing compounds, animal or vegetable oils or chemical additives.-----T back to top-----TAPERED ROLLER BEARING:A friction reducing bearing that is made up of a cup, cone and tapered rollers, which rotate around the raceway of the bearing.THERMAL EXPANSION:The expansion caused by the increase in temperature. This may be linear or volumetric. THRUST:The continuous pressure of one object against another, parallel to the center of the axis. THRUST LOAD:A load applied parallel to the center line of rotation.THRUST NEEDLE BEARINGS:A needle roller thrust bearing contains a cage that holds needle rollers in a spoke-like configuration.A thrust needle roller bearing can only carry a thrust load.TIER ONE SUPPLIERS:Automotive parts manufacturers that supply final equipment directly to automakers (OEMs or original equipment manufacturers). Increasingly, tier one suppliers are becoming "systems integrators" or producers of major subassemblies and modular components that can be installed into a vehicle as a unit, such as a complete chassis.TORQUE:The turning force of a shaft.TORQUE WRENCH:A torque wrench measures the amount of turning force being applied to a fastener (nut or bolt). Scales usually read in foot-pounds or Newton-meters.TRUE BRINELLING:Damage from shock or impact.TRUE ROLLING MOTION:Tapered roller bearings naturally align themselves as a result of the balance of forces on the bearing, keeping rolling elements moving smoothly in wheels and other automotive applications.-----U back to top-----UNIPAC-PLUS™ BEARING:An enhanced UNIPAC design that incorporates a flange to ease mounting of the bearing assembly. UNIPAC™ BEARING:A double-row tapered bearing configuration originally designed for light- and heavy-duty automotive applications.UNIT BEARING:An automotive bearing that is sold as an assembled set and is non-adjustable; characterized by a cone with no large rib.-----W back to top-----WEAR:Damage resulting from the removal of materials from surfaces in relative motion. Wear is generally described as:Abrasive: Removal of materials from surfaces in relative motion by a cutting or abrasive action of a hard particle, which is usually a contaminant.Adhesive: Removal of materials from surfaces in relative motion as a result of surface contact. Galling and scuffing are the extreme cases.Corrosive: Removal of materials by chemical action.-----Z back to top-----ZERO CLEARANCE:No clearance between the roller and races.。

机械工程英语词汇大全机械工程专业英语词汇Machine Engineering English Vocabulary 机械工程英语词汇大全Introduction 介绍Machine engineering is a broad field that encompasses the design, development, and production of machinery and mechanical systems. In order to effectively communicate and work in this industry, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the English vocabulary specific to machine engineering. This article provides a comprehensive guide to machine engineering English vocabulary, equipping you with the necessary terms and concepts to excel in this field.1. Mechanical Systems 机械系统1.1 Components of Mechanical Systems 机械系统的组成部分- Actuator: 执行器- Bearing: 轴承- Belt: 皮带- Bolt: 螺栓- Brake: 刹车- Cam: 凸轮- Chain: 链条- Clutch: 离合器- Coupling: 联轴器- Gear: 齿轮- Motor: 电机- Pulley: 滑轮- Screw: 螺杆- Shaft: 轴- Spring: 弹簧- Valve: 阀门1.2 Types of Mechanical Systems 机械系统的类型- Mechanical Drive Systems: 机械驱动系统- Pneumatic Systems: 气动系统- Hydraulic Systems: 液压系统- Heat Transfer Systems: 热传递系统- Control Systems: 控制系统- Robotics Systems: 机器人系统2. Machine Components 机械零件2.1 Mechanical Power Transmission 机械动力传动- Gearbox: 变速箱- Flywheel: 飞轮- Shaft Coupling: 轴联轴器- Bearing Housing: 轴承座- Clutch Assembly: 离合器总成- Sprocket: 链轮- Conveyor Belt: 传送带- Brake Disc: 刹车盘2.2 Machine Tools 机床- Lathe: 车床- Milling Machine: 铣床- Drill Press: 钻床- Grinding Machine: 磨床- Shaper: 刨床- Bandsaw: 金锯- CNC Machine: 数控机床- Press Machine: 压力机2.3 Mechanical Components 机械元件- Pulley: 滑轮- Camshaft: 凸轮轴- Crankshaft: 曲轴- Piston: 活塞- Cylinder: 气缸- Valve: 阀门- Bearing: 轴承- Spring: 弹簧- Fastener: 紧固件- Gasket: 垫片- Flange: 法兰- O-ring: O型圈3. Mechanical Principles 机械原理3.1 Forces and Motion 力和运动- Force: 力- Torque: 扭矩- Friction: 摩擦- Inertia: 惯性- Kinematics: 运动学- Dynamics: 动力学- Acceleration: 加速度- Velocity: 速度- Momentum: 动量- Impulse: 冲量3.2 Thermodynamics 热力学- Temperature: 温度- Heat: 热量- Pressure: 压力- Entropy: 熵- Heat Transfer: 热传递- Thermodynamic Cycle: 热力循环- Efficiency: 效率3.3 Fluid Mechanics 流体力学- Fluid: 流体- Fluid Dynamics: 流体力学- Flow Rate: 流量- Pressure Drop: 压力降- Viscosity: 黏性- Turbulence: 湍流- Buoyancy: 浮力- Hydraulic: 液压- Pneumatic: 气动Conclusion 结论This comprehensive guide to machine engineering English vocabulary covers a wide range of terms and concepts essential to understanding and working in the field. Whether you are a student studying mechanical engineering or a professional working in the industry, mastering these terms will greatly enhance your ability to communicate and excel in your field. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and vocabulary to effectively navigate the world of machine engineering.。
专业英语第8课全文及翻译 滚动轴承

Lesson 8 Rolling BearingsRolling bearings can carry radial, thrust or combination of the two loads. Accordingly, most rolling bearings are categorized in one of the three groups: radial bearings for carrying loads that are primarily radial, thrust bearings for supporting loads that are primarily axial, and angular conta ct bearings or tapered roller bearings for carrying combined radial and axial loads. Figure 8.1a sh ows a common single-row, deep groove ball bearing. The bearing consists of an inner ring, an out er ring, the balls and the separator. To increase the contact area and. hence permit larger loads to b e carried, the balls run in curvilinear grooves in the rings called raceway. The radius of the racewa y is very little larger than the radius of the ball. This type of bearing can stand a radial load as well as some thrust load. Some other types of rolling bearings are shown in Figs. 8. 1b, 8. lc and 8. 1d.Figure 8.1 Some type: of rolling bearings: (a) deep groove ball bearing; (b) thrust ball bearing;(c) tapered roller thrust bearing;(d) needle roller bearing.The concern of a machine designer with ball and roller bearings is fivefold as follows: (a) life in relation to load; (b) stiffness, i. e. deflections under load; (c) friction; (d) wear; (e) noise. For m oderate loads and speeds the correct selection of a standard bearing on the basis of load rating will usually secure satisfactory performance. The deflection of the bearing elements will become impo rtant where loads are high, although this is usually of less magnitude than that of the shafts or othe r components associated with the bearing. Where speeds are high special cooling arrangements be come necessary which may increase frictional drag. Wear is primarily associated with the introdu ction of contaminants, and sealing arrangements must be chosen with regard to the hostility of the environment.Because the high quality and low price of ball and roller bearings depends on quantity production, the task of the machine designer becomes one of selection rather than design. Rolling bearings are generally made with steel which is through-hardened to about 900 HV. Owing to the high stresses involved, a predominant form of failure should be metal fatigue, and a good deal of work is curren tly in progress intended to improve the reliability of this type of bearing. Design can be based on accepted values of life and it is general practice in the bearing industry to define the load capacity of the bearing as that value below which 90 per cent of a batch will exceed a life of one million re volutions.Notwithstanding the fact that responsibility for the basic design of ball and roller bearings restswith the bearing manufacturer, the machine designer must form a correct appreciation of the duty t o be performed by the bearing and be concerned not only with bearing selection but with the condi tions for correct installation.The fit of the bearing rings onto the shafts or onto the housings is of critical importance beca use of their combined effect on the internal clearance of the bearing as well as preserving the desir ed degree of interference fit. Inadequate interference can induce serious trouble from fretting corr osion. The inner ring is frequently located axially by abutting against a shoulder. A fillet radius at t his point is essential for the avoidance of stress concentration and the inner ring is provided with a corner radius or chamfer to allow space for this.Where life is not the determining factor in design, it is usual to determine maximum loading by the amount to which a bearing will deflect under load. Thus the concept of "static load- carryin g capacity" is understood to mean the load that can be applied to a bearing, which is either stationa ry or subject to slight swiveling motions, without impairing its running qualities for subsequent rot ational motion. This has been determined by practical experience as the load which when applied t o a bearing results in a total deformation of the rolling element and raceway at any point of contact not exceeding 0.01 per cent of the rolling-element diameter. This would correspond to a permanen t deformation of 0.0025 mm for a ball 25 mm in diameter.The successful functioning of many bearings depends upon providing them with adequate prote ction against their environment, and in some circumstances the environment must be protected fro m lubricants or products of deterioration of the bearing surfaces. Achievement of the correct functi oning of seals is an essential part of bearing design. Moreover, seals which are applied to moving parts for any purpose are of interest to tribologists because they are components of bearing system s and can only be designed satisfactorily on the basis of the appropriate bearing theory. Notwithsta nding their importance, the amount of research effort that has been devoted to the understanding of the behavior of seals has been small when compared with that devoted to other aspects of bearing technology.Words and Expressionsradial bearing向心轴承(主要用于承受径向载荷的滚动轴承)thrust bearing推力轴承(主要用于承受轴向载荷的滚动轴承) angular contact bearing角接触轴承 tapered roller bearing圆锥滚子轴承 deep groove ball bearing深沟球轴承thrust ball bearing推力球轴承(滚动体是球的推力滚动轴承)tapered roller thrust bearing推力圆锥滚子轴承(滚动体是圆锥滚子的推力滚动轴承) needle roller bearing滚针轴承(滚动体是滚针的向心滚动轴承) fivefold a.;ad.五倍(的),五重的stiffness ['stifnis} n.刚性,刚度,稳定性 deflection n.偏差,偏移,弯曲,挠度 frictional a.摩擦的,由摩擦产生的drag v.拖,牵引,摩擦,拖着,阻碍;n,阻力,摩擦力,阻尼 wear v. n.磨损,磨蚀,消耗,耗损contaminant n.沾染,杂质,污染物质,污染剂 sealing n.密封,封接hostility n. 敌视,敌意,敌对 through-harden v.整体淬火HV= Vickers hardness维氏硬度notwithstanding prep.; ad.; conj. 虽然,尽管……(还是) clearance n.间隙,裕度,空隙,余地,间距interference n.干涉,干扰,妨碍,过盈,相互影响 fret v.侵蚀,腐蚀,磨损,损坏 fretting n.松散,微振磨损abut v.邻接,毗连,倚着,支撑;n.端,尽头,支架 chamfer n.;二在……开槽,倒棱,倒角,圆角 swivel n.旋转轴承,转体;v.旋转,用活节连接 raceway n.轴承座圈,滚道lubricant n.润滑剂,润滑材料;a.润滑的 deterioration n.变质,退化,恶化,变坏 tribology n.摩擦学Notes1. through-hardened意为“整体淬火的,,。
机械专业英语1Special English for Mechanical Engineering

Special English for Mechanical Engineering
1. 单词特点
(1) 专业性词汇较多,且词形复杂,记忆难度大。
chrome-moly steel — 铬钼钢
antifriction bearing— 滚动轴承
epicyclic gear— 行星齿轮
A-frame A形架
V-slot V形槽 O-ring O形环
Y-connection Y形连接(星形连接) zigzag wave 锯齿形波
U-shaped magnet 马蹄形磁铁
V-belt 三角皮带
cabinet file 半圆锉
twist drill 麻花钻 X-ray X射线
slide-crank mechanism —曲柄滑块机构
detail drawing — 零件图
four-bar linkage —四连杆机构
(i)派生法-在一个词的前面或后面加上词缀来构成新词 的方法。
anti-反,防;如antiknock抗震的,,antinoise抗噪声的, dis-不,相反;如discharge放电 pre-预先,在前;如preheat预热,preamplifier前置放大器 semi-半:semiconductor半导体,semiautomatic半自动化的
hertz 赫兹(频率) 赫
newton 牛顿(力、重量) 牛
pascal 帕斯卡(压力、强度) 帕 watt 瓦特(功率)瓦

acceleration 加速度,加速度值,加快adaptive 适合的,适应的,自适应的adaptive control 自适应控制bearing 轴承,支撑blade 叶片,刀片boring 镗孔,镗削加工bar stock 棒料bench type 台式burr 毛刺back engagement 背吃刀量cam 凸轮,偏心轮couple 力偶coupling 联轴器,连接、耦合cross section 截面,横断面,剖面curvature 弯曲,曲率,弧度carriage 溜板center distance 中心距,顶尖距chip 切削、切、削cold-roll冷轧、冷轧机clutch抓住、捏紧、离合器compound rest 小刀架casting 铸造,铸件dynamics 动力学,动力特性die 模切,模具、冲模、压模displacement 位移drawing 绘图,制图deburr 去毛刺,去飞翅durable耐用的、耐久的、坚固的deflection偏转、偏差deformation 变形,形变,扭曲,应变engagement啮合、吃刀量free-body 自由体,隔离体free-body diagram隔离体受力图follower 从动轮,随动机构、从动件facing 车平面,端面加工feed rod 光杠forge锻造、打制、锻工车间feed motion 进给运动feed per tooth 每齿进给量flexible coupling弹性联轴器、gear 齿轮,齿轮传动装置gear box齿轮箱、变速箱geometric ratio 等比headstock 主轴箱,动力箱inertia 惯性,惯量,惰性in-process (加工,处理)过程中的journal bearing 滑动轴承,向心滑动轴承knob 旋钮key键keyway键槽kinematic 运动的,运动学的kinematic pair 运动副linkage 连杆机构,低副运动链、连接lever 杠杆,手柄leadscrew 丝杠mating surface 啮合表面,接触面moment 力矩momentum 动量plasmas 等离子piston 活塞,柱塞primary motion 主运动prototype 原型,模型机、样机pulley 滑轮,皮带轮quill 活动套筒,空心轴,钻轴、衬套runout 偏斜,径向跳动reaming 铰孔reversal 颠倒、相互、反向、改变方向statics 静力学,静止状态shaft 轴scalar 数量(的),标量(的)sketch 草图,简图、示意图、设计图sawing 锯,锯切,锯开stem 杆、棒、柄、柱、轴socket wrench 套筒扳手slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑块机构shaft bearing 轴承stress concentration 应力集中screw driver 螺丝刀turning 旋转,车削,车外圆tailstock尾座,尾架torque转矩、扭矩、扭转vector 矢量、向量vector 矢量,向量workpiece 工件。
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一、轴承(一)滚动轴承总论1. 滚动轴承rolling bearing ['rəuliŋ]2. 单列轴承single row bearing [rau]3. 双列轴承double row bearing4. 多列轴承multi-row bearing ['mʌlti]5. 满装滚动体轴承full complement bearing [ful] ['kɔmplimənt]6. 角接触轴承angular contact bearing ['æŋɡjulə]7. 调心轴承self-aligning bearing [ə…lainiŋ]8. 可分离的轴承separable bearing ['sepərəbl]9. 不可分离轴承non-separable bearing10. 单列深沟球轴承是球轴承中最普通的种类,应用及其广泛。
Single row deep groove ball bearings are the most common type of rolling bearing and are used in a wide variety [və'raiəti] of applications.The moment of friction of high-speed grease-lubricated rolling bearing determines its power consumption and heat output,and the heat output has a direct effect on its temperature rise.在高速脂润滑滚动轴承中,摩擦力矩的大小决定了轴承的功率消耗和发热量的大小,发热量的大小直接影响轴承的温升失效。
轴承英语基础知识培训(二)(10.4.29) 一、轴承(一)滚动轴承总论10. 英制轴承inch bearing inch [intʃ]11. 开型轴承open bearing open ['əupən]12. 密封圈轴承sealed bearing sealed [si:ld]13. 防尘盖轴承shielded bearing shielded ['ʃi:ldid]14. 闭型轴承capped bearing15. 预润滑轴承prelubricated bearing [pri:…ljubrikeitid] 16. 仪器精密轴承instrument precision bearing ['instrumənt] [pri'siʒən] 17. 组配轴承matched bearingSealed bearing system reduces clamping pressure and increases bearing life.密封的轴承系统减少夹持力并增加轴承寿命。
With proper selection of parameters, small dimension products with high precision can be obtained. 选择适当的工艺参数,能够制得精度很高的小尺寸产品;轴承英语基础知识培训(三)(10.5.4) (二)向心轴承1. 向心轴承radial bearing ['reidiəl]2. 径向接触轴承radial contact bearing contact ['kɔntækt]3. 角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing ['æŋɡjulə]4. 外球面轴承insert bearing insert [in'sə:t]5. 锥孔轴承tapered bore bearing ['teipəd]6. 凸缘轴承flanged bearing [flænd ʒ] flanged adj. 带凸缘的;装有法兰的;带法兰的;折边的7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承track roller (rolling bearing) ['rəulə]8. 万能组配轴承universal matching bearing [,ju:ni'və:səl]radial ['reidiəl]adj . 1. 光线的;射线的2. 放射状的;辐射的3. 半径的;径向的4. 【解剖学】桡骨的;桡骨附近的5. 【动物学】射出状的(肢体,如海星等) n. 1. 光线;射线;放射结构 2. 桡部3. 径向帘布(层)轮胎,子午线轮胎( = radial tyre) 4. 径向线5. 【解剖学】桡神经;桡动脉6. 【航空学】位置方位线;【航海学】径向线;辐射(位置)线7. 星形发动机(=radial engine)contact ['kɔntækt, kən'tækt]n. 接触,联系vt. 使接触vi. 联系,接触When you contact these two wires, the machine will start at once.当你使这两条导线一接触,这台机器就会立刻开始运转。
We know how to contact with him. 我们知道如何与他取得联系.The desiring installation method of installing insert ball bearing unit is: first install the housing at support base firmly, then tighten the bearing to the shaft.安装带座外球面球轴承时,将轴承套在轴上,先将轴承座牢固地固定在支承面上,然后将轴承紧固在轴上轴承英语基础知识培训(四)(10.5.7) (三)、球轴承1. 球轴承ball bearing2. 向心球轴承radial ball bearing3. 深沟球轴承deep groove ball bearing4. 装填槽球轴承filling slot ball bearing5. 三点接触球轴承three point contact ball bearing6. 四点接触球轴承four point contact ball bearing7. 推力球轴承thrust ball bearing8. 单列双向推力球轴承single row double-direction thrust ball bearing9. 双排单向推力球轴承doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearingQuality Assured - 100% testing ensures total product of NSK deep groove ball bearing NSK is the World Leader in deep groove ball bearings.质量保证:质检率高达100%,保证所有深沟球轴承均符合标准。
NSK,全球深沟球轴承的领跑者!thrust [θrʌst]n. 推力;刺vt. 插入;插;推挤vi. 用向某人刺去;插入;猛然或用力推[ 过去式thrust 过去分词thrust 现在分词thrusting ]轴承英语基础知识培训(五)(10.5.11) 二、轴承零件:(一)轴承零件总论Closure 密封件1. 轴承零件bearing part [pɑ:t]2. 轴承套圈bearing ring [riŋ]3. 轴承垫圈bearing washer4.止动环snap ring [snæp] [riŋ]5.隔圈spacer ['speisə]6. 密封圈seal [si:l]7.防尘盖shield8. 挡圈slinger ['sliŋə]9. 滚动体rolling element ['rəuliŋ]['elimənt]10. 保持架cage or retainer [ri'teinə] Ball complement轴承英语基础知识培训(六)(10.5.18)二、轴承零件:11. 内圈inner ring ['inə]12. 外圈outer ring ['autə]13. 油脂grease [ɡri:s]14. 钢球steel ball steel [sti:l] : 钢,钢的15. 偏心套eccentric collar [ik'sentrik]16. 锁紧套locking collar17. 止动销钉anti-rotation pin [pin]18. 轴承座housing ['hauziŋ]19. 橡胶套rubber grommet ['ɡromit]20. 紧定衬套adapter sleeve [ə'dæptə(r)] [sli:v]轴承英语基础知识培训(7)(10.5.18)21、尺寸:dimension [di'menʃən]22、直径:diameter [dai'æmitə]23、宽度:width [widθ, witθ]24、长度:length [l eŋθ]25、高度:height [hait]26、角度:angle ['æŋɡl]27、半径:radius ['reidiəs]28、厚度:thickness ['θiknis]29、轴向的:axial ['æksiəl]30、径向的:radial ['reidjəl]轴承英语基础知识培训(八)(10.6.1)四、常用技术词:1、公差:tolerance ['tɔlərəns] n. 公差;容忍;宽容;公差2、游隙:clearance ['kliərəns] 清除;清理;出清,出空【机械】余隙,间隙3、噪音:noise [nɔiz] n. 响声;杂音;噪音4、扭矩:torque [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈5、硬度:hardness ['hɑ:dnis] n. 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷6、倒角: chamfer ['tʃæmfə] vt. 去角;挖槽;斜切 n. 斜面;凹槽7、精度:precision [pri'siʒən] n. 精确;精度,精密度 adj. 精密的,精确的8、残磁:residual magnetism [ri'zidjuəl] n. 剩余;残渣adj. 剩余的;残留的['mæɡnitizəm] n. 磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力9、表面质量:surface quality ['sə:fis] n. 表面;外观;表层adj. 表面的,肤浅的['kwɔləti] n. 质量,品质;特性;才能10、注脂量:grease fill [ɡri:s] vt. 涂脂于;贿赂 n. 油脂;贿赂[fil] vt. 装满,使充满;满足;堵塞;任职vi. 被充满,膨胀 n. 满足;填满的量;装填物例句:This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters.这一机器部件的制造公差是0.01“毫米”。