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旧石器时代the Paleolithic Age

新石器时代the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age

母系氏族社会matriarchal clan society

奴隶社会-slave society

封建社会-feudal society

半封建半殖民社会- Semi-feudal half colonial society 资本主义社会--capitalist society

初期社会主义社会-- initial socialist society

共产主义社会--communist society

五代时代period of the Five Legendary Rulers

夏朝Xa Dynasty

三国Three Kingdoms

南北朝Northern and Southern Dynasties

五代Five Dynasties

中华民国Republic of China

中华人民共和国the people’s Republic of China

封建王朝:feudal dynasty



太后:empress dowager; dowager

慈禧太后Empress Dowager Ci Xi

末代皇帝:Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty 皇妃:imperial concubine




太监court eunuch


皇妃imperial concubine

丞相,宰相prime minister

少数民族ethnic minority

祭祀offer sacrifices

西域the Western Regions

战国the Warring States


皇帝Yellow emperor(4000 B.C)

大禹Yu the Great


老子Lao Zi

封闭和民族主义兴起的时代 a time of exclusivity and deep nationalism 贡品 a tributary treasure

京剧Beijing Opera

红茶black tea

五禽戏five-animal exercises

义和团Boxer rebellion


中央集权centralized control


文官civil official

孔子的经书confusion canon

毛泽东Mao Tse-tong

孙中山Sun Yat-sen

蒋介石Chiang Kai-shek

国民党Kuomingtang慈禧太后Empress Dowager

四人帮“Gang of Four”

杜甫草堂Du Fu Cottage

都江堰水利工程Dujiangyan Irrigation System


天人合一“harmony between man and nature”


在远古时代in the shadows of unrecorded time

鸦片战争:The Opium War

太平天国:the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

英法联军:the Anglo-French Allied Forces

八国联军:the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers

垂帘听政:to hold court in place of the young emperor from behind a screen 辛亥革命:the 1911 Revolution

西安事变:the 1936 Xi'an Incident

中华文明Chinese civilization

文明的摇篮cradle of civilization


Period before the Opium War of 1840


The Dawn of Chinese History—The Pre-Qin Period

概述 Introduction

开天辟地的创世神话 The Great Myth of the Creation of Man in Ancient China

华夏之祖 Ancestors of the Chinese Nation

大禹治水 Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood

武王伐纣 King Wu Attacks King Zhou

周公东征 Duke Zhous Conquest of the East

春秋五霸 The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period

战国七雄 The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period

大教育家孔子 Confucius,the Great Educator

诸子百家 The "Hundred Schools of Thought" and Their Exponents


法》 The Art of War—The World First Treatise on Military Science


The Period of Great Feudal Unity—The Qin and Han Dynasties

中国的第一位皇帝——秦始皇 Qinshihuang,the First Emperor in Chinese History 万里长城 The Great Wall

大泽乡起义 The Dazexiang Uprising

刘邦与项羽 Liu Bang and Xiang Yu

汉武大帝 Emperor Wudi the Great of the Han Dynasty

张骞出使西域 Zhang Qians Mission to the Western Regions

昭君出塞 Zhaojun Goes Beyond the Great Wall as a Bride

司马迁与《史记》 Sima Qian and His Records of the historian

科学家张衡 Zhang Heng,a Pioneering Scientist


佗 Zhang Zhongjing,the Saint of Medicine and Hua Tuo,the Founder of Surgery


The Division of China Once More and the Intermingling of Ethnic Groups—The Thre e Kingdoms,the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties

曹橾 Cao Cao
