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Text A Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations

Ⅰ.New words:


deforestation: v.& n. 开伐森林

ecosystem: n. 生态系统


overpopulate: v. 使人口过密

population: n. 人口


nation: n. 国家,民族

inter- 表示“在一起,交互”之义

export: n. & vt. 输出,出口



recycle: vt. 使再循环,使再生;n.再循环,再生

economy n. 经济

economic a. 经济(上)的

economics n. 经济学

economical a. 节约的

consequence: n. 结果,后果

consequent: a. 作为结果的

massive: a. 大量的;大而重的,魁伟的

mass: n. 群众,大量

regional: a. 地区的

region: n. 地区

globe: n. 地球

global: a. 全球的

contribute: v. 贡献,捐献

contribution: n. 贡献,捐献,投稿

contributor: n. 捐助者,贡献者

senseless: a. 无知觉的;无意义的,愚蠢的

living: n. 生活,生计

make one's living 谋生

newly: ad. 新近,最近;重新,以新的方法


rainforest: n. 热带雨林

rainfall: n. (降)雨量;一场雨

greenhouse: n. 温室

forestland: n. 林地

make-up: n. 组成,化妆


1.upset v. 弄翻,打翻;使苦恼

过去式、过去分词:(upset-upset-upset )

a. 不安的;不适的;不舒服的

E.g.: The large wave upset the boat.

He is upset because of the generation gap.

2.contribute (vi./vt)

E.g.: The Nobel Prize winner contrib uted much to the research in this field.

contribute to:有助于;捐献;起作用

His carelessness contributed to the a ccident.

3.derive v. 由…。得到(from);起源,由……派生(from)

E.g.: He derived his love for table tennis from his father.

Many English words derived from Frenc h.

4.cancel v. 取消;删除

E.g.: The decision of the court canc elled the contract.

5.owe : vt. 欠(债等),应该向(某人)付出;应该把…归功于(to)

E.g.: I owe a great deal to my famil y and my friends for their support.

His success does not owe to luck but hard work.


1.speed up (使)加速

E.g.: The heart speeds up.

We should make double efforts to spee d up socialist construction.

2.threaten with 用…威胁,恐吓

E.g.: The boss threatens the employees w ith dismissal.


3.at the rate of 以…速度或比率

He drives at the rate of 40 kilometer s per hour.

The population in this country is inc reasing at the rate of 1%.

4.in the face of 在…面前,当着…的面;不顾

face: n. 脸;正面 v. 面对

E.g.: He was brave in the face of da nger.


I can hardly stop myself from shoutin g at him.

Having no money cannot stop them from falling in love.

6.pay off 偿还;没有白费

He plans to pay off the loan (贷款) i n five years.

7.solution to 解决…的方法

st but not least 最后的但并非最不重要的

Last but not least, we must find a p eaceful solution to the problem.

Ⅱ.Text A

Saving the Rainforests for Future Gen erations:拯救热带雨林,造福子孙万代


Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate t hat they could well disappear from the ea rth's surface before the year 2050.

