I'm so happy

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1. The parents
couldn’t get a ticket to the movie
2. The children
will go to see the movie
3. Mr. Brown
can spend the evening together
Ask and answer questions in pairs based on 1b. Pay attention to the underlined parts.
Example: A: How do the parents wk.baidu.comeel?
B: They feel happy.
A: Why do they feel happy?
Unit 5 Feeling Excited
Topic 1 I'm so happy. Section A
衡阳市第三中学 罗礼友
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How was your winter holidays? What places of interest did you visit? How was the weather there? Who did you go with? How did you get there? What did you do there?
Complete the following sentences
• 1. 这个主意听起来很不错。 The idea sounds great. • 2. 学生们看来非常兴奋。 (sound)
The students look/looked very excited.
• 3. Mr. Brown觉得很伤心。
Ⅰ. 请根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词 并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次。
become,look,taste,sound,feel 1.When Miss Yang saw Kate talking in class, she became _______ angry. 2. —You _____ look unhappy. What's wrong? —I lost my bike. tastes delicious. 3. The food in that restaurant ______ sounds beautiful. Can you teach me 4. —This song _______ to sing it? —With pleasure. felt disappointed because he couldn't 5. Mr. Smith ____ go to the party.
He can't find a good job. so how does he feel? He feels disappointed.
Read and say
1. How does Kangkang look? He looks excited. 2. Why?
Because his father and mother want to invite Jane's parents to go to the movies.
仔细看这些句子: The fish smells fresh. 鱼闻起来很新鲜 。 He looks angry. 他看上去很生气。 It tastes delicious. 这尝起来味道鲜美。 The shirt feels soft. 这衬衫摸上去很软。 The song sounds beautiful. 这首歌听起来很优美。
• 5. – Why is he so worried? -Because he wanted us ___, but we can’t now. A. go with him B. going with him C. to go with him • 6. –A: _____. • –B: I’m fine, thanks. A. How is she? B How are you doing? C How do you like it?
• 1. We all felt __ after we knew the __ news. A. excited , excites B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting • 2. We are ___. We all have good parents. • A. surprised B. lucky C. rich • 3. - I want to go but there were no tickets left. ______. • A. What a pity B. Sorry C. OK
B: Because they will go to see the movie.
Read 1a and complete the passage.
excited Kangkang looks ______ because his parents want to invite ______ Jane’s parents to go to see the movie, The Sound Saturday spend of Music, this _______. The children plan to ______ the evening at his house. His parents will prepare some happy delicious _______ food for them. Jane is very ________ about the news. Kangkang saw Mr. Brown on his way. Mr. Brown was ticket disappointed because he couldn’t buy a _______ to the film.
3. How did Mr.Brown feel?Why? He felt disappointed. Because he was able to buy a ticket to The Sound of Music.
Listen to 1a and match the three parts.
How does he ______? look looks He _______strong
smell How does the hamburger _______? smells It _______delicious.
How does the baby feel ______? She ______sad. feels
Look ,listen and say
• Kangkang:Hi__________________! How are you doing? • Jane: Very well, thank you. You look so _____. excitedWhy? • Kangkang: My father and mother want to ______your invite parents to go to the movies with them. • Maria: Really? What movie are they going to see? • Kangkang: The sound of Music. movies When are • Jane: Oh, it is ______my favorite________. one of they going? • Kangkang: This Saturday. And we can________ spend the prepare evening at my house. My mom will ________delicious for food ____us. • Michael: Wow! That’s great.! I’m so happy . Please _____________your mom. say thanks to
• • • • •
• • • • • •
Ⅱ. 请根据汉语意思,完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 我将邀请吉姆明天到我家来。 I will ______ invite Jim ___ to my home tomorrow. 2. 瞧!妈妈正在为我们准备可口的饭菜。 Look! Mom is preparing ____________ delicious food for ___ us now.
Mr. Brown feels/ felt sad.
• 4. 这鱼很好吃。
The fish tastes delicious. • 5. 那些食物闻起来很香。 The food smells good.
1. He is _____. slow (slow; slowly) beautiful 2. The bird looks_________.(beautiful;beautifully) good 3. The dish tastes_____.(good; well) taste 4. Help yourself to some oranges. They _____ sweet. (sound; taste) feels good.( feels; smells) 5. The skirt ______ smells 6. Coffee is ready, how nice it_____!(looks;smells)
• A: How do the children look? • B. They look happy.
• A: How does the music sound? • B: It sounds wonderful.
• A: How do they feel? • B: They feel excited.
3. 王老师很担心李明的英语。 is worried Mr. Wang ___ _______ about Li Ming's English. 4. 请向我们的老师道谢。 say _______ thanks to our teachers. Please _____ 5. 历史是我最喜爱的科目之一。 one ___ of my favorite subjects. History is _____
英语的动词中,有的后面要接名词或代词等作 宾语。有一类动词叫系动词,后面要接形容词 或名词等作表语,表语用来说明主语状态、性 质、特征等,称为"系表结构".最常用、也是 同学们最熟悉的系动词就是be;除了 be 动词, 其他的系动词大致可分为四类:
第一类:“感觉”类:与五种感觉器官相关的 动词.常见的有: look(看起来),feel(摸上 去),smell(闻起来) , taste(尝起来), sound(听起来)等。
第二类:“状态变化”类: 表示主语从一种 状态变化成另一种状态。
常见的有: become, turn, grow, go, come, fall, get 等。
第三类:“主观判断”类: 包括 seem(似乎是),appear(似乎、显得), prove(证明是), turn out (结果是, 证明 是) 等. 第四类:“状态持续”类:表示主语持续某 种状态。 常见的有: remain(依然),keep(保持), stay(保持),lie (呈…状态,置于), continue(继续、仍旧)等。
taste How does it _______? tastes sweet. It______
How does the music ______? sound sounds beautiful. It _______
A: How does the food taste? B: It tastes delicious.