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本文的脱口秀指NBC的Conan、Jay Leno和Jimmy Fallon,CBS的David Letterman和Craig Ferguson,还有ABC的Jimmy Kimmel。


0. 小布什很傻1. 克林顿花心2. 奥巴马爱秀3. 切尼很好
战 4. 拜登很墨迹
5. 佩林很幼稚
6. 拉里金很老
7. 福克斯很右
8. NBC收视差
9. 中国很强大
0. 小布什很傻
―Former Vice President Dick Cheney is working on his memoirs. People say when the book comes out President Bush is not going to be happy. Not because the book is critical of Bush, but because it‘s one of those books that‘s
all words.‖ -Conan O‘Brien

―Anybody here from Minnesota? Congratulations, you have a brand new senator, our old friend, Al Franken. Al is an interesting guy. Went from being a comedian to politician. George Bush — the other way around.‖ – David Letterman
有来自明尼苏达的吗?恭喜,你们有了个新的参议员,我们的老朋友Al Franken,他可是个特搞笑的人,完成了从搞笑家到政治家的转变,布什,恰恰相反。

―President Obama giving a lot of very important speeches. He gave a speech about healthcare tonight, and yesterday he gave a pep talk to students. He told them that in order to succeed they need to work hard and study hard. Then today, former President George W. Bush presented the rebuttal.‖ –Conan O‘Brien

The University of Chicago, where President Obama once taught law, they want to house the Barack Obama presidential library. The library will be just like President George W. Bush‘s library, except it will have books.

1. 克林顿花心
―In a speech to the C linton Global Initiative yesterday, President Obama thanked Bill Clinton for the extraordinary difference he has made since leaving the White House. Clinton then stood up and thanked President Obama for keeping Hillary so busy.‖ – Jimmy Fallon
昨天在克林顿的Global Initiative年会上,奥巴马对克林顿离开白宫后所做的努力表示感谢,克林顿也感谢奥巴马让希拉里一直这么忙。

―Former President Bill Clinton was recently asked about his wife Hillary‘s 11-day trip to Africa. And he said, ‗I wish she were home.‘ Then he said, ‗By which, I mean, I wish her home was Africa.‘‖ -Conan O‘Brien


Yesterday in New York, President Obama had lunch with former President Clinton. Afterwards, Clinton told Obama,
―Remember, if Hillary asks, we had lunch and dinner, then I slept over at your place.‖

It‘s a great day for America, everybody. Yes, it is. It is our Secretary of State‘s birthday. It is Hillary Clinton‘s birthday. Happy birthday, Hillary. President Obama asked her wh at she wanted, she said, ―Your job.‖

Bill Clinton is planning a romantic candlelight dinner tonight. Then he‘ll go home and see Hillary.

Did you hear this? Hillary Clinton busted her elbow. Apparently, she slipped and hit the floor when she went home to her husband early, unannounced.

2. 奥巴马爱秀
By the way, the Emmys was the only Sunday television program that President Obama was not on yesterday.

―It was big night on television tonight. And instead of showing President Obama‘s healthcare speech that was on tonight, Fox aired its season premiere of ‗So You Think
You Can Dance.‘ I guess they wanted to give viewers a choice betwe en hearing what‘s wrong with our country
and watching what‘s wrong with our country.‖ – Jimmy Fallon

3. 切尼很好战
Some Republicans are saying they want Dick Cheney,
that‘s right, Dick Cheney, to run for president in 2012. Of course, you have to remember that when they said this, Cheney was torturing them.

―Hey, wait a minute, you know on Sunday, it‘ll be 16 years that Paul and I and everybody else have been here at CBS on the ‗Late Show.‘ Sixteen years, ladies and gentlemen.
I‘ve been torturing people longer than Dick Cheney.‖ –David Letterman
等一下,这个周日是我在CBS的Late Show十六周年的纪念日,十六年了啊,同志们,我比切尼折磨人的年头还长啊。

4. 拜登很墨迹
He talked so lon g, even Joe Biden went, ―Enough!‖
Muammar Qaddafi was at the U.N. today. He gave a speech that was extremely long. It was rambling and filled with inappropriate comments. As soon as Qaddafi finished, Joe Biden came up and sai d, ―Teach me, master.‖
―This is actually a true story. It was in the news today. The latest slang dictionary reports that the word Obama means ‗cool,‘ as in ‗you are so Obama.‘ Also gaining popularity: the phras e ‘shut your Biden-hole.‘‖ –Conan O‘Brien

Yesterday, President Obama was in New Orleans. A little boy asked President Obama, ―Why do people hate you?‖ Then the little boy turned to Joe Biden and said, ―I know why people hate you.‖

―A very happy birthday to President Obama, who turns 48 tomorrow. As a special gift, Joe Biden is giving him 24 hours of complete silence.‖ – Jimmy Fallon

5. 佩林很幼稚
―President Obama is in Russia. And we know this because Sarah Palin says she can see him from her house.‖ – David Letterman

And then next month, Sarah Palin is going to Hong Kong for a speaking engagement in Hong Kong. She says she can almost see Hong Kong from her house.

Chinese are all very excited, though. They think they‘re getting Tina Fey.
中国人民很高兴,因为他们以为是Tina Fey要来。

―It‘s an emotional day. A lot of us are still mourning the loss of one of America‘s most entertaining figures, who left us all too soon. But don‘t worry, folks, Sarah Palin will be back. Comedians everywhere are praying.‖ – Conan


―Labor day weekend. Remember Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska? She‘s having a big cookout for all her family, all of her friends up there in Alaska. And people say, ‗Is she any good? Can she cook?‘ Remember last year she cooked John McCain‘s goo se? Remember that? Tremendous!‖ – David Letterman
劳动节长周末,还记得佩林吗?阿拉斯加前州长,她亲自下厨招待全家和亲朋好友,有人问:她厨艺咋样,她会煮啥? 嘿嘿,还记得去年她煮飞了麦凯恩到手的鸭子。

Hey, listen to this. You know the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin? Boy, I know her. She‘s traveling all over the world now, speaking gigs. And she went to Hong Kong and gave a speech and people who heard the speech said it was articulate, it was well-prepared, it was compelling. It‘s a year late, but …

And if it was that go od I‘m thinking it must have been Tina Fey.
如果真是说得那么好的话,那肯定是Tina Fey(给的演讲)。

―Sarah Palin‘s new autobiography doesn‘t come out until November, but it is already No. 1 on Amazon. And if you go to the website, it says, ‗People who bought this book also bought no other books in their entire life.‘‖ – Jimmy Fallon

People see her as a candidate in 2012. Some people have started giving money to her campaign. For instance, she just received a very generous check from Barack Obama to run.

Her book is No. 1 on right now. Stephen King actually has the No. 2 book. Very scary new book called
―Sarah Palin Becomes President.‖
6. 拉里金很老
―Well, of course, this Sunday is Easter. Of course, Easter is that very, very holy day when Christians around the world honor a 2,000-year-old Jewish man who is not Larry King.‖ –Conan O‘Brien

Lou Dobbs quit his show at CNN. I know! Everyone at the network was shocked. Larry King said, ―Who‘s Lou Dobbs? What the hell is CNN?‖
Lou Dobbs 从CNN辞职了,每个员工都感到震惊,只有拉里金问,谁是Lou Dobbs,CNN是什么?
―The Washington Post reports today that Barack Obama wants to select Sanjay Gupta to be surgeon general. Yeah, Obama said the CNN doctor must be pretty good, because he‘s kept Larry King alive all these years.‖ –Conan O‘Brien 华盛顿邮报报道奥巴马提名Sanjay Gupta为卫生部长,奥巴马说这个来自CNN的医生一定很了不起,因为她让拉里金活了那么长时间。

7. 福克斯很右
Well, yesterday, President Obama was interviewed by a reporter from Fox News. Yeah. And you could tell the reporter was from Fox News because the first question was, ―How do you think you‘re doing as president on a scale from minus one to minus 10?‖
The White House has announced that they no longer recognize Fox as a news organization, which puts them about eight years behind the rest of us.

―The White Hous e has approved a new plan to pay —
they‘re going to pay members of the Taliban to change sides and support the U.S. And if it works there, they‘re going to try it with Fox News.‖ – Jay Leno


Not such a great day for Hillary Clinton. She fell down, broke her elbow. You know, Fox News is going to be all
over this story. This proves the Democrats are weak. Reagan fell over 10 times, didn‘t even break his hair.
今天希拉里克林顿不怎么走运,她跌了一跤摔到了手肘,Fox 电视台又要开始小题大做了,这证明了民主党太弱了,里根摔过十几次,毫发未损。

8. NBC收视差
Well, this terror stuff is back in the news. Earlier today, the feds issued a new terror alert. They said terrorists are looking at hitting successful entertainment centers, so you folks at NBC are perfectly safe.
又有恐怖袭击警报,今天早些时候,政府发布安全警报,说恐怖分子要袭击一些比较成功的娱乐中心,所以我们在NBC 这里是安全的。

―The latest polls show that President Obama‘s approval ratings have slumped to an all-time low, which explains Obama‘s new Secret Service code name, ‗NBC.‘‖ – Conan O‘Brien
More unrest in Iran as the government continues to crack down on protesters. And to disperse crowds, Iranian police used tear gas, water cannons and the NBC primetime lineup.
9. 中国很强大
Labor Day is the great American holiday where we honor American workers by going out and buying products made in China.

Earlier today, President Obama delivered a speech to America‘s schoolchildren. And he encouraged them to work hard and study hard. Yeah, then he said if that doesn‘t work, grab the seat next to the Asian kid.

―The President also said that kids — he told them if they study hard, the United States will continue to prosper. Then he added, ‗But just to be safe, bone up on your Chinese.‘‖ – Jimmy Fallon

―Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will serve four more years, or until the United States becomes a colony of China.‖– David Letterman

Yesterday, President Obama made a big speech. He welcomed the members of the U.N. General Assembly to New York, and he said, ―I‘d like to encourage you to do some shopping while you‘re here.‖ I think it worked because China immediately bought eight banks, two car companies, and the state of Wyoming.
