
英文范例合同模板This Contract is made on [Date], by and between [Party 1 Name] located at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Party 1" and [Party 2 Name] located at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Party 2".1. IntroductionThis Contract establishes the terms and conditions for the agreement between Party 1 and Party 2 for the provision of [Services/Products] as outlined in this Contract.2. Services/ProductsParty 1 agrees to provide [Services/Products] to Party 2 as outlined in Exhibit A attached hereto. Party 2 agrees to pay Party 1 the sum of [Amount] for the provision of these services/products.3. TermThis Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier by either party in accordance with the terms of this Contract.4. Payment TermsParty 2 shall pay Party 1 the sum of [Amount] upon signing this Contract as a deposit. The remaining balance shall be paid in full on [Due Date]. Failure to pay the full amount by the due date shall result in late fees of [Fee] being applied.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract by giving the other party written notice of termination at least [Number] days in advance. In the event of termination, any amounts paid by Party 2 shall be forfeited.6. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information exchanged under this Contract confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the consent of the other party.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].8. MiscellaneousThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and negotiations, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.[Party 1 Name] [Party 2 Name]_____________________ _____________________Signature SignatureExhibit A[Description of Services/Products][Detailed Description of Services/Products][Payment Schedule][Start Date][End Date]。

国际贸易合同英文模板篇一:国际贸易采购合同(中英文)conTRacT合同合同号contractno:签字日期Signingdate:TheBuyer:address:Tel:TheSeller:address:TEL:Thiscontract,madeoutbyandbetweentheBuyerandtheSeller,wherebytheBu yeragreetobuyandtheSelleragreetoselltheunder-mentionedcommodityacco rdingtothetermsandconditionsstipulatedbelow.(accordingtothepracticalpri ceofinvoice)本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)。
4.PacKinG: Tobepackedbynewstrongwoodencasessuitableforlongdistanceoceantransp ortationandwellprotectedagainstdampness,moisture,shock,rustandroughha ndling.TheSellershallbeliableforanydamageofthecommodityandexpensesi ncurredonaccountofimproperpackingandforanyrustdamageattributabletoinadequateorimproperprotectivemeasurestakenbythesellersinregardtothepac king.包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。

简单合同英文模板This is a simple contract template in English1. Parties InvolvedParty A Name of Party AParty B Name of Party B2. Purpose of the ContractThis contract is made to outline the terms and conditions under which Party A agrees to provide service or goods to Party B.3. Term of the ContractThe contract shall commence on start date and shall continue until end date unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this agreement.4. ServicesGoods to be ProvidedParty A shall provide the following service or goods as detailed in the attached schedule.5. Payment TermsParty B agrees to pay Party A the sum of amount for the service or goods provided. Payment is due number of days days from the date of the invoice.6. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information disclosed during the term of this contract confidential and not to disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.7. TerminationEither party may terminate this contract by giving number of days days written notice to the other party.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through mediationarbitrationcourt proceedings as agreed upon by both parties.9. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by the laws of name of jurisdiction.10. Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations understandings or agreements.11. SignaturesThe signatures of both parties below indicate their agreement to the terms and conditions of this contract.Signature of Party A DateSignature of Party B DateWitness DateNotary Public DateSeal if applicablePlease note that this is a basic template and may need to be adjusted to fit the specific needs and legal requirements of your situation. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional before finalizing any contract.。

版权合同英文模板This Copyright Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on [Date] (the “Effective Date”), by and between [Copyright Owner Name], with an address at [Copyright Owner Address] (the “Copyright Owner”), and [Licensee Name], with an address at [Licensee Address] (the “Licensee”).1. Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Copyright Owner hereby grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the copyrighted materials described in Exhib it A attached hereto (the “Copyrighted Materials”), for the purpose of [Purpose of Use].2. Restrictions on Use. The Licensee agrees to use the Copyrighted Materials solely for the purpose and in the manner set forth in this Agreement. The Licensee shall not reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or create derivative works based on the Copyrighted Materials without the prior written consent of the Copyright Owner.3. Ownership of Copyright. The Copyright Owner retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Copyrighted Materials, including all copyrights and any other intellectual property rights therein. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as transferring any ownership rights in the Copyrighted Materials to the Licensee.4. Payment. In consideration for the license granted hereunder, the Licensee agrees to pay the Copyright Owner the sum of [Payment Amount] as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto. Payment shall be made [Payment Terms].5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect until terminated by either party upon [Termination Notice Period] prior written notice. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Licensee shall cease all use of the Copyrighted Materials.6. Representations and Warranties. The Copyright Owner represents and warrants that it has the full right and authority to grant the license set forth in this Agreement. The Licensee represents and warrants that it will use the Copyrighted Materials in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.7. Indemnification. The Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Copyright Owner from and against any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses arising out of the Licensee’s use of the Copyrighted Materia ls in violation of this Agreement.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.Copyright Owner:[Copyright Owner Name]Licensee:[Licensee Name]Exhibit A: Description of Copyrighted MaterialsExhibit B: Payment Terms。

英文合同模板简洁版This Contract is entered into by and between [Party A], with a principal place of business at [Address], and [Party B], with a principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Parties".1. Scope of Work:1.1. [Party A] agrees to provide [describe services or deliverables] to [Party B] in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.1.2. [Party B] agrees to pay [Party A] the sum of [Amount] for the services or deliverables provided.2. Payment Terms:2.1. [Party B] shall pay [Party A] the sum of [Amount] within [Number] days of the signing of this Contract.2.2. Payment shall be made by [Payment Method].3. Term and Termination:3.1. This Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date].3.2. Either Party may terminate this Contract upon [Number] days’ written notice.4. Confidentiality:4.1. The Parties agree to keep all information regarding this Contract confidential and not disclose it to any third party.4.2. This confidentiality provision shall survive the termination of this Contract.5. Indemnification:5.1. [Party A] agrees to indemnify and hold harmless [Party B] from any claims or liabilities arising out of the performance of the services or deliverables.5.2. [Party B] agrees to indemnify and hold harmless [Party A] from any claims or liabilities arising out of the use of the services or deliverables.6. Governing Law:6.1. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country].6.2. Any disputes arising out of this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], [State/Country].7. Entire Agreement:7.1. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.7.2. Any modifications to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date. [Party A] [Party B]By: By:Name: Name:Title: Title:Date: Date:。

合同翻译模板英文甲方(买方): [Party A (Buyer)]地址: [Address]联系电话: [Contact Number]乙方(卖方): [Party B (Seller)]地址: [Address]联系电话: [Contact Number]合同签订日期: [Date of Contract]合同签订地点: [Place of Contract]鉴于条款:1. 甲方希望购买乙方提供的商品/服务。
2. 乙方愿意按照本合同条款向甲方提供商品/服务。
商品/服务描述:- 名称:[Product/Service Name]- 规格:[Specifications]- 数量:[Quantity]- 单价:[Unit Price]- 总价:[Total Price]付款条款:- 付款方式:[Payment Method]- 付款时间:[Payment Time]- 付款条件:[Payment Terms]交货条款:- 交货时间:[Delivery Time]- 交货地点:[Delivery Place]- 交货方式:[Delivery Method]质量保证:- 乙方保证所提供的商品/服务符合合同规定的规格和质量标准。
- 如商品/服务存在质量问题,乙方应在[Time Frame]内负责更换或维修。
违约责任:- 如任何一方违反合同条款,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
争议解决:- 双方因执行本合同产生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
- 如协商不成,可提交至[Arbitration Institution]进行仲裁。
附加条款:[Additional Terms and Conditions]合同生效:本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方签字: [Party A Signature]乙方签字: [Party B Signature]日期: [Date]请注意,这只是一个模板,具体合同内容应根据实际情况和双方协商确定。

英文合同范文模板3篇篇1Contract TemplateThis Contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between [Party A], with an address at [Address A] and [Party B], with an address at [Address B] on [Date].1. AgreementParty A and Party B hereby agree to enter into this Contract for the purpose of [Purpose of the Contract]. This Contract shall be binding upon both parties and their successors and assigns.2. TermThis Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier as provided for in this Contract.3. Scope of WorkParty A shall provide the following services/products [Description of Services/Products] to Party B, in accordance withthe specifications and requirements set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.4. Payment TermsParty B agrees to pay Party A a total sum of [Total Amount] for the services/products rendered under this Contract. Payment shall be made in [Currency] in the following installments:- [First Installment Amount] due on [Due Date]- [Second Installment Amount] due on [Due Date]- [Final Installment Amount] due on [Due Date]5. ConfidentialityDuring the term of this Contract and at all times after its termination, Party A and Party B shall keep all confidential information, including but not limited to financial information, trade secrets, and proprietary information, strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract by giving [Number of Days’ Notice] days' written notice to the other party. In theevent of termination, Party B shall pay Party A for allservices/products provided up to the date of termination.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and negotiations, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the date first above written.[Signature of Party A] [Signature of Party B][Name of Party A] [Name of Party B][Title of Party A] [Title of Party B][Date]篇2Contract TemplateThis agreement is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Party A], with a mailing address of [Address], and [Party B], with a mailing address of [Address], collectively referred to as the “Parties”.1. Purpose of the Agreement:Party A agrees to provide [Description of Services] to Party B in exchange for [Compensation].2. Term of the Agreement:This agreement shall begin on the date of signing and shall continue for a period of [Length of Time], unless terminated earlier by either Party with [Advance Notice].3. Services to be Provided:Party A agrees to provide the following services to Party B:- [Detailed Description of Services]- [Timeline for Services]- [Any Other Specific Terms]4. Compensation:In exchange for the services provided by Party A, Party B agrees to pay [Payment Amount] on a [Recurring Basis] or [One-time Payment]. Payment shall be made to [Payment Method] by [Due Date].5. Termination:Either Party may terminate this agreement with [Advance Notice] in writing. Upon termination, Party A shall be entitled to receive payment for any services rendered up to the termination date.6. Confidentiality:Both Parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of this agreement confidential. This includes but is not limited to client data, proprietary information, and strategies.7. Governing Law:This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State].8. Entire Agreement:This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this agreement as of the date first above written.[Party A]Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________________[Party B]Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________________This contract template is a basic outline of the terms and conditions that should be included in a typical service agreement. It is recommended that Parties consult with legal counsel to ensure the contract meets their specific needs and complies with all relevant laws and regulations.篇3英文合同范文模板Contract TemplateThis Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Insert Date], by and between [Name of Party A], with its principal place ofbusiness at [Insert Address], and [Name of Party B], with its principal place of business at [Insert Address].1. Description of Services:Party A agrees to provide the following services to Party B: [Insert Description of Services].2. Payment Terms:Party B agrees to pay Party A the total sum of [Insert Amount] for the services outlined in this Contract. Payment shall be made in [Insert Payment Terms], starting from the date of the signing of this Contract.3. Term of Contract:This Contract shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and shall continue for a period of [Insert Term Length]. Either Party may terminate this Contract with [Insert Notice Period] days’ notice in writing.4. Confidentiality:Both Parties agree to keep confidential all information exchanged during the term of this Contract. This includes but is not limited to business strategies, financial information, and client lists.5. Governing Law:This Contract and any disputes arising from it shall be governed by the laws of [Insert State/Country].6. Indemnity:Party A agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Party B from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the services provided by Party A.7. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior agreements or representations.In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Signature of Party A] [Signature of Party B][Printed Name of Party A] [Printed Name of Party B][Title of Party A] [Title of Party B][Date]Please note that this template is a general guide and can be customized to suit the specific needs of the Parties involved. It isadvisable to seek legal advice when drafting a Contract to ensure its legality and enforceability.。

英文版外贸合同(中英文对照版)合同模板英文版外贸合同(中英文对照版)英文合同名称:Foreign Trade Contract中文合同名称:外贸合同合同编号:(根据实际情况填写)甲方(销售方):(根据实际情况填写)乙方(采购方):(根据实际情况填写)一、产品信息1. 产品名称:(根据实际情况填写)2. 规格型号:(根据实际情况填写)3. 数量及单位:(根据实际情况填写)4. 单价:(根据实际情况填写)5. 总价:(根据实际情况填写)6. 包装要求:(根据实际情况填写)7. 交货时间:(根据实际情况填写)二、付款方式1. 付款方式:(根据实际情况填写)2. 付款期限:(根据实际情况填写)3. 付款金额:(根据实际情况填写)4. 发票类型:(根据实际情况填写)三、质量标准1. 产品质量标准:(根据实际情况填写)2. 检测方式:(根据实际情况填写)3. 检测机构:(根据实际情况填写)四、包装与运输1. 包装要求:(根据实际情况填写)2. 运输方式:(根据实际情况填写)3. 运输保险:(根据实际情况填写)五、违约责任1. 甲方违约时,应承担的责任:(根据实际情况填写)2. 乙方违约时,应承担的责任:(根据实际情况填写)3. 因不可抗力造成的违约情况:(根据实际情况填写)六、法律合用1. 本合同合用的法律:(根据实际情况填写)2. 争议解决方式:(根据实际情况填写)七、其他条款1. 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。
2. 本合同如有未尽事宜,应及时商议处理,与法律法规相抵触的无效。
附:注释1. 产品名称:产品的名称和描述。
2. 规格型号:产品的规格型号。
3. 数量及单位:产品的数量和计量单位。
4. 单价:产品的单价。
5. 总价:产品的总价,即数量乘以单价。
6. 包装要求:对产品的包装要求。
7. 交货时间:约定交货的时间。

国外合同英文模板[Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Your Country][Date][Counterparty Company Name][Counterparty Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Counterparty Country]Contract No.: [Contract Number]This Agreement is made and entered into this [Date] by and between [Your Company Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Your Country], having its registered office at [Your Company Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), and [Counterparty Company Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Counterparty Country], having its registered office at [Counterparty Company Address] (hereinafterreferred to as "Client").WHEREAS, the Client desires to engage the services of the Contractor for [describe the services to be provided], and the Contractor has agreed to provide such services on the terms and conditions set forth herein.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work: The Contractor shall provide the following services to the Client: [Detailed description of the services].2. Term: This Agreement shall commence on [Effective Date] and shall continue until [Termination Date] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Payment Terms: The Client shall pay the Contractor for the services rendered as follows: [Payment schedule and terms].4. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep confidential all information obtained from the other party in connection with this Agreement and to use such information only for the purposes of this Agreement.5. Intellectual Property Rights: All intellectual property rights in the work product created by the Contractor in the course of providing the services shall belong to the Client.6. Warranty and Representation: The Contractor warrants that the services will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards.7. Indemnification: The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless from any and all claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the Contractor's performance of the services.8. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [number of days] written notice to the other party for any material breach of this Agreement.9. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Jurisdiction].10. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].11. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whetherwritten or oral.12. Amendments: This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by both parties.13. Notices: All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by confirmed facsimile or email.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Your Company Name] [Counterparty Company Name]By: [Authorized Signatory] By: [Authorized Signatory][Authorized Signatory's Name] [Authorized Signatory's Name] [Authorized Signatory's Title] [Authorized Signatory's Title]。

最简英文合同模板This Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [date], by and between [Party A] and [Party B] (collectively referred to as the "Parties").1. Agreement to ContractParty A agrees to provide [goods/services] to Party B, and Party B agrees to pay Party A the agreed-upon price for the [goods/services].2. Term of ContractThis Contract shall be effective as of the date of signing and shall remain in effect until [termination date]. Either Party may terminate this Contract with written notice to the other Party.3. Payment TermsParty B agrees to pay Party A the sum of [amount] for the [goods/services] provided. Payment shall be made in [currency] within [number] days of the completion of the [goods/services].4. Delivery of Goods/Performance of ServicesParty A shall deliver the [goods/services] to Party B in a timely manner and in accordance with the specifications outlined in this Contract.5. WarrantiesParty A warrants that the [goods/services] provided under this Contract will be free from defects and conform to the specifications outlined in this Contract.6. IndemnificationParty A agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Party B from any claims, damages, or losses arising out of any breach of this Contract by Party A.7. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep the terms of this Contract confidential and shall not disclose any information relating to this Contract to any third party without the other Party's consent. 8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by the laws of [jurisdiction] and any disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved in the courts of [jurisdiction].9. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.10. CounterpartsThis Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Signature of Party A] [Signature of Party B][Printed Name of Party A] [Printed Name of Party B]。

外贸合同模板英文CONTRACT AGREEMENTThis Contract Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") is made and entered into this [Insert Date] by and between [Seller's Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Seller's Country], with its registered office at [Seller's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), and [Buyer's Name], a company incorporated under the laws of [Buyer's Country], with its registered office at [Buyer's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer").1. Purpose of the ContractThe Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to purchase, the following goods (hereinafter referred to as "Goods") as per the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.2. Description of GoodsThe Goods to be sold are [Detailed Description of Goods], including specifications, quantity, and unit price as listed in the attached Schedule A.3. Price and Payment TermsThe total contract value is [Total Contract Value], which is payable in [Number of Installments] as follows: [Payment Schedule]. The Buyer shall make payments in accordance with the terms stated herein.4. Delivery and ShipmentThe Seller shall deliver the Goods to the port of [Port of Loading] within [Time Frame for Delivery]. The Goods shall be shipped by [Mode of Transport] to the port of [Port of Discharge].5. InsuranceThe Seller shall arrange for the insurance of the Goods during the transit period until they reach the port of discharge.6. Inspection and AcceptanceThe Goods shall be inspected by the Buyer or a third-party inspector appointed by the Buyer within [Number of Days]after arrival at the port of discharge. The Buyer shallnotify the Seller in writing of any discrepancies within [Number of Days] of the inspection.7. WarrantyThe Seller warrants that the Goods are free from defects in material and workmanship and conform to the specifications set forth in this Contract for a period of [Warranty Period].8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by events beyond the reasonable control of that party.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with thisContract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. Ifno settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submittedto [Arbitration Institution] for arbitration in accordancewith its rules.10. Applicable LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of [Applicable Law].11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral.12. AmendmentsNo modification or amendment of this Contract shall bebinding unless made in writing and signed by both parties.13. NoticesAll notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given when delivered personally or byregistered mail to the addresses set forth in this Contract.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contracton the date first above written.Seller: [Seller's Name]By: [Authorized Signatory]Buyer: [Buyer's Name]By: [Authorized Signatory] Title: [Title]。

英文合同模板(优秀4篇)英文合同篇一Party A (Inviter):甲方(邀请方):Person in Charge:负责人:Phone: 电话:Party B (Performer):Festival Chamber Orchestra 乙方(演出方):节日室内乐团Person in Charge:负责人:Phone: 电话:As Party A requested, Party B will provide orchestra performance service for Party A. The contract of the performance service is as following after friendly negotiation between the two parties:受甲方委托,乙方为甲方提供管弦乐演出服务。
经双方友好协商,特签署如下演出服务合同:I. BASIC CONDITIONS: 基本概述:A, Number of people in the performance: 演出人数:B, Venue of the performance: 演出地点:C, Time of the performance: year/month/date/time____ (All the performers will arrive at the venue 15 minutes prior to the start of the performance. Each performance will be within 90 minutes. There include 10 minutes break between the two halves. Extra times performance required by Part A cost extra pro rata.)演出时间:____年___ 月___日(演出人员提前15分钟到现场,每场演出时间为90分钟之内,包括中间休息10分钟。

外贸常见合同(中英版)7篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(卖方):___________ (卖方全称及英文名称)乙方(买方):___________ (买方全称及英文名称)根据平等互利原则,经友好协商,双方自愿签署本合同协议。
为明确各自责任与义务,保护双方权益,确保合同履行地合法性和有效性,特制订本合同条款如下:一、合同双方基本信息Article 1: Basic Information of Contracting Parties二、货物描述及规格Article 2: Description and Specification of Goods商品名称:_______ (商品名称英文翻译)Number:(商品编号)规格型号:_______ (规格型号英文翻译)数量:_______ (数量)单价:_______ (单价及货币类型)总价:_______ (总价及货币类型)等详见附件清单。
Total value and detailed specifications as per attached list.三、价格条款及贸易术语解释Article 3: Price Terms and Interpretation of Trade TermsCIF价包含商品本身的成本和运输到买方目的地的成本及保险费,装船港_______(装船港名称)。
The CIF price includes the cost of the goods, cost of transportation to the buyer's destination, and insurance. The port of shipment is _______ (装船港名称). The delivery period is within _______ days after shipment. The price is fixed and will not be adjusted unless agreed by both parties. Any special circumstances that may affect the price, such as tax changes, must be agreed upon by both parties before adjustment.四、交货条款及包装要求Article 4: Delivery Terms and Packaging Requirements货物必须严格按照出口标准进行包装并保证货物安全送达目的地。

外贸合同中英文模板甲方(买方): [Party A (Buyer)]地址: [Address]联系电话: [Contact Number]乙方(卖方): [Party B (Seller)]地址: [Address]联系电话: [Contact Number]第一条商品描述1.1 产品名称:[Product Name]1.2 规格型号:[Specifications]1.3 数量:[Quantity]1.4 单价:[Unit Price]1.5 总价:[Total Price]第二条质量标准2.1 质量应符合以下标准:[Quality Standards]第三条包装要求3.1 包装应符合:[Packing Requirements]第四条交货地点和时间4.1 交货地点:[Delivery Location]4.2 交货时间:[Delivery Time]第五条运输方式5.1 运输方式:[Mode of Transportation]第六条付款条件6.1 付款方式:[Payment Terms]6.2 付款时间:[Payment Time]第七条保险7.1 保险责任:[Insurance Liability]第八条违约责任8.1 违约方应承担的责任:[Liability for Breach of Contract]第九条争议解决9.1 双方因履行本合同所发生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,提交至[Dispute Resolution Location]仲裁委员会仲裁。
第十条其他条款10.1 其他约定事项:[Other Agreements]第十一条本合同的修改和补充11.1 本合同一经双方签字盖章后生效,未经双方书面同意,任何一方不得擅自修改或解除。
第十二条本合同的法律适用12.1 本合同的解释、适用及争议的解决均适用[Applicable Law]法律。
甲方(买方): [Party A (Buyer)]乙方(卖方): [Party B (Seller)]签字盖章: [Signature and Seal]日期: [Date]Contract No.: [Contract No.]Date: [Date]Place of Signing: [Place of Signing]Party A (Buyer): [Party A (Buyer)]Address: [Address]Contact Number: [Contact Number]Party B (Seller): [Party B (Seller)]Address: [Address]Contact Number: [Contact Number]Article 1 Product Description1.1 Product Name: [Product Name]1.2 Specifications: [Specifications]1.3 Quantity: [Quantity]1.4 Unit Price: [Unit Price]1.5 Total Price: [Total Price]Article 2 Quality Standards2.1 The quality shall conform to the following standards: [Quality Standards]Article 3 Packing Requirements3.1 The packaging shall conform to: [Packing Requirements]Article 4 Delivery Place and Time4.1 Delivery Place: [Delivery Location]4.2 Delivery Time: [Delivery Time]Article 5 Mode of Transportation5.1 Mode of Transportation: [Mode of Transportation]Article 6 Payment Terms6.1 Payment Method: [Payment Terms]6.2 Payment Time: [Payment Time]Article 7 Insurance7.1 Insurance Liability: [Insurance Liability]Article 8 Liability for Breach of Contract8.1 The party in breach shall bear the responsibility: [Liability for Breach of Contract]Article 9 Dispute Resolution9.1 Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the arbitration commission of [Dispute Resolution Location].Article 10 Other Terms10.1 Other agreed matters: [Other Agreements]Article 11 Modification and Supplement of This Contract 11.1 This contract shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both parties, and no party shall unilaterally modify or terminate it without the written consent of both parties.Article 12 Applicable Law of This Contract12.1 The interpretation, application, and dispute resolution of this contract shall all be governed by the law of [Applicable Law].Party A (Buyer): [。

英文合同篇1Buyer: 买方:Add.: 地址:Seller: 卖方:Add.: 地址:This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据<<中华人民共和国合同法>>及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。
1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套SPECIFICATION AND PRICE 规格与价格:Grey cow split leather .The leather palm is to measure 205 mm from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist and 125 mm hand wide.灰色牛革质料。
PRICE OF PAIR: 价格:每双:6元人民币QUANTITY: 4000 pair 数量:4000双TOTAL AMOUNT: 总价:2. Delivery: 交货方式:Description, quantity, unit price, total amount and other details of the goods ordered please refer to detail order, invoiceand packing list. The name of the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.采购品名、规格、数量、单价、总价、交期等参考每次采购相应订单、发票及装运单,发票的填开单位必须与本合同中卖方的名称相一致。

三、各方的权利和义务(一)甲方的权利和义务1. 甲方有权获得合作带来的预期利益。
2. 甲方应按时履行合同中规定的各项义务。
3. 甲方应提供必要的技术支持和人员配合,确保项目顺利进行。
4. 甲方有权对项目执行情况进行监督和检查。
(二)乙方的权利和义务1. 乙方有权获得合作带来的预期利益。
2. 乙方应按时履行合同中规定的各项义务。
3. 乙方应确保所提供的产品和服务符合合同约定的质量要求。

This contract is negotiated and signed by the following parties to ensure that the rights and obligations of both parties are clear and fulfilled. Please read and understand all terms carefully before signing this contract.一、合同主体 Parties to the Contract甲方(公司名称):__________(以下简称甲方)Party A (Company Name): __________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方(公司名称):__________(以下简称乙方)Party B (Company Name): __________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)二、合同内容 Contract Content1. 合同目的 Purpose of the Contract本合同的目的是明确双方在某项商务活动中的权利和义务,并确保合作顺利进行。
The purpose of this contract is to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties in a certain business activity and ensure smooth cooperation.2. 合同条款 Terms of the Contract双方同意遵守以下条款和条件,有效期为_______年。
Both parties agree to abide by the following terms and conditions, with a validity period of _______ years.3. 合同变更 Contract Changes任何一方不得擅自修改或变更合同条款。

英文合同范文模板大全以下是一个英文合同的范文模板,你可以根据自己的具体情况进行修改和补充:【合同标题】Contract Agreement【合同编号】Contract No. XXXX【合同签订方】Party A: [Company/Individual Name]Address: [Company/Individual Address]Phone: [Contact Number]Email: [Contact Email]Party B: [Company/Individual Name]Address: [Company/Individual Address]Phone: [Contact Number]Email: [Contact Email]【合同签订日期】Signing Date: [Date]【合同背景】[Provide a brief background of the contract, including the purpose and objectives.]第1页/共4页【条款1:合同目的】1. Purpose of the ContractThe purpose of this contract is to define the terms and conditions under which Party A and Party B agree to [state the purpose of the contract].【条款2:义务与权利】2. Rights and Obligations2.1 Party A agrees to [list the obligations of Party A].2.2 Party B agrees to [list the obligations of Party B].【条款3:支付与费用】3. Payment and Expenses3.1 Party A shall pay Party B the amount of [state the payment amount] within [state the payment deadline or schedule].3.2 Party B shall be responsible for all expenses incurred during the execution of this contract, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties.【条款4:知识产权】4. Intellectual Property Rights4.1 Party A acknowledges that all intellectual property rights created or developed by Party B in connection with the performance of this contract shall belong to Party B.4.2 Party B grants Party A a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the intellectual property rights for the purpose specified in this contract.【条款5:违约与解除】5. Breach and Termination5.1 In the event of a material breach of this contract by either party, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate this contract with immediate effect.5.2 Either party may terminate this contract by giving [state the notice period] written notice to the other party.【条款6:争议解决】6. Dispute Resolution6.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties.6.2 If the parties fail to reach a resolution, the dispute shall be referred to [state the method of dispute resolution, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation].【条款7:适用法律与管辖】7. Applicable Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [state the governing law]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [state the jurisdiction].【条款8:其他】8. Miscellaneous8.1 This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings, or representations relating to the subject matter of this contract.第3页/共4页8.2 Any amendments or modifications to this contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.【签署】Signed for and on behalf of Party A:[Signature][Name][Title][Date]Signed for and on behalf of Party B:[Signature][Name][Title][Date]此为一个简单的英文合同范文模板,你可以根据自己的具体情况对各个条款进行修改和补充,并参考相关法律法规进行调整,以确保合同的准确性和合法性。

编号:_____________外贸合同买方:________________________________________________卖方:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日THE BUYER:买方:THE SELLER:卖方:This contract is made by and only works between the buyer and seller, which means thebuyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the product according to the termsand conditions stipulated below:买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议:1. COMMODITY: Please refer to the detailed breakdown as attached.(as in the appendix)详见清单.(附页)名称及规格Description 单位Unit平均单价Averageunit price(JPY)数量Qty总价AmountFOB PORTTOTAL VALUE FOB OSAKA PORT OR KOBE PORT2. PACKING:The commodity is supposed to be packed with infrangible Export standard packaging thatsuitable for long distance ocean and land transportation and well protected againstdampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage or rust damage to the goods that caused by improper packing, and pay for all cost and loss caused by the damage.包装:必须采用坚固的出口标准包装, 适合于长途海运和陆运,防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。

英文合同范文模板5篇篇1商业合作协议Agreement for Business Collaboration本协议于XXXX年XX月XX日在_____________(地点)由以下两方签订:This Agreement is made on the ________ Day of ________ at ________ and is entered into by and between the following parties:甲方:________________(以下简称“甲方”)Party A: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")乙方:________________(以下简称“乙方”)Party B: ________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")鉴于甲、乙双方共同意愿和互惠互利的原则,经友好协商,就以下合作事项达成协议:WHEREAS, Party A and Party B, through friendly consultation, have agreed on the following collaboration matters in view of their common intentions and the principles of mutual benefit:一、合作宗旨与目的Article 1: Purpose and Objective of Collaboration双方本着相互信任、精诚合作的原则,开展在____________领域的长期合作,实现共赢。
Both parties shall carry out long-term cooperation in the field of ________ based on mutual trust and sincere cooperation to achieve win-win results.二、合作事项及内容Article 2: Matters and Contents of Collaboration1. 合作事项:____________(项目/业务名称)Collaborative matter: ________________ (Project/Business Name)2. 合作内容:双方共同进行____________项目的开发、实施及运营。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transactions according to Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the terms and conditions set as forth below:
Article 1:Description of the Purchasing Commodities (Currency=RMB)
Article 2:Delivery / Acceptance Dates
Article 3:Terms of Delivery(subject to INCONTERMS 2000) and Location
Article 4:Mode of Payment
Seller’s Bank:
Bank Code:
Account Number:
Article 5:Delivery Schedule
Batch 1:
Batch 2:
Batch 3:
Article 6:Packing
Packing of the goods shall be preventative from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for sea transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to improper packing. The measurements, gross weight, net weight and certain cautions such as: “Do not stack up side down”, “Keep away from moisture”, “Handle with care!” shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.
Article 7:Documents
The Supplier shall present the following documents required by the Buyer:
1) Full set of Bill of Lading or Airway Bill
2) Signed commercial invoice in 3 copies.
3) Packing list in 3 copies issued by the Supplier.
4) Certificate of Quality in 1 copy issued by the manufacturer.
5) Certificate of Quantity in 1 copy issued by the manufacturer.
The above mentioned documents shall be sent to the Buyer by courier after delivery of the goods.
Article 8:Warranty
The seller guarantees for a period of 24 months from date of installation, but not longer than 30 months from date of arriving in Buyer’s plant OR according to the attchement.
Article 9:Purchase Order Entering into Force
This Purchase Order shall be executed with 2 copies - the Buyer and Supplier shall keep one for each. After signed and sealed by the Buyer and Supplier, it becomes effective and enters into force.
Article 10:Others
Article 11:Attachment
Buyer: Signed by: Signature: Date: Seal:Supplier: Signed by: Signature: Date: Seal:。