一体化电源系统操作说明 最新版本
1、N0.63 1#交流进线屏的“N〞常用电源为“1号站用变〞,“R〞备用电源为“2号站用变〞。
2、N0.64 2#交流进线屏的“N〞常用电源为“2号站用变〞,“R〞备用电源为“1号站用变〞。
P L C控制柜基础知识(总7页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除PLC控制柜基础知识PLC控制柜是指成套的控制柜,可实现电机,开关的控制的电气柜。
PCS-9611C线路保护装置技术和使用说明书PCS-9611C 线路保护装置前言使用产品前,请仔细阅读本章节!本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。
操作指导及警告本手册中将会用到以下指示标记和标准定义:危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或严重的设备损坏。
PCS-9611C 线路保护装置警告!●曝露端子在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。
河北优脉产品手册河北优脉产品手册外呼、全通型控制器(ETK-EC01)河北优脉产品手册目录一.系统简介 (3)二.系统组成 (3)三.系统主控部分技术参数 (3)四.功能介绍 (3)五.设备图片 (4)六.端口及设置开关说明 (6)七.内呼全控型安装接线图 (6)八.外呼控制型安装接线图 (7)九.系统调试 (7)十.常见故障处理 (8)十一.注意事项 (8)河北优脉产品手册一.系统简介电梯IC卡管理系统可以对电梯乘坐人员进行电脑智能化控制和管理,有效防止闲杂人员任意乘用电梯出入大厦,从而提高大厦的安全管理水平。
三.系统主控部分技术参数1.输入电压:DC12V~36V2.输入电流:<70mA3.手动、消防端口输入电压:DC12V~DC24V4.主控板输出点:3路5.输出点特性:开关量输出6.使用温度:-10~60摄氏度,工作环境湿度为RH 30%~95%不结露,7.存储温度:-20~70摄氏度8.刷卡操作时间:<100ms9.射频通讯距离:<10m10.存储历史刷卡记录:最多6000条(循环存储)11.最多梯号25512.外型尺寸:见设备图片13.定位孔尺寸:见设备图片14.平均无故障时间:>20000小时15.平均维修时间: <0.5小时四.功能介绍系统结构紧凑,功能强大。
ESTUN 机器人 S1E 控制柜 使用说明书
版权所有:南京埃斯顿机器人工程有限公司产品服务热线:400-025-3336地址:南京市江宁经济开发区吉印大道1888号邮编:211102电话:************公司主页:电子邮箱:***************修订记录版本年月变更内容01 2022.09 新建手册。
02 2023.03 更新外形尺寸图,控制器示意图。
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各种故障保护说明 -------------------------- 6
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滴入引水槽,再有导水管流出柜外。在设定启动值内经过充分 循环除湿,使柜内空气湿度降至结露点以下,完成整个防潮引 凝过程。同时,智能型除湿装置信号采集传感器外置,能实时 准确的采集到柜内的真实湿度,保证智能型除湿装置在柜内将 要达到凝露条件时提前启动除湿。
除湿过程中,湿度从85%RH下降到50%RH时, 温度只升高6℃~8℃。
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说明 □本使用手册适用于JRCS201的所有系列产品。 □请勿拆开本仪器或尝试本说明书未述及的任何操作。 □本司已严格审阅本使用手册内所载信息的准确性和完善 性。如果您发现任何错误或遗漏,请向我们反映(见“联系方 式”),对此,我们深表感谢。
1、GIS控制柜、高低压控制柜、高低压开关柜、环网柜、户 外端子箱、机械控制柜、箱式变电站、干式变电站等电气设 备;
2、集成电路,硅晶体,液晶器件,陶瓷器件、阻容元件, 有源器件,接插件,SMD器件,CPU,计算机板卡防潮储存;
3、物理化学仪器、实验材料、绝缘材料的防潮管理,化学 品、药品、食品、纤维、生物制剂的防潮储存。
智嵌 IO 控制板 5CXZE8-I 使用手册说明书
智嵌 ZQWL-IO-5CXZE8-I使用手册版本号:V1.3拟制人:智嵌物联团队时间:2019年03月7日目录前言 (3)1产品快速入门 (3)1.1硬件准备 (3)1.2使用网络控制软件 (4)1.3使用网络调试助手控制 (6)2硬件功能介绍 (7)2.1网络特性 (7)2.2硬件特点 (8)3模块硬件接口 (8)3.1模块接口及尺寸 (8)4模块输入接线 (9)4.1模块电源输入 (9)4.2模块开关量输入 (9)4.3模块开关量输入状态自动上报 (10)5模块参数配置 (11)5.1智嵌网络IO配置软件 (11)5.2网页参数配置 (13)6模块复位以及固件升级 (17)6.1模块复位 (17)6.2模块固件升级 (18)7模块通讯协议 (18)7.1自定义协议 (18)1、控制指令 (18)2、配置指令 (19)7.2Modbus rtu协议 (20)7.3Modbus rtu 指令码举例 (20)7.4Modbus TCP协议 (21)8与网络型IO输出模块成对使用 (22)8.1开关量输入/输出模块的设置 (22)前言智嵌物联系列产品命名规则一览:产品类型IO:IO 控制板系列EthRS:串口服务器系列SS:传感器系列AN:模拟量板卡系列GPRS:GPRS dtu 系列CANET:can 转网络系列RCAN:can 转串口系列RF:射频识别系列ZB :zigbee 通讯系列FiB:光纤转换系列智嵌物联IO 控制板系列产品命名规则如下:如:ZQWL-IO-1CNRC16-I12V 供电/带外壳/NPN 输入/10A 电流/网络+串口/16路输出/通讯隔离B :不带C :带外壳N:NPN 输入P:PNP 输入X:兼容N 和P T:TTL 模块A:模拟量输入Z:无输入Z:无输出A:固态交流D:固态直流R:电流10A T:晶体管输出L:TTL 模块0:电流16A 3:电流30A 5:电流50AE:网络W:wifi A:串口+CAN C:网络+串口D:网络+wifiZ:网络+串口+wifi G:GPRS+串口8:8路输出16:16路输出32:32路输出1:12VDC 2:24VDC -I :通讯隔离3:3.3VDC 4:220VAC 5:5~36VDC 6:POE 供电1 产品快速入门ZQWL-IO-5CXZE8-I (以下简称控制板)是一款可通过网络远程传输的8路NPN/PNP 兼容型光电输入控制板。
端子说明 用于 NICE1000/3000 控制柜 X1~X24 输入端子的检
测 用于 NICE1000 控制柜 X25~X27 输入端子检测
输出继电器共点 用于 NICE1000 控制柜 Y6~Y22 输出端子的检测
用于 NICE1000 控制柜 L1~L20 端子的检测 用于 NICE3000、轿顶厢和召唤盒通讯检测 异步机编码器信号线输入端子 同步机用 UVW 编码器信号线输入端子
用于 NICE1000 Y 端子输出共阴和共阳转换
本检测装置对外提供两个 RS232 端口 DB9 连接端子 COM1、COM2,用以连接上位机。
通过双端 DB9 线连接工装和电脑 RS232 口
07/39:抱闸输出反馈信号 08/40:检修信号 09/41:检修上行信号
Suzhou Monarch Control Technology Co.,Ltd
不检测 Y 端子功能码 不检测 L 端子功能码 检测结果界面见图 2-4:
通过双端 DB9 线连接工装和检测柜 RS232 口
Suzhou Monarch Control Technology Co.,Ltd
第二章 使用说明
2.1 安装与配线
用户在检测 NICE1000 或 NICE3000 一体化控制柜时,需配备以下资源:
FANUC 0i电气说明书
1.5 工作结束后的安全
1.5.1 对于盘式刀库,须用 M52指令将主轴上的刀具还回到刀库; 对于机械手式刀库,则用 T00;M06指令将主轴上的刀具还回刀库。并将主轴锥孔和各刀柄擦净,
BV 系列使用说明书(电气部分)
1.7 环境要求
机床工作环境应避免振动、烟尘等危害,应远离磁场、矿区、地震频发区等,最好是位于有空调或恒 温设施且地质稳定的车间。车间使用电焊机至少要在距电气柜 20米以外且电焊机不得与机床电源共网。工 作环境温度要求为 5℃~40℃,且 24小时平均温度不超过 35℃,相对湿度在 30%~95%范围内(无冷凝水)。 原则上要位于海拔高度 1000米以下。
BV 系列使用说明书(电气部分)
1.2.8 通电时应顺序接通车间电源开关、机床主电路空气开关、控制台上的机床启动开关。 1.2.9 机床电气柜、变压器柜、键盘锁上的钥匙必须单机专用,不准代用,不准多台机床之间混用,以免 对锁造成损伤,影响使用。
1.3 启动时的安全检查
警告: 机床通电前,请检查进机床的车间电源线缆是否接地。若未接地,会损坏机床中的电气设备。
警告: 电气柜中有高压部分(带有闪电标志),切勿触碰高压部分,高压部分会产生严重电击的危险。
1.1.8 搬运和吊装机床必须遵照《使用说明书 机械部分》的相关规定。
1.2 开机前的安全
1.2.1 车间供电设施与机床之间的电缆接线应足够长,有保护套,接线要牢靠,且应避免被损伤的可能。 1.2.2 弄清机床电源的电压、电流及开关容量需求指标。本机床电源电压为三相 380V50Hz,满载电流参阅 相关产品《使用说明书 机械部分》技术规格部分。电源电压变动范围 380V 7%。若用户的电网电压达不 到要求,建议安装稳压电源,否则长期使用会对机床电器造成损坏。 1.2.3 工作状态下及工作结束后要关闭电气装置的门或盖,以免水、灰尘及有害气体进入数控装置、控制 台(即操作站)的电源控制板等部位。 1.2.4 保证润滑油和冷却液的液面足够高。要及时检查,在缺少时及时补充。 1.2.5 保证车间压缩空气气源的压力不低于 0.7MPa,气源处理装置工作压力 0.6MPa。 1.2.6 检查机床各部位应无杂物,主轴锥孔应清洁;检查管、线等应无松动、脱落现象,否则应及时排除。 待清理完毕以及全面检查机床各部位待命状态并确信安全后方可通电。 1.2.7 通电前要遵照本说明书第 2章的要求,做好机床通电前的准备工作。
excom I O 系统集成与 ABB 控制构建器 M 通过 PROFIBUS 集成手册说明书
Your Global Automation PartnerIntegration with ABB Control Builder M via PROFIBUSIntegration Manual2HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|Contents1About this manual (5)1.1Target groups (5)1.2Explanation of symbols used (5)1.3Other documents (5)1.4Feedback about these instructions (5)2Notes on the system (6)2.1System identification (6)2.2Turck service (6)3For your safety (7)3.1Intended use (7)3.2General safety notes (7)3.3Notes on Ex protection (7)4Integrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder M (8)4.1Requirements (8)4.1.1Hardware requirements (8)4.1.2Software requirements (9)4.2Installing a GSD configuration file (9)4.3Defining the GSD signal (11)4.3.1Setting GSD signals for individual modules (15)4.3.2GSD signals – setting diagnostics (24)4.4Adding excom I/O modules to the AC 800M (27)4.5Setting excom I/O module parameters (29)4.6Configuring I/O data (31)4.7Loading the current configuration into the AC 800M (34)4.8Online mode (35)5Turck subsidiaries — contact information (36)V01.00 | 2022/063Contents4HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|V01.00 | 2022/0651About this manualThe manual describes the integration of the excom system in the ABB Compact Control Builder M control system for AC 800M via PROFIBUS-DP.Read this manual and the applicable documents carefully before the integration. This will prevent the risk of personal injury and damage to property. Keep this manual safe during the service life of the product. If the product is passed on, hand over this manual as well.The manual describes the possibilities for GSD-based integration from the installation right through to the handling of the I/O data and the associated diagnostics.1.1Target groupsThese instructions are written for specifically trained personnel and must be read carefully by anyone entrusted with the commissioning, operation and maintenance of the system.When using the device in Ex circuits, the user must also have an additional knowledge of explosion protection (IEC/EN 60079-14 etc.).1.2Explanation of symbols usedThe following symbols are used in these instructions:uCALL TO ACTION This symbol denotes actions that the user must carry out.a RESULTS OF ACTION This symbol denotes relevant results of actions.1.3Other documentsBesides this document the following material can be found on the Internet at :nData sheets nQuick start guide nexcom manuals n Approvals1.4Feedback about these instructionsWe make every effort to ensure that these instructions are as informative and as clear as pos-sible. If you have any suggestions for improving the design or if some information is missing in the document, please send your suggestions to *****************.Notes on the systemTurck service2Notes on the system2.1System identificationThis manual applies to the following PROFIBUS DP gateways for excom:n GDP-N…n GDP-IS…2.2Turck serviceTurck supports you with your projects, from initial analysis to the commissioning of your applic-ation. The Turck product database under contains software tools for program-ming, configuration or commissioning, data sheets and CAD files in numerous export formats.The contact details of Turck subsidiaries worldwide can be found on p. [} 36].6HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|3For your safetyThe product is designed according to state-of-the-art technology. However, residual risks stillexist. Observe the following warnings and safety notices to prevent damage to persons andproperty. Turck accepts no liability for damage caused by failure to observe these warning andsafety notices.3.1Intended useThe excom system is integrated in ABB Control Builder M via PROFIBUS-DP using a GDP file.The devices may only be used as described in these instructions. Any other use is not in accord-ance with the intended use. Turck accepts no liability for any resulting damage.3.2General safety notesn The device may only be assembled, installed, operated, parameterized and maintained by professionally-trained personnel.n The device may only be used in accordance with applicable national and internationalregulations, standards and laws.n The device meets the EMC requirements for industrial areas. When used in residential areas, take measures to avoid radio interference.3.3Notes on Ex protectionn Only use the device in Ex areas when installed in the appropriate protective housing.n Observe national and international regulations for explosion protection.n When operating the device in a hazardous area, the user must have a working knowledge of explosion protection (IEC/EN 60079-14, etc.).n Only use the device within the permitted operating and ambient conditions (see Certifica-tion data and conditions resulting from the Ex-approval).n Fit blank modules (BM1) on unused slots on the module rack.n Cables and terminals with intrinsically safe circuits must be indicated — use light blue for color-coding. Separate cables and terminals from non-intrinsically safe circuits or isolateaccordingly (IEC/EN 60079-14).n Complete certification of intrinsic safety.n Never connect equipment to intrinsically safe circuits if this equipment was previously used once in non-intrinsically safe circuits.n Please follow the instructions for use for the built-in equipment.V01.00 | 2022/067Integrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder M Requirements8HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|4Integrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder M 4.1Requirements 4.1.1Hardware requirementsThis example uses the following hardware:ABB hardwaren ABB AC 800M ControllerTurck hardwarenMT08-3G module rack nPSM24-3G.1 power supply module nGDP-IS/FW2.3 gateway nDM80EX digital I/O module nDO40EX digital output module nAIH40EX analog input module nAOH40EX analog output module nPROFIBUS-DP cableFig. 1: Example setup of the excom stationV01.00 | 2022/0694.1.2Software requirementsNOTE The GSD configuration file must be available in version 1.6.4.This example uses the following software:ABB softwaren ABB Compact Control Builder AC 800Mn GSD communication file V1.6.4Turck softwaren Gateway firmware V2.34.2Installing a GSD configuration fileThe GSD file can be downloaded as a free Zip file from . Unpack the zip file.Adding a GSD configuration file to the libraryProceed as follows to install the GSD file:Start Compact Control Builder AC 800M .Create a new project or use an existing project.Choose project (here: Turck_Test ) Ò Libraries .Right-click Hardware .Click New Library….Fig. 2: Opening New Library…Integrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder M Installing a GSD configuration file10HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************| Define the name (here: Turck_excom ) and location. Click OK.Fig. 3: Defining the file name and memory location Choose Hardware Ò Turck_excom . Right-click Hardware Types . Click Insert/Replace Hardware Type(s)….Fig. 4: Hardware Types – Insert/Replace Hardware Type(s)…a The Insert Hardware Definitions window opens.Select the *.gs? file type in the drop-down menu.Select the T164FF9F.GSD GSD configuration file.Click Open.Fig. 5: Selecting the GSD configuration file4.3Defining the GSD signalOnce the GSD configuration file has been selected, the Device Import Wizard opens.Click Next.Fig. 6: Device Import Wizard windowIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalAt to be used in the system select DefaultIOType in the drop-down menu.Click Next.Fig. 7: Selecting the DefaultIOTypea The PROFIBUS GSD file import - Module selection window opens.Click Select all.Click Next.Fig. 8: PROFIBUS GSD file import - Module selection windowIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalIn the PROFIBUS GSD file import – Parameter settings window check whether all modules are marked with a green tick. If one or several modules have a red tick:Check whether the parameter settings of two configurations are the same.Click Next.Fig. 9: All modules defined4.3.1Setting GSD signals for individual modulesThe settings for the I/O signals of the modules are stated in the system description for theexcom I/O system at .Example: AIH40 1HIn the PROFIBUS GSD file import – I/O settings window, select the AIH40 1H module in the left sidebar.Click Customize input under Manual configuration to manually configure the module.Fig. 10: Manually configuring an AIH40 1HIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalSelect 15 bits for channel 1 in the PROFIBUS GSD file import – In area of AIH40 1H window at Input area. In this example, Bit 0…6 of Byte 0 and Bit 0…7 of Byte 1.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select UInt 16=>DInt.Fig. 11: Selecting UInt 16=>DInt in the drop-down menuSelect Bit 7 of Byte 0 as the status bit.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select Bit Boolean =>Bool.Fig. 12: Selecting Bit Boolean =>Bool in the drop-down menuConfigure the other three channels with the remaining bits following the sameprocedure. Click OK.The HART variable consists of Bytes 8…11.Select Byte 8…11 at Input area.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select Real 32=>Real.Fig. 13: AIH40 1H – all channels and HART variables are setIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalExample: AOH40In the PROFIBUS GSD file import – I/O settings window, select the AOH40 module in the left sidebar.Click Customize output under Manual configuration to manually configure the module.Fig. 14: Manually configuring AOH40Select 15 bits for channel 1 in the PROFIBUS GSD file import – Out area of AOH40window at Output area. In this example, Bit 0…6 of Byte 0 and Bit 0…7 of Byte 1.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select UInt 16=>DInt.Fig. 15: Selecting UInt 16=>DInt in the drop-down menuConfigure the other channels with the remaining bits following the same procedure.Click OK.Fig. 16: AOH40 – all channels are setIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalExample: DM80In the PROFIBUS GSD file import – I/O settings window, select the DM80 module in the left sidebar.Click Customize input or Customize output under Manual configuration to manuallyconfigure the module as required.Fig. 17: Manually configuring DM80Select Bit 0 for channel 1.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select 8X Bit Boolean.Fig. 18: Selecting 8X Bit Boolean in the drop-down menuEach bit can be set as an individual channel. The DM80 S module is provided with an additional status bit for each channel.Fig. 19: DM80 – all channels are setIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalExample: DO40In the PROFIBUS GSD file import – I/O settings window, select the DO40_ module in the left sidebar.Click Customize output under Manual configuration to manually configure the module.Fig. 20: Manually configuring DO40Select Bit 0…3.The drop-down menu opens automatically. Select 4X Bit Boolean.Fig. 21: Selecting 4X Bit Boolean in the drop-down menua Each bit can be set as an individual channel.Fig. 22: DO40 – all channels are setIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signal4.3.2GSD signals – setting diagnosticsSelect ChannelDiagCommon in the left sidebar in PROFIBUS GSD file import –Diagnostics settings window at excom (1_6_4).Tick Enable diagnostics, Use identifier area for module diagnostics and Map device related diagnostics to module diagnostics on the right.If the Diagnostics pattern confirmation/edit appears, use the default settings and click OK.Fig. 23: PROFIBUS GSD file import – Diagnostics settingsIn the PROFIBUS GSD file import – Diagnostics settings window, select the module in the left sidebar.Under the required module select (here: AIH40 1H) ChannelDiagCommon.a The different diagnostics data is shown in the Text column. The diagnostics are assignedto a variable in the Status bit column.Fig. 24: AIH40 1H – setting diagnosticsIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MDefining the GSD signalTo set the diagnostics settings for all modules:Right-click the configured ChannelDiagCommon.Click Apply to all.Fig. 25: Applying the diagnostics settings to all modulesa The diagnostics settings are applied to all modules.In the system description for the excom I/O system check which diagnostics information is transferred.4.4Adding excom I/O modules to the AC 800MInserting the GSD configuration file in the AC 800MRight-click the PROFIBUS controller (here: NEWTON CI854) in ABB Compact Control Builder AC 800M.a The Insert UNIT for CI854 window opens.Right-click excom (1_6_4).Click Insert.Fig. 26: Insert UNIT for CI854 windowConfirm the query window with Yes.Fig. 27: Query window – Insert UnitIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MAdding excom I/O modules to the AC 800MSelect the modules fitted in the rack in the left sidebar.Set up the excom station according to the physical setup. Note the corresponding position on the rack (here: GDP C – Position: 0).Click Insert.Fig. 28: Example: GDP C – position 04.5Setting excom I/O module parametersIn Control Builder AC 800M at ControllersÒexcom (1_6_4) select the module (here: GDP C).Right-click the module.Click Editor.a The Hardware – PLC_1.1.5.0 window opens.Fig. 29: Selecting a moduleIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MSetting excom I/O module parametersClick the Settings tab.a The different parameters can be viewed in the Parameter column. The values of theparameters can be set at Value.Fig. 30: Example setting of gateway parametersV01.00 | 2022/06314.6Configuring I/O dataChoose Turck_Test Ò Applications . Right-click Diagrams at Application_1 – (PLC_1.Normal). Click New Diagram….Fig. 31: Diagrams – New Diagram…Integrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MConfiguring I/O data32HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|Choose the Variables tab. In the Data Typecolumn set the data type that was selected at the GSD signal import.Fig. 32: Variables – setting a data typeV01.00 | 2022/0633Module editorIn ABB Compact Control Builder AC 800M at Controllers Ò excom (1_6_4) select the module (here: AIH40 1H ). Right-click the module. Click Editor .a The Hardware – PLC_1.1.5.0 window opens. Click the Connections tab. Select the required variable via the Insert Path from Tree icon and assign it to thechannel.Fig. 33: Assigning a variable to the channelIntegrating an excom system in ABB Compact Control Builder MLoading the current configuration into the AC 800M34HansTurckGmbH&Co.KG|T+492084952-0|F+492084952-264|**************|4.7Loading the current configuration into the AC 800M After the excom system is configured and parameterized, the current configuration must be loaded in the system controller. The system outputs an error message if the set variables are not used in the application. Click the Download Project and Go Onlineicon in the menu bar.Fig. 34: Menu bar – XY a The Compact Control Builder AC 800M - Turck_Test (Online)window opens.Fig. 35: Compact Control Builder AC 800N - Turck_Test (Online) windowV01.00 | 2022/06354.8Online modeAfter the download, the view switches to Online mode.In Online mode, the diagnostics information and read data can be read in the modules used.In this example Input 1, Input 3, Input 5 and Input 7 represent the measured input current. Input 1 and Input 3 also represent the substitute value. Input 9represents the HART variable.Fig. 36: Reading out diagnostics information and data in Online modeTurck subsidiaries – contact information5Turck subsidiaries — contact informationGermany Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KGWitzlebenstraße 7, 45472 Mülheim an der Ruhrwww.turck.deAustralia Turck Australia Pty LtdBuilding 4, 19-25 Duerdin Street, Notting Hill, 3168 Victoria.auBelgium TURCK MULTIPROXLion d'Orweg 12, B-9300 Aalstwww.multiprox.beBrazil Turck do Brasil Automação Ltda.Rua Anjo Custódio Nr. 42, Jardim Anália Franco, CEP 03358-040 São Paulo.brChina Turck (Tianjin) Sensor Co. Ltd.18,4th Xinghuazhi Road, Xiqing Economic Development Area, 300381TianjinFrance TURCK BANNER S.A.S.11 rue de Courtalin Bat C, Magny Le Hongre, F-77703 MARNE LA VALLEECedex 4www.turckbanner.frGreat Britain TURCK BANNER LIMITEDBlenheim House, Hurricane Way, GB-SS11 8YT Wickford, EssexIndia TURCK India Automation Pvt. Ltd.401-403 Aurum Avenue, Survey. 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V.Ruiterlaan 7, NL-8019 BN Zwolle www.turck.nl Austria Turck GmbH Graumanngasse 7/A5-1, A-1150 Wien www.turck.at Poland TURCK sp.z.o.o.Wroclawska 115, PL-45-836 Opole www.turck.pl Romania Turck Automation Romania SRL Str. Siriului nr. 6-8, Sector 1, RO-014354 Bucuresti www.turck.ro Russian Federation TURCK RUS OOO 2-nd Pryadilnaya Street, 1, 105037 Moscow www.turck.ru Sweden Turck Sweden Office Fabriksstråket 9, 433 76 Jonsered www.turck.se Singapore TURCK BANNER Singapore Pte. Ltd.25 International Business Park, #04-75/77 (West Wing) German Centre,609916 Singapore www.turckbanner.sg South Africa Turck Banner (Pty) Ltd Boeing Road East, Bedfordview, ZA-2007 Johannesburg www.turckbanner.co.za Czech Republic TURCK s.r.o.Na Brne 2065, CZ-500 06 Hradec Královéwww.turck.cz Turkey Turck Otomasyon Ticaret Limited Sirketi Inönü mah. Kayisdagi c., Yesil Konak Evleri No: 178, A Blok D:4, 34755 Kadiköy/ Istanbul .tr Hungary TURCK Hungary kft.Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28., Óbuda Gate, 2. em., H-1023 Budapest www.turck.hu USA Turck Inc.3000 Campus Drive, USA-MN 55441 Minneapolis 。
FDC2009-254-J FM690A加热控制柜使用说明书(中批量)版本号: V 5.32009.7.01出厂编号:FM690A-ZKE-中国.四川德阳智科电子有限公司一、概述;FM690A风能发电机专用低温加热控制柜,是专为风能发电机组在-5℃~-40℃低温环境下,能安全可靠运行而设计的一个重要辅助控制设备。
二、设备技术参数1. FM690A加热控制柜电源三相四线 690V 55KW2. FM690A控制设备电器参数①.加热器5台 、三相四线 690V、10KW/台②.三相电机5台、三相三线 690V、180W/台③.测温元件:出厂设定为100 Pt 。
1. 送上柜内所有空开,观察柜内有无异常。
3.检查PLC 是否工作。
五.FM690A 控制过程说明1.送上柜内所有空开,观察柜内有无异常。
2.手动工作:将工况选择开关1ZH 置于手动工作位置,此时PLC 停止工作,热风幕机的工作通过硬逻辑控制线路完成,通过操作11ZH~15ZH 选择开关,对1#~5#风幕机进行单独的手动启动检查。
Extech MO100 湿度传感器操作手册说明书
Manual del operador Detector de humedad Model MO100IntroducciónFelicitaciones por su compra del detector de humead modelo MO100 de Extech. Las lecturas se toman insertando las agujas en el material que se quiere medir. El uso cuidadoso de este medidor le proveerá muchos años de servicio confiable.Precauciones•Este dispositivo no es un juguete y no debe llegar a manos de los niños. Contiene objetos peligrosos así como partes pequeñas que losniños podrían tragar. En caso de que algún niño trague cualquier parte, por favor llame al médico inmediatamente•No deje las baterías y material de empaque sin atención; ya que pueden ser peligrosos para los niños si los usan como juguetes •En caso de que no use el dispositivo durante largo tiempo, retire las baterías para prevenir derrames•Las baterías vencidas o dañadas pueden causar quemaduras al contacto con la piel. Por lo tanto, use siempre guantes apropiados para tales casos•Revise que las baterías no estén en corto. No deseche las baterías en el fuego.EspecificacionesIndicador Dos pantallas LCD Humedad deoperación90% Humedad relativa (max.)Escala del indicador de humedad 0 a 100 Fuente detensión2 baterías AAAEscala de temperatura 0°C a 50°C (32°F a122°F )Dimensiones 192 x 30 x 45 mm (7.6 x 0.8 x1.8")°C/ °F Resolución 0.2° Peso108g (3.8oz)D escripción1. Agujas2. Sensor de Temperatura3. Cabaza Giratorla Boton4. Indicador5. CAL Adjusta6. Off/Test/Cal7. Asimiento8. °C/ °F9. Indicador de Temperatura10. BatteriasUnidades de temperaturaEste medidor indica la temperatura ambiente. Las lecturas pueden mostrarse en °F o °C. Use el selector ubicado atrás del medidor para seleccionar la unidad de medida apropiada..Reemplazo de la bateríaUsted, como usuario final, está legalmente obligado (Reglamentode baterías) a regresar todas las baterías y acumuladores usados;¡el desecho en el desperdicio o basura de la casa está prohibido!Usted puede entregar las baterías o acumuladores usados,gratuitamente, en los puntos de recolección de nuestrassucursales en su comunidad o donde sea que se venden lasbaterías o acumuladores.DesechoCumpla las estipulaciones legales vigentes respecto al desechodel dispositivo al final de su vida útil.Antes de usar, calibre el instrumento usando los siguientes pasos.1. Resbale el interruptor Off/Test/Cal a la posición CAL.2. Gire la perilla de ajuste CAL hasta que la pantalla indique 100. (Estese hace para fijar un punto de referencia.)Nota: (La perilla de ajuste CAL está embutida para prevenircambios accidentales. Use un objeto con el extremoahusado para hacer ajustes.)3. Deslice el interruptor Off/Test/Cal a la posición TEST4. El medidor está listo para tomar lecturasToma de lecturasSe usa el siguiente procedimiento para tomar lecturas relativas o comparativas del contenido de humedad en madera, tablaroca y otros materiales. Laslecturas obtenidas son indicaciones relativas del nivel de humedad NO del %de contenido de humedad.1. Resbale el interruptor Off/Test/Cal a la posición Test.2. Para establecer una referencia para el material a prueba inserte lasagujas del sensor en un área seca (o aceptable) del material. Lainserción deberá ser lo más profundo posible. Note la lectura "seca"3. Entonces inserte las agujas del sensor en un área húmeda delmaterial a prueba. La inserción deberá ser lo más profundo posible.Note la lectura "húmeda".4. Use estas lecturas sea a húmeda como puntos de referencia como puntode comparación para las lecturas siguientes.Las lecturas seca y húmeda de algunos materiales comunesTablaroca MaderaIndicación Valor de humedad Indicación Valor de humedad 0-5 Seco 0 a 8 Seco6-14 Húmedo 9-22 Húmedo>14 Mojado >22 MojadoConversión de lecturas relativas a % de contenido de humedad Las lecturas obtenidas son indicaciones relativas del nivel de humedad NO del% de contenido de humedad. Por favor consulte la tabla para una conversión aproximada de lecturas relativas al % de contenido de humedad.Reemplazo de agujasPara su conveniencia, el medidor usa agujas roscadas. Para remplazar una aguja, simplemente desenrosque del medidor y tenga cuidado de no apretar demasiado la aguja nueva.Nota de seguridad:Para su seguridad, el MO100 tiene una cabezagiratoria con botón para soltar el candado. Por favor recuerde girar lacabeza de manera que las agujas queden ocultas dentro delcompartimiento.Copyright © 2012 Extech Instruments Corporation (a FLIR company) Reservados todos los derechos, incluyendo el derecho de reproducción total o parcial en cualquiermedio.MO100-EU-SP-V3.4-2/12Escala de conversión para madera (Aprox)REL 2 4 8 16 22 30 38 44 62 68 72 76 78 83%MC 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29。
2.2锅炉汽包水位有两种显示方式:一是数值显示,显示范围为-175mm 至175mm;二是棒形图显示,显示范围顶部为175mm,底部为-175mm,红色部分为水位高度。
3.各锅炉控制回路画面3.1锅炉汽包水位有两种显示方式:一是数值显示,显示范围为-175mm 至175mm;二是棒形图显示,显示范围顶部为175mm,底部为-175mm,红色部分为水位高度。
Panasonic EX-FC1 简易电线节省漏水检测传感器指南说明书
Thank you very much for purchasing Panasonic products.Please read this Instruction Manual carefully and thoroughly for the correctand optimum use of this product.Kindly keep this manual in a convenient place for quick reference.OUTLINE●This is the simple wire-saving unit which can be connected with max. 8leak detection sensors (NPN output type).●Even if only one leak detection sensor (NPN output type)is connected tothis product, the output is gained when leak is detected or the sensor ismounted improperly.●Since the exclusive snap male connector (SL-CP1) is used for connec-tion, wire-saving can be easily made.MOUNTING●In case of using screws•Mount using M4 pan head screwswith a tightening torque of 0.8N·mor less. However, in case of sidemounting, make sure to mount theunit such that the unit stopper facesfront.Mounting position 1●Two installation positions are available for the unit mounting base so thatthe unit direction can be changed. Install the base at one of them.Mounting position 2●In case of using a DIN rail or themounting bracket (MS-DIN-3)(optional).1.Fit the rear part of the unit mount-ing base on a 35mm width DIN railor the mounting bracket (MS-DIN-3)(optional).2.Press down the front part of theunit mounting base on the 35mmwidth DIN rail and fit the front partof the base on the DIN rail.*For removal, insert a flatheadscrewdriver into the DIN rail stop-per and pull towards yourself.●When mounting the unit, be sure to use the unit mounting base(MS-SL-2) (accessory).●When installing the unit mounting base to the unit, insert the basealigned with the grooves of the unit and move until the unit stopper islocked.1.Insert aligned with the2.Make the unit stopperI/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (for 1 channel)Note: Since the output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit, make sure to usethis product within the specification and take care against wrong wiring.PART DESCRIPTION2143●This product has been developed / produced for industrial use only. ● T his product is suitable for indoor use only.●Avoid using the product in an explosive atmosphere because this prod-uct does not have an explosive-proof protective construction. ●Make sure that the power supply is off while wiring. ●Take care that wrong wiring will damage the product.●Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating. Take care that if a voltage exceeding the rated range or an AC power supply is directly applied, the sensor may get damaged or burnt.●If power is supplied from a commercial switching regulator, ensure that the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of the power supply is connected to an actual ground.●In case noise generating equipment (switching regulator, inverter mo-tor, etc.) is used in the vicinity of this product, connect the frame ground (F.G.) terminal of the equipment to an actual ground.●Do not run the wires together with high-voltage lines or power lines or put them in the same raceway. This can cause malfunction due to in-duction.●Do not use during the initial transient time (approx. 0.5 sec.) after the power supply is switched on.●Cable extension is possible up to total 10m with 0.3mm 2, or more, cable. However, in order to reduce noise, make the wiring as short as possible.●Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied to the cable joint.●Since the output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit, make sure to use this product within the specification and take care against wrong wiring.●In case a surge is generated in the used power supply, connect a surge absorber to the supply and absorb the surge.●Make sure to use an isolation transformer for the DC power supply. If an auto-transformer (single winding transformer) is used, this product or the power supply may get damaged. ●Avoid dust, dirt, and steam.●Take care that the product does not come in contact with oil, grease or organic solvents, such as, thinner, etc., strong acid or alkaline. ●This sensor is suitable for indoor use only.CAUTIONSSPECIFICATIONSDesignation Simple wire-saving unit for leak detection sensor(NPN output type)Model No.EX-FC1Connectable sensor NPN output type leak detection sensor (EX-F71, EX-F72,EX-F61, EX-F62) (Note 1) (Note 2)Applicable connector SL-CP1Supply voltage 12 to 24V DC± 10 % Ripple P-P 10% or lessCurrent consumption50mA or less (for one unit)135mA or less (including the sensor input current when all outputs are ON)OutputRelay contact 1a• Switching capacity: 30V 1A DC (resistant load)• Min. applied load: 10mV 10μA DC• Electrical lifetime: 100,000 times or more(rated load, switching frequency 20 times/min.)• Mechanical lifetime: 50,000,000 times or more(switching frequency 180 times/min.)Output operation The output relay is ON when the input signal from the sensor is ON.Response time 5ms or less (excluding the response time of the sensor)Input points8 pointsAmbient temperature -10 to +60ºC (No dew condensation or icing allowed)Storage: -20 to +70ºCAmbient humidity 35 to 85% RH, Storage: 35 to 85% RH Material Enclosure: ABS, Terminal part: PBT Cable 0.2mm 2 4-core cabtyre cable, 2m longWeight Approx. 85gAccessorySL-CP1 (Snap male connector): 8 pcs.MS-SL-2 (Unit mounting base): 1 pc.Notes: 1) PNP output type sensor (including leak detection sensor) cannot be connected.101012) Ordinary sensor (NPN output type) or no-voltage contact output sensor can beconnected.INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKING●The models listed under “SPECIFICATIONS ” come with CE Marking.As for all other models, please contact our office. ●Contact for CEPanasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Center Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg,GermanyConnection method1. By holding the SL-CP1 with the cable connected, insert it into the connector of the EX-FC1 reliably till it stops.Note: Do not pull out by holding the cable, as thiscan result in cable disconnection.Disconnection method2. By holding SL-CP1, pull it from the EX-FC1 horizontally.CONNECTION SETTING SWITCH6The connection setting should be carried out in the power supply off condi-tion after removing any electrostatic charge which may be present on your body.●Operation matrix for each indicatorOperationConnection state of theleak detec-tion sensor State of theconnectionsettingswitchLeakdetectedconditionNormalindicator (Green)Error indicator (Red)Output indicator (Orange)Normal Connected ONNot leakedLights up Turns off Lights up LeakedTurns off Lights up Turns off Unconnected OFF -Turns off Turns off Lights up ErrorConnected OFF Not leaked Lights up Lights up Turns off UnconnectedON -Turns offLights upTurns off●For the channel that the unit sensor is connected to and the connection setting switch is set to “ON” side, the error indicator (red) lights up for a moment when the power is turned on. This is not a malfunction for the unit because it is caused by characteristic of the sensor.●Make sure to set the connection setting switch with the connector No. to which the leak detection sensor is connected, to “ON” side.●In case both the normal indicator (green) and the error indicator (red) light up, the connection setting switch with the connector No. to which the leak detection sensor is connected, is not set to “ON” side. Set the connection setting switch with the connector No. to which the leak detec-tion sensor is connected, to “ON” side.●In case the error indicator (red) lights up, the leak detection sensor de-tects leak or the connection setting switch is set to “ON” side without connecting the leak detection sensor. If the connection setting switch is set to “ON” side without connecting the leak detection sensor, set the connection setting switch to “OFF” side.●If the leak detection sensor detects leak or the connection setting switch is set to “OFF” side in the state that the leak detection sensor is improp-erly mounted to the mounting bracket, the sensor judges as the output is ON. Be careful when setting.NOT USED76543210ONThese are not used.“ON” side “ON” side “ON” side“ON” sideConnection setting switch setting exampleIn case the input of 0, 3, 4 and 5 are set to effective.https:///id/pidsx/globalOverseas Sales Division (Head Office)2431-1 Ushiyama-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi, 486-0901, Japan Phone: +81-568-33-7861 FAX: +81-568-33-8591For sales network, please visit our website.PRINTED IN JAPAN © Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2018。
能源控制器Ⅰ型使用说明书青岛东软载波科技股份有限公司能源控制器类型标识代码分类说明NC X X X X-XXXX 能源控制器场景远程通信本地通信总线通信产品代号NC-能源控制器1-公变2-专变1-4G2-5G0-无1-HPLC2-微功率无线3-双模1-RS-4852-M-bus3-CAN由不大于8位的英文字母和数字组成。
功能模块类型标识代码分类说明G X X X X-XXXX功能模块功能模块类型功能模块类型属性接口数量温度级别产品代号G-功能模块K-控制模块X-遥信模块B-本地通信模块Y-远程通信模块M-模拟量采集模块T-其他功能模块类型无补充属性,则为X;本地通信模块:Z-窄带电力线载波H-HPLCJ-微功率无线S-双模通信模块(载波&无线)M-MBUS通信模块R-RS485通信模块C-CAN通信模块T-其它信道远程通信模块:2-无线公网2G3-无线公网3G4-无线公网4G5-无线公网5GA-230MHz专网L-以太网有线网络N-公共交换电话网F-光纤有线网络T-其他信道多功能组合模块类型属性定义为:Z。
UM ZH ILC 1X1用户手册
用户手册ILC 131 ETH、ILC 151 ETH、ILC 171 ETH 2TX、ILC 191 ETH 2TX、ILC 131 ETH/XC 和 ILC 151 ETH/XC Inline 控制器的安装和操作UM ZH ILC 1X1Order No.: 57688082012-09-078385_zh_00PHOENIX CONTACTILC131ETH、ILC151ETH、ILC171ETH2TX、ILC191ETH2TX、ILC 131 ETH/XC 和ILC151ETH/XC Inline 控制器的安装和操作UM ZH ILC 1X1005768808型号版本(HW)或更高版本版本(FW)或更高版本订货号ILC 131ETH 00 4.002700973ILC 151ETH004.002700974ILC 171ETH 2TX 00 4.002700975ILC 191ETH 2TX 00 4.002700976ILC 131 ETH/XC 00 4.002701034ILC 151ETH/XC004.002701141用户手册名称:修订版本:订货号:本用户手册用于:UM ZH ILC 1X1PHOENIX CONTACT8385_zh_008385_zh_00PHOENIX CONTACT请仔细阅读以下注意事项本手册的用户组本手册中提及的产品的使用仅限于:-熟悉电气工程相关标准和其他规定,尤其是相关安全理念的、符合资质的电工或有电工指导的工作人员。
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影响检测可靠性和使用寿命的问题,且结构简单、使用方便、稳定性好、不受水箱温度及水质的影响、水位检测可从十几厘米到几米,性价比极高,是目前水箱水位检测最理想的装置之一;温度传感器采用优质高价进口材料,可根据用户要求,检测度可达200℃(一般的只能到120℃),完全满足了工程型集热器的工作要求;主要电子元器件全部采用美国原装进口器件,双电源供电,光电隔离设计,工作稳定可靠,不受强电工作干扰;系统采用三相电(交流380V)和单相电(交流220V)兼容的方式,大功率设计,以适应用户不同的工作环境及更高的配件可选性和系统工作效率,电加热棒采用交流380V或交流220V 自选,最大可控功率可由用户制定,增压泵及循环泵最大可控功率均为1500W,并可根据用户要求增加其可控功率;多指示灯指示;当系统出现问题时可开启手动;当前工作状态直观明了;充分考虑安全性,装配高质量漏电保护系统。
二、技术参数:1、主机消耗功率:<5W (不含电加热、水泵、电磁阀);2、工作电压:AC220V/380V ±10% 50Hz;3、电磁阀参数:AC220;4、测温精度:±2℃;5、测温范围:0~99℃;6、水位分档:五档;7、控制电加热功率:(根据客户要求来订)8、热交换泵功率一般:≤ 1500W (≤1500W 根据客户要求来订)9、管道循环泵功率一般:≤1500W(≤1500W 根据客户要求来订)10、漏电动作电流≤30mA/0.1S(大电流配件正泰电器三、功能介绍:显示部分:1、超大LED集成显示:集热器温度、保温温度、管道温度、保温水位、恒温水箱温度、恒温水箱水位、低温温度、显示北京时间及工作状态,系统运行时一目了然;2、自动上水(水位控制、定时控制)功能;当水箱水位降至进水位时,控制器会自动上水,加水至设定的上限水位自动停水。
3、此时,设置页面“5”显示:本次为第一次定时加水的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“6”显示,进入定时加水的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(早上加水出厂设置为08 00启动定时上水,如果时间设为24:00,表示本次定时取消)。
4、此时,设置页面“7”显示:本次为第二次定时加水的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“8”显示,进入定时加水的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(出厂设置为24 00启动定时上水,表示本次定时取消)。
5、此时,设置页面“9”显示:本次为第三次定时加水的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“10”显示,进入定时加水的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(出厂设置为24 00启动定时上水,表示本次定时取消)。
8、此时,设置页面“15”显示:本次为第一次定时加温的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“16”显示,进入定时加温的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(下午加温出厂设置为17 00启动定时加水,如果时间设为24:00,表示本次定时取消)。
9、此时,设置页面“17”显示:本次为第二次定时加温的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“18”显示,进入定时加温的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(出厂设置为24 00启动定时加温,表示本次定时取消)。
10、此时,设置页面“19”显示:本次为第三次定时加温的‘小时’的设置,设置好小时按一下“设置”键,此时,设置页面“20”显示,进入定时加温的‘分钟’的设置,设置方法同上(出厂设置为24 00启动定时加温,表示本次定时取消)。