
科目:机电一体化专业英语使用班级:使用班级:单选题单选题1 、10xx means that it is a plain carbon steel 1,10XX意味着它是一个普通的碳素钢 C the second digit indicates that there is no modification in the alloys. 第二个数字表明,有没有修改的合金。
A 、which A,这B 、when B,当C 、where C,其中D 、that ,,2 、These steels 2,这些钢材 B high strength and also high strength to weight ratio, good c orrosion resistance. 高强度和高强度重量比,好的C orrosion电阻。
A 、exhibits 一,展品B 、exhibit ,表现出C 、exhibited C,展出D 、are exhibiting D ,展示3 、This property, also called 3,此属性,也被称为C , is related to the resistance of the steel to the softening effect of heat. ,是有关钢材的耐热软化效应。
A 、cold-hardness 一,冷硬度B 、cold-shortness B,冷,气短C 、hot-hardness 热硬度,D 、brittle condition D ,脆条件4 、These metals 4,这些金属 A in a soft condition, heat-treated to gain hardness, and then finish machined with a grinding or lapping process that can handle the hardness. 在软条件下,热后获得的硬度,然后完成加工与磨削或研磨的过程中,可以处理的硬度。

Section I Words and Phrases
• I've disciplined myself to do two hours of exercise every day. • 我坚持每天锻炼两个小时。 • • 2.处罚, 惩罚 • The boy was often disciplined for staying away from school. • • 那孩子常因为逃学而受到处罚。 • 名词 n. • • 1.训练, 锻炼, 训导 • She needs the discipline of having to write an essay every week. • • 她需要进行每周写一篇文章的训练。 • 2.纪律 • • Our soldiers showed perfect discipline under heavy fire from the enemy's guns. • • 在敌人的炮火下, 我们的士兵表现出良好的纪律。 • End Topic Above Next • 3.处罚, 处分 •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • English for special purpose 专业英语 mechatronics [mekə΄tr nics] n.机电一体化,机械电子学 mechanism [‘mekənizəm] n. [C]机械装置;机械作用;机构;结构 mechanics [mi‘kæniks] n.力学,机械学 electronics [ilek'trɔniks] n. 电子学 interdisciplinary [ intə(:) disiplinəri] adj.跨学科的,多领域的,各学科 间的 modeling [ mɔdliŋ] n.建模,造型,模特儿职业 adj.制造模型的,模特 儿的 (单词原型 model) sensor [ sensə] n.传感器,灵敏元件 例句:There were more than 2000 sensors here. 这里装有两千多个灵敏元件。 automotive [ ɔ:tə məutiv] adj.自动的,汽车的 automotive vehicles 机动车辆 optoelectronic [ ɔptəuilek‘trɔnik ] adj.光电(子)的,光电子学的,光 电耦合opto-coupler光电耦合 End Topic Above Next

1.机电一体化专业A安装,组装assemble按钮buttonB半导体元件semiconductor element 白炽灯泡incandescent bulb保险丝、熔断器fuse保险盒fuse holder避雷器arrester变压器transformerC插针/插头pin (plug)柴油发电机diesel generator超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor超高压extra-high voltage触电electric failure传导conduct传送带,输送机conveyor传感器sensor串联series磁铁magnetD导体,导线conductor.电的electric电火化electric spark电的、电气的electrical电机electrical machine供电electrical service电工electrician电极electrode电子的、电子学的electronic静电的electrostatic电工学、电工技术electrotechnics电池battery.电路circuit电路断路器circuit breaker电路图circuit diagram电动机electromotor电机 motor电感inductance电感器,感应器inductor电感镇流器inductive / magnetic ballast 电流,水流current电流互感器current transformer电流表ammeter .电线electric wire / power cored电子镇流器electronic Ballasts电刷,刷子brush电缆cable电容capacitance电容器capacitor端子台terminal短路short circuitF发电机generator发光二极管fluorescent light /lamp 放大器,扩音器amplifierG感应器sensor隔板baffle汞灯mercury Lamps锅炉boilerH恒定的constant缓冲器buffer活扳手adjustable wrenchJ机器,机械machine机械的、力学的mechanical机械、力学mechanism机械零件 mechanical parts机电一体化 mechanotronics / mechanical-electrical integration 集成电路 integrate circuit交流电alternating current交流电路AC circuit绝缘insulation节能灯energy saving lamp接地、触地、碰地contact to earth接触器、触头contactorK开关switch控制盘control panel控制器controllerL冷凝、使凝结condensate冷却器、冷冻器congealer离心风机centrifugal fan连接connect联接器、接线盒connector螺栓、拧螺丝boltM模拟analog模拟量输入analog input模拟量输出analog output模拟信号analog signal模数转换analog-to-digitalP排气扇air exhaust fanQ启辉器starter气体放电灯gas discharge lamp 汽缸cylinder起重机craneR熔断的blownS三相交流电 three-phase AC适配器adapterT调光器dimmer调整螺钉adjusting screw调节阀control valve调制解调器modem跳闸线路breaker coil铁心、核心、磁心coreW万用表avometer五金配件hardware fitting雾化atomizingX线圈coil .Y压缩compress压缩机compressor荧光灯fluorescent light /lamp Z整流器commutator直流电源 DC electrical source 自耦变压器autoformer自动automatic自动调压器automatic voltage regulator 轴承bearing制动器,闸brake转换convert .2. 电子专业B闭路电视close-circuit television并联电容器shunt capacitor变压器transformerC彩色监视器colour monitorD低压low voltage低频low frequency低频响应low frequency response低频振荡器low frequency oscillator电动机motor电感inductance电流current电流放大器current amplifier电压voltage电压等级voltage grade电阻resistor电抗reactance电导conductance电纳susceptance电容器capacitor电抗器reactor电力系统power system电厂power plant电子束electron beam电子数据交换electronic data exchange电子现场节目制作electronic field production 电子信息系统electronic information system定子stator断路器breakerF发电厂power plant发电机generator分线盒、分组终端block terminalG高压high voltage高级音频编码advanced audio coding高级通信业务advanced communication service 高清晰度high definition高密度调制high density modulation高清晰度电视high definition television高清晰度视频系统high definition video system 高频high frequency高保真high-fidelity功率:powerH缓冲放大器buffer amplifierJ基本输入输出系统basic input/output system 基准脉冲发生器basic pulse generator激光唱片compact disc集成电路integrated circuit接线盒junction box接入条件access conditions接入控制系统access control systemL励磁excitation励磁器excitorM模拟analog模-数转换analog to digital模拟输出analog output母线bus barP平衡电流balanced currentQ区域通信系统area communication systemR人工智能artificial intelligenceS输电线transmission line输电系统power transmission system输入/输出控制系统input-output control system 数据脉冲data pulse数字卫星广播digital satellite broadcasting数字演播室控制digital studio control数字环绕声surround digital数字特技digital special effect数字信号处理digital signal processing数字声音处理器digital sound processor数字卫星系统digital satellite system数字技术digital technique数字电视digital television数据终端data terminal数据传输data transmission数字地面广播digital terrestrial broadcasting数字时基校正器digital time-base corrector数字电视摄像机digital television camera数字影院系统digital theater system数字调谐系统digital tuning system数字电视标准digital television standard数字视频广播digital video broadcasting数字视频压缩digital video compression数字视频特技digital video effect数字磁带录像机digital video tape recorder三双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 双绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTransT天线antenna调幅amplitude modulation条件接收conditional access条件接收控制conditional access control条件接收系统conditional access system同轴电缆concentric cable通用接口common interfaceY音频中心audio center音频分配系统audio distribution system音频(声音擦除)audio erasing音频audio frequency音频放大器audio frequency amplifier音频编码器automatic frequency coder音频电平表audio-level meter有线电视,电缆电视cable televisionZ闸刀Isolator转子电流magnetizing current自动黑平衡automatic black balance自动低音补偿automatic bass compensation自动亮度控制automatic brightness control自动黑电平automatic black level自动亮度限制电路automatic brightness limiter circuit 自动中心控制automatic centering control自动色度automatic chroma control自动消色器automatic chroma killer自动消磁电路automatic degaussirng circuit自动频率控制automatic frequency control自动微调automatic fine tuning自动频率跟踪automatic frequency track自动额率微调automatic frequency trim自动增益控制automatic gain control自动音乐传感装置automatic music sensor自动噪声消除器automatic noise canceller自动节目搜索automatic program search自动节目暂停系统automatic program pause system 自动节目搜索系统automatic program search system 音频响应audio response自动遥控automatic remote control自动扫描跟踪automatic scanning tracking自动定时控制automatic timing control自动音频校正automatic tone correction自动寻迹automatic track finding自动测试系统automatic test system自动音量控制automatic volume control自动稳压器automatic voltage regulator自动白平衡automatic white balance自动变焦控制automatic zooming control 自动调零automatic zero setting3.电气专业B办公自动化office automation避雷器lightning arrester变频器inverter变压器transformer变电站substation波导wave guideC传感器sensor传输线transmission line触发电极trigger electrode充油电力电缆 o il-filled power cable充电(阻尼)电阻charging(damping) resistor 磁场magnetic fieldD导体conductor单片机single chip microprocessor地下电缆underground cable电力电子power electronics电路原理principles of electric circuits 电场electric field电容capacitance电动机驱动motoring电压控制系统voltage control system 电压互感器potential transformer电路元件circuit components电路参数circuit parameters电气设备electrical device电能electric energy电力变压器power transformer电力系统power system电力网络power network电能转换器energy converter电压互感器potential transformer电流表ammeter电流互感器current transformer电热器heating appliance电缆cable电弧放电arc discharge叠片铁芯laminated core定子stator定子绕组stator winding多相整流器polyphase rectifier短路试验short circuit testing断电deenergizeF发光二极管light emitting diode发电generating放电discharge分压器voltage divider风动发电机wind-driven generatorG感应电动机induction motor感应式电机induction machine感生电流induced current高电压工程highvoltage engineering隔离开关disconnector工控机industrial personal computer工厂自动化factory automation管理信息系统management information system光纤optical fiberH核电站nuclear power station互感mutual-inductor火力发电站thermal power station混合分压器mixed dividerI漏磁电抗leakage reactanceJ记录仪recorder集散控制系统distributed control system架空线overhead line监控及数据采集系统supervisory control and data acqusition 检修overhauling交流电alternating current交流输电系统AC transmission system绝缘insulation绝缘子insulator接地线earth(ground) wire接地开关earthing switch解调器demodulator晶体管transistor静电电压表electrostatic voltmeterK可编程序控制器programmable logic controller可编程计算机控制器programmable computer controller 客户/服务器client/serverL励磁系统excitation system励磁电流field current流量计flowmeterM马蹄形磁铁horseshoe magnet模糊控制fuzzy control母线bus barO耦合电容coupling capacitorQ汽轮机steam turbine汽轮发电机turbogeneratorR绕组winding人工智能artificial intelligent软起动器soft starterS上位机supervisory computer设备网device net示波器oscilloscope水轮发电机hydrogenerator水轮机hydraulic turbine水力发电站hydro power stationT调制器modulator调谐器tuner调节器regulator调谐电路tuned circuit同步发电机synchronous generatorW网络network稳定变压器stabilizing transformer涡流eddy currentX现场总线控制系统fieldbus control system 线圈绕组coil winding限波器line trap旋转磁场rotating magnetic field蓄电池storage batteryY阳极(阴极)anode (cathode)以太网ether net异步电机asynchronous machine原生电池primary cell远仪表instrument程测控终端remote terminal unit杂散电容stray capacitanceZ杂散电感stray inductance直流电direct-current直流电动机dc motor直流发电机dc generator智能传感器smart sensor智能变送器smart transducer智能终端intelligent terminal整流器rectifier主站/从站master station/slave station转子rotor转子电阻rotor resistance自动电压调整器automatic voltage regulator自感self-inductor组态configuration4.数控专业B扳手wrenches刨床planing machines变速箱 gearbox变速器speed changer变形力deforming force变形deformationC插齿gear shaping车间 workshop车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe车削 turning齿轮 gear齿轮加工gear machining齿轮齿条 pinion and rack齿轮切削机gear cutting machines 冲压机stamping parts冲子研磨器punch formers传动 drive/transmission传动链transmitted chains磁路 magnetic circlesD带传动belt drive带锯saws,band带锯床sawing machines,band断裂 fracture挡板orifice plate刀片blades刀具 cutter刀尖 nose of tool电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting电脑数控镗床CNC boring machines电脑数控弯折机CNC bending presses电脑数控铣床CNC milling machines电脑数控线切削机CNC wire-cutting machines电脑数控磨床CNC grinding machines电脑数控车床CNC lathes电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC electric discharge machines电脑数控雕刻机CNC engraving machines电脑数控机床配件CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控剪切机CNC shearing machines电脑数控钻床CNC drilling machines电动刀具electric power tools电火花机electric discharge machines雕刻机engraving machines定位 allocation锻 forge锻铝forging,aluminium锻压机presses,forging锻模forging dies多轴钻床drilling machines,multi-spindleF阀门 valve发生器generatorG高速车床lathes,high-speed高速钻床drilling machines,high-speed弓锯saws,hack滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚齿 hobbing功率 power工件 workpieceH焊 weld虎钳vises滑动轴承 sliding bearingJ机械加工余量 machining allowance机床 machine tool机床夹具 jig激光切割laser cutting激光雕刻机engraving machines,laser激光钢板切割机laser cutting for SMT stensil 集合管manifolds加工 machining夹盘chucks夹具fixture夹具/支持系统clamping/holding systems剪切 shear绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer截面 section金属板成型机sheet metal forming machines 金属板加工机sheet metal working machines 金属切削 metal cutting金属工艺学 technology of metals锯片blades,saw锯床sawing machinesK卡口bayonet卡盘 chuck开关及按钮switches & buttons孔加工 spot facing machiningL冷却机coolers冷锻forging,cold冷锻冲压机presses,cold forging冷加工 cold machining离合器 clutch拉伸pulling拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching离心压力机presses eccentric立式铣床milling machines,vertical立式油压拉床vertical hydraulic broaching machine立式刨床planing machines vertical立式车床lathes,vertical立式带锯saws,vertical band立式加工中心machining centers,vertical立式及卧式铣床milling machines,vertical & horizontal立式钻床drilling machines,vertical联轴器 coupling联结 link链 chain链传动chain drive连续冲模dies-progressive六角立式铣床milling machines,turret vertical六角车床lathes,turret螺栓,螺帽及螺丝bolts,screws & nuts螺纹磨床grinders,thread螺纹 thread螺旋 helix螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铝轮冒口切断机overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels M摩擦 friction磨床 grinder磨损 wearN耐用度 durability内力 internal force扭力 torsion扭转 twistQ气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure气油压虎钳pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气动冲床presses,pneumatic气动工具pneumatic power tools钳工 locksmith铣头milling heads铣床milling machines铣削mill铣刀 milling cutter前刀面 rake face强度 intensity切断机cutting-off machines切削深度cutting depth切线 tangent曲柄crank曲柄压力机presses,crankR热处理 heat treatment热加工 hotwork润滑系统lubrication systems润滑液lubricants熔热处理炉heating treatment funacesS砂轮修整器wheel dressers三爪、分割工具头3-Jaws indexing spacers 舍弃式刀头disposable toolholder bits渗碳carburization蚀刻机etching machines输送链conveying chainsT弹簧 spring弹性 elasticity镗床 boring machine退火 anneal脱碳 decarburizationV弯曲机bending machines弯管机tube bending machinesW万能铣床milling machines,universal万能磨床grinding machines,universal弯曲机bending machines弯管机tube bending machines弯曲应力 bending stress卧式铣床milling machines,horizontal卧式带锯saws,horizontal band卧式加工中心machining centers,horizontal卧式及立式加工中心machining centers,horizontal & vertical 误差error无心磨床grinding machines,centerless无心精研机lapping machines,centerlessX销 pin修整机finishing machinesY压模pressing dies压铸冲模die casting dies压铸机die casting machines摇杆 racker异步电动机asynchronous motor压缩 hitting液压 hydraulic pressure液压泵hydraulic pump液压元件hydraulic components液压冲床presses,hydraulic液压动力元件hydraulic power units 液压工具hydraulic power tools液压回转缸hydraulic rotary cylinders 应力stress硬度 rigidityZ钻石刀具diamond cutters钻头drills钻模jigs钻床drilling machines钻床工作台drilling machines bench 钻削镗削 bore造链机chain making tools造线机cable making tools造钉机nail making machines正火 normalizing制动器 arrester brake主轴spindle主轴箱 headstock铸造found铸铝casting,aluminium铸铜casting,copper铸造设备foundry equipment铸钢casting,steel铸灰口铁casting,gray iron转台rotary tables转向器 redirector轴 shaft轴承bearings轴承配件bearing fittings轴自动压力机presses,transfer自动车床lathes,automatic承加工机bearing processing equipment 钻床 drill machine装配 assembling5.模具专业B波子弹弓ball catchC插头connector plug撑头support pillar插座connector socketD大水口edge gate导边leader pin/guide pin导套bushing/guide bushing 挡板stop plate定位圈locating ring顶针板ejector retainner plate 顶板eracuretun弹弓柱spring rodE二板模2-plate moldF发热管cartridge heater分流锥spure sperader复位键、提前回杆early return barG隔片buffle管钉dowel pinH活动臂lever arm喉塞line lpug喉管tube换模系统mold changing systemsJ激光切割laser cutting激光雕刻机engraving machines,laser激光钢板切割机laser cutting for SMT stensil 集合管manifolds唧嘴sprue bushing夹盘chucks夹具fixture剪切机shearing machines矫直机straightening machines金属板成型机sheet metal forming machines 金属板加工机sheet metal working machines锯片blades,saw锯床sawing machines卷边工具crimping toolsK卡口bayonet开模槽ply bar scot扣机(尼龙拉勾)nylon latch lockL垃圾钉stop pin流道平衡runner balance螺丝screwM毛坯 rough模芯mold core模具mold模具维修mold repair模具打磨/磨纹mold polishing/texturing 模具单元mold & die components 模具加热器/冷却器mold heaters/chillers 模胚(架)mold base磨轮grinding wheels磨削工具grinding tools磨床grinding machines磨床工作台grinder bench密封/封料sealN耐磨板/油板wedge wear plate内圆磨削 internal grindingP平面磨削 plane grindingQ气阀valvesR热流道hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道hot sprue/cold runner S三板模3-plate mold上内模cavity insert水口形式gate type水口大小gate size水口司bush司筒ejector sleeve司筒针ejector pin锁扣latch锁模块lock plate塑胶管plastic tube数模 digital analogyT探针thermocouples推板stripper plate托板support plateW外圆磨削external grindingX下内模core insert镶件insert斜导边angle pin斜顶lifterY压条plateZ中托司shoulder guide bushing 中托边guide pin注油机lubricators自动压力机presses,transfer自动车床lathes,automatic钻石刀具diamond cutters钻头drills钻模jigs钻床drilling machines钻床工作台drilling machines bench转台rotary tables6.制冷专业B冰箱用温度控制器thermostat for refrigeratorC程序指令式能量调节系统capacity regulation system of program order D单向阀check valve导阀pilot valve低压控制器low pressure controller低压浮球阀low pressure float valve单机能量调节capacity regulation of single unit电磁阀solenoid valve电动吸气阀electro inlet valveF分解decomposition浮球调节阀float regulation valve浮球阀float valveG高压控制器high pressure controller高压浮球阀high pressure float valve隔膜阀diaphragm valve工业制冷装置industrial refrigerating plant过热温度调节superheat temperature regulation H恒压膨胀阀constant pressure expansion valve J减压阀pressure-reducing valve截止阀shut-off valve节流阀throttle valve交*充注cross chargeK库温调节storage room tempurature regulation L冷凝压力调节器condensing pressure regulator 冷藏链cold chain冷藏refrigerated prvservation能量增强剂energy booster流量调节flow regualation流体流动指示器liquid indicator浓溶液rich solution,concentrated solutionN内平衡热力膨胀阀internal equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 内平衡管internal equalizer pipe能量调节capacity regulatorP旁通型能量调节器bypass capacity regulator膨胀阀expansion valve膨胀阀过热度superheat degree of expansion valve膨胀阀容量expansion valve capacityQ气体充注gas chargeR热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热源调节法energy source control method热电膨胀阀thermal electric expansion valve热平衡heat balance溶液流量调节solution flow regulation溶液solution溶解度solubility溶剂solvent溶质soluteS三通电磁阀three way magnetic valve三通调节阀three way control valve商业制冷装置commercial refrigerating plant释压装置pressure relief device湿度调节器humidity controller水量调节阀water regulation valve水解hydrolysis手动膨胀阀hand expansion valveT调节风门control damper同工质充注same material chargeW外平衡热力膨胀阀external equalizer thermostaice expansion valve 外平衡管external equalizer pipe温度式水量调节阀temperature-controlled water valveX吸收absorption吸附adsorption吸收剂absorbent,absorbing agent吸附剂adsorbent吸收式制冷absorption refrigeration吸附式制冷adsorption refrigeration吸附充注absorptive charge稀溶液weak solution,diluted solution限压装置pressure-limiting deviceY压力式水量调节阀pressure-controlled water valve压力控制器pressure controller压差控制器differential pressure controller易熔塞fusible plugZ制冷refrigeration制冷回路refrigerating circuit制冷剂控制器refrigerant control制冷装置refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant 制冷机refrigerating machine制冷机械refrigerating machinery制冷工程refrigeration engineering制冷工程承包商refrigeration contractor制冷工作者refrigerationist制冷工程师refrigeration engineer制冷技术员refrigeration technician制冷技师refrigeration technician制冷技工refrigeration mechanic制冷安装技工refrigeration installation mechanic制冷维修技工refrigeration serviceman制冷与空调维修店refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop 主阀main valve自动膨胀阀automatic expansion valve。

机电一体化专业英语试题及答案Test OnePart I Choose the best symbol (16%)Directions:The following is a set of symbols denoting Working Safety. Choose the best symbol according to the information given below.Worker ID Card Face Shield Ear Protection Ear Plug & GoggleWelding Mask Safety Helmet Eye Protection High Visibility Jacket1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.Part II Translate Phrases into Chinese or English (20 %) Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate the following phrases into Chinese or English.1. corrosion resistance ___________________2. 中碳钢_____________________3. lead screws __________________________4. 耐磨性___________________5. electrical conductivity ________________6. 铝合金___________________7. die-casting__________________________8. 印刷电路板________________ 9. axis of rotation_________________________ 10. 精加工___________________Part III Matching (16%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to choose the interpretations given in Column C match the Functions given in Column A, and then put thefunctions into Chinese in Column B.A. Vee BlockB. Tool Maker ClampC. Surface PlateD. Bench ViceE. Angle PlateF. Hand ViceG. Vice ClampH. Pipe Vice1.(平板)2.(角板)3.(V型块三角槽铁)4.(手钳)5.(老虎钳)6.(管子台虎钳)7.(虎钳夹)8.(工件夹钳)Part IV Translate English into Chinese (28%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.There are many kinds of machining operations, each of which is capable of generating a certain part geometry and surface texture.In turning, a cutting tool with a single cutting edge is used to remove material from a rotating work-piece to generate a cylindrical shape. The speed motion in turning is provided by the rotating work-part, and the feed motion is achieved by the cutting tool moving slowly in a direction parallel to the axis of rotation of the work-piece.Drilling is used to create a round hole. It is accomplished by a rotating tool that typically has two cutting edges. The tool is fed in a direction parallel to its axis of rotation into the work-part to form the round hole.In boring, the tool is used to enlarge an already available hole. It is a fine finishing operation used in the final stages of product manufacture.In milling, a rotating tool with multiple cutting edges is moved slowly relative to the material to generate a plane or straight surface. The direction of the feed motion is perpendicular to the tool’s axis of rotation. The speed motion is provided by the rotating milling cutter.Part V Translate Chinese into English (20 %) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.1. 这些机器都是由中国人造出的。

词汇mechatronic 机电一体化(技术)sensor传感器actuator执行元件,执行结构Feedback反馈deviation偏差hydraulic液压的machine tool机床geometric modeling 几何建模job-lot amount单批量maintenance维护pallet随行夹具robot机器人drill钻床,钻头Lathe车床mill 铣床shaper牛头刨床planer龙门刨床grinder磨床tap攻丝pulley滑轮shaft轴bore 镗削screw螺杆tolerance公差torque转矩nut螺母spring弹簧key键bearing轴承coupling联结器clutch离合器diode二极管transistor三极管transistors 晶体管integrated circuit 集成电路chip 芯片capacitor 电容器resistor 电阻digital 数字(式)的lever杠杆Servomechanism伺服机构closed-loop闭环actuator 传动装置following device随动装置troubleshoot故障排除solenoid电磁线圈different +form简称CIMS 计算机集成制造系统Computer integrated manufacturing systemCIM 计算机集成制造Computer integrated manufacturingCAM 计算机辅助制造Computer-assisted manufactureCAD 计算机辅助设计Computer-assisted designCAE 计算机辅助工程Computer-assisted engineerNC 数字控制Numerical controlCNC 计算机数控Computer Numerical controlCAPP 计算机辅助工艺设计Computer-aided process planingFMS 柔性制造系统Flexible manufacturing systemGeometric modeling 几何建模英译汉1.CIM is an attempt to(+v。

机电一体化专业英语自我介绍Hello everyone,My name is [Your Name], and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics Engineering at [Your University's Name]. Mechatronics is an interdisciplinaryfield that combines mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, and control systems into a single course of study. I have always been fascinated by the integration of these diverse fields and the innovative solutions that can be developed through this approach.Throughout my academic journey, I have gained a strong foundation in various subjects such as robotics, automation, and control systems. I have also had the opportunity to work on several projects that have allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. One such project involved designing a robotic arm that could perform precise movements and tasks, which was a great experience to understand the complexities and capabilities of mechatronic systems.I am proficient in programming languages such as Python and C++, which are essential for developing software that controls mechatronic devices. Additionally, I have experience with CAD software like SolidWorks, enabling me to design and model mechanical components.Apart from academics, I am also passionate about stayingupdated with the latest advancements in technology and engineering. I regularly participate in workshops and seminars to broaden my understanding and to network with professionals in the field.I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a challenging work environment where I can contribute to the development of innovative mechatronic solutions. I am confident that my background in Mechatronics Engineering, coupled with my enthusiasm for learning and problem-solving, will make me a valuable asset to any team.Thank you for considering my introduction.Best regards,[Your Name]。

机电一体化专业英语English Answer:Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical, electrical, computer, and software engineering to design, build, and operate systems. It has become increasingly important in modern engineering due to the growing demand for automated and intelligent systems.中文回答:机电一体化是一门综合了机械、电气、计算机和软件工程的交叉学科,用于设计、建造和操作系统。
Components of Mechatronics.The core components of mechatronics include:Sensors: Collect data from the physical world.Actuators: Convert electrical signals into physical movement.Controllers: Process sensor data and generate control signals.Software: Designs and implements control algorithms.Applications of Mechatronics.Mechatronics has a wide range of applications, including:Industrial automation: Assembly lines, robotic welding, and automated material handling.Automotive systems: Engine control, brake systems, and advanced driver assistance systems.Aerospace engineering: Flight control systems, navigation systems, and life support systems.Medical engineering: Surgical robots, diagnostic instruments, and prosthetics.Benefits of Mechatronics.Mechatronics offers several benefits over traditional engineering approaches:Increased productivity: Automated systems can work faster and more accurately than humans.Improved quality: Automated systems can produce products with consistent quality.Reduced costs: Automated systems can eliminate the need for manual labor and reduce maintenance costs.Enhanced flexibility: Mechatronic systems can be easily reconfigured to adapt to changing requirements.Challenges in Mechatronics.Despite its advantages, mechatronics also faces some challenges:Complexity: Mechatronic systems can be highly complex, making design and implementation difficult.Cross-disciplinary nature: Mechatronics engineers must have knowledge in multiple engineering disciplines.Integration: Integrating different components from different disciplines can be challenging.Career Prospects in Mechatronics.The demand for mechatronics engineers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Mechatronics engineers can work in a variety of industries, including automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, and medical engineering.中文回答:机电一体化的组成部分。

Mechatronic1. IntroductionMechatronics is a design process that includes a combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, material engineering, chemical engineering and industrial engineering. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering, that is to say, it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines.Nowadays, with the increasing of economy, Interdisciplinary research becomes an irreversible tendency. Which means mechatronic is facing unprecedented challenges. The old mechanics cannot catch the pace of new world, so they need to be changed. In order to stand steady from the competition, they must provide high value by being innovative during the process of transformation and upgrading.2. Mechatronic system applicationMechatronics are useful on so many fields, such as Machine vision, Automation and robotics, Servo-mechanics and so on.Mechatronic system apply to Machine vision (MV)Mechatronic make the possibilities of MV, technology and methods used to provide imaging-based automatic inspection and analysis for such applications as automatic inspection, process control, and robot guidance in industry, came true.Mechatronic system apply to Automation and roboticsImagine that just push some simple bottoms lightly can you control a huge, smart, intelligent robots. Is it only dreamed? No, it is reality. When mechatronic system applies to automation and robotics we can meet that easily.Mechatronic system apply to Servo-mechanicsCommon type of servo provides position control. Servos are commonly electrical or partially electronic in nature, using an electric motor as the primary means of creating mechanical force. Other types of servos use hydraulics, pneumatics, or magnetic principles. Whatever type it is, it can be separate as feedback system, transducer system and control system. And all of it cannot be kept in functional order without mechatronic system engineering.3. Future challengesMechatronic products -- products that blend mechanical, electrical and software technologies -- have exploded far beyond such industries as high-tech, aerospace and consumer product goods. That means more and more product development teams that once may have been comprised of mechanical engineers and electrical engineers are now adding software to the mix.Multiple engineering disciplines are being challenged to work together in mechatronic product development, such as on this printed circuit board assembly created in PTC's Pro/Engineer.Additional challenges of mechatronic product development noted by PTC include MCAD changes not reaching electrical engineers quickly enough, ECAD designers working ahead of the mechanical engineer and failing to relay that information, and software development largely removed from the product development change management process.。

机电一体化英语作文In the realm of modern technology, mechatronics has emergedas an interdisciplinary field that combines the principles of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. This convergence has given rise to innovative solutions in various industries, from automotive to aerospace, and from manufacturing to robotics.One of the most significant advantages of mechatronics is its ability to streamline the design and manufacturing processes. By integrating multiple systems into a single, cohesive unit, mechatronics reduces the need for complex wiring and bulky components. This not only simplifies the assembly process but also enhances the reliability and efficiency of the final product.In the automotive industry, mechatronics plays a crucial role in the development of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). These systems use a combination of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms to assist drivers in varioussituations, such as parking, lane keeping, and collision avoidance. The integration of these technologies has made driving safer and more convenient than ever before.Another area where mechatronics has made a significant impact is in the field of robotics. Modern robots are capable of performing complex tasks with a high degree of precision and flexibility, thanks to the integration of mechatronics. Thishas opened up new possibilities in manufacturing, whererobots can now be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, from assembly to inspection.Moreover, mechatronics has also revolutionized the aerospace industry. Aircraft manufacturers are now able to develop more efficient and reliable systems through the use of mechatronics. For example, fly-by-wire systems, which replace traditional mechanical controls with electronic signals, area direct result of mechatronics engineering.The future of mechatronics looks promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at further enhancing the capabilities of these systems. As technology continues to advance, the integration of mechatronics is expected to play an even more significant role in shaping the future ofvarious industries.In conclusion, mechatronics is a dynamic field that continues to evolve and expand. Its integration into modern technology has led to the development of more efficient, reliable, and versatile systems across a wide range of applications. As we move forward, the potential for mechatronics to transform industries and improve our daily lives is immense.。

机电一体化英语作文Mechatronics: The Synergy of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering。
In the ever-evolving world of technology, the field of mechatronics has emerged as a powerful interdisciplinary approach that seamlessly integrates mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering disciplines. Mechatronics, a term coined in the 1960s, has become a driving force behind the development of innovative products and systems that have transformed the way we live and work.At the heart of mechatronics lies the synergy between mechanical and electrical engineering. Mechanical engineering provides the foundation for the physical design and construction of systems, while electrical engineering focuses on the control, automation, and integration of electronic components. By combining these two fields, mechatronics engineers are able to create intelligent, adaptive, and highly efficient systems that can respond tothe ever-changing demands of modern society.One of the key aspects of mechatronics is the integration of sensors, actuators, and control systems. Sensors are used to gather information about the physical world, such as temperature, pressure, position, and velocity. This data is then processed by control systems, which use advanced algorithms to make decisions and send signals to actuators. Actuators, in turn, convert these signals into physical actions, allowing the system to respond and adapt to its environment.The applications of mechatronics are vast and diverse, spanning a wide range of industries. In the automotive industry, for example, mechatronics plays a crucial role in the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which use sensors and control systems to enhance vehicle safety and performance. These systems can automatically adjust braking, steering, and engine performance to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance the overall driving experience.Similarly, in the manufacturing industry, mechatronics is essential for the development of automated production lines and robotic systems. These systems use a combination of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering principles to perform complex tasks with precision and efficiency, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing productivity.Beyond the industrial realm, mechatronics also finds applications in the field of consumer electronics. From smartphones and wearable devices to home appliances and entertainment systems, mechatronics is responsible for the seamless integration of hardware and software, enabling the creation of intuitive and user-friendly products.The importance of mechatronics in the modern world cannot be overstated. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for systems that can adapt, learn, and respond to changing environments will only increase. Mechatronics engineers play a crucial role in addressing these challenges, using their interdisciplinary expertise to develop innovative solutions that push the boundaries ofwhat is possible.As the field of mechatronics continues to grow and evolve, it is clear that it will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology. From the development of autonomous vehicles to the creation of intelligent home automation systems, the integration of mechanical and electrical engineering principles will be essential for driving progress and improving the quality of life for people around the world.。
机电一体化 英文

Mechatronics——机电一体化1 A blend of mechanics and electronics, mechatronics has come to mean the synergistic use of precision engineering, control theory, computer science, and sensor and actuator technology to design improved products and processes.2 The standard clothes dryer is typically controlled by a mechanical timer. The user adjusts the timer according to the size and dampness of the load. If the timing device is not set properly, the drying cycle may be too short and the laundry may come out wet, or the machine could run long and waste energy.3 A clothes dryer, however, might be fitted with a sensor-based feedback system that lets the machine measure the moisture content of the fabrics or the exhaust air, and turn itself off when the load is dry. Operating performance is enhanced and energy use is lowered as a result. The redesigned dryer might even be cheaper to buy, depending mainly on the cost of the components that comprise the electromechanical control system.4 The computer disk drive, such as Cheetah from Seagate Technology, is one of the best examples of mechatronic design because it exhibits quick response, precision, and robustness.5 Many U.S.-trained design engineers would say that the improved dryer is the result ofup-to-date but conventional design practices. A reliable yet relatively inaccurate mechanical device was replaced by a "smarter" electronic control. In much of the rest of the world, however, design engineers would say that the dryer redesign followed the principles of mechatronics.6 Mechatronics is nothing new; it is simply the application of the latest techniques in precision mechanical engineering, controls theory, computer science, and electronics to the design process to create more functional and adaptable products. This, of course, is something many forward-thinking designers and engineers have been doing for years.7 The vaguely awkward word was first coined in Japan some 30 years ago. Since then, mechatronics has come to denote a synergistic blend of mechanics and electronics. The word's meaning is somewhat broader than the traditional term electromechanics, which to many connotes the use of electrostatic or electromagnetic devices. It is also an amorphous, heterogeneous, and continually evolving concept with 1,001 definitions, many of which are so broad or so narrow to be of seemingly marginal use.8 Mechatronics is more than semantics, however. It's a significant design trend that has a marked influence on the product-development process, international competition in manufactured goods, the nature of mechanical engineering education in coming years, and quite probably the success mechanical engineers will have in becoming team leaders or engineering managers.Defining Mechatronics9 For Takashi Yamaguchi, who works at Hitachi Ltd.'s Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in Ibaraki, Japan, mechatronics is "a methodology for designing products that exhibit fast, precise per网formance. These characteristics can be achieved by considering not only the mechanical design but also the use of servo controls, sensors, and electronics." He added that it is also very important to make the design robust. Computer disk drives, for example, are a prime example of the successful application of mechatronics: "Disk drives are required to provide very fast access, precise positioning, as well as robustness against various disturbances," he said.10 For Giorgio Rizzoni, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio State University in Columbus, mechatronics is "the confluence of traditional design methods with sensors and instrumentation technology, drive and actuator technology, embedded real-time microprocessor systems, and real-time software." Mechatronic (electromechanical) products, he said, exhibit certain distinguishing features, including the replacement of many mechanical functions with electronic ones, which results in much greater flexibility and easy redesign or reprogramming; the ability to implement distributed control in complex systems; and the ability to conduct automated data collection and reporting. The diagram at left illustrates that mechatronics is where mechanics, electronics, computers, and controls intersect11 "Mechatronics is really nothing but good design practice," said Masayoshi Tomizuka, professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. "The basic idea is to apply new controls to extract new levels of performance from a mechanical device." It means using modern, cost-effective technology to improve product and process performance and flexibility. In many cases, the application of computer and controls technology yields a design solution that is more elegant than the purely mechanical approach. By having a good idea of what can be done using other than mechanical means, design freedom increases and results improve, according to Tomizuka, who is also editor-in-chief of the quarterly IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics jointly published by the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers and ASME.12 The journal, first published in March 1996, is another indication that the importance of this interdisciplinary area is being recognized. Transactions covers a range of related technical areas, including modeling and design, system integration, actuators and sensors, intelligent control, robotics, manufacturing, motion control, vibration and noise control, microdevices and optoelectronic systems, and automotive systems.The Roots of Mechatronics13 Mechatronics was first used in terms of the computer control of electric motors by an engineer at Japan's Yaskawa Electric Co. in the late 1960s. The word has remained popular in Japan, and has been in general use in Europe for many years. Although mechatronics has been slow to gain industrial and academic acceptance as a field of study and practice in Great Britain and the United States, its increasingly prominent place worldwide is shown by the growing number of undergraduate and postgraduate mechatronics courses now being offered.14 Many engineers would contend that mechatronics grew out of robotics. Early robotic arms, then unable to coordinate their movements and without sensory feedback, benefited greatly from advances in kinematics, dynamics, controls, sensor technology, and high-level programming. The same battery of modern technologies that made robots more flexible and thus more useful was then brought to bear on the design of new generations of high-performance, adaptable machinery of all kinds.15 In the 1970s, mechatronics was concerned mostly with servo technology used in products such as automatic door openers, vending machines, and autofocus cameras. Simple in implementation, the approach encompassed the early use of advanced control methods, according to Transactions editors.16 In the 1980s, as information technology was introduced, engineers began to embed microprocessors in mechanical systems to improve their performance. Numerically controlled machines and robots became more compact, while automotive applications such as electronic engine controls and antilock-braking systems became widespread.17 By the 1990s, communications technology was added to the mix, yielding products that could be connected in large networks. This development made functions such as the remote operation of robotic manipulator arms possible. At the same time, new, smaller--even microscale--sensor and actuator technologies are being used increasingly in new products.Microelectromechanical systems, such as the tiny silicon accelerometers that trigger automotive air bags, are examples of the latter use.18 As significant as these developments may seem, a good deal of skepticism remains about the idea of codifying them in an engineering field called mechatronics. "It's certainly a catchy word," said controls expert Ernest O. Doebelin, professor emeritus at Ohio State and an ASME Fellow, "but it's an evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, development. Now that computers are small and relatively cheap, it just makes sense for designers to build them into products. Mechatronics is really the familiarity with all the other technologies--computers, software, advanced controls, sensors, actuators, and so forth--that make the advanced products possible."19 Similar sentiments were expressed by Davor Hrovat, senior staff technical specialist at the Ford Research Laboratory in Dearborn, Mich.: "The word singles out an area that perhaps is not a single area. Mechatronics is mixture of technologies and techniques that together help in designing better products."20 However mechatronics is defined, it means "we now have viable technology for computer control of mechanical systems at all levels, from toasters to autos," said David M. Auslander, professor of mechanical engineering at Berkeley. "Today we have mechanical systems for which performanceis defined by what's in a computer, whether it's software algorithms, neural networks, or fuzzy logic. That alone makes it different from anything you could do 25 years ago."21 Auslander takes a very generalized view of the topic. "Any system in which you control or modulate power is a candidate for computer control. For any mechanical component you can ask the question: What is its purpose? Does it transmit power? Or is its purpose control and coordination? Computers, software, and electronics can generally do this second function more efficiently--simpler, cheaper, with much more flexibility." This approach, he emphasized, constitutes a totally different view of how mechanical systems work compared with previous conceptions. "This is a machine viewed from the controls outward.22 Following mechatronic principles, General Electric's Profile Super 32 clothes washer features a sensor-based feedback control that maintains correct water temperature no matter the load size "23 Consider the standard multicolor printing press this magazine used to be printed on," Auslander added. "Until recently, web presses had line-shaft controls in which a long shaft coordinates operations from station to station. Now it's done all by computer control, which makes it much easier to change the machine over to a new setup."24 The view of Belgian robotics researcher Hendrik M. J. Van Brussel, published in Transactions (June 1996), follows a similar fundamental theme but with a different emphasis. "In the past, machine and product design has, almost exclusively, been the preoccupation of mechanical engineers," he wrote. Solutions to control and programming problems were added by control and software engineers, after the machine had been designed by mechanical engineers.25 This sequential-engineering approach usually resulted in suboptimal designs. "Recently, machine design has been profoundly influenced by the evolution of microelectronics, control engineering, and computer science," Van Brussel wrote. "What is needed, as a solid basis for designing high-performance machines, is a synergistic cross-fertilization between the different engineering disciplines. This is exactly what mechatronics is aiming at; it is aconcurrent-engineering view of machine design." He then offered his working definition of the term: "Mechatronics encompasses the knowledge base and the technologies required for the flexible generation of controlled motion."26 An essential feature in the behavior of a machine, Van Brussel continued, is the occurrence of controlled and/or coordinated motion of one or more machine elements. "The generation and coordination of the required motions, such that the increasingly growing performance and accuracy requirements are satisfied, is the raison d'etre of mechatronics."27 Van Brussel pointed out that traditional mechanisms are limited in their flexibility in generating a wide variety of motions. Also restricted is their potential for creating complex functional relationships between the motion of the actuator and that of the driven element. Yet another limitation of purely mechanical drive systems is their inherent lack of accuracy, caused by friction, backlash, wind-up errors, resonances, dimensional errors, and so forth.28 "These restrictions can be alleviated by eliminating or simplifying the 'forced-motion' mechanism between actuator and driven elements," he wrote. Instead, each driven element is provided with a drive motor and a position sensor. A motion controller generates the required relationships between the motions of the different driven elements. "The motion synchronization function is shifted from the error-prone hardware mechanism to the flexible software controller.By applying the mechatronics approach, a large number of motions can be synchronized, even at long distances away from each other."29 Under external forces, a range of secondary effects such as vibration and noise can adversely affect the functional behavior of machine elements and instruments, according to Van Brussel. Passive damping treatments are available, but they have limited applicability. "The mechatronic approach can provide more effective solutions. Based on the state information about vibration and noise levels, captured by appropriate sensors, the vibrations are counteracted by actuators distributed over the structure. The machine elements become active (smart structures)." The term adaptive structures can be used "when the behavior of the structure can be changed at will, without mechanical modifications."Institutional Implications30 Beyond design theory, Auslander said, "mechatronics is also saying something about industrial structure." In the new paradigm, "the focal point is not traditional machine design, which is what industry and therefore universities are presently geared to teach. In the future, the focal point will be the mechatronics specialist."31 "It's always a bit embarrassing to talk about mechatronics," said Kevin Craig, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. "As far as engineering practice goes, there really isn't anything new here, except evolutionary advances in computers, sensors, actuators, and the rest. What is new from the educational viewpoint is that we're teaching mechanical engineers how to use electronics, how to program computers to do real-time control, how to do control design, and then to integrate all this into the design process.32 "It's an interdisciplinary approach," he added. "Do the integration right from the beginning; don't just add a control system at the end. Controls used to be left to specialists--mostly electrical engineers. That's not true anymore." Besides teaching a three-day short course on mechatronics as part of an ASME Professional Development program, Craig has also worked on two videotape series on the topic.33 "Mechatronics does not change the design process," Craig said. "It gives the engineer greater knowledge, so the concepts that are developed are better, and communications with other engineering disciplines is improved. The result is a highly balanced design."34 "One thing that is not at all not clear is how all this additional material should be delivered to the student," observed Ed Carryer, consulting associate professor at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. "Most mechanical engineering curricula are already stuffed to the gunnels," he said. "It's either overload the undergrads or make it the focus of a certificate program at the master's level."35 Few academics expect mechatronics to attain the level of a formally accepted engineering discipline. "Our academic system tends to resist the forming of new disciplines," Auslander said. "For example, controls has been a well-recognized and important discipline since the Second World War. However, there are few control departments in the United States. It's mostly taught in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and some chemical engineering departments. Yet we graduate lots of people who do the controls function." He concluded that mechatronics' place in the academic hierarchy is really an organizational and bureaucratic issue.36 In the short courses he teaches, "besides students you get the occasional professor who wants to learn what the universities are doing in mechatronics, so they can set up their own programs. The rest are practicing mechanical engineers who basically want to know 'What's this mechatronics stuff we keep hearing about?'37 The practicing engineers Craig meets still tend to rely on results of experiments--build and test methods. Surprisingly, "they don't do much modeling or analysis. We're saying that they won't be able do that much longer, because you can't get products to market quickly enough in today's markets. You need to model and predict, build a prototype, then validate your predictions."38 Ford's Hrovat also stressed the need for mechanical engineers to learn advanced modeling and simulation methods. He cited particularly the use of bond graphs--transfer-function block diagrams that denote power flows and information flows--to depict "means shifting," the process of finding alternative means to accomplish a design goal. For example, if there is no suitable electrical means of providing some desired actuation, the designer could go to a pneumatic or hydraulic system--the means to an end are shifted to a substitute technology. "From what I see, the use of bond graphs is definitely the trend," Hovrat said.Career Paths in Mechatronics39 "Mechanical engineers are often at a loss to communicate and understand the issues electrical engineers and the software specialists bring up" at meetings of interdisciplinary product teams, said Carryer. "The idea is to get rid of the uncertainties associated with electronics and computers. We want to develop people who are comfortable making the necessary trade-offs among a wide range of approaches based on the given design constraints."40 "Maybe the mechanical engineer is not going to do the detail work in any specialty," Craig said, "but they could do it, and they certainly could lead a team doing it. That's what we're trying to train mechanical engineers to do."41 With a focus on these kinds of skills, mechatronics is seen as a prime career path for mechanical engineers of the future. "I believe that mechanical engineers with a mechatronics background will have a better chance of becoming managers," said Thomas S. Moore, general manager for liberty and technical affairs at Chrysler Corp. in Madison Heights, Mich. "We see mechatronics as the career of the future for mechanical engineers."42 "Classically trained mechanical engineers will run the risk of being left out of the interesting work" carried on by multidisciplinary product design teams, according to John F. Elter, vice president of strategic programs at Xerox Corp. in Webster, N.Y. "At Xerox, we need designers who understand the control theory well enough to synthesize a better design. These people will have much more of a chance to lead." Elter added that "the mechanical engineers who know some computer science are far more valuable than the computer scientists who know some mechanical engineering. The mechanical engineers have a better feel for the overall system and do a better job of making the crucial trade-offs. One possibility is that the mechatronics practitioner will prototype the whole design, then the specialists in the various disciplines will take over the detail design."。

machinery n. [总称] 机器,机械trivial adj. 琐细的,平常的,微不足道的mechanism n.机构chain n.链(条),镣铐,一连串,一系列turbine blade n.涡轮机叶片crankshaft n. 曲轴propeller n. 推进者, 推进物, 尤指轮船、飞机上的螺旋推进器discard v. 丢弃, 抛弃recognition n.识别trigger v. 引发, 引起, 触发vague adj. 含糊的, 不清楚的synthesis n. 综合ideation n 构思能力,思维能力,构思过程aggregate adj.合计的, 集合的prototype n.样机,原型erroneous adj.错误的, 不正确的iteration n.反复competent adj. 有能力的, 胜任的versatile adj.通用的, 万能的, 多才多艺的mechanism n. 机构motion pairs 运动副disposition n. 配置;排列machine frame 机座,机架coordinate n. 坐标motivity member 原动件parameter n. 参变量driven member从动件free degree 自由度categorize v.分类category n. 种类,逻辑范畴planar adj.平面的,平坦的spherical adj.球的,球形的spatial adj.空间的loci n. [locus的复数形式点的轨迹Gear n. 齿轮projection n. 凸出cycloidal adi. 摆线的cycloidal profile 摆线轮廓involute adi. 渐开线的involute profile 渐开线轮廓conjugate adi. 共轭的pinion n. 小齿轮dimension n. 量纲mate v. 啮合engagement n. 啮合tangency n. 接触pitch n. 齿节intersect v . 相交,交叉disposition n. 排列,配置helical gear 螺旋齿轮spur gear 正齿轮,直齿轮worm n. 蜗轮,蜗杆bevel gear 伞形齿轮,锥齿轮hourglass n 沙漏V-belt V型带splice n. 连接pulley n. (皮带)轮groove n. 沟,槽tractive adi. 牵引的clearance n. 间隙chain drive 链传动prototype n. 模型,原型机saw n. 锯escalator n. 自动扶梯roller chain 套筒滚子链条,滚子链bead chain 滚珠链条bushing n. 套筒sprocket n. 链轮strand n. 排,列venetian blind 威尼斯百叶窗,软百叶窗device [di5vais] n. 器件;设备;装置fastener n.紧固件,紧固零件classification n.分类,类别removable adi.可移动的,可拆的semipermanent adj. 半永久性的cotter pin n.开口销,开尾销disassemble v拆开,分散rivet n.铆钉;v. 铆;铆接weld v. 焊接,熔接nuisance n. 障碍,损害rattle v.& n发出喀啦声,硬物质的撞击声nut n 螺帽bolt n. 螺钉,螺栓v. 用螺栓连接screw n. 螺钉,螺旋丝杆lock washer n.锁紧垫圈,止动垫圈,防松垫圈resilience n.弹力,弹性aluminum n. 铝(金属元素符号)shaft n. 轴bearing n.轴承,支承gear n. 齿轮cam n.凸轮,靠模clutch v.& n. 抓住,离合器cold-roll v.& n冷轧,冷轧机forge v.& n 锻造,打制flexible adj. 柔软的,适用性强friction n.摩擦brake v. 破坏,折断,损坏wear v.& n磨损,耗损arrangement n.布置,排列contaminant n.杂质,污染物质sealing arrangement n.密封装置hostility n. 敌意,恶劣appreciation n. 评价,欣赏interference n. 干涉,过盈fretting n.微振磨损corrosion n. 腐蚀abut v.邻接,倚靠stress concentration 应力集中shoulder n. 轴肩chamfer v.& n.倒角,倒圆,开槽journal bearing n.滑动轴承cylinderical adj. 圆筒状的,柱状的lubricant n. 润滑剂,润滑材料compatible adj.相适用,和谐的,一致的graphics n.制图,图学drafting n. 草图,制图drawing n. 绘图,制图,图样projection n. 投影dimension n. 尺寸;v. 给……标注尺寸spatial analysis 空间分析spatial visualization 空间想象horizontal projection 水平投影frontal projection 正投影profile projection 侧投影quadrant n. 象限center-lines of symmetry 对称中心线composite object 组合体detail drawing 零件图assembly drawing 装配图phantom line 假想线evolve v. (使)发展,(使)进展,(使)进化conceptualization n.化为概念,概念化documentation n. 文件inconsistency n. 不兼容性NC. Numerical Control数字控制CNC. Computer Numerical Control 计算机数字控制interactive adj. 交互式的wire-frame models 线框模型surface models 表面模型solid models 实体模型stress-strain 应力-应变fabricate v. 构成,伪造,虚构incorporate adj. 合并的,一体化的tolerance n.公差v.给机器部件等规定公差nominal adj.公称的,标称的,额定的intrinsic adj.固有的,内在的,本质的normal distribution 正态分布weld bead 焊缝fillet n. 圆角,倒角spigot n.插销,塞子,阀门interference fit 干涉配合,过盈配合broach n. 拉刀;v.拉削gauge n. (电线等的)直径;(金属板的)厚度;量具deviation n.偏差,偏移numerical control 数字控制instruction n. 指令binary adj. 二进制lathe n. 车床mill v. 铣drill v. 钻bore 、v. 镗grind v. 磨turret n. 转盘punch n. 冲床flame n. (电)火化wire-cutting 线切割pipe bender 弯管机spindle n. 主轴contour n. 轮廓workpiece n. 工件countersink n. 钻(沉头)孔counterbore n. 镗(沉头)孔ream n. 铰孔tapping n. 攻丝spotwelding 点焊synchronization n. 同步interpolation n. 插补parabolic adj. 抛物线的compensation n. 补偿pertain v. 合适coolant n. 冷却液clamping n. 夹紧miniaturization n. 小型化dedicated adj. 专用的forge v. 锻造eutectoid adj. 共析的austenite n. 奥氏体pearlite n. 珠光体martensitic adj. 马氏体的stress relieving 消除应力,低温退火tempering n. 回火normalizing n.常化,正火ferrous alloy 铁合金transformation n.变换,转换,相变still adj. 不动的,静止的full annealing 完全退火notably adv.显著地,特别是austenitize v. 奥氏体化,使成奥氏体denote v. 指示,表示,概述machinability n.切削加工性,机械加工性能facilitation n. 便于in-process adj. (加工、处理)过程中的qualification n.资格,条件,限制,限定quenching n. 淬火brine n. 盐水caustic adj.腐蚀性的,碱性的aqueous adj. 水的,水成的warp n.翘曲,变形glossary n.词汇表,术语汇编quench-hardened adj.淬火硬化的process annealing 工序间退火,中间退火fog quenching 喷雾淬火hot quenching 高温淬火,热淬火hydraulic system 液压系统displacement n. 位移,转移,置换layer n. 层,层次tangential adj. 切线的,切向的Newtonian adj.牛顿的,牛顿学说的nonlinear adj.非线性的,非直线的rotational adj.旋转的,转动的,循环的compressible adj.可压缩的,可压榨的Pascal’s law n.帕斯卡定律intake n. 入口,进口,进入量tank n.油箱,水箱,池塘reservoir n. 蓄水池,水箱,蓄能器atmospheric adj. 大气的,空气的discharge n.卸货,出料,流出vi.卸下放出pressurize v.增压,给……加压prehistoric adj. 史前的,很久以前的harness v.利用(风等)作动力,治理,控制watermill n. 水车,水磨mosaic n. 镶嵌细工,马赛克domestication n. 家养,驯养preference n. 优先选择compact adj. 紧凑的,紧密的简洁的diagrammatic adj. 图表的,概略的intersect v . 交叉disposition n. 排列,配置helical gear 螺旋齿轮spur gear 正齿轮worm n. 蜗轮,蜗杆bevel gear 伞形齿轮hourglass n 沙漏V-belt V型带splice n. 连接pulley n. (皮带)轮groove n. 沟,槽tractive adi.牵引的,曳引的oil pressure pump 油泵hydraulic motor 液压电机hydraulic cylinder 油缸kinetic energy 动能hydrostatic driver 静压传动variable-delivery pump 变量泵by no means 决不……self-contained adj.独立的,配套的,整体的stimulate v. 促进,激励hydraulics n. 水力学,液压系统resilience n. 跳回,恢复力,回弹virtue n. 优点,效力,功能detriment n. 损害,不利regrind v. 重磨stimulate v. 促进,激励hydraulics n. 水力学,液压系统resilience n. 跳回,恢复力,回弹virtue n 优点,效力,功能detriment n. 损害,不利regrind v重磨mechatronics 机电一体化synergetic adj.协同的,合作的fusion n. 融合Notion n. 概念,想法Interdisciplinary adj. 学科间的paradigm n范例benchmark n. 基准,标准evolutionary adj. 发展的,演化的DSP (Digital Signal Processing) 数字信号处理IC (ntegrated Circuit) 集成电路Consensus n. 一致augment v. 增加,扩大unify v成为一体,统一cornerstone n. 基石,基础reprogrammable adj. 可重复编程的,可改编的manipulate v.操作, 使用(机器等)操纵accommodate v.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 容纳Monotonous adj. 单调的, 无变化的end effector n终端操作机构Elbow n. 肘wrist n. 手腕, 腕关节stretch out v.伸出,伸手, 开始大踏步走Cartesian adj.笛卡儿的cylindrical adj.圆柱的,圆筒形的,柱面的spherical adj.球状的,天体的,圆的articulated adj. 铰接的,有关节的gripper n.抓持器, 夹持器,手爪actuation n.活动,激励,动作envelope n. 封袋,[数]包迹,包络线variant n. 变量custom-made adj.定做的, 订制的payload n.有效载荷pneumatic adj.装满空气的, 气动的, 风力的discrepancy n.相差, 差异, 矛盾designate v指明, 指出, 任命, 指派servocontrol n.伺服控制, 随动控制tactile adj.触觉的, 有触觉的opportunity n.机会Delegation n.代表团spectacular adj. 壮观的negotiation n.谈判booth n. 层位,摊位catalogue n.产品样本,目录moderate adj.适中的steamer n.船contract n. 合同transit n.& v.运输cooperation n. 合作,协作manufacturing technology 制造技术opening ceremony 开幕式participate in 参加exhibition hall 展馆,展厅homemade machine tool 国产机床simultaneous five-axis CNC machine 五轴联动数控机床boring-milling machine 镗铣床unit price 单价direct steamer 直达航运Lagos n.拉各斯,尼日利亚首都direct steamer 直达航运。

Closed-loop: Motor-return is connected directly to the pump-inlet. To keep up pressure on the low pressure side, the circuits have a charge pump that supplies cooled and filtered oil to the low pressure side. Closed-loop circuits are generally used for hydrostatic transmissions in mobile applications.
Байду номын сангаасydraulic pump
Hydraulic pumps supply fluid to the components in the system. Pressure in the system develops in reaction to (以应
对)(反应, 影响,反对,对抗, 起化学反应,对食物不良 反应,过敏 )the load. Hence, a pump rated
Advantages: No directional valve (换向 阀)and better response(反应), the circuit can work with higher pressure. The pump swivel (旋转,转动 )angle covers both positive and negative flow direction. Disadvantages: The pump cannot be utilized for any other hydraulic function in an easy way and cooling can be a problem due to (由于)limited exchange of oil flow.

第 4 / 38页
下一页 第四页,编辑于星期一:十八点 二分。
机电专业英语 徐存善主编
What is a robot then? There’s no precise definition, but by general agreement a robot is a programmable machine that imitates the actions or appearance of an intelligent creature—usually a human. To qualify as a robot, a machine has to be able to do two things: get information from its surroundings, and do something physical—such as move or manipulate objects [1] .
To qualify as a robot, a machine has to be able to do two things: get information from its surroundings, and do something physical—such as move or manipulate objects.
Text 机电专业英语 徐存善主编
New words and phrases
tedium ['ti: diəm] n. 冗长乏味,单调,沉闷 handle ['hændl] n. [建] 把手;柄;手感;口实 vt. 处理;运用;触摸 radioactive [, reidiəu 'æktiv] adj.放射性的;有辐射能的 weld [weld] vt. 焊接;使结合;使成整体 vi. 焊牢 n. 焊接;焊接点 janitor ['dʒænitə] n. 房屋管理员 (负责维修供暖系统等);[古语]看门人 mainstay ['meinstei] n. 支柱;中流砥柱;主要的依靠;主桅支索 glamorous ['ɡlæmərəs] adj.富有魅力的,迷人的,有诱惑力的;刺激性的 maintenance ['meintənəns] n. 维护,维修;保持;生活费用 emphasize ['emfəsaiz] vt. 强调,着重

A/D converter 模数转换器abnomal signal 异常信号abort 中断停止actuator 执行器机构actuator 执行器actuators and执行元件和传感器sensorsair compressor 空压机air conditioner 空调alarm 报警alternating current 交流电amplitud e 振幅,调幅anal og input 模拟输入anal og ourput 模拟输出anal og signal 模拟信号anal og-to-digital 模数转换assembly 装配asynchronization 异步at regular intervals 每隔一定时间automated drafting 自动绘图automatic vdtage自动调压器regulatorautomotive systems 自动化系统avometer 万用表back pressure 负压back up 支持备用bearing BRG 轴承bearing BRG 轴承bind 结合,粘贴bit-rate 比特率blade 叶片boolean 逻辑breaker 断路器隔离开关calibrate 校准cam/concave 凹凸轮capacitance 电容capacitor 电容器capacitors 电控器carbon tool steel 碳素刀具钢cast all oys 铸造合金cease 取消cemented carbid es 硬质合金central contiol room 中控室ceramics 陶瓷charge indicator 充电指示器chip 芯片clamp 夹具closde-l oop 闭环closed/opened l oop 闭开环clutch 离合器communication 通讯电缆computer-aided计算机辅助工艺规划process planningconfiguer 组态consd e 控制台consumer products 消费品control engineering 控制工程control valve 控制阀coupling cupling 连接器crane 起重机,鹤current transformer CT电流互感器cutter 切削刀具debugging 调试delay time 延时delay time 延时器design review and 设计审评与评估evaluationdetetor 检测器探测器deviation 偏差diamonds 金刚石digital cl ocks 数字时钟digital-to-anal og 数模转换diodes 二极管direct digital直接数字传感器transducersdirecting current 直流电discharge 放电discret 离散的开关量distributed controlDCS集散控制系统systemdomain 领土,范围electrical anal og电器模拟信号signalelectric-hydraulie电液控制comtrolelectrod e 电极engineering analysis 工程分析explosion-proof 防爆电机motorfeedback 反馈fixture 夹具。
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21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯