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Family Structure and Home in Various Culture

----America & China

--Doris 邓爱令112214101117 Abstract:With the quick development of urbanization and economic, people’s opinions of family have also ch anged. The modern life and opening idea contribute to the change of family structure all over the world. Except these two reasons, there are many other reasons. As we all know, different culture create different types of family in different countries. That means, with the communication between different countries and culture, the family structure in different areas may also have some similarities. The writer of this passage will show you the different family structure in various culture by using the China and America as the example.

Key words: family structure Chinese traditional family structure &modern family structure American traditional family structure & modern family structure reasons of change difference and similarities between Chinese family & American family

Introduction: Family in different culture have different structures, and at different time, the structure in the same country are also changeable. The reasons of this are various. Even though two different culture have two different types of family structure, they still have much in common. The United States and China will show us all above.

1.The American family structure

The traditional American family structure is called nuclear family, which means a family made up of a married couple and their children. The couple establish a place to provide love and care for their children. “But now the average American family has two or three children and maybe a pet.” Marylyn, who comes from America said, “and there are many new types of family structure, just like, single parent family, big family and step family.” She told us some of the new family structure, so, let the writer tell you the features and changes of each one.

A.The nuclear family

Since the 1950 s, the nuclear family is considered a "traditional" family structure. Nuclear family consists of father, mother and children. Nuclear family has become less common, and American or European families form is more common. Including the homosexual relationships, single-parent families,

families and several generations of the family. Comparing with ever before at the same time, the nuclear family is unwilling to choose to raising children. Statistics show that in 1960 married couples with children under 18 years of age in the family as a percentage of 45%, by 1990 has fallen to 25.6%, further dropped to 23.5% by 2000.

B.Single parent families

Single-parent family is the one without the other parent’s help raise one or more children alone. Historically, single-parent families are often due to the death of spouse, such as mother died as a result of childbirth, etc. Couples divorced or unmarried pregnancy will also contribute to single-parent families. Although it is widely believed that the single parent family is bad for children' s physical and mental health, but it is finally accepted by society.

From 1900 to 1950 in the half century, the proportion of single-parent families increased twice, and in the last 30 years has doubled. The so-called marriage "forever" concept has been decreasing, people may be more easily than in the past to make a decision of divorce. A growing number of single-parent families are appeared because of pregnancy before marriage.]

C. Step family

The step family is becoming more and more common in the United States: the original two families get together to form a new following step family. The rise of divorce and remarriage rates also showed this point. According to data, on an average day, there are 1300 such family have formed. More than half of American families are remarried families, about 75% of marriages ended in divorce and remarriage.

D.Big family

A large family may contain with grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins. In some cases, the whole family could live together. A typical examples such as elderly parents moved to live with their children, that give more burden to the housewife.

2. Reasons of the appearance of new family structure

According to these changes, we know more about the modern American family structure, but why do t he structure change? “The economic developes quickly, people’s concept are more opening. Now, many women receive higher
