美国FDA CGMP检查指导手册

FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002:药品生产检查程序目录对现场报告的要求 (35)第一部分背景 (36)第二部分执行 (36)2.1.目的 (36)2.2.策略 (36)2.2.1.对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等) (36)2.2.2.系统性检查 (37)2.2.3.对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 (38)质量系统 (38)厂房设施与设备系统 (38)物料系统 (38)生产系统 (38)包装和贴签系统 (38)实验室控制系统 (39)2.3.程序管理指导 (39)2.3.1.定义 (39)监督性检查 (39)达标检查 (40)受控状态 (40)药品工艺 (40)药品生产检查 (41)第三部分检查 (41)3.1.检查活动 (41)3.1.1.总则 (41)3.1.2.检查方法 (42)全面性检查的选择 (43)简略性检查的选择 (43)综合性检查范围 (43)3.1.3.系统性检查范围 (43)质量系统 (44) 厂房设施与设备系统 (44)物料系统 (45)生产系统 (46)包装和贴签系统 (47)实验室控制系统 (48)3.1.4.取样 (49)3.1.5.检查组组成 (49)3.1.6.报告 (49)第四部分分析 (50)第五部分法律性/行政性策略 (50)5.1.质量系统 (51)5.2.厂房设施和设备 (51)5.3.物料系统 (51)5.4.生产系统 (52)5.5.包装和贴签系统 (52)5.6.实验室控制系统 (52)对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR)。

数据完整性的法规依据1. 2010 版GMP 对于文件和记录的数据完整性的要求第一百五十九条应建立文件的起草、修订、审核、批准、替换或撤销、复制、保管和销毁等管理制度,并有相应的文件分发、撤销、复制、销毁的记录。
可见,在GMP规定中无论是系统自动生成的电子记录还是手写的纸质记录都属于GMP要求的记录,并且都从属于GMP 文件管理规定的范畴。
GMP 对于记录要求的核心内容是"记录你所做的",即真实记录发生过的事情,并且记录应该及时,重要记录需要由他人复核确认;需要更改记录时应按要求进行(理由、签名、日期)更改并保留原信息清晰可辨;记录应按照要求的频率进行,并保存至要求的期限。

(21CFR 212.110(b))②要求确保备份数据完整准确,防止数据被篡改、不慎删除或丢失。
(21CFR211.188、21CFR211.194和21CFR 212.60(g))FDA对数据完整性检查发现以下缺陷类型:一、审计追踪功能关闭1.什么是审计追踪?审计追踪是一种安全的、由计算机生成的、有时间标识的电子记录,可重建电子记录的生成、修改或删除的整个过程。
二、未审查审计追踪警告信举例2016年1月29日,FDA向Ipca Laboratories发出警告信,其中违规行为包括该企业质量部门未审查其原始电子记录,以至于质量部门不能发现文件被改写、删除或覆盖,FDA将此违规行为列入警告信中。


Guidance for IndustryQuality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations业界指南——制药企业CGMP规范的质量体系U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)September 2006Pharmaceutical CGMPs目录Ⅰ简介Ⅱ背景和目的A 背景B 指南的目标C 指南适用范围D 指南的组织结构Ⅲ CGMP和现代质量系统的概念A 质量B 质量设计和产品开发C 质量风险管理D CAPA(纠偏和预防措施)E 变更控制F 质量部门G 六系统检查模式IV 质量系统模型A 管理责任1 授予领导权2 构建组织3 建立符合要求的质量系统4 建立方针政策、目标和计划5 系统审核B资源1 授予领导权2人员提高3厂房和设备4对外包工作的控制C生产制造1产品和生产工艺的设计、开发和文件化2检查输入3运作的执行和监控4 非一致性D 评估活动1 数据的趋势分析2 内部审核3 质量风险管理4 纠偏措施5 预防措施6 推动改善V 结论术语表(本指南代表了FDA对质量体系当前的思考。

原文如下:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your drug manufacturing facility, Megafine Pharma Limited at No. 201, Village Lakhmapur, Dindori, Nashik, from May 11-15, 2015.FDA于2015年5月11-15日对你工厂进行了检查。
This warning letter summarizes significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).此警告信中列出了原料药重大CGMP缺陷。
Because your methods, facilities, or controls for manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your API are adulterated within the meaning of Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).由于你们生产、加工、包装或保存的方法、设施或控制不符合CGMP要求,你们的原料药被认为是掺假。

·医药论坛·药品色谱检测中的数据完整性问题探讨沈丽欢(上海华测品创医学检测有限公司 上海 201112)摘要 当前药品色谱检测中的数据完整性问题主要包括计算机化系统的访问管理、非合规测试(如单针进样、中止序列)、数据的再处理和手动积分、元数据和审计追踪、超标结果管理等,这些问题可能会影响公司产品质量的可信度,严重的可能导致上市药品的频繁召回。
关键词 数据完整性计算机化系统色谱检测中图分类号:R951 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2024)03-0059-05引用本文沈丽欢. 药品色谱检测中的数据完整性问题探讨[J]. 上海医药, 2024, 45(3): 59-63.Discussion of data integrity issues in chromatography laboratorySHEN Lihuan[Centre Testing International Pinchuang (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201112, China] ABSTRACT Currently, data integrity issues in drug chromatography laboratory were mainly classified as access management of computerized systems, testing into non-compliance (such as single needle injection, aborted runs), data reprocessing and manual integration, metadata and audit trail, and managing out of specification results, and so on. The reputationof company’s product quality may suffer significantly, and may cause frequent marketed drugs recalls in serious cases. This article reviews the 2017 and 2021 annual drug inspection work report issued by Center for Food and Drug Inspection of NMPA, and the warning letter published on the official website of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the past 2 years pertaining to majority of data integrity issues in drug chromatography laboratory, and discusses measures to avoid these troubles.KEY WORDS data integrity; computerized system; chromatography laboratory在德国工业4.0和我国《中国制造2025》背景下,智能化生产设施、检测设备和与之配套的计算机化系统被逐步应用到制药行业中[1]。

美国食品和药品管理局Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines化妆品良好生产规范指南联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案(The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 以下简称FD&C 法案)禁止在州际直接贸易的化妆品是掺杂的或贴假标签的情况。
(Sec. 301)以下4种情况下,化妆品被认为是可能掺杂的:1.在用户使用过程中,由于化妆品本身含有或在包装容器中有潜在的、对人体有害的成分而使用户受到伤害的;2.本身含有不洁成分的;3.本身含有禁用成分,例如:未认可的色素添加剂;4.在不卫生条件下生产的、或保留的,可导致产品伤害用户有害或被不洁成分所污染。
以下几种情况下,化妆品被认为可能会认为贴假标签(Sec. 602):1.虚假的标签或存在误导信息的标签2.显著违反了联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案的要求在标签上声明的信息要求3.在容器上有误导的信息为了确定化妆品生产厂家是否保留或发货了掺杂的、或是贴假标签的化妆品,和防止这些违反了FD&C 法案生产的化妆品流入市场,法律给了FDA进入这些化妆品工厂检查的权利,包括检查相关工厂的设备,成品,原料,容器和标签。
(见Sec. 704(a) of the FD&C Act.)如果工厂严格的根据良好的操作规范(GMP)的要求生产,将最低限度的减少掺杂的,或贴假标签的情况。
随后的化妆品指导,引用于FDA检查操作手册(FDA's Inspection Operations Manual),可以作为指南,用来有效的进行自我检查除。
指南1.建筑物和设施:检查是否a.用于生产或存放化妆品的建筑物应大小合适,设计和结构应保证设备进出不受阻碍,材料存放整洁,操作卫生以及正确的清洁和维护;b.地面,墙壁和天花板结构表面应光滑,易于清洁,并保持干净和良好状况;c.安装的固定装置,管道的滴水或者冷凝水不会污染化妆品原料,器具,以及与化妆品原料,散装产品或成品接触的设备的表面;d.照明和排风系统应满足预期员工操作和舒适的要求;e.供水,清洗和卫生设施,地面排水和废水系统应充分满足清洁操作的要求,和设备、器具的清洁要求,以及满足员工的需要并易于让员工保持个人清洁2.设备:检查是否a.加工、盛放、中转和灌装过程使用的设备和器具应设计合理,使用的材料和工艺能防止腐蚀、污垢的堆积、以及被润滑油、灰尘或者消毒剂污染;b.器具,运送管道以及和化妆品接触的设备表面应维护良好,并定期清洁和消毒;c.清洁和消毒后的便携式设备和器具应妥善放置,与化妆品接触的设备表面应罩住,以防止飞溅,灰尘或其他污染物3.员工: 检查是否a.监督化妆品的生产或者控制的员工应具有一定的教育背景,培训和/或经验来执行指定的监督工作;b.为防止化妆品掺杂,与化妆品原料,散装成品或化妆品接触表面直接接触的员工,应穿戴适合的工作服,手套,头套等,并保持良好的个人清洁;c.吃东西,喝水,或者抽烟都应严格限制在制定的区域。

数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南指南草案美国卫生与人类服务部食品药品管理局药物评价和研究中心(CDER )生物制品评价和研究中心(CBER )兽药中心(CVM2016年4月发布药品质量/生产标准(CGMP)目录I. 介绍II. 背景III. 问答1. 因涉及CGMP记录,请明确以下术语:a. 什么是“数据完整性”b. 什么是“元数据”c. 什么是“审计追踪”d. 当涉及到记录形式时,FDA如何使用术语“静态”和“动态”?e. FDA如何使用§ 211.68(b)中的术语“备份”?f. § 211.68中,在“计算机或相关系统”中的“系统”是什么?2. 何时允许将CGMP数据从决策制定中排除?3. 我们计算机系统上的每个工作流均需要被验证?4. 如何限制对CGMP计算机系统的访问?5. 为什么FDA关注计算机系统共用登录账户的使用?6. 应如何控制空白文件 ?7. 审计追踪应多长时间审查一次?8. 应由谁来审查审计追踪?9. 电子副本可否用作纸质或电子记录的准确复制品?10.对于单机计算机实验仪器,例如FT-IR(傅立叶变换红外光谱)仪,保存纸质打印件或静态记录而不是原始电子记录是否可接受?11. 对于主生产和控制记录,可否使用电子签名替代手书签名?12. 电子数据何时成为CGMP记录?13. 为什么FDA在警告信中援引“系统适用性”或试检、预检、或平衡运行中使用实际样品?14. 仅保留从重新处理的实验室色谱中得到的最终结果是否可接受?15. 与质量问题(例如潜在的数据伪造)有关的内部建议,能否在记录的CGMP质量体系之外非正式的处理?16.应将对人员培训发现数据完整性问题作为日常CGMP培训计划的一部分吗?17. 允许FDA检查员查看我的电子记录吗?18. FDA建议如何解决在检查中、警告信中或其它监管行动中发现的数据完整性问题?数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南1本指南体现了食品药品管理局(FDA)关于这一主题的最新见解。

Part 1:企业如何准备和应对数据完整性的检查?如何应对数据完整性的检查,对于很多公司可能都不是一个很新鲜的领域。
Part 2:FDA 警告信中,常见的数据完整性问题数据完整性问题是1980年的仿制药企业丑闻的主要核心问题,当时的一些仿制药的公司被发现在对FDA提交的申请中提供了假数据。

质量 质量设计和产品开发 质量风险管理 CAPA(整改和预防措施) 变更控制 质量部门 六系统检查模式 Chank 的解读: 1. 质量的概念不单单是质量本身,由于药品的特性决定了这个概念涵盖了产品安全性和有 效性两个层面。对于 FDA 来说安全性永远是第一的,这是容易理解的,没有安全性, 本来用于治病救人的药品也会变成害人的东西。有效性也非常容易理解,没有效果怎么 算得上是药物呢?要说达到质量标准,实际上就涵盖了达到安全性和有效性的双重目的 了。 本来这个概念是非常简单的概念,但是却被很多人忽略。要知道 FDA 检查的时候也就 是关注这两点:是否安全,是否有效。说到安全性,例子很简单,就是你的产品中的杂 质含量在什么水平。这个水平建立的依据是什么?必须有足够的理由来支持,也就是有 科学的数据来证明其安全性。对于 ANDA 产品,你就可以选择和发明商的药品制剂的 杂质水平进行比较。这里 FDA 接受的一个默认的常识就是发明商的产品销售了多年了, 按照他们的杂质水平在临床实践中没有安全问题,你的标准低于发明商的产品,自然也 不会有大的问题。有效性表现在你的 ANDA 必须和发明商制剂进行生物等效性试验, 在临床上确认其吸收,降解的行为是一致的。由于 FDA 关注安全远大于有效性,所以 在 ANDA 研究中杂质是标志产品质量的关键了。这点是需要国内的企业管理人员认识 到的,在回答产品质量好坏的时候应该首先想到杂质,看产品是否容易控制首先考虑产 品相关物质是否问题可控。否则就没有任何的意义了。
FDA 数据完整性和cGMP合规指南

数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南指南草案美国卫生与人类服务部食品药品管理局药物评价和研究中心(CDER )生物制品评价和研究中心(CBER )兽药中心(CVM2016年4月药品质量/生产标准(CGMP)目录I. 介绍II. 背景III. 问答1. 因涉及CGMP记录,请明确以下术语:a. 什么是“数据完整性”b. 什么是“元数据”c. 什么是“审计追踪”d. 当涉及到记录形式时,FDA如何使用术语“静态”和“动态”?e. FDA如何使用§ 211.68(b)中的术语“备份”?f. § 211.68中,在“计算机或相关系统”中的“系统”是什么?2. 何时允许将CGMP数据从决策制定中排除?3. 我们计算机系统上的每个工作流均需要被验证?4. 如何限制对CGMP计算机系统的访问?5. 为什么FDA关注计算机系统共用登录账户的使用?6. 应如何控制空白文件 ?7. 审计追踪应多长时间审查一次?8. 应由谁来审查审计追踪?9. 电子副本可否用作纸质或电子记录的准确复制品?10.对于单机计算机实验仪器,例如FT-IR(傅立叶变换红外光谱)仪,保存纸质打印件或静态记录而不是原始电子记录是否可接受?11. 对于主生产和控制记录,可否使用电子签名替代手书签名?12. 电子数据何时成为CGMP记录?13. 为什么FDA在警告信中援引“系统适用性”或试检、预检、或平衡运行中使用实际样品?14. 仅保留从重新处理的实验室色谱中得到的最终结果是否可接受?15. 与质量问题(例如潜在的数据伪造)有关的内部建议,能否在记录的CGMP质量体系之外非正式的处理?16.应将对人员培训发现数据完整性问题作为日常CGMP培训计划的一部分吗?17. 允许FDA检查员查看我的电子记录吗?18. FDA建议如何解决在检查中、警告信中或其它监管行动中发现的数据完整性问题?数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南1本指南体现了食品药品管理局(FDA)关于这一主题的最新见解。
Data Integrity and Compliance With CGMP(美国FDA发布数据完整性指导原则草案)

Compliance WithCGMPGuidance for IndustryDRAFT GUIDANCEThis guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only.Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. Submit electronic comments to . Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register.For questions regarding this draft document, contact (CDER) Karen Takahashi 301-796-3191; (CBER) Office of Communication, Outreach and Development, 800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010; or (CVM) Jonathan Bray 240-402-5623.U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)April 2016Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)Compliance WithCGMPGuidance for IndustryAdditional copies are available from:Office of Communications, Division of Drug InformationCenter for Drug Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug Administrationth10001 New Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Bldg., 4 FloorSilver Spring, MD 20993-0002Phone: 855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-431-6353Email: druginfo@/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htmand/orOffice of Communication, Outreach and DevelopmentCenter for Biologics Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug Administration10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Room 3128Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002Phone: 800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010Email: ocod@/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htmand/orPolicy and Regulations Staff, HFV-6Center for Veterinary MedicineFood and Drug Administration7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)April 2016Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)TABLE OF CONTENTSI.INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS....................................................................................... 2 Please clarify the following terms as they relate to CGMP records:.. (2)II.III.1. a. What is “data integrity”? (2)b. What is “metadata”? (3)c. What is an “audit trail”? (3)d. How does FDA use the terms “static” and “dynamic” as they relate to record formats? (3)e. How does FDA use the term “backup” in § 211.68(b)? (4)f. What are the “systems” in “computer or related systems” in § 211.68? (4) When is it permissible to exclude CGMP data from decision making?.................................... 4 Does each workflow on our computer system need to be validated? ........................................ 4 How should access to CGMP computer systems be restricted? ................................................ 5 Why is FDA concerned with the use of shared login accounts for computer systems?........... 6 How should blank forms be controlled? ...................................................................................... 6 How often should audit trails be reviewed?................................................................................. 6 Who should review audit trails?................................................................................................... 6 Can electronic copies be used as accurate reproductions of paper or electronic records?.. (7)10. Is it acceptable to retain paper printouts or static records instead of original electronicrecords from stand-alone computerized laboratory instruments, such as an FT-IR instrument? .711. Can electronic signatures be used instead of handwritten signatures for master productionand control records? (8)12. When does electronic data become a CGMP record? (8)13. Why has the FDA cited use of actual samples during “system suitability” or test, prep, orequilibration runs in warning letters? (9)14. Is it acceptable to only save the final results from reprocessed laboratorychromatography? (9)15. Can an internal tip regarding a quality issue, such as potential data falsification, be handledinformally outside of the documented CGMP quality system? (9)16. Should personnel be trained in detecting data integrity issues as part of a routine CGMPtraining program? (10)17. Is the FDA investigator allowed to look at my electronic records? (10)18. How does FDA recommend data integrity problems identified during inspections, inwarning letters, or in other regulatory actions be addressed? (10)1Data Integrity and Compliance With CGMP Guidance for Industry 1 2345 This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.6 7 89 10 11121314 1516 17 18 19 I. INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this guidance is to clarify the role of data integrity in current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) for drugs, as required in 21 CFR parts 210, 211, and 212. Part 210 covers Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding ofDrugs; General; part 211 covers Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished20 Pharmaceuticals; and part 212 covers Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Positron21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 2930 31 32 33 Emission Tomography Drugs. This guidance provides the Agency’s current thinking on thecreation and handling of data in accordance with CGMP requirements.FDA expects that data be reliable and accurat e (see the “Background” section). CGMPregulations and guidance allow for flexible and risk-based strategies to prevent and detect data integrity issues. Firms should implement meaningful and effective strategies to manage their data integrity risks based upon their process understanding and knowledge management oftechnologies and business models.In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but 34 not required.3536 3738 39 40 II. BACKGROUNDIn recent years, FDA has increasingly observed CGMP violations involving data integrity during CGMP inspections. This is troubling because ensuring data integrity is an important component of industry’s responsibility to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of drugs, and of FDA’s41 ability to protect the public health. These data integrity-related CGMP violations have led to1This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality and the Office of Compliance in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in cooperation with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, theCenter for Veterinary Medicine, and the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.4243 numerous regulatory actions, including warning letters, import alerts, and consent decrees. The underlying premise in §§ 210.1 and 212.2 is that CGMP sets forth minimum requirements to44 assure that drugs meet the standards of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)45 regarding safety, identity, strength, quality, and purity.2 Requirements with respect to data46 integrity in parts 211 and 212 include, among other things:474849505152535455565758 § 211.68 (requiring that “backup data are exact and complete,” and “secure from alteration, inadvertent erasures, or loss”);§ 212.110(b) (requiring that data be “stored to prevent deterioration or loss”);§§ 211.100 and 211.160 (requiring that certain activities be “documented at the time of performance” and that laboratory controls be “scientifically sound”);§ 211.180 (requiring that records be retained as “original records,” “true copies,” or other “accurate reproductions of the original records”); and§§ 211.188, 211.194, and 212.60(g) (requiring “complete information,” “complete data derived from all tests,” “complete record of all data,” and “complete records of all tests performed”).59 Electronic signature and record-keeping requirements are laid out in 21 CFR part 11 and apply to60616263646566676869707172737475 certain records subject to records requirements set forth in Agency regulations, including p arts210, 211, and 212. For more information, see guidance for industry Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures — Scope and Application.3 The guidance outlines FDA’s current thinkingregarding the narrow scope and application of part 11 pending FDA’s reexamination of part 11as it applies to all FDA-regulated products.III. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS1. Please clarify the following terms as they relate to CGMP records:a. What is “data integrity”?For the purposes of this guidance, data integrity refers to the completeness,consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete, consistent, and accurate data shouldbe attributable, legible, contemporaneously recorded, original or a true copy, andaccurate (ALCOA).42FDA’s authority for CGMP comes from FD&C Act section 501(a)(2)(B), which s tates that a drug shall be deemed adulterated if “the methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to or are not operated or administered in conformity with current good manufacturing practice to assure that such drug meets the requirement of the act as to safety and has the identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity characteristics, which it purports or is represented to possess.”3CDER updates guidances periodically. To make sure you have the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDA Drugs guidance Web page at/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/default.htm.4For attributable, see §§ 211.101(d), 211.122, 211.186, 211.188(b)(11), and 212.50(c)(10); for legible see §§211.180(e) and 212.110(b); for contemporaneously recorded (at the time of performance) see §§ 211.100(b) and 211.160(a); for original or a true copy see §§ 211.180 and 211.194(a); and for accurate see §§ 211.22(a), 211.68, 211.188, and 212.60(g).Contains Nonbinding RecommendationsDraft — Not for Implementation7677b. What is “metadata”?7879808182838485 Metadata is the contextual information required to understand data. A data value is by itself meaningless without additional information about the data. Metadata is often described as data about data. Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage data. For example, the number “23” is meaningless without metadata, such as an indication of the unit “mg.” Among other things, metadata for a particular pieceof data could include a date/time stamp for when the data were acquired, a user ID of the person who conducted the test or analysis that generated the data, the instrument ID used to acquire the data, audit trails, etc.868788899091 Data should be maintained throughout the record’s retention period with all associated metadata required to reconstruct the CGMP ac tivity (e.g., §§ 211.188 and 211.194). The relationships between data and their metadata should be preserved in a secure and traceable manner.9293 c. What is an “audit trail”?9495969798 For purposes of this guidance, audit trail means a secure, computer-generated, time-stamped electronic record that allows for reconstruction of the course of events relating to the creation, modification, or deletion of an electronic record. An audit trail is a chronology of the “who, what, when, and why” of a record. For example, the audit trail for a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) run could include the user name, date/time of the run, the integration parameters used, and details of a reprocessing, if any, including change justification for the reprocessing.99 100 101 102 103104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120Electronic audit trails include those that track creation, modification, or deletionof data (such as processing parameters and results) and those that track actions at the record or system level (such as attempts to access the system or rename ordelete a file).CGMP-compliant record-keeping practices prevent data from being lost orobscured (see §§ 211.160(a), 211.194, and 212.110(b)). Electronic record-keeping systems, which include audit trails, can fulfill these CGMP requirements.d. How does FDA use the terms “static” and “dynamic” as they relate to recordformats?For the purposes of this guidance, static is used to indicate a fixed-data document such as a paper record or an electronic image, and dynamic means that the record format allows interaction between the user and the record content. For example, a dynamic chromatographic record may allow the user to change the baseline andreprocess chromatographic data so that the resulting peaks may appear smaller or121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161larger. It also may allow the user to modify formulas or entries in a spreadsheetused to compute test results or other information such as calculated yield.e. How does FDA use the term “backup” in § 211.68(b)?FDA uses the term backup in § 211.68(b) to refer to a true copy of the originaldata that is maintained securely throughout the records retention period (forexample, § 211.180). The backup file should contain the data (which includesassociated metadata) and should be in the original format or in a formatcompatible with the original format.This should not be confused with backup copies that may be created duringnormal computer use and temporarily maintained for disaster recovery (e.g., incase of a computer crash or other interruption). Such temporary backup copieswould not satisfy the requirement in § 211.68(b) to maintain a backup file of data.f. What are the “systems” in “computer or related systems” in § 211.68?The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines systems as people,machines, and methods organized to accomplish a set of specific functions.5Computer or related systems can refer to computer hardware, software, peripheraldevices, networks, cloud infrastructure, operators, and associated documents (e.g.,user manuals and standard operating procedures).2. When is it permissible to exclude CGMP data from decision making?Any data created as part of a CGMP record must be evaluated by the quality unit as part of release criteria (see §§ 211.22 and 212.70) and maintained for CGMP purposes (e.g., §211.180). Electronic data generated to fulfill CGMP requirements should include relevant metadata. To exclude data from the release criteria decision-making process, there must be a valid, documented, scientific justification for its exclusion (see the guidance forindustry Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for PharmaceuticalProduction, and §§ 211.188, 211.192, and 212.71(b)). The requirements for recordretention and review do not differ depending on the data format; paper-based andelectronic data record-keeping systems are subject to the same requirements.3. Does each workflow on our computer system need to be validated?Yes, a workflow, such as creation of an electronic master production and control record (MPCR), is an intended use of a computer system to be checked through validation (see §§ 211.63, 211.68(b), and 211.110(a)). If you validate the computer system, but you do5American National Standard for Information Systems, Dictionary for Information Systems, American National Standards Institute, 1991.162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196not validate it for its intended use, you cannot know if your workflow runs correctly.6 Forexample, qualifying the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) platform, a computersystem, ensures that it meets specifications; however, it does not demonstrate that a given MPCR generated by the MES contains the correct calculations. In this example,validating the workflow ensures that the intended steps, specifications, and calculationsin the MPCR are accurate. This is similar to reviewing a paper MPCR and ensuring allsupporting procedures are in place before the MPCR is implemented in production (see§§ 211.100, 211.186, and 212.50(b), and the guidance for industry PET Drugs — Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP)).FDA recommends you implement appropriate controls to manage risks associated witheach element of the system. Controls that are appropriately designed to validate a system for its intended use address software, hardware, personnel, and documentation.4. How should access to CGMP computer systems be restricted?You must exercise appropriate controls to assure that changes to computerized MPCRs, or other records, or input of laboratory data into computerized records, can be made only by authorized per sonnel (§ 211.68(b)). FDA recommends that you restrict the ability toalter specifications, process parameters, or manufacturing or testing methods by technical means where possible (for example, by limiting permissions to change settings or data).FDA suggests that the system administrator role, including any rights to alter files andsettings, be assigned to personnel independent from those responsible for the recordcontent. To assist in controlling access, FDA recommends maintaining a list ofauthorized individuals and their access privileges for each CGMP computer system inuse.If these independent security role assignments are not practical for small operations orfacilities with few employees, such as PET or medical gas facilities, FDA recommendsalternate control strategies be implemented.7 For example, in the rare instance that thesame person is required to hold the system administrator role and to be responsible forthe content of the records, FDA suggests having a second person review settings andcontent. If second-person review is not possible, the Agency recommends that the person recheck settings and his or her own work.6In computer science, validation refers to ensuring that software meets its specifications. However, this may not meet the definition of process validation as found in guidance for industry Process Validation: General Principlesand Practices: “The collection and evaluation of data … which establishes scientific evidence that a process is capable of consistently delivering quality products.” See also ICH guidance for industry Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, which defines validation as providing assurance that a specific process, method, or system will consistently produce a result meeting predetermined acceptance criteria. For purposes of this guidance, validation is being used in a manner consistent with the above guidance documents.7For further discussion of such alternate control strategies, see the guidance for industry PET Drugs — Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP).197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 5. Why is FDA concerned with the use of shared login accounts for computersystems?You must exercise appropriate controls to assure that only authorized personnel make changes to computerized MPCRs, or other records, or input laboratory data into computerized records, and you must implement documentation controls that ensure actions are attributable to a specific individual (see §§ 211.68(b), 211.188(b)(11),211.194(a)(7) and (8), and 212.50(c)(10)). When login credentials are shared, a unique individual cannot be identified through the login and the system would thus not conformto the CGMP requirements in parts 211 and 212. FDA requires that systems controls, including documentation controls, be designed to follow CGMP to assure product quality (for example, §§ 211.100 and 212.50).6. How should blank forms be controlled?There must be document controls in place to assure product quality (see §§ 211.100, 211.160(a), 211.186, 212.20(d), and 212.60(g)). FDA recommends that, if used, blank forms (including, but not limited to, worksheets, laboratory notebooks, and MPCRs) be controlled by the quality unit or by another document control method. For example, numbered sets of blank forms may be issued as appropriate and should be reconciled upon completion of all issued forms. Incomplete or erroneous forms should be kept as part of the permanent record along with written justification for their replacement (for example, see §§ 211.192, 211.194, 212.50(a), and 212.70(f)(1)(vi)).Similarly, bound paginated notebooks, stamped for official use by a document control group, allow detection of unofficial notebooks as well as of any gaps in notebook pages. 7. How often should audit trails be reviewed?FDA recommends that audit trails that capture changes to critical data be reviewed with each record and before final approval of the record. Audit trails subject to regular review should include, but are not limited to, the following: the change history of finishedproduct test results, changes to sample run sequences, changes to sample identification, and changes to critical process parameters.FDA recommends routine scheduled audit trail review based on the complexity of the system and its intended use.See audit trail definition 1.c. above for further information on audit trails.8. Who should review audit trails?Audit trails are considered part of the associated records. Personnel responsible for record review under CGMP should review the audit trails that capture changes to critical data associated with the record as they review the rest of the record (for example, §§211.22(a), 211.101(c), 211.194(a)(8), and 212.20(d)). For example, all production and243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 control records, which includes audit trails, must be reviewed and approved by the quality unit (§ 211.192). This is similar to the expectation that cross-outs on paper be assessed when reviewing data.9. Can electronic copies be used as accurate reproductions of paper orelectronic records?Yes. Electronic copies can be used as true copies of paper or electronic records, provided the copies preserve the content and meaning of the original data, which includes associated metadata and the static or dynamic nature of the original records.True copies of dynamic electronic records may be made and maintained in the format of the original records or in a compatible format, provided that the content and meaning of the original records are preserved and that a suitable reader and copying equipment (for example, software and hardw are, including media readers) are readily available (§§211.180(d) and 212.110).10. Is it acceptable to retain paper printouts or static records instead of originalelectronic records from stand-alone computerized laboratory instruments,such as an FT-IR instrument?A paper printout or static record may satisfy retention requirements if it is a complete copy of the original record (see §§ 211.68(b), 211.188, 211.194, and 212.60). For example, pH meters and balances may create a paper printout or static image during data acquisition as the original record. In this case, the paper printout or static image created during acquisition, or a true copy, should be retained (§ 211.180).However, electronic records from certain types of laboratory instruments are dynamic records, and a printout or a static record does not preserve the dynamic format which is part of the complete original record. For example, the spectral file created by FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) can be reprocessed, but a static record or printout is fixed, which would not satisfy CGMP requirements to retain original recordsor true copies (§ 211.180(d)). Also, if the full spectrum is not displayed, contaminantsmay be excluded.Control strategies must ensure that original laboratory records, including paper and electronic records, are subject to second-person review (§ 211.194(a)(8)) to make certain that all test results are appropriately reported.For PET drugs, see the guidance for industry PET Drugs — Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) for discussion of equipment and laboratory controls, including regulatory requirements for records.286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 11. Can electronic signatures be used instead of handwritten signatures formaster production and control records?Yes, electronic signatures with the appropriate controls can be used instead of handwritten signatures or initials in any CGMP required record. While § 211.186(a) specifies a “full signature, handwritten,” as explained in the Federal Register on September 29, 1978 (43 FR 45069), part of the intent of the full signature requirement is to be able to clearly identify the individual responsible for signing the record. An electronic signature with the appropriate controls to securely link the signature with the associated record fulfills this requirement. This comports with part 11, which establishes criteria for when electronic signatures are considered the legally binding equivalent of handwritten signatures. Firms using electronic signatures should document the controls used to ensure that they are able to identify the specific person who signed the records electronically.There is no requirement for a handwritten signature for the MPCR in the PET CGMP regulations (21 CFR part 212).12. When does electronic data become a CGMP record?When generated to satisfy a CGMP requirement, all data become a CGMP record. You must document, or save, the data at the time of performance to create a record in compliance with CGMP requirements, including, but not limited to, §§ 211.100(b) and 211.160(a). FDA expects processes to be designed so that quality data required to be created and maintained cannot be modified. For example, chromatograms should be sent to long-term storage (archiving or a permanent record) upon run completion instead of at t he end of a day’s runs.It is not acceptable to record data on pieces of paper that will be discarded after the data are transcribed to a permanent laboratory notebook (see §§ 211.100(b), 211.160(a), and 211.180(d)). Similarly, it is not acceptable to store data electronically in temporary memory, in a manner that allows for manipulation, before creating a permanent record. Electronic data that are automatically saved into temporary memory do not meet CGMP documentation or retention requirements.You may employ a combination of technical and procedural controls to meet CGMP documentation practices for electronic systems. For example, a computer system, such as a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or an Electronic Batch Record (EBR) system, can be designed to automatically save after each separate entry. This would be similar to recording each entry contemporaneously on a paper batch record to satisfy CGMP requirements. The computer system could be combined with a procedure requiring data be entered immediately when generated.For PET drugs, see the “Laboratory Controls” section of the guidance for industry PET Drugs — Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP).。
数据完整性和CGMP 合规性

USER用户权限不能随意更 改电脑时间。
数据的删除管理 数据的删除应严格受控
对可接受标准判断的可靠性 数字化的可接受标准 感官的可接受标准
眼见未 必为实
复核人有相应的资质和经验 数据清晰、合理、完整 关键的计算正确 正确修改数据
数据来源的可靠性和完整性: 有经过批准的SOP、操作程序等 员工经过数据完整性和操作相关的培训 仪器设备经过验证处于正常可控的状态 仪器处于校验有效期内(校准和预防维修) 设备的使用符合既定的用途(量程、精度等) 文件及日常操作与验证状态一致 所有的偏差和变更应得到有效的控制
数据采集的完整性、准确性: 获取数据的方法应可靠或经过验证 数据采集的连续性和合理的采集频率 数据采集的完整性 感官指标的双人复核
对数据无意或刻意的修改和变更 这可能由人工和/或自动系统工具进行操作 有选择的数据 有遗漏的数据 选择过好条件产生的数据
• 修改应有合理的理由并经过批准 • 删除必须由有权限人的批准并符合程序规定的条件
数据分为备份和归档,归档数据应锁定 应有明确的备份、归档策略 备份和归档的数据在保存期应可读取,即使旧系 统已经被淘汰 备份和恢复以及灾难恢复应经过验证 应明确哪一份为主记录
FDA行业指南:数据完整性和CGMP 合规性 草案
审计追踪 审计追踪应及时审核
由于每次试验时每次的试验条件会有不同(如:PH, 有机相的比例色谱柱柱效等因素的波动),数据处 理时需要对积分参数进行合理的调整和优化,对积 分参数的优化需: 分析师应经过色谱系统操作、数据处理的培训 分析师应能正确设置合理的积分参数 复核人应对积分参数设置的合理性进行复核
FDA重磅发布数据完整性指南草案 (2)

到底什么是数据完整性?在业界翘首企盼中,美国FDA CDER于2016年4月14日发布了数据完整性(Data Integrity)行业指南草案。
对美国CGMP顾问harbata 先生CGM审计结束的那两句话至今记忆犹新:- A place for everything and everything in its place。

1、企业名称:Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited1)企业没有采取措施防止未授权人员访问或修改数据,并能防止数据的缺失。
例如a. 现场检查发现自2013年10月起企业气相色谱仪(GC)的审计追踪功能就不曾使用过,然而2009 GC 软件验证包括了对审计追踪功能的评估,显示该功能令人满意。
2、企业名称:Novacyl Wuxi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.1)对QC实验室管理控制不充分,无法确保检验结果符合质量标准,并能防止数据的缺失。
国际cGMP规范以及FDA的审查 for ZBT

21CFR200’s 药品生产的cGMP规范
A.规定纲要; B.组织机构及人员; C.厂房及设施; D.设备; E.组成,容器和密封; F.生产和加工控制; G.包装和标签控制; H.持有及分发; I.实验室控制; J.记录和报告; K.制药产物的回收和利用
*预处理 单向管道; 无死角; 限制使用软管; 检测点便于取样 *处理 蒸馏; 反渗透
水质检测 采样技术; 采样周期; 检验; 验收准则;
报警界限 处理界限
水质检测项目 *纯化水 杂质总数; 电导率; 微生物数量 *注射用水 杂质总数; 电导率; 微生物数量; 内毒素
未分级的空气空间 一些操作(如水的净化或者发酵等)可以在未分 类的空气环境下进行;
未分级的空气空间仍然需要被检测,主要是检测 尘埃粒子和微生物数量
Question 生产厂区的大部分的尘埃粒子(包括微 生物)来自何处??
水 *使用; *预处理; *处理; *输送; *监控
“如果出现….产品(药物)在不洁环 境下生产,加工和包装,该类产品 的申请要求将被拒绝…….”
一旦发现不合格药物产品,FDA官员有权: 1 2 3 4 销毁; 执行和辅助实施搜查,扣押许可; 执行查封; 在有FDA调查人员在场的情况下的侵权行为, 可以在无需许可而直接实施扣押 702(e)
法规 211.100 211.180 211.186 211.188 211.192 211.194
规程编写和偏差 总体要求 主要生产及其控制记录 批生产与控制记录 生产记录评审 实验室记录
解读FDA发布的数据完整性(Data Integrity)和CGMP合规行业指南

美国FDA于2016年4月14日发布了数据完整性(Data Integrity)的行业指南。
1.FDA的这个指南仅适用于CGMP, 而不是GxP。
比如要验证MES(manufacturing execution system)系统,其验证要证明工艺过程中的步骤、标准、计算都准确无误。

这个检查的指导相对于IOM的第十章,一些指导是:A 原料药视察指导B 高纯水系统视察的指导C QC实验室视察的指导D 微生物QC实验室的指导E 冻干注射剂视察的指导F 清洁验证视察的指导G 制药过程中的计算机系统的视察的指导H 一般工艺过程验证的指导2 CGMP处方和非处方所有的药物的生产过程要对应于CGMP否则就被认为在FDC实施中掺假。
而且,所有的处方药和OTC 药的生产必须符合CGMP的要求,包括那些记录。
当工厂在没有法定义务去提供回顾这些记录时,没有减轻需要符合在501(a)(2)(B)CGMP 的要求,包括对主体文件的要求。
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数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南指南草案美国卫生与人类服务部食品药品管理局药物评价和研究中心(CDER )生物制品评价和研究中心(CBER )兽药中心(CVM2016年4月发布药品质量/生产标准(CGMP)目录I. 介绍II. 背景III. 问答1. 因涉及CGMP记录,请明确以下术语:a. 什么是“数据完整性”b. 什么是“元数据”c. 什么是“审计追踪”d. 当涉及到记录形式时,FDA如何使用术语“静态”和“动态”?e. FDA如何使用§ 211.68(b)中的术语“备份”?f. § 211.68中,在“计算机或相关系统”中的“系统”是什么?2. 何时允许将CGMP数据从决策制定中排除?3. 我们计算机系统上的每个工作流均需要被验证?4. 如何限制对CGMP计算机系统的访问?5. 为什么FDA关注计算机系统共用登录账户的使用?6. 应如何控制空白文件 ?7. 审计追踪应多长时间审查一次?8. 应由谁来审查审计追踪?9. 电子副本可否用作纸质或电子记录的准确复制品?10.对于单机计算机实验仪器,例如FT-IR(傅立叶变换红外光谱)仪,保存纸质打印件或静态记录而不是原始电子记录是否可接受?11. 对于主生产和控制记录,可否使用电子签名替代手书签名?12. 电子数据何时成为CGMP记录?13. 为什么FDA在警告信中援引“系统适用性”或试检、预检、或平衡运行中使用实际样品?14. 仅保留从重新处理的实验室色谱中得到的最终结果是否可接受?15. 与质量问题(例如潜在的数据伪造)有关的内部建议,能否在记录的CGMP质量体系之外非正式的处理?16.应将对人员培训发现数据完整性问题作为日常CGMP培训计划的一部分吗?17. 允许FDA检查员查看我的电子记录吗?18. FDA建议如何解决在检查中、警告信中或其它监管行动中发现的数据完整性问题?数据完整性和CGMP合规行业指南1本指南体现了食品药品管理局(FDA)关于这一主题的最新见解。
本指南不为任何人或对任何人才创造或赋予任何权利,不起束缚 FDA 或公众的作用。
如果您希望讨论一种替代性方法,请与负责执行本指南的 FDA 工作人员联系。
如果您不能确定相应的 FDA 工作人员,请拨打本指南标题页所列的相应电话号码。
I. 介绍本指南的目的是澄清数据完整性在21CFR210,211和212中所要求的现行药品生产质量管理规范(CGMP)中的作用。
II. 背景近几年,FDA在CGMP检查期间已经越来越多的观察到涉及数据完整性的CGMP违规。
在§§ 210.1和212.2中的基本前提是CGMP规定了保证药品符合联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案(FD&C法案)关于安全性、鉴别、规格、质量和纯度的标准的最低要求。
2在211和212中与数据完整性有关的要求除其它方面外包括: § 211.68 (要求“备份数据是真实、完整和安全的,而且无更改、误擦或丢失”);§ 212.110(b)(要求数据被“存储,以防止退化 或丢失”);§§ 211.100和211.160(要求某些活动于“当场做好记录”,实验室控制是“科学合理的”);§ 211.180(要求记录保存为“原始记录”、“真实副本”或其它“原始记录的精确复制品”);以及§§ 211.188、211.194和212.60(g) (要求“完整信息”、“来自所有检验项目的完整数据”、“所有数据的完整记录”和“执行的所有检验的完整记录”)。
电子签名和记录保存要求在21 CFR 11中,适用于属于机构法规规定的记录要求的某些记录,包括210、211和212。
更多信息参见《Part11 电子记录、电子签名 — 范围和应用行业指南》3。
III. 问答1. 因涉及CGMP记录,请明确以下术语:a. 什么是“数据完整性”就本指南而言,数据完整性是指数据的完全性、一致性和准确性。
完全、一致和准确的数据应当具有可归属性(attributable)、清晰可辨性(legible)、即时性(contemporaneously)被记录、原始性(original)或真实有效副本,和准确性(accurate)(ALCOA)42 FDA对CGMP的职权来自FD&C法案501(a)(2)(B)节,其中规定,如果“其制造、加工、包装或贮存使用的方法或设施或控制,不符合或操作或管理不遵守,用以保证药品符合法案关于安全性、鉴别和规格的要求,符合其宣称或表示拥有的质量和纯度特征的生产质量管理规范”该药品应被视为掺杂(adulterated)。
3 CDER定期更新指南。
4 对于可归属性,参见see §§ 211.101(d)、211.122、211.186、211.188(b)(11),和212.50(c)(10);对于清晰可辨性,参见§§ 211.180(e)和212.110(b);对于(在操作当场)即时性被记录,参见§§ 211.100(b)和211.160(a);对于原始或真实有效副本,参见§§ 211.180和211.194(a);对于准确性,参见§§ 211.22(a)、211.68、211.188和212.60(g)。
b. 什么是“元数据”元数据是了解数据所需的上下文信息。
数据应在整个记录的保存期与所有重建CGMP活动(例如,§§ 211.188 and 211.194)所需的相关元数据一起被保存。
c. 什么是“审计追踪”就本指南而言,审计追踪是指安全的、计算机生成的、时间标记的电子记录,允许重建有关创建、修改或删除电子记录的事件过程。
符合CGMP的记录保存实践防止数据丢失或模糊(见§§ 211.160(a), 211.194, and 212.110(b))。
电子记录保存系统,其中包括审计追踪,能够满足这些CGMP 要求。
d. 当涉及到记录形式时,FDA如何使用术语“静态”和“动态”?就本指南而言,静态用于表示固定数据文件,例如纸质记录或电子图像,动态指记录形式允许用户和记录内容之间存在互动。
e. FDA如何使用§ 211.68(b)中的术语“备份”?FDA使用§ 211.68(b)中的术语“备份”用来指在整个记录保存期间安全地保存的原始数据的真实有效副本(例如,§211.180)。
这种临时备份副本不满足§ 211.68(b)中保存数据备份文件的要求。
f. § 211.68中,在“计算机或相关系统”中的“系统”是什么?美国国家标准学会(ANSI)定义系统为组织人、机器和方法以完成一系列的具体功能。
2. 何时允许将CGMP数据从决策制定中排除?作为CGMP记录的一部分所创建的任何数据必须作为放行标准的一部分由质量部门评估(见§§211.22和212.70),并出于CGMP目的而维护 (例如,§ 211.180)。
若要从放行标准决策制定过程中排除数据,必须有一个有效的、存档的、科学上的排除理由(见《制药生产超标(OOS)检验结果调查行业指南》,和§§ 211.188, 211.192, 212.71(b))。
3. 我们计算机系统上的每个工作流均需要被验证?是的,工作流,例如电子主生产和控制记录(MPCR)的创建,是计算机系统的预期用途,需要通过验证检查(见§§211.63,211.68(b)和 211.110(a))。