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We call them aliens or extraterrestrials (外星生物). We make movies and write books about them, though we don’t know if they really exist (存在). But we’ve never stopped 1______ for them.

On April 28, China’s radio telescope (射电望远镜) FAST, nicknamed (昵称) “Eye of Heaven (天眼)”, officially began 2______ search for intelligent life (智慧生命) in outer space. Radio telescopes 3______ to find signals from space. Scientists believe that if aliens do exist, they would emit (发射) signals as a byproduct (副产品) of using communication technology, just like we do on Earth with television and radio. FAST is the world’s 4________ and most sensitive (灵敏的) radio telescope. Scientists hope to use it to make new discoveries, as it can detect even the weakest signals from space. Radio telescopes are not the only tools that scientists have used to look for intelligent life. They have used other 5_______ of technology as well.

For example, messages have been sent into space in the hopes of reaching other civilizations (文明). In 1977, NASA sent the V oyager 1 and 2 probes (探测器) into space. Each carried a copy of the Golden Record, 6_______ contains (包含) images and sounds from Earth. If aliens on other planets find them, they can learn about humans. V oyager 1 is now 22.2 billion km away from us and is still 7_______. It has traveled farther into space than any other man-made object.

Space telescopes are also being used to search for life outside of Earth. The Kepler Space Telescope, built 8______ the US, was used to look for Earth-like planets. Kepler was launched (发射) in 2009 and retired (退役) in 2018. It found more than 1,200 exoplanets (系外行星). Many of them are rocky (多岩石的) planets similar to Earth, which means they might be able to support intelligent life.

Should we even search for them?

Although the idea of finding aliens might be exciting, 9______ have different opinions about whether we should contact them.

Stephen Hawking: No

The late British scientist Stephen Hawking believed there are aliens on other planets.

But he warned that aliens might be dangerous. People should not look for them. If they find us one day, they might take our resources. That would be disastrous (灾难性的) for us.

David Morrison: Yes

US scientist David Morrison believes we should welcome aliens. If aliens can send us messages from 10________ of thousands of light-years away, they must be much smarter than us. They might be able to help us solve some of our problems.

Seventy percent of our planet is covered by one huge, continuous (连续的) body of seawater – the ocean. In 2008, the United Nations recognized (确立) June 8 as World Oceans Day. It’s a day to think 1_______ the important role that the oceans play in our lives, the dangers that are facing our oceans and the action we can take to protect them. u

The 2_______ of our oceans.

The ocean is home to the majority (大多数) of3______ and animals on Earth. Marine (海洋的) plants 4_______ us with 70 percent of the oxygen(氧气) we breathe. The ocean 5________ our climate (气候), providing heat in winter and cool air in summer. It also provides us with food and medicine. No matter where you live on the planet, no matter how far from the sea, 6_______ life is dependent (依赖的) on the ocean.

The problems facing our oceans

The most urgent (紧急的) problem facing the ocean at the moment is plastic pollution. Reducing single-use plastic, 7_______ plastic bags and plastic bottles, has been an important theme for World Oceans Day for a number of years.

Climate change and rising sea temperatures are also a huge problem. Rising sea temperatures have a direct influence on weather patterns (模式) and 8______ as partly responsible for an increase in extreme weather conditions.

How is the day celebrated?

The day is celebrated in a variety of 9_______, including special events at aquariums (水族馆) and zoos, beach and river clean-ups, school activities, art contests and film festivals. You can join in to remind people about the importance of our oceans and
