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辽师版2019六年级下英语测试题7月6日name:__________________ 一、判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的在括号里打对号,不同的打错号。

() 1. A. duck B. cute

() 2. A. driver B. doctor

() 3. A. window B. yellow

() 4. A. sad B. have

() 5. A. did B. sign

() 6. A. headache B. teacher

()7. A. read B. tea

()8. A. worry B. go

()9. A. me B. she

()10. A. little B. ill


fever 高的

excited 休息

angry 发烧

tall 兴奋的

rest 生气的


()1.When were she born?

She ____ born in 1980.



()2.Did you take some medicine?

Yes, I___________.

A. did

B. didn’t

()3.When were they born?

They were born ____ 2007.

A. in

B. on

()4.What’s your animal sign ?

My animal sign _____ pig.

A. are

B. is

()5.Who watched cartoons?

Linda ________.

A. did

B. went


1.get up ( )_____________________________

2.win the game ( )____________________________

3. do homework( )_____________________________

4. have breakfast ( )__________________________

5. go shopping ( )__________________________


1. ba__room (浴室,洗手间) A. th B. oh

2.m____se( 老鼠) A. ou B. ir

3.sn____ke(蛇) A. o B. a

4.s__ng (唱歌) A. d B. i

5.s_____ (看见) A.ea B.ee


1. did , you , when , it , watch ?


2. with , her , the , matter, what’s ?


3.when , was, born , mom, your ?


4.are, how , you , doing , today ?


A. How come ?

B. Nice to see you, too!.

C. How are your doing?

It’s the first day of the new term. Linda meets Xiao Hui at the school gate.


Linda : Hi!Xiao Hui. Nice to see you again!

Xiao Hui : _____________________! I am happy to be back to school.

Linda : Me, too.

Xiao Hui: _________________________________?

Linda : I feel sad.

Xiao Hui : ____________?

Linda : My good friend Linda is leaving. She’s going back to the UK.

Xiao Hui : Don’t worry. You can email her.


A. The English Team!

B. When did you watch it?

C. It was excited.


Li Ming: You look tired today.

David: Yes. I watched a football game last night.

Li Ming:________________________?

David: I watched it until 11:00 pm.

Li Ming: Wow, so late! How did you like it?

David: _________________________.

Li Ming: Who won the game?

David: _________________________!

Li Ming: It’s cool! We are the champion!

David:Why are you so excited?

Li Ming: Don’t you know? I’m an English Team’s fan.


A. Thank you, Doctor.

B. Let’s go to see the doctor.

C. What’s the matter?

D. I have a stomachache.

David is feeling terrible. His mother takes him to the doctor.(戴维感觉不好,戴维的妈妈待他去看医生)David: Mom, I feel terrible.

Mom: __________________________?

David: I have a stomachache.

Mom: _____________________________________.

David: OK.

Doctor: Hello, boy. What’s wrong?

David: _______________________________.

Doctor: Let me see… Well, don’t worry. It’s not too bad.

Take some medicine and rest well. You’ll feel better soon.

David: _________________________________.

Doctor: My pleasure.
