中医英语术语翻译重点中医英语术语翻译重点天人相应Correspondence of human body and natural environment辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation针灸acupuncture and moxibustion寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire整体观念concept of holism开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease 异病同治same therapeutic method used to treating different diseases 从阴引阳drawing yang from yin阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang寒极生热extreme cold generating heat热极生寒 extreme heat gernerating cold病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold实则泻之treating excess syndromes with reduction虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome实热症 excess heat syndrome潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind补其不足 supplement insufficiency泻其有余 reduce excess五行学说the theory of five elements木曰曲直wood characterized by bending and straightening火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing水曰润下water characterized by moistening and descending母病及子illness of mother viscera affecting the child one子病及母illness of child viscera affecting the mother one相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart肾阳式微declination of kidney yang平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水火不济between water and fire奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs藏象学说the theory of visceral manifestation藏而不泻storage without discharge泻而不藏discharge without storage形体诸窍physical build and various orifices其华在面the luster manifesting upon the face满而不实 full but not to be solid实而不满solid but not to be full心主血脉heart governing blood and vessels肺司呼吸lung controlling breathing脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation肝主疏泄liver controlling conveyance and dispersion肾主藏精kidney governing storing essence面色无华lusterless complexion汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent后天之本acquired base of life肝气逆上upward adverse flow of liver qi先天之精innate essence奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs孤俯isolated fu-organ腐熟水谷digest water and food七冲门the seven important portals胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid先天禀赋innateness温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin气为血帅,血为气母Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi. 益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels十二经筋tendons of the twelve regular meridians舒经活络soothing meridians and activating collaterals刺络拔罐collateral pricking and cupping therapy腠理闭塞stagnation of interstitial space湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen外感六淫six excesses pathogenic factors饮食劳倦mproper diet and overstrain阳常有余,阴常不足Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.四大经典Four GreatClassic:Huangdi s Canon of Medicine黄帝内经Classic of Difficulties难经Shennong s Classic of Materia Medica神农本草经Rreatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases伤寒杂病论四气four properties:cold,,hot,warm,cool五味five flavors:sour,bitter,sweet,pungent,salty(中药)七情seven conditions of ingredients in prescriptionsSingle effect,mutual reinforcement,mutual assistance,mutual restraint,mutual inhibition,mutual antagonism,mutual suppression寒凉派Liu Wansu-School of Cold and Cool攻下派Zhang Congzheng-School of Purgation补土派Li Gao-School of Reinforcing the Earth滋阴派Zhu Zhenheng-School of Nourishing Yin辛温中药herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature辛凉中药herbs pungent in taste and cool in narure向日为阳,背日为阴The side facing the sun belongs to yang and the reverse side to yin,血液常行的前提条件:心气充沛,血液充盈,脉道通利Normal circulation of blood:abundance of heart qi,sufficiency of blood,vessels are prerequisite.四气;元气primordial qi,宗气pectoral qi,营气nutrient qi,卫气defensive qi内生五邪;内风,内寒,内湿,内燥,内火Five internal excesses;internal wind.internal cold,internal dampness,inrenal dryness,internal fire内伤七情Internal injury due to sevenemotions;joy,anger,anxiety,thought,sorrow,fear,fright怒则气上,喜则气缓,悲则气消,恐则气下,惊则气乱。
【医学英语】中医术语3开窍法 inducing resuscitation method 用具有通窍开闭、促进神志苏醒作用的方药治疗邪气盛实之闭证的治法。
清热开窍 clearing away for resuscitation 用具有清热泻火、开窍醒神作用的方药治疗热闭心神证的治法。
宁心开窍 calming heart for resuscitation 用具有宁心定志、开窍醒神作用的方药治疗神昏病证的治法。
芳香开窍 resuscitation with aromatics 用性味芳香,具有宣闭开窍作用的方药治疗秽浊之邪阻闭心包所致神昏的治法。
化痰开窍 eliminating phlegm for resuscitation 用具有祛除痰浊、宣闭开窍作用的方药治疗痰蒙心窍证的治法。
辛温开窍 resuscitation with pungent and warm-natured drug 又称“散寒开窍”。
驱虫法expelling intestinal parasites method 用对肠道寄生虫具有麻痹或毒杀作用的方药,促使其排出体外,治疗肠道内寄生虫病的治法。
驱蛔杀虫expelling and killing ascarid 用具有驱杀蛔虫作用的方药治疗虫积肠道证的治法。
温脏安蛔 calming intestinal ascaris by warming method 用具有温阳散寒、安蛔止痛作用的方药治疗肠寒而使蛔虫窜扰所致病证的治法。
驱虫攻下 expelling intestinal parasites by purgation 用具有驱虫、攻下作用的方药治疗蛔虫所致肠闭、肠结的治法。
健脾驱虫 strengthening spleen for expelling intestinal parasites 用具有健脾益气、祛除蛔虫作用的方药治疗脾虚虫积证的治法。
Unit 1:《黄帝内经》Huangdi’s Classic on Medicine // Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine《伤寒杂病论》Treatise on Cold-Induced and Miscellaneous Diseases《肘后备急方》A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies《千金方》Invaluable Prescriptions《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《诸病源候论》Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《针灸甲乙经》The ABC Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《素问》Plain Questions //Basic Questions《灵枢》Spiritual Pivot // Miraculous Pivot《五十二病方》Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments《本草》Treatise on Herbal Medicine《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《唐本草》The Tang-dynasty Materia Medica《胡本草》Tartar Herbal Medicine《脉经》The Pulse Classic湿症damp ailment / 湿证damp syndrome湿dampness挤压病区press on the affected area寒病cold diseases炎症感染inflammatory infection草药麻醉herbal anesthesia保持健康maintain wellness/ maintain health临床经验clinical experience民间医药folk medicine中西医结合integration/combination of TCM and Western medicineintegration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WHO世卫组织)integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WFCMS世中联)各类预防措施various preventive measures预防伤寒病guard against typhoid第一本中国药典the first official Chinese pharmacopoeia在植物治疗学领域in the domain of phytotherapy精通草药研究versed in herbal medicine study从……而来的治疗方法remedies drawn from…著名中医大师renowned TCM masters/ successful TCM doctors他的植物治疗学领域的医学知识his medical knowledge in the realm of phytotherapy医药管理与教学the administration and teaching of medicine当代中医药著作contemporary TCM works伤口感染的危险the risk of infection from woundsUnit 2:阴阳学说theory of yin and yang / the yin-yang theory阳中之阳yang within yang阴中之阳yang within yin身体上部the upper part of the body身体下部the lower part of the body内脏internal organs/ viscera疾病发展过程disease progression阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang恢复平衡的治疗手段treatment strategies to restore balance体表superficial aspects of the body疾病治疗treatment of disease; disease treatment阴虚yin deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阳气yang qi卫气wei qi /defensive qi心情,心境state of mind阴性体质yin constitution阴液耗伤consumption of yin fluid虚证deficiency syndrome实证excess syndrome畏寒intolerance of cold蜷卧huddle up形寒肢冷cold limbs and body面色晄白 a pale / pale and bright complexion语声低微weak voice懒言disinclined to talk呼吸浅弱shallow, weak breathing恶寒aversion to cold体若燔炭hot limbs and body面色发红flushed face声音洪亮loud voice渴喜冷饮thirst with preference for cold drinks不渴喜热饮absence of thirst with preference for hot drinks小便清长copious and clear urine小便短赤concentrated and dark urine / dark scanty urine大便干燥dry stools大便溏泻loose stools舌红苔黄red tongue with yellow fur舌淡苔白pale tongue with white fur芤脉hollow pulse洪脉surging pulse阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang / yin-yang opposition阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang / interdependence between yin and yang阴阳消长waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳转化yin-yang conversion; conversion/ transformation of yin and yang阴阳平衡yin-yang balance阴阳調和yin-yang harmonyUnit 3:生克乘侮:generating, controlling, over-acting, and insulting sequence;generation, restriction, over-whelming/ subjugation, reverse restriction肝藏血, 血舍魂。
体现在英文的翻译中,由于中医来源于传统经验,故一般多译为:Traditional Chinese Medicine(简称TCM),应当没有问题。
现有人主张将”中医“一词翻译为:Chinese Medicine,可能认为现代中医广泛吸收了现代医学的一些理论,特别是在中医教学、临床、科研等方面强调中西医并重,去掉“传统”(Traditional)变得理所当然。其实不然,尽管在教学、科研、临床等方面中医学科是发生了很大的变化,但总的来说,中医之概念并没有改变,理论也没有与现代医学合而为一,中医还是中医。
翻译得太复杂,不利于中医走向世界 对于专家的说法,上海中医药大学主攻医学英语的副教授专家提出了不同见解。“翻译只是一个符号,关键要让别人明白其内涵,翻译中医术语,翻译公司最重要的是遵循‘等效翻译’原则,且翻译的人一定要精通中医。”
中医也不是“中国的医学”(Chinese Medicine),它产生于中国,属于全人类,因此如果将中医理解或翻译为“中国的医学”,太过牵强。反过来,现代中国医学包括中医和现代医学,如果将这二个方面的医学体系合称为“中国的医学”,好象也没有什么依据。
所以说,“传统中国医学”(Traditional Chinese Medicine)最能表达“中医”的含义。
中医:(1)traditional Chinese medicine; (2)traditional Chinese physician
Unit 1:《黄帝内经》Hua ngdi’s Classic on Medicine// Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine《伤寒杂病论》Treatise on Cold-Induced and Miscellaneous Diseases《肘后备急方》A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies《千金方》Invaluable Prescriptions《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica《诸病源候论》Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《针灸甲乙经》The ABC Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《素问》Plain Questions //Basic Questions《灵枢》Spiritual Pivot // Miraculous Pivot《五十二病方》Prescriptions for Fifty-two Ailments《本草》Treatise on Herbal Medicine《新修本草》Newly Compiled Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty《唐本草》The Tang-dynasty Materia Medica《胡本草》Tartar Herbal Medicine《脉经》The Pulse Classic湿症damp ailment / 湿证damp syndrome湿dampness挤压病区press on the affected area寒病cold diseases炎症感染inflammatory infection草药麻醉herbal anesthesia保持健康maintain wellness/ maintain health临床经验clinical experience民间医药folk medicine中西医结合integration/combination of TCM and Western medicineintegration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WHO世卫组织)integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine (WFCMS世中联)各类预防措施various preventive measures预防伤寒病guard against typhoid第一本中国药典the first official Chinese pharmacopoeia在植物治疗学领域in the domain of phytotherapy精通草药研究versed in herbal medicine study从……而来的治疗方法remedies drawn from…著名中医大师renowned TCM masters/ successful TCM doctors他的植物治疗学领域的医学知识his medical knowledge in the realm of phytotherapy 医药管理与教学the administration and teaching of medicine当代中医药著作contemporary TCM works伤口感染的危险the risk of infection from woundsUnit 2:阴阳学说theory of yin and yang / the yin-yang theory阳中之阳yang within yang阴中之阳yang within yin身体上部the upper part of the body身体下部the lower part of the body内脏internal organs/ viscera疾病发展过程disease progression阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang恢复平衡的治疗手段treatment strategies to restore balance 体表superficial aspects of the body疾病治疗treatment of disease; disease treatment阴虚yin deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阳气yang qi卫气wei qi /defensive qi心情,心境state of mind阴性体质yin constitution阴液耗伤consumption of yin fluid虚证deficiency syndrome实证excess syndrome畏寒intolerance of cold蜷卧huddle up形寒肢冷cold limbs and body面色晄白 a pale / pale and bright complexion语声低微weak voice懒言disinclined to talk呼吸浅弱shallow, weak breathing恶寒aversion to cold体若燔炭hot limbs and body面色发红flushed face声音洪亮loud voice渴喜冷饮thirst with preference for cold drinks不渴喜热饮absence of thirst with preference for hot drinks 小便清长copious and clear urine小便短赤concentrated and dark urine / dark scanty urine 大便干燥dry stools大便溏泻loose stools舌红苔黄red tongue with yellow fur舌淡苔白pale tongue with white fur芤脉hollow pulse洪脉surging pulse阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang / yin-yang opposition阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang / interdependence between yin and yang阴阳消长waxing and waning of yin and yang阴阳转化yin-yang conversion; conversion/ transformation of yin and yang阴阳平衡yin-yang balance阴阳調和yin-yang harmonyUnit 3:生克乘侮:generating, controlling, over-acting, and insulting sequence;generation, restriction, over-whelming/ subjugation, reverse restriction肝藏血, 血舍魂。
Unit 11 中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2中医根底理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3临床经验clinical experience4辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5杂病miscellaneous diseases6中药学Chinese pharmacy7四气五味four properties and five tastes8针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy10汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis11下法purgation12吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy13补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth14病因学etiology15方剂prescription; formula16医疗实践medical practice17治疗原那么therapeutic principles18寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature19滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire20瘀血治病diseases caused by blood stagnationUnit21五脏five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2六腑six fu-organs3经络系统system of meridians and collaterals4整体观念holism5有机整体organic wholenss6社会属性social attribute7开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into8生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9诊断学diagnostics10邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11治疗学therapeutics12风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold13同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14异病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism16清心火clearing away heart fire17疾病本质nature of disease18以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side19从阴引阳drawing yang from yin20.病在上者下取之treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part Unit 31哲学概念philosophical concept2.相互转化mutual transformation3.阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang4.阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang5.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat6.病理变化pathological changes7.绝对偏盛absolute predominance8.病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis9.补其缺乏supplementing what it lacks of10.祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold11.相互消长mutually inhibiting and promoting;wax and wane between yin and yang12.相互制约mutually inhibiting and restraining13.相互依存interdependence14.阴胜那么阳病excess of yin leading to decline of yang15.相反相成contrary and supplementary to each other16.有机整体organic whole17.阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin18.阴阳两虚deficiency of both yin and yang19.虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome20.潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating windUnit41 the theory of five elements 五行学说2 free development 条达舒畅3 to be generated and to generate生我,我生4 restraint in generation 生中有制5 over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮67 promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation 生克制化8 disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ 母病及子9 insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney 肝肾精血缺乏10 blood deficiency in the heart and liver 心肝血虚11 exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛12 insufficiency of liver yin 肝阴缺乏13 declination of kidney yang肾阳式微14 weakness of the spleen and stomach 脾胃虚弱15 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 平肝和胃16 between water and fire水火不济Unit51 藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations2 五脏六腑five zang-organs and six fu-organs3 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs4 水谷精微nutrients of water and food5 传化水谷transmitting and transforming water and food6 贮藏精气storing essence7 表里关系internal and external relationship8 治疗效应therapeutic effects9 临床实践clinical practice10 藏而不泻storage without discharge11泻而不藏discharge without storage12形体诸窍physical build and various orifices13开窍(of five zang-organs) open into14精神情志spirit and emotions15心藏神the heart storing spirit16肺藏魄the lung storing corporeal soul17肝藏魂the liver storing ethereal soul18脾藏意the spleen storing consciousness19肾藏志the kidney storing will20其华在面the luster manifesting upon the faceUnit61 心主血脉the heart governing blood and vessels2 心气充分sufficiency of heart qi3 面色红润rosy complexion4 血液充盈sufficiency of blood5 脉道不利unsmooth vessels6 面色无华lusterless complexion7 脉象细弱thin and weak pulse8 心藏神the heart storing spirit9 汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin10 升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in11宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent12通调水道regulating water passage13脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation14水谷精微nutrients of water and food15水液停滞stoppage of water and fluid16后天之本acquired base of life17调畅气机regulating qi activity18肝气逆上upward adverse flow of liver qi19先天之精innate essence20肾主纳气the kidney receiving qiUnit71 奇恒之府extraordinary fu-organs2 孤俯isolated fu-organ3 腐熟水谷digest water and food4 魄门anus5 肝之余其surplus part of liver qi6 上焦upper energizer7 泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid8 食物残渣residue of foods9 大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid10精汁〔胆汁〕bile11小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid12初步消化primary digestion13精气essential qi14七冲门the seven important portals15胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment16排泄糟粕discharge waste17月经来潮occurrence of menstruation18吸门inhaling portal19形态中空morphological hollowness20传化水谷transporting and transforming water and foodUnit81 先天禀赋innateness2 精微物质nutrients; refined substance3 血液循行blood circulation4 水液代谢water metabolism5 气的运动形式way of qi movement6 气的升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi7 气机调畅normal function of qi activity8生命的原动力primary motive force of life9 温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera10 腑脏经络之气qi of the viscera and meridians11气机qi activity12气化qi transformation13先天之气innate qi14后天之气acquired qi15正气healthy qi16邪气pathogenic factors17元气primordial qi18宗气thoracic qi19营气nutritive qi20卫气defensive qi21腠理striae and intersticesUnit91气生血qi promoting the production of blood2气行血qi promoting the flow of blood3气摄血qi commanding blood4血载气blood carrying qi5血生气blood generating qi6气生津液qi promoting the production of body fluid7气行津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid8气摄津液qi commanding body fluid9津液载气body fluid carrying qi10津液生气body fluid generating qi11津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin12气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid13气随血脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage14气随津泄loss of qi due to profuse sweating15气行那么血行,气滞那么血瘀。
中医内科专业英语术语Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine Terminology.1. Basic Principles of Chinese Medicine.Yin and Yang: The fundamental opposing forces in nature, representing opposite yet complementary aspects of all phenomena. In health, the body maintains a dynamic balance between Yin and Yang.Qi (Chi): The vital energy that flows throughout the body, maintaining life and promoting all bodily functions.Five Elements: A philosophical system representing interactions among Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, which correspond to different bodily organs and functions.2. Diagnostic Methods.Four Diagnostic Methods: Inspection, auscultation andolfaction, inquiry, and palpation, used to gather information about a patient's condition.Tongue Diagnosis: Evaluation of the tongue's color, shape, coating, and other characteristics to assess a patient's health status.Pulse Diagnosis: Feeling the pulse at specific locations on the wrist to detect abnormalities in the flow of Qi and blood.3. Internal Medicine Conditions.Qi Deficiency: A condition characterized by a lack of vital energy, manifesting as fatigue, weakness, and a tendency to illness.Blood Deficiency: A condition where there is a lack of nourishment to the body, leading to paleness, dizziness, and other symptoms.Yang Deficiency: A condition in which the warming andprotective aspect of Qi is deficient, manifesting as cold symptoms, fatigue, and a weakened immune system.Yin Deficiency: A condition in which the nourishingand moisturizing aspect of Qi is deficient, causing dryness, heat symptoms, and possible impaired cognitive function.4. Therapeutic Principles and Methods.Syndrome Differentiation: The process of diagnosing a patient based on their symptoms, signs, and overall condition, to determine the underlying cause of their illness.Herbal Medicine: The use of plants and other natural substances to correct imbalances in the body and treat disease.Acupuncture: The insertion of fine needles at specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi and调和气血.Moxibustion: The burning of mugwort on specificacupoints to warm meridians, disperse cold, and promote the flow of Qi and blood.5. Common Conditions and Their Treatment.Digestive Disorders: Conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system, such as indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation, are commonly treated with herbal formulasthat harmonize the Spleen and Stomach functions.Respiratory Disorders: Conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and cough are often treated with herbs that nourish the Lungs and disperse Lung Qi stagnation.Cardiovascular Disorders: Conditions affecting the heart, such as angina and arrhythmias, are treated with herbs that nourish the Heart and regulate blood flow.Emotional Disorders: Conditions like anxiety, depression, and insomnia are often addressed with herbsthat nourish the Heart and Liver, and harmonize the Spirit.6. Conclusion.The terminology of Chinese Medicine Internal Medicineis vast and deep, reflecting a complex yet harmonious understanding of the human body and its relationship to the universe. The principles of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the flow of Qi through the meridians underlie all diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The art of diagnosing and treating patients requires a profound knowledge ofthese principles, as well as a keen observation of the patient's condition and response to treatment. The use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion are just afew of the tools employed by Chinese Medicine practitioners to restore balance and promote health in their patients.。
【医学英语】中医术语1化湿和中 removing dampness for regulating stomach 用具有祛湿化浊、健脾和胃作用的方药治疗湿困脾胃证、脾虚湿困证的治法。
健脾化湿 invigorating spleen for eliminating dampness 用具有补益脾气、祛湿化浊作用的方药治疗脾虚湿困证的治法。
祛风燥湿 dispelling pathogenic wind and removing dampness 用具有祛风燥湿作用的方药治疗风湿侵袭所致病证的治法。
散寒除湿 dispelling cold and removing dampness 用具有辛温祛寒燥湿作用的方药治疗寒湿阻滞证的治法。
清热利湿 clearing heat and promoting diuresis 用具有清热、利湿作用的方药治疗湿热蕴结证的治法。
清利三焦 clearing heat-dampness of sanjiao 用具有清热、祛湿作用的方药治疗湿热弥漫三焦证的治法。
利水消肿 inducing diuresis for removing edema 用具有渗湿利小便作用的方药治疗水肿病证的治法。
渗湿利水 eliminating dampness and diuresis 用具有淡渗利小便作用的方药治疗水湿内停证的方法。
健脾利水 invigorating spleen for diuresis 用具有补脾益气、利水渗湿作用的方药治疗脾虚水泛证的方法。
温阳利水 warming yang for diuresis 用具有温补阳气,渗湿利水作用的方药治疗阳气不足、水湿内停所致病证的治法。
宣肺利水 dispersing lung qi for diuresis 用具有宣通肺气、渗湿利水作用的方药,治疗肺失宣降所致皮水、风水等病的治法。
除湿通络 eliminating dampness and dredging channels 用具有温阳祛湿、活血通络作用的方药,治疗寒湿阻络证的治法。
天气celestial qi充满于空中的气。
地气earth qi弥漫于大地的气。
气立establishment of generalqi人体之气正常运行,生理功能正常发挥。
天人相应correspondence of humanbody and naturalenvironment强调人对自然的依存与适应关系。
辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation 中医临床诊断治疗疾病的思维方法和过程。
理法方药principle-method-recipe-medicines 将中医理论、诊法、治法在临床实践中综合应用的思维方法,涵盖诊治全过程的四个基本内容。
标本manifestation and rootcause 关于事物主次关系的相对概念,“本”指主要方面,“标”指次要方面。
阴阳学说yin-yang theory在阴阳概念基础上建立起来的中医学基本理论,认为阴阳对立统一、消长转化、相反相成的关系贯穿于自然与人体等一切事物之中,是人体生理和病理发生、发展、变化的根源及规律。
阳气yang qi事物及运动中具有外表的、向上的、亢盛的、轻清的、功能性的等具有阳属性的一面。
天气celestial qi充满于空中的气。
地气earth qi弥漫于大地的气。
气立establishment of generalqi人体之气正常运行,生理功能正常发挥。
天人相应correspondence of humanbody and naturalenvironment强调人对自然的依存与适应关系。
辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation 中医临床诊断治疗疾病的思维方法和过程。
理法方药principle-method-recipe-medicines 将中医理论、诊法、治法在临床实践中综合应用的思维方法,涵盖诊治全过程的四个基本内容。
标本manifestation and rootcause 关于事物主次关系的相对概念,“本”指主要方面,“标”指次要方面。
阴阳学说yin-yang theory在阴阳概念基础上建立起来的中医学基本理论,认为阴阳对立统一、消长转化、相反相成的关系贯穿于自然与人体等一切事物之中,是人体生理和病理发生、发展、变化的根源及规律。
阳气yang qi事物及运动中具有外表的、向上的、亢盛的、轻清的、功能性的等具有阳属性的一面。
中医英语术语-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1第一课1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth方剂prescription; formula医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation第二课1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side 以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之第三课1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳第四课1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to be generated and togenerate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃 insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济第五课doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleen storing consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面第六课the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency ofblood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse脉象细弱the heart storing spirit心藏神sweat and blood sharing the same origin汗血同源ascending, descending, going out and going in升降出入dispersion, purification and descent宣发肃降regulating water passage通调水道the spleen governing transportation and transformation脾主运化nutrients of water and food水谷精微stoppage of water and fluid水液停滞acquired base of life 后天之本regulating qi activity调畅气机upward adverse flow of liver qi肝气上逆innate essence先天之精the kidney receiving qi肾主纳气第七课extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府isolated fu-organ孤府digest water and food腐熟水谷anus破门remaining part of liver qi肝之余气upper energizer上焦separating the lucid from the turbid泌别清浊residue of foods食物残渣The large intestine governs thin body fluid大肠主津bile精汁The small intestine governs thick body fluid小肠主液primary digestion初步消化essential qi精气the seven important portals七冲门The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment胆主决断discharge waste排泄糟粕occurrence of menstruation月经来潮epiglottis 吸门morphological hollowness形态中空transporting and transforming water and food传化水谷第八课innateness先天禀赋nutrients; refined substance精微物质blood circulation血液循环water metabolism水液代谢way of qi movement气的运动形式ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi的升降出入运动normal function of qi activity气机条畅primary motive force of life生命的原动力warming and nourishing the viscera温养脏腑qi of the viscera and meridians脏腑经络之气qi activity气机qi transformation气化innate qi先天之气acquired qi 后天之气healthy qi正气pathogenic factors邪气primordial qi元气thoracic qi宗气nutritive qi营气defensive qi卫气第九课qi promoting the production of blood气生血qi promoting the flow of blood气行血qi commanding blood气摄血blood carrying qi血载气blood generating qi血生气qi promoting the production of body fluid气生津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid气行津液qi commanding body fluid气摄津液body fluid carrying qi津液载气body fluid generating qi津液生气body fluid and blood sharing the same origin津血同源exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage 气随血脱loss of qi due to profuse sweating气随津泄Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood.气行则血行气滞则血瘀Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.气为血帅血为气母Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of body fluid.气行则水行气滞则水滞nourishing qi to stop collapse益气固脱Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage.亡血家不可发汗Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage.夺血者无汗第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transporting qi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transporting qi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气14 syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐Lesson 11six exogenous pathogenic factors外感六淫improper diet and overstrain 饮食劳倦common cold due to wind-cold风寒感冒diarrhea due to damp-heat/damp-heat diarrhea 湿热泄泻five endogenous pathogenic factors内生五邪pathogenic wind attacking the exterior 风邪外袭migratory arthralgia/joint pain游走性关节痛wind being the leading pathogenic factor风为百病之长 attacked/invaded by pathogenic cold感受寒邪decline of yang qi阳气衰退 cold tending to stagnate by nature寒性凝滞 stagnation of interstitial space 腠理闭塞spasm and contraction of muscles and tendons经脉拘急收引pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen湿邪困脾inactivation of spleen-yang脾阳不振production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency阴虚生内热extreme heat producing wind热极生风internal impairment due to yin deficiency 七情内伤improper diet饮食不节engorgement 暴饮暴食Lesson 12occurrence, development, and changes of disease疾病的发生发展变化(body )constitutional state 体质强弱dysfunction of qi and blood气血功能紊乱various pathological changes多种多样的病理变化exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/ strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正盛衰deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformation between deficiency and excess during a disease病症的虚实变化the human body’resistance against diseases 人体的抗病能力feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)五心烦热deficiency complicated with excess虚实夹杂turnover of disease/prognosis of disease疾病转归 relative predominance of yin or yang 阴阳偏盛extreme changes of five emotions五志过极depletion of essence causing deficiency精气夺则虚mutual consumption of yin and yang阴阳互损true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat真热假寒或假寒真热stagnation of qi activity气机瘀滞不畅disorder of fluid metabolism津液代谢失常endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior 寒从中生fluid consumption producing dryness津伤化燥stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind风气内动Lesson 13spirit, complexion, and physical conditions 神色形态mental activities 精神活动sufficient essence and abundant qi精气充足apathetic facial expressions表情淡漠 normal complexion and varied normal complexion 主色与客色convulsion of the limbs四肢抽搐stirring of wind due to damp-heat湿热风动interior sinking of pathogenic toxin邪毒内陷scaly skin/ squamous and dry skin肌肤甲错hunger without appetite饥不欲食combined use of the four diagnostic methods四诊合参facial expressions面部表情favorable prognosis预后良好dispiritedness 精神不振five colors indicating diseases / diagnostic significance of five colors五色主病 facial distortion口角歪斜flaming of deficient fire虚火上炎retention of heat in the large intestine大肠热结mirror-like tongue光剥舌pulse manifestations脉象Lesson 14prevention before occurrence未病先防harmony between qi and blood气血平和regulating mental conditions调摄精神smooth circulation of blood血脉流畅smooth movement of joints关节通利smooth flow of qi/ free activity of qi气机条畅prolonging life and promoting longevity益寿延年preventive and therapeutic principles防治原则treatment should focus on the root of diseases治病求本treating secondary symptoms in acute disease急则治其标treating primary symptoms in chronic disease缓则治其本simultaneous treatment of primary and secondary symptoms 标本兼治deficiency of healthy qi and excess of pathogenic factors正虚邪实removing parasites to eliminate accumulation驱虫消积accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung痰湿壅盛blood serving as the mother of qi血为气母treatment in accordance with seasons, locality and individuality.因时因地因人制宜avoiding cold herbs in cold weather用寒远寒exogenous dry disease in autumn 外感秋燥moistening dryness with pungent and cool herbs辛凉润燥Lesson 15ⅰ.treatment with syndrome differentiation/ 辨证论治disease involving both exterior and interior表里同病 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat寒热错杂regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior 里邪出表true cold and false heat 真寒假热aversion to cold and aversion to heat恶寒与恶热tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst 口淡不渴transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat 寒邪郁而化热exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens外感表虚feverish sensation over five centers五心烦热location and nature of disease病位与病性mixture of deficiency and excess虚实夹杂invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior表邪入里cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome寒症化热true heat and false cold真热假寒heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome热证转寒pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur舌淡苔白而润滑rapid and weak pulse脉数无力tidal fever and night sweating 潮热盗汗coma with delirium神昏谵语 Lesson 16Chinese medicinal herbs 中草药four properties and five flavors 四气五味the part used for medical purpose入药部分collection of herbs药物采集processing of herbs 炮制eliminating impurity清除杂质mild effect作用和缓relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion发散解表astringing and checking收敛固涩lubricant purgation by softening hardness 软坚润下drying dampness to invigorate the spleen燥湿健脾ascending, descending, sinking and floating升降沉浮channel tropism/channel distribution of medicines归经medication contraindication用药禁忌dosage药物剂量pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exterior syndrome 辛温解表药herbs for expelling wind and dampness祛风湿药eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism十八反十九畏herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood清热凉血药herbs foreliminating phlegm and stopping cough祛痰止咳药Lesson 17Science of prescription方剂学compatibility配伍关系prescription-formulating principle组成规律modification of prescriptions方剂的加减drug form and dosage 剂型与剂量monarch, minister, assistant and guide君臣佐使toxicity of medicinal herbs药物毒性 moderating the property of herbs 缓和药性guiding action引经报使mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药warming channels to dissipate cold温经散寒dispersing lung to relieve asthma宣肺平喘flexible modification灵活化裁clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat 清散郁热modification according to symptoms随症加减processed herbs药物饮片power for oral taking内服散剂medicinal extract for external application 外用膏剂mixed in boiled water for oral taking开水冲服condensed extract浓缩浸膏 Lesson 18acupuncture and moxibustion therapy针灸疗法reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling针刺补泻needling techniques针刺手法methods for needle-inserting进针手法alleviating pain with acupuncture针刺止痛acupuncture anesthesia针刺麻醉needling sensation 针感intradermal needle皮内针angle and depth of needling针刺的角度和深度insertion of needle with double hands双手进针 manipulation of needle行针ear acupuncture therapy耳针疗法lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating 提插捻转water-acupuncture therapy水针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy头针疗法blistering moxibustion 化脓灸scarring moxibustion瘢痕灸moxibustion with moxa cone艾炷灸 lamp moxibustion灯火灸needle-warming moxibustion温针灸Lesson 19tuina manipulations推拿手法alleviating pain减轻疼痛exercise for practicing tuina功法训练relaxing muscles放松肌肉relieving muscular tension解除肌肉紧张restricted activity活动受限dislocation of joint关节脱位protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc腰椎间盘突出rotating reduction旋转复位injury of soft tissue软组织损伤adhesion and stiffness of joint 关节粘连僵硬lubricating joint滑利关节reinforcing and reducing manipulation手法补写horizontal pushing with the thumb拇指平推法pushing manipulation with one finger一指禅推法point-pressing manipulation点按法kneading manipulation with the large thenar大鱼际揉法alternated rubbing and kneading交替搓揉injury of lumbar muscles腰肌劳损vertical exertion of force 垂直用力Lesson 20differentiation of tongue manifestations辨舌象differentiation of pulse manifestations辨脉象balancing expelling pathogenic factors with strengthening healthy qi 正邪兼顾thoracic retention of fluid支饮chills in the back/aversion to cold in the back背部恶寒dark complexion/black complexion面色黧黑slippery tongue coating/ moist and glossy tongue coating舌苔水滑taut pulse/wiry pulse 弦脉dispelling pathogenic cold发散寒邪invigorating the stomach to resolve fluid健胃化饮nourishing kidney water to astringe lung qi滋肾水以敛肺气nourishing yin blood to protect liver yin养阴血以护肝阴expelling pathogenic factors without impairing the healthy qi祛邪而不伤正invigorating qi to harmonize the middle-jiao益气和中mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药prescriptions for drastic diaphoresis发汗峻剂cold in the exterior and fluid in the interior表寒里饮cold water attacking the stomach水寒犯胃effective prescriptions有效方剂cold limbs in syncope 手足厥冷Lesson 21complementary therapy补充疗法alternative medicine 替代医学rehabilitation process康复过程side-effects副作用active ingredients 有效成分evidence-based data 询证数据double-blind randomized trial双盲随机试验stroke onset中风发病hyper-acute stage超急性期proprietary medicine 专利药品animal models动物模型risk of bleeding出血的危险因素mechanism of action作用机制low-quality medical treatments医疗质量低下 physiotherapy物理疗法 neuroplasticity 神经可塑性mainstream medicine 主流药物antiplatelet agent抗血小板剂microbial analysis微生物分析heavy metal research 重金属研究。
Lesson One History of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医术语acupunture and moxibusion 针灸health maintenance 养生drugs cold and cool 寒凉药the schoolof cold and cool 寒凉派diaphoesis emesis purgation 汗吐下the school of purgation 攻下派exagenous pathogenic factors 外邪reinforcing the earth 补土internal impairment of spleen and stomach would bring about vorious diseases 内伤脾胃由生yang is usually redundant ,while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余阴常不足nourishing yin 滋阴medicinal herbs 草药blood stagnation 淤血warm and inorgorate the spleen and stomach温养脾胃中国医药学: traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论: basic theory of traditional百病Chinese medicine 临床经验: clinical experience 辨证论治: treatment based on syndrome differentiation; pattern identification and treatment 本草: materia medica中药: Chinese materia medica; Chinese medicinals 中草药: Chinese medicinal herbs 四气五味: four properties and five tastes 针灸: acupuncture and moxibustion 各家学说: theories of different schools 汗法: diaphoresis; sweating therapy 下法: purgative therapy; precipitation 吐法: emetic therapy; vomiting therapy 补土派: school of invigorating the earth 病因学说:etiology养生: health cultivation; health improvement; health preservation 医疗实践: medical practice治疗原则: therapeutic principles 寒凉药物: cold and cool medicinals 滋阴降火: nourishing yinto reduce fire 瘀血: blood stasis 正气: healthy qi 病邪: pathogenic factor 整体观念: holism; holistic concept 气血运行: circulation of qi and blood 自然现象: natural phenomenaLess on Two Materialism and Dialectics in Traditi onal Chin ese Medici ne中医术语Materialism 唯物主义dialectics 辩证法celestial qi 天气terrestrial qi 地气the in teract ion betwee n yin and yang 阴阳相互作用the lucid yang asce nds to con stitute the earth 清阳为天qi tran sformati on 气化essenee 精pren atal esse nee 先天之精she n( spirit) 神pathological factor 邪气the oppositi on and un ity of yin and yang 阴阳对立统一the moti on and cha nges of yin and yang 阴阳运动变化organic whole 有机整体Five kinds of visceral qi 五脏之气five emoti onal cha nges 五志excessive rage impairs the liver 怒伤肝excessive joy impairs the heart 喜伤心excessive meditati on impairs the splee n 思伤脾excessive mela ncholy impairs the lung 悲伤肺excessive fright impairs the kid ney 恐伤肾routi ne treatme nt and con tray treatme nt 正治反治tit-for-tat(or blow-for-blow) 正治reinforcing therapy 补法purg ing therapy 泄法differe ntial applicati on and therapeutic methods 异法方宜men tal activity 神志活动the heart is the king orga n resp on sible for the activity of thinking con scious ness心为君主之官主神志意识will 意termed 志thi nki ng 思wisdom 智summer-heat 暑热zhe ngqi ( healthy qi ) 正气Less on Three The Basic Characteristics of TCM materilism and dialectics 唯物论和辨证法the concept of organic whole 整体观念treatment based on syndrone differentian 辨证论治draw ing yin from yang 从阴弓丨阳treati ng the ni ghts for curi ng disease on the left 从右治左treating the same disease with different therapies 同病异治treati ng differ nt disease with the same therapy 异病同治clear away fire in the heart 清心火sprouting occurs in spring ,growth in summer,transformationg in late summer ,reaping in autumn andstoring in win ter春生夏长秋收冬藏the relation between pachogenic factors and healthy qi 正邪关系the four diag no sic methods 四诊purg ing the small in test ine 泻小肠spri ng is usually marked by warrachs , summer by heat ,late summer by damp ness ,autu mnby dryn ess and win ter by cold 春暖夏暑长夏秋燥冬寒the interstitial space are open when one swears clothes in summer 天暑衣厚则奏理开哲学概念:philosophical concept对立统一:opposition and unity相互消长:mutual waning and waxing阴阳属性:nature of yin and yang相互转化:mutual transformation相互联系:interrelation相互制约:mutual restraint动态平衡:dynamic equilibrium阴平阳秘:yin and yang in equilibrium相互依存:interdependence阴阳的互根互用:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳离绝:dissociation of yin and yang阴阳转化:transformation between yin and yang阳消阴长:yang waning while yin waxing阴胜则阳病:predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang阳胜则热:predo minance of yang gen erat ing heat寒极生热:extreme cold generating heat热极生寒:extreme heat generating cold相反相成:opposite and supplementary to each other生理功能:physiological functions病理变化:pathological changes临床诊断:cli ni cal diag no sis阳胜生外热:exuberanee of yang leading to exterior heat阳中求阴:obtaining yin from yang阳虚则寒:yang deficiency leading to heat阳损及阴:impairment of yang involving yin阴中之阳:yang within yin阴阳两虚:simultaneous deficiency of yin and yang阳虚发热:fever due to yang deficiency阴阳学说:theory of yin and yang症状与病名 stomatitis 口腔炎 dyse ntery 痢疾measles 麻疹 the collapse of zhongqi 中气下陷 Less on Four The Theory of Yin and Yang中医术语相互消长: growth and decli ne betwee n yin and yang阴阳属性: yin and yang properties相互转化:in ter-tra nsformati on相互依存:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳的无限可分性: the infinite divisibility of yin and yang阴平阳秘: yang steadies while yin calms阳消阴长: waning of yang will lead to waxi ng of yin阳胜则热: predo minance of yang gives rise to heat syn drome寒极生热: extreme cold brings on heat热极生寒: extreme heat brings to cold阴中之阴:yin within yin阳中之阳: yang with in yang阴中之阳: yin withi n yang阳中之阴: yang within yin阴阳互根:in terdepe ndence betwee n yin and yang阴阳自和: n atural harm ony of yin and yang春生 sprouting in spring夏长 growing in summer秋收 reaping in autumn冬藏 stori ng in win ter相互制约: mutual oppositi on and restrict ion betwee n yin and yang动静升降出入 motion and quiescence ,ascending and descending exiting and entering孤阳不升,孤阴不长 if only yang exists ,there will be no birth,if only yin exists,there will be no growth .动态平衡 dyn amic equilibrium阴胜则热 excess of yang causing heat阴阳失调 :imbalance between yin and yang阴阳两虚 deficie ncy of both yin and yangdual vacuity of yin and yang 阴阳乖戾 dysequilibrium betwee n yin and yang 阴阳离决 separati on of yin and yangwhile yin is (exubera nt)prevails, there is cold wisema n 02proctoptosis 脱肛hysteroptosis 子宫脱垂ulcer 溃疡yin-yang disharm ony wiseman 02/ 谢竹藩 04wisema n 02yin g-ya ng imbala nce 谢竹藩04阳胜则热whe n yang prevails, there is heat wisema n 02阳胜则阴病when yang prevails, yin ails wiseman 02阴胜则阳病whe n yin prevails, yang ails wisema n02阳虚则外寒whe n yang is vacuous, there isexter nal c old wisema n02阴虚则内热whe n yin is is vacuous, there i s i nternal heat wisema n02阴损及阳detrime nt to yang affects yin wisema n02阳损及阴exubera nt yin repelli ng yang wisema n02阴虚火盛exubera nt yin vacuity fire wisema n02exuberanee of fire/due to yin-deficiency 简明汉英中医词典2002 李照国阴虚火旺effulge nt yin vacuity fire wisema n 02yin vacuity fire effulge nt wisema n 02yin deficiency with effulgent fire 中医药常用名词术语英译2004。
英语常见中医术语绪论introduction中医学traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)中医学理论体系theory system of TCM中医基础理论basic theory of TCM整体观念holism concept五脏一体观holism of five ogans形神一体观holism of body and spirit天人一体观holism of human beings and universe医学模式medical pattern辨证syndrome differentiation论治treatment variation疾病disease证候syndrome症状symptom体征physical sign辨病disease diagnosing同病异治different treament for the same disease异病同治the same treatment for the different disease第一章中医学的哲学基础Ancient philosophic basis of TCM精jing(as the world origin in ancient philosophy)气qi(as the world origin in the ancient philosophy)精气学说theory of jingqi生命life中介medium气机qi activity气化qi transformation感应induction水地说hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth 云气说hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air气一元论monism of qi元气一元论monism of qi阴阳yinyang; yin and yang阴阳学说theory of yinyang阴阳对立inter-opposition between yin and yang阴阳互根inter-dependence between yin and yang阴阳消长wane and wax between yin and yang阴阳交感inter-induction between yin and yang阴阳互藏inter-containing between yin and yang阴阳转化inter-transformation between yin and yang阴阳自和reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium阴阳平衡both yin and yang in equilibrium五行five elements五行学说theory of five elements五行相生inter-promotion of five elements五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements五行制化relationship of promotion and restriction of five elements 五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements母病及子mother-organ diorder involving its child-organ子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金reinforcing earth to generate metal益火补土tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土治水cultivating earth to control water佐金平木assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water)宏观观察obsevation on macroscopic level中和golden mean类比analogy第二章藏象Viscera state藏象viscera state藏象学说doctrine of viscera state脏腑viscera; zangfu organs五脏five zang organs心heart肺lung脾spleen肝liver肾kidney六腑six fu organs胆gall baldder胃stomach小肠small intestin大肠large intestine三焦tri-jiao; sanjiao膀胱urinary blader奇恒之腑extraordinary fu organs脑brain髓marrow骨bone脉vessel女子胞uterus满而不实full of essence without foodstuff实而不满full of foodstuff without essence 心主神明heart controlling mental activities心主血脉heart controlling blood circulation心藏神heart storing spirit肺主气lun governing qi肺主呼吸之气lung governing respiratory qi肺主一身之气lung governing physical qi肺朝百脉convergence of vessels in the lung肺主行水lung governing water metabolism肺主治节lung governing coordinative activities of viscera肺为华盖lung being the canopy肺为娇脏lung being the delicate organ肺主宣发肃降lung controlling dispersing outward and inwards气门pore后天之本source of acquired constitution脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation脾气主升spleen governing ascending脾主统血spleen governing blood脾喜燥恶湿spleen preferring dryness to dampness肝主疏泄liver govering regulating肝主藏血liver storing blood肝体因而用阳liver of yin nature with yang functioning肝为刚脏liver being the resolute viscera罢极之本source of endurance先天之本congenital foundation肾藏精kidney storing essence肾阴kidney yin肾阳kidney yang肾精kidney essence肾气kidney qi天癸tiangui肾主水液kidney governing water肾主纳气kidney receiving respiratory qi命门vital gate七冲门seven important portals胆主决断gallbladder governing deciding胃主通降stomach managing downward transportation of food喜润恶燥preferring moisture to dryness受盛化物containing and digesting泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid上焦如雾upper-jiao resembling mist中焦如沤middle-jiao resembling fermenter下焦如渎lower-jiao rezembling drainage元神之府mentality house脑为髓海brain being the marrow sea心肾相交coordination between heart and kidney水火相济regulation between water and fire肺为气之主lung being the governor of qi肾为气之根kidney being the root of qi肝肾同源liver and kidney sharing the same origin乙癸同源Yi and Gui sharing the same origin (liver and kidney sharing the same origin)精血同源essence and blood sharing the ame origin藏泄互用interdependence between storing and discharging纳运相得inter-promotion between containing and digestion升降相因inerdependence between ascending and descending燥湿相济interdependence between drying and moistening胃润喜恶燥stomach preferring moisture to dryness第三章精气血津液神Essence, qi, blood, body fluid and,spirit气qi元气primordial qi元阴primordial yin元阳primordial yang气机qi activity气化qi transformation气海qi sea卫气defensive qi宗气thoracic qi营气nutrient qi原气primordial qi气能生血qi promoting blood production气为血之帅qi being the governor of blood气主升之qi promoting气能生津qi promoting body fluid production气能行血qi promtoting blood circulation血为气之母blood being the mother of qi血主濡之blood nourishing气能行津qi promoting body fluid circulation气能摄血qi governing blood津能载气body fluid conveying qi血能载气blood conveying qi气能摄津qi governing body fluid津停气滞body fluid retention causing qi stagnation血blood精essence神spirit精能化气essence transforming into qi先天之精congenital essence后天之精acquired essence水谷之精foodstuff essence气能生精qi promoting esssence production津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same source血汗同源bloood and sweat sharing the same source膻中danzhong虚里heart apex津液body fluid第四章经络Meridians and collaterals经络meridians and collaterals经络学说theory of meridian and collateral; meridian doctrine 经气meridian qi经脉meridian; channel络脉collateral十二经脉twelve meridians十二正经twelve regular channels手太阴肺经lung channel of hand taiyin(L)手阳明大肠经large intestine channel of hand yangming(LI)足阳明胃经stomach channel of foot yangming(St)足太阴脾经spleen channel of foot tayin(Sp)手少阴心经heart channel of hand shaoyin(H)手太阳小肠经small intestine channel of hand taiyang(SI)足太阳膀胱经urinary bladder channel of foot taiyang(U足少阴肾经kidney channel of foot shaoyin(K)手厥阴心包经pericadium channel of hand jueyin(P)手少阳三焦经tri-jiao channel of hand shaoyang(TJ)足少阳胆经gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang(G足厥阴肝经liver channel of foot jueyin(Liv)奇经八脉eight extra channels督脉governor vesesl; Du meridian任脉conception vessel; Ren meridian冲脉flush vessel; Chong meridian带脉belt vessel; Dai meridian阴跷脉yinqiao meridian阳跷脉yangqiao meridian阴维脉yinwei meridian阳维脉yangwei meridan十二经别twelve divergent channels十五别络fifteen large collaterals孙络minute collateral浮络superficial collateral十二经筋twelve meridian musculatures十二皮部twelve cutaneous areas阳脉之海sea of yang meridian (governor vessel)阴脉之海sea of yin meridian (conception vessel)任主胞胎conception vessel govening uterus and gestation十二经脉之海sea of the twelve meridians (flush vessel)血海blood sea (flush vessel)第四章体质Body constitution体质body constitution形神合一harmonization between soma and spirit体格physique体型body type人格personality气质temperament性格character素质heredity理想体质ideal body constitutions病势disease tendency质化(从化)property transformation第六章病因Pathogeny病因pathogeny病因学说etiology辨症求因pathogeny differentiation from symptoms and signs 六淫six exopathogens六气six climates六邪six exopathogen*伤寒**ogenous febrile disease中寒cold stroke风性轻扬wind tending to drift善行数变migrant and variable风性主动wind tending to migrate百病之长guide of various disease寒性凝滞cold tending to coagulate and stagnate寒性收引cold tending to contract寒则气收cold retarding qi circulation暑性升散summer heat tending to ascend and disperse炅则气泄heat causing qi exhaustion暑多夹湿summer heat usually accompanied with dampness 湿性重浊dampness being heavy and turbid湿性黏滞dampneee being viscous and lingering湿性趋下sampness tending to descend燥性干涩dryness tending to desiccate火性趋上fire tending to flare up火易生风动血fire causing wind and bleeding疠气epidemic pathogens瘟疫pestilence七情seven emotions七情内伤inernal injuries caused by seven emotions怒则气上rage causing qi to flow upwards喜则气缓joy causing qi slack悲则气消grief causing qi depression思则气结contemplation causing qi stagnation惊则气乱terror causing qi disorder恐则气下fear causing qi collapse饮食不节improper diet饮食不洁dirty diet饮食偏嗜diet preference形劳physical overstrain劳则气耗overstrain causing qi exhausetion心劳heart overstrain神劳psychological ovrestrain肾劳kidney overstrain房劳***ual overstrain有形之痰visible phlegm无形之痰invisible phlegm瘀血blood stasis结石calculus药邪medicine abuse医过therapist fault胎弱congenital deficiency胎毒fetus toxin第七章发病Invasion正气healthy qi邪气pathogenic factors遗传病genetic disease感邪即发acute onset after affected徐发chronic onset伏而后发latent onset继发secondary onset合病simultaneous onset并病following onset复病recurrence后遗症sequela重感致复re-affected causing recurrence食复diet recurrence劳复overstrain recurrence药复medicine recurrence情志致复emotion recurrence第八章病机Pathogenesis病机pathogenesis病机学pathology病机层次pathological level基本病机basic pathogenesis实sthenia实证sthenic syndrome虚asthenia虚证asthenia syndrome虚实错杂mixture of asthenia and sthenia虚中夹实asthenia with sthenia实中夹虚sthenia with asthenia虚实转化inter-transformation between asthenia and sthenia由实转虚sthenia transforming into asthenia因虚致实sthenia symptoms caused by asthenia虚实真假pseudo or true manifestation of asthenia and sthenia 真实假虚sthenia with pseudo asthenia大实有羸状excessive sthenia manifesting a* **cessive asthenia 真虚假实asthenia with pseudo sthenia至虚有盛候excessive asthenia manifesting a* **cessive sthenia 正胜邪退healthy qi expelling pathogen邪去正虚pathogen retreating with asthenia healthy qi邪盛正衰prosperous pathogen with asthenia healthy qi 邪正相持struggle between healthy qi and pathogen正虚邪恋asthenic healthy qi with pathogen lingering 阴阳失调imbalance between yin and yang阴阳偏盛excess of yin or yang阳偏盛yang excess阳盛yang excess阴偏盛yin excess阴盛yin excess阴阳偏衰deficiency of yin or yang阳偏衰yang deficiency阳虚yang deficiency阴偏衰yin dificiency阴虚yin deficiency阴阳互损inter-impairment between yin and yang阴损及阳yin impairment involving yang阳损及阴yang impairment involving yin阴阳格拒repellence between yin and yang阴盛格阳predominant yin rejecting yang格阳rejecting yang阳盛格阴predominant yang rejecting yin格阴rejecting yin阴阳亡失exhaustion of yin or yang亡阴yin exhaustion亡阳阳yang exhaustion精虚essence asthenia精瘀essence stasis气虚qi asthenia气机失调disorder of qi activity气滞qi stagnation气逆qi adverseness气陷qi collapse上气不足qi failing to transport upward中气下陷qi failing to lift气闭qi blockage气脱qi exhaustion血虚blood asthenia血瘀blood stasis出血haemorrhage血寒blood cold血热blood heat精气两虚asthenia of essence and qi精血不足asthenia of essence and blood气滞精瘀qi stagnation and essence stasis血瘀精阻blood stasis and essence obstruction气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis气虚血瘀qi asthenia causing blood stasis气不摄血qi failing to control blood气随血脱qi exhaustion resulting from hemorrhage 气血两虚asthenia of qi and blood津液不足body fluid asthenia伤津body fluid impairment脱液body fluid exhausetion津液输布障碍dysfunction of body fluid distribution 津液排泄障碍dysfuncion of body fluid excretion水停气阻water retention causing qi stagnation气随津脱qi exhaustion resulting from body fluid loss 津枯血燥body fluid depletion causing blood stasis 津亏血瘀body fluid depletion causing blood stasis 血瘀水停blood stasis causing water retention内风endogenous wind风气内动disturbance of endogenous wind肝风liver wind肝阳化风liver yang causing wind热极生风extreme heat causing wind阴虚风动yin asthenia causing wind血虚生风blood asthenia causing wind寒从中生cold originating from interior内寒endogenous cold湿浊内生dampness originating from interior内湿endogenous dampness津伤化燥body fluid impairment causing dryness内燥endogenous dryness火热内生heat or fire originatin from interior内热endogenous heat内火endogenous fire少火junior fire壮火excessive fire阳亢化火excessive yang causing fire气有余便是火excessive qi causing fire邪郁化火pathogen accumulation causing fire五志化火five emotions causing fire阴虚火旺yin asthenia causing fire疾病传变pathogenesis transmission病位传变focus transmission表里传变transmission between interior and exterior表病入里exogenous disease invading interior里病出表endogenous disease retreating to exterior半表半里semi-interior and semi-exterior直中direct attack六经传变six merdians transmission 三焦传变tri-jiao transmission卫气营血传变transmission of wei, qi, ying and xue顺传sequential transmission逆传adverse transmission脏腑传变viscera transmission脏与脏的传变transmission among zang organs脏与腑的传变transmission among zang organs and fu organs 腑与腑的传变transmission among fu organs形脏内外传变transmission between interior and exterior寒热转化inter-transformation between cold and heat寒化热cold transforming into heat热化寒heat transforming into cold第九章防治原则Principle of prevention and therapy预防prevention养生health promotion未病先防prevention before disease onset既病防变preventing disease from exacerbating治则therapeutic principle治法therapeutic method治病求本treating disease from the root标本branch and root正治routine treatment反治contrary treatment寒者热之cold treated with warm热者寒之heat treated with cool虚则补之asthenia requiring tonification实则泻之sthenia requiring purgation热因热用heat treated with warm寒因寒用cold treated with cool通因通用diarrhea treated with purgation塞因塞用obstruction treated with tonification扶正strengthening healthy qi祛邪eliminating pathogens因时制宜climate-concerned treatment因地制宜environment-concerned treatment因人制宜individuality-concerned treatment中医诊断英语阴阳五行1 五行fie phases2 阴阳yin and yang;yin-yang3 五志fie minds4 五味fie flaors5 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment;identify patterns and determine treatment脏腑6 脏腑zang-fu organs; bowels and iscera7 心藏神The heart stores the spirit.8 神明spirit; mind; mental actiity9 肺主宣发The lung goerns diffusion.10 肺主肃降The lung goerns descent.The lung goerns purification and descent.11 通调水道regulate the waterways12 肺主行水The lung goerns the moement of water13 脾主运化The spleen goerns transportation and transformation.14 脾为后天之本The spleen is the root of acquired constitution.15 脾主升清The spleen goerns ascent of the clear.16 脾统血The spleen controls the blood.17 脾恶湿The spleen is aerse to dampness.18 肝主疏泄The lier goerns free coursing.19 肝主升发The lier goerns ascent and dispersion20 肝主身之筋膜The lier goerns the body’s sinews.21 命门①ming men; life gate ②ming men (DU 4)22 肾精kidney essence23 天癸tian gui24 肾为先天之本The kidney is the root of congenital constitution.25 泌别清浊separation of the clear and turbid26 三焦triple burner27 心肾不交failure of the heart and kidney to communicate形体官窍28 筋sinew29 脉①essel;②pulse30 七窍seen orifices气血津液精神31 气机qi dynamic32 正气right qi33 邪气eil qi34气分qi leel35 原气source qi36 元气original qi37 宗气gathering qi38 中气middle qi39 卫气defensie qi40 营气nutritie qi41 营血nutrient-blood42 津液fluid43 精①essence ②semen44 精气essential qi45 神spirit46 气为血帅qi as commander of blood经络47 经络channels and collaterals48 经脉channel49 穴位acupuncture point; point50 背俞穴back-shu point51 耳穴ear point; auricular point52 手太阴肺经The hand greater yin lung channel; LU (WHO)53 手阳明大肠经The hand yang brightness large intestine channel; LI (WHO)54 足阳明胃经The foot yang brightness stomach channel; ST (WHO)55 足太阴脾经The foot greater yin spleen channel; SP (WHO)56 手少阴心经The hand lesser yin heart channel; HT (WHO)57 手太阳小肠经The hand greater yang small intestine channel; SI (WHO)58 足太阳膀胱经The foot greater yang bladder channel; BL (WHO)59 足少阴肾经The foot lesser yin kidney channel; KI (WHO)60 手厥阴心包经The hand reerting yin pericardium channel; PC (WHO)61 手少阳三焦经The hand lesser yang triple burner channel; TB (WHO)62 足少阳胆经The foot lesser yang gallbladder channel; GB (WHO)63 足厥阴肝经The foot reerting yin lier channel; L (WHO)病因64 病因etiology;etiologic factor;cause of disease65 实邪excess eil66 表邪exterior eil67 外感external contraction68 七情seen affects69 痰phlegm70 饮①rheum ;fluid retention ②drink③decoction71 瘀血static blood72 血瘀blood stasis病机73 病机pathomechanism74 虚deficiency75 实excess76 亏虚,亏损depletion77 不足insufficient78 阴虚火旺hyperactiity of fire due to yin deficiency79 气滞qi stagnation80 气郁qi constraint81 气逆qi counterflow82 气陷sinking of qi83 气闭qi blockage84 气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis85 内风internal wind86 寒凝气滞qi stagnation due to congealing cold87 心火上扰flaring up of heart fire88 痰火扰心phlegm-fire disturbing the heart89 痰蒙心包phlegm clouding the pericardium90 痰浊阻肺turbid phlegm obstructing the lung91 脾虚湿困spleen deficiency leading to damp encumbrance ; damp encumbrance due to spleen deficiency92 脾失健运spleen failing to transform and transport; failure of the spleen to transform and transport93 肝阳上亢ascendant hyperactiity of lier yang94 肝郁lier constraint95 肝气郁结binding constraint of lier qi96 肝风内动lier wind stirring internally97 肾不纳气kidney failing to grasp qi98 胃纳呆滞poor appetite and digestion99 热入心包heat entering the pericardium诊法100 四诊four examinations101 舌象tongue manifestation; tongue appearance102 舌神tongue spirit103 舌色tongue color104 淡红舌light red tongue105 淡白舌pale tongue106 红舌red tongue107 绛舌crimson tongue108 紫舌purple tongue109 青舌blue tongue110 舌形tongue shape111 舌质tongue body112 胖大舌enlarged tongue113 齿痕舌tooth-marked tongue114 肿胀舌swollen tongue115 瘦薄舌thin tongue116 点刺舌spotted tongue117 芒刺舌prickly tongue118 裂纹舌cracked tongue119 (舌上)瘀斑stasis maculae120 (舌上)瘀点stasis spots121 舌态tongue condition122 痿软舌flaccid tongue123 强硬舌stiff tongue124 吐舌protruding tongue125 弄舌waggling tongue126 舌苔tongue coating127 厚苔thick coating128 薄苔thin coating129 润苔moist coating130 燥苔dry coating131 糙苔rough coating132 燥裂苔dry cracked coating133 瓣晕苔petalled coating134 滑苔glossy coating135 腻苔greasy coating136 腐苔curd-like coating137 粘腻苔sticky greasy coating138 剥苔peeled coating139 类剥苔peeled-like coating140 地图舌geographic tongue141 镜面舌mirror-like coating142 无根苔rootless coating143 有根苔rooted coating144 苔色color of coating145 脉诊pulse examination; pulse diagnosis 146 切脉,把脉pulse taking147 平脉normal pulse148 寸口radial pulse; cun kou149 寸关尺cun, guan and chi; inch, bar and cubit150 浮脉floating pulse151 散脉scattered pulse152 芤脉hollow pulse153 伏脉hidden pulse154 牢脉firm pulse155 迟脉slow pulse156 缓脉moderate pulse157 数脉rapid pulse158 疾脉racing pulse159 沉脉deep pulse160 细脉thready pulse161 长脉long pulse162 短脉short pulse163 虚脉deficient pulse164 实脉excess pulse165 弱脉weak pulse166 微脉faint pulse167 洪脉surging pulse168 滑脉slippery pulse169 涩脉rough pulse170 弦脉wiry pulse171 动脉bouncing pulse172 紧脉tight pulse173 革脉drumskin pulse174 濡脉soggy pulse175 歇止脉pausing pulse176 结脉knotted pulse; irregularly intermittent pulse 177 代脉intermittent pulse ; regularly intermittent pulse 178 促脉hasty pulse; rapid-irregular pulse179 恶寒aersion to cold180 畏寒fear to cold181 潮热tidal feer182 五心烦热exing heat in the fie hearts183 骨蒸steaming bone184 寒战shiering中药185 性nature186 味flaour187 性味nature and flaour188 四气four nature189 寒cold190 热hot191 温warm192 凉cool193 平neutral194 五味fie flaours195 辛acrid196 甘sweet197 酸sour198 苦bitter199 咸salty200 淡bland201 涩astringent202 升降浮沉ascending and descending, floating and sinking203 归经channel entered204 功能actions205 主治indications206 用量dosage207 使用注意caution208 禁忌症contraindication表寒里热biao han li re exterior cold ,interior heat表热里寒biao re li han exterior heat,interior cold冲任不补chong ren bu bu chong&ren not securing冲任不调chong ren bu tiao chong&ren not regulated 冲任失调chong ren shi tiao loss of regulation of the chong&ren冲任损伤chong ren sun shang chong&ren detriment and damage大肠寒结da chang han jie large intestine cold binding大肠湿热da chang shi re large intestine damp heat大肠虚da chang xu large intestine vacuity大肠虚寒da chang xu han large intestine vacuity cold大肠液亏da chang ye kui large intestine humor depletion胆热dan re gallbladder heat胆虚dan xu gallbladder vacuity肺火fei huo lung fire肺津不布fei jin bu bu lung fluids not distributed肺络损伤fei luo sun shang lung network vessel detriment&damage肺气不利fei qi bu li inhibition of the lung qi肺气不宣fei qi bu xuan lung qi not diffusing肺气虚fei qi xu lung qi vacuity肺热fei re lung heat肺肾两虚fei shen liang xu lung-kidney dual vacuity肺肾气虚fei shen qi xu lung-kidney qi vacuity肺肾阴虚fei shen yin xu lung-kidney yin vacuity肺实fei shi lung repletion肺失清肃fei shi qing su lung loss of clearing &depurating肺虚fei xu lung vacuity肺阴虚fei yin xu lung yin vacuity肺阴虚燥feiyin xu zao lung yin vacuity dryness肺燥fei zao lung dryness伏热在里fu re zai li deep-lying heat in the interior肝胆气虚gan dan qi xu liver-gallbladder qi vacuity肝胆湿热gan dan shi re liver-gallbladder damp heat肝风内动gan feng nei dong liver wind stirring internally肝寒gan han liver cold肝火gan huo liver fire肝火上炎gan huo shang yan liver fire flaring upward肝气犯脾gan qi fan pi liver qi assails the spleen肝气犯胃fan qi fan wei liver qi assails the stomach肝气上逆gan qi shang ni liver qi counterflowing upward肝热gan re liver fire肝肾亏损gan shen kui sun liver-kidney depletion&detriment肝肾两虚gan shen liang xu liver-kidney dual vacuity肝血虚gan xue xu liver blood vacuity肝阳上亢gang yang shang kang ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang 肝阴虚gan yin xu liver yin vacuity肝郁脾虚gan yu pi xu liver depression,spleen vacuity肝郁气滞gan yu qi zhi liver depression qi stagnation寒极生热han ji sheng re extreme cold engenders heat寒凝肝脉han ning gan mai cold congelation in the liver vessel寒凝气滞han ning qi zhi cold congelation qi stagnation寒痰阻肺han tan zu fei cold phlegm obstructing the lungs久热伤阴jiu re shang yin enduring heat damages yin龙火内燔long huo nei fan dragon fire internally blazing命门火旺ming men huo wang life gate fire effulgence膀胱气闭pang guang qi bi bladder qi block膀胱湿热pang guang shi re bladder damp heat膀胱虚寒pang gang xu han bladder vacuity cold脬气不固pao qi bu gu bladder qi not securing脾不统血pi bu tong xue spleen not managing(i.e.,restraining)the blood 脾肺两虚pi fei liang xu spleen-lung dual vacuity脾气不升pi qi bu sheng spleen qi not upbearing脾气虚pi qu xu spleen qi vacuity脾热pi re spleen heat脾肾阳虚pi shen yang xu spleen-kidney yang vacuity脾失健运pi shi jian yun spleen loss of fortification &movement脾失运化pi shi yun hua spleen loss of movement&transformation脾胃湿热pi wei shi re spleen-stomach damp heat脾胃虚弱pi we xu ruo spleen-stomach vacuity weakness脾虚pi xu spleen vacuity脾虚湿困pi xu shi kun spleen vacuity,damp encumbrance脾阳虚pi yang xu spleen yang vacuity脾阴虚pi yin xu spleen yin vacuiry气化不利qi hua bu li inhibition of qi transformation气机不利qi ji bu li inhibition of the qi mechanism气髓血脱qi sui xue tuo qi follows blood desertion气虚中满qi xu zhong man qi vacuity central fullness气血两虚qi xue liang xu qi&blood dual vacuity气血失调qi xue shi tiao qi&blood loss of regulation气阴两虚qi yin liang xu qi &yin dual vacuiry气滞血瘀qi zhi xue yu qi stagnation &blood stasis热伏冲任re fu chong ren heat deep-lying or hidden in the chong &ren热极生寒re ji sheng han extreme heat engenders cold热结膀胱re jie pang guang heat bound in the bladder热入心包re ru xin bao heat entering the pericardium热入血分re ru xue fen heat entering the blood phase热入血室re ru xin shi heat entering the blood chamber热伤肺络re shang fei luo heat damaging the lung network vessels热伤筋脉re shang jin mai heat damaging the sinews and vessles(or sinew vessels)热伤神明re shang shen ming heat damaging the spirit brightness热盛气分re sheng qi fen heat exuberance in the qi division热邪阻肺re xie zu fei heat evils obstructing the lungs热灼肾阴re zhuo shen yin heat buring kidney yin三蕉湿热san jiao shi re triple burner damp heat三蕉虚寒san jiao xu han triple burner vacuity cold上寒下热shang han xia re above cold ,below heat上热下寒shang re xia han above heat ,below cold伤损及下shang sun ji xia detriment above reaching below少阴寒化shao yin han hua shao yin cold transformation少阴热化shao yin re hua shao yin heat transformation肾气不固shen qi bu gu kidney qi not securing肾虚shen xu kidney vacuity肾溆水泛shen xu shui fan kidney vacuity,water flooding肾阳虚shen yang xu kidney yang vacuity肾阳虚衰shen yang xu shuai kidney yang vacuity and debility肾阴虚shen yin xu kidney yin vacuity升降失常sheng jiang shi chang upbearing&downbearing lose their normalcy湿热内熏shi re nei xun dampness&heat internally brewing湿热小蕉shi re xiao jiao damp heat in the lower burner湿热瘀滞shi re yu zhi damp heat stasis&stagnation湿胜阳微shi sheng yang wei dampness prevailing ,yang becoming slight湿郁热伏shi yu re fu damp depression,heat deeply lying食滞胃腕shi zhi wei wan food stagnating in the stomach venter湿阻气分shi zu qi fen dampness obstructing the qi division湿阻中蕉shi zu zhong jiao dampness obstructing the middle burner水不化气shui bu hua qi water not transforming the qi痰火扰心tan huo rao xin phlegm fire harassing the heart痰密心窍tan mi xin qiao phlegm confounding ghe portals of the heart痰热阻肺tan re zu fei phlegm heat obstructs the lungs痰湿阻肺tan shi zu fei phlegm dampness obstructing the lungs痰阻肺络tan zu fei luo phlegm obstructing the lung network vessels胃寒wei han stomach cold胃火上升we huo shang sheng stomach fire borne upward胃气不固wei qi bu gu defensive qi not securing胃气不和wei qi bu he stomach qi disharmony胃气虚wei qi xu stomach qi vacuity胃热wei re stomach heat胃热壅盛wei re yong sheng stomach heat congesting&exuberant胃失和降wei shi he jiang stomach loss of harmony&downbearing胃虚wei xu stomach vacuity胃阴虚wei yin xu stomach yin vacuity温邪犯肺wen xie fan fei warm evils assailing the lungs温邪上受wen xie shang shou warm evils affect above下损及上xia sun ji shang lower detriment reaches above相火妄动xiang huo wang dong ministerial fire frenetically stirring小肠湿热xiao chang shi re small intestine damp heat小肠虚寒xiao chang xu han small intestine vacuity cold邪留三蕉xie liu san jiao evils retained in the three burners心火亢盛xin huo kang sheng heart fire hyperactivity &exuberance心火内炽xin huo nei chi heart fire blazing internally心火上炎xin huo shang yan heart fire flares upward心脾两虚xin pi liang xu heart-spleen dual vacuity心气不宁xin qi bu ning heart qi not quiet心气不绶xin qi bu shou heart qi not restraining心肾不交xin shen bu jiao heart&kidneys not interacting心虚胆怯xin xu dan qie heart vacuity ,gallbladder timidity心血虚xin xue xu heart blood vacuity心阳虚xin yang xu heart yang vacuity心阴虚xin yin xu heart yin vacuity虚风内动xu feng nei dong vacuity wind stirring internally虚热上炎xu re shang yan vacuity heat flares upward虚阳上浮xu yang shang fu vacuous yang floats upward血不归经xue bu gui jing blood not returning to the channels血分热毒xue fen re du blood division heat toxins血分瘀热xue fen yu re blood division static heat血随气陷xue sui qi xian blood follows qi fall阳盛阴伤yang sheng yin shang yang exuberance damages yin阴虚肺燥yin xu fei zao yin vacuity lung dryness阴虚阳亢yin xu yang kang yin vacuity yang hyperactivity阴虚阳旺yin xu yang wang yin vacuity yang effulgence阴阳两虚yin yang liang xu yin&yang dual vacuity荥卫不和ying wei bu he constructive &defensive disharmony瘀热在里yu re zai li stasis&heat located in the interior燥气伤肺zao qi shang fei dry qi damaging the lungs中气不足zhong qi bu zu central qi insufficiency中气下陷zhong qi xia xian central qi downward fall中阳不振zhong yang bu zhen central yang devitalized壮热食气zhuang re shi qi strong fire eats the qi中医英语笔画查找一阳"frist yang, Shaoyang Channel"一阴"frist yin, Jreyin Channel"一逆one mista ade in treatment一息respiration一侧的unilateral一日量daily dose一服药a dose of medicine一夫法finger breadth measurement一身痛重general pain and heaviness乙癸同源Yi(the live) and Gui)the Kidney) bejing the same source二阴"two lower orifices, ie, the external urethral orifice and the anus"二浊reddish and whitish turbid urine二十八脉twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition二阳并病Shaoyang syndrome complicated by Taiyang syndrome二便不利difficulty in urination and defecation。
dysentery养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing awayheat相互联系interrelation清肺热clear away lung-heat 相互制约mutual restraint, mutualrestriction/interaction湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading thelung动态平衡dynamic equilibrium清热泻火clearing away heat and reducingfire阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitialspace阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang 水湿停滞retention of water and dampness,water retention相互依存interdependence癃闭retention of urine 阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood 相反相成opposite and supplementary to each阴阳转化transformation between yin andyang生理功能physiological functions阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing 病理变化pathological changes阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading todisorder of yang临床诊断clinical diagnosis阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang 阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳胜则热predominance of yang generatingheat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 绝对偏盛absolute predominance热极生寒extreme heat generating cold 阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin 阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin andyang阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid 阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin andyang病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis 阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency病机pathomechanism, pathologicalmechanism阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yinand yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome 木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin 金水相生generation between the metal andwater祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold 生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction消导积滞promoting digestion and removingfood retention制则生化restriction ensuring generation潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind 母病及子disease of the mother-organ affectingthe child-organ肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of theblood脏腑火热炽盛exuberant fire and heat in theviscera机体正常水液normal fluid inside the body热迫血分heat invading the blood phase 气滞津停retention of fluid due to stagnation of qi 寒凝气滞stagnation of cold and qi 身倦乏力lassitude气滞血瘀qi stagnation and blood stasis 伤津脱液consumption and loss of the body fluid津液的营养和滋润作用the nourishing and moistening functions of the body fluid 津液的生成、输布和排泄production, distribution, and excretion of the body fluid腹痛拒按unpalpable abdominal pain 脾的“散精”功能the function of the spleen to“dissipate essence”津液不足insufficiency of the body fluid 水液停聚retention of water奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels, eight extraordinary meridians 胃的“游溢精气”the function of the stomach to “distribute essence”津液生化匮乏scanty production of the body fluid 津液的代谢平衡the metabolic balance of the body fluid热盛耗伤津液consumption of the body fluid due to excessive heat 风为百病之长wind is the leading factor in causing various diseases水液代谢障碍disturbance of water metabolism 气随津脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid水湿困脾dampness encumbering the spleen 濡养肌肤moistening and nourishing the skin湿邪内盛exuberance of interior dampness 经脉之海sea of meridians脾虚水肿edema due to spleen deficiency 滋养脏腑moistening and nourishing the viscera 运行全身气血transporting qi and blood in thewhole body十二经别twelve branches of meridians联络脏腑肢节connecting with viscera, limbsand joints经别divergent meridians循行路线running route 经气meridian qi十二正经twelve regular meridians 十二皮部twelve skin areas, twelve skinregions/divisions经隧阻滞blockage of meridians 十二经筋twelve meridian tendons经穴meridian acupoints, Jing-River acupoint 饮食劳倦improper diet and overstrain经络辨证syndrome differentiation accordingto meridians风寒感冒common cold due to wind-cold经络感传meridian conduction, channeltransmission湿热泄泻diarrhea due to damp-heat经络现象meridian phenomena 内生五邪five endogenous pathogenic factors 经络阻滞blockage of meridians 风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking thesuperficies舒筋活络relaxing tendons and activatingcollaterals游走性关节疼痛migratory arthralgias刺血疗法blood-pricking therapy 阳气衰退decline of yang-qi外感六淫attacked by six climate pathogenicfactors六淫six climatic evils感受寒邪attacked by pathogenic cold 经闭发肿amenorrhea with edema虚实夹杂deficiency complicated with excess, asthenia complicated with sthenia 邪正盛衰predominance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi寒性凝滞cold tending to stagnate by nature 病症的虚实变化asthenia and sthenia changesof disease腠理闭塞blockage of muscular interstices 机体的抗病能力body resistance经脉拘急收引contraction of tendons 五心烦热feverish sensation over the fivecenters湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness encumberingthe spleen五心five centers (palms, soles and chest)疾病的发生、发展与变化occurrence, development and changes of disease 生津安神promoting the production of body fluid and tranquilizing the mind体质强弱conditions of constitution 蓄血发黄jaundice due to blood accumulation 气血功能紊乱dysfunction of qi and blood 脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang阴阳偏盛大relative predominance of yin and yang 阴虚生内热yin deficiency generating interior heat五志过极extreme changes of emotions 热极生风extreme heat producing wind精气夺则虚depletion of essence causing deficiency 七情内伤internal injury due to emotional disorder阴阳互损mutual consumption of yin and yang 饮食不节improper diet真热假寒true heat and false cold 暴饮暴食craputence气机郁滞不畅stagnation of qi activity 神昏谵语coma and delirium津液代谢失常disorder of fluid metabolism 四诊合参combined use of the four diagnosticmethods寒热往来alternate attacks of chill and fever 精神活动mental activities津伤化燥consumption of fluid transforminginto dryness面部表情facial expressions风火胁痛hypochondriac pain due to wind-fire 精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi 口眼歪斜wry mouth with distorted eyes, facialdistortion预后良好favorable prognosis湿浊内生endogenous turbid dampness 表情淡漠apathetic facial expressions虚火上炎flaming of asthenia-fire 精神不振dispiritedness邪气内陷internal invasion of pathogenicfactors神志不清unconsciousness大肠热结retention of heat in the large intestine 轻宣润燥dispersing lung qi and moistening dryness心脉瘀阻blood stasis in the heart vessels 四肢抽搐convulsion of the limbs镜面舌mirror-like tongue 脏腑辨证syndrome differentiation of viscera饥不欲食hunger without desire for food 病位与病性location and nature of disease脉有胃气pulse with stomach qi 表里同病disease involving both the exterior andinterior清里泄热clearing away heat in the interior 风热眩晕vertigo due to wind-heat寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome 寒热错杂simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat中医常用词汇03-中药针灸等。
以下是望、闻、问、切的英文术语及其简要解释:1. 望(wàng):Observation望指通过观察病人的外表、面色、神情、舌苔、舌质等来诊断疾病。
例如:- Observation of the tongue and its coating 舌象观察- Facial observation 面部观察- Observation of the skin and hair 皮肤和头发观察2. 闻(wén):Olfaction闻指通过闻病人的口臭、汗臭及大便、尿臭等来诊断疾病。
例如:- Olfactory examination of the stool 大便气味的嗅觉检查- Odor of sweat 汗臭味- Smell of urine 尿液气味3. 问(wèn):Inquiry问指通过询问病人的病史、症状及体感来诊断疾病。
例如:- Inquiry of physical conditions 身体状况询问- Interrogation about symptoms 症状询问- Inquiry of medical history 医疗史询问4. 切(qiè):Palpation切指通过触摸病人的身体或特定部位来了解疾病的性质和病情。
例如:- Palpation of the pulse 脉搏触诊- Palpation of the abdomen 腹部触诊- Palpation of the meridians 经脉触诊总之,中医的望、闻、问、切是一种基于直觉和经验的综合诊断方法,通过观察、听闻、询问和触摸来确定疾病的性质和病情。
气随液脱depletion of fluidinvolving qi desertion 大汗、大吐、大泻,使津液大量丢失,气亦随津液大量外泄而脱失的危重病理变化。
气阴两虚deficiency of both qiand yin气虚和阴虚同时并见的病理变化。
内风endogenous wind又称“肝风内动”,“虚风内动”。
风胜则动predominate wind causingmotion 风邪侵袭,或肝风内动,出现头目肢体动摇、震颤等的病理变化。
阴虚风动stirring wind due to yindeficiency 肝肾阴液枯竭,筋脉失养而风气内动的病理变化。
肝阳化风hyperactive liver yangcausing wind 肝肾阴亏,水不涵木,肝阳亢逆无制而动风的病理变化。
热极生风extreme heat causingwind 邪热炽盛,伤及营血,燔灼肝经,筋脉失养而挛急抽搐的病理变化。
血虚生风blood deficiency causingwind血液亏虚,筋脉失养,虚风内动的病理变化。
血燥生风blood dryness causingwind 血虚津亏,失润化燥,肌肤失于濡养而致干燥瘙痒及脱屑的病理变化。
痰瘀生风phlegm stasis causingwind 痰与瘀血壅阻经络,阻碍气血,使脏腑功能失常而引动内风的病理变化。
内寒endogenous cold与外寒相对,指脾肾阳虚,不能温煦机体脏腑,而使阴寒内生的病理变化。
内湿endogenous dampness与外湿相对,指脾肾阳虚,运化失职,导致体内水液停滞而湿浊内生的病理变化。
湿胜[则]濡泻predominant dampnesscausing diarrhea湿邪偏盛就容易导致大便湿软泄泻的病理变化。
第一课1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth 方剂prescription; formula医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation第二课1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之第三课1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳第四课1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to begenerated and to generate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction 相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济第五课doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleenstoring consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面第六课the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency of blood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse 脉象细弱the heart storing spirit心藏神sweat and blood sharing the same origin汗血同源ascending, descending, going out and going in升降出入dispersion, purification and descent宣发肃降regulating water passage通调水道the spleen governing transportation and transformation脾主运化nutrients of water and food水谷精微stoppage of water and fluid 水液停滞acquired base of life后天之本regulating qi activity调畅气机upward adverse flow of liver qi 肝气上逆innate essence先天之精the kidney receiving qi肾主纳气第七课extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府isolated fu-organ孤府digest water and food腐熟水谷anus破门remaining part of liver qi肝之余气upper energizer上焦separating the lucid from the turbid泌别清浊residue of foods食物残渣The large intestine governs thin body fluid大肠主津bile精汁The small intestine governs thick body fluid小肠主液primary digestion初步消化essential qi精气the seven important portals七冲门The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment胆主决断discharge waste排泄糟粕occurrence of menstruation月经来潮epiglottis 吸门morphological hollowness形态中空transporting and transforming water and food传化水谷第八课innateness先天禀赋nutrients; refined substance精微物质blood circulation血液循环water metabolism 水液代谢way of qi movement气的运动形式ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi的升降出入运动normal function of qi activity气机条畅primary motive force of life生命的原动力warming and nourishing the viscera温养脏腑qi of the viscera and meridians脏腑经络之气qi activity气机qi transformation气化innate qi先天之气acquired qi后天之气healthy qi正气pathogenic factors邪气primordial qi元气thoracic qi宗气nutritive qi营气defensive qi卫气第九课qi promoting the production of blood气生血qi promoting the flow of blood气行血qi commanding blood 气摄血blood carrying qi血载气blood generating qi血生气qi promoting the production of body fluid气生津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid气行津液qi commanding body fluid气摄津液body fluid carrying qi津液载气body fluid generating qi津液生气body fluid and blood sharing the same origin津血同源exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage气随血脱loss of qi due to profuse sweating气随津泄Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood.气行则血行气滞则血瘀Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.气为血帅血为气母Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of body fluid.气行则水行气滞则水滞nourishing qi to stop collapse益气固脱Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage.亡血家不可发汗Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage.夺血者无汗第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transporting qi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians 十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transportingqi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians 十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气14 syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations 经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐Lesson 11six exogenous pathogenic factors外感六淫improper diet and overstrain 饮食劳倦common cold due to wind-cold风寒感冒diarrhea due to damp-heat/damp-heat diarrhea 湿热泄泻five endogenous pathogenic factors内生五邪 pathogenic wind attacking the exterior 风邪外袭migratory arthralgia/joint pain游走性关节痛wind being the leading pathogenic factor风为百病之长attacked/invaded by pathogenic cold感受寒邪 decline of yang qi阳气衰退 cold tending to stagnate by nature 寒性凝滞 stagnation of interstitial space 腠理闭塞spasm and contraction of muscles and tendons经脉拘急收引pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen湿邪困脾inactivation of spleen-yang脾阳不振production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency阴虚生内热extreme heat producing wind热极生风 internal impairment due to yin deficiency 七情内伤improper diet饮食不节engorgement 暴饮暴食Lesson 12occurrence, development, and changes of disease疾病的发生发展变化(body )constitutional state 体质强弱dysfunction of qi and blood 气血功能紊乱various pathological changes多种多样的病理变化exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/ strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正盛衰deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformation between deficiency and excess during a disease病症的虚实变化 the human body’ resistance against diseases 人体的抗病能力feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)五心烦热deficiency complicated with excess虚实夹杂turnover of disease/prognosis of disease 疾病转归 relative predominance of yin or yang阴阳偏盛extreme changes of five emotions五志过极 depletion of essence causing deficiency精气夺则虚mutual consumption of yin and yang阴阳互损true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat真热假寒或假寒真热stagnation of qi activity气机瘀滞不畅disorder of fluid metabolism津液代谢失常endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior 寒从中生fluid consumption producing dryness津伤化燥stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind风气内动 Lesson 13spirit, complexion, and physical conditions 神色形态mental activities 精神活动sufficient essence and abundant qi精气充足apathetic facial expressions表情淡漠 normal complexion and varied normal complexion 主色与客色convulsion of the limbs四肢抽搐stirring of wind due to damp-heat湿热风动interior sinking of pathogenic toxin邪毒内陷scaly skin/ squamous and dry skin肌肤甲错hunger without appetite饥不欲食combined use of the four diagnostic methods四诊合参facial expressions面部表情favorable prognosis预后良好dispiritedness 精神不振five colors indicating diseases / diagnostic significance of five colors 五色主病 facial distortion口角歪斜flaming of deficient fire虚火上炎retention of heat in the large intestine大肠热结mirror-like tongue光剥舌pulse manifestations脉象Lesson 14prevention before occurrence未病先防harmony between qi and blood气血平和regulating mental conditions调摄精神smooth circulation of blood血脉流畅smooth movement of joints关节通利smooth flow of qi/ free activity of qi 气机条畅prolonging life and promoting longevity益寿延年 preventive and therapeutic principles防治原则treatment should focus on the root of diseases治病求本 treating secondary symptoms in acute disease急则治其标treating primary symptoms in chronic disease缓则治其本simultaneous treatment of primary and secondary symptoms 标本兼治deficiency of healthy qi and excess of pathogenic factors正虚邪实removing parasites to eliminate accumulation驱虫消积accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung痰湿壅盛blood serving as the mother of qi血为气母treatment in accordance with seasons, locality and individuality.因时因地因人制宜 avoiding cold herbs in cold weather用寒远寒exogenous dry disease in autumn 外感秋燥moistening dryness with pungent and cool herbs辛凉润燥Lesson 15ⅰ.treatment with syndrome differentiation/ 辨证论治disease involving both exterior and interior表里同病 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/mixture of cold and heat寒热错杂regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior 里邪出表true cold and false heat 真寒假热aversion to cold and aversion to heat恶寒与恶热tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst 口淡不渴transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat 寒邪郁而化热exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens外感表虚feverish sensation over five centers 五心烦热 location and nature of disease病位与病性mixture of deficiency and excess虚实夹杂invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior表邪入里cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome寒症化热true heat and false cold真热假寒heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome热证转寒pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur舌淡苔白而润滑rapid and weak pulse脉数无力tidal fever and night sweating 潮热盗汗coma with delirium神昏谵语 Lesson 16Chinese medicinal herbs 中草药four properties and five flavors 四气五味the part used for medical purpose入药部分collection of herbs药物采集processing of herbs 炮制eliminating impurity清除杂质mild effect作用和缓relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion发散解表astringing and checking收敛固涩 lubricant purgation by softening hardness 软坚润下drying dampness to invigorate the spleen燥湿健脾ascending, descending, sinking and floating升降沉浮channel tropism/channel distribution of medicines归经medication contraindication用药禁忌 dosage药物剂量pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exterior syndrome 辛温解表药herbs for expelling wind and dampness祛风湿药eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism十八反十九畏herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood清热凉血药herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough祛痰止咳药Lesson 17Science of prescription方剂学compatibility配伍关系prescription-formulating principle组成规律modification of prescriptions方剂的加减drug form and dosage 剂型与剂量monarch, minister, assistant and guide君臣佐使toxicity of medicinal herbs药物毒性 moderating the property of herbs 缓和药性guiding action 引经报使mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药warming channels to dissipate cold温经散寒dispersing lung to relieve asthma宣肺平喘flexible modification灵活化裁clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat清散郁热modification according to symptoms随症加减processed herbs药物饮片power for oral taking内服散剂medicinal extract for external application 外用膏剂mixed in boiled water for oral taking 开水冲服condensed extract浓缩浸膏 Lesson 18acupuncture and moxibustion therapy针灸疗法reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling针刺补泻 needling techniques针刺手法methods for needle-inserting进针手法alleviating pain with acupuncture针刺止痛acupuncture anesthesia针刺麻醉needling sensation 针感intradermal needle皮内针angle and depth of needling针刺的角度和深度insertion of needle with double hands 双手进针 manipulation of needle行针ear acupuncture therapy耳针疗法lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating 提插捻转water-acupuncture therapy水针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy头针疗法blistering moxibustion 化脓灸scarring moxibustion瘢痕灸moxibustion with moxa cone艾炷灸 lamp moxibustion灯火灸needle-warming moxibustion温针灸Lesson 19tuina manipulations推拿手法alleviating pain减轻疼痛exercise for practicing tuina功法训练relaxing muscles放松肌肉relieving muscular tension解除肌肉紧张restricted activity活动受限dislocation of joint关节脱位protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc腰椎间盘突出rotating reduction旋转复位injury of soft tissue软组织损伤adhesion and stiffness of joint 关节粘连僵硬lubricating joint滑利关节reinforcing and reducing manipulation手法补写horizontal pushing with the thumb拇指平推法pushing manipulation with one finger一指禅推法point-pressing manipulation点按法kneading manipulation with the large thenar大鱼际揉法alternated rubbing and kneading交替搓揉injury of lumbar muscles腰肌劳损vertical exertion of force 垂直用力Lesson 20differentiation of tongue manifestations辨舌象differentiation of pulse manifestations辨脉象balancing expelling pathogenic factors with strengthening healthy qi 正邪兼顾thoracic retention of fluid支饮chills in the back/aversion to cold in the back背部恶寒dark complexion/black complexion面色黧黑slippery tongue coating/ moist and glossy tongue coating 舌苔水滑 taut pulse/wiry pulse 弦脉dispelling pathogenic cold发散寒邪invigorating the stomach to resolve fluid健胃化饮nourishing kidney water to astringe lung qi滋肾水以敛肺气nourishing yin blood to protect liver yin养阴血以护肝阴expelling pathogenic factors without impairing the healthy qi祛邪而不伤正invigorating qi to harmonize the middle-jiao益气和中mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药prescriptions for drastic diaphoresis发汗峻剂cold in the exterior and fluid in the interior表寒里饮cold water attacking the stomach水寒犯胃effective prescriptions有效方剂cold limbs in syncope 手足厥冷Lesson 21complementary therapy补充疗法alternative medicine 替代医学rehabilitation process康复过程side-effects副作用active ingredients 有效成分evidence-based data 询证数据double-blind randomized trial双盲随机试验 stroke onset中风发病 hyper-acute stage超急性期proprietary medicine 专利药品 animal models动物模型risk of bleeding出血的危险因素mechanism of action作用机制low-quality medical treatments 医疗质量低下 physiotherapy物理疗法 neuroplasticity 神经可塑性mainstream medicine 主流药物antiplatelet agent抗血小板剂microbial analysis微生物分析heavy metal research 重金属研究欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
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第一课1.中国中医药traditional Chinese medicine; TCM中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验clinical experience辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation 杂病miscellaneous diseases中药学Chinese pharmacy 四气五味four properties and five tastes针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis 下法purgation吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth方剂prescription; formula 医疗实践medical practice治疗原则therapeutic principles寒凉药herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnation第二课1 ve zang-organs; five zang-viscera五脏six fu-organs六腑system of meridians and collaterals经络系统holism整体观念organic wholenss有机整体social attribute社会属性(of the five zang-organs) open into开窍sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store生长化收藏diagnostics诊断学relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正关系therapeutics治疗学common cold due to wind and cold风寒感冒different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease同病异治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases异病同治balance of water metabolism水液代谢平衡clearing away heart fire清心火nature of disease疾病本质treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side以左治右drawing yang from yin从阴引阳treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part病在上者下取之第三课1 philosophical concept哲学概念mutual transformation相互转化balance of yin and yang阴平阳秘transformation between yin and yang阴阳转化extreme cold turning into heat寒极生热pathological changes病理变化absolute predominance 绝对偏盛general rule of pathogenesis病机总纲supplementing what it lacks of补其不足eliminating wind and dispersing cold祛风散寒mutually inhibiting and promoting相互消长mutually inhibiting and restraining相互制约interdependence相互依存excess of yin leading to decline of yang阴胜则阳病contrary and supplementary to each other相反相成organic whole有机整体impairment of yang involving yin阳损及阴deficiency of both yin and yang阴阳两虚deficiency cold syndrome虚寒证suppressing yang and eliminating wind熄风潜阳第四课1.the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases五行学说free development 条达舒畅to be generated and togenerate生我我生restraint in generation生中有制Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.木曰曲直Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.土元稼穑Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.水曰润下over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation生克制化disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ母病及子insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney肝肾精血不足blood deficiency in the heart and liver心肝血虚exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛insufficiency of liver yin肝肾不足declination of kidney yang肾阳衰微weakness of the spleen and stomach脾胃虚弱soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach平肝和胃insufficiency of kidney yin肾阴不足balance between water and fire水火不济第五课doctrine of visceral manifestations脏象学说five zang-organs and six fu-organs五脏六腑extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府nutrients of water and food水谷精微ransmitting and transforming water and food传化水谷storing essence贮藏精气internal and external relationship表里关系therapeutic effects治疗效应clinical practice临床实践storage without discharge藏而不写discharge without storage泻而不藏physical build and various orifices形体诸窍(of five zang-organs) open into开窍spirit and emotions精神情志the heart storing spirit心藏神the lung storing corporeal soul肺藏魄the liver storing ethereal soul肝藏魂the spleen storing consciousness 脾藏意the kidney storing will肾藏志the luster manifesting upon the face其华在面第六课the heart governing blood and vessels心主血脉sufficiency of heart qi心气充沛rosy complexion面色红润sufficiency of blood血液充盈unsmooth vessels脉道不利lusterless complexion面色无华thin and weak pulse脉象细弱the heart storingpurification and descent宣发肃降regulating water passage通调水道the spleen governing transportation and transformation 脾主运化nutrients of water and food水谷精微stoppage of water and fluid水液停滞acquired base of life后天之本regulating qi activity调畅气机upward adverse flow of liver qi肝气上逆innate essence先天之精the kidney receiving qi肾主纳气第七课extraordinary fu-organs齐桓之府isolated fu-organ孤府digest water and food腐熟水谷anus破门remaining part of liver qi肝之余气upper energizer上焦separating the lucid from the turbid泌别清浊residue of foods食物残渣The large intestine governs thin body fluid大肠主津bile精汁The small intestine governs thick body fluid小肠主液primary digestion 初步消化essential qi精气the seven important portals七冲门The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment胆主决断discharge waste排泄糟粕occurrence of menstruation月经来潮epiglottis 吸门morphological hollowness形态中空transporting and transforming water and food传化水谷第八课innateness先天禀赋nutrients; refined substance精微物质blood circulation血液循环water metabolism水液代谢way of qi movement气的运动形式ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi的升降出入运动normal function of qi activity气机条畅primary motive force of life生命的原动力warming and nourishing the viscera温养脏腑qi of the viscera and meridians脏腑经络之气qi activity气机qi transformation气化innate qi先天之气acquired qi后天之气healthy qi正气pathogenic factors邪气primordial qi元气thoracic qi宗气nutritive qi营气defensive qi卫气第九课qi promoting the production of blood气生血qi promoting the flow of blood气行血qi commanding blood气摄血blood carrying qi血载气blood generating qi血生气qi promoting the production of body fluid气生津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid气行津液qi commanding body fluid气摄津液body fluid carrying qi津液载气body fluid generating qi津液生气body fluid and blood sharing the same origin津血同源exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage气随血脱loss of qi due to profuse sweating气随津泄Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood.气行则血行气滞则血瘀Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.气为血帅血为气母Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of body fluid.气行则水行气滞则水滞nourishing qi to stop collapse益气固脱Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage.亡血家不可发汗Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage.夺血者无汗第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transporting qi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐第十课theory of meridians and collaterals经络学说system of meridians and collaterals经络系统transporting qi and blood to the whole body运行全身气血being connected with the viscera and limbs联络脏腑肢节running routes循行路线twelve regular meridians十二正经the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other循行部位和交接顺序(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian络属关系eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)奇经八脉branches of the twelve regular meridians十二经别divergent collaterals别络skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians十二皮部tendons of the twelve regular meridians十二经筋qi of meridians经络之气14 syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals经络辨证meridian conduction经络感传meridian manifestations经络现象blockage of meridians经络阻滞soothing meridians and activating collaterals舒筋活络collateral pricking and cupping therapy刺络拔罐Lesson 11six exogenous pathogenic factors外感六淫improper diet and overstrain 饮食劳倦common cold due to wind-cold风寒感冒diarrhea due to damp-heat/damp-heat diarrhea 湿热泄泻five endogenous pathogenic factors内生五邪pathogenic wind attacking the exterior 风邪外袭migratory arthralgia/joint pain游走性关节痛wind being the leading pathogenic factor风为百病之长attacked/invaded by pathogenic cold感受寒邪decline of yang qi阳气衰退cold tending tostagnate by nature寒性凝滞stagnation of interstitial space 腠理闭塞spasm and contraction of muscles and tendons经脉拘急收引pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen湿邪困脾inactivation of spleen-yang脾阳不振production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency阴虚生内热extreme heat producing wind热极生风internal impairment due to yin deficiency 七情内伤improper diet饮食不节engorgement 暴饮暴食Lesson 12occurrence, development, and changes of disease疾病的发生发展变化(body )constitutional state 体质强弱dysfunction of qi and blood气血功能紊乱various pathological changes多种多样的病理变化exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/ strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi邪正盛衰deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformation between deficiency and excess during a disease病症的虚实变化the human body’resistance against diseases 人体的抗病能力feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)五心烦热deficiency complicated with excess虚实夹杂turnover of disease/prognosis of disease疾病转归relative predominance of yin or yang阴阳偏盛extreme changes of five emotions五志过极depletion of essence causing deficiency精气夺则虚mutual consumption of yin and yang阴阳互损true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat真热假寒或假寒真热stagnation of qi activity气机瘀滞不畅disorder of fluid metabolism津液代谢失常endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior 寒从中生fluid consumption producing dryness津伤化燥stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind风气内动Lesson 13spirit, complexion, and physical conditions 神色形态mental activities 精神活动sufficient essence and abundant qi精气充足apathetic facial expressions表情淡漠normal complexion and varied normal complexion 主色与客色convulsion of the limbs四肢抽搐stirring of wind due to damp-heat 湿热风动interior sinking of pathogenic toxin邪毒内陷scaly skin/ squamous and dry skin肌肤甲错hunger without appetite 饥不欲食combined use of the four diagnostic methods四诊合参facial expressions面部表情favorable prognosis预后良好dispiritedness 精神不振five colors indicating diseases / diagnostic significance of five colors五色主病facial distortion口角歪斜flaming of deficient fire虚火上炎retention of heat in the large intestine大肠热结mirror-like tongue光剥舌pulse manifestations脉象Lesson 14prevention before occurrence未病先防harmony between qi and blood气血平和regulating mental conditions调摄精神smooth circulation of blood血脉流畅smooth movement of joints关节通利smooth flow of qi/ free activity of qi气机条畅prolonging life and promoting longevity益寿延年preventive and therapeutic principles防治原则treatment should focus on the root of diseases治病求本treating secondary symptoms in acute disease急则治其标treating primary symptoms in chronic disease缓则治其本simultaneous treatment of primary and secondary symptoms 标本兼治deficiency of healthy qi and excess of pathogenic factors正虚邪实removing parasites to eliminate accumulation驱虫消积accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung痰湿壅盛blood serving as the mother of qi血为气母treatment in accordance with seasons, locality and individuality.因时因地因人制宜avoiding cold herbs in cold weather用寒远寒exogenous dry disease in autumn 外感秋燥moistening dryness with pungent and cool herbs辛凉润燥Lesson 15ⅰ.treatment with syndrome differentiation/ 辨证论治disease involving both exterior and interior表里同病simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat寒热错杂regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior 里邪出表true cold and false heat 真寒假热aversion to cold and aversion to heat恶寒与恶热tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst 口淡不渴transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat 寒邪郁而化热exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens外感表虚feverish sensation over five centers五心烦热location and nature of disease病位与病性mixture of deficiency and excess虚实夹杂invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior表邪入里cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome寒症化热true heat and false cold真热假寒heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome热证转寒pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur舌淡苔白而润滑rapid and weak pulse脉数无力tidal fever and night sweating 潮热盗汗coma with delirium神昏谵语Lesson 16Chinese medicinal herbs 中草药four properties and five flavors 四气五味the part used for medical purpose入药部分collection of herbs药物采集processing of herbs 炮制eliminating impurity清除杂质mild effect作用和缓relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion发散解表astringing and checking收敛固涩lubricant purgation by softening hardness 软坚润下drying dampness to invigorate the spleen燥湿健脾ascending, descending, sinking and floating升降沉浮channel tropism/channel distribution of medicines归经medication contraindication用药禁忌dosage 药物剂量pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exterior syndrome 辛温解表药herbs for expelling wind and dampness祛风湿药eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism十八反十九畏herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood清热凉血药herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough祛痰止咳药Lesson 17Science of prescription方剂学compatibility配伍关系prescription-formulating principle组成规律modification of prescriptions方剂的加减drug form and dosage 剂型与剂量monarch, minister, assistant and guide君臣佐使toxicity of medicinal herbs药物毒性moderating the property of herbs 缓和药性guiding action引经报使mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药warming channels to dissipate cold温经散寒dispersing lung to relieve asthma宣肺平喘flexible modification灵活化裁clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat清散郁热modification according to symptoms随症加减processed herbs药物饮片power for oral taking内服散剂medicinal extract for external application 外用膏剂mixed in boiled water for oral taking 开水冲服condensed extract浓缩浸膏Lesson 18acupuncture and moxibustion therapy针灸疗法reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling针刺补泻needling techniques针刺手法methods for needle-inserting进针手法alleviating pain with acupuncture针刺止痛acupuncture anesthesia针刺麻醉needling sensation 针感intradermal needle皮内针angle and depth of needling针刺的角度和深度insertion of needle with double hands双手进针manipulation of needle行针ear acupuncture therapy耳针疗法lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating 提插捻转water-acupuncture therapy水针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy头针疗法blistering moxibustion 化脓灸scarring moxibustion瘢痕灸moxibustion with moxa cone艾炷灸lamp moxibustion灯火灸needle-warming moxibustion温针灸Lesson 19tuina manipulations推拿手法alleviating pain减轻疼痛exercise for practicing tuina功法训练relaxing muscles放松肌肉relieving muscular tension解除肌肉紧张restricted activity 活动受限dislocation of joint关节脱位protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc腰椎间盘突出rotating reduction旋转复位injury of soft tissue软组织损伤adhesion and stiffness of joint 关节粘连僵硬lubricating joint滑利关节reinforcing and reducing manipulation手法补写horizontal pushing with the thumb拇指平推法pushing manipulation with one finger一指禅推法point-pressing manipulation点按法kneading manipulation with the large thenar大鱼际揉法alternated rubbing and kneading 交替搓揉injury of lumbar muscles腰肌劳损vertical exertion of force 垂直用力Lesson 20differentiation of tongue manifestations辨舌象differentiation of pulse manifestations辨脉象balancing expelling pathogenic factors with strengthening healthy qi 正邪兼顾thoracic retention of fluid支饮chills in the back/aversion to cold in the back背部恶寒dark complexion/black complexion面色黧黑slippery tongue coating/ moist and glossy tongue coating舌苔水滑taut pulse/wiry pulse 弦脉dispelling pathogenic cold发散寒邪invigorating the stomach to resolve fluid健胃化饮nourishing kidney water to astringe lung qi滋肾水以敛肺气nourishing yin blood to protect liver yin养阴血以护肝阴expelling pathogenic factors without impairing the healthy qi祛邪而不伤正invigorating qi to harmonize the middle-jiao益气和中mediating all herbs in a prescription调和诸药prescriptions for drastic diaphoresis发汗峻剂cold in the exterior and fluid in the interior表寒里饮cold water attacking the stomach水寒犯胃effective prescriptions有效方剂cold limbs in syncope 手足厥冷Lesson 21complementary therapy补充疗法alternative medicine 替代医学rehabilitation process康复过程side-effects副作用active ingredients 有效成分evidence-based data 询证数据double-blind randomized trial双盲随机试验stroke onset中风发病hyper-acute stage超急性期proprietary medicine 专利药品animal models动物模型risk of bleeding出血的危险因素mechanism of action作用机制low-quality medical treatments医疗质量低下physiotherapy物理疗法neuroplasticity 神经可塑性mainstream medicine 主流药物antiplatelet agent抗血小板剂microbial analysis微生物分析heavy metal research 重金属研究。